Munich Personal RePEc Archive

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Group by: Date | Item ID
Number of items: 59.

October 2001

Popov, Vladimir (2001): Currency crises in Russia and other transition economies. Published in: (2003)


Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir (2003): Accumulation of Foreign Exchange Reserves and Long Term Growth.


Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir (2005): Appropriate Economic Policies at Different Stages of Development.

Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir (2005): Democracy and Growth Reconsidered: Why Economic Performance of New Democracies is not Encouraging.

October 2005

Popov, Vladimir (2005): Exchange rate in a resource based economy in the short term: the case of Russia.


Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir (2006): Эволюционная теория экономической политики: Часть I: Опыт быстрого развития. Published in: Voprosy ekonomiki No. 7 (2006): pp. 4-23.

Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir (2006): Эволюционная теория экономической политики: Часть II: Необходимость своевременного переключения. Published in: Voprosy ekonomiki No. 8 (2006): pp. 46-64.

Popov, Vladimir (2006): Life cycle of the centrally planned economy: Why Soviet growth rates peaked in the 1950s. Published in: (2007)

Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir (2006): Stages of Development, Economic Policies and a New World Economic Order.


Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir and Tonis, Alexander (2007): Экономическая политика, качество институтов и механизмы "ресурсного проклятия". Published in: Higher School of Economics Publishing House (2007)

Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir (2007): Демократизация и экономический рост. Published in: Obschestvennye nauki i sovremennost' No. 2 (2007): pp. 13-27.

Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir (2007): Democratization, Quality of Institutions and Economic Growth.

Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir and Tonis, Alexander (2007): Resource Abundance, Political Corruption, and Instability of Democracy.


Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir and Tonis, Alexander (2008): Нестабильность демократии в странах, богатых ресурсами. Published in: HSE Economic Journal , Vol. 12, No. 2 (2008): pp. 176-200.

Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir and Tonis, Alexander (2008): Mechanisms of Resource Curse, Economic Policy and Growth.


Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir and Tonis, Alexander (2009): Концентрация доходов, нестабильность демократии и экономический рост. Published in: Economics and Mathematical Methods , Vol. 45, No. 1 (2009): pp. 15-29.

Polterovich, Victor and Popov, Vladimir and Tonis, Alexander (2009): Instability of Democracy as Resource Curse.

May 2009

Popov, Vladimir (2009): Mortality Crisis in Russia Revisited: Evidence from Cross-Regional Comparison.


Popov, Vladimir (2010): To devalue or not to devalue? How East European countries responded to the outflow of capital in 1997-99 and in 2008-09.

March 2010

Popov, Vladimir (2010): Development theories and development experience: half a century journey.

May 2010

Popov, Vladimir (2010): Global imbalances: an unconventional view.

Popov, Vladimir (2010): Is Chinese variety of capitalism really unique?

March 2011

Popov, Vladimir (2011): Developing new measurements of State institutional capacity.

Popov, Vladimir (2011): Why transition economies did worse than others in 2008-09 recession?

30 July 2013

Popov, Vladimir (2013): Economic Miracle of Post-Soviet Space: Why Uzbekistan Managed to Achieve What No Other Post-Soviet State Achieved.

11 December 2013

Jomo, Kwame Sundaram and Popov, Vladimir (2013): Whither Income Inequalities?

9 March 2014

Popov, Vladimir (2014): Socialism is dead, long live socialism!

5 May 2014


Popov, Vladimir (2014): Can Uzbekistan Economy Retain Its High Growth Rates? Scenarios of Economic Development in 2015-30.

8 August 2014


24 December 2014

Popov, Vladimir (2014): Puzzles of public opinion: Why Soviet population supports the transition to capitalism since the 1980S.

31 July 2015

Popov, Vladimir (2015): Разрыв между Югом и Западом по уровню экономического развития сокращается?

Popov, Vladimir (2015): Catching up: Developing countries in pursuit of growth.

1 October 2015

Popov, Vladimir and Chowdhury, Anis (2015): What Uzbekistan tells us about industrial policy that we did not know?

15 August 2016

Popov, Vladimir (2016): Is Globalization Coming to an End Due to Rise of Income Inequalities?

1 June 2018

Popov, Vladimir (2018): Paradoxes of Happiness: Why People Feel More Comfortable With High Inequalities And High Murder Rates?

Popov, Vladimir (2018): Why Some Countries Have More Billionaires Than Others? (Explaining Variations in Billionaire Intensity of GDP).

17 September 2018

Gharleghi, Behrooz and Popov, Vladimir (2018): Changes in the geographical structure of trade in Central Asia: Real flows in the 1989-2016 period versus gravity model predictions. Published in: Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute

October 2018

Gharleghi, Behrooz and Popov, Vladimir (2018): Farewell to Agriculture? Productivity Trends and the Competitiveness of Agriculture in Central Asia. Published in:

28 December 2018

Popov, Vladimir and Grote, Jurgen (2018): The causes of political misperceptions: Suggestions for research.

21 May 2019

Popov, Vladimir (2019): Billionaires, millionaires, inequality, and happiness.

26 July 2019

Popov, Vladimir (2019): Successes and failures of industrial policy: Lessons from transition (post-communist) economies of Europe and Asia.

21 April 2020

Popov, Vladimir (2020): A myth of soft budget constraints in socialist economies.

18 May 2020

Popov, Vladimir (2020): How to Deal with a Coronavirus Economic Recession?

20 May 2020

Popov, Vladimir (2020): Global health care system after coronavirus: Who has responsibility to protect.

20 June 2020

Popov, Vladimir (2020): The mystery of growth mechanism in a centrally planned economy: Planning process and economics of shortages.

28 February 2021

Popov, Vladimir (2021): Why Europe looks so much like China: Big government and low income inequalities.

24 November 2022

Popov, Vladimir (2022): Why is the United States so tough on Russia? The answer may be in the Lenin’s brochure of 1920.

27 November 2022

Popov, Vladimir (2022): Brexit: Four charts to explain why did Britain make the decision to leave the EU.

29 November 2022

Popov, Vladimir (2022): “Good” and “bad” GDP: Output fall in transition economies and the dead rat effect.

1 March 2023

Popov, Vladimir (2023): Why the rich and the poor value freedom and equality differently.

July 2023

Popov, Vladimir (2023): Can China maintain high growth rates under the “dual-circulation” decoupling?

20 August 2023

Popov, Vladimir (2023): US dollar is losing it position of a reserve currency: How the BRICS development bank can ensure the soft landing.

3 September 2023

Popov, Vladimir and Konchakov, Roman and Didenko, Dmitry (2023): Factors of social tension in the provinces of the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

14 January 2024

Popov, Vladimir and Konchakov, Roman and Didenko, Dmitry (2024): Human capital in the regions of the Russian Empire and inequality in land distribution at the turn of the 20th century.

18 March 2024

Popov, Vladimir (2024): Сколько прав нужно человеку: взлет и падение либерализма.

2 August 2024

Popov, Vladimir (2024): Balance of Payments, Exchange Rate, and Foreign Exchange Reserves in China since 1979.

23 August 2024

Popov, Vladimir (2024): Китайская модель: ретроспектива и перспектива.

21 September 2024

Popov, Vladimir and Konchakov, Roman and Didenko, Dmitry (2024): Growth of human capital in the regions of the Russian Empire in 1897-1913: the role of local self-government bodies (zemstva) financing.

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