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Items where Subject is "H43 - Project Evaluation ; Social Discount Rate"

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Number of items at this level: 80.


Ahlheim, Michael and Schneider, Friedrich (2013): Considering household size in contingent valuation studies. Published in: Environmental Economics , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2013): pp. 112-123.


Bos, Frits and Zwaneveld, Peter (2014): Reële opties en de waarde van flexibiliteit bij natte infrastructuur.

Bos, Frits and Zwaneveld, Peter and van Puijenbroek, Peter (2012): Een snelle kosten-effectiviteitsanalyse voor het Deltaprogramma IJsselmeergebied: wat zijn de kosten en veiligheidsbaten van wel of niet meestijgen met de zeespiegel en extra zoetwaterbuffer?

Brand, Sam and Price, Richard (2000): The economic and social costs of crime. Published in:

Brau, Rinaldo and Statzu, Vania (2017): The economic enhancement of military sites and landscapes: what are the lessons of international practice? Published in:


Chirwa, Themba G. (2010): Program evaluation of agricultural input subsidies in Malawi using treatment effects: methods and practicability based on propensity scores.


D Elia, Vanesa (2015): Programas sociales en Argentina y bienestar: Impacto de la moratoria previsional y de la AUH.

Delgado-Cubillo, Pablo and Martín-Román, Ángel L. (2023): Workers’ behavior after safety regulations: Impact evaluation of the Spanish Occupational Safety and Health Act.

Denisova, Irina and Chubarova, Tatiana and Bogatova, Irina and Vartanov, Sergey and Kucheryanu, Valerian and Polterovich, Victor and Tourdyeva, Natalia and Shakleina, Marina (2020): Оценка эффективности доклинической диагностики болезни Паркинсона методом "затраты-полезность".

Dinda, Soumyananda (2015): A Note on DD Approach.

Dionne, Georges and Lebeau, Martin (2010): Le calcul de la valeur statistique d'une vie humaine. Published in: L'Actualité économique , Vol. 86, No. 4 (1 December 2010): pp. 487-530.


Eliasson, Jonas and Fosgerau, Mogens (2013): Cost overruns and demand shortfalls – deception or selection? Forthcoming in: Transportation Research Part B

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Ronald Coase 1910-2013, In memoriam.

Estrada, Fernando and González, Jorge Iván (2014): Política tributaria y economía fiscal en los enfoques de Hayek y Brenann/Buchanan.


Farmanesh, Amir and Ortiz Bobea, Ariel and Sarwar, Jisha and Hasegawa, Tamiko (2006): Speaking the Same Language within the International Organizations; A Proposal for an Enhanced Evaluation Approach to Measure and Compare Success of International Organizations.

Floreani, Vincent Arthur (2014): Fixing Europe's youth unemployment and skills mismatch, can public financial support to SMEs be effective? The case of the European Commission and European Investment Bank joint initiatives.

Foltyn-Zarychta, Monika (2010): An attempt to define the discount rate in the light of the type of investment project. Published in: European Financial Systems No. 2010 (2010): pp. 17-21.


Gluschenko, Konstantin (2011): Оценка эффективности транспортных проектов: опыт и проблемы.

Grady, Patrick and Muller, R. Andrew (1986): On The Use and Misuse of Input-Output Based Impact Analysis in Evaluation. Published in: The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation , Vol. 3, No. 2 (1988): pp. 49-61.

Graves, Philip E. (2009): A note on the valuation of collective goods: overlooked input market free riding for non-individually incrementable goods. Published in: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: , Vol. 9, No. 1 : pp. 1-17.

Groom, Ben and Koundouri, Phoebe (2007): Implications of declining discount rates: Climate Change Policy in the UK. Published in: Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries: Case Studies (2007)


Hati, Koushik Kumar and Majumder, Rajarshi (2009): Impact of Alternative & Innovative Education Programmes: A Study of Bridge Course Centres in Bardhaman District. Published in: Journal of Educational Planning and Administration , Vol. XXV, No. 3 (July 2011)

Haveman, Robert (1967): Benefit-Cost Analysis: Its Relevance to Public Investment Decisions: Comment. Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics , Vol. 4, No. 81 (1967): pp. 695-699.

Haveman, Robert and Krutilla, John (1966): Unemployment, Excess Capacity, and Benefit-Cost Investment Criteria. Published in: Review of Economics and Statistics , Vol. 3, No. 49 (1967): pp. 382-392.

Howard II., James P. (2012): Measuring the impacts of the national flood insurance program.


Iskakov, Aziz (2017): Совершенствование администрирования государственных программ в Республике Казахстан.

Islam, Asadul (2010): Medium and Long-Term Participation in Microcredit: An Evaluation Using a New Panel Dataset from Bangladesh.


Jacob, Arun (2016): Mind the Gap: Analyzing the impact of data gap in Millennium Development Goals’ (MDGs) indicators on the progress towards MDGs.

Jayasundara, Chinthaka and Jayawickrema, Vishuddhi and Sivagananathan, Arul (2013): Effectiveness of Project Management Tools used in the Sri Lankan Public Sector. Published in: Sri Lankan Journal of Management , Vol. 18, No. 3-4 (December 2013): pp. 138-164.

Jin, Zhong and Michael, Lipsman (2009): Iowa’s Historic Preservation and Cultural and Entertainment District Tax Credit Program Evaluation Study.

Jin, Zhong and Teahan, Brittany (2009): Iowa’s Tax Incentive Programs Used by Biofuel Producers Tax Credits Program Evaluation Study.


Landiyanto, Erlangga Agustino (2009): The Impact of Health Card Program on Access to Reproductive Health Services: An Indonesian Experience.

Lawrence, C (2009): Identifying an Australian 'Shadow' Benefit / Cost Ratio for Public Projects.

Lawrence, Craig (2009): Identifying an Australian ‘Shadow’ Benefit / Cost Ratio for Public Projects.

Lawrence, Craig and Thomas, Mathew (2008): Real Options: Applications in Public Economics.

Liu, Min and Xu, Wenli and Zhang, Hangyu and Chen, Huang and Bie, Qiang and Han, Guodong and Yu, Xiaohua (2022): Livestock production, greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and grassland conservation: Quasi-natural experimental evidence.


M. Rouhani, Omid (2019): Transportation Project Evaluation Methods/Approaches.

Maestri, Virginia (2009): Promoting scientific faculties: does it work? Evidence from Italy.

Makovsek, Dejan and Moszoro, Marian W. (2018): Risk pricing inefficiency in public-private partnerships. Published in: Transport Reviews , Vol. 38, No. 3 (2018): pp. 298-321.

Marshall, Liz and Kelly, Alexia (2010): The Time Value of Carbon and Carbon Storage: Clarifying the terms and the policy implications of the debate.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil (2022): The crisis of the social democratic movement.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Tzagkarakis, Stylianos Ioannis (2018): Der Wohlfahrtstaat als Grundbestandteil des modernen demokratischen Staatsgefüges.

McInnes, Melayne and Ozturk, Orgul and McDermott, Suzanne and Mann, Joshua (2013): Improved Targeting of Social Programs: An Application to a State Job Coaching Program for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Forthcoming in: Eastern Economic Journal

Meeusen, Wim and Dumont, Michel (1998): The Network of Subsidized and Spontaneous R&D Cooperation between Belgian and Foreign Firms, Research Institutes and universities: A Graph-theoretical Approach.

Moszoro, Marian (2014): Efficient Public-Private Capital Structures. Published in: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics , Vol. 85, No. 1 (March 2014): pp. 103-126.


Neyestani, Behnam and Juanzon, Joseph Berlin P. (2017): Effects of ISO 9001 Standard on Critical Factors of Project Management in Construction Industry. Published in: Proceedings of 2017 Manila International Conference on “Trends in Engineering and Technology” (MTET-17) No. ISBN: 978-93-84468-98-9). (January 2017): pp. 55-59.

Nguyen, Cuong and Phung, Tung and Westbrook, Daniel (2013): Do the Poorest Ethnic Minorities Benefit from a Large-Scale Poverty Reduction Program? Evidence from Vietnam.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2003): Assessing the Impact of Poverty Reduction Programs in Vietnam.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2014): Impact Evaluation of Development Programmes and Policies: Experiences from Viet Nam.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2011): The Impact of Health Insurance for Children: Evidence from Vietnam.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2010): A Matching Method with Panel Data. Published in: Statistics in Medicine , Vol. 32, (15 February 2012): pp. 577-588.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2012): Selection of Control Variables in Propensity Score Matching: Evidence from a Simulation Study.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2007): The average treatment effect and average partial effect in nonlinear models. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 15, No. 15 (2008): pp. 1-13.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong and Van den Berg, Marrit (2011): The impact of Informal Credit on Poverty and Inequality: The Case of Vietnam.


Parra Osorio, Juan Carlos and Wodon, Quentin (2011): El desempeño de los estudiantes de secundaria en los colegios de Fe y Alegría en Colombia: una cuestión de Fe y/o Alegría? Published in: Escuelas religiosas en América Latina: estudios de caso sobre Fe y Alegría, World Bank, Washington DC (edited by Juan Carlos Parra Osorio and Quentin Wodon) (February 2011)

Pedrosa-Garcia, Jose Antonio (2017): Trends and Features of Research on Foreign Aid: A Literature Review.

Pisani, Elena (2009): Recenti evoluzioni nella valutazione degli interventi di cooperazione allo sviluppo. Published in: Rassegna italiana di valutazione - RIV , Vol. 43-44, No. 2009 (2009)

Price, Richard and Thornton, Simeon and Nelson, Stephen (2007): The Social Cost of Carbon and the Shadow Price of Carbon: what they are, and how to use them in economic appraisal in the UK. Published in:

Pulmanis, Emils (2016): Implementation of the eHealth Project in Latvia: Project audit perspective. Published in: PM World Journal , Vol. 5, No. 10 (7 October 2016): pp. 1-34.

Pulmanis, Emils (2015): Micro-Economical Aspects of Public Projects: Impact Factors for Project Efficiency and Sustainability. Published in: Project Management Development – Practice and Perspectives , Vol. 3, No. 1 (16 April 2015): pp. 272-285.

Pulmanis, Emils (2016): Project Management in the Port Development Project in Latvia. Published in: PM World Journal , Vol. 5, No. 6 (8 June 2016): pp. 1-19.


Quang Tran, Phu and Thi Quynh Tran, Nhu and Nguyen, Phong Thanh (2020): Practical Solutions to Ensure the Schedule Management of Ho Chi Minh City Urban Railway Project in Vietnam: Survey of Expert's Opinions. Published in: Civil Engineering &Architecture , Vol. 08, No. 04 (31 August 2020): pp. 466-474.

Quiñones, Esteban J. (2006): The Indigenous Heterogeneity of Oportunidades: Ample or Insufficient Human Capital Accumulation?


Rouhani, Omid (2021): Transportation Project Evaluation Methods/Approaches- Version 2.


Salci, Sener (2017): An Integrated Appraisal of the Péligre Electricity Transmission Line Rehabilitation Investment.

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2023): Opportunity Cost of Capital, Marginal Cost of Funds and Numeraires in Benefit-Cost Analysis.

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2024): Resolving the Discounting Dilemma.

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2023): The simple answer to the Social Discount Rate question.

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2020): Checking the Evidence for Declining Discount Rates.

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2020): Correcting the Error in Gamma Discounting.

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2015): Governments Should Not Use Declining Discount Rates in Project Analysis.

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2015): The Mechanics of the Weitzman-Gollier Puzzles.

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2021): Should CBA use descriptive or prescriptive discount rates? It should use both!

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2021): Should CBA use descriptive or prescriptive discount rates? It should use both!

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2016): Testing Gollier and Weitzman’s Solution of the “Weitzman-Gollier Puzzle”.

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2015): When should the distant future not be discounted at increasing discount rates?

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2018): Why expected discount factors yield incorrect expected present values.

Szekeres, Szabolcs (2020): The real solution of the Weitzman-Gollier Puzzle.


Tondani, Davide (2006): Equità e criteri di selettività dei beneficiari di edilizia residenziale pubblica in Emilia-Romagna.

Tourdyeva, Natalia and Bogatova, Irina and Vartanov, Sergey and Denisova, Irina and Chubarova, Tatiana and Shakleina, Marina and Polterovich, Victor (2021): Расчетная модель общего равновесия для оценки экономического эффекта ранней диагностики болезни Паркинсона.

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