Sokolovska, Olena and Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2011): The effect of tax-tariff reform: evidence from Ukraine.
Sokolovska, Olena and Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2012): Genesis of market failure of adverse-selection-type in problem of effective capital allocation.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro and Sokolovska, Olena (2013): The problem of arising the Pareto inefficient norm in relations “investor – government” type.
Sokolovska, Olena and Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2014): Tax incentive regimes: models and research methods.
Sokolovska, Olena and Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2015): Tax evasion as a determinant of corruption: a game-theoretical analysis.
Sokolovska, Olena and Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2015): VAT efficiency in the countries worldwide.
Sokolovska, Olena and Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2015): Analysis of dependence of tax behavior on macroeconomic factors: the case of OECD countries.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro and Sokolovska, Olena (2016): Tax burden optimization on economic agents by modeling interaction in the taxation system.
Sokolovska, Olena and Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2016): Optimization of government trade behavior and its implication for small developing economy (the case of Ukraine).
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2016): Zastosowanie behawioralnych czynników do oceny i zarządzania poziomem konkurencyjnością przedsiębiorstw.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2017): Evaluations of endogenous efficiency of the norm.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2017): Informal and formal meaning of the norm and the institution.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2017): Gaming modeling of self-enforcing agreements and free-rider problem.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2018): Macroeconomic indicators of determination on tax behaviour of OECD countries.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2018): Analysis of dependencies between state tax behavior and macroeconomic indicators.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2018): Game-theoretic model of tax evasion: analysis of agents’ interaction and optimization of tax burden.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2018): The factors inefficient allocation of investment between economies.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2018): Factors for the formation of inefficient states when using tax incentive regimes.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2019): Cumulative analysis of dependence government tax behaviour on economy’s efficiency factors for totality the world countries.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2020): Is Race to the bottom is modeled as Prisoner's dilemma?
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2021): Is tax competition necessarily a Race to the bottom? Optimal tax rate trajectories in the model of tax competition for different objective functions.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro (2025): The disbalances concept as an alternative to the market failure concept for the outline market inability.
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