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Items where Subject is "B40 - General"

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Number of items at this level: 158.


Abitbol, Pablo and Botero, Felipe (2006): Teoría de Elección Racional: estructura conceptual y evolución reciente. Published in: Colombia Internacional No. 62 : pp. 132-145.

Abozaid, Abdulazeem (2014): Reforming the methodolgoy of product development in Islamic finance. Published in: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing No. 9783659546426 (26 May 2014): pp. 1-52.

Aerts, Diederik and Broekaert, Jan and Czachor, Marek and D'Hooghe, Bart (2011): A Quantum-Conceptual Explanation of Violations of Expected Utility in Economics. Published in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 7052, No. 7052 (2011): pp. 192-198.

Aithal, Architha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Development and Validation of Survey Questionnaire & Experimental Data – A Systematical Review-based Statistical Approach. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (31 October 2020): pp. 233-251.

Alam, M. Shahid (2003): A Short History of the Global Economy Since 1800.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Empirical.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Metaphysical.

Albers, Scott (2012): Predicting crises: Five essays on the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises. Published in: Middle East Studies On-line Journal , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 6 (8 August 2011): pp. 199-253.

Albers, Scott (2019): An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2013): Does “Okun’s Law” state a Pi:1 ratio? Toward a harmonic interpretation of why Okun’s Law works.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu and Georgescu, George and Ghizdeanu, Ion (2008): Romania’s development level comparing with EU countries: The RGS (Relative Gap Scoring) Ranking Index.

Ambrosino, Angela (2009): Institutions as game theory outcomes: toward a cognitive-experimental inquiry. Published in: International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2012): pp. 129-150.

Ambrosino, Angela and Gigante, Anna Azzurra (2016): “Economics meets the other sciences: interpreting new economic programs and proposing new theories for Institutional Cognitive Economics”.

Aoki, Takaaki (2000): Models of Equilibrium Pricing with Internalized Powers of Independent Judgment Based on Autonomy.


Barbashin, Maksim (2014): Методологические возможности “Блумингтонской школы”: и перспективы развития современного неоинституционализма. Published in: Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии No. 1 (8 April 2014): pp. 98-111.

Beja, Edsel Jr. (2006): Forensic Accounting: Hidden balance of payments of the Philippines. Published in: Loyola Schools Review , Vol. 6, (2007): pp. 1-14.

Beja Jr, Edsel (2013): Does economic prosperity bring about a happier society? Mathematical remarks on the Easterlin Paradox debate.

Benazzo, Piero (2010): Equity Criteria as Instrument to Ensure Sustainability of Pareto or Kaldor-Hicks Efficiency: A Correlation Hidden by Sources of Confounding as Key for Sorting Out the Global Economic Crisis. Published in: Economics & Management , Vol. 15, (22 April 2010): pp. 12-17.

Bhirombhakdi, Kornpob (2011): Performance of a reciprocity model in predicting a positive reciprocity decision. Published in: Proceedings of International Conference on Management, Economics and Social Sciences (ICMESS'2011)) : pp. 504-508.

Bianchi, Ana Maria (2010): A propósito de Antonio Maria: tendências recentes da metodologia econômica. Forthcoming in: (2010)

Birolo, Adriano (2010): La ricerca economica in Italia tra pluralismo e monismo: i giovani economisti negli ultimi trent’anni.

Bos, Frits (1993): Standard national accounting concepts, economic theory and data compilation issues; on constancy and change in the UN-Manuals on national accounting (1947, 1953, 1968, 1993). Published in: National Accounts Occasional Paper , Vol. NA-61, (1993)

Boyarkin, Dmitriy (2008): Собственность - Графическая Модель.

Boyko, Irina (2008): Central and East European countries: innovation leapfrog versus “path dependence”?

Brauer, Jurgen and Caruso, Raul (2011): Peace economists and peace economics.

Bukvić, Rajko (2023): Импликације методолошког индивидуализма и теореме о невидљивој руци на домете деловања слободног тржишта. Published in: ЕКОМ 2023 Актуелни друштвено-економски изазови развоја земаља у савременим условима (2023): pp. 160-176.

Bukvić, Rajko (2024): Предмет и методы экономических наук. Published in: Предмет и методы экономических наук, Нижегородский инженерно-экономический университет, Княгинино (2024)

Bukvić, Rajko and Hinić, Branko (1992): Vremenske serije u stalnim cenama i problem prelaska na neoriginalnu baznu godinu. Published in: Ekonomska misao , Vol. 25, No. 4 (1992): pp. 411-421.

Bukvić, Rajko and Pavlović, Radica and Gajić, Аlеksаndаr M. (2014): Possibilities of Application of the Index Concentration of Linda in Small Economy: Example of Serbian Food Industries. Published in: Annals of the Oradea University. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering , Vol. 23 (13, No. 3 (2014): pp. 159-164.


Cassoni, Adriana and Flores, Manuel (2008): Methodological shortcomings in estimating Armington elasticities.

Charles, Sébastien and Lang, Dany and Asensio, Angel (2010): Post-Keynesian modelling: where are we, and where are we going to?

Cosma, Dorin and Cosma, Octavian (2009): Modern Risk Management Strategies for the Romanian State Treasury.

cavalieri, duccio (2003): On the closure of the monetary circuit.


Danacica, Daniela-Emanuela and Babucea, Ana-Gabriela and Caruntu, Constantin (2006): Disparities regarding life quality in Central and Eastern European Countries. Published in: CD Proceedings International Workshop Models in Economics (2007)

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2013): Reason-Based Rationalization.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2015): Reason-based choice and context-dependence: An explanatory framework.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2016): What matters and how it matters: A choice-theoretic representation of moral theories. Forthcoming in: Philosophical Review (2017)

Dill, Alexander and Gebhart, Nicolas (2016): Redundancy, Unilateralism and Bias beyond GDP – results of a Global Index Benchmark.


Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2023): The Economics of Wellbeing and Psychology: An Historical and Methodological Viewpoint.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2025): Tony Lawson’s Critique of Modern Economics and his Contribution to Heterodox Economics.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2022): Value Judgements, Positivism and Utility Comparisons in Economics. Published in: Journal of Business Ethics (March 2023)

Drakopoulos, Stavros (1998): The concept of orders of instruments and goods in J. Rae and C. Menger. Published in: The Economics of John Rae by O. Hamouda, C. Lee and D. Mair (eds). No. Routledge, London (1998): pp. 66-72.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2009): Book Review of “On the Role of Paradigms in Finance” (Ardalan, 2008). Published in: South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics , Vol. 2, (2009): pp. 257-259.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2022): The Conceptual Resilience of the Atomistic Individual in Mainstream Economic Rationality.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2016): Economic Crisis, Economic Methodology and the Scientific Ideal of Physics. Forthcoming in: Journal of Philosophical Economics (2016)

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2020): The Marginalization of Absolute and Relative Income Hypotheses of Consumption and the Role of Fiscal Policy.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. and Karayiannis, Anastassios (1999): Mainstream Consumer Theory: Delay, Acceptance and History Texts. Published in: History of Economics Review , Vol. 30, No. Summer (1999): pp. 68-71.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. and Katselidis, Ioannis (2013): From Edgeworth to Econophysics: A Methodological Perspective.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. and Katselidis, Ioannis (2017): The Relationship between Psychology and Economics: Insights from the History of Economic Thought.


Erasmo, Valentina (2021): Female economists and philosophers’ role in Amartya Sen’s thought: his colleagues and his scholars.

Escañuela Romana, Ignacio (2016): Azar, Determinismo e Indecidibilidad en la Teoría del Ciclo Económico.

Escudé, Guillermo J. (2021): Karl Marx´s Theory of Capitalism Exposition, Critique, and Appraisal. Published in: (2021): pp. 1-590.

Estrada, Fernando (2011): The Carnapian Aufbau model: epistemology of the sense-data.

Estrada, Fernando (2009): Evolución Estrategica del Conflicto Armado en Colombia. Published in: Revista Analisis Político No. 67 (December 2009): pp. 156-181.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Heurística: notas muy preliminares para analizar problemas en economía.

Estrada, Fernando (2011): The visual model of the Aufbau.


Felice, Emanuele (2014): Il Mezzogiorno fra storia e pubblicistica. Una replica a Daniele e Malanima.

Felice, Emanuele (2015): The Misty Grail: The Search for a Comprehensive Measure of Development and the Reasons of GDP Primacy.

Fenoaltea, Stefano (2018): Spleen: the failures of the cliometric school.

Fiore, Annamaria (2009): Experimental Economics: Some Methodological Notes.

Frasser, Cristian and Guzmán, Gabriel (2024): The Plurality of Economic Classifications: Toward a New Strategy for Their Investigation. Published in: Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics , Vol. 24, No. 1 (24 May 2024): pp. 1-23.

Freeman, Alan (1999): Between Two World Systems: A Response to David Laibman. Published in: Research in Political Economy No. 17 (April 1999): pp. 241-248.

Freeman, Alan (2004): Confronting the Evidence: Marx's Historians on the Falling Profit Rate.

Freeman, Alan (2004): Geld. Published in: Historisch Kritisch Wörterbuch des Marxismus, Band 5: Gegenöffentlichkeit–Hegemonialapparat. No. Band 5 (May 2004)

Freeman, Alan (2004): Geld (Money). Published in: Historisch Kritisch Wörterbuch des Marxismus, Band 5: Gegenöffentlichkeit–Hegemonialapparat. No. Band 5 (May 2004)

Freeman, Alan (2000): Marxian debates on the falling rate of profit.

Freeman, Alan (1996): Price, value and profit – a continuous, general, treatment. Published in: Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics (book) (April 1996): pp. 180-233.

Freeman, Alan (2002): Valore e Marx: Perche sono importanti. Published in: Proteo No. 2001-2 (2002): pp. 52-61.

Freeman, Alan (2002): Value and Marx: why it matters. Published in: Proteo No. 2001-2 (2002): pp. 52-61.

Freeman, Alan (2000): Value, Price of Production and Market Price.

Freeman, Alan (1998): The indeterminacy of price-value correlations: a comment on papers by Simo Mohun and Anwar Shaikh. Published in: Bellofiore, R (ed) Marxian Economics: a Reappraisal, Volume 2, pp139-162. Basingstoke: McMillan. ISBN 0 333 64411 5 (1998): pp. 139-162.

Freeman, Alan and Kliman, Andrew (1998): Simultaneous and Temporal Valuation Contrasted.

Freeman, Alan and Kliman, Andrew (2000): Two Concepts of Value, Two Rates of Profit, Two Laws of Motion. Published in: Research in Political Economy No. 18 (April 2000): pp. 243-267.

Funk, Matt (2008): On the Problem of Vague Terms: A Glossary of Clearly Stated Assumptions & Careful, Patient, Descriptions.

Funk, Matt (2008): On the Problem of the Island of Earth: Introducing a Universal Theory of Value in an Open Letter to The President of the United States.

Funk, Matt (2009): On the Travesty of the Tragedy of the Commons: Hardin's Nontrivial Error.

Funk, Matt (2009): On the Truly Noncooperative Game of Life on Earth: Darwin, Hardin, & Ostrom's Nontrivial Errors.

Fusari, Angelo (2014): The Contrast between Mainstream and Heterodox Economics: A Misleading Controversy—“Necessary” System versus “Natural” System. Published in: Journal of Business and Economics , Vol. 5, No. N° 7 (July 2014): pp. 1077-1091.

Fusari, Angelo (2013): Methodological Misconceptions in the Social Sciences. Rethinking social thought and social processes. Published in: (2014): pp. 1-64.

Fusari, Angtelo (2007): Rationalité, relativisme, évolution sociale: une analyse critique du modèle cognitiviste de Boudon-Weber. Published in: International Review of Sociology , Vol. 17, No. 3 : pp. 459-487.


George, Justine (2016): A Review of Scientific Approach in the Methodology of Social Science Research: Contributions of Kuhn, Popper and Lakatos.

Giocoli, Nicola (2005): Mathematics as the role model for neoclassical economics (Blanqui Lecture). Published in: Arena R., Dow S. & Klaes M. (eds.), Open Economics: Economics in Relation to Other Disciplines, Routledge, London (2009): pp. 129-149.

Gorga, Carmine (2017): Concordian Economics: Beyond Micro and Macroeconomics.

Gorga, Carmine (2016): Concordian economics and the economic bubble. Published in: Econintersect , Vol. NA, No. Daily Internet newsletter (15 August 2016): NA-NA.

Guliyev, Fariz (2014): The Economics of Financial Securities for Environmental Obligations and Their Impact in Royalty Revenues from Alberta Oil Sands in North America. Published in: The Journal of Economic Sciences: Theory and Practice , Vol. 1, No. 71 (2014): pp. 53-79.


Hanappi, Hardy (2020): Perplexing Complexity Human Modelling and Primacy of the Group as Essence of Complexity.

Hanappi, Hardy (2021): Sign Systems of Lust and Slavery. Money as the consecration of bread and wine.

Hardt, Lukasz (2011): An inquiry into the explanatory virtues of transaction cost economics. Published in: Journal of Philosophical Economics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (2011): pp. 120-147.

Heise, Arne (2016): Why has economics turned out this way?’ A socio-economic note on the explanation of monism in economics. Published in: The Journal of Philosophical Economics , Vol. X, No. 1 (2016): pp. 81-101.

Heise, Arne and Thieme, Sebastian (2016): The Short Rise and Long Fall of heterodox Economics in germany After the 1970s: Explorations in a Scientific Field of Power and Struggle. Published in: Journal of Economic Issues , Vol. L, No. 4 (2016): pp. 1105-1130.

Herrmann, Peter (2006): Precarity – Logical Consequence of Societies that Lost the Social.

Herrmann, Peter and van der Maesen, Laurent J.G. (2008): Social Quality and Precarity: Approaching New Patterns of Societal (Dis)Integration.


Islahi, Abdul Azim (2009): Teaching Islamic finance in madaris – need, difficulties and solutions. Published in: Teaching Islamic Economics and finance at Islamic Schools in India, New Delhi, Ifa Publications, edited by Ausaf Ahmad (2010): pp. 51-68.


Jaelani, Aan (2012): PENGELOLAAN APBN DAN POLITIK ANGGARAN DI INDONESIA DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM. Published in: Jurnal Al-Qalam, IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten , Vol. 1, No. Islam dan Ekonomi (5 July 2012): pp. 1-24.



KARGI, Bilal (2012): İnsan Düşüncesinde İktisadi Alanın (Yeniden) Yapılanması Üzerine Spekülasyonlar. Published in: Gümüşhane Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi , Vol. 3, No. 6 (June 2012): pp. 8-40.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1997): Кризис русской социальной философии. Published in: Region + No. 2 (1997): pp. 71-72.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2000): Несколько слов о социальном детерминизме. Published in: Вестник Омского отделения Академии гуманитарных наук No. 5 (2000): pp. 56-60.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2006): Формирование и развитие социальных систем. Published in: Научные основы организации управленческого труда / Материалы Всеросс. научно-практич. конференции. No. Секция 1. Организационные аспекты управления. (2006): pp. 10-24.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2000): Методология анализа системных противоречий общественного развития. Published in: (17 January 2000): pp. 1-126.

Kane, Richard (2012): Measures and Motivations: U.S. National Income and Product Estimates During the Great Depression and World War II.

Khalil, Elias (2006): The Roadblock of Culturalist Economics: Economic Change á la Douglass North.

Khan, Haider (2008): Dialectical Logic and Self-consciousness: Some Preliminary Remarks on Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit and Science of Logic.

Khan, Haider (2008): Hermeneutics and Dialectics: (Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger and) Hans-Georg Gadamer.

Kirdina, Svetlana (2003): Institutional matrices and institutional changes. Published in: Economic Transformation and Evolutionary Theory of J. Schumpeter. The 5th International Symposium on Evolutionary Economics, Pushchino, Moscow region, Russia, 25-27 September, 2003. (September 2003): pp. 182-195.

Kirdina, Svetlana (2010): Взгляд экономиста-социолога: заметки с XVII Мирового социологического конгресса, Гетеборг, Швеция, 11-17 июля 2010. Published in: Journal of the New Economic Association , Vol. 4, (2010): pp. 162-167.

Kirdina, Svetlana and Vernikov, Andrei (2010): Эволюция банков в Х- и Y-экономиках. Published in: Эволюционная экономика и финансы: инновации, конкуренция, экономический рост / Под редакцией В.И. Маевского и С.Г. Кирдиной. М.: Институт экон (December 2010): pp. 244-278.

Kirdina, Svetlana G. (2007): Модели экономики в теории институциональных матриц. Published in: Экономическая наука современной России , Vol. 37, No. 2 (2007): pp. 34-51.

Kliman, Andrew and Freeman, Alan (2000): Rejoinder to Duncan Foley and David Laibman. Published in: Research in Political Economy No. 18 (April 2000): pp. 285-293.

Kozhurin, Fedir (2011): Supramacroeconomics: the newest management technology.

Kuzmin, Evgeny A. and Semyonovykh, Sergei M. (2015): Rethinking of Coase Theorem: Externalities and Uncertainty. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , Vol. 5, No. 4 (October 2015): pp. 875-883.


Leiashvily, Paata (2021): Macroeconomic Order from Microeconomic Chaos. Published in: American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences , Vol. 7, No. 1 (January 2021): pp. 1-15.

Leiashvily, Paata (2020): Macroeconomic Order from Microeconomic Chaos.

Leiashvily, Paata (2018): The frame of reference for new economic thinking.

Lo, Alex (2014): The Problem of Methodological Pluralism in Ecological Economics.

Loaiza Quintero, Osmar Leandro (2007): Comentarios sobre el enfoque de la Economía Institucional.

Lucarelli, Stefano and Baron, Hervé (2024): Una nota introduttiva a "Classe operaia e padronato nelle recenti vicende economiche". Published in:


Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Investment decisions, net present value and bounded rationality. Forthcoming in: Quantitative Finance

Mailu, Stephen and Kuloba, Bernard and Ruto, Eric and Nyangena, Wilfred (2010): Effect of cropping policy on landowner reactions towards wildlife: a case of Naivasha area, Kenya.

Marandici, Ion (2022): Loss Aversion, Neo-imperial Frames and Territorial Expansion: Using Prospect Theory to Examine the Annexation of Crimea. Published in: Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society , Vol. 8, No. 1 (1 October 2022)

Mastrogiorgio, Antonio and Petracca, Enrico (2016): Embodying rationality. Published in: Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Logical, Epistemological and Cognitive Issues (July 2016): pp. 219-237.

Messono, Omang and Asongu, Simplice and Tchamyou, Vanessa (2022): Historical prevalence of infectious diseases and gender equality in 122 countries. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): Islamic Banks Financing and Poverty Alleviation in Sudan.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): Utilizing System Dynamics Models in Analyzing Macroeconomic Variables of Yemen.

Morales-Oñate, Víctor (2019): Redes de Poder y Economía en Bertrand Russell. Published in: Chakiñan No. 8 (1 August 2019): pp. 36-51.

Morone, Andrea and Casamassima, Alessia and Cascavilla, Alessandro (2021): Individual decision-making experiment with risk and intertemporal choice: a replication study.

Mosikari, Teboho Jeremiah and Nthebe, Tselane Confidence and Eita, Joel Hinaunye (2018): Does corruption hampers inward FDI in South Africa from other African countries? a gravity model analysis.

magni, Carlo Alberto (2006): Zelig and the Art of Measuring Excess Profit. Published in: Frontiers in Finance and Economics , Vol. 1, No. 3 (June 2006): pp. 103-129.


NGUENA, CHRISTIAN LAMBERT (2010): Rethinking Pro-Growth Monetary Policy in Africa: Monetarist versus Keynesian Approach. Forthcoming in: African Development Bank Economic Brief , Vol. 4, No. 6 (8 December 2013): pp. 1-8.

Naqvi, Nadeem (2007): Constant returns to scale and economic theories of value.

Nisticò, Sergio (2010): Production of (Pleasant) Time by Means of (Unpleasant) Time: Some Notes on Consumption Theory and Time Use.


Obregon, Carlos (2021): Keynes Today. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2021): Today’s Problems: In The Minds of The Great Economists. Published in:


Popp, Alexandru W. A. (2009): Efficient coalition formation and stable coalition structures in a supply chain environment.


Qiu, Jianying (2015): Completing incomplete preferences.

Qiu, Jianying (2015): Completing incomplete preferences.


Rashid, Muhammad Mustafa (2017): King, Fuller and Dworkin on Natural Law and Hard Cases.

Ruiz Estrada, M.A. (2005): Econoghraphication.

Ruiz Estrada, Mario Arturo (2013): The Application of the Minimum Food Security Quota (MFS-Quota): Malaysia.

Ruiz-Porras, Antonio (2012): La investigación econométrica mediante paneles de datos: Historia, modelos y usos en México.


Sanjaya, Muhammad Ryan (2013): Mea Culpa, Economica: Perkembangan Konsep dan Pengajaran Ilmu Ekonomi Pasca Krisis Ekonomi Global 2008.

Schipper, Burkhard C (2008): On an Evolutionary Foundation of Neuroeconomics.

Sircar, Jyotirmoy (2010): Women’s work participation since the 1990s in India: some theoretical and empirical issues.

Situngkir, Hokky (2010): Landscape in the Economy of Conspicuous Consumptions. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series , Vol. WP-E-2, (7 May 2010)

Situngkir, Hokky (2006): What can we do with the Research Institute for Social Complexity Sciences in Indonesia? Published in: Working Paper Series BFI No. WPG2006

Snir, Avichai and Levy, Dudi and Wang, Dian and Chen, Haipeng (Allan) and Levy, Daniel (2024): Large Effects of Small Cues: Priming Selfish Economic Decisions.

Spash, Clive L. and Ryan, Anthony M. (2010): Ecological, heterodox and neoclassical economics: investigating the differences.

Stavros, Drakopoulos (2021): The Relation of Neoclassical Economics to other Disciplines: The case of Physics and Psychology. Forthcoming in: Economic Methodology, History and Pluralism No. edited by I. Negru and P. Hawkins, Routledge Publishers, London.


Turner, Grant (2018): Establishing a comprehensive census of undergraduate economics curricula:Foundational and special requirements for major programs in the U.S.

Turnock, David (2005): Settlement history and sustainability in the Carpathians in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Published in: Review of Historical Geography and Toponomastics , Vol. I, No. 1 (21 February 2006): pp. 31-60.


Vergés-Jaime, Joaquim (2020): Economics as a science -or viewed from the perspective of scientists in other fields. Published in: CADMUS , Vol. 4, No. 2 (July 2020): pp. 247-257.

Vijayamohanan, Pillai N. and Asalatha, B. P. (2012): Measuring Women Empowerment: Dissecting the Methodological Discourse.

van den Hauwe, Ludwig (2007): John Maynard Keynes and Ludwig von Mises on Probability.


Yao, Ye (2008): Dalai Lama et Laurens van den Muyzenberg, Ce que le bouddhisme peutapporter aux managers. Published in: Librairie Vuibert, Paris (2008)

Yefimov, Vladimir (2004): On pragmatist institutional economics.


Zacchia, Giulia (2016): Segregation or homologation? Gender differences in recent Italian economic thought.

Zaman, Asad and Rahim, Faizur (2008): Corruption: Measuring the Unmeasurable.

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