Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "G24 - Investment Banking ; Venture Capital ; Brokerage ; Ratings and Ratings Agencies"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 215.


Boudekhdekh, Karim and Kerbache, Rahma (2013): دور وكالات التنقيط العالمية: بين الحد من الأزمات المالية و التسبب فيها.


Širůček, Martin and Čajka, Ondřej (2016): USING OF PE/VC BY COMPANY FINANCING AND IT´S IMPACT ON COMPANY´S STATEMENTS. Published in: Acta Academica Karviniensia , Vol. XVI, No. 4/2016 (2016): pp. 68-80.


Lemmens, Geert (2003): De keuze van de investeringsbank bij een IPO.


Abdala Rioja, Yamile E (2011): All things considered: the interaction of the reasons for the financial crisis.

Abdelrahman, Abdelrahman Yousri (2015): Does Islamic banking help in economic development of Muslim countries? Published in: JIBM , Vol. Vol. 6, No. JIBM, Vol.6 No.2, 2016 (December) (December 2016): pp. 19-39.

Acharya, Viral and Anginer, Deniz and Warburton, Joe (2016): The End of Market Discipline? Investor Expectations of Implicit Government Guarantees.

Adriani, Fabrizio and Deidda, Luca and Sonderegger, Silvia (2009): The Role of Financial Intermediaries in Securities Issues: A Theoretical Analysis.

Akber, Hira (2005): Scope of Hedge Fund in Pakistan.

Akhtar, S. and Bannier, C. and Tyrell, M. and Elizalde, A. and Janda, K. and Lind, G. (2008): Basel II, External Ratings and Adverse Selection.

Alqatawni, Tahsen (2013): The Relationship Conflict between Venture Capital and Entrepreneur. Published in: Social Science Research Network (SSRN) , Vol. 12, No. 2289585 (3 July 2013)

Antonakakis, Nikolaos (2012): Dynamic Correlations of Sovereign Bond Yield Spreads in the Euro zone and the Role of Credit Rating Agencies' Downgrades.

Aras, Osman Nuri and Öztürk, Mustafa (2018): The Effect of the Macroeconomic Determinants on Sovereign Credit Rating of Turkey. Published in: Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial Organization , Vol. 2, No. 2 (1 May 2018): pp. 62-75.

Arnone, Massimo and Laureti, Lucio and Costantiello, Alberto and Anobile, Fabio and Leogrande, Angelo (2024): The Access to Credit in the Context of the ESG Framework at Global Level.

Arnone, Massimo and Laureti, Lucio and Costantiello, Alberto and Anobile, Fabio and Leogrande, Angelo (2024): Banking Stability in the Context of the ESG Model at World Level.

Asongu, Simplice (2014): On the substitution of institutions and finance in investment.

Asongu, Simplice and Batuo, Enowbi and Tchamyou, Vanessa (2015): Bundling Governance: Finance versus Institutions in Private Investment Promotion.

Asongu, Simplice and Nnanna, Joseph and Tchamyou, Vanessa (2020): Finance, Institutions and Private Investment in Africa. Published in: Politics & Policy , Vol. 49, No. 2 (April 2021): pp. 309-351.

Astaiza-Gómez, José Gabriel (2022): The Effects of Investors' Information Acquisition On Sell-Side Analysts' Forecast Bias.

Asuamah Yeboah, Samuel (2023): "Catalysing Entrepreneurial Growth: Unleashing the Potential of Venture Capital and Private Equity in Developing Nations".

Atsin, Jessica A.L. and Ocran, Matthew K. (2015): Calendar effects and market anomalies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

Audi, Marc and Sulehri, Fiaz Ahmad and Ali, Amjad and Al-Masri, Razan (2022): An Event Based Analysis of Stock Return and Political Uncertainty in Pakistan: Revisited.

BKWAYEP, NGUEMNANG Yannick Rodrigue and TSAFACK, NANFOSSO Roger (2020): Remittances, Financial Inclusion and Income Inequality in Africa.

Bayari, Celal (2020): South Korean Economy and the Free Trade Agreement with China. Published in: The Journal of East Asian Affairs , Vol. 33, No. 1 (30 July 2020): pp. 89-122.

Bhatia, Jai (2009): The impact of insolvency laws on venture capital. Published in: Social Science Research Network (2009)

Blake, David and Boardman, Tom and Cairns, Andrew (2010): Sharing longevity risk: Why governments should issue longevity bonds.

Block, Joern and Sandner, Philipp (2009): What is the Effect of the Current Financial Crisis on Venture Capital Financing? Empirical Evidence from US Internet Start-ups.

Block, Joern and Sandner, Philipp and De Vries, Geertjan (2010): Venture capital and the financial crisis: an empirical study across industries and countries.

Boissin, Romain (2012): Are financial analysts of IPO firms under pressure: the European evidence.

Boissin, Romain (2012): Orphan versus non-orphan IPOs: the difference analyst coverage makes.

Boissin, Romain (2012): Orphan versus non-orphan IPOs: the difference analyst coverage makes. Forthcoming in:

Boissin, Romain and Sentis, Patrick (2010): Long run performance of IPOs and the role of financial analysts: some French evidence. Forthcoming in: The European Journal of Finance

Bojańczyk, Mirosław (2010): The impact of institutional investors and increasingly sophisticated financial instruments on risk and leverage.

Bourjade, Sylvain and Schindele, Ibolya (2011): The role of agency costs in financial conglomeration.

Cakir, Murat (2001): Credit Derivatives in Managing Off Balance Sheet Risks by Banks.

Cantillo, Miguel (2016): Villains or Heroes? Private Banks and Railroads after the Sherman Act.

Cerezo Sánchez, David (2017): An Optimal ICO Mechanism.

Chang, Jin-Wook and Chuan, Grace (2021): Contagion in debt and collateral markets.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten and Bruno, Amable (2010): Patents as Collateral. Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control , Vol. 34, (2010): pp. 1092-1104.

Chatti, Mohamed Ali and Yousfi, Ouidad (2010): Islamic Private Equity.

Chen, Yongmin and Gu, Dingwei and Yao, Zhiyong (2013): Rating Inflation versus Deflation: On Procyclical Credit Ratings.

Cheng, Gong and Lennkh, Rudolf Alvise (2018): RFAs' Financial Structures and Lending Capacities: a Statutory, Accounting and Credit Rating Perspective.

Chiang, Yao-Min and Hirshleifer, David and Qian, Yiming and Sherman, Ann (2010): Learning to Fail? Evidence from Frequent IPO Investors.

Chiang, Yao-Min and Hirshleifer, David and Qian, Yiming and Sherman, Ann (2009): Learning to fail? Evidence from frequent IPO investors.

Clifton, Judith and Diaz Fuentes, Daniel and Revuelta, Julio (2013): Financing Utilities: How the Role of the European Investment Bank shifted from regional development to making markets.

Clifton, Judith and Diaz Fuentes, Daniel and Revuelta, Julio (2013): Financing Utilities: How the Role of the European Investment Bank shifted from regional development to making markets.

Coskun, Yener (2011): Financial Engineering and Engineering of Financial Regulation.

Da Rin, Marco and Hege, Ulrich and Llobet, Gerard and Walz, Uwe (2005): The law and finance of venture capital financing in Europe: findings from the RICAFE research project. Published in: European Business Organization Law Review , Vol. 7, (2006): pp. 525-547.

Darmouni, Olivier and Sutherland, Andrew (2018): Learning about Competitors: Evidence from SME Lending.

Das, Tapas and Das, Seshanwita (2012): An Econometric Analysis of Impact of Public Issue on Economic Development in India during 1989-2009. Published in: Inrternational Journal of Management, IT & Engineering , Vol. 2, No. 10 (October 2012): pp. 679-693.

Desogus, Marco and Casu, Elisa (2021): Economic System Entanglement on Intra-Firm Trade Portfolios: The Impact of Counterparty Credit Ratings on Business-to-Business Credit Dynamics. Published in: International Mathematical Forum , Vol. 16, No. 3 (2021): pp. 107-124.

Desogus, Marco and Venturi, Beatrice (2019): Bank Crashes and Micro Enterprise Loans. Published in: International Journal of Business and Social Science No. 12 (2019): pp. 35-53.

Dionne, Georges and Harchaoui, Tarek (2007): Bank Capital, Securitization and Credit Risk: an Empirical Evidence. Published in: Insurance and Risk Management, , Vol. 75, No. 4 (2008): pp. 459-485.

Dutta, Sourish (2015): Financing Innovation: A Complex Nexus of Risk & Reward.

Dähler, Timo (2020): Bias or ignorance? The politics and economics behind sovereign credit ratings.

Edurkar, Ashok and Chougule, Dr.Dattatrya G. (2016): Review of Allocation of Advances by Foreign Banks operating in India to Exports & Small Scale Sector (SSI) during 2006-2010.

Effah Nyamekye, Gabriel (2016): What is the effect of globalisation on the performance of the service sector of Ghana?

Escobari, Diego and Serrano, Alejandro (2015): Reducing Asymmetric Information in Venture Capital Backed IPOs. Forthcoming in: Managerial Finance

FARAYIBI, Adesoji (2016): Stress Testing in the Nigerian Banking Sector.

FARUQUE, MUHAMMAD U (2011): An empirical investigation of the arbitrage pricing theory in a frontier stock market: evidence from Bangladesh. Published in: Indian Journal of Economics and Business , Vol. 10, No. 04 (1 December 2011): pp. 443-465.

Fabrizi, Simona and Lippert, Steffen and Norback, Pehr-Johan and Persson, Lars (2007): Venture Capitalists, Asymmetric Information and Ownership in the Innovation Process.

Farina, Vincenzo (2008): Network embeddedness, specialization choices and performance in investment banking industry.

Fulli-Lemaire, Nicolas (2013): A Tale of Two Eurozones: Banks’ Funding, Sovereign Risk & Unconventional Monetary Policies.

Gawlik, Remigiusz and Teczke, Janusz (2003): Spin Off Enterprises as a Financing Solution for the Innovative Clients of Science and Technology Parks. Published in: Rozvitok naukovo-tehnologìčnih parkìv ta ìnnovacìjnih struktur ìnših tipìv : Ukraïna ì svìtovij dosvìd (2003): pp. 130-135.

Genest, Benoit and Rego, David and Freon, Helene (2013): Collateral Optimization : Liquidity & Funding Value Adjustments, - Best Practices -.

Geronikolaou, George and Papachristou, George (2008): Venture Capital and Innovation in Europe. Published in: SSRN , Vol. http:/, (2008)

Ghassan, Hassan B. (2017): New alternative measuring financial stability. Published in: Turkish Economic Review , Vol. 4, No. 3 (September 2017): pp. 275-281.

Giandomenico, Rossano (2014): Finance & Stochastic.

Guha Niyogi, Gargi and Mandal, Nivedita and Das, Rituparna (2019): Survey of Credit Rating Methodologies of Mutual Funds: Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s.

Gunardi, Hery and Primiana, Ina and Effendi, Nury and Herwany, Aldrin and Satyakti, Yayan (2020): Risk and Competition in the Indonesian Private Banking Market: An Asymmetric Rivalry Within and Between Strategic Groups.

Gyoshev, Stanley and Kaplan, Todd R. and Szewczyk, Samuel and Tsetsekos, George (2013): Why Do Financial Intermediaries Buy Put Options from Companies?

Hasan, Iftekhar and Kim, Suk-Joong and Politsidis, Panagiotis and Wu, Eliza (2020): Loan syndication under Basel II: How do firm credit ratings affect the cost of credit?

Hasan, Iftekhar and Kim, Suk-Joong and Politsidis, Panagiotis and Wu, Eliza (2021): Loan syndication under Basel II: How do firm credit ratings affect the cost of credit?

Hasan, Iftekhar and Kim, Suk-Joong and Politsidis, Panagiotis and Wu, Eliza (2020): Syndicated bank lending and rating downgrades: Do sovereign ceiling policies really matter?

Hasan, Zubair (2018): Debt, equity, universal banking and Islamic finance: note.

Hasan, Zubair (2008): Islamic Banks: Profit sharing, equity, leverage lure and credit control. Forthcoming in: Synposium on Islamic banking and Finance, Melbourne University Australia (May 2009): pp. 1-18.

Hasan, Zubair (2002): Mudaraba as a mode of finance in Islamic banking: theory, practice and problems. Published in: Journal of Middle East Business and Economics , Vol. 14, No. 2 (December 2002): pp. 41-53.

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): IBSES: International Bank for Space Exploration and Sciences. Published in: International Institutions: Politics of International Institutions & Global Governance eJournal , Vol. 04, No. 15 (28 April 2017)

Hege, Ulrich and Nuti, Alessandro (2011): The Private Equity Secondaries Market During the Financial Crisis and the “Valuation Gap”. Published in: The Journal of Private Equity , Vol. 14, No. 3 (June 2011): pp. 42-54.

Hege, Ulrich and Palomino, Frederic and Schwienbacher, Armin (2009): Venture capital performance: the disparity between Europe and the United States. Published in: Finance , Vol. 30, No. 1 (May 2009): pp. 7-50.

Herpfer, Christoph and Maturana, Gonzalo (2020): Credit Rating Inflation: Is It Still Relevant and Who Prices It?

Hryckiewicz, Aneta (2014): Originators, traders, neutrals, and traditioners – various banking business models across the globe. Does the business model matter for financial stability?

Inci, Eren and Barlo, Mehmet (2010): Banks versus venture capital when the venture capitalist values private benefits of control.

Jerzmanowski, Michal and Nabar, Malhar (2008): Financial Development and Wage Inequality: Theory and Evidence.

Jones, Morgan and Mlambo, Chipo (2009): Early-stage venture capital in South Africa: Challenges and prospects.

K, S Chalapati Rao and Dhar, Biswajit (2011): India's FDI Inflows: Trends and Concepts.

KARGI, Bilal (2014): Credit Default Swap (CDS) Spreads: The Analysis of Time Series for The Integration with The Interest Rates and The Growth in Turkish Economy. Published in: Montenegrin Journal of Economics , Vol. 10, No. 1 (17 July 2014): pp. 59-66.

Kablan, S and Yousfi, O (2011): Efficiency of islamic and conventional banks in countries with islamic banking.

Karkowska, Renata (2013): The empirical analysis of dynamic relationship between financial intermediary connections and market return volatility. Published in: Faculty of Management Working Paper Series , Vol. No 3, No. No 3/ 2013 (October 2013): pp. 1-13.

Kouam, H and Kouam, S (2022): The Impact of Public Sector Lending on Financial Stability in Central Africa. Published in: Journal of Economic Research & Reviews , Vol. 2, No. 2771-7763 (17 August 2022): pp. 394-399.

Kyeremeh, Kwadwo and Prempeh, Kwadwo Boateng and Afful Forson, Matilda (2019): Effect of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) on the Performance of Financial Institutions (A Case Study of Barclays Bank, Sunyani Branch).

Lai, Richard (2005): Does Competition Kill Ties?

Lai, Richard (2006): Why Funds of Funds?

Lakicevic, Milan and Vulanovic, Milos (2012): A Story on Spacs.

Langkamp, Christian (2011): Counterparty credit risk management in industrial corporates.

Lau, Wee Yeap and Chan, Tze-Haw (2004): Does Misclassification of Equity Funds Exist? Evidence from Malaysia.

Lazarevski, Dimche and Mrsik, Jadranka and Smokvarski, Edi (2012): Evolution of the venture capital financing for growing small and medium enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe countries: the case of Macedonia. Published in: Entrepreneurship & Finance eJournal , Vol. 7, No. 47 (7 September 2012)

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2017): Investment in capital markets.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): Strategies on initial public offering of company equity at stock exchanges in imperfect highly volatile global capital markets with induced nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2013): Venture capital optimal investment portfolio strategies selection in diffusion - type financial systems in global capital markets with nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Wave function method to forecast foreign currencies exchange rates at ultra high frequency electronic trading in foreign currencies exchange markets.

Lee, David (2023): Default Forecasting and Credit Valuation Adjustment.

Lee, David (2023): Modeling Collateralization and Its Economic Significance.

Lemmens, Geert (2004): Internet & Capital raising: the perfect match?

Lenz, Rainer (2011): Get rid of banks and build up a modern financial world.

Leogrande, Angelo and Costantiello, Alberto and Laureti, Lucio and Matarrese, Marco Maria (2022): The Determinants of Risk Weighted Asset in Europe.

Levy, Daniel and Mayer, Tamir and Raviv, Alon (2020): Academic Scholarship in Light of the 2008 Financial Crisis: Textual Analysis of NBER Working Papers.

Lin, Zhongguo and Hamill, Philip A. and Li, Youwei and Sun, Zhuowei and Waterworth, James (2019): How Did Order-Flow Impact Bond Prices During the European Sovereign Debt Crisis? Forthcoming in:

Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio and Phalippou, Ludovic and Gottschalg, Olivier (2010): Giants at the Gate: On the Cross-section of Private Equity Investment Returns.

Mac an Bhaird, Ciarán and Lucey, Brian (2010): An empirical investigation of the financial growth life cycle. Published in: Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development , Vol. 18, No. 4 (2011): pp. 715-731.

Manjrekar, Rajesh and Sinha, Pankaj (2010): Myopic investment view of the Indian mutual fund industry.

Matey, Juabin (2019): Financial Performance Analysis of Distressed Banks in Ghana: Exploration of Financial Ratios and Z-score.

Matić, Branko and Serdarušić, Hrvoje (2008): Models of Including Financially Inactive Population into the Financial System. Published in: Interdisciplinary Management Research IV (2008): pp. 296-310.

Medovikov, Ivan (2014): Can Analysts Predict Rallies Better Than Crashes?

Michalski, Grzegorz (2008): Debt & equity costs determinants in small enterprise. JEREMIE fund influence on financial situation of SME. Published in: Proceeings of 4. mezinárodní konference Řízení a modelování finančních rizik (11 September 2008)

Miele, Maria Grazia (2013): The financial crisis and the credit rating agencies: the failure of reputation.

Miglo, Anton (2006): Debt-equity choice as a signal of profit profile over time.

Mittal, Amit and Garg, Ajay Kumar (2017): Private information implications for acquirers and targets in horizontal mergers.

Moreira, David and Janda, Karel (2017): Measuring the M&A Value of Control and Synergy in Central and Eastern European Transition Economies with the Case of Avast -AVG Acquisition.

Morris, Charles and Hoenig, Thomas (2011): Restructuring the Banking System to Improve Safety and Soundness.

Munteanu, Ionica (2010): Systemic Risk in Banking: New Approaches Under the Current Financial Crisis.

Murray, Gordon (2020): Ten Meditations on (Public) Venture Capital – Revisited.

Musgrave, Ralph S. (2014): The Solution is Full Reserve / 100% Reserve Banking.

Mushtaq, Saba (2016): Causality between Bank’s major activities and Economic Growth: Evidences from Pakistan.

Muteba Mwamba, John (2013): Posterior outperformance, selectivity and market timing skills in hedge funds: do they persist altogether?

NWAOBI, GODWIN C (2008): The Economics of Financial Derivative Instruments.

Najeeb, Syed Faiq and Bacha, Obiyathulla and Masih, Mansur (2014): Does a held-to-maturity strategy impede effective portfolio diversification for Islamic bond (sukuk) portfolios? A multi-scale continuous wavelet correlation analysis.

Nashihah, Faidatun (2019): Problematics in Development and Management of Money Affairs (Cash Affairs) in Indonesia.

Nath, Golaka (2012): Indian corporate bonds market –an analytical prospective.

Njangang, Henri and Asongu, Simplice and Tadadjeu, Sosson and Nounamo, Yann (2021): Is financial development shaping or shaking economic sophistication in African countries?

Orman, Cuneyt (2008): Organization of Innovation and Capital Markets.

Orth, Walter (2010): The predictive accuracy of credit ratings: Measurement and statistical inference.

Ozili, Peterson K (2024): Finternet in Africa: Preparing Africa for the financial system of the future. Published in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2021): Basel III in Nigeria: making it work. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2021): Circular economy, banks and other financial institutions: what’s in it for them? Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2022): Decentralized finance research and developments around the World. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2023): Determinants of interest in eNaira and financial inclusion information in Nigeria: role of Fintech, cryptocurrency and central bank digital currency. Published in:

Ozili, Peterson Kitakogelu (2021): Economic policy uncertainty in banking: a literature review. Forthcoming in: Handbook of Research on Financial Management During Economic Downturn and Recovery (10 May 2021)

Ozili, Peterson Kitakogelu (2021): Financial regulation and bank supervision during a pandemic. Forthcoming in:

Pacheco, Luís (2011): Moody’s credit ratings and the stock market performance of Portuguese rated firms.

Pennacchio, Luca (2013): The causal effect of venture capital backing on the underpricing of Italian IPOs.

Pennacchio, Luca and Del Monte, Alfredo and Acconcia, Antonio (2010): Underpricing and distance: an empirical analysis.

Pham, Thu Phuong and Singh, Harminder and Vu, Van Hoang (2023): The impact of bank loan announcements on stock liquidity. Forthcoming in: International Review of Economics & Finance

Phiri Kampanje, Brian (2022): Was it Debt Swap or Collateralised Foreign Currency Loan? Substance over Legal Form Considerations.

Piabuo, Serge Mandiefe (2016): How working capital management affects the profitability of Afriland First Bank of Cameroon? A case study. Published in: Business and Management Research Journal , Vol. 6, No. 7 (July 2016): pp. 89-99.

Poeschl, Johannes and Zhang, Xue (2018): Bank Capital Regulation and Endogenous Shadow Banking Crises.

Portmann, David and Mlambo, Chipo (2010): Private equity and venture capital in South Africa: A comparison of project financing decisions.

Price, Richard (2016): Governance, funding and finance for major infrastructure projects: bridging the gaps. Published in:

Qiao, Yongyuan (2008): Analysis into IPO underpricing and clustering in Hong Kong equity market.

Ramosaj, Berim (2010): Global financial crisis and its impact on the financial system of Kosovo.

Reddy, K. Srinivasa (2011): The aftermarket pricing performance of initial public offers: Insights from India. Published in: International Journal of Commerce and Management , Vol. 25, No. 1 (2015): pp. 84-107.

Reddy, Kotapati Srinivasa and Nangia, Vinay Kumar and Agrawal, Rajat (2013): Share repurchases, signalling effect and implications for corporate governance: Evidence from India. Published in: Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation , Vol. 9, No. 1 (2013): pp. 107-124.

Riman, Hodo. B and Akpan, Emmanuel S. and Offiong, Amenawa I. and Ojong, Cornelius M. (2013): Nexus between Oil Revenue, Non-oil Export and Industrial Output in Nigeria: An Application of the VAR Model. Published in: International Journal of Financial Economics , Vol. Vol. 1, No. No. 2, (17 December 2013)

Rosenthal, Dale W.R. (2012): Performance metrics for algorithmic traders.

Rubinton, Brian J (2011): Crowdfunding: disintermediated investment banking.

SANADI, NURSHAFIQA AQEELA (2017): Risk Based Corporate Governance in Damansara Realty Berhad: A Case Study Approach.

Saeidinezhad, Elham and Hovhannisyan, Tatev (2019): Can the Hybridity of Law and Finance Save Central Banking in a Zero-Lower Bound Recession? A Money and Legal View.

Santella, Paolo and Baffi, Enrico and Drago, Carlo and Lattuca, Dino (2008): A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Obstacles to Institutional Investor Activism in Europe and in the US.

Sawaliya, Priya and Sinha, Pankaj (2018): Behaviour of asset pricing models in pre and post-recession period: an evidence from India.

Scheuplein, Christoph and Kahl, Julian (2017): Do Company Builders Create Jobs? Examining the Rise of Incubation Finance in Germany. Published in: IAT Discussion Papers No. 2017-1 (15 November 2017)

Schied, Alexander and Schoeneborn, Torsten (2008): Risk aversion and the dynamics of optimal liquidation strategies in illiquid markets.

Schied, Alexander and Schöneborn, Torsten (2007): Optimal Portfolio Liquidation for CARA Investors.

Seipp, Vanessa and Michel, Alex and Siegfried, Patrick (2020): Review of International Supply Chain Risk Within Banking Regulations in Asia, US and EU Including Proposals to Improve Cost Efficiency by Meeting Regulatory Compliance. Published in: Journal of Financial Risk Management No. 9 (24 September 2020): pp. 229-251.

Shachmurove, Yochanan and Vulanovic, Milos (2013): SPACs in Shipping.

Sinha, Pankaj and Agnihotri, Shalini (2014): Sensitivity of Value at Risk estimation to NonNormality of returns and Market capitalization.

Skold, Alida S. (2011): Intended and Unintended Consequences of the Proposed Volcker Rule.

Skold, Alida S. (2011): Intended and Unintended Results of the Proposed Volcker Rule.

Stasi, Federer and Pierro, Roberto and Shaturaev, Jakhongir (2024): The Financial Implications of Mandating Non-Financial Assurance. Forthcoming in: Journal of Auditing and Assurance , Vol. 6, No. 15 (October 2024): pp. 55-73.

Staszkiewicz, Piotr W. (2012): Veryfication of the disclosure lemma for Polish broker-dealer market. Forthcoming in:

Sulehri, Fiaz Ahmad and Ali, Amjad (2020): Impact of Political Uncertainty on Pakistan Stock Exchange (1990-1999): An Event Study Approach.

Swamy, Vighneswara (2010): Fair value accounting in banking - Issues in convergence to IFRS.

Swamy, Vighneswara and S, Vijayalakshmi (2012): Fair Value Accounting in Banking – Issues in Convergence to IFRS. Published in: African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance , Vol. 1, No. 3 (2012): pp. 270-280.

Tahiri, Noor Rahman (2018): Financial Analysis of Afghanistan International Bank.

Takaoka, Sumiko (2018): Is there a safety premium in the design of corporate bond contracts?

Tiamiyu, Kehinde A. (2022): Financial deepening and stock market development in Nigeria: evidence from recent data (1981-2019).

Trad, Naama and Trabelsi, Mohamed Ali and Goux, Jean-François (2015): Risk and profitability of islamic banks: a religious deception or an alternative solution? Published in: 15th EBES Conference-Lisbon, 2015

Tunio, Mohsin Waheed (2023): What Explains the Volatility in Pakistan’s Sovereign Bond Yields?

Tut, DANIEL (2024): Bitcoin, speculative sentiments and crypto-assets valuation.

Tweneboah Senzu, Emmanuel (2019): Theoretical perspective of dynamic credit risk analysis and lending model; effective to enterprises of fragile economy.

Tyabji, Nasir (1988): State Aid to Industry: Madras 1921-37. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 23, No. 31 (30 July 1988): PE51-PE62.

Uzuntepe, Beren (2021): A Brief Comparison of Most Prominent Crowdfunding Platforms in Turkey and USA.

Van Deventer, Bart and Mlambo, Chipo (2008): Factors influencing venture capitalists' project financing decisions in South Africa. Published in: South African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 40, No. 1 (30 March 2009): pp. 33-41.

Vasios, Michalis and Payne, Richard and Nolte, Ingmar (2015): Profiting from Mimicking Strategies in Non-Anonymous Markets.

Wang, Luxia and Chong, Terence Tai Leung and He, Yiyao and Liu, Yuchen (2018): The Underpricing of Venture Capital Backed IPOs in China.

Xiao, Tim (2012): An Economic Examination of Collateralization in Different Financial Markets.

Xiao, Tim (2012): An Economic Examination of Collateralization in Different Financial Markets.

Yamori, Nobuyoshi and Nishigaki, Narunto and Asai, Yoshihiro (2006): Credit Ratings in the Japanese Bond Market. Published in: Japanese Fixed Income Markets: Money, Bond and Interest Rate Derivatives (2006): pp. 257-281.

Yashkir, Olga and Yashkir, Yuriy (2013): Loss Given Default Modelling: Comparative Analysis. Published in: Journal of Risk Model Validation , Vol. 7, No. 1 (27 March 2013)

Yousfi, Ouidad (2011): Islamic private equity: what is new?

Zvezdov, Ivelin (2012): Rational and mechanics of a peak risk variance swap for a property insurance portfolio.

khnifer, mohammed (2010): The Rise and Fall of Gulf Finance House. Published in:


KERZABI, Dounia and Ben Ahmed Daho, Rachida and BENDOB, Ali (2017): Les banques islamiques sont-elles plus performantes que les banques conventionnelles en Algérie ?

LY, Yahya Abou (2016): Barrières à l’accès aux services financiers bancaires par les entreprises en Mauritanie. Published in:

Troaca, Victor (2008): Exigences européennes et internationales concernant la prudence dans l’activitée bancaire.

Yousfi, Ouidad (2007): Le rôle de la dette dans le LBO : une revue de la littérature. Published in: Euro-Mediterranean Economics and Finance Review , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2007): pp. 234-253.


Novak, Branko and Matić, Branko (2002): STRUKTURELLE VERÄNDERUNGEN IN DER WIRTSCHAFT DER REPUBLIKEN KRAOATIEN UND BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND. Published in: XXIII. Wissenschaftliches Symposium, Strukturelle Veränderungen in der Wirtschaft der Republiken Kroatien und Bundesrepublik Deutschland (10 October 2002): pp. 31-51.


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