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Items where Subject is "H71 - State and Local Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue"

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Number of items at this level: 136.


Abdul-Wahab, Shamsia and Haruna, Issahaku and Nkegbe, Paul Kwame (2018): Effectiveness of resource mobilisation strategies of the Wa municipal assembly. Published in: Journal of Planning and Land Management , Vol. 1, No. 1 (14 April 2019): pp. 60-79.

Ahmad, Iftikhar and Mustafa, Usman and Khalid, Mahmood (2007): National Finance Commission Awards in Pakistan: A Historical Perspective.

Ahmad, Khalil and Ali, Amjad (2019): The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Expenditure Structure of Pakistan.

Ahmad, Khalil and Ali, Amjad and Yang, Michael (2022): The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Expenditure Structure of Pakistan.

Alexander, Gigi and Foley, Maggie (2014): Determinants of Migration, Revisited.

Angjellari-Dajci, Fiorentina and Cebula, Richard (2014): Applying the Hedonic Pricing Model to the Prices of Single-Family Homes in the Oldest U.S. City, St. Augustine, Florida, Testing Whether Property Taxes Are Capitalized into Housing Prices.

Aragon, Fernando and Gayoso, Vilma (2005): Intergovernmental transfers and fiscal effort in Peruvian local governments.

Aritenang, Adiwan F. (2009): The Impact of Government Budget shifts to Regional Disparities in Indonesia: Before and After Decentralisation.

Arnold Cote, K. Nicole and Smith, Wm. Doyle and Fullerton, Thomas M., Jr. (2010): Municipal Non-Residential Real Property Valuation Forecast Accuracy. Published in: International Journal of Business & Economics Perspectives , Vol. 6, No. 1 (22 March 2011): pp. 56-77.

Asongu, Simplice and Adegboye, Alex and Nnanna, Joseph (2020): Promoting female economic inclusion for tax performance in Sub-Saharan Africa. Published in: Economic Analysis and Policy , Vol. 69, No. March (March 2021): pp. 159-170.

Auci, Sabrina and Castelli, Annalisa and Vignani, Donatella (2011): Local or national environmental spending in Italy: a stochastic frontier analysis.


Baja Daza, Gover and Villarroel Böhrt, Sergio and Zavaleta Castellón, David (2012): Diseño institucional e incentivos implicitos en la descentralización Boliviana (1994-2008). Published in: Factores economicos e institucionales y su incidencia en el escaso desarrollo nacional y regional: Bolivia 1989-2009. (http://www.pieb.com.bo/factores.php).

Barbuta Misu, Nicoleta (2006): The recovering of the finances by the state budget. Published in: The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle I – 2008. Economics and Applied Informatics , Vol. 12, No. 12 (2006): pp. 71-74.

Barja, Gover and Villarroel, Sergio and Zavaleta, David (2013): Institutional design and implicit incentives in Bolivia's decentralization model. Published in: Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 19 (May 2013): pp. 137-211.

Baskaran, T. (2009): Fiscal decentralization, ideology, and the size of the public sector. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Political Economy

Baskaran, Thushyanthan (2011): Revenue decentralization and inflation: a re-evaluation. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters

Baskaran, Thushyanthan (2012): The flypaper effect: evidence from a natural experiment in Hesse.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet (2020): Aspects of Income Inequality in a Creative Region.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Beladi, Hamid (2020): Interregional Demand for Workers and the Effects of Labor Income Taxation.

Bhattacherjee, Sanjay and Sarkar, Palash (2018): Voting in the Goods and Services Tax Council of India.

Brancati, Raffaele and Ciferri, Davide (2007): The demand side of Industrial Policies: Evidence and Methodology for Italian firms.

Brocks, Annette and Nyangon, Joseph and Taminiau, Job (2016): Utility 2.0: A multi-dimensional review of New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) and Great Britain’s RIIO utility business models. Published in: SSRN Electronic Journal (30 September 2016): pp. 1-39.


Cabrera-Castellanos, Luis F. and Cruz-Mora, Edgar (2009): Un Sistema de Ingresos Representativo para los Municipios de México. Forthcoming in: Portal , Vol. 4, No. 8

Cardoso-Vargas, Carlos-Enrique (2019): Combate a la pobreza y a la corrupción e implementación de mejores prácticas, ¿nuevas vías para incrementar la recaudación de predial en los municipios?

Cassidy, Traviss and Dincecco, Mark and Troiano, Ugo Antonio (2017): The introduction of the income tax, fiscal capacity, and migration: evidence from U.S. States.

Cebula, Richard (1978): The Determinants of Human Migration. Published in: The Determinants of Human Migration (15 September 1979): pp. 1-148.

Cebula, Richard (1985): Was Proposition 4 Really a Tax Reduction Mirage? A Correction and Reinterpretation of Earlier Findings. Published in: The Americam Journal of Economics and Sociology , Vol. 46, No. 1 (30 January 1987): pp. 107-108.

Cebula, Richard and Nair-Reichert, Usha and Coombs, Christopher (2013): Gross In-Migration and Public Policy in the U.S. during the Great Recession: An Exploratory Empirical Analysis, 2008-2009.

Cebula, Richard and Nair-Reichert, Usha and Coombs, Christopher (2013): Total State In-Migration and Public Policy in the United States: A Comparative Analysis of the Great recession and the Pre- and Post-Great Recession Years. Published in: Regional Studies, Regional Science , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2 June 2014): pp. 102-115.

Chatterjee, Rittwik and Chattopadhyay, Srobonti (2015): Collaborative Research and Rate of Interests.

Clemens, Jeffrey (2013): State Fiscal Adjustment During Times of Stress: Possible Causes of the Severity and Composition of Budget Cuts.

Cordero, José Manuel and Pedraja-Chaparro, Francisco and Pisaflores, Elsa C. and Polo, Cristina (2016): Efficiency assessment of Portuguese municipalities using a conditional nonparametric approach.

Cyrenne, Philippe (1999): On the Incentive Effects of Municipal Tax Credits.


Datta, Polly and Kar, Saibal (2016): Bye-laws and user-charges at the panchayat level: a case study of West Bengal. Published in:

De Laet, Jean-Pierre and Wöhlbier, Florian (2008): Tax burden by economic function A comparison for the EU Member States.

Di Liddo, Giuseppe and Morone, Andrea (2017): Yardstick competition and fiscal disparities: an experimental study.

Dong, Xiaofang and Fu, Shihe and Yuan, Yufei (2012): Impact fees and real estate prices: evidence from 35 Chinese cities. Published in: Frontiers of Economics in China , Vol. 8, No. 2 (1 March 2013): pp. 207-219.


Elezi, Shiret (2024): The impact of Fiscal decentralization on regional development.

Ermini, Barbara and Santolini, Raffaella (2015): Differentiated property tax and urban sprawl in Italian urbanized areas.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Devouring the Leviathan: fiscal policy and public expenditure in Colombia.

Estrada, Fernando (2013): Estabilidad política y poder fiscal. Published in:

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Estado y política pública en Colombia: Un balance desde la teoría política.


Foremny, Dirk (2011): Vertical aspects of sub-national deficits: the impact of fiscal rules and tax autonomy in European countries.

Francesco, Gastaldi and Lucia, Quaglino and Carlo, Stagnaro (2012): Il trasporto pubblico locale e la concorrenza. Cambiare paradigma per salvare il servizio: il caso ligure. Published in: IBL Special Report (23 July 2012)

Furceri, Davide and Sacchi, Agnese and Salotti, Simone (2014): Can fiscal decentralization alleviate government consumption volatility?


Gabe, Todd (2000): The Effects of Business Assistance Programs on Employment Growth in Maine Establishments.

Gabe, Todd and Rubin, Jonathan and Allen, Thomas and Reilly, Catherine (2004): Fiscal Effects of a One-Percent Property Tax Cap on Maine Municipalities and the State Government.

Gebhardt, Heinz and Siemers, Lars-H. R. (2011): Die relative Steuerlast mittelständischer Kapitalgesellschaften.

Giertz, J Fred and Giertz, Seth (2004): The 2002 Downturn in State Revenues: A Comparative Review and Analysis. Published in: National Tax Journal , Vol. 57, No. 1 : pp. 111-132.

Grady, Patrick (2009): The Conservative GST Cut Has Catalyzed Sales Tax Harmonization.

Grady, Patrick (1993): Ontario NDP Tax Increases. Published in: Canadian Business Economics , Vol. 2, (1 June 1993): pp. 12-23.

Grady, Patrick (2004): A Separate Personal Income Tax Collection System For Alberta: Advantages and Disadvantages.

Gu, Gyun Cheol (2012): Developing Composite Indicators for Fiscal Decentralization: Which Is The Best Measure For Whom?

Guo, Audrey (2020): The Effects of Unemployment Insurance Taxation on Multi-Establishment Firms.


He, Yong (2018): Can the visible and invisible hands coexist in land pricing?

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2015): 基準財政需要額の算定構造の再検証―都道府県パネルデータによる実証分析―.


Jaelani, Aan (2016): Zakah Management for Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. Published in: Turkish Economic Review , Vol. 3, No. 3 (30 September 2016): pp. 495-512.

James, Simon (2010): Combining the contributions of behavioral economics and other social sciences in understanding taxation and tax reform.

James, Simon (2004): Financing multi-level government. Published in: Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services , Vol. 4, No. 1 : pp. 17-32.

Jin, Zhong and Michael, Lipsman (2009): Iowa’s Historic Preservation and Cultural and Entertainment District Tax Credit Program Evaluation Study.

Jin, Zhong and Teahan, Brittany (2009): Iowa’s Tax Incentive Programs Used by Biofuel Producers Tax Credits Program Evaluation Study.


Kakpo, Eliakim (2018): On the political economy of state corporate tax reforms in the U.S.

Kakpo, Eliakim (2018): The corporate tax, apportionment rules and employment: Evidence using policy discontinuity at U.S. state borders.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2000): Стратегия развития системы городского самоуправления в новых экономических условиях. Published in: Информационно-аналитический бюллетень “Портал-инфо” администрации г.Омска No. 3 (2000): p. 6.

Karakaya, Güngör (2009): Dependency insurance in Belgium.

Kohler, Pierre (2014): Asset-Centred Redistributive Policies for Sustainable Development.

Kuznetsova, Elena (2012): Особенности социальной работы на муниципальном уровне. Published in: Омские социально-гуманитарные чтения (2012): pp. 69-72.

Kuznetsova, Elena (2010): Организация опеки и попечительства на муниципальном уровне. Published in: Омские социально-гуманитарные чтения – 2010 (2010): pp. 58-61.


Lambert, Thoomas (2020): Kentucky and the Thoroughbred Industries: Prospects and Challenges as Gambling Popularity Declines.

Lejour, Arjan and Lukkezen, Jasper and Veenendaal, Paul (2010): Sustainability of Government Debt in the EU. Forthcoming in:

Liberati, Paolo and Paradiso, Massimo (2012): Teoria positiva del beneficio e finanza locale responsabile: il contributo di Sergio Steve.

Liou, Wayne and Nitz, Lawrence H. (2015): Assessing the Impact of a GET Surcharge on Hawaii's Economy: A Response to Testimony from the Department of Budget and Finance on SB 727.


Makowsky, Michael and Thomas, Stratmann (2008): More Tickets, Fewer Accidents: How Cash-Strapped Towns Make for Safer Roads.

Makreshanska, Suzana and Petrevski, Goran (2015): Fiscal Decentralization and Inflation in Central and Eastern Europe.

Makreshanska, Suzana and Petrevski, Goran (2016): Fiscal decentralization and government size across Europe.

Mare, Mauro (2015): Why and How should the EU budget be reformed?

Mark, Skidmore and Chad, Cotti and James, Alm (2011): The Political Economy of State Government Subsidy Adoption: The Case of Ethanol.

Matei, Lucica and Anghelescu, Stoica (2010): Keynesian substantiation of the marketing policies in local development. Published in: 9-th International Congress of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing"Regulation and Best Practices in Public and Nonprofit Marketing" Bucharest,NSPSPA. (11 June 2010)

Miyazaki, Takeshi (2016): Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers and Tax Efforts: Evidence from Japan.

Munro, John H. (2007): The usury doctrine and urban public finances in late-medieval Flanders (1220 - 1550): rentes (annuities), excise taxes, and income transfers from the poor to the rich. Published in: La fiscalità nell’economia Europea, secc. XIII - XVIII, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Prato, Serie II: Atti delle “Settimane de Studi” et altri Convegni , Vol. 39, No. 1 (2008): pp. 973-1026.

Mutascu, Mihai and Lobont, Oana and Crasneac, Alexandru Ocatavian and Nicolescu, Cristina (2008): Finantarea autoritatilor locale in Romania. Published in: State, possibilities and perspective of rural developement on area of huge open-pit minings , Vol. Intern, (24 April 2008): pp. 72-78.


Nakatani, Ryota (2023): Revenue Decentralization and the Probability of a Fiscal Crisis: Is There a Tipping Point for Adverse Effects?

Narayan, Laxmi (2015): Some Aspects of Haryana State Finances –An Exploratory Analysis.

Nguyen, Hoai Thu Thi and Vu, Huong Van and Bartolacci, Francesca and Quang Tran, Tuyen (2018): Government Support and Firm Performance in Vietnam. Published in: Asian Academy of Management Jourrnal , Vol. 2, No. 23 (15 December 2018): pp. 101-123.

Niu, Yongzhi (2010): Tax audit productivity in New York State.


Ogawa, Akinobu and Kondoh, Haruo (2024): How Does Intergovernmental Competition through the Hometown Tax Donation System Affect Local Government Efficiency?

Ogawa, Akinobu and Kondoh, Haruo (2022): Does Hometown Tax Donation System as Interjurisdictional Competition Affect Local Government Efficiency? Evidence from Japanese Municipality level Data.

Ogawa, Akinobu and Kondoh, Haruo (2022): Does Hometown Tax Donation System as Interjurisdictional Competition Affect Local Government Efficiency? Evidence from Japanese Municipality level Data.


Pacheco, Francisca and Sanchez, Rafael and Villena, Mauricio G. (2017): Estimating Local Government Efficiency using a Panel Data Parametric Approach: The Case of Chilean Municipalities.

Pacheco, Francisca and Sanchez, Rafael and Villena, Mauricio G. (2017): Estimating Local Government Efficiency using a Panel Data Parametric Approach: The Case of Chilean Municipalities.

Petranov, Stefan (2021): Shadow economy and regional development - an argument in favor of fiscal decentralization. Published in: Trakia Journal of Sciences , Vol. 19, No. Supl. 1 (15 November 2021): pp. 62-67.

Pica, Federico and Amatucci, Angela and Villani, Salvatore (2009): Il “patto” di stabilità interno: le prospettive del “patto” e le questioni del contesto. Published in: Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno , Vol. XXIII, No. 3 (September 2009): pp. 627-650.

Pinskaya, Milyausha and Kolesnik, Georgiy (2015): Разграничение полномочий между федеральным и региональным уровнями власти в области налоговых льгот. Фискальные последствия. Published in: Экономика и математические методы , Vol. 52, No. 3 (July 2016): pp. 22-35.


Qin, Cong and Chong, Terence Tai Leung (2015): Can Poverty be Alleviated in China?


Rajaraman, Indira and Goyal, Rajan and Khundrakpam, Jeevan Kumar (2006): Tax Buoyancy Estimates for Indian States. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 41, No. 16 (22 April 2006): pp. 1570-1573.

Raveh, Ohad (2010): Dutch disease, factor mobility costs, and the ‘Alberta Effect’ – The case of Federations.

Raúl Oscar Amado, R.O.A (2011): Inflación y producción agraria en Buenos Aires colonial. Published in: Editorial Académica Española No. ISBN: 978-3-8443-3812-6 (24 May 2011): pp. 1-80.

Rickman, Dan and Wang, Hongbo (2020): Assessing State Economic Development from Motion Picture and Television Production Incentives: Standardizing the Industry for Analysis.

Rickman, Dan and Wang, Hongbo (2020): Lights, Camera, What Action? The Nascent Literature on the Economics of US State Film Incentives.

Rickman, Dan S. and Wang, Hongbo (2022): Estimating the Economic Effects of US State and Local Fiscal Policy: A Synthetic Control Method Matched Regression Approach.

Rickman, Dan S. and Wang, Hongbo (2017): Two Tales of Two U.S. States: Regional Fiscal Austerity and Economic Performance.

Rizzo, Leonzio (2000): Equalisation and Fiscal Competition.

Rizzo, Leonzio (2005): Interaction between Vertical and Horizontal tax Competition: Theory and Evidence.

Rizzo, Leonzio (2007): Interaction between vertical and horizontal tax competition: evidence and some theory.

Rizzo, Leonzio (2006): Local government responsiveness to federal transfers: theory and evidence.


SCHAKEL, ARJAN H. (2008): Validation of the Regional Authority Index. Published in: Regional and Federal Studies , Vol. Vol. 1, No. 2&3 (3 June 2008): pp. 143-166.

Sacchi, Agnese and Salotti, Simone (2014): The asymmetric nature of fiscal decentralization: theory and practice.

Saibal, Ghosh (2010): Does Political Competition Matter for Economic Performance? Evidence from Sub-national Data. Published in: Political Studies , Vol. 58, No. 5 (December 2010): pp. 1030-1048.

Santra, Sattwik and Hati, Koushik Kumar (2014): India’s Move from Sales Tax to VAT: A Hit or Miss?

Sedmihradská, Lucie (2012): Property tax in the Czech Republic and Slovakia since 1993.

Shawabkeh, Yazan Taher and AL-Lozi, Musa and Masa'deh, Ra'ed (2019): Der Einfluss von organisatorischer Gerechtigkeit auf das berufliche Engagement in den jordanischen Ministerien. Published in: Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) , Vol. 2, No. 8 (1 April 2019): pp. 230-269.

Soldatos, Gerasimos T. (2014): Local Taxation, Private-Public Consumption Complementarity, and the Optimal Number of Jurisdictions. Published in: Theoretical Economics Letters , Vol. 4, No. 9 (2014): pp. 815-820.

Sour, Laura (2011): El Sistema de Contabilidad Gubernamental que mejorará la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas en México. Published in: Transparencia y Privacidad. Revista Mexicana de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos. No. 1 (June 2011): pp. 34-57.

Sour, Laura (2008): Un repaso de conceptos sobre capacidad y esfuerzo fiscal, y su aplicación para los gobiernos locales mexicanos. Published in: Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, El Colegio de México , Vol. 23, No. 2 (May 2008): pp. 271-297.

Spahn, Paul Bernd (1995): Local Taxation: Principles and Scope. Published in: Macroeconomic Management and Fiscal Decentralization : pp. 221-232.

Szarowska, Irena (2009): Stav harmonizace daně z přidané hodnoty v Evropské unii. Published in: Acta Academica Karviniensia , Vol. 1, (2009): pp. 232-243.


Tahiri, Noor Rahman (2018): Study on financial performance of da Afghanistan Bank 2015 and 2016.

Taiwo, Kayode (2020): Intergovernmental Transfers and Own Revenues of Subnational Governments in Nigeria. Forthcoming in: Hacienda Publica Espanola

Tatom, John (2007): Are high taxes restricting Indiana’s growth? Forthcoming in: Indiana Policy Review , Vol. Summer, (August 2007): pp. 14-19.

Tedds, Lindsay M. (2018): Non-tax Revenue for Funding Municipal Governments: Take-up, Constraints, and Emerging Opportunities. Published in: In L. Phillips et al (Eds.), 2019, Funding the Canadian City: Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation. (January 2019)

Tedds, Lindsay M. (2017): User charges for Municipal Infrastructure in Western Canada. Published in: Enid Slack and Richard Bird (Eds.). Financing Municipal Infrastructure: Who Should Pay? (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Toronto, ON)

Tedds, Lindsay M. (2019): Who Pays for Municipal Governments? Pursuing the User Pay Model. Forthcoming in: Who Pays for Canada? Taxes and Fairness. E.A. Heaman and David Tough eds.

Tedds, Lindsay M. and Euper, Brock (2019): The Costs of Energy-related Linear Property on Local Governments in Canada and the Role of That Local Government Revenue Tool Can Play in Addressing these Costs. Forthcoming in: In Trevor Tombe and Jennifer Winter (Eds.), 2019, Measuring the Contribution of Energy Infrastructure: A Practical Guide. Calgary: University of Calgary Press

Tedds, Lindsay M. and Farish, Kelly I.E. (2014): User Fee Design by Canadian Municipalities: Considerations Arising from Case Law. Published in: Canadian Tax Journal , Vol. 62, No. 3 (2014): pp. 635-670.


Uppal, Yogesh and Glazer, Amihai (2011): Legislative turnover, fiscal policy, and economic growth: evidence from U.S. state legislatures.


Vandegrift, Donald and Lockshiss, Amanda and Lahr, Michael/L (2009): Town versus Gown: The Effect of a College on Housing Prices and the Tax Base.

Vanschoonbeek, Jakob (2020): Divided We Stad: a Fiscal Bargaining Model for Divided Countries.

Varma, Vijaya Krushna Varma (2009): Top tax system: a common taxation system for all nations.

Villalobos, Jose Antonio (2020): Economía pública municipal.

Villani, Salvatore (2007): Il federalismo fiscale e la questione della corretta distribuzione territoriale del gettito IVA. Published in: Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno , Vol. a. XXI, No. 1-2 (March 2008): pp. 103-126.

van der Hoek, M. Peter (1991): Local Taxation in the Netherlands. Published in: Public Budgeting & Finance , Vol. 11, No. 1 (1991): pp. 66-79.


Waknis, Parag (2008): Arthakranti Plan: Noble Intentions but Muddled Thinking.

Wang, Haoying (2018): An Economic Impact Analysis of Oil and Natural Gas Development in the Permian Basin.

Weber, Jeremy G. and Burnett, J.Wesley and Xiarchos, Irene M. (2016): Broadening benefits from natural resource extraction: Housing values and taxation of natural gas wells as property. Forthcoming in: Journal of Policy Analysis and Management


Yu, Yihua and Wang, Jing and Tian, Xi (2013): Identifying the Flypaper Effect in the Presence of Spatial Dependence: Evidence from Education in China’s Counties. Forthcoming in: Growth and Change


Zakharov, Nikita (2020): The protective effect of smoking against COVID-19: A population-based study using instrumental variables.

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