Khan, Haider (2008): Hermeneutics and Dialectics: (Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger and) Hans-Georg Gadamer.
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The purpose of this paper is to explore briefly the role that a more phenomenological conception of dialectical development of consciousness plays in Hans-Georg Gadamer's work on hermeneutics. This is done with both an implicit understanding of the dialectical development of consciousness and self-consciousness in Gadamer and some explicit references to Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit and his Science of Logic in connection with Gadamer's work. However, the twentieth century departures from Hegelian logic by the phenomenological and existential philosophers are given crucial importance for the work of Gadamer which builds on both Heidegger's essays on art in particular and the much earlier Husserlian explorations of consciousness and intentionality. Special emphasis is given to Gadamer's concept of Spiel(play)* along with his ideas of Erfahrung( "lived experience" as opposed to Erlebnis or abstract experience),Geschehen (event) and Wirkungsgeschichtliches Bewusstsein ( Effectively historicized consciousness).
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Hermeneutics and Dialectics: (Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger and) Hans-Georg Gadamer |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Hermeneutics, Method, Truth, Dialectics, Dialogue, Play, History, Effectively Historicized Consciousness, Event, Lived Experience, Phenomenology |
Subjects: | B - History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches > B4 - Economic Methodology > B40 - General A - General Economics and Teaching > A1 - General Economics > A12 - Relation of Economics to Other Disciplines B - History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches > B4 - Economic Methodology > B41 - Economic Methodology |
Item ID: | 8429 |
Depositing User: | Haider Khan |
Date Deposited: | 25 Apr 2008 16:03 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 09:36 |
References: | Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 1985-1995, Gesammelte Werke, 10 vols., Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr; Truth and Method (Wahrheit und Methode: Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik, 5th edn, 1975), is included as v.1; a list of contents for all 10 vols. is included in vol.10. --1967-1979, Kleine Schriften, 4 vols, Tübingen: Mohr. ---1976a, Hegel's Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies, trans. by P. Christopher Smith (from Gadamer, 1971), New Haven: Yale University Press. --1976b, Philosophical Hermeneutics, ed. and trans. by David E. Linge, Berkeley: University of California Press. 1980, Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato, trans. and ed. by P. Christopher Smith, New Haven: Yale University Press. --1981, Reason in the Age of Science, trans. by Frederick G. Lawrence, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. ---1985, Philosophical Apprenticeships, trans. by Robert R. Sullivan, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. 1986a, The Idea of the Good in Platonic-Aristotelian Philosophy, trans. P. Christopher Smith, New Haven: Yale University Press. ---1986b, The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, trans. by N. Walker, ed. by R. Bernasconi, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ---1989, Truth and Method, 2nd rev. edn. (1st English edn, 1975), trans. by J. Weinsheimer and D.G.Marshall, New York: Crossroad. ---1997, ‘Reflections on my Philosophical Journey’, trans. by Richard E. Palmer, in Hahn (ed.), 1997 Jean Grondin, Hans-Georg Gadamer: A Biography, translated by Joel Weisenheimer (Yale, 2003) Hegel, G.W.F. Gesammelte Werke, Rheinisch-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, ed., (Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 1968-). ----------The Difference Between Fichte's and Schelling's System of Philosophy, trans. H. S. Harris and W. Cerf, (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1977). -------- (1807) The Phenomenology of Mind, Translated, with an introduction and notes, by J. B. Baillie, Harper's edition, 1967 ----------(1816)Hegel's Science of Logic, trans. A. V. Miller, (London: Allen and Unwin, 1969). Heidegger, Martin. "Der Ursprung der Kunstwerkes." Translated as "The Origin of the Work of Art," by Albert Hofstadter, in Poetry, Language, Thought (New York: Harper & Row, 1971), and in Basic Writings (New York: Harper & Row, 1977, 1993). Husserl, E. Formal and Transcendental Logic, trans. D. Cairns. The Hague: Nijhoff [1929], 1969. ------The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Philosophy, trans. D. Carr. Evanston: Northwestern University Press [1936/54], 1970. ------Experience and Judgement, trans. J. S. Churchill and K. Ameriks, London: Routledge [1939], 1973. ------Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy - Third Book: Phenomenology and the Foundations of the Sciences, trans. T. E. Klein and W. E. Pohl, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1980. Hyppolite, Jean 1979. Genesis and Structure of "Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Evanston: Northwestern University Press Ilyenkov, E. ( 1977 ), Dialectical Logic, Moscow: Progress Publishers Kojève, Alexander (1969) Introduction to the Reading of Hegel. New York, Basic Books Jeff Malpas, Ulrich Arnswald, and Jens Kertscher, editors, Gadamer's Century: Essays in Honor of Hans-Georg Gadamer (MIT Press, 2002) Khan, H. A.(2008a) "Causal Depth contra Humean Empiricism: Aspects of a Scientific Realist Approach to Explanation", unpublished paper, GSIS, University of Denver, Denver, Co.80208 USA ---------(2008b)DialecticalLogicandSelf-consciousness:SomePreliminary Remarks on Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit and Science of Logic ---------(2008c) Friedman’s Methodology: A Puzzle and A Proposal for Generating Useful Debates through Causal Comparisons (with a postscript on positive vs. normative theories) Miller, R.(1987), Fact and Method, Princeton: Princeton University Press. |
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