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Items where Subject is "H22 - Incidence"

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Number of items at this level: 84.


Agarwal, Samiksha and Chakraborty, Lekha (2019): Business Taxation in an Emerging Economy: Analysing Corporate Tax Incidence. Forthcoming in:

Agarwal, Samiksha and Chakraborty, Lekha (2018): Who Bears the Corporate Tax Incidence? Empirical Evidence from India.

Ajwad, Mohamed Ishan and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Who Benefits from Increased Access to Public Services at the Local Level? A Marginal Benefit Incidence Analysis for Education and Basic Infrastructure. Published in: World Bank Economists' Forum , Vol. 2, (July 2002): pp. 155-175.

Angel-Urdinola, Diego and Cosgrove-Davies, Malcolm and Wodon, Quentin (2006): Rwanda: Electricity Tariff Reform. Published in: Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of Reforms: Lessons and Examples from Implementat (edited by A. Coudouel, A. Dani and S. Paternostro), World Bank, Washington, DC (2006): pp. 235-256.

Angel-Urdinola, Diego and Wodon, Quentin (2008): Assessing the Targeting Performance of Social Programs: Cape Verde. Published in: Public Finance for Poverty Reduction: Concepts and Case Studies from Africa and Latin America (edited by Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Directions in Development) (January 2008): pp. 417-439.

Argesanu, Nicolae Razvan (2011): TENDINTE ACTUALE ALE STRUCTURII SI DINAMICII PRELEVARILOR FISCALE ALE ROMANIEI. Published in: Cercetarea doctorală în economie: prezent şi perspective , Vol. 2, (July 2011): pp. 26-32.

armstrong, mark and Vickers, John (2023): Multiproduct Cost Passthrough: Edgeworth's Paradox Revisited.


Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Beladi, Hamid (2022): Sustained Economic Growth and Physical Capital Taxation in a Creative Region.

Bellù, Lorenzo G. and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Charting Income Inequality: The Lorenz Curve. Published in: (1 November 2005)

Bellù, Lorenzo Giovanni and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Social Welfare Analysis of Income Distributions: Ranking Income Distributions with Crossing Generalised Lorenz Curves. Published in: (1 November 2005)

Bellù, Lorenzo Giovanni and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Social Welfare Analysis of Income Distributions: Ranking Income Distributions with Lorenz Curves. Published in: (1 November 2005)

Benedek, Dora and Lelkes, Orsolya (2009): The distributional implications of income underreporting in Hungary.

Blumkin, Tomer and Ruffle, Bradley J. and Ganun, Yosef (2007): Are Income and Consumption Taxes Ever Really Equivalent? Evidence from a Real-Effort Experiment with Real Goods.

Bouzahzah, Mohamed and Saber, Brahim (2012): Coût de mobilité endogène et flexibilité du marché du travail.


Caminada, Koen and Goudswaard, Kees (2004): Are public and private social expenditures complementary? Published in: Department of Economics Research Memorandum No. 2004.01 (2004): pp. 1-19.

Caminada, Koen and Goudswaard, Kees (1997): Distributional effects of a flat tax: An empirical analysis for the Netherlands. Published in: Department of Economics Research Memorandum No. 97.04 (1997): pp. 1-34.

Caminada, Koen and Goudswaard, Kees (2001): International trends in income inequality and social policy. Published in: Department of Economics Research Memorandum No. 2001.03 (2001): pp. 1-27.

Caminada, Koen and Goudswaard, Kees (1999): Social policy and income distribution: An empirical analysis for the Netherlands. Published in: Department of Economics Research Memorandum No. 99.03 (1999): pp. 1-33.

Cebula, Richard (1973): Local Government Policies and Migration: An Analysis for SMSAs in the United States, 1965-1970. Published in: Public Choice , Vol. 19, No. 3 (17 November 1974): pp. 85-93.

Cebula, Richard (1976): A Note on Equal Proportional Sacrifice. Published in: The American Economist , Vol. 21, No. 1 (30 April 1977): p. 72.

Cebula, Richard (2004): A Preliminary Analysis of the Presidential Approval Rating. Published in: The Elgar Companion to Public Economics: Empirical Public Economics (17 May 2006): pp. 274-281.

Cebula, Richard and Clark, Jeff (2014): Economic Freedom, Regulatory Quality, Taxation, and Living Standards.

Cebula, Richard and Foley, Maggie and Houmes, Robert (2010): Property Tax Capitalization within a National Historic District versus Property Tax Capitalization outside that National Historic District: Another Application of the Tiebout Hypothesis. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Finance , Vol. 3, No. 4 (24 September 2011): pp. 14-21.

Cebula, Richard and Smith, Heather (2008): Teaching Political Economy: On the Economics Significance of the Public's Job Approval Rating of the President. Published in: Expanding Teaching and Learning Horizons in Economic Education (15 May 2009): pp. 155-163.

Chen, Been-Lon and Chen, Hung-Ju and Wang, Ping (2011): Taxing capital is not a bad idea indeed: the role of human capital and labor-market frictions.

Cintra, Marcos (2009): Bank transactions: pathway to the single tax ideal A modern tax technology;the Brazilian experience with a bank transactions tax (1993-2007). Published in:

Cont, Walter and Hancevic, Pedro and Navajas, Fernando H. (2011): Energy populism and household welfare.

Cossio Muñoz, Fernando (2006): Informe de Equidad Fiscal de Bolivia: Incidencia Distributiva de la Política Fiscal. Published in: (August 2006)


Di Cosmo, Valeria and Tiezzi, Silvia (2023): Let them Eat Cake? The Net Consumer Welfare Impact of Sin Taxes.

Doligalski, Pawel and Ndiaye, Abdoulaye and Werquin, Nicolas (2020): Redistribution with Performance Pay.

Donna, Javier D. (2021): Measuring Long-Run Gasoline Price Elasticities in Urban Travel Demand. Forthcoming in:


Emini, Christian Arnault and Kanmi Feunou, Dorine (2008): Decomposing the Effects of Economic Policies on Poverty Trends in Cameroon: A Double Calibration Micro Simulated General Equilibrium Analysis.


Farrell, Niall and Lyons, Seán (2014): The distributional impact of the Irish public service obligation levy on electricity consumption.

Filoso, Valerio (2010): The Corporate Income Tax: An Entrepreneurial Perspective. Published in: The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics , Vol. 13, No. 1 (2010): pp. 99-123.

Filoso, Valerio (2007): The Non-neutrality of Corporate Tax: An Entrepreneurial Perspective.


Goudswaard, Kees and Caminada, Koen (2008): The redistributive impact of public and private social expenditure. Published in: Department of Economics Research Memorandum No. 2008.04 (2008): pp. 1-16.

Grady, Patrick (1990): An Analysis of the Distributional Impact of the Goods and Services Tax. Published in: Canadian Tax Journal , Vol. 3, No. 38 (May 1990): pp. 632-643.

Grady, Patrick (1992): The Burden of Federal Tax Increases Under the Conservatives. Published in: Canadian Business Economics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (10 September 1992): pp. 16-24.

Grady, Patrick (1990): The Distributional Impact of the Federal Tax and Transfer Changes Introduced Since 1984. Published in: Canadian Tax Journal , Vol. Vol. 3, (March 1990): pp. 286-297.

Grady, Patrick (1991): The Distributional Impact of the Goods and Services Tax: A Reply to Gillespie. Published in: Canadian Tax Journal , Vol. 38, No. 4 (1991): pp. 937-946.

Grady, Patrick (2010): Some Observations on Net Fiscal Transfers to Recent Immigrants Resulting From Income Taxes and Government Transfer Programs.

Graves, Philip E. and Sexton, Robert L. and Lee, Dwight R. (1996): Slope versus elasticity and the burden of taxation. Published in: Journal of Economic Education , Vol. 27, No. 3 : pp. 229-232.

Grubel, Herbert and Grady, Patrick (2011): Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State 2011. Published in:


Hernandez, Gustavo Adolfo and Light, Miles and Rutherford, Thomas (2002): A dynamic general equilibrium model for tax policy analysis in Colombia.

Hernandez, Gustavo Adolfo and Soto, Carolina and Prada, Sergio and Ramirez, Juan Mauricio (2000): Exenciones tributarias: Costo fiscal y análisis de incidencia. Published in: Archivos de Macroeconomia No. 141 (7 December 2000): pp. 1-30.

Hollenbeck, Brett and Uetake, Kosuke (2018): Taxation and Market Power in the Legal Marijuana Industry.


Kakpo, Eliakim (2018): The corporate tax, apportionment rules and employment: Evidence using policy discontinuity at U.S. state borders.

Kiula, Olga and Markandya, Anil and Ščasný, Milan and Menkyna Tsuchimoto, Fusako (2014): The Economic and Environmental Effects of Taxing Air Pollutants and CO2: Lessons from a Study of the Czech Republic.

Klenert, David and Mattauch, Linus (2015): How to make a carbon tax reform progressive: The role of subsistence consumption.

Klenert, David and Mattauch, Linus (2015): How to make a carbon tax reform progressive: The role of subsistence consumption. Published in: Economics Letters , Vol. 138, (2016): pp. 100-103.

Klinge Jacobsen, Henrik (2002): Regional energy consumption and income differences in Denmark. Published in: Environmental Policy and Planning , Vol. Vol. 5, No. 3 : pp. 269-283.


Liberati, Paolo and Paradiso, Massimo (2014): Sulla composizione dell'accisa sui tabacchi: un'ipotesi di modifica del sistema di tassazione in Italia.

Limosani, Michele and Millemaci, Emanuele and Mustica, Paolo (2023): An efficient Bayes classifier for word classification: an application on the EU Recovery and Resilience Plans.

Lorenz, Christian (2013): Informal taxation systems – Zakat and Ushr in Pakistan as example for the relevance of parallel/semi-public dues.

Lozano-Ascencio, Fernando and Huesca, Luis and Valdivia, Marcos (2010): Contribución de las remesas a los ingresos públicos en México. Published in: NALACC Working Papers No. 1 (1 March 2010): pp. 1-69.


Mannan, Kazi Abdul and Farhana, Khandaker Mursheda and Chowdhury, G. M. Omar Faruque (2021): Social Network and Tax Evasion: Theoretical Model and Empirical Evidence in Bangladesh. Published in: The Cost and Management , Vol. 49, No. 2 (2021): pp. 14-32.

Manzoor, Davood and Shahmoradi, Asghar and Haqiqi, Iman (2010): An Assessment of the Impact of Reducing Implicit and Explicit Energy Subsidies in Iran; Using a Computable General Equilibrium Model Based on a Modified Micro Consistent Matrix. Published in: Quarterly Energy Economics Review , Vol. 7, No. 26 (2010): pp. 21-54.

Merz, Joachim (1993): Microsimulation as an Instrument to Evaluate Economic and Social Programmes.

Morone, Andrea and Nemore, Francesco and Nuzzo, Simone (2018): Experimental Evidence on Tax Salience and Tax Incidence.

Müller, Tobias (2004): Evaluating the economic effects of income security reforms in Switzerland: an integrated microsimulation - computable general equilibrium approach.


Neira, Julian and Singhania, Rish (2020): Quantifying the Effect of Corporate Taxes on the Life Cycle of Firms.

Nicodeme, Gaetan (2002): Sector and size effects on effective corporate taxation. Published in: Economic Papers , Vol. 175, (August 2002)


Okolo, Chimaobi and Attamah, Nicholas (2018): Macroeconomic implications of Raising Income:The Nigerian Experience.

Olena, Sokolovska (2017): Corporate tax incidence and its implications for the labor market.

Ortega, Juan Ricardo and Piraquive, Gabriel Armando and Hernandez, Gustavo Adolfo and Soto, Carolina and Prada, Sergio and Ramirez, Juan Mauricio (2000): Incidencia fiscal de los incentivos tributarios. Published in: Planeacion y Desarrollo , Vol. 31, No. 3 (December 2000)


Reis, Catarina (2006): Taxation without Commitment.


SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Demografia, Occupazione e Produttività in Italia e nelle Regioni italiane [terza parte del progetto "Il presente e il futuro del Pay-Go in Italia, Europa e Us"].

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Il Pay-as-You-Go in Europa attraverso i Programmi di Stabilità. Le risorse che gli attivi/occupati dovranno mettere a disposizione per finanziare il welfare.

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): La demografia in Europa e in Us. Uno sguardo alle proiezioni a medio-lungo termine.

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Proiezioni della spesa e del finanziamento dei Sistemi Sanitari Regionali in Italia [2015-2030].

Shahmoradi, Asghar and Haqiqi, Iman and Zahedi, Raziyeh (2011): Impact Analysis of Energy Price Reform and Cash Subsidy Payment in Iran: A CGE Approach. Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economic Research and Policy , Vol. 19, No. 57 (2011): pp. 5-30.

Smyth, Russell (2014): Myths and Misconceptions in the Tax Mix Debate.

Sokolovska, Olena (2018): Labor income taxation in open economies: current trends and options for reforms.

Soldatos, Gerasimos T. (2014): On the Relative Size of Direct and Indirect Taxation. Published in: International Economic Letters , Vol. 3, No. 2 (2014): pp. 45-48.

Soldatos, Gerasimos T. and Varelas, Erotokritos (2015): Loan as a Durable Good and Bank Indirect-Tax Incidence. Published in: International Journal of Financial Research , Vol. 7, No. 1 (January 2016): pp. 33-38.

Soldatos, Gerasimos T. and Varelas, Erotokritos (2015): Loan as a Durable Good and Bank Indirect-Tax Incidence. Published in: International Journal of Financial Research , Vol. 7, No. 1 (January 2016): pp. 33-38.

Spoerer, Mark (2007): The Laspeyres-Paradox: Tax Overshifting in Nineteenth Century Prussia. Forthcoming in: Cliometrica (2008)

Subbotin, Viktor (2004): Оценка налоговой нагрузки в нефтедобыче в условиях ценового паритета между внутренним и внешним рынком. Published in: Ekonomika i Matematicheskie Metody , Vol. 41, No. 3

Susanu, Monica and Ioan, Viorica (2005): Fiscal Evasion – Principal Cause and Consequence of the Romanian Gradual Transition. Published in: Proceedings for the International Conference Risk in the Contemporary Economy 2005 , Vol. I, No. I (10 December 2005): pp. 366-370.


Tatom, John (2005): Competitive advantage: a study of the federal tax exemption for credit unions. Published in: Tax Foundation Special Academic Paper (28 February 2005): pp. 1-28.

Tazhitdinova, Alisa (2015): Adjust Me if I Can’t: The Effect of Firm Incentives on Labor Supply Responses to Taxes.

Tedds, Lindsay M. and Duff, David and Ramsay, Paul (2018): Medical Services Premimum Task Force: Tax Reform Proposals for the Province of British Columbia. Published in: BC Ministry of Finance (May 2018)

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2005): Notes on Ricardo’s theory of value and taxation. Published in: Asian African Journal of Economic and Econometrics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (June 2005): pp. 35-47.


Verikios, George and Patron, Jodie and Gharibnavaz, Reza (2017): Decomposing the Marginal Excess Burden of Australia’s Goods and Services Tax.

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