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Items where Subject is "J41 - Labor Contracts"

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Number of items at this level: 116.


Baldan, Cristina and Neacsu, Madalina (2008): The Employment and Unemployment in Romania - Decisive Factors. Published in: The Annals of University of Oradea , Vol. 2, No. Economic Science (1 June 2008): pp. 45-50.

Bayari, Celal (2025): Japanese women doctors in the hospital system: Gender gap, professional burnout, and the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Bayari, Celal (2018): Economy and Market in China: The State, Wage Labour and the Construction of the ‘China Price’. Published in: Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review , Vol. 14, No. 1 (5 July 2018): pp. 13-29.

Bayari, Celal (2004): Japanese Business in Australia: A Management Survey of Industry Interaction with Locational Factors. Published in: The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies , Vol. 30, No. 2004 (1 December 2004): pp. 119-149.

Bayari, Celal (2010): Japanese Manufacturers in Australia: Analysing Their Quality Evaluation and Employee Participation. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 13, (12 October 2010): pp. 369-374.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour Management in China: Legislation, Stratification, and Wages. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 17, No. 2014 (8 November 2014): pp. 419-424.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour-centred Politics and Judicial Institutionalisation: The Lineaments of an Early Proto-Regulatory State Model in Australia. Published in: Discourses on Global Studies , Vol. 1, No. 4 (14 September 2014): pp. 42-60.

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Origin of Minimum Wage Determination in Australia: The Political and Legal Institutions. Published in: Journal of Global Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1 December 2012): pp. 163-198.

Beleva, Iskra (2010): Flexicurity in Labour Contract and Work-Time Arrangements in Bulgaria and Risk Segments. Published in: Flexicurity on the Labour Market in Bulgaria – Situation and Prospects

Beleva, Iskra and Tzanov, Vasil (2008): Decent work in Bulgaria. Published in:

Bellou, Andriana and Kaymak, Baris (2011): Real wage growth over the business cycle:contractual versus spot markets.

Bondoc, Maria-Daniela and Radu, Florea (2008): Considerations concerning the analysis of the wage costs efficiency. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Secţiunea Ştiinţe Economice No. 36 (2008)

Borooah, Vani (2019): Discrimination and Jobs Reservation in India. Published in: Disparity and Discrimination in Labour Market Outcomes in India No. Palgrave Macmillan (July 2019): pp. 61-96.


Campbell, Carl M. (2009): An efficiency wage - imperfect information model of the aggregate supply curve.

Campbell, Carl M. (2011): The formation of wage expectations in the effort and quit decisions of workers.

Cater, Bruce and Lew, Byron and Pivato, Marcus (2009): Why tenure?

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit (2008): Fair Wage Hypothesis, Foreign Capital Inflow and Skilled-unskilled Wage Inequality in the Presence of Agricultural Dualism.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Bandopadhyay, Titas Kumar (2012): Endogenous skill formation, foreign capital and education subsidy in a dual economy.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Banerjee, Dibyendu (2007): Consumption efficiency hypothesis and the HOS model: Some counterintuitive results.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Banerjee, Dibyendu (2007): Consumption efficiency hypothesis and the optimality of free trade policy in a small open economy.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Banerjee, Dibyendu (2010): FDI in Agricultural Land, Welfare and Unemployment in a Developing Economy.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Banerjee, Dibyendu (2008): Fair Wage Hypothesis, International Factor Mobility and Skilled-Unskilled Wage Inequality in a Developing Economy.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Banerjee, Dibyendu (2009): Foreign Capital Inflow, Skilled-Unskilled Wage Inequality and Unemployment of Unskilled Labour in a Fair Wage Model.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Banerjee, Dibyendu (2009): Foreign Capital, National Welfare and Unemployment in a Fair Wage Model.


De Paola, Maria and Scoppa, Vincenzo (2005): The Role of Family Ties in the Labour Market. An Interpretation Based on Efficiency Wage Theory.

Decreuse, Bruno and Zylberberg, André (2006): Job search with ubiquity and the wage distribution.

Decreuse, Bruno and Zylberberg, André (2006): Job search with ubiquity and the wage distribution.

Dekker, Ronald (2008): Unemployment durations after temporary work: Evidence for Great Britain and Germany.

d'Agostino, Giorgio and Pieroni, Luca and Scarlato, Margherita (2015): Revisiting the Effects of Enhanced Flexibility on the Italian Labour Market.


Eisfeldt, Andrea and Kuhnen, Camelia M. (2010): CEO turnover in a competitive assignment framework.


Fang, Zheng and Sakellariou, Chris (2010): Discrimination in the equilibrium search model with wage-tenure contracts.

Faria, Joao and Jellal, Mohamed (2009): Dynamic of Employment and Wages Incentives.

Faria, Joao and Jellal, Mohamed (2009): Industrialization Jobs Creation and Wages Incentives.

Faria, Joao and Jellal, Mohamed (2009): A Socio-Psychological Theory of Efficiency Wage Growth.


Giannakopoulos, Nicholas and Laliotis, Ioannis (2017): Decentralized Bargaining and the Greek Labour Relations Reform (Law 4024/2011).

Giannakopoulos, Nicholas and Laliotis, Ioannis (2017): Decentralized Bargaining and the Greek Labour Relations Reform (Law 4024/2011).

Givens, Gregory and Tavoy, Reid (2024): Entry, unemployment, and the transmission of government spending shocks.

Givens, Gregory (2019): Unemployment, Partial Insurance, and the Multiplier Effects of Government Spending.

Goyal, Ashima (2005): New technology and labour Markets: Entrants, outsourcing and matching. Published in: The Indian Journal of Labour Economics , Vol. 4, No. 48 (August 2005): pp. 853-868.

Grassi, Emanuele and Di Cintio, Marco (2011): Wage incentive profiles in dual labour markets.

Guerrazzi, Marco (2017): Efficiency-wage competition: What happens as the number of players increases?

Guerrazzi, Marco (2012): On involuntary unemployment: notes on efficiency-wage competition.

Guerrazzi, Marco and Giribone, Pier Giuseppe (2019): The dynamics of working hours and wages under implicit contracts.


Haeringer, Guillaume and Iehlé, Vincent (2008): Enjeux stratégiques du concours des Maîtres de Conférences.

Harbord, David (2006): Enforcing cooperation among medieval merchants: The Maghribi traders revisited.

Hirschel, Dierk (2003): Do high incomes reflect individual performance? The determinants of high incomes in Germany.


Jellal, Mohamed and Bouadbdallah, khaled and wolff, François charles (2004): Unemployment and work sharing in an efficiency wage model. Published in: Economics Bulletin No. Vol. 10, No. 3 pp. 1−7

Jellal, Mohamed and Thisse, Jacques-François and Zenou, Yves (2005): Demand uncertainty mismatch and (un)employment. Published in: Economic Letters No. 89 (2005) 248–254

Jellal, Mohamed and Zenou, Yves (2000): A dynamic efficiency wage model with learning by doing. Published in: Economics Letters No. 66 (2000) 95-105

Jellal, Mohamed and wolff, François charles (2003): Dual labor market and strategic efficiency wage. Published in: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC JOURNAL No. Volume 17, Number 3, Autumn 2003

Jiang, Zhishan and Tian, Guoqiang (2013): Matching with Couples: Stability and Algorithm.

Juravle, Daniel/DD (2012): Aspecte teoretice ale pieței muncii.


Kou, Zonglai and Zhou, Min (2009): Multi-Tasking vs. Screening: A Model of Academic Tenure.


Lai, Richard (2006): Executive Quirks in Operational Decisions.

Lam, Alice and de Campos, Andre (2014): 'Content to be sad' or 'runaway apprentice'? The psychological contract and career agency of young scientists in the entrepreneurial university. Published in: Human Relations, Published online November 5, 2014, doi: 10.1177/0018726714545483

Lisi, Domenico and Malo, Miguel (2014): Cross-Sectors Skill Intensity, Productivity and Temporary Employment.


Machado, Tiago and Moniz, António (2003): Assembling Toyota in Portugal. Published in: GERPISA International Colloquium proceedings No. 11 (2003): pp. 1-11.

Malo, Miguel and Cueto, Begoña (2019): Do old and new labour market risks overlap? Automation, offshorability, and non-standard employment.

Malo, Miguel A. and Cueto, Begona (2013): Temporary Contracts across Generations: Long-term effects of a labour market reform at the margin.

Malo, Miguel A. and Vanesa, Rodríguez (2022): Sheltered employment for people with disabilities: An international appraisal with illustrations from the Spanish case.

Mask, Joshua (2018): Consequences of Immigrating During a Recession: Evidence from the US Refugee Resettlement Program. Published in: IZA Journal of Development and Migration , Vol. 11, No. 1 (2020): pp. 1-31.

Mason, Patrick L. (1993): Variable labor effort, involuntary unemployment, and effective demand. Published in: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics , Vol. 15, No. 3 (1993): pp. 427-442.

Matsue, Toyoki (2019): Employment fluctuations in a dynamic model with long-term and short-term contracts.

Matsue, Toyoki (2019): Employment fluctuations in a dynamic model with long-term and short-term contracts.

Matsue, Toyoki (2019): Employment fluctuations in a dynamic model with long-term and short-term contracts.

Matsue, Toyoki (2020): The impact of short-term employment contracts on employment volatility and economic fluctuations.

Mazumder, Debojyoti (2017): Technological Progress and Optimum Labor Market Friction.

Mideksa, Torben (2007): Immigration, Wages, and Growth in the Host Nations.

Moon, Weh-Sol (2011): Business cycle with nominal contracts and search frictions.

Muffels, Ruud and Fouarge, Didier (2001): Working Profiles and Employment Regimes in European Panel Perspective. Published in: Schmoller's Jahrbuch , Vol. 122, No. 1 : pp. 85-111.


Nasir, Zafar Mueen and Iqbal, Nasir (2010): Employers Size Wage Differential: Does Investment in Human Capital Matter? Forthcoming in: The Pakistan Development Review , Vol. 48, No. 4

Navon, Guy (2009): Human Capital Spillovers in the Workplace: Labor Diversity and Productivity.

Neacsu, Madalina and Baldan, Cristina (2008): Flexicurity in EU Countries. Published in: MIBES Proceedings No. 2008 (5 July 2008): pp. 794-807.

Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel and Mosley, Paul (2009): Microcredit, labour, and poverty impacts in urban Mexico.


Ochel, Wolfgang (2007): Contracting out Employment Services Involving Temporary Agency Work in Germany. Published in: Journal of European Social Policy , Vol. 17, No. 2 (2007): pp. 125-138.

Oikonomou, Rigas (2013): Optimal Unemployment Insurance with Private Insurance.

Orkodashvili, Mariam (2009): Spellings Commission Report on Affordability and Access to Higher Education: changing demographics, economic crisis and investment in human capital.


Piero, Casadio (2010): Contrattazione aziendale integrativa e differenziali salariali territoriali: informazioni dall'indagine sulle imprese della Banca d'Italia. Published in: Politica Economica , Vol. XXVI, No. n.2 2010 (August 2010): pp. 241-291.

Piggot, John and Robalino, David and Jimenez-Martin, Sergi (2008): Incentive Effects of Retirement Income Transfers.

Pillai, Rajasekharan (2010): Labour Market Structure: A Brief Literature Survey.

Pinoli, Sara (2007): Employment Protection and Labor Productivity: Positive or Negative?

Pinoli, Sara (2008): Screening ex-ante or screening on-the-job? The impact of the employment contract.

Pouliakas, Konstantinos and Theodossiou, Ioannis (2008): Measuring the Utility Cost of Temporary Employment Contracts before Adaptation: A Conjoint Analysis Approach. Forthcoming in: Economica


Rasheed, Farooq and Khan, Aliya H. and Khan, M. Wali (2009): Human Capitalization and Labor Market Absorption Capacity. Published in: Journal of Business & Economics , Vol. 1, No. 2 (1 January 2010): pp. 143-159.

Rena, Ravinder and Kahsu, Biniam (2005): LABOUR MARKET NEEDS AND DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNICAL ANDVOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN ERITREA. Published in: Manpower Journal , Vol. 41, No. 4 (December 2006): pp. 137-154.

Rockerbie, Duane and Easton, Stephen (2019): A Real Options Approach to Multi-Year Contracts in Professional Sports.

Rodriguez, Fabrizio (2023): On Salesforce Compensation with Inventory Considerations. Forthcoming in: Journal of Management Science

Rubin, Jared and Samek, Anya and Sheremeta, Roman (2016): Loss Aversion and the Quantity-Quality Tradeoff.


Saccal, Alessandro (2021): Efficiency wage (and slavery) efficiency: in theory and in time.

Safana, Shaheen and Masood, Sarwar and Muhammad, Waqas and Amir, Aslam (2012): Economic Analysis of Earnings in Pakistan: A Case of Sargodha District.

Saito, Tetsuya (2005): Managerial Strategies of the Cotton South.

Sampaio, José (2002): Trabalho e Emprego: Em Busca do Paradigma Perdido.Elementos para uma Clarificação Conceptual. Published in: Organizações e Trabalho No. nº27 (2002)

Santos-Pinto, Luís (2003): Positive self-image and incentives in organizations.

Santos-Pinto, Luís (2003): Positive self-image in tournaments.

Santos-Pinto, Luís and Park, Young-Joon (2004): Forecasts of relative performance in tournaments: evidence from the field.

Schwalje, Wes (2011): A Conceptual Model of National Skills Formation for Knowledge-based Economic Development.

Schwalje, Wes (2011): Knowledge-based Economic Development as a Unifying Vision in a Post-awakening Arab World.

Scoppa, Vincenzo (2003): Contratti Incompleti Ed Enforcement Endogeno. Una Rassegna Della Letteratura.

Scoppa, Vincenzo (2008): Shirking and Employment Protection Legislation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment.

Scoppa, Vincenzo (2008): Worker Absenteeism and Incentives: Evidence from Italy.

Smirnykh, Larisa (2005): Labor leasing: economic theory, EU and Russia experience.

Stark, Oded (2010): Casting the naturalization of asylum seekers as an economic problem. Published in: Economics Letters , Vol. 108, No. 3 (2010): pp. 286-290.


Tang, Linyao (2010): 放任与管制的或此或彼:俄罗斯市场转型录. Published in: China Modern Economic Publishing House , Vol. CIP(20, No. ISBN987511903051 (July 2010): pp. 1-250.

Tattara, Giuseppe and Canu, Rita (2005): Quando le farfalle mettono le ali. Osservazioni sull'ingresso delle donne nel lavoro dipendente. Published in: Economia&Lavoro , Vol. 1, No. 2005 (2005)

Tattara, Giuseppe and Valentini, Marco (2008): Can employment subsidies and greater labour market flexibility increase job opportunities for youth? Revisiting the Italian On-the-job Training Program.

Tetteh, Rebecca and Mohammed, Safura and Ahmed Azumah, Ayisha (2017): What is the effect of wages and supervision on productivity? The perspective of Sunyani Technical University staff.

Tortia, Ermanno Celeste (2019): Employment protection regimes in worker co-operatives: dismissal of worker members and distributive fairness.


Wadho, Waqar Ahmed (2009): Steal If You Need. Capitulation Wages with Endogenous Monitoring.

Wang, Huiming (2009): An adaptation of Pissarides (1990) by using random job destruction rate.

Wesselbaum, Dennis (2009): A Game Theoretical View on Efficiency Wage Theories.

Wesselbaum, Dennis (2014): How Large are Firing Costs? A Cross-Country Study.

Williams, Rhys (2020): The Effect of Casual Teaching on Student Satisfaction: Evidence from the UK.

Winkler, Oliver (2014): Transitions into Stable Employment: The Effect of Relative Group Size for the Immigrant Second Generation in France. Published in: Der Hallesche Graureiher , Vol. 3, No. 2014 : pp. 3-29.


Yadav, Sheela and Sharma, Nidhi (2021): Valuation of unpaid household work of rural women: A case study of Ghazipur district of Uttar Pradesh.

Yip, Chi Man (2010): Can't SBTC explain the U.S. wage inequality dynamics?


Стайков, Ивайло (2008): Европейското доброволно рамково междусекторно споразумение за работата от разстояние от 2002 г. Published in: България в Европейския съюз: първи резултати. Сборник с доклади от юбилейна научно-практическа конференция, посветена на 45-годишнината от създаването на ВТУ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”, 30-31 май 2008 г. София: Горекс Прес. ISBN 954-616-139-Х, (2008): pp. 195-205.

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