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Items where Subject is "C40 - General"

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Number of items at this level: 67.


ALTINAY, Galip (2016): A Simple Class of Measures of Skewness.

Adeabah, David and Asongu, Simplice (2021): Agricultural Export, Growth and the Poor in Africa: A Meta Analysis.

Aknouche, Abdelhakim and Demouche, Nacer (2018): Ergodicity conditions for a double mixed Poisson autoregression.

Albici, Mihaela (2010): SPSS in Statistic Studies. Published in: Conference Proceedings 6, The 15-th International Conference the Knowledge-Based Organization (27 November 2009): pp. 27-31.

Apicella, Giovanna and Dacorogna, Michel M (2016): A General framework for modelling mortality to better estimate its relationship with interest rate risks.

Atanda, Akinwande A. and Aminu, Salaudeen B. and Alimi, Olorunfemi Y. (2012): The role of population on economic growth and development: evidence from developing countries.


Beaumont, Paul and Smallwood, Aaron (2019): Conditional Sum of Squares Estimation of Multiple Frequency Long Memory Models.

Beaumont, Paul and Smallwood, Aaron (2019): Inference for likelihood-based estimators of generalized long-memory processes.

Beja Jr, Edsel and Yap, David B. (2012): Counting happiness from the individual level to the group level.

Bersimis, Sotirios and Degiannakis, Stavros and Georgakellos, Dimitrios (2017): Real Time Monitoring of Carbon Monoxide Using Value-at-Risk Measure and Control Charting. Published in: Journal of Applied Statistics , Vol. 1, No. 44 (2017): pp. 89-118.


Chakraborty, Lekha S and Singh, Yadawendra (2018): Fiscal Policy, as the “Employer of Last Resort”: Impact of Direct fiscal transfer (MGNREGA) on Labour Force Participation Rates in India.

Challet, Damien and Peirano, Pier Paolo (2008): The Ups and Downs of Modeling Financial Time Series with Wiener Process Mixtures.

Cordero, José Manuel and Cristobal, Victor and Santín, Daniel (2017): Causal Inference on Education Policies: A Survey of Empirical Studies Using PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS.

Cordero, José Manuel and Gil, María and Pedraja Chaparro, Francisco (2016): Exploring the effect of financial literacy courses on student achievement: a cross-country approach using PISA 2012 data.

Corsini, Lorenzo and Martelli, Irene (2017): Measuring and detecting situations of need and deprivation using Graded Response Models.

Cristea, Mirela and Mitu, Narcis Eduard and Tudor, Sorin (2006): Is the Insurance Market in Romania Prepared for the Impact with the European Union One? International Level Comparisons. Published in: Journal of International Conference, Constanţa 2006 , Vol. Vol II, No. ISBN 978-973-742-466-2; 978-973-742-586-7 (14 October 2006): pp. 756-764.


Dale, Charles (1983): Multinomial Probit Models of Military Enlistments: A Comparison of Alternative Solution Algorithms. Published in: American Statistical Association, Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, Toronto, Canada (15 August 1983): pp. 336-340.

Dale, Charles (1985): A Test of the Stable Paretian Hypothesis for the Distribution of Income. Published in: American Statistical Association, Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, Las Vegas, Nevada (5 August 1985): pp. 543-545.

Danacica, Daniela-Emanuela and Babucea, Ana-Gabriela and Caruntu, Constantin (2006): Disparities regarding life quality in Central and Eastern European Countries. Published in: CD Proceedings International Workshop Models in Economics (2007)

Degiannakis, Stavros (2015): A Probit Model for the State of the Greek GDP Growth. Published in: International Journal of Financial Studies , Vol. 3, No. 3 (2015): pp. 381-392.

Degiannakis, Stavros and Xekalaki, Evdokia (2007): Assessing the Performance of a Prediction Error Criterion Model Selection Algorithm in the Context of ARCH Models. Published in: Applied Financial Economics No. 17 (2007): pp. 149-171.

Degiannakis, Stavros and Xekalaki, Evdokia (2008): SPEC Model Selection Algorithm for ARCH Models: an Options Pricing Evaluation Framework. Published in: Applied Financial Economics Letters , Vol. 6, No. 4 (2008): pp. 419-423.

Degiannakis, Stavros and Xekalaki, Evdokia (2007): Simulated Evidence on the Distribution of the Standardized One-Step-Ahead Prediction Errors in ARCH Processes. Published in: Applied Financial Economics Letters No. 3 (2007): pp. 31-37.

Demircioglu, Emre (2015): Testing of Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM) in Cement Sector & Power Generation and Distribution Sector in Turkey. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review , Vol. 3, No. 4 (January 2015): pp. 1-25.

Dimnwobi, Stephen and Ekesiobi, Chukwunonso and Madichie, Chekwube and Asongu, Simplice (2021): Population Dynamics and Environmental Quality in Africa. Published in: Science of The Total Environment , Vol. 797, No. November (November 2021): p. 149172.

dogru, bulent (2014): Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Turkey. Published in: The Empirical Economics Letters , Vol. 4, No. 13


Gonzales-Martínez, Rolando (2009): La Gestión de Riesgo de Liquidez en Economías Emergentes: Un Modelo Valor-en-Riesgo (VaR) Paramétrico de Calibración Indirecta y una Aplicación al Sistema Financiero Boliviano.


HALICIOGLU, Ferda (2006): The impacts of football point systems on the competitive balance: evidence from some European footbal leagues. Published in: Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2006): pp. 67-76.

Halkos, George (2010): Modelling biodiversity. Published in: Journal of Policy Modeling , Vol. 33, No. 4 (2011): pp. 618-635.

Hassid, Joseph and Maniatis, George and POLEMIS, Michael (2024): Do Law Professionals Lack Economic Knowledge? Field Evidence from Greece.

Herrera Gómez, Marcos and Aráoz, M. Florencia and de Lafuente, Gisela and D'jorge, Lucrecia and Granado, M. José and Michel Rivero, Andrés and Paz Terán, Corina (2005): Técnicas para datos multinivel: Aplicación a los determinantes del rendimiento educativo.

Hirawan, Fajar Bambang (2008): An Analysis of Employment and Growth in Java after the Economic Crisis 1997/1998: Examining the Role of Farm Activities in West Java.


Josheski, Dushko and Lazarov, Darko and Fotov, Risto and Koteski, Cane (2011): IS-LM model for US economy: testing in JMULTI.

Josué, ANDRIANADY and M. Randriamifidy, Fitiavana and H. P. Ranaivoson, Michel and Miora Steffanie, Thierry (2023): Econometric Analysis and Forecasting of Madagascar’s Economy: An ARIMAX Approach.


Kadir, Kadir and Prasetyo, Octavia Rizky (2023): Can Paddy Growing Phase Produce an Accurate Forecast of Paddy Harvested Area in Indonesia? Analysis of the Area Sampling Frame Results. Published in: Proceeding of International Conference on Data Science and Official Statistics , Vol. 2023, No. 1 (29 December 2023): pp. 746-755.

Kitova, Olga and Dyakonova, Ludmila and Savinova, Victoria (2020): Prediction of Socio-Economic Indicators of the Megapolis Development on the Basis of the Intellectual Forecasting Information System “SHM Horizon”.

Kostarakos, Ilias and Marques Santos, Anabela (2024): Territorial Economic Data viewer: An Introduction to the Industrial Module.


Lal, Irfan and Mohammad, Sulaiman D. and Hussain, Adnan and Jalil, Anwar (2012): Test of Okun’s Law in Some Asian Countries Co-Integration Approach. Published in: European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X , Vol. 40, No. 1 (September 2010): pp. 73-80.

Lavrič, Mitja and Lenarčič, Črt (2024): Why is the LSTI ratio increasing? Explaining factors of synthetic LSTI dynamics.


Mahmoudvand, Rahim and Hassani, Hossein and Wilson, Rob (2007): IS THE SAMPLE COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION A GOOD ESTIMATOR FOR THE POPULATION COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION? Published in: World Applied Sciences Journal , Vol. 2, No. 5 (1 September 2007): pp. 519-522.

Malhotra, Karan (2012): Multiperiod Black Litterman Asset Allocation Model.

Mandiefe Piabuo, Serge and Menjo Baye, Francis and Chupezi Tieguhong, Julius (2015): Effects of credit constraints on the productivity of small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon. Published in: Journal of Economics and International Finance , Vol. 7(9), No. 2141 -6672 (30 September 2015): pp. 204-212.

Marchini, Andrea and Diotallevi, Francesco and Fioriti, Linda (2011): The analysis of competitive interdependencies through “Social Network Analysis”: the case study of extra-virgin olive oil. Published in: Proceedings of International Conference On Applied Economics (2011)

Maulana, Ardian and Hokky, Situngkir (2024): Exploring The Spatial Structure of Interregional Supply Chain: A Multilayer Network Approach. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-2-2024 (7 May 2024)

McCauley, Joseph L. and Bassler, Kevin E. and Gunaratne, Gemunu h. (2007): Martingales, the efficient market hypothesis, and spurious stylized facts.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): Optimization of hydroelectric power generation, case study of Roseires Dam in Sudan.

Mynbayev, Kairat and Darkenbayeva, Gulsim (2019): Analyzing variance in central limit theorems. Published in: Kazakh Mathematical Journal , Vol. 19, No. 3 (2019): pp. 30-39.


Pasricha, Gurnain (2009): Bank Competition and International Financial Integration: Evidence using a new Index.

Pincheira, Pablo and Hardy, Nicolas (2021): The Mean Squared Prediction Error Paradox.

Putra, Adhitya (2018): Bauran Pemasaran Dalam Prespektif Syariah (Analisis Teks Al Quran Surat Al- Quraisy).


Roychowdhury, Punarjit (2011): Regulation, enforcement and informality: an analysis based on selected countries.


Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Linkages between investment flows and financial development: causality evidence from selected African countries.

Sinha, Pankaj and Sharma, Sakshi (2014): Determinants of bank profits and its persistence in Indian Banks: A study in a dynamic panel data framework.

Sinha, Pankaj and verma, Kaushal and Biswas, Sumana and Tyagi, Shashank and Gogia, Shaily and Singh, Aakhyat and Kumar, Amit (2024): Modeling and forecasting US presidential election 2024.

Sinha, Pankaj and Srinivas, Sandeep and Paul, Anik and Chaudhari, Gunjan (2016): Forecasting 2016 US Presidential Elections Using Factor Analysis and Regression Model.

Skribans, Valerijs (2012): European Union Economy System Dynamic Model Development. Published in: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society (2012): pp. 3687-3697.

Skribans, Valerijs (2009): Krīzes un 2009. gada nodokļu politikas izmaiņu ietekme uz Latvijas ekonomiku. Published in: LU raksti No. 743. sējums (2009): pp. 189-200.

Stefanescu, Răzvan and Dumitriu, Ramona (2007): Bazele Statisticii.


Tošenovský, Filip (2007): Metrica sigma: ano či ne ? Published in: Qmagazine No. ISSN 1213-0451

Tsagris, Michail and Elmatzoglou, Ioannis and C. Frangos, Christos (2012): Assessment of Performance of Correlation Estimates in Discrete Bivariate Distributions using Bootstrap Methodology. Published in: Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods , Vol. 41, No. 1 (3 January 2012): pp. 138-152.


Yang, Bill Huajian (2019): Monotonic Estimation for the Survival Probability over a Risk-Rated Portfolio by Discrete-Time Hazard Rate Models. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing

Yang, Bill Huajian (2017): Point-in-Time PD Term Structure Models with Loan Credit Quality as a Component.

Yaya, OlaOluwa S and Adekoya, Oluwasegun B. and Babatunde, Oluwagbenga T. (2021): Testing Fractional Persistence and Nonlinearity in Infant Mortality Rates of Asia Countries.

Yaya, OlaOluwa S and Adekoya, Oluwasegun B. and Babatunde, Oluwagbenga T. (2021): Testing Fractional Persistence and Nonlinearity in Infant Mortality Rates of Asia Countries.

Yildirim, Yusuf and Sanyal, Anirban (2022): Evaluating the Effectiveness of Early Warning Indicators: An Application of Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Approach to Panel Data.


Zaman, Gheorghe and Georgescu, George (2016): Stabilitatea financiară a României. Determinanți și proiecții pentru următoarele două decenii. Published in:

Zotti, Roberto and Speziale, Nino and Barra, Cristian (2014): On the causal effect of religion on life satisfaction using a propensity score matching technique.

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