Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "H22 - Incidence"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 84.


Agarwal, Samiksha and Chakraborty, Lekha (2019): Business Taxation in an Emerging Economy: Analysing Corporate Tax Incidence. Forthcoming in:

Agarwal, Samiksha and Chakraborty, Lekha (2018): Who Bears the Corporate Tax Incidence? Empirical Evidence from India.

Ajwad, Mohamed Ishan and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Who Benefits from Increased Access to Public Services at the Local Level? A Marginal Benefit Incidence Analysis for Education and Basic Infrastructure. Published in: World Bank Economists' Forum , Vol. 2, (July 2002): pp. 155-175.

Angel-Urdinola, Diego and Cosgrove-Davies, Malcolm and Wodon, Quentin (2006): Rwanda: Electricity Tariff Reform. Published in: Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of Reforms: Lessons and Examples from Implementat (edited by A. Coudouel, A. Dani and S. Paternostro), World Bank, Washington, DC (2006): pp. 235-256.

Angel-Urdinola, Diego and Wodon, Quentin (2008): Assessing the Targeting Performance of Social Programs: Cape Verde. Published in: Public Finance for Poverty Reduction: Concepts and Case Studies from Africa and Latin America (edited by Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Directions in Development) (January 2008): pp. 417-439.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Beladi, Hamid (2022): Sustained Economic Growth and Physical Capital Taxation in a Creative Region.

Bellù, Lorenzo G. and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Charting Income Inequality: The Lorenz Curve. Published in: (1 November 2005)

Bellù, Lorenzo Giovanni and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Social Welfare Analysis of Income Distributions: Ranking Income Distributions with Crossing Generalised Lorenz Curves. Published in: (1 November 2005)

Bellù, Lorenzo Giovanni and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Social Welfare Analysis of Income Distributions: Ranking Income Distributions with Lorenz Curves. Published in: (1 November 2005)

Benedek, Dora and Lelkes, Orsolya (2009): The distributional implications of income underreporting in Hungary.

Blumkin, Tomer and Ruffle, Bradley J. and Ganun, Yosef (2007): Are Income and Consumption Taxes Ever Really Equivalent? Evidence from a Real-Effort Experiment with Real Goods.

Caminada, Koen and Goudswaard, Kees (2004): Are public and private social expenditures complementary? Published in: Department of Economics Research Memorandum No. 2004.01 (2004): pp. 1-19.

Caminada, Koen and Goudswaard, Kees (1997): Distributional effects of a flat tax: An empirical analysis for the Netherlands. Published in: Department of Economics Research Memorandum No. 97.04 (1997): pp. 1-34.

Caminada, Koen and Goudswaard, Kees (2001): International trends in income inequality and social policy. Published in: Department of Economics Research Memorandum No. 2001.03 (2001): pp. 1-27.

Caminada, Koen and Goudswaard, Kees (1999): Social policy and income distribution: An empirical analysis for the Netherlands. Published in: Department of Economics Research Memorandum No. 99.03 (1999): pp. 1-33.

Cebula, Richard (1973): Local Government Policies and Migration: An Analysis for SMSAs in the United States, 1965-1970. Published in: Public Choice , Vol. 19, No. 3 (17 November 1974): pp. 85-93.

Cebula, Richard (1976): A Note on Equal Proportional Sacrifice. Published in: The American Economist , Vol. 21, No. 1 (30 April 1977): p. 72.

Cebula, Richard (2004): A Preliminary Analysis of the Presidential Approval Rating. Published in: The Elgar Companion to Public Economics: Empirical Public Economics (17 May 2006): pp. 274-281.

Cebula, Richard and Clark, Jeff (2014): Economic Freedom, Regulatory Quality, Taxation, and Living Standards.

Cebula, Richard and Foley, Maggie and Houmes, Robert (2010): Property Tax Capitalization within a National Historic District versus Property Tax Capitalization outside that National Historic District: Another Application of the Tiebout Hypothesis. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Finance , Vol. 3, No. 4 (24 September 2011): pp. 14-21.

Cebula, Richard and Smith, Heather (2008): Teaching Political Economy: On the Economics Significance of the Public's Job Approval Rating of the President. Published in: Expanding Teaching and Learning Horizons in Economic Education (15 May 2009): pp. 155-163.

Chen, Been-Lon and Chen, Hung-Ju and Wang, Ping (2011): Taxing capital is not a bad idea indeed: the role of human capital and labor-market frictions.

Cintra, Marcos (2009): Bank transactions: pathway to the single tax ideal A modern tax technology;the Brazilian experience with a bank transactions tax (1993-2007). Published in:

Cont, Walter and Hancevic, Pedro and Navajas, Fernando H. (2011): Energy populism and household welfare.

Di Cosmo, Valeria and Tiezzi, Silvia (2023): Let them Eat Cake? The Net Consumer Welfare Impact of Sin Taxes.

Doligalski, Pawel and Ndiaye, Abdoulaye and Werquin, Nicolas (2020): Redistribution with Performance Pay.

Donna, Javier D. (2021): Measuring Long-Run Gasoline Price Elasticities in Urban Travel Demand. Forthcoming in:

Emini, Christian Arnault and Kanmi Feunou, Dorine (2008): Decomposing the Effects of Economic Policies on Poverty Trends in Cameroon: A Double Calibration Micro Simulated General Equilibrium Analysis.

Farrell, Niall and Lyons, Seán (2014): The distributional impact of the Irish public service obligation levy on electricity consumption.

Filoso, Valerio (2010): The Corporate Income Tax: An Entrepreneurial Perspective. Published in: The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics , Vol. 13, No. 1 (2010): pp. 99-123.

Filoso, Valerio (2007): The Non-neutrality of Corporate Tax: An Entrepreneurial Perspective.

Goudswaard, Kees and Caminada, Koen (2008): The redistributive impact of public and private social expenditure. Published in: Department of Economics Research Memorandum No. 2008.04 (2008): pp. 1-16.

Grady, Patrick (1990): An Analysis of the Distributional Impact of the Goods and Services Tax. Published in: Canadian Tax Journal , Vol. 3, No. 38 (May 1990): pp. 632-643.

Grady, Patrick (1992): The Burden of Federal Tax Increases Under the Conservatives. Published in: Canadian Business Economics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (10 September 1992): pp. 16-24.

Grady, Patrick (1990): The Distributional Impact of the Federal Tax and Transfer Changes Introduced Since 1984. Published in: Canadian Tax Journal , Vol. Vol. 3, (March 1990): pp. 286-297.

Grady, Patrick (1991): The Distributional Impact of the Goods and Services Tax: A Reply to Gillespie. Published in: Canadian Tax Journal , Vol. 38, No. 4 (1991): pp. 937-946.

Grady, Patrick (2010): Some Observations on Net Fiscal Transfers to Recent Immigrants Resulting From Income Taxes and Government Transfer Programs.

Graves, Philip E. and Sexton, Robert L. and Lee, Dwight R. (1996): Slope versus elasticity and the burden of taxation. Published in: Journal of Economic Education , Vol. 27, No. 3 : pp. 229-232.

Grubel, Herbert and Grady, Patrick (2011): Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State 2011. Published in:

Hernandez, Gustavo Adolfo and Light, Miles and Rutherford, Thomas (2002): A dynamic general equilibrium model for tax policy analysis in Colombia.

Hollenbeck, Brett and Uetake, Kosuke (2018): Taxation and Market Power in the Legal Marijuana Industry.

Kakpo, Eliakim (2018): The corporate tax, apportionment rules and employment: Evidence using policy discontinuity at U.S. state borders.

Kiula, Olga and Markandya, Anil and Ščasný, Milan and Menkyna Tsuchimoto, Fusako (2014): The Economic and Environmental Effects of Taxing Air Pollutants and CO2: Lessons from a Study of the Czech Republic.

Klenert, David and Mattauch, Linus (2015): How to make a carbon tax reform progressive: The role of subsistence consumption.

Klenert, David and Mattauch, Linus (2015): How to make a carbon tax reform progressive: The role of subsistence consumption. Published in: Economics Letters , Vol. 138, (2016): pp. 100-103.

Klinge Jacobsen, Henrik (2002): Regional energy consumption and income differences in Denmark. Published in: Environmental Policy and Planning , Vol. Vol. 5, No. 3 : pp. 269-283.

Limosani, Michele and Millemaci, Emanuele and Mustica, Paolo (2023): An efficient Bayes classifier for word classification: an application on the EU Recovery and Resilience Plans.

Lorenz, Christian (2013): Informal taxation systems – Zakat and Ushr in Pakistan as example for the relevance of parallel/semi-public dues.

Mannan, Kazi Abdul and Farhana, Khandaker Mursheda and Chowdhury, G. M. Omar Faruque (2021): Social Network and Tax Evasion: Theoretical Model and Empirical Evidence in Bangladesh. Published in: The Cost and Management , Vol. 49, No. 2 (2021): pp. 14-32.

Merz, Joachim (1993): Microsimulation as an Instrument to Evaluate Economic and Social Programmes.

Morone, Andrea and Nemore, Francesco and Nuzzo, Simone (2018): Experimental Evidence on Tax Salience and Tax Incidence.

Müller, Tobias (2004): Evaluating the economic effects of income security reforms in Switzerland: an integrated microsimulation - computable general equilibrium approach.

Neira, Julian and Singhania, Rish (2020): Quantifying the Effect of Corporate Taxes on the Life Cycle of Firms.

Nicodeme, Gaetan (2002): Sector and size effects on effective corporate taxation. Published in: Economic Papers , Vol. 175, (August 2002)

Okolo, Chimaobi and Attamah, Nicholas (2018): Macroeconomic implications of Raising Income:The Nigerian Experience.

Olena, Sokolovska (2017): Corporate tax incidence and its implications for the labor market.

Reis, Catarina (2006): Taxation without Commitment.

Smyth, Russell (2014): Myths and Misconceptions in the Tax Mix Debate.

Sokolovska, Olena (2018): Labor income taxation in open economies: current trends and options for reforms.

Soldatos, Gerasimos T. (2014): On the Relative Size of Direct and Indirect Taxation. Published in: International Economic Letters , Vol. 3, No. 2 (2014): pp. 45-48.

Soldatos, Gerasimos T. and Varelas, Erotokritos (2015): Loan as a Durable Good and Bank Indirect-Tax Incidence. Published in: International Journal of Financial Research , Vol. 7, No. 1 (January 2016): pp. 33-38.

Soldatos, Gerasimos T. and Varelas, Erotokritos (2015): Loan as a Durable Good and Bank Indirect-Tax Incidence. Published in: International Journal of Financial Research , Vol. 7, No. 1 (January 2016): pp. 33-38.

Spoerer, Mark (2007): The Laspeyres-Paradox: Tax Overshifting in Nineteenth Century Prussia. Forthcoming in: Cliometrica (2008)

Susanu, Monica and Ioan, Viorica (2005): Fiscal Evasion – Principal Cause and Consequence of the Romanian Gradual Transition. Published in: Proceedings for the International Conference Risk in the Contemporary Economy 2005 , Vol. I, No. I (10 December 2005): pp. 366-370.

Tatom, John (2005): Competitive advantage: a study of the federal tax exemption for credit unions. Published in: Tax Foundation Special Academic Paper (28 February 2005): pp. 1-28.

Tazhitdinova, Alisa (2015): Adjust Me if I Can’t: The Effect of Firm Incentives on Labor Supply Responses to Taxes.

Tedds, Lindsay M. and Duff, David and Ramsay, Paul (2018): Medical Services Premimum Task Force: Tax Reform Proposals for the Province of British Columbia. Published in: BC Ministry of Finance (May 2018)

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2005): Notes on Ricardo’s theory of value and taxation. Published in: Asian African Journal of Economic and Econometrics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (June 2005): pp. 35-47.

Verikios, George and Patron, Jodie and Gharibnavaz, Reza (2017): Decomposing the Marginal Excess Burden of Australia’s Goods and Services Tax.

armstrong, mark and Vickers, John (2023): Multiproduct Cost Passthrough: Edgeworth's Paradox Revisited.


Bouzahzah, Mohamed and Saber, Brahim (2012): Coût de mobilité endogène et flexibilité du marché du travail.


Liberati, Paolo and Paradiso, Massimo (2014): Sulla composizione dell'accisa sui tabacchi: un'ipotesi di modifica del sistema di tassazione in Italia.

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Demografia, Occupazione e Produttività in Italia e nelle Regioni italiane [terza parte del progetto "Il presente e il futuro del Pay-Go in Italia, Europa e Us"].

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Il Pay-as-You-Go in Europa attraverso i Programmi di Stabilità. Le risorse che gli attivi/occupati dovranno mettere a disposizione per finanziare il welfare.

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): La demografia in Europa e in Us. Uno sguardo alle proiezioni a medio-lungo termine.

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Proiezioni della spesa e del finanziamento dei Sistemi Sanitari Regionali in Italia [2015-2030].


Manzoor, Davood and Shahmoradi, Asghar and Haqiqi, Iman (2010): An Assessment of the Impact of Reducing Implicit and Explicit Energy Subsidies in Iran; Using a Computable General Equilibrium Model Based on a Modified Micro Consistent Matrix. Published in: Quarterly Energy Economics Review , Vol. 7, No. 26 (2010): pp. 21-54.

Shahmoradi, Asghar and Haqiqi, Iman and Zahedi, Raziyeh (2011): Impact Analysis of Energy Price Reform and Cash Subsidy Payment in Iran: A CGE Approach. Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economic Research and Policy , Vol. 19, No. 57 (2011): pp. 5-30.


Argesanu, Nicolae Razvan (2011): TENDINTE ACTUALE ALE STRUCTURII SI DINAMICII PRELEVARILOR FISCALE ALE ROMANIEI. Published in: Cercetarea doctorală în economie: prezent şi perspective , Vol. 2, (July 2011): pp. 26-32.


Subbotin, Viktor (2004): Оценка налоговой нагрузки в нефтедобыче в условиях ценового паритета между внутренним и внешним рынком. Published in: Ekonomika i Matematicheskie Metody , Vol. 41, No. 3


Cossio Muñoz, Fernando (2006): Informe de Equidad Fiscal de Bolivia: Incidencia Distributiva de la Política Fiscal. Published in: (August 2006)

Hernandez, Gustavo Adolfo and Soto, Carolina and Prada, Sergio and Ramirez, Juan Mauricio (2000): Exenciones tributarias: Costo fiscal y análisis de incidencia. Published in: Archivos de Macroeconomia No. 141 (7 December 2000): pp. 1-30.

Lozano-Ascencio, Fernando and Huesca, Luis and Valdivia, Marcos (2010): Contribución de las remesas a los ingresos públicos en México. Published in: NALACC Working Papers No. 1 (1 March 2010): pp. 1-69.

Ortega, Juan Ricardo and Piraquive, Gabriel Armando and Hernandez, Gustavo Adolfo and Soto, Carolina and Prada, Sergio and Ramirez, Juan Mauricio (2000): Incidencia fiscal de los incentivos tributarios. Published in: Planeacion y Desarrollo , Vol. 31, No. 3 (December 2000)

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