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Items where Subject is "B24 - Socialist ; Marxist ; Sraffian"

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Number of items at this level: 91.


Akhabbar, Amanar (2013): La Direction centrale de la statistique et la Balance de l’économie nationale de l’URSS en 1923—24. Published in: OEcononmia (2014)

Albers, Scott (2012): Predicting crises: Five essays on the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises. Published in: Middle East Studies On-line Journal , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 6 (8 August 2011): pp. 199-253.


Bellanca, Nicolo' (2024): Quattro saggi su Claudio Napoleoni.

Bellanca, Nicolo' (2024): Tre saggi su Claudio Napoleoni.

Bellanca, Nicolo' (2024): Tre saggi su Claudio Napoleoni.

Bellanca, Nicolo' (2018): Le rendite improduttive e parassitarie: Claudio Napoleoni sul capitalismo italiano.

Bellino, Enrico (2014): Sraffa’s price equations in light of Garegnani and Pasinetti - The ‘core’ of surplus theories and the ‘natural’ relations of an economic system.

Bellino, Enrico and Nerozzi, Sebastiano (2013): Causality and interdependence in Pasinetti's works and in the modern classical approach.

Bukvić, Rajko (2015): В память об академике Богомолове. Published in: Вестник НГИЭИ (Vestnik NGIEI) , Vol. 6, No. 11 (54) (2015): pp. 9-15.


Cardoso Machado, Nuno Miguel (2013): The Money of the Mind and the God of Commodities – The real abstraction according to Sohn-Rethel.

Carnevali, Emilio and Sommacal, Matteo (2023): On the Takeover Mechanism in Market Socialism.

Cavalieri, Duccio (1988): L'utopia della ragione in Claudio Napoleoni (1924-1988). Published in: Quaderni di storia dell'economa politica , Vol. 6, No. 2 (1988): pp. 3-24.

Cavalieri, Duccio (1997): Sfruttamento, alienazione e astrazione del lavoro: una nota. Published in: Trimestre , Vol. 30, No. 1 (1997): pp. 99-112.

Cockshott, W. Paul (2007): Mises, Kantorovich and Economic Computation.


Daniele, Vittorio (2015): Una stagnazione secolare? Italia, Giappone, Stati Uniti, 1950-2015.


Estrada, Fernando (2014): El Papel de los Muertos en el Cerebro de los Vivos: Metáforas en las Revoluciones Francesas (1789-99, 1848-51, 1870-71), Iraní (1977-81) y Bolchevique (1917-1924).


Ferlito, Carmelo (2014): Ludwig M. Lachmann Against the Cambridge School. Macroeconomics, Microfoundations, Expectations, Rate of Profit, Equilibrium and Innovations.

Ferlito, Carmelo (2015): Ludwig M. Lachmann contro la Scuola di Cambridge. Published in: Ludwig von Mises Italia (28 October 2015)

Fratini, Saverio Maria and Ravagnani, Fabio (2023): Sraffa and the ‘slogans not used’.

Fratini, Saverio M. (2019): Theories of value and ultimate standards in Sraffa's notes of summer 1927.

Freeman, Alan (1999): Between Two World Systems: A Response to David Laibman. Published in: Research in Political Economy No. 17 (April 1999): pp. 241-248.

Freeman, Alan (2001): The Case for Simplicity: a Paradigm for the Political Economy of the 21st Century. Published in: The New Value Controversy (1 April 2001): pp. 55-66.

Freeman, Alan (2004): Confronting the Evidence: Marx's Historians on the Falling Profit Rate.

Freeman, Alan (2004): Geld. Published in: Historisch Kritisch Wörterbuch des Marxismus, Band 5: Gegenöffentlichkeit–Hegemonialapparat. No. Band 5 (May 2004)

Freeman, Alan (2004): Geld (Money). Published in: Historisch Kritisch Wörterbuch des Marxismus, Band 5: Gegenöffentlichkeit–Hegemonialapparat. No. Band 5 (May 2004)

Freeman, Alan (2017): Introduction to Michel Husson's 'Value and price: a critique of neo-Ricardian claims'. Published in: Capital and Class , Vol. 42, No. Vol 42, Issue 3, 2018 (1 October 2018): pp. 509-516.

Freeman, Alan (2002): Marx After Marx After Sraffa.

Freeman, Alan (2002): Marx after Marx after Sraffa.

Freeman, Alan (1998): Marx: The Spectre Haunting Economics.

Freeman, Alan (2000): Marxian debates on the falling rate of profit.

Freeman, Alan (1996): Mr Marx and the neoclassics.

Freeman, Alan (1997): The New Value debate and the birth of a paradigm. Published in: ASSA conference 1997 (January 1997)

Freeman, Alan (1996): Price, value and profit – a continuous, general, treatment. Published in: Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics (book) (April 1996): pp. 180-233.

Freeman, Alan (2012): The Profit Rate in the Presence of Financial Markets: a Necessary Correction. Published in: Journal of Australian Political Economy No. 70 (30 July 2012): pp. 167-192.

Freeman, Alan (1996): The Psychopathology of Walrasian Marxism. Published in: Freeman, A. and Guglielmo Carchedi 'Marx and non-equilibrium economics', Aldershot: Edward Elgar (1996): pp. 1-29.

Freeman, Alan (2010): Trends in Value Theory since 1881. Published in: World Review of Political Economy , Vol. 1, No. 4 (30 December 2010): pp. 567-605.

Freeman, Alan (2002): Valore e Marx: Perche sono importanti. Published in: Proteo No. 2001-2 (2002): pp. 52-61.

Freeman, Alan (2002): Value and Marx: why it matters. Published in: Proteo No. 2001-2 (2002): pp. 52-61.

Freeman, Alan (2000): Value, Price of Production and Market Price.

Freeman, Alan (1998): What happens in crashes? a non-equilibrium, value-theoretic approach to liquidity preference.

Freeman, Alan (1998): A dialogue concerning the two chief systems of value.

Freeman, Alan (1998): A general refutation of Okishio’s theorem and a proof of the falling rate of profit. Published in: Bellofiore, R (ed) Marxian Economics: a Reappraisal, Volume 2, pp139-162. Basingstoke: McMillan. ISBN 0 333 64411 5 (1998): pp. 139-162.

Freeman, Alan (1998): The indeterminacy of price-value correlations: a comment on papers by Simo Mohun and Anwar Shaikh. Published in: Bellofiore, R (ed) Marxian Economics: a Reappraisal, Volume 2, pp139-162. Basingstoke: McMillan. ISBN 0 333 64411 5 (1998): pp. 139-162.

Freeman, Alan and Kliman, Andrew (1998): Simultaneous and Temporal Valuation Contrasted.

Freeman, Alan and Kliman, Andrew (2000): Two Concepts of Value, Two Rates of Profit, Two Laws of Motion. Published in: Research in Political Economy No. 18 (April 2000): pp. 243-267.


Gomes, Luiz (2022): Oskar Lange’s Economics and the Socialist Economy.


Hagendorf, Klaus (2009): Arbeitswerte und die Theorie der Unternehmung. Teil I: Die Unternehmung unter vollständiger Konkurrenz.

Hagendorf, Klaus (2009): Labour Values and the Theory of the Firm: Part I: The Competitive Firm.

Hagendorf, Klaus (2006): A Note on Ronald Meek's 'Studies in the Labour Theory of Value'.

Hagendorf, Klaus (2008): The labour theory of value: a marginal analysis.

Herrmann, Peter and van der Maesen, Laurent J.G. (2008): Social Quality and Precarity: Approaching New Patterns of Societal (Dis)Integration.


Iacono, Roberto (2005): La variazione dei prezzi relativi da Ricardo a Sraffa.


Kliman, Andrew and Freeman, Alan (2000): Rejoinder to Duncan Foley and David Laibman. Published in: Research in Political Economy No. 18 (April 2000): pp. 285-293.


Lambert, Thomas (2023): The Economic Surplus, the Baran Ratio, and Long Wave Cycles.

Lambert, Thomas (2019): Game of Thrones or Game of Class Struggle? Revisiting the Demise of Feudalism and the Dobb-Sweezy Debate.

Lambert, Thomas (2020): Paul Baran’s Economic Surplus Concept, the Baran Ratio, and the Decline of Feudalism.

Lambert, Thomas and Kwon, Ed (2014): Monopoly Capital and Capitalist Inefficiency. Published in: International Review of Appplied Economics (2015)


Makovi, Michael (2016): The Foreign Policy of a Democratic Socialist Regime: From Intervention to Protection to Warfare.

Makovi, Michael (2016): The Freedom of the Prices: Hayek and Jewkes on Labor in a Planned Economy.

Makovi, Michael (2016): The Freedom of the Prices: Hayek's Road to Serfdom Reassessed.

Makovi, Michael (2015): George Orwell as a Public Choice Economist. Published in: American Economist , Vol. 60, No. 2 (1 November 2015): pp. 183-208.

Makovi, Michael (2016): Hayek and Arrow's Impossibility Theorem: The Difficulty of Democratic Consensus.

Makovi, Michael (2015): The Impossibility of Democratic Socialism.

Makovi, Michael (2016): The Impossibility of Democratic Socialism: Two Conceptions of Democracy.

Makovi, Michael (2015): Two Opposing Economic-Literary Critiques of Socialism: George Orwell Versus Eugen Richter and Henry Hazlitt. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education No. Forthcoming (2016)

Makovi, Michael (2015): Two Opposing Literary Critiques of Socialism: George Orwell Versus Eugen Richter and Henry Hazlitt. Published in: International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education , Vol. 2, No. 7 (2016): pp. 116-134.

Mariolis, Theodore and Rodousakis, Nikolaos and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2006): The rate of profit in the Greek economy 1988-1997. an input-output analysis. Published in: Archives of Economic History , Vol. 18, No. 2 (December 2006): pp. 177-190.

Marques Gomes, Luiz Henrique (2022): Oskar Lange’s Economics and the Socialist Economy.

Mavroudeas, Stavros (2006): Social Structures of Accumulation, Regulation Approach and stages theory. Published in: (2006)

Mavroudeas, Stavros and Ioannides, Alexis (2006): Henryk Grossmann’s Falling Rate of Profit theory of crisis: a presentation and a reply to old and new critics. Published in: Indian Development Review , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2006)

Mohun, Simon and Veneziani, Roberto (2009): The temporal single-system interpretation: underdetermination and inconsistency.


Nenovsky, Nikolay (2020): The Theory of the Emission Economy Bolshevik roots of "Modern Monetary Theory".


Obregon, Carlos (2022): The Resolution of Economic Conflicts: Beyond the Economic System. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2021): Today’s Problems: In The Minds of The Great Economists. Published in:


Papageorgiou, Aris and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2006): Kondratiev, Marx and the long cycle. Published in: Indian Development Review , Vol. 4, No. 2 (11 December 2006)

Passarella, Marco and Baron, Hervé (2013): Capital's Pons Asinorum: the Rate of Turnover in Karl Marx's Analysis of Capitalist Valorisation.

Polterovich, Victor (2024): Математическая экономика в эпоху социализма и переход к рынку.


Ravagnani, Fabio (2018): Sraffa on non-self-replacing systems: a note.


Saccal, Alessandro (2024): Sraffa: some alternative proofs.

Saccal, Alessandro (2024): An alternative derivation of Sraffa’s fundamental equation with applications.

Salvadori, Neri and Signorino, Rodolfo (2011): Competition.

Samaha, Amal (2021): How the West is Underdeveloping Itself. Published in: Peace, Land and Bread No. 4 (13 May 2021): pp. 19-41.

Stravelakis, Nikos (2013): Hilferding over Marx: A Political Economy Viewpoint of Struggles in the Left 1900-1933 and the Modern Revival. Published in: 6th PHD Conference in Economics Department of Economics UOA (17 September 2013)


Tang, Linyao (2009): 试论凯恩斯主义的当代命运. Published in: Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities , Vol. Vol.30, No. ISSN1004-3926 (August 2009): pp. 186-188.

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2011): Classical vs. Neoclassical Conceptions of Competition.

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2022): Effective Rank and Dimensionality Reduction: From Complex Disaggregation Back to a Simple World.

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2013): The ‘new golden age of accumulation’, the new depression and the greek economy. Published in: Social Cohesion and Development , Vol. 8, No. 1 (1 June 2013): pp. 5-23.


Veneziani, Roberto (2006): A future for (analytical) Marxism?


Yalcintas, Altug (2013): The Oomph in economic philosophy: a bibliometric analysis of the main trends, from the 1960s to the present.


Ávalos, Eloy (2011): El excedente económico.

Ávalos, Eloy (2011): La teoría clásica de la renta y de la distribución.

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