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Items where Subject is "G30 - General"

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ANDRIAKOPOULOS, KONSTANTINOS and LADAS, AUGOUSTINOS and ANDRIAKOPOULOS, PANAGIOTIS (2020): Bank efficiency and leasing in U.S.A. banking system.

Achy, Lahcen and Rigar, Sidi Mohamed (2005): Déterminants de la structure financière des entreprises manufacturières au Maroc.

Agrawal, Ashwini K. (2009): The Impact of Investor Protection Law on Corporate Policy: Evidence from the Blue Sky Laws.

Ali, Amjad and Alim, Wajid and Ahmed, Jawad and Nisar, Sabahat (2022): Yoke of Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: A Study of Listed Firms in Pakistan.

Ali, Amjad and Alim, Wajid and Ahmed, Jawad and Nisar, Sabahat (2021): Impact of Corporate Governance on Performance: A Study of Listed Firms in Pakistan.

Ali, Madiha and Ali, Syed Babar (2014): The Impact of Working Capital Management on Firm Profitability and Fixed Investment in Pakistan.

Altunok, Fatih and Oduncu, Arif (2013): Firm Leverage and the Financial Crisis.

Alves, Paulo (2012): The puzzle of corporate control. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 99 (2012): pp. 53-63.

Alves, Paulo and Couto, Eduardo and Francisco, Paulo (2014): EXECUTIVE PAY AND PERFORMANCE IN PORTUGUESE LISTED COMPANIES.

Alves, Paulo and Ferreira, Miguel (2008): Who Owns the Largest Firms Around the World? Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 21 (2008): pp. 93-110.

Ambrocio, Gene and Gu, Xian and Hasan, Iftekhar and Politsidis, Panagiotis (2020): The Diplomacy Discount in Global Syndicated Loans.

Ambrocio, Gene and Gu, Xian and Hasan, Iftekhar and Politsidis, Panagiotis (2021): The Diplomacy Discount in Global Syndicated Loans.

Ameer, Rashid (2007): What moves the primary stock and bond markets? Influence of macroeconomic factors on bond and equity issues in Malaysia and Korea. Published in: ASIAN ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE , Vol. 1, No. 3 (22 December 2007): pp. 93-116.

Andriakopoulos, Konstantinos and Kounetas, Konstantinos (2019): The impact of large lending on bank efficiency in U.S.A.

Apostolov, Mico (2011): Attributes to corporate governance and enterprise restructuring in the Macedonian economy.

Apostolov, Mico (2011): Attributes to corporate governance and enterprise restructuring in the Macedonian economy. Published in:

Apostolov, Mico (2010): Corporate Governance in Macedonia – micro and macro analysis. Published in: Risk Governance and Control - Financial Markets and Institutions, Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 124-134, Winter 2011 (February 2011)

Apostolov, Mico (2011): Governance and Enterprise Restructuring - the case of Macedonia.

Apostolov, Mico (2010): Governance and Enterprise Restructuring in Southeast Europe. Published in: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, UK (16 June 2010)

Apostolov, Mico (2011): Governance and Enterprise Restructuring in Southeast Europe – gross domestic product and foreign direct investments.

Apostolov, Mico (2011): Governance and enterprise restructuring - the case of Macedonia. Forthcoming in:

Asano, Koji (2023): Reputation and the Wall Street Walk.

Atsin, Jessica A.L. and Ocran, Matthew K. (2015): Calendar effects and market anomalies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.


Barajas, Angel (2004): Modelo de valoración de clubes de fútbol basado en los factores clave de su negocio.

Barbuta Misu, Nicoleta (2009): Analysis of the Financial Equilibrium on the Building Sector - Case of Romania. Published in: The Annals of Dunarea de Jos University , Vol. 15, (10 March 2009): pp. 109-122.

Barbuta Misu, Nicoleta (2008): The enterprise’ performance in the knowledge based society. Published in: The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle I – 2008. Economics and Applied Informatics , Vol. XIV, No. Years XIV (2008): pp. 95-102.

Baschieri, Davide and Magni, Carlo Alberto and Marchioni, Andrea (2020): Comprehensive Financial Modeling of Solar PV Systems. Published in: Proceedings of the EU PVSEC 2020 - 37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition : pp. 2024-2027.

Bejan, Camelia and Bidian, Florin (2009): Ownership Structure and Efficiency in Large Economies.

Belenkov, Alexey (2014): Особенности инвестирования в человеческий капитал.

Bell, Peter (2012): Corporate investment decisions under asymmetric information and uncertainty.

Bell, Peter N (2012): Corporate investment decisions under asymmetric information and uncertainty.

Belloc, Filippo (2010): Corporate governance and innovation: an organizational perspective.

Ben Rejeb, Wajdi (2014): Good Board Governance and Perceived Business Continuity in Tunisian Corporate Groups. Published in: Journal of Asian Developement Studies , Vol. 3, No. 4 (20 December 2014): pp. 21-34.

Benzinho, José (2004): The dividend policy of the Portuguese corporations: Evidence from Euronext Lisbon.

Besana, Angela (2008): Priorities for the Italian Cultural Firms.

Beuselinck, Christof and Karavitis, Panagiotis and Kazakis, Pantelis and Mouna, Niswatil (2024): E-government and corporate tax planning: International evidence.

Black, Bernard and De Carvalho, Antonio Gledson and Khanna, Vikramaditya and Kim, Woochan and Yurtoglu, Burcin (2014): Methods for Multicountry Studies of Coporate Governance: Evidence from the BRIKT Countries.

Blanchard, Michel and Peltrault, Frederic (2009): Financial development, International Trade and welfare.

Blanco, Iván and Wehrheim, David (2016): The Bright Side of Financial Derivatives: Options Trading and Firm Innovation.

Bojańczyk, Mirosław (2010): Communication of companies with their surroundings - the manipulation of information and information asymmetry.

Borges da Silva, Eduardo and Emanuel M. Oliveira, Vitor (2022): Uma análise de otimização asg à luz das premissas de finanças comportamentais.

Boylan, Robert and Cebula, Richard and Foley, Maggie and Liu, Xiaowei (2013): An Analysis of Omitted Shareholder Proposals. Published in: Journal of Finance and Accountancy , Vol. 17, No. 1 (13 June 2014): pp. 1-16.

Bukvić, Rajko (1995): Књиговодствено-финансијски показатељи пословања и њихово коришћење у интерним и екстерним анализама. Published in: Књиговодство , Vol. 40, No. 9 (1995): pp. 39-48.

Bukvić, Rajko and Pavlović, Radica (2016): Современный финансовый и управленческий бухучёт как предпосылка продвижения корпоративного управления. Published in: XVI Международная научная конференция «Модернизация России: приоритеты, проблемы, решения», 20–21 декабря 2016, Москва, Россия: тенденции и перспективы развития. Ежегодник. Вып. 12 / РАН. ИНИОН. Отд. науч. сотрудничества. – Москва, 2017. – Часть 2. , Vol. 2, (2017): pp. 227-228.

Buriak, Anna (2014): Performance in banking: theory and practice peculiarities. Published in: Central European journal for science and research No. 1(3) (2014): pp. 61-76.

Bülent, Köksal and Cüneyt, Orman and Arif, Oduncu (2013): Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from a Major Emerging Market Economy.


Cebula, Richard and Yang, Bill (2008): Yield to Maturity Is Always Realized as Promised: A Reply. Published in: Journal of Economics and Finance Education , Vol. 8, No. 2 (28 February 2009): pp. 38-41.

Chen, Hui and Parsley, David and Yang, Ya-wen (2010): Corporate Lobbying and Financial Performance.

Cheong, Juyoung and Kim, Woochan (2014): Revisiting Executive Pay in Family-Controlled Firms: Family Premium in Large Business Groups.

Choe, Chongwoo and Tian, Gloria and Yin, Xiangkang (2009): Managerial Power, Stock-Based Compensation, and Firm Performance: Theory and Evidence.

Choe, Chongwoo and Yin, Xiangkang (2006): Should executive stock options be abandoned? Published in: Australian Journal of Management , Vol. 31, No. 2 : pp. 163-179.

Choi, Jong-Seo and Kwak, Young-Min and Choe, Chongwoo (2010): Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance: Evidence from Korea.

Choi, Jong-Seo and Kwak, Young-Min and Choe, Chongwoo (2012): Earnings management surrounding CEO turnover: evidence from Korea.

Cizakca, Murat (2010): Was Shari'ah indeed the culprit?

Cogliandro, Gisell and Ariel, Melamud (2010): Análisis del Gasto Público Social en el Presupuesto Nacional 2010. Published in: Fundación Siena Website , Vol. 1, No. Documento de Trabajo (2010): 01-56.

Cohen, Ruben D (2007): Incorporating default risk into Hamada's Equation for application to capital structure.

Columba, Francesco and Gambacorta, Leonardo and Mistrulli, Paolo Emilio (2009): The effects of mutual guarantee consortia on the quality of bank lending. Published in: Revue Bancaire et Financiere , Vol. 4, (2009): pp. 226-232.

Columba, Francesco and Leonardo, Gambacorta and Paolo Emilio, Mistrulli (2008): Firms as monitor of other firms: mutual guarantee institutions and SME finance.

Corduneanu, Carmen and Iovu, Laura Raisa (2007): Financing opportunities for SME in Romania. Published in: Proceedings of the 6th International Syposium of the Romanian Regional Science Association , Vol. 3, No. 1 (9 June 2007): pp. 25-31.


Dai, Darong (2011): Wealth Martingale and Neighborhood Turnpike Property in Dynamically Complete Market with Heterogeneous Investors. Forthcoming in: Economic Research Guardian

Dai, Meixing and Sidiropoulos, Moïse (2010): Monetary and fiscal policy interactions with central bank transparency and public investment.

Darmadi, Salim (2010): Board diversity and firm performance: the Indonesian evidence. Published in: Corporate Ownership and Control , Vol. 1, No. 9 (2011): pp. 524-539.

Darmadi, Salim (2010): Do Women in Top Management Affect Firm Performance? Evidence from Indonesia. Forthcoming in: Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society

Darmouni, Olivier and Sutherland, Andrew (2018): Learning about Competitors: Evidence from SME Lending.

Delis, Manthos and Iosifidi, Maria and Pnevmatikos, Lampros and Tsiritakis, Emmanuel (2023): Credit negotiations.

Delis, Manthos and Gaganis, Chrysovalantis and Hasan, Iftekhar and Pasiouras, Fotios (2015): The Effect of Board Directors from Countries with Different Genetic Diversity Levels on Corporate Performance. Published in: Management Science

Delis, Manthos and Hasan, Iftekhar and To, Thomas and Wu, Eliza (2022): The real effects of bank lobbying: Evidence from the corporate loan market.

Dey, Tania and Banerjee, Rajabrata (2011): Can Corporate Diversification Promote Firm Value? A Survey.

Dinh, Tran Ngoc Huy (2010): A Set of Limited Asian Pacific Corporate Governance Standards After Financial Crisis, Corporate Scandals and Manipulation.

Dong, Yan and Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Cai, Dongliang (2011): What Drives Fixed Asset Holding and Risk-Adjusted Performance of Corporate in China? An Empirical Analysis.

Douglas, Graham (2006): Achieving sustainable development: the Integrative Improvement Institutes Project. Published in: Development Gateway (3 March 2008)

Driver, Ciaran (2007): Varieties of governance. Published in: Louvain Economic Review , Vol. 74, No. 4 (October 2008): pp. 425-453.

Du, Julan and Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Chu, Derek (2013): Return enhancing, cash-rich or simply empire-building? An empirical investigation of corporate real estate holdings.

Dub, Bohdana (2016): Система економічної безпеки підприємства: поняття та структура. Published in: Project management and development of production / Управління проектами та розвиток виробництва No. 4 (60) (2016): pp. 5-18.

Dub, Bohdana (2016): Інтеграція та синергія видів менеджменту для вдосконалення системи економічної безпеки підприємства. Published in: Sustainable development of economy / Сталий розвиток економіки No. 4 (33) (2016): pp. 47-53.

Dub, Bohdana (2016): Стратегія інноваційного розвитку системи економічної безпеки агрохолдингу. Published in: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Economics and Intellectual Property / Теоретичні і практичні аспекти економіки та інтелектуальної власності No. 14 (2016): pp. 64-68.


Eddy Yusof, Ezry Fahmy and Kan, Zusuff (2010): Appraisal on End Products and Services Offered by Islamic Banks from Maqasid Shari’ah Perspective.

Edurkar, Ashok and Chougule, Dr.Dattatrya G. (2016): Perspectives of Foreign Trade subjected to financing by Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) using business practices models as derived by factor and cluster analysis Post RBI Road Map 2005.

Eisfeldt, Andrea and Kuhnen, Camelia M. (2010): CEO turnover in a competitive assignment framework.

Elasrag, Hussein (2014): دور أدوات الحوكمة في تنظيم الرقابة الشرعية و تطويرها.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Economics and Rationality of organizations: an approach to the work of Herbert A. Simon.

Everett, Craig R. (2013): Measuring the social responsibility discount for the cost of equity capital: evidence from benefit corporations. Published in: Journal of Behavioral Finance & Economics , Vol. 3, No. 2 (2013): pp. 55-75.

Everts, Martin (2002): Cash Dilution in Illiquid Funds.


Fernández Guadaño, Josefina (2006): Diferentes consideraciones en torno al capital social de las sociedades cooperativas. Published in: REVESCO , Vol. 88, (2006): pp. 40-61.

Fidanoski, Filip and Mateska, Vesna and Simeonovski, Kiril (2013): Corporate Governance and Bank Performance: Evidence from Macedonia. Published in: Proceedings [CD- ROM] of 16th International Students’ Conference, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ege University, Izmir. (April 2013)

Foley, Maggie and Cebula, Richard and Boylan, Robert (2014): An Analysis of Omitted Shareholder Proposals.


Gajewski, Krzysztof and Pawłowska, Małgorzata and Rogowski, Wojciech (2012): Relacje firm z bankami w Polsce w świetle danych ze sprawozdawczości bankowej. Published in: Materiały i Studia - National Bank of Poland No. 275 (October 2012)

Garcia Fronti, Javier (2015): Modelo estocástico para la valuación de una inversión nanomédica.

Gasanov, Oscar and Chirskaya, Marina (2021): Manufacturing Industry Financial Condition of the City of Rostov-On-Don: Examine by the Altman Models. Published in: International Scientific and Practical Conference Operations and Project management: strategies and trends DITEM 2021: Strategies and Trends in Organizational and Project Management , Vol. 380, (2 February 2022): pp. 488-499.

Ghosh, Saibal (2010): Firm performance and CEO pay: Evidence from Indian manufacturing. Published in: Journal of Entrepreneurship , Vol. 19, No. 2 (September 2010): pp. 137-147.

Giofré, Maela/M. (2009): Investor protection and foreign stakeholders.

Girardi, Alessandro and Ventura, Marco and Margani, Patrizia (2018): An Indicator of Credit Crunch using Italian Business Surveys.

Giurca Vasilescu, Laura (2008): Corporate governance in developing and emerging countries. The case of Romania.

Gopalakrishnan, Balagopal and Mohapatra, Sanket (2019): Insolvency Regimes and Firms' Default Risk Under Economic Uncertainty and Shocks.

Gourieroux, Christian and Tiomo, Andre (2019): The Evaluation of Model Risk for Probability of Default and Expected Loss.

Govori, Fadil (2011): Analiza e pasqyrave financiare: Përdoruesit e treguesve financiarë.

Govori, Fadil (2014): The development of capital market and its impact on providing alternative sources of business financing: Empirical analysis.

Grosman, Anna and Amore, Mario Daniele (2021): Share Repurchases and Board Independence.

Gu, Tao (2019): Wage payments and fixed capital investment in imperfect financial and labor markets: The case of China.

Gul, Ejaz (2013): Economic Risk Exposure of Selected Projects and Risk Attitude of Investors; Evidence from Liberia.

Gómez Aparicio, Pilar and Miranda García, Marta (2006): La caractierización financiera y contable del capital social a la luz de los principios cooperativos. Published in: REVESCO , Vol. 90, : pp. 7-27.

Gómez Aparicio, Pilar and Miranda García, Marta (2006): Sobre el régimen económico y financiero particular de las sociedades cooperativas. Published in: REVESCO , Vol. 90, (2006): pp. 28-56.


Hakimi, Abdelaziz and Hamdi, Helmi (2013): The duration of bank relationships and the performance of Tunisian firms. Published in: Journal of Applied Business Research , Vol. 30, No. 01/2014. , p 59-64 (2014): pp. 59-64.

Hakimi, Abdelaziz and Hamdi, Helmi and Djlassi, Mouldi (2013): Testing the concentration-performance relationship in the Tunisian banking sector. Forthcoming in: EAST-WEST Journal of Economics and Business

Halkos, George and Aslanidis, Panagiotis-Stavros (2024): Reviewing environmental aspects under the scope of ESG.

Halkos, George and Tsirivis, Apostolos (2019): Using Value-at-Risk for effective energy portfolio risk management.

Hammad, Siddiqi (2015): Capital Asset Pricing Model Adjusted for Anchoring.

Han, Bing and Hirshleifer, David and Persons, John (2007): Promotion Tournaments and Capital Rationing.

Hasan, Iftekhar and Karavitis, Panagiotis and Kazakis, Pantelis and Leung, Woon Sau (2019): Corporate Social Responsibility and Profit Shifting.

Hernandez, Carlos Eduardo and Tovar, Jorge and Caballero/Argáez, Carlos (2022): Tunneling when Regulation is Lax: The Colombian Banking Crisis of the 1980s.

Hirshleifer, David and Low, Angie and Teoh, Siew Hong (2010): Are Overconfident CEOs Better Innovators?

Hiya, Nirmadarningsih and Sadalia, Isfenti and Fachruddin, Khaira Amalia (2019): Determinants of capital structure decisions in Indonesia. Published in: JUNIOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHER , Vol. 5, No. 1 (May 2019): pp. 38-54.

Hong, Jifeng and Kazakis, Pantelis and Strieborny, Martin (2024): A fish rots from the head down: The contagion effect of upstream firms’ environmental misconduct on downstream firms’ green innovation continuity.

Hossain, Monzur (2010): Financial Reforms and Persistently High Bank Interest Spreads in Bangladesh: Pitfalls in Institutional Development?

Hwang, Sunwoo and Kim, Woochan (2014): When Heirs Become Major Shareholders: Evidence on Tunneling and Succession through Related-Party Transactions.


Iacob, Constanta and Giurca Vasilescu, Laura and Dracea, Raluca (2008): A modern approach on modeling the cost behavior by ABC/ABM method.

Iosifidi, Maria and Kokas, Sotirios (2015): Who lends to riskier and lower-profitability firms? Evidence from the syndicated loan market.


Janda, Karel and Kravtsov, Oleg (2016): Interdependencies between Leverage and Capital Ratios in the Banking Sector of the Czech Republic.

Ji, Jiao and Talavera, Oleksandr and Yin, Shuxing (2016): CEO Dismissal, Compensation and Topics of Board Meetings: The Case of China.

Jo, Tae-Hee (2012): Financing investment under fundamental uncertainty and instability: A heterodox microeconomic view.

Jo, Tae-Hee (2011): Heterodox Critiques of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Jono, Siti Junaidah (2017): The Relationship of Financial Risks Towards the Performance of Vivocom Intl Holdings Berhad.


Kaluzhsky, M.L. (2006): Генезис цивитальной организации: идеология нового мира. Published in: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, KG , Vol. full, No. - (2012): pp. 1-416.

Katsafados, Apostolos G. and Androutsopoulos, Ion and Chalkidis, Ilias and Fergadiotis, Manos and Leledakis, George N. and Pyrgiotakis, Emmanouil G. (2020): Textual Information and IPO Underpricing: A Machine Learning Approach.

Kerzabi, Zouleykha samiya and Kerzabi, Dounya (2020): L’enracinement des dirigeants : cas des entreprises algériennes cotées en bourse (durant la période 2005 – 2017).

Khan, Zazy (2015): Activist Hedge Funds: Evidence from the Recent Financial Crisis.

Kjenstad, Einar and Su, Xunhua (2012): Product Market Predatory Threats and the Use of Performance-sensitive Debt.

Kodongo, Odongo and Mokoaleli-Mokoteli, Thabang and Maina, Leonard (2014): Capital structure, profitability and firm value: panel evidence of listed firms in Kenya.

Krieger, Kevin and Lee, Bong-Soo and Mauck, Nathan (2012): Do Senior Citizens Prefer Dividends? Local Clienteles vs. Firm Characteristics.

Kuhnen, Camelia M. (2010): Searching for Jobs: Evidence from MBA Graduates.

Kunnathuvalappil Hariharan, Naveen (2017): Driver-based model- trends factors affecting its adoption. Published in: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) , Vol. 4, No. 10 (October 2017): pp. 865-869.

Kusi, Baah and Agbloyor, Elikplimi and Asongu, Simplice and Abor, Joshua (2021): Foreign Bank Assets and Presence on Banking Stability in Africa: Does Strong and Weak Corporate Governance Systems under different Regulatory Regimes Matter? Forthcoming in: Journal of Financial Economic Policy


Lal, Irfan and Mohammad, Sulaiman D. and Hussain, Adnan and Jalil, Anwar (2012): Effects of Financial Structure and Financial Development on Economic Growth: A Case Study of Pakistan. Published in: European Journal of Social Sciences – Volume 11, Number 3 (2009) , Vol. 11, No. Number 3 (2009) (16 December 2009)

Lau, Wee Yeap and Chan, Tze-Haw (2004): Does Misclassification of Equity Funds Exist? Evidence from Malaysia.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Information theory of firm.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): Mergers and acquisitions transactions strategies in diffusion - type financial systems in highly volatile global capital markets with nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the fundamentals of winning virtuous strategies creation toward leveraged buyout transactions implementation during private equity investment in conditions of resonant absorption of discrete information in diffusion - type financial system with induced nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the fundamentals of winning virtuous strategies creation toward leveraged buyout transactions implementation during private equity investment in conditions of resonant absorption of discrete information in diffusion - type financial system with induced nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the fundamentals of winning virtuous strategies creation toward leveraged buyout transactions implementation during private equity investment in conditions of resonant absorption of discrete information in diffusion - type financial system with induced nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Winning virtuous strategy creation by interlocking interconnecting directors in boards of directors in firms in information century.

Lee, Bong Soo and Mauck, Nathan (2014): Information Asymmetry and the Market Response to Open Market Share Repurchases.

Lemmens, Geert (2004): Internet & Capital raising: the perfect match?

Lenz, Rainer (2008): The Logic of Merger and Acquisition Pricing. Forthcoming in:

Liew, Chee Yoong and Devi, S.Susela (2020): Family Firms, Banks and Firm Value: Evidence from Malaysia. Published in: Journal of Family Business Management , Vol. 11, No. 1 (2020): pp. 51-85.

Liew, Chee Yoong and Devi, S.Susela (2020): Independent Directors’ Tenure, Expropriation, Related Party Transactions, and Firm Value: The Role of Ownership Concentration in Malaysian Publicly Listed Corporations. Published in: Handbook of Research on Accounting and Financial Studies No. Chapter 9 (31 March 2020): pp. 182-207.

Loderer, Claudio and Waelchli, Urs (2010): Firm age and performance.

Lopez, Claude and Contreras, Oscar and Bendix, Joseph (2020): ESG ratings: the road ahead.


M N, Nikhil and S Shenoy, Sandeep and Chakraborty, Suman and B M, Lithin (2023): Is the Nexus Between Capital Structure and Firm Performance Asymmetric? An Emerging Market Perspective. Published in: Cogent Economics and Finance , Vol. 12, No. 1 (8 January 2024): p. 2296195.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2005): Economic profit, NPV, and CAPM: Biases and violations of Modigliani and Miller's Proposition I. Forthcoming in: The ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2005): Economic profit, NPV, and CAPM: Biases and violations of Modigliani and Miller's Proposition I. Published in: The ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance , Vol. 14, No. 10 (October 2008): pp. 59-72.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): In search of the "lost capital". A theory for valuation, investment decisions, performance measurement.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Investment decisions, net present value and bounded rationality. Forthcoming in: Quantitative Finance

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Measuring performance and valuing firms: In search of the lost capital.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Measuring performance and valuing firms: In search of the lost capital.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Project selection and equivalent CAPM-based investment criteria. Published in: Applied Financial Economics Letters , Vol. 3, No. 2 (2007): pp. 165-168.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Project valuation and investment decisions: CAPM versus arbitrage. Published in: Applied Financial Economics Letters , Vol. 3, No. 1 (March 2007): pp. 137-140.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Rating and ranking firms with fuzzy expert systems: the case of Camuzzi.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2004): Rating and ranking firms with fuzzy expert systems: the case of Camuzzi.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Relevance or irrelevance of retention for dividend policy irrelevance.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Relevance or irrelevance of retention for dividend policy irrelevance. Forthcoming in: Applied Economics Research Bulletin (Peer-Reviewed Working Paper Series)

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Residual income and value creation: An investigation into the lost-capital paradigm.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Residual income and value creation: An investigation into the lost-capital paradigm.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Residual income and value creation: An investigation into the lost-capital paradigm.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2000): Scomposizione di sovraprofitti: Economic Value Added e Valore Aggiunto Sistemico. Published in: Finanza Marketing e Produzione , Vol. 4, No. 19 (December 2001): pp. 94-119.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): A Sum&Discount method for appraising firms:An illustrative example.


Magni, Carlo Alberto and Vélez-Pareja, Ignacio (2009): Potential dividends versus actual cash flows in firm valuation. Forthcoming in: ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance

Malik, Saif Ullah (2012): Relationship between Corporate Governance Score and Stock Prices: Evidence from KSE- 30 Index Companies. Published in: International Journal of Business and Social Science , Vol. 4, No. Vol. 3 No. 4 [Special Issue - February 2012] (1 February 2012): pp. 239-249.

Mamatzakis, Emmanuel and Xu, Bingrun (2017): Does corporate governance matter in fund management company: the case of china.

Mamatzakis, Emmanuel and Xu, Bingrun (2016): Managerial attributes and equity mutual fund performance: evidence from china.

Mamoru, Nagano (2011): Who issues debt securities in emerging countries?

Mansur, Alfan (2017): Memantau Risiko Makro Finansial di dalam Perekonomian Indonesia. Published in: Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan , Vol. 2, No. 2 (31 August 2018): pp. 120-148.

Marchioni, Andrea and Magni, Carlo Alberto and Baschieri, Davide (2020): Investment and financing perspectives for a solar photovoltaic project. Published in: MIC2020 Management International Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 12-15 November 2020, Book of Proceedings

Mario, Cuevas (2007): A Practical Guide to the Assessment of the Vulnerability of the Non-Financial Private Sector. Forthcoming in: Banca & Finanzas: Documentos de Trabajo , Vol. 1, No. 2 (January 2007): pp. 1-18.

Martínez-Salgueiro, Andrea and Tarrazón-Rodón, María-Antonia (2020): Is diversification effective in reducing the systemic risk implied by a market for weather index-based insurance in Spain? Published in: Intenational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction , Vol. 62, (August 2021): p. 102345.

Mersland, Roy and Strøm, Reidar Øystein (2007): Performance and corporate governance in microfinance institutions.

Mersland, Roy and Strøm, Reidar Øystein (2007): Performance and corporate governance in microfinance institutions.

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Miglo, Anton (2022): Theories of financing for entrepreneurial firms: a review. Forthcoming in: International Review of Entrepreneurship

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