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Items where Subject is "L22 - Firm Organization and Market Structure"

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Number of items at this level: 228.


Acosta, Manuel and Coronado, Daniel and Ferrándiz, Esther and Marín, M. Rosario and Moreno, Pedro J. (2018): Patents and Dual-use Technology: An Empirical Study of the World's Largest Defence Companies. Published in: Defence and Peace Economics , Vol. 7, No. 29 (2018): pp. 821-839.

Acosta, Camilo and Lyngemark, Ditte Håkonsson (2019): The Internal Spatial Organization of Firms: Evidence from Denmark.

Agboola, A. A. and Yinusa, D. Olalekan and Ologunde, A.O. (2009): Impact of Digital Revolution on the Structure of Nigerian Banks. Forthcoming in: Journal of E-Commerce in Organizations

Aldashev, Gani and Marini, Marco A. and Verdier, Thierry (2015): Governance of Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organizations - Within- and Between- Organization Analyses: An Introduction. Published in: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics , Vol. 86, No. 1 (1 January 2015): pp. 1-5.

Alecu, Ioan Niculae and Stroe, Ana-Maria Georgiana (2015): The interprofessional organizations - from the need of establishment to the need of development and affirmation. Published in: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 6, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2015): pp. 113-117.

Alves, Paulo and Couto, Eduardo and Francisco, Paulo (2014): EXECUTIVE PAY AND PERFORMANCE IN PORTUGUESE LISTED COMPANIES.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2012): Baumol, Panzar, and Willig’s Theory of Contestable Markets and Industry Structure: A Summary of Reactions.

Anderson, Evelyn (2004): The Keiretsu Fable - Where does the Truth Lie? Published in: ASAA Biennial Conference Paper Proceedings : pp. 1-32.

Anderson, Evelyn (2007): Nissan's keiretsu 1956-1970. Published in: BEH Online , Vol. 5, : pp. 1-13.

Andrea, Canidio (2010): Absorptive capacity, the allocation of scientists, and firms' research productivity.

Andrea, Canidio (2010): The production of science.

Antelo, Manel and Bru, Lluís (2016): Option contracts in a vertical industry.

Armand, Alex and Mendi, Pedro (2017): Demand Fluctuations and Innovation Investments: Evidence from the Great Recession in Spain.

Arora, Ashish and Gambardella, Alfonso and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo (2000): The Nature and the Extent of the Market for Technology in Biopharmaceuticals. Published in: R&D, Innovation and Competitiveness in the European Chemical Industry, Springer (2004): pp. 175-202.


Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Competitiveness of Bulgarian farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2011): Dairy value chain management in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2018): Efficiency of agrarian governance in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Framework for Analisis and Improvement of Agrarian Dynamics.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Framework for Analysis of Agrarian Contracts.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Governing Agrarian Risks.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Governing of Agro-Ecosystem Services.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2011): Management of chemical and biological risks in agri-food chain.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Mechanisms of Governance of Sustainable Development.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Needs, Modes and Efficiency of Economic Organizations and Public Interventions in Agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Risk Management in Agri-food Chain.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Study on Agrarian Contracts in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Understanding efficiency of agrarian organisation.

Basak, Debasmita (2021): Cournot-Bertrand equilibria under two-part tariff contract.

Bayari, Celal (2001): How Does Labour Work Now? A Quantitative Survey of Labour Practices in Japanese Multinationals Post 1996 Workplace Relations Act (Commonwealth). Published in: Proceedings of the 2001 Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference No. 2001 (1 December 2001): pp. 1-14.

Bayari, Celal (2004): Japanese Business in Australia: A Management Survey of Industry Interaction with Locational Factors. Published in: The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies , Vol. 30, No. 2004 (1 December 2004): pp. 119-149.

Bayari, Celal (2010): Japanese Hybrid Factories in Australia: Analysing Labor Relations and Reflecting on the Work of Tetsuo Abo. Published in: Euro Asia Journal of Management , Vol. 20, No. 39 (2) (1 December 2010): pp. 111-134.

Bayari, Celal (2011): The Japanese Management and Production System in Australia Recruitment, Training and Bonus in Japanese Hybrid Factories. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings. , Vol. 14, No. 14 (26 November 2011): pp. 331-336.

Benchimol, Guy (2007): Prospects on Innovating Organizations.

Bendikov, Mikhail and Kolesnik, Georgiy (2013): Конкуренция саморегулируемых организаций и эффективность рынков.

Bensassi, Sami (2008): Le développement économique des prestataires logistiques.

Birolo, Adriano (2009): Dalla crisi allo sviluppo: quali strategie per le PMI?

Bista, Raghu (2011): FDI and Corporate Social Responsibility in Nepal. Published in: Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility , Vol. 1, No. 1 (12 February 2011): pp. 11-20.

Bista, Raghu (2018): Understanding corporate social responsibility of the corporate sector to Sustainable Development Goal for energy in Nepal. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering , Vol. 6, No. 1 (2 June 2019): pp. 13-22.

Bitros, George C. and Minoglou, Ioanna (2006): Entrepreneurship and market order: Some historical evidence.

Bobkov, Alexander and Slavyanov, Andrey and Khrustalev, Evgeny (2023): Подходы к организации инструментальной инфраструктуры на предприятиях сельскохозяйственного машиностроения в условиях нестабильности. Published in: Polythematic network electronic scientific journal of KubSAU , Vol. 191, No. 7 (30 July 2023): pp. 254-265.

Bonroy, Olivier and Larue, Bruno (2006): Forward Vertical Integration: The Fixed-Proportion Case Revisited.

Bouguezzi, Fehmi and EL ELJ, Moez (2009): Vertical Integration and Patent Licensing in Upstream and Downstream Markets.

Braha, Dan and Stacey, Blake and Bar-Yam, Yaneer (2011): Corporate competition: A self-organized network. Forthcoming in: Social Networks , Vol. doi:10, No. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2011.05.004 (2011)

Brara, Farid (2022): Procédures pour les mises à jour technologiques sur les machines par le biais de changements technologiques avec étude de cas. Published in: International journal of economic performance , Vol. 05, No. 01 (4 June 2022): pp. 288-301.

Brara, Farid (2022): Procédures pour les mises à jour technologiques sur les machines par le biais de changements technologiques avec étude de cas. Published in: International journal of economic performance , Vol. 05, No. 01 (4 June 2022): pp. 288-301.

Burachik, Gustavo (1999): Tecnologia y dinamica industrial en los paises semi-industrializados. Published in: Anales de la Asociacion Argentina de Economia Politica No. XXI (13 November 1999)

Bárcena-Ruiz, Juan Carlos and Garzón, Maria Begoña and Sagasta, Amagoia (2022): Environmental corporate social responsibility, R&D and disclosure of “green” innovation knowledge.

Bárcena-Ruiz, Juan Carlos and Sagasta, Amagoia (2021): International trade and environmental corporate social responsibility.

benvenuti, m. and casolaro, l. and del prete, s. and mistrulli, p. e. (2010): Loan Officer Authority and Small Business Lending.Evidence from a survey.


Cebula, Richard (2009): Teaching How Private Enterprise Works Using Professional Sports: A Brief Note on the Case of Individual NHL Players' Salaries. Published in: The Journal of Private Enterprise , Vol. 24, No. 2 (8 December 2009): pp. 165-174.

Cerruti, Corrado and Musso, Fabio (2004): La logistica nei distretti industriali. Scenari di evoluzione per l’integrazione delle filiere. Published in: Finanza, Marketing e Produzione , Vol. 22, No. 4 (2004): pp. 23-40.

Chatterjee, Sidharta (2023): On the Development of Organizational Intelligence and Strategic Organizational Competency.

Chatterjee, Sidharta (2015): Teleological Dynamics of Organizational Performance: From Process to Practice and Perfectionism. Forthcoming in: The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management

Cho, Sumi and Lee, Sang-Ho (2017): Endogenous Private Leadership under Subsidy Policy on the Social Enterprises.

Choe, Chongwoo and In-Uck, Park (2010): Information, Authority, and Corporate Hierarchies.

Choe, Chongwoo and Ishiguro, Shingo (2008): On the (Sub)optimality of Multi-tier Hierarchies: Coordination versus Motivation.

Ciliberto, Federico (2009): Were British Cotton Entrepreneurs Technologically Backward? Firm-Level Evidence on the Adoption of Ring-Spinning. Published in: Explorations in Economic History

Ciliberto, Federico (2010): Were british cotton entrepreneurs technologically backward? Published in: Explorations in Economic History , Vol. 47, No. 4 (10 October 2010): pp. 487-504.

Ciliberto, Federico and Panzar, John (2009): Outsourcing and Vertical Integration in a Competitive Industry. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 77, No. 4 (1 April 2011): pp. 885-900.

Clifton, Judith and Díaz-Fuentes, Daniel and Revuelta, Julio (2009): Explaining Telecoms and Electricity Internationalization in the European Union: A Political Economy Perspective. Published in: European University Institute Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Working Paper No. 2009/62 No. 62 (2009)

Congedo, Pierluigi and ghezzi, federico (2010): I rimedi nelle operazioni di concentrazione. Disciplina e prassi comunitaria. Cenni sulla disciplina e prassi italiana. Published in: Trattato dei contratti Rescigno Gabrielli UTET Giuridica , Vol. c IX, No. volume "Contratti della concorrenza" (2010)

Coppola, Gianluigi and Mazzotta, Fernanda (2005): I sistemi locali del Lavoro in Italia: Aspetti teorici ed empirici. Published in: Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche di Salerno No. 2 (November 2005): pp. 1-81.

Corbu, Ion (2023): Decizia, factor determinant în procesele manageriale și în activitatea de cercetare. Published in: https://www.academia.edu/101585174/Decizia_factor_determinant_%C3%AEn_procesele_manageriale_%C8%99i_%C3%AEn_activitatea_de_cercetare (11 May 2023)

Covi, Giovanni (2014): Local Systems’ Strategies Copying with Globalization: Collective Local Entrepreneurship.

Covi, Giovanni (2014): Local Systems’ Strategies Copying with Globalization: Collective Local Entrepreneurship. Forthcoming in: Journal of Knowledge Economy , Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2014)


D'Avino, Carmela and Shabani, Mimoza (2017): A new approach to measuring universal banking.

Dalton, Christina Marsh and Warren, Patrick L. (2014): Cost Versus Control: Understanding Ownership Through Outsourcing in Hospitals.

Deng, Feng (2003): Comparative urban institutions and intertemporal externality: a revisit of the Coase conjecture.

Deng, Feng (2008): What Is “Open”? An Economic Analysis of Open Institutions.

Di Filippo, Gabriele and Pierret, Frédéric (2020): A Typology of Captive Financial Institutions and Money Lenders (sector S127) in Luxembourg. Published in: BCL Working Paper No. 146 (July 2020): pp. 1-62.

Dimitrov, Mitko and Ileva, Radka and Stefanov, Tsanko (2017): Синергия и конкурентоспособност на българските предприятия. Published in: Списание на БАН No. 3 (2017): pp. 5-15.

Dinh, Huy Tran Ngoc and Kei, Nishino and Maulana, Achmad Rizzqi and Koh, Gek Pin and Liu, Yang (2010): “Corporate restructuring issues under the holding company structure – The NTT Case in Japan”.

Diwan, Ishac and Haidar, Jamal Ibrahim (2020): Political Connections Reduce Job Creation: Firm-level Evidence from Lebanon. Published in: Journal of Development Studies , Vol. 8, No. 57 (1 August 2021): pp. 1373-1396.

Driouchi, Ahmed and Gamar, Alae (2015): Entrepreneurship and its Link to Corruption: Assessment with the Most Recent World and Country-Group Data.


Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2019): The emergence of the joint-stock companies in the Dutch Republic and their democratic elements in business.

Elasrag, Hussein (2015): Corporate Social Responsibility: An Islamic Perspective. Published in: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Ronald Coase 1910-2013, In memoriam.

Estrada, Fernando (2012): Ronald Coase y los costos de transacción.


Fanti, Luciano and Buccella, Domenico (2018): A note on the social responsibility in a bilateral monopoly.

Ferri, Giovanni and Leogrande, Angelo (2021): Stakeholder Management, Cooperatives, and Selfish-Individualism.

Forcillo, Donato (2017): Codetermination: the Necessary Presence of Workers on the Board. A Mathematical Model.

Forcillo, Donato (2017): Codetermination: the Presence of Workers on the Board. A Depth Analysis.

Fristrup, Peter and Klinge Jacobsen, Henrik (2005): Vertical Integration and Fuel Diversity in Electricity Generation – a theoretical study in imperfect competition.

Fındık, Derya and Tansel, Aysit (2013): Intangible investment and technical efficiency: The case of software-intensive manufacturing firms in Turkey.

Fındık, Derya and Tansel, Aysit (2013): Intangible investment and technical efficiency: The case of software-intensive manufacturing firms in Turkey. Published in: (August 2015)


Gabszewicz, Jean and Marini, Marco A. and Zanaj, Skerdilajda (2021): Random Encounters and Information Di§usion about Product Quality.

Garanasvili, Antanina and Kazimierczak, Michal and Lazaridis, George (2018): The Use of Intellectual Property Right Bundles by Firms in Copyright Intensive Industries. Forthcoming in: Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues (RERCI)

Garcia, Arturo and Leal, Mariel and Lee, Sang-Ho (2018): Social responsibility in a bilateral monopoly with R&D. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 38, No. 3 (13 April 2018): pp. 1467-1475.

Garcia, Arturo and Leal, Mariel and Lee, Sang-Ho (2020): Competitive CSR in a strategic managerial delegation game with a multiproduct corporation.

Gavazza, Alessandro (2011): Demand Spillovers and Market Outcomes in the Mutual Fund Industry.

Gayle, Philip (2024): Do Nonprofits Engage in Excessive Fundraising?

Gayle, Philip (2024): The extent to which government grants to nonprofit organizations crowd-out or crowd-in private giving to them: An unresolved debate revisited within a strategic fundraising setting.

Gayle, Philip and Harrison, Teresa (2023): Competition and strategic responses to fundraising in donative markets.

Ghafele, Roya and Gibert, Benjamin (2011): The transformative impact of business models.

Giroldo, Renato and Hollenbeck, Brett (2021): Concentration, Retail Markups, and Countervailing Power: Evidence from Retail Lotteries.

Glaser, Markus and Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio and Sautner, Zacharias (2010): Opening the Black Box: Internal Capital Markets and Managerial Power.


Havas, Attila (1993): CMEA and COCOM Abolished: Restructuring Precision Engineering Industry in Hungary.

Henseler, Marco (2006): Horizontal versus Vertical Electronic Business-to-Business Marketplaces. Published in: Discussion paper series from the Institute of Economics and Law, University of Stuttgart No. 2006/1

Hollenbeck, Brett (2018): Online Reputation Mechanisms and the Decreasing Value of Chain Affliation. Published in: Journal of Marketing Research , Vol. 55, No. 5 (October 2018): pp. 636-654.

Hollenbeck, Brett and Giroldo, Renato (2021): Winning Big: Scale and Success in Retail Entrepreneurship.

Hong, Jifeng and Kazakis, Pantelis and Strieborny, Martin (2024): A fish rots from the head down: The contagion effect of upstream firms’ environmental misconduct on downstream firms’ green innovation continuity.


Ivanov, Svetoslav and Petrov, Pavel (2019): Business Models for Starting Software Companies. Published in: 9th International Conference On Application Of Information And Communication Technology And Statistics In Economy And Education (ICAICTSEE-2019) Conference Proceedings (2019): pp. 172-184.


Jayasooriya, Sujith (2020): Impact of Alternative Funding Instruments to Improve Access to Finance in SMEs: Evidence from Vietnam.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część I – Propozycje podziału. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 43-57.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część II – Formuły cen węgla brunatnego. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 59-68.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część III – Obliczenia cen i zysków dla hipotetycznych danych. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 69-80.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2005): Czy integracja pionowa kopalń odkrywkowych węgla z elektrowniami jest korzystna i dla kogo? Published in: Biuletyn URE No. Nr 2 (February 2005)

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Influence of structure and ownership of lignite opencast mine and power plant bilateral monopoly on its operation. Published in: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection MPES/06 (20 September 2006): pp. 26-31.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Lignite price and split of profit negotiation in bilateral monopoly of lignite opencast mine and power plant. Published in: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection MPES’06 (20 September 2006): pp. 32-37.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Lignite price negotiation between opencast mine and power plant as a two-stage, two-person, cooperative, non-zero sum game. Published in: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium Continuous Surface Mining , Vol. ISBN 3, No. Department of Mining Engineering III, RWTH Aachen University (24 September 2006): pp. 469-476.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Negocjacje pomiędzy kopalnią węgla brunatnego a elektrownią jako kooperacyjna, dwuetapowa gra dwuosobowa o sumie niezerowej. Published in: Energetyka , Vol. 59, No. No.2 (620) (February 2006)

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Schemat arbitrażowy Nasha, a podział zysków w bilateralnym monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Cześć druga – zastosowania w negocjacjach strategicznych i taktycznych. Published in: Górnictwo Odkrywkowe (Opencast Mining) , Vol. XLIX, No. No.1-2 (January 2007): pp. 81-88.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Schemat arbitrażowy Nasha, a podział zysków w bilateralnym monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Cześć pierwsza – podstawy teoretyczne. Published in: Górnictwo Odkrywkowe (Opencast Mining) , Vol. Vol. X, No. No.1-2 (January 2007): pp. 73-80.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Wpływ struktury organizacyjno-właścicielskiej na funkcjonowanie bilateralnego monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Published in: Materiały konferencyjne , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wroclawskiej Nr 112 (2005)


Kabiraj, Tarun and Sinha, Uday Bhanu (2014): Strategic outsourcing with technology transfer under price competition.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2011): Перспективные формы продвижения товаров в условиях мирового экономического кризиса. Published in: Организационно-управленческие аспекты экономического развития предприятий и регионов: Сборник научных трудов. No. Омск: ОмГТУ, 2011. – С. 30-35. – ISBN 978-5-8149-1069-1. (2011): pp. 30-35.

Karbowski, Adam (2016): Organizacja współpracy badawczo-rozwojowej przedsiębiorstw. Published in: G. Główka i R. Sobiecki (red.), Przedsiębiorstwo w strukturach sieci. Doświadczenia i perspektywy rozwoju w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 124-133 (May 2016)

Karpov, Valery (2010): Конкурентные преимущества предпринимательских структур в рыночных условиях. Published in: Инновационный бизнес региона: актуальные проблемы развития: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции в рамках Международного экономического форума «Человеческий капитал – ключевой ресурс модернизации российской экономики» (2010): pp. 270-273.

Karpov, Valery and Karsyuk, Elena (2011): Особенности и проблемы развития предпринимательских структур швейной промышленности в России. Published in: Омский экономический форум: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (2011): pp. 148-149.

Kassem, Mohammad and EL-Moussaw, Chawki i and Awdeh, Ali (2014): Measuring the Cost Efficiency of Banks Operating in the MENA Region. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 124 (2014): pp. 20-35.

Kemp-Benedict, Eric (2015): New ways to slice the pie: Span of control and wage and salary distribution within firms.

Kemp-Benedict, Eric (2015): A middle-manager model of wage and salary distribution within firms.

Khazabi, Massoud (2004): Innovation and cooperation with horizontal spillovers. Published in: The IUP Journal of Industrial Economics , Vol. Vol. 4, No. No. 4 (November 2007): pp. 33-46.

Khazabi, Massoud and Quyen, Nguyen (2008): Competition and innovation with horizontal R&D spillovers.

Khazabi, Massoud and Quyen, Nguyen (2011): R&D Spillovers, Innovation, and Entry.

Kim, Seung-Leul and Lee, Sang-Ho and Matsumura, Toshihiro (2017): Corporate social responsibility and privatization policy in a mixed oligopoly.

Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena (2018): The Role of Universities in the Knowledge Triangle Model on the Example of EIT Activities. Published in: Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie , Vol. 19, No. 10 (2018): pp. 251-263.

Kolesnik, Georgiy (2014): Экономико-математическое моделирование конкуренции в иерархических социально-экономических системах. Автореферат диссертации на соискание учёной степени доктора экономических наук.

Kolesnik, Georgiy (2015): Modelling "race to the bottom" effect on the self-regulated markets.


Lambert, Thomas (2018): Monopoly Capital and Innovation: An Exploratory Assessment of R&D Effectiveness.

Larin, Sergey and Khrustalev, Evgeny and Ermakova, Yasmina (2023): Characteristics of markets for the creation of innovative products and their impact on the mechanisms of interaction between the subjects of the innovation infrastructure. Published in: Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship , Vol. 17, No. 4 (28 April 2023): pp. 937-941.

Lazarides, Themistokles and Drmmpetas, Evaggelos (2009): Fallacies, Collapses, Crises. Now What?

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Information theory of firm.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): Strategies on initial public offering of company equity at stock exchanges in imperfect highly volatile global capital markets with induced nonlinearities.

Leogrande, Angelo (2022): The Economy of Collaboration between Reciprocity and Profit.

Levitskiy, Stanislav and Frunze, Igor (2014): Planning Technique for Complex Economic Object’s Synergy at Mergers and Acquisitions. Published in: International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management , Vol. 2, No. 6 (15 June 2014): pp. 1-12.

Levy, Daniel (2004): Discussion of "The Pricing Behavior of Firms in the Euro Area: New Survey Evidence," by Fabiani, S., et al. (2004).

Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio and Phalippou, Ludovic and Gottschalg, Olivier (2010): Giants at the Gate: On the Cross-section of Private Equity Investment Returns.

Louri, H. and Anagnostaki, V. (1995): Entry and exit from Greek manufacturing industry: a test of the symmetry hypothesis. Published in: International Review of Applied Economics , Vol. 9, No. 1 (1995): pp. 86-95.

Lumineau, Fabrice and Henderson, James (2012): The influence of relational experience and contractual governance on the negotiation strategy in buyer-supplier disputes. Forthcoming in: Journal of Operations Management , Vol. 5, No. 30 (2012)

Lumineau, Fabrice and Malhotra, Deepak (2011): Shadow of the contract: how contract structure shapes inter-firm dispute resolution. Published in: Strategic Management Journal , Vol. 5, No. 32 (2011)

López, Alberto (2012): Productivity effects of ICTs and organizational change: A test of the complementarity hypothesis in Spain.


Marini, Marco A. (2016): Collusive Agreements in Vertically Differentiated Markets. Forthcoming in: Handbook in Game Theory and Industrial Organization (1 June 2017)

Marini, Marco A. and Tarola, Ornella and Thisse, Jacques-Francois (2021): Is Environmentalism the Right Strategy to Decarbonize the World?

Marinucci, Marco (2008): Optimal ownership in joint ventures with contributions of asymmetric partners.

Marinucci, Marco (2008): Optimal ownership in joint ventures with contributions of asymmetric partners.

Mariolis, Theodore (2006): A Critical Note on Marx’s Theory of Profits. Published in: Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2006): pp. 1-11.

Martino, Gaetano (2010): Trust, contracting, and adaptation in agri-food hybrid structure. Published in: International Journal on Food System Dynamics , Vol. 1, No. 4 (2010): pp. 305-317.

Martino, Gaetano and Frascarelli, Angelo (2012): Adaptation in Food Networks: theoretical framework and empirical evidences.

Michelacakis, Nickolas (2021): Strategic delegation in spatial price discrimination mixed duopoly; Nash is consistent at the presence of a public firm.

Moniz, António (2004): Elementos para o estudo de um caso de sucesso na montagem automóvel em Portugal: a Opel Portugal. Published in: WorTiS Report Papers No. RPT_SIOT_07 (2003): pp. 1-26.

Moniz, António (2007): Futuros da indústria automóvel: Qual a sua importância para a definição do produto, modelos de produção e estratégias de mobilidade? Published in: Actas dos ateliers do Vº Congresso Português de Sociologia (May 2004): pp. 1-11.

Moniz, António (1994): The automobile sector and the organisation of the industrial space: the case of Setúbal Region (Portugal).

Moniz, António (2001): A cooperação entre equipas de trabalho em empresas em rede: vantagens para o desenvolvimento regional.

Moniz, António and Machado, Tiago (2001): Novos Modelos de Produção na Indústria Automóvel Algumas Interrogações. Published in: Actas do Encontro SIOT, Lisboa No. 9 (March 2001): pp. 1-8.

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