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Items where Subject is "A12 - Relation of Economics to Other Disciplines"

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Number of items at this level: 375.


Abozaid, Abdulazeem (2015): The internal challenges facing Islamic finance industry. Published in: International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management , Vol. 9, No. 2 (2016): pp. 222-235.

Aikman, David and Galesic, Mirta and Gigerenzer, Gerd and Kapadia, Sujit and Katsikopolous, Konstantinos and Kothiyal, Amit and Murphy, Emma and Neumann, Tobias (2014): Taking Uncertainty Seriously: Simplicity versus Complexity in Financial Regulation. Published in: Financial Stability Paper No. 28 (2 May 2014)

Albarrán, Yazmín and Guajardo, Alexandra and Macías, Adamaris and Méndez, Ana Consuelo and Narro, Stephanie (2020): El desarrollo económico, la competitividad y la globalización en los tiempos modernos.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Empirical.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Theoretical.

Albers, Scott (2013): Okun’s Law as a Pi-to-1 ratio: A harmonic / trigonometric theory as to why Okun’s Law works.

Albers, Scott (2012): Predicting crises: Five essays on the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises. Published in: Middle East Studies On-line Journal , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 6 (8 August 2011): pp. 199-253.

Albers, Scott (2019): An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2013): Does “Okun’s Law” state a Pi:1 ratio? Toward a harmonic interpretation of why Okun’s Law works.

Albers, Sönke (2008): Three Failed Attempts of Joint Rankings of Research in Economics and Business.

Aleksenko, Natalia and Il'ina, Nadezhda and Dyusembina, Dana and Zotina, Polina (2014): Налоговое бремя и эластичность. Published in: Потенциал Российской экономики и инновационные пути его реализации: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции (12 April 2014): pp. 426-428.

Aleksenko, Natalia and Il'ina, Nadezhda and Motrich, Victoriya (2014): Использование инструментов аналитической геометрии для поиска экстремума производственной функции. Published in: Потенциал Российской экономики и инновационные пути его реализации: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции (12 April 2014): pp. 445-447.

Aleksenko, Natalia and Kornyushin, Stanislav and Shchukin, Vladimir (2014): Моделирование зависимости ценообразования от расположения торговых точек. Published in: Потенциал Российской экономики и инновационные пути его реализации: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции (12 April 2014): pp. 433-435.

Aleksenko, Natalia and Menyaylo, Yuliya (2014): Использование предельных показателей при решении экономической задачи с параметром. Published in: Потенциал Российской экономики и инновационные пути его реализации: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (12 April 2014): pp. 439-442.

Alipio, Mark (2020): Determinants of tuberculosis incidence in East Asia and Pacific: A panel regression analysis.

Alphin Jr., Henry C. (2008): Two Concepts of Liberty: An Analysis of Berlin's Seminal Essay.

Alrubaie, falah.K.Ali (2000): تحليل الهيكل الإنتاجي والعلاقات القطاعية في الاقتصاد العراقي خلال الفترة (1970 -1990).

Alsayyed, Nidal (2010): The Uses and Misuses of Commodity Murabaha: Islamic Economic Perspective.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2010): Introducing Anthropological Foundations of Economic Behavior, Organization, and Control.

Ambrosino, Angela and Gigante, Anna Azzurra (2016): “Economics meets the other sciences: interpreting new economic programs and proposing new theories for Institutional Cognitive Economics”.

Andrianady, Josué R. (2023): Divine Development: The Impact of Religion on Madagascar’s Growth.

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Theoretical approaches of endogenous regional development.

Arem, Rim (2014): The absolute equilibrum theory; a new vision of the good's exchange.

Asmy, Mohamed and Rohilina, Wisam and Hassama, Aris and Fouad, Md. (2009): Effects of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Prices in Malaysia: An Approach of Error Correction Model.

Azar, Ofer H. (2006): Behavioral industrial organization, firm strategy, and consumer economics.

Azar, Ofer H. (2005): Incentives and Service Quality in the Restaurant Industry: The Tipping – Service Puzzle. Forthcoming in: Applied Economics

Azar, Ofer H. (2009): Tipping motivations and behavior in the US and Israel. Forthcoming in: Journal of Applied Social Psychology (2010)

Azar, Ofer H. (2006): Tipping, firm strategy, and industrial organization.

Azar, Ofer H. and Brock, David M. (2007): A Citation-Based Ranking of Strategic Management Journals. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy


Ballinger, Clint (2011): Why Geographic Factors are Necessary in Development Studies.

Bantilan, MCS and Ravula, P and Parthasarathy, D and Gandhi, BVJ (2006): Gender and Social Capital Mediated Technology Adoption. Published in: ICRISAT Impact Series no 12

Bar-Eli, Michael and Azar, Ofer H. and Ritov, Ilana and Keidar-Levin, Yael and Schein, Galit (2005): Action bias among elite soccer goalkeepers: The case of penalty kicks. Published in: Journal of Economic Psychology , Vol. 28, No. 5 (October 2007): pp. 606-621.

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Origin of Minimum Wage Determination in Australia: The Political and Legal Institutions. Published in: Journal of Global Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1 December 2012): pp. 163-198.

Beja, Edsel Jr. (2014): Parenthood and happiness: Direct and indirect impacts of parenthood on happiness.

Ben said, Hayet (2011): Gestion publique du périmètre irrigué : Accord informel, corruption et recherche de rente.

Birol, Ekin and Koundouri, Phoebe (2008): Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy:A European Perspective. Published in: (8 June 2008)

Boicu, Ruxandra (2007): Modal verbs and politeness strategies in political discourse. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Bucureşti (Limbi şi literaturi străine) , Vol. LVII, No. 1/2008 (2008): pp. 15-28.

Bornmann, Lutz and Butz, Alexander and Wohlrabe, Klaus (2017): What are the Top Five Journals in Economics? A New Meta–ranking.

Bornmann, Lutz and Wohlrabe, Klaus (2017): Calculating the excellence shift: How efficiently do institutions produce highly cited papers?

Brauer, Jurgen and Anderton, Charles H. (2014): Economics and Genocide: Choices and Consequences.

Burmistrova, Natalya (1998): Математическое моделирование как творческий процесс. Published in: Естественные науки и экология: межвузовский сборник научных трудов No. Омск: Изд-во ОмГПУ, 1998 (15 November 1998): pp. 3-5.

Burmistrova, Natalya (2000): Начала математического моделирования экономических процессов. Published in: Современные проблемы методики преподавания математики и информатики: материалы III Сибирских педагогических чтений; под общ. ред. Н.К.Жинеренко, З.В. Семёновой, Т.А. Ширшовой No. Омск: Изд-во ОмГУ, 2000 (25 November 2000): pp. 28-30.

Burmistrova, Natalya (2002): Реализация интегративных связей математики, информатики и дисциплин финансово-экономического цикла средствами моделирования экономических процессов. Published in: VI Царскосельские чтения: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции No. СПб.: ЛГОУ, 2002. Т. XI (30 November 2002): pp. 16-18.

Burmistrova, Natalya (2002): Психолого-дидактические особенности обучения студентов моделированию экономических процессов в курсе математики. Published in: Психолого-педагогические проблемы модернизации общего среднего, вузовского и послевузовского образования: материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции No. Бирск: Изд-во Бирского гос. пед. ин-та, 2002. – Ч.2. (5 December 2002): pp. 56-59.

Burmistrova, Natalya (2006): Имитационное моделирование для сферы экономики и финансов: Проблемы и перспективы. Published in: Модернизация профессионального образования: Проблемы, поиски, решения: материалы IV Всероссийской научно-практической конференции No. Омск: Изд-во ОмГПУ, 2006 (5 June 2006): pp. 124-126.

Burmistrova, Natalya (2009): Характеристика основных этапов моделирования экономических процессов при обучении математике будущих специалистов финансово-кредитной сферы. Published in: Математика и информатика: наука и образование: Межвузовский сб. науч. трудов No. Омск: Изд-во ОмГПУ, 2009. – Вып. 8 (11 September 2009): pp. 73-79.

Burmistrova, Natalya and Edzhibiya, Tatyana and Urlapov, Pavel and Tsoy, Natalia (2013): Математические модели экономического равновесия. Published in: Вопросы финансового обеспечения социально-экономического развития Российской Федерации: сб. трудов II Международной научно-практической конференции (30 April 2013): pp. 516-521.

Burmistrova, Natalya and Il'ina, Nadezhda (2007): Роль и значение математического моделирования в подготовке будущих специалистов для сферы экономики и финансов. Published in: Математика и информатика: межвуз. сб. науч. трудов , Vol. 6, No. Омск: ОмГПУ, 2007 (12 March 2007): pp. 75-77.

Burmistrova, Natalya and Turetskih, Olga (2014): Математическая модель коэффициента эластичности и ее использование в налоговой политике. Published in: Потенциал Российской экономики и инновационные пути его реализации: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции (12 April 2014): pp. 479-483.

Burmistrova, Natalya and Urlapov, Pavel and Thoy, Natalia (2013): Равновесные экономические модели в управлении экономикой. Published in: Молодь у свiтi сучасних технологiи: материалы II Международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых и студентов No. Херсон: Херсонский национальный технический университет, 2013 (6 June 2013): pp. 217-221.

Buscemi, Antonino and Yallwe, Alem Hagos (2011): It is time to re-think on environment, energy and economics (E3). Published in: Rivista elettronica di diritto, economia e management , Vol. nr. 2, No. ISSN 2039-4926 (August 2011): pp. 85-104.

Bögenhold, Dieter (2013): Social Network Analysis and the Sociology of Economics: Filling a Blind Spot with the Idea of Social Embeddedness. Published in: American Journal of Economics and Sociology , Vol. 72, No. 2 (April 2013): pp. 293-318.


Caleiro, António (2011): Desemprego e felicidade em Portugal.

Callahan, Gene and Hoffmann, Andreas (2015): Two-Population Social Cycle Theories.

Camerer, Colin and Dreber, Anna and Forsell, Eskil and Ho, Teck-Hua and Huber, Jurgen and Johannesson, Magnus and Kirchler, Michael and Almenberg, Johan and Altmejd, Adam and Chan, Taizan and Heikensten, Emma and Holzmeister, Felix and Imai, Taisuke and Isaksson, Siri and Nave, Gideon and Pfeiffer, Thomas and Razen, Michael and Wu, Hang (2016): Evaluating replicability of laboratory experiments in Economics. Published in: Science , Vol. 351, No. 6277 (3 March 2016)

Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2004): Intangible Flow Theory. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Economics and Sociology

Cardoso Machado, Nuno Miguel (2011): Karl Polanyi and the New Economic Sociology: Notes on the Concept of (Dis)embeddedness. Published in: RCCS Annual Review No. 3 (2011): pp. 119-140.

Cardoso Machado, Nuno Miguel (2013): The Money of the Mind and the God of Commodities – The real abstraction according to Sohn-Rethel.

Chen, Hung-Ju and Sultana, Rezina (2013): Job Reservation and Intergenerational Transmission of Preferences.

Cocchi, Andrea (2011): Business models as systemic instruments for the evolution of traditional districts?

Constantinescu, Madalina (2008): Knowledge Management through the Lens of Innovation and Labour Productivity in a Knowledge Based Economy.

Constantinescu, Radu (2011): Raţionalitatea în economie: de la homo oeconomicus la homo irationalis.

Costanza, Robert and Howarth, Richard B. and Kubiszewski, Ida and Liu, Shuang and Ma, Chunbo and Plumecocq, Gaël and Stern, David I. (2015): Influential Publications in Ecological Economics Revisited.

ciani scarnicci, manuela (2012): Ethics and economics, a binomial possible and desirable relationship.


D'Acci, Luca (2013): Macro and Micro Spatial Equilibrium.

Deabes, Tosson (2003): How to Reduce the Risk Of Banking Problems.

Della Giusta, Marina and Vukadinovic-Greetham, Danica and Jaworska, Sylvia (2018): Tweeting Economists: Antisocial in the socials?

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Urmetzer, Florian (2023): Policy-Driven Industrial Ecosystems.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2012): Mentalism versus behaviourism in economics: a philosophy-of-science perspective.

Digialleonardo, Luca and Mare, Mauro and Motroni, Antonello and Porcelli, Francesco (2021): Family Ties and the Pandemic: Some Evidence from Sars-CoV-2.

Dill, Alexander and Gebhart, Nicolas (2016): Redundancy, Unilateralism and Bias beyond GDP – results of a Global Index Benchmark.

Dobrota, Gabriela (2007): The Foreign Currency Regime and Policy in Romania.


Dorobantu, Maria Roxana and Nistoreanu, Puiu (2012): Rural Tourism and Ecotourism – the Main Priorities in Sustainable Development Orientations of Rural Local Communities in Romania. Published in: Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition , Vol. XV, No. 2067 - 5046 (2012): pp. 259-266.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2022): Value Judgements, Positivism and Utility Comparisons in Economics. Published in: Journal of Business Ethics (March 2023)

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2007): Comparison Wage in Trade Union Decision Making. Published in: Acta Oeconomica , Vol. 57, No. 4 (2007): pp. 377-388.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2014): Mathematical Psychics and Hydraulics: The Methodological Influence of Edgeworth and Fisher.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. and Katselidis, Ioannis (2013): From Edgeworth to Econophysics: A Methodological Perspective.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. and Katselidis, Ioannis (2017): The Relationship between Psychology and Economics: Insights from the History of Economic Thought.

Díez-Amigo, Sandro (2014): Using "Cheat Sheets" to Distinguish Ability from Knowledge: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Chile.


Estrada, Fernando (2011): The Carnapian Aufbau model: epistemology of the sense-data.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Diagramas de argumentación y política criminal.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Epistemology of the economy: comments from Robert Nozick.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Estabilidad política y tributación.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Fragments on the black swan: money, credit and finance in The Arcades Project of Walter Benjamin.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Heuristic on economics.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Language and argumentation in the controversy economic.

Estrada, Fernando (2011): Reconstruction of concept of Paradigm in Thomas S. Kuhn.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Sencillez y explicación en la teoría económica.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Theory of argumentation in financial markets. Published in: Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance , Vol. Volume, No. Issue I (1) (16 July 2010): pp. 18-23.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Uses of the argumentation in the negotiation.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): The rhetoric of economics.

Estrada, Fernando (2011): The visual model of the Aufbau.

Estrada, Fernando and González, Jorge Iván (2014): Política tributaria y economía fiscal en los enfoques de Hayek y Brenann/Buchanan.


FRENDA, ANTONIO (2010): Statistical analysis of accidents at work in the international context.

Fernández, Flavia M (2021): Cuadro de Mando Integral en la enseñanza de grado. Una propuesta integradora. Published in: Documento de Trabajo. Unidad Académica Costos y Control de Gestión

Filoso, Valerio (2008): Sulla domanda di economia irrazionale: Naomi Klein vs. Milton Friedman. Forthcoming in: Il Politico

Fischer, Stanley and Sahay, Ratna and Vegh, Carlos (1998): How far is Eastern Europe from Brussels?

Freeman, Alan (2007): Catechism versus pluralism: the heterodox response to the national undergraduate curriculum proposed by the UK Quality Assurance Authority.

Freeman, Alan (2008): Submission from the Association for Heterodox Economics to the International Benchmarking Review on Research Assessment. Published in: On the Horizon , Vol. 16,4, No. Special issue on Publishing, Refereeing, Rankings, and the Future of Heterodox Economics (December 2008)

Freeman, Alan and Kliman, Andrew (2005): Beyond talking the talk: towards a critical pluralist practice. Published in: Post-Autistic Economics Review No. 40 (1 December 2006): pp. 26-53.

Frolov, Daniil (2018): Эво-дево: парадигмальный вызов для институционально-эволюционного анализа. Forthcoming in:

Frolov, Daniil (2018): От институтов к экститутам и далее - к теории институциональных аномалий. Forthcoming in:

Frolov, Daniil (2018): Постинституционализм: за пределами институционального мейнстрима. Forthcoming in:

Frolov, Daniil (2018): Эво-дево: парадигмальный вызов для институционально-эволюционного анализа (версия 2.0). Forthcoming in:

Fumagalli, Andrea and Lucarelli, Stefano (2006): Marché du travail, bioéconomie et revenu d’existence. Published in: Multitudes , Vol. Winter, No. 27 (2006)

Funk, Matt (2008): On the Problem of the Island of Earth: Introducing a Universal Theory of Value in an Open Letter to The President of the United States.


Ghimisi, Stefan/St and Popescu, Gheorghe (2009): Centers tehnology transfer-active factor an the regional development.

Ghosh, Sudipta and Aithal, Sreeramana (2022): Impact Assessment of Investment Returns in Indian CPSEs: A Study at Aggregate Level in the Disinvestment Environment. Published in: International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE) , Vol. 6, No. 1 (24 January 2022): pp. 26-37.

Gigante, Anna Azzurra (2016): “Reviewing Path Dependence Theory in Economics: Micro–Foundations of Endogenous Change Processes”.

Glötzl, Erhard and Glötzl, Florentin and Richters, Oliver and Binter, Lucas (2023): General Constrained Dynamic Models in Economics - General Dynamic Theory of Economic Variables - Beyond Walras and Keynes.

Glötzl, Erhard (2022): General Constrained Dynamic (GCD) models with intertemporal utility functions.

Glötzl, Erhard (2022): Macroeconomic General Constrained Dynamic models (GCD models).

Glötzl, Erhard (2022): A simple General Constrained Dynamics (GCD) model for demand, supply and price shocks.

Gokdemir, Ozge and Dumludag, Devrim (2011): Subjective well-being among ethnic minorities: the Dutch case.

Gomez-Ruano, Gerardo (2020): Data Science: A Primer for Economists.

Grossbard, Shoshana (1993): On the Economics of Marriage - A Theory of Marriage, Labor and Divorce. Published in: No. book out of print at Westview Press since 1995 (1993)

Gunnes, Trude and Donze, Jocelyn (2016): Teaching Practices and the Management of Student Motivation, Effort and Achievement.

Góralczyk, Andrzej (2014): Economy as the value streams. Preliminary study.

gamar, mohd nur arif (2017): risk and performance of amtel holdings berhad.


HARIT, ADITYA (2024): Economic Equilibrium Model for Pollution Management and Resource Generation in a District: A Block-Level Approach.

HARIT, ADITYA (2024): Modeling the Economic History of the Ganges: From Early Times to Gupta.

Hassid, Joseph and Maniatis, George and POLEMIS, Michael (2024): Do Law Professionals Lack Economic Knowledge? Field Evidence from Greece.

Hegadekatti, Kartik and S G, Yatish (2016): Proof-of-Sovereignty (PoSv) as a Method to Achieve Distributed Consensus in Crypto-Currency Networks. Published in: Development of Innovation eJournal , Vol. 4, No. 45 (27 September 2016)

Herrmann, Peter (2009): Menschenrechte, Soziale Grundrechte, Sozialrecht – Versuch einer Näherung.

Herrmann, Peter (2006): Precarity – Logical Consequence of Societies that Lost the Social.

Herrmann, Peter (2008): Workfare – The Reinvention of the Social.

Hills, Roderick (2009): Federalism and Public Choice. Forthcoming in: Law and Public Choice (2009)

Hortacsu, Ayfer and Ozkan Gunay, E. Nur (2004): Ethical issues and attitude in the Turkish banking sector. Published in: Proceedings of the 11th World Congress of Social Economics (11 June 2004)

Hălăngescu, Constantin I. (2012): HOMO OECONOMICUS și HOMO ACADEMICUS: limite și aspecte conceptuale.

Hălăngescu, Constantin I. (2012): Mundus academicus: arhitectura și adaptarea la fluxurile globalizării (I).

Hălăngescu, Constantin I. (2012): Mundus academicus: arhitectura și adaptarea la fluxurile globalizării (II).


ISSIFOU, Hamza (2023): Aides publiques étrangères, gouvernance et terrorisme en Afrique de l'ouest : quelles implications ? Published in: MPRA No. Erreurs (15 October 0020): pp. 1-20.

Iheonu, Chimere and Ihedimma, Godfrey and Onwuanaku, Chigozie (2017): Institutional Quality and Economic Performance in West Africa.


Jackson, Emerson Abraham (2018): Theoretical and Methodological Context of (Post)-Modern Econometrics and Competing Philosophical Discourses for Policy Prescription. Forthcoming in: Postmodern Openings , Vol. 9, No. 3 (1 September 2018)


K.N, Nair and C.S, Krishnakumar (2014): Breeding, Feeding and Distribution of Milch Animal Holdings in India:An Analysis Based on the Data from the National Dairy Sample Survey.

Kafri, Oded (2008): Sociological and Economic Inequality and the Second Law.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2013): Toolism! A Critique of Econophysics.

Kaluzhsky, M.L. (2006): Генезис цивитальной организации: идеология нового мира. Published in: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, KG , Vol. full, No. - (2012): pp. 1-416.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2001): Общая теория систем и научная интерпретация социальной реальности.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2013): Институциональная интерпретация экономических циклов. Published in: Восемнадцатые Апрельские экономические чтения: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. (2013): pp. 94-97.

Khalidi, Raja J. and Samour, Sobhi (2010): Neoliberalism as Liberation: The Statehood Program and the Remaking of the Palestinian National Movement. Published in: Journal of Palestine Studies , Vol. XL, No. No. 2 (Winter 2011) (February 2011): pp. 6-25.

Khan, Haider (2024): Women’s Socially Embedded Capabilities and Development: A Theory-based Empirical Investigation.

Khan, Haider (2008): Dialectical Logic and Self-consciousness: Some Preliminary Remarks on Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit and Science of Logic.

Khan, Haider (2008): Hermeneutics and Dialectics: (Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger and) Hans-Georg Gadamer.

Khan, Haider A. (2008): Friedman’s Methodology: A Puzzle and A Proposal for Generating Useful Debates through Causal Comparisons (with a postscript on positive vs. normative theories).

Khumalo, Bhekuzulu (2008): The Variable Time: crucial to understanding Knowledge Economics.

Kimbambu Tsasa Vangu, Jean - Paul (2012): Analyse de la Relation Guerres Civiles et Croissance Économique.

Kleiner, George (2023): Расширяющаяся вселенная экономической теории. Published in:

Kleiner, George (2009): A New Theory of Economic Systems and Its Application to Economic Police Studies. Published in: RRC Working Paper Series No. 13 (March 2009)

Kombarov, Sayan (2021): Action in Economics: Mathematical Derivation of Laws of Economics from the Principle of Least Action in Physics. Published in: Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies (24 August 2021): pp. 123-129.

Konov, Joshua Ioji / JK (2011): Piercing the Veil’s Effect on Corporate Human Rights Violations & International Corporate Crime (Human Trafficking, Slavery, etc). Forthcoming in: Scribd.com , Vol. 1, No. 1 (4 January 2012): pp. 1-29.

Konow, James (2009): Adam Smith and Moral Knowledge.

Konow, James (2006): Is Fairness in the Eye of the Beholder? An Impartial Spectator Analysis of Justice. Published in: Social Choice and Welfare , Vol. 33, No. 1 (June 2009): pp. 101-127.

Koundouri, Phoebe (2004): Current issues in the economics of groundwater resource management. Published in: JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS , Vol. 18, No. 5 (2004): pp. 703-740.

Koundouri, Phoebe (2000): Three approaches to measuring natural resource scarcity: theory and application to groundwater. Published in: (24 October 2000)

Koundouri, Phoebe (2011): The Use of Economic Valuation in Environmental Policy: Providing Research Support for the Implementation of Eu Water Policy Under Aquastress. Published in: (15 December 2011)

Koundouri, Phoebe and Birol, Ekin (2011): Water Resources Allocation:Policy & Socioeconomic Issues in Cyprus. Published in: (2011)

Koundouri, Phoebe and Karousakis, Katia (2006): Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions:Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Published in: (2006)

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