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Items where Subject is "D23 - Organizational Behavior ; Transaction Costs ; Property Rights"

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Abrardi, Laura and Grinza, Elena and Manello, Alessandro and Porta, Flavio (2022): Work from Home Arrangements and Organizational Performance in Italian SMEs: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Aiello, Francesco and Bonanno, Graziella (2014): On the Sources of Heterogeneity in Banking Efficiency Literature.

Aiello, Francesco and Bonanno, Graziella (2014): On the Sources of Heterogeneity in Banking Efficiency Literature.

Al-Ubaydli, Omar and Jones, Garett and Weel, Jaap (2014): Average player traits as predictors of cooperation in a repeated prisoner's dilemma.

Al-Ubaydli, Omar and Jones, Garett and Weel, Jaap (2010): Patience, cognitive skill and coordination in the repeated stag hunt.

Alola, Uju and Asongu, Simplice and Alola, Andrew (2019): Linking supervisor incivility with job embeddedness and cynicism: The mediating role of employee self-efficacy. Published in: Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business , Vol. 23, No. 3 (November 2019): pp. 330-352.

Alsayyed, Nidal (2010): The Uses and Misuses of Commodity Murabaha: Islamic Economic Perspective.

Anderson, Evelyn (2007): Nissan's keiretsu 1956-1970. Published in: BEH Online , Vol. 5, : pp. 1-13.

Ang, Joshua Ping (2019): Division of Labor and Switch Cost.

Anjos, Fernando and Anchorena, Jose (2008): Social ties and economic development.

Anton, Roman (2014): Sustainable Intrapreneurship - The GSI Concept and Strategy - Unfolding Competitive Advantage via Fair Entrepreneurship. Forthcoming in: Open Science , Vol. 2, No. 1 (1 March 2016): pp. 1-46.

Antonelli, Maria Alessandra (2003): Managerial discretion, incentives and governance rules for non-profit organizations. Published in: Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice , Vol. 21, No. 1 (2003): pp. 47-62.

Armstrong, Mark (1995): Delegation and discretion.

Asghar, Saima and Oino, Isaiah (2017): Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction. Published in: Market Forces , Vol. XIII, No. 1 (1 June 2018): pp. 1-13.

Athias, Laure and Wicht, Pascal (2024): Make or Buy for Public Services: Culture Matters for Efficiency Considerations.

Athias, Laure (2007): Political accountability, incentives, and Contractual design of public private partnerships.

Athias, Laure and Macina, Moudo and Wicht, Pascal (2017): Public Private Partnerships: The Swiss Specificity.

Athias, Laure and Saussier, Stéphane (2007): Contractual flexibility or rigidity for public private partnerships? Theory and evidence from infrastructure concession contracts.


Babkina, Tatiana and Myagkov, Mikhail and Lukinova, Evgeniya and Peshkovskaya, Anastasiya and Menshikova, Olga and Berkman, Elliot T. (2016): Choice of the Group Increases Intra-Cooperation. Published in: CEUR-WS , Vol. 1627, No. urn:nbn:de:0074-1627-1 (25 July 2016): pp. 13-23.

Bachev, Hrabrin (1995): Икономически измерения на аграрните транзакции. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 7 (1996): pp. 1-14.

Bachev, Hrabrin (1996): Ефективни граници на аграрните организации. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 8 (1996): pp. 1-16.

Bachev, Hrabrin (1999): Икономика на аграрните институции. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 3 (2000): pp. 16-21.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2000): Ефективни форми за организация на аграрните транзакции. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 4 (2000): pp. 3-12.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2002): Ефективност на аграрните организации с отчитане на транзакционните разходи. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 2 (2003): pp. 13-20.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2005): Подход за оценка на устойчивостта на фермите. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 6 (2005): pp. 24-37.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2018): Управление на аграрната устойчивост в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Управление на риска в аграрния сектор. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. 57, No. 4 (2012): pp. 11-36.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Управление на договорните отношения на фермата. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. LIV, No. 2 (2009): pp. 38-50.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Стратегическо управление на фермата. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. LIV, No. 4 (2009): pp. 35-47.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2016): Устойчивост на земеделските стопанства в България. Published in: Институт по икономика на селското стопанство , Vol. 1, No. 1 (December 2016): pp. 1-193.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Agro-Ecosystem Services – Governance Needs and Efficiency.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Competitiveness of Bulgarian Farms in Conditions of EU CAP Implementation.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Competitiveness of Bulgarian farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2011): Dairy value chain management in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2018): Efficiency of agrarian governance in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2008): Environmental management in Bulgarian agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Framework for Analisis and Improvement of Agrarian Dynamics.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Framework for Analysis of Agrarian Contracts.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2017): Governance, economic, social and environmental sustainability of farms of different luridical type in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Governing Agrarian Risks.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Governing of Agro-Ecosystem Services.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2018): Impact of governing modes on agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2018): Institutions and sustainability – insights from Bulgarian agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2011): Management of chemical and biological risks in agri-food chain.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2015): March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear accident impacts on Japanese agri-food sector.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Mechanisms of Governance of Sustainable Development.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Needs, Modes and Efficiency of Economic Organizations and Public Interventions in Agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Risk Management in Agri-food Chain.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2008): Risk governance in agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Study on Agrarian Contracts in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2017): Sustainability of farms of natural persons in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Understanding efficiency of agrarian organisation.

Barge-Gil, Andrés and Conti, Annamaria (2013): Firm R&D units and outsourcing partners: A matching story.

Bellemare, Marc F. (2009): The (Im)Possibility of Reverse Share Tenancy.

Bellemare, Marc F. and Holmberg, Andrew M. (2010): The Determinants of Music Piracy in a Sample of College Students.

Belloc, Filippo (2010): Corporate governance and innovation: an organizational perspective.

Ben said, Hayet (2011): Gestion publique du périmètre irrigué : Accord informel, corruption et recherche de rente.

Berulava, George (2013): Do Trust-Based Relations Improve Firm’s Performance? Evidence from Transition Economies.

Berulava, George (2013): Do Trust-Based Relations Improve Firm’s Performance? Evidence from Transition Economies.

Beuve, Jean and Moszoro, Marian and Spiller, Pablo (2023): Doing It by the Book: Political Contestability and Public Contract Renegotiations. Published in: Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization , Vol. 39, No. 1 (March 2023): pp. 281-308.

Beuve, Jean and Moszoro, Marian and Saussier, Stéphane (2019): Political Contestability and Public Contract Rigidity: An Analysis of Procurement Contracts. Published in: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy , Vol. 28, No. 2 (April 2019): pp. 316-335.

Bista, Raghu (2005): Measuring Wage Inequality of Foreign Direct Investment Industries in Nepal: Gini Coefficient Analysis. Published in: Economic Journal , Vol. 109, No. 2 (9 May 2005): pp. 25-33.

Bista, Raghu (2019): The impact of micro finance and skill training intervention on single women's vulnerability in Nepal. Published in: South Asian Research Journal of Business and Management , Vol. 1, No. 3 (4 November 2019): pp. 146-154.

Blecker, Thorsten (2003): Changes in Operations Management due to Internet based Production Concepts — An Institution Economical Perspective. Published in: Discussionpaper series University of Klagenfurt No. No. 2003/02 (2003)

Bojadziev, Marjan and Krliu, Venera (2007): Organizational culture as a driving force in modern organizations. Published in: Book of Papers, 2nd Annual International Conference on European Integration, UACS , Vol. 2, No. 2 (May 2007)

Bos, Iwan and Marini, Marco A. (2020): Collusion in Quality-Segmented Markets.

Bouguezzi, Fehmi and EL ELJ, Moez (2009): Vertical Integration and Patent Licensing in Upstream and Downstream Markets.

Bournakis, Ioannis and Papanastassiou, Marina and Papaioannou, Sotiris (2020): Multinationals and Domestic TFP: Market Shares, Agglomerations Gains and Foreign Ownership.

Branea, Silvia and Marinescu, Valentina (2005): Jurnalistii si factorul politic in anul 2004. Published in: Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication No. Summer 2005 (2005): pp. 49-56.

Brunnschweiler, Christa N. and Valente, Simone (2011): International partnerships, foreign control and income levels: theory and evidence.

Brunnschweiler, Christa N. and Valente, Simone (2013): Property Rights, Oil and Income Levels: Over a Century of Evidence.


Carlos, del Cacho (2009): The Economics of Software Products: an Example of Market Failure.

Carlos, del Cacho (2009): The Economics of Software Products: an Example of Market Failure.

Carlos, del Cacho (2009): The Economics of Software Products: an Example of Market Failure.

Cebula, Richard (2009): Teaching How Private Enterprise Works Using Professional Sports: A Brief Note on the Case of Individual NHL Players' Salaries. Published in: The Journal of Private Enterprise , Vol. 24, No. 2 (8 December 2009): pp. 165-174.

Chatterjee, Sidharta (2010): Behavioral Aspects of Organizational Learning and Adaptation.

Chen, Yan and Zhang, Bin (2013): 基于所有权视角的企业创新理论框架与体系.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1994): Property rights and the dynamics of renewable resources in North-South trade, Chapter 1. Published in: Trade, Innovation, Environment (1994): pp. 15-54.

Chichilnisky, Graciela and Abraham, Ralph and Record, Ron (1998): North-South trade and the dynamics of the environment, Chapter 2.2. Published in: Sustainability: Dynamics and Uncertainty (1998): pp. 77-108.

Choe, Chongwoo and Ishiguro, Shingo (2008): On the (Sub)optimality of Multi-tier Hierarchies: Coordination versus Motivation.

Cioclea, Alexandra Ema (2011): An Overview on Institutionalism and Decentralized Decision-Making.

Cristea, Anca D. and Nguyen, Daniel X. (2013): Transfer Pricing by Multinational Firms: New Evidence from Foreign Firm Ownerships.


Dandi, Roberto (2002): E-mail and Direct Participation in Decision Making: A Literature Review.

Davis, David E. and Wilson, Wesley W. (2005): Wages in Rail Markets: Deregulation, Mergers, and Changing Network Characteristics. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 69, No. 4 (April 2005): pp. 865-885.

De Spiegelaere, Stan and Van Gyes, Guy and Van Hootegem, Geert (2012): Mainstreaming Innovation in Europe. Findings on Employee Innovation and Workplace Learning from Belgium. Published in: Lifelong Learning in Europe , Vol. 4, No. 17 (December 2012)

De Spiegelaere, Stan and Van Gyes, Guy and Vandekerckhove, Sem and Van Hootegem, Geert (2012): Job design and innovative work behavior enabling innovation through active or low-strain jobs?

Deng, Feng (1996): A Comparative Study on Landownership between China and England.

Deng, Feng (2008): What Is “Open”? An Economic Analysis of Open Institutions.

Dorman, Peter and Nolte, Heike (2015): Worker problem-solving and the nature of the firm: new theory, new evidence.

Drumea, Cristina (2007): A perspective on the new types of money as the organization's answer to the challenges of the globalization. Published in: Annual ARA Congress Proceedings , Vol. 31st A, No. 31st ARA Congress - Proceedings, Presses Internationales Politechniques, 2007 ISBN 978-2-553-01412-3 (5 August 2007): pp. 311-312.

Dubrovsky, Valery and Yaroshevich, Natalya and Kuzmin, Evgeny (2016): Transactional approach in assessment of operational performance of companies in transport infrastructure. Published in: Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management , Vol. 9, No. 2 (March 2016): pp. 389-412.


ELKEMALI, Taoufik and BEN REJEB, Aymen and MATOUSSI, Hamadi (2013): R&D Intensity and Financing Decisions: Evidence from European Firms.

Eberegbe, Georgina and Giovanis, Eleftherios (2020): Exploring The Impact of Job Satisfaction Domains on Firm Performance: Evidence from Great Britain. Published in: Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research , Vol. 10, No. 2 (June 2020): pp. 96-114.

Eckardt, Martina and Räthke-Döppner, Solvig (2008): The Quality of Insurance Intermediary Services – Empirical Evidence for Germany.

Eilhard, Jan (2008): Firms on SourceForge.

Elsner, Wolfram and Hocker, Gero and Schwardt, Henning (2009): Simplistic vs. Complex Organization: Markets, Hierarchies, and Networks in an 'Organizational Triangle'.

Elsner, Wolfram and Schwardt, Henning (2015): The (dis-)embedded firm: Complex structure and dynamics in inter-firm relations. Adding institutionalization as a Veblenian dimension to the Coase-Williamson approach – An emerging triangular organizational space.

Erbes, Analía and Tacsir, Ezequiel and Yoguel, Gabriel (2008): Endogenous competences and linkages development.

Escobal, Javier (2005): The Role of Public Infraestructure in Market Development in Rural Peru.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Economía de guerra y narcotráfico.

Estrada, Fernando (2006): Herbert Simon y la economía organizacional. Published in: Cuadernos de Economía , Vol. XXIV, No. 46 (17 June 2007): pp. 67-85.

Estrada, Fernando (2012): Herbert Simon: bounded rationality y teoría de las organizaciones.

Estrada, Fernando (2012): Ronald Coase y los costos de transacción.

Evers, Hans-Dieter (2008): Knowledge hubs and knowledge clusters: Designing a knowledge architecture for development. Published in: ZEF Working paper Series , Vol. 27, : pp. 1-21.

Ewerhart, Christian and Schmitz, Patrick W. (1997): Der Lock in Effekt und das Hold up Problem. Published in: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium , Vol. 26, No. 7 (1997): pp. 360-363.

Ewerhart, Christian and Schmitz, Patrick W. (1998): Unvollständige Verträge und die Grenzen der Firma. Published in: Das Wirtschaftsstudium , Vol. 8-9, No. 27 (1998): pp. 880-882.


Faisol, Nasruddin and Jaafar, Harlina Suzana (2011): The development of long term relationships between consultants and project managers in construction supply chain in Malaysia. Published in: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL), Berlin, Germany (July 2011): pp. 547-554.

Feige, Edgar L. (2001): Starting Over: The Automated Payment Transaction Tax. Published in: The Milken Institute Review , Vol. 3, No. 1 : pp. 42-53.

Feldmann, Marcel (2010): A Factorial Survey on Fair Leadership Behavior and the Role of Superiors.

Ferrari, Filippo and Fortunati, Franco (2008): Le nuove frontiere dell'innovazione: riconoscere e valorizzare le competenze professionali in azienda. Published in: Rapporto conclusivo Progetto MEC-LAB (January 2008)

Fioretti, Guido (2009): Passing the buck in the garbage can model of organizational choice.

Fioretti, Guido (2008): Two measures of organizational flexibility.

Fotis, Panagiotis and Polemis, Michael (2018): Sustainable development, environmental policy and renewable energy use: A dynamic panel data approach.


Gambardella, Alfonso and Orsenigo, Luigi and Pammolli, Fabio (2000): Global Competitiveness in Pharmaceuticals: A European Perspective. Published in: DG Enterprise, European Commission (2001)

Garcia-Martinez, Jose A. (2012): An Unexpected Role of Local Selectivity in Social Promotion.

Gaudeul, Alexia (2008): Open Source Licensing in Mixed Markets, or Why Open Source Software Does Not Succeed.

Gedai, Endre and Kóczy, László Á. and Meier zu Köcker, Gerd and Zombori, Zita (2015): About Cooperation, Selfishness and Joint Risks in Clusters.

Gedai, Endre and Kóczy, László Á. and Zombori, Zita (2012): Cluster games: A novel, game theory-based approach to better understand incentives and stability in clusters.

George, Michael (2007): Predicting the Profit Potential of a Microeconomic Process: An Information Theoretic/Thermodynamic Approach.

Gharyeni, Abdellatif and Mohamed, Yasmine (2016): Syndicalisme Québécois Face à l'Enjeu des Partenariats Public-Prive : cas de la Sous-traitance.

Gil, Ricard and Warzynski, Frédéric (2009): Vertical Integration, Exclusivity and Game Sales Performance in the U.S. Video Game Industry.

Giunta, Anna and Nifo, Annamaria and Scalera, Domenico (2009): Subcontracting in the Italian industry. Labour Division, Firm Growth and the North-South Divide.

Goldlücke, Susanne and Schmitz, Patrick W. (2018): Pollution Claim Settlements Reconsidered: Hidden Information and Bounded Payments. Published in: European Economic Review , Vol. 110, (2018): pp. 211-222.

Graca-Gelert, Patrycja and Sulejewicz, Aleksander (2021): The measurement of transaction costs in Poland, 1996-2014.

Gómez Selemeneva, D. and Ortigueira, Luis C. (2007): La expansión internacional como Estrategia Corporativa: Estudio de Caso de la Industria Hotelera en Iberoamérica.

gong, rukai and yao, dongmin (2014): 省直管县改革的扩权模式选择:全面直管还是省内单列?. Forthcoming in:


Hairov, Bari (2013): Трансформация логистического и маркетингового подходов. Published in: IX Осенняя конференция молодых ученых в новосибирском Академгородке: актуальные вопросы экономики и социологии: Сборник тезисов докладов. (2013): pp. 199-200.

Haque, Adnan ul and Faizan, Riffat and Cockrill, Antje (2017): The Relationship between Female Representation at Strategic Level and Firm's Competitiveness: Evidences from Cargo Logistic Firms of Pakistan and Canada. Published in: Polish Journal of Management Studies , Vol. 15, No. 1 (4 July 2017): pp. 69-81.

Harbord, David (2006): Enforcing cooperation among medieval merchants: The Maghribi traders revisited.

Harbord, David and Fehr, Nils Henrik von der (2011): Coordination, compensation and the expansion of trade: The merchant guilds revisited.

Hardiyana, Aan and Yusup, Maulana and Sidharta, Iwan (2015): Perception of Work and Commitment toward Employee Satisfaction on Non-Ministerial Government Agencies in Bandung Indonesia. Published in: Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology. , Vol. 1, No. 6 (15 January 2016): pp. 1-15.

Hardt, Lukasz (2011): An inquiry into the explanatory virtues of transaction cost economics. Published in: Journal of Philosophical Economics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (2011): pp. 120-147.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Software piracy at work place: influence of organizational culture in the presence of various ethical orientations. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Scientific Research

Hasan, Zubair (2016): Measuring business profits: economists versus accountants.

Hattori, Keisuke and Higashida, Keisaku and Morita, Kimiyuki (2025): Leading with Generosity and Responsibility through Reward Allocation Decisions in Teams.

Hoffmann, Magnus and Rota Graziosi, Gregoire (2010): Endogenous Timing in General Rent-Seeking and Conflict Models.

Hoffmann, Magnus and Schmidt, Frederik (2007): Piracy of Digital Products: A Contest Theoretical Approach.

Hoffmann, Magnus and Schmidt, Frederik (2007): Piracy of Digital Products: A Contest Theoretical Approach.

Hoffmann, Magnus and Schmidt, Frederik (2007): Piracy of Digital Products: A Contest Theoretical Approach.

Huynh, Cong Minh and Hoang, Hong Hiep (2022): Economic freedom and natural disasters’ losses: Evidence from Asia.


Jumena, Juju and Nurjannah, Nurjannah (2015): Praktek Jual Beli Kain Kiloan dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam. Published in: Al-Mustashfa , Vol. 2, No. 3 (12 December 2015): pp. 62-71.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Schemat arbitrażowy Nasha, a podział zysków w bilateralnym monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Cześć druga – zastosowania w negocjacjach strategicznych i taktycznych. Published in: Górnictwo Odkrywkowe (Opencast Mining) , Vol. XLIX, No. No.1-2 (January 2007): pp. 81-88.


Karpov, Valery and Karsyuk, Elena (2011): Особенности и проблемы развития предпринимательских структур швейной промышленности в России. Published in: Омский экономический форум: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (2011): pp. 148-149.

Kebede, Yohannes (1993): The Limits to Common Resource Management: The Bypassed Commons or Commons without Tragedy.

Keppler, Jan Horst (2010): « Going with Coase against Coase : The Dynamic Approach to the Internalization of External Effects ». Published in: The Economics and Finance of Sustainable Development, Economica, Paris, 2010, (2010): pp. 118-138.

Keshari, Pradeep K and Paul, Thomas M (1994): Relative efficiency of foreign and domestic Banks. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 29, (26 February 1994): M31-M36.

Kleiner, George (2003): От теории предприятия к теории стратегического управления. Published in: Russian Management Journal No. 1 (January 2003): pp. 31-56.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Tcheta-Bampa, Albert (2014): Cold War and Institutional Quality: Some Empirical Evidence.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): Is water a blessing or a curse? How to address water conflicts in West Africa.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): L'eau, une bénédiction et une malédiction: comment résoudre les conflits liés à l'eau en Afrique de l'Ouest?

Kohnert, Dirk (2024): Les mesures internationales contre le blanchiment d’argent et l’évasion fiscale, ont-elles un impact significatif en Afrique subsaharienne ?

Kohnert, Dirk (2024): Money laundering and tax evasion : Do international measures have a significant impact in sub-Saharan Africa?

Kolesnik, Georgiy (2010): Математическая модель экономической системы с распределенными правами собственности. Published in: Вестник Тверского государственного университета. Прикладная математика No. 17 (2010): pp. 111-126.

Kolesnik, Georgiy (2014): Экономико-математическое моделирование конкуренции в иерархических социально-экономических системах. Автореферат диссертации на соискание учёной степени доктора экономических наук.

Kolesnik, Georgiy (2011): Перекрестные права собственности и их влияние на эффективность вертикальной интеграции предприятий. Published in: Audit and financial analysis No. 3 (2012): pp. 130-139.

Kolesnik, Georgiy (2011): Распределение прав собственности и максимизация коллективного благосостояния. Published in: Экономика и математические методы , Vol. 48, No. 2 (April 2012): pp. 40-50.

Kox, Henk L.M. (2022): Explaining foreign direct investment patterns: a testable micro-macro gravity model for FDI.

Kox, Henk L.M. (2022): A micro-macro model of foreign direct investment: knowledge-based gravity forces, self-selection and third-country effects.

Krupskyi, Oleksandr and Dzhusov, Oleksii and Meshko, Nataliіa and Britchenko, Igor and Prytykin, Artem (2018): Key sources when formulating competitive advantages for hotel chains. Published in: Turizam: međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis , Vol. 1, No. 67 (March 2019): pp. 34-46.


Lahsen, Amina. A and Piper, Alan T. (2018): Property Rights and Intellectual Property Protection, GDP growth and Well-Being in Latin America.

Lai, Richard (2006): Executive Quirks in Operational Decisions.

Latysheva, Victoria and Karpov, Valery (2013): Бюджетирование как элемент стимулирования предпринимательской деятельности. Published in: Актуальные вопросы развития региональной экономики: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. (2013): pp. 242-246.

Lawrence, Craig and Tunny, Gene (2018): Economic Analysis of Extended Payment Terms.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): Mergers and acquisitions transactions strategies in diffusion - type financial systems in highly volatile global capital markets with nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the fundamentals of winning virtuous strategies creation toward leveraged buyout transactions implementation during private equity investment in conditions of resonant absorption of discrete information in diffusion - type financial system with induced nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the fundamentals of winning virtuous strategies creation toward leveraged buyout transactions implementation during private equity investment in conditions of resonant absorption of discrete information in diffusion - type financial system with induced nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the fundamentals of winning virtuous strategies creation toward leveraged buyout transactions implementation during private equity investment in conditions of resonant absorption of discrete information in diffusion - type financial system with induced nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Quantum microeconomics theory.

Lee, Lena and Wong, Poh Kam (2009): Firms’ Innovative Performance: The Mediating Role of Innovative Collaborations.

Lei, Zhen and Juneja, Rakhi and Wright, Brian D (2009): Patents versus patenting: implications of intellectual property protection for biological research. Published in: Nature Biotechnology , Vol. 27, No. 1 (January 2009): pp. 36-40.

Leitão, João and Franco, Mário (2008): Individual Entrepreneurship Capacity and Performance of SMEs.

Leon, Jorge (2012): Hábitos de Pago en Costa Rica.

Leon, Jorge and Rodríguez, Adolfo (2012): Costos de Transacciones en Costa Rica.

Liu, Taoxiong and Zhou, Bihua (2011): Commitment and optimal incentive.

Lonsdale, Chris and Sanderson, Joe and Watson, Glyn and Peng, Fei (2016): Beyond intentional trust: supplier opportunism and management control mechanisms in public sector procurement and contracting. Published in: Policy & Politics , Vol. 44, (April 2016)

Lukasz, Hardt (2009): The history of transaction cost economics and its recent developments. Published in: Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, , Vol. 2, No. 1 : pp. 29-51.

Lumineau, Fabrice and Henderson, James (2012): The influence of relational experience and contractual governance on the negotiation strategy in buyer-supplier disputes. Forthcoming in: Journal of Operations Management , Vol. 5, No. 30 (2012)


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