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Items where Subject is "B20 - General"

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Number of items at this level: 104.


Aguado, Itziar (2005): La Agenda 21 Local como instrumento de desarrollo sostenible.

Ambrosino, Angela (2009): Institutions as game theory outcomes: toward a cognitive-experimental inquiry. Published in: International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2012): pp. 129-150.

Asongu, Simplice (2018): Introduction. Published in: Palgrave Macmillan , Vol. 1, (2018): pp. 1-9.

Asongu, Simplice (2015): On the dynamic effects of foreign aid on corruption. Published in: European Economics Letters , Vol. 1, No. 5 (June 2015): pp. 1-5.

Asongu, Simplice (2015): Rational Asymmetric Development, Piketty and the Spirit of Poverty in Africa.

Asongu, Simplice (2015): Reinventing foreign aid for inclusive and sustainable development: Kuznets, Piketty and the great policy reversal. Published in: Journal of Economic Surveys (May 2015)

Asongu, Simplice (2014): Reinventing foreign aid for inclusive and sustainable development: a survey.

Asongu, Simplice (2014): Taxation, foreign aid and political governance: figures to the facts of a celebrated literature.

Asongu, Simplice (2014): A brief clarification to the questionable economics of foreign aid for inclusive human development.

Asongu, Simplice (2014): The questionable economics of development assistance in Africa: hot-fresh evidence, 1996-2010. Published in: The Review of Black Political Economy , Vol. 4, No. 41 (13 December 2014): pp. 455-480.

Asongu, Simplice and Ezeaku, Hillary (2020): Aid Grants vs. Technical Cooperation Grants: Implications for Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1984-2018. Forthcoming in: Journal of Public Affairs

Asongu, Simplice and Jellal, Mohamed (2015): Foreign Aid Fiscal Policy: Theory and Evidence. Published in: Comparative Economic Studies , Vol. 58, No. 2 (17 March 2016): pp. 279-314.

Asongu, Simplice and Jellal, Mohamed (2014): Foreign aid, investment and fiscal policy behavior: theory and empirical evidence.

Asongu, Simplice and Jellal, Mohamed (2014): International aid corruption and fiscal behavior policy.

Asongu, Simplice and Nnanna, Joseph (2018): Foreign aid and sustainable inclusive human development in Africa. Published in: DBN Journal of Economics and Sustainable Growth , Vol. 1, No. 2 (January 2019): pp. 1-29.

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta (2017): Increasing foreign aid for inclusive human development in Africa. Forthcoming in: Social Indicators Research

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta (2016): Rational Asymmetric Development, Piketty and Poverty in Africa. Published in: The European Journal of Comparative Economics , Vol. 2, No. 13 (December 2016): pp. 221-246.

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta C. (2014): Foreign Aid and Governance in Africa.

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta C. (2015): Foreign Aid and Inclusive Development: Updated Evidence from Africa, 2005-2012. Forthcoming in: Social Science Quarterly

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2019): Foreign Aid Complementarities and Inclusive Human Development in Africa. Forthcoming in: Forthcoming: Journal of Social Service Research

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2019): Taxation, foreign aid and political governance in Africa. Forthcoming in: Forthcoming: European Journal of Comparative Economics

Asongu, Simplice A (2013): Consult your gods: the questionable economics of development assistance in Africa. Forthcoming in:

Asongu, Simplice A (2014): The Evolving Debate on the Effect of Foreign Aid on Corruption and Institutions in Africa. Forthcoming in: Hand Book on the Economics of Foreign Aid

Asongu, Simplice A (2014): On taxation, political accountability and foreign aid: empirics to a celebrated literature. Published in: South African Journal of Economics (September 2014)

Asongu, Simplice A (2013): On the effectiveness of foreign aid in institutional quality. Forthcoming in: European Economics Letters

Asongu, Simplice A and Jellal, Mohamed (2014): International aid, corruption and fiscal policy behavior.

Asongu, Simplice A and Jellal, Mohamed (2013): On the channels of foreign aid to corruption. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 33, No. 3 (29 August 2013): pp. 2191-2201.

Asongu, Simplice A and Nwachukwu, Jacinta C. (2016): Unjust Enrichment from Official Corruption in Africa: Theory and Model on how Lenders have benefited.


Barnett, William A. (2006): Is Macroeconomics a Science?

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Patterns of Japanese FDI in Australia after the Lehman Shock: Perspectives of the Eclectic Paradigm and Institutional Economics. Published in: Euro Asia Journal of Management , Vol. 22, No. 41 (7 October 2012): pp. 29-47.

Boettke, Peter (2010): What happened to "efficient markets?". Published in: Independent Review , Vol. 14, No. 3 (2010)


Cavalieri, Duccio (2009): Economic science, humanism and religion: the philosophical anthropology of "La Rivista Trimestrale". Published in: , Vol. In boo, (2010): pp. 295-317.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2004): Epicarmo Corbino a venti anni dalla sua scomparsa. Un ricordo. Published in: Il pensiero economico italiano , Vol. 12, No. 1 (2004): pp. 31-37.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2010): Epicarmo Corbino, economista liberale neoclassico. Published in: Il pensiero economico italiano , Vol. 20, No. 2 (2012): pp. 27-39.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2008): Hegelo-marxismo e cattolicesimo sociale. La "Rivista Trimestrale" di Napoleoni e Rodano. Published in: Il Ponte , Vol. 64, No. 9 (September 2008): pp. 56-67.

Cavalieri, Duccio (1999): Il ricupero della dimensione sociale del lavoro in Napoleoni e in Marx. Published in: Storia del pensiero economico No. 38 (1999): pp. 37-68.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2009): Neoliberismo, interventismo, keynesismo. Alcune considerazioni sulla crisi economica odierna.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2001): On Some Controversial Aspects of Sraffa's Theoretical System in the Second Half of the 1920s. Published in: (2001): 100 -120.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2001): Su "L'economia politica in Italia dal Cinquecento ai nostri giorni" di Riccardo Faucci. Published in: Il pensiero economico italiano , Vol. 9, No. 2 (2001): pp. 157-176.

Cavalieri, Duccio and Faucci, Riccardo (1994): Italian-style pluralism in economics. Published in: History of Economic Ideas , Vol. 1994, No. 3 (1994): pp. 63-98.


Dalton, John and Gaeto, Lillian (2018): Schumpeter vs. Keynes Redux: "Still Not Dead".

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2023): The Economics of Wellbeing and Psychology: An Historical and Methodological Viewpoint.


Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2022): The Conceptual Resilience of the Atomistic Individual in Mainstream Economic Rationality.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2020): The Marginalization of Absolute and Relative Income Hypotheses of Consumption and the Role of Fiscal Policy.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (1999): Post-Keynesian Theory of Choice. Published in: Encyclopedia of Political Economy (ed. by P. A O’Hara, London: Routledge). , Vol. 2, (1999): pp. 887-889.


Efobi, Uchenna and Beecroft, Ibukun and Asongu, Simplice A (2014): Foreign Aid and Corruption: Clarifying Murky Empirical Conclusions.

Erasmo, Valentina (2021): Female economists and philosophers’ role in Amartya Sen’s thought: his colleagues and his scholars.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Historia de la Economía Cafetera: Colombia.


Freeman, Alan (2001): The Case for Simplicity: a Paradigm for the Political Economy of the 21st Century. Published in: The New Value Controversy (1 April 2001): pp. 55-66.

Freeman, Alan (1998): What happens in crashes? a non-equilibrium, value-theoretic approach to liquidity preference.

Freeman, Alan (1998): A general refutation of Okishio’s theorem and a proof of the falling rate of profit. Published in: Bellofiore, R (ed) Marxian Economics: a Reappraisal, Volume 2, pp139-162. Basingstoke: McMillan. ISBN 0 333 64411 5 (1998): pp. 139-162.


Giocoli, Nicola (2005): Mathematics as the role model for neoclassical economics (Blanqui Lecture). Published in: Arena R., Dow S. & Klaes M. (eds.), Open Economics: Economics in Relation to Other Disciplines, Routledge, London (2009): pp. 129-149.

Gräbner, Claudius (2016): From realism to instrumentalism - and back? Methodological implications of changes in the epistemology of development economics.

Guzmán, Gabriel and Frasser, Cristian (2017): La naturaleza de las instituciones. El debate actual. Published in: Revista de Economía Institucional , Vol. 19, No. 37 (31 December 2017): pp. 115-132.


Hanappi, Hardy (2017): Agent-based modelling. History, essence, future.

Harashima, Taiji (2015): The Rate of Time Preference of Government.

Heinrich, Torsten (2013): The ongoing history of economic conservation laws.

Heise, Arne and Thieme, Sebastian (2017): University Governance and Heterodox Economis: Mapping an Academic Field of Power in Germany. Published in: Efil Journal of Economic Research , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2017): pp. 22-43.

Heller, Claudia and Dessotti, Marina (2007): Cruz keynesiana: interpretações gráficas da demanda efetiva.

Herrmann, Peter and van der Maesen, Laurent J.G. (2008): Social Quality and Precarity: Approaching New Patterns of Societal (Dis)Integration.


Islahi, Abdu Azim (2014): “The Genesis of Islamic Economics” Revisited. Published in: Islamic Economic Studies , Vol. 23, No. 2 (2015): pp. 1-28.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (1994): B. R. Ambedkar's contribution to the history of provincial decentralization of imperial finance. Published in: , Vol. Das, D, (2004): pp. 321-329.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (1997): Economic philosophy of V.K.R.V. Rao. Published in: Great Indian Economists by Das, D.K. (editor),, New Delhi, Deep and Deep Publications, 2004 , Vol. 7, (2004): pp. 3-10.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2007): Thirty years of research in the history of Islamic economic thought:Assessment and future directions. Published in: The 7th International Conference in Islamic Economics (3 April 2008): pp. 347-370.


Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2012): Crisis and methodology: some heterodox misunderstandings.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2012): The rhetoric of failure: a hyper-dialog about method in economics and how to get things going.

Kakkar, Shrey (2021): Analyzing “Innovation” in economics.

Kar, Ashim Kumar (2016): Aid and Human Development: Is There A Role for Good Policy Environment?

Khalamillah, Fahmi (2018): Money Function and Money Banking by Ibnu Taimiyah.

Kirdina, Svetlana (2012): A shift in the prevailing institutional models of the global order:is a new cycle starting? Published in: V Forum of Leading Economists from China and Russia, October 24, 2012. (October 2012): pp. 118-127.

Kolev, Stefan (2009): The Great Depression in the eyes of Bulgaria's inter-war economists. Published in: Bulgarian National Bank Discussion Papers Series No. 2009/79 (13 December 2009)

Kormiltseva, Elena and Menyaylo, Yuliya (2014): Блокада Ленинграда. Необходимость памяти. Published in: Потенциал Российской экономики и инновационные пути его реализации: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции (30 April 2014): pp. 853-854.


Lambert, Thomas (2019): Game of Thrones or Game of Class Struggle? Revisiting the Demise of Feudalism and the Dobb-Sweezy Debate.

León Díaz, John Jairo (2007): Keynesianismo, Poskeynesianismo y Nuevokeynesianismo: ¿Tres doctrinas diferentes y una sóla teoría verdadera?


Marinov, Eduard (2008): Нобеловата награда за икономика за икономика 2007: Теорията за икономическите механизми. Published in: Nauka No. 3/2008, ISSN 0861-3362 (February 2008): pp. 19-26.

Mariolis, Theodore (2010): Κριτική Έκθεση του "Νόμου της Πτωτικής Τάσης του Ποσοστού Κέρδους" του K. Marx: Κατανομή Εισοδήματος, Επισώρευση Κεφαλαίου και Τεχνολογική Μεταβολή στη Μακρά Περίοδο.

Marques Gomes, Luiz Henrique (2022): Nicholas Kaldor’s Economics: a Review.

Mishra, SK (2008): Structural changes in economics during the last fifty years.

Mongin, Philippe (2005): Value judgments and value neutrality in economics.

Mosca, Manuela (2013): The daily battles of Antonio de Viti de Marco.

Munro, John H. (2008): Money, prices, wages, and ‘profit inflation’ in Spain, the Southern Netherlands, and England during the Price Revolution era, ca. 1520 - ca. 1650. Published in: História e Economia: Revista Interdisciplinar , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2008): pp. 13-71.


Obregon, Carlos (2021): Today’s Problems: In The Minds of The Great Economists. Published in:


Pavarin, Alessandro (2009): Il dibattito degli economisti italiani sull’impresa pubblica negli anni Sessanta del ‘900.

Podshivalov, Georgii (2019): Observing the Evolution in Macroeconomic Theory.

Puente-Ajovin, Miguel (2013): Distribución Funcional De La Renta: Teorías Y Evidencia Empírica.

Pugno, Maurizio (2016): Beyond the distinction between necessaries and luxuries.


Reinert, Erik S. (2004): How rich nations got rich. Essays in the history of economic policy. Published in: Working paper No. 2004/01 (2004)

Reinert, Erik S. (2012): Neo-classical economics: A trail of economic destruction since the 1970s. Published in: Real World Economics Review No. 60 (20 June 2012)

Roy Trivedi, Smita (2009): Evolution of the Concept of Capital– A Historical Perspective.


Schilirò, Daniele (2011): Mutamenti strutturali: modelli, metodi e principi in una nuova prospettiva.

Schilirò, Daniele and Young, Warren (2021): The Econometric Society European meetings 1931-1939: Influences on economics.

Shafaeddin, Mehdi (2009): Impact of Selectivity and Neutrality of trade Policy Incentives on Industrialization of Developing Countries; Implications for NAMA Negotiations. Forthcoming in: As a booklet by TWN (2009)

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Institutional benchmarking of foreign aid effectiveness in Africa.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): On the effect of foreign aid on corruption.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Development thresholds of foreign aid effectiveness in Africa.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Reversed Economics and Inhumanity of Development Assistance in Africa.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): The political economy of development assistance: peril to government quality dynamics in Africa.

Sirovátka, Tomáš and Guzi, Martin and Saxonberg, Steve (2019): Support for Market Economy Principles in European Post-Communist Countries during 1999–2008. Published in: Czech Sociological Review , Vol. 3, No. 55 (2019): pp. 319-345.

Sucháček, Jan (2008): On the Emergence of Glocalisation.


Turner, Grant (2018): Establishing a comprehensive census of undergraduate economics curricula:Foundational and special requirements for major programs in the U.S.


Vergés-Jaime, Joaquim (2020): Economics as a science -or viewed from the perspective of scientists in other fields. Published in: CADMUS , Vol. 4, No. 2 (July 2020): pp. 247-257.


Wenzel, Tina (2009): Beyond GDP - Measuring the Wealth of Nations. Published in: Munich, GRIN Verlag (March 2009)

Wu, Cheng (2018): Clower’s Dual-Decision Hypothesis is economics.

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