Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "K40 - General"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 84.


Shirvanyan, Mariyana (2018): Съдебните производства по закона за защита от дискриминация. Published in: Защита срещу дискриминацията: правна уредба, проблеми и тенденции (2018): pp. 176-184.


Agisilaou, Panayiotis (2012): Keep to sustain or keep to exploit? Why firms keep hard evidence.

Alqatawni, Tahsen (2013): The Impact of the Dodd-Frank Act on Small Banks. Published in: Social Science Research Network , Vol. 10, No. 2347812 (30 October 2013): pp. 1-10.

Asongu, Simplice (2018): Introduction. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Happiness and Development

Asongu, Simplice and Diop, Samba (2021): Human development and governance in Africa: do good fences make good neighbours?

Asongu, Simplice and Nnanna, Joseph (2020): Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Forthcoming in: Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2019): Income Levels, Governance and Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Forthcoming in: Applied Research in Quality of Life

Asongu, Simplice and le Roux, Sara (2018): Understanding Sub-Saharan Africa’s Extreme Poverty Tragedy. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Public Administration

Bagus, Philipp and Howden, David (2016): The Economic and Legal Significance of “Full” Deposit Availability. Published in: European Journal of Law and Economics , Vol. 1, No. 41 (2016): pp. 243-254.

Berlemann, Michael and Christmann, Robin (2017): The Role of Precedents on Court Delay - Evidence from a civil law country.

Bhati, Avinash (2009): Motivational structures underlying judicial discretion: An information theoretic investigation.

Braakmann, Nils (2012): The effect of the 2011 London riots on crime, policing and unemployment.

Cozzi, Guido and Galli, Silvia (2011): Upstream innovation protection: common law evolution and the dynamics of wage inequality.

Crettez, Bertrand and Deffains, Bruno and Musy, Olivier (2016): French legal origins: A Tocquevilian view.

Crettez, Bertrand and Deffains, Bruno and Musy, Olivier and Tallec, Ronan (2020): State Capacity, Legal Design and the Venality of Judicial Offices.

Deffains, Bruno and Langlais, Eric (2007): Informational externalities and informational sharing in class action suits.

Del Monte, Alfredo and Pennacchio, Luca (2011): The structure of agricultural production and the causes of brigandage and criminal organisations in Italy after Unification: theory and evidence.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros (2020): A discussion regarding the economic and legal rights of women in Classical Athens (508-323 BCE).

Eddy Yusof, Ezry Fahmy (2009): A Holistic View of Legal Documentation from Shari'ah Perspective.

Farina, Vincenzo (2005): Corporate disclosure determinants: a cross-country investigation.

Freeborn, Beth and Hartmann, Monica (2009): Judicial Discretion and Sentencing Behavior.

Ganguly, Madhuparna (2021): Stronger Patent Regime, Innovation and Scientist Mobility.

Gorga, Carmine (2016): Concordian economics and the economic bubble. Published in: Econintersect , Vol. NA, No. Daily Internet newsletter (15 August 2016): NA-NA.

Guha, Brishti (2016): Secret ballots and costly information gathering: the jury size problem revisited.

Haldar, Tanushree (2013): Understanding Terrorism from an Economic perspective.

Hasan, Zubair (2016): How Islamic is the diminishing musharkah model used for home financing? Published in: Turkish Economic Review , Vol. 3, No. 3 (September 2016): pp. 443-452.

Hasan, Zubair (2016): Nature and significance of Islamic economics. Published in: Nature and significance of Islamic economics , Vol. 3, No. 3 (September 2016): pp. 400-418.

Laliotis, Ioannis (2015): Crime and Unemployment in Greece: Evidence Before and During the Crisis. Forthcoming in: Economics and Business Letters , Vol. 5, No. 1

Langlais, Eric (2006): Criminals and risk attitude.

Langlais, Eric (2006): Detection avoidance and deterrence: some paradoxical arithmetics.

Langlais, Eric (2007): Too much or not enough crimes? On the ambiguous effects of repression.

Larouche, Pierre and Larouche, Maartje (2006): The Triangular Relationship between the Commission, NRAs and National Courts Revisited. Published in: International Journal of Digital Economics No. 64 (December 2006): pp. 125-145.

Lorde, Troy (2012): Evaluating the Impact of Crime on Tourism in Barbados: A Transfer Function Approach. Published in: Tourism Analysis , Vol. 18, No. 2 (2013): pp. 183-191.

Lumineau, Fabrice and Henderson, James (2012): The influence of relational experience and contractual governance on the negotiation strategy in buyer-supplier disputes. Forthcoming in: Journal of Operations Management , Vol. 5, No. 30 (2012)

Lumineau, Fabrice and Malhotra, Deepak (2011): Shadow of the contract: how contract structure shapes inter-firm dispute resolution. Published in: Strategic Management Journal , Vol. 5, No. 32 (2011)

Moro, Andrea and Van der Linden, Martin (2021): Exclusion of Extreme Jurors and Minority Representation: The Effect of Jury Selection Procedures.

Mughal, Adil Ahmad (2023): Separability & Permissiveness for Separation of Powers.

Munro, John H. (2000): The 'New Institutional Economics' and the Changing Fortunes of Fairs in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: the Textile Trades, Warfare, and Transaction Costs. Published in: Fieri e mercati nella integrazione delle economie europee, seccoli XIII - XVIII, Atti delle “Settimana di Studi” e altri convegni, no. 32, Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica F. Datini , Vol. 32, No. 1 (2001): pp. 405-451.

Munro, John H. (2002): The medieval origins of the 'Financial Revolution': usury, rentes, and negotiablity. Published in: The International History Review , Vol. 25, No. 3 (September 2003): pp. 505-562.

Nakazato, Minoru and Ramseyer, J. Mark and Rasmusen, Eric (2006): The Industrial Organization of the Japanese Bar: Levels and Determinants of Attorney Income.

Nyagweta, David Tinashe (2024): Awareness of institutions, and associated factors: An inquiry of Chapter 9 and 10 institutions in South Africa.

Ozili, Peterson Kitakogelu (2021): Financial inclusion and legal system quality: are they correlated? Forthcoming in: Journal of Money and Business

Phiri Kampanje, Brian (2022): Legalising Recreational Cannabis Sativa as forex cash cow for Malawi – Focussing on what buyer wants.

Radut, Carmen and Petria, Licuta (2010): Legal aspects of electronic commerce.

Rashid, Muhammad Mustafa (2017): King, Fuller and Dworkin on Natural Law and Hard Cases.

Richey, Jeremiah (2012): The Causal Effects of Criminal Convictions on Labor Market Outcomes in Young Men: A Nonparametric Bounds Analysis.

Richey, Jeremiah (2013): An Odd Couple: Monotone Instrumental Variables and Binary Treatments. Forthcoming in: Econometric Reviews

Rizos, Anastasios and Kapopoulos, Panayotis (2021): Judicial Efficiency and Economic Growth: Evidence based on EU data.

Sarkar, Prabirjit and Singh, Ajit (2009): Law, Finance and Development: Further Analyses of Longitudinal Data. Published in: Centre for Business Research Working Paper Series No. WP387 (June 2009)

Simplice A., Asongu (2011): Law and Investment in Africa.

Simplice A., Asongu (2011): Law, Finance and Investment: does legal origin matter?

Strazisar, Borut (2007): Legislative powers and (X)NGO’s.

Süß, Philipp (2016): The synthetic control method: Small T, small N Monte Carlo evidence and an application to the effects of privatizing probation services on revoke rates.

Tamilina, Larysa and Tamilina, Natalya (2015): The Impact of Variations in Institutional Grafting Modes on Economic Growth: A Three-Dimensional Approach. Forthcoming in:

Tamilina, Larysa and Tamilina, Natalya (2015): Psychology of Trust: A Three Component Analytical Framework to Explain the Impact of Formal Institutions on Social Trust Formation. Forthcoming in:

Yalincak, Orhun Hakan (2013): Freedom of Movement Rights of Turkish Nationals in the European Union. Published in: Columbia Journal of European Law , Vol. 19, No. 3 (1 September 2013): pp. 391-422.

Yamamura, Eiji (2010): “Brand” and performance in a new environment: Analysis of the law school market in Japan.

Yamamura, Eiji (2010): “Brand” and performance in a new environment: Analysis of the law school market in Japan.

Yamamura, Eiji (2010): Introduction of the new bar examination and the changing effect of influential professors on its outcomes: The case of Japan 2006-2009.

Yamamura, Eiji (2009): Trial experience, satisfaction and incentive to bring another lawsuit: Does aspiration level influence winners and losers?

Yamamura, Eiji (2011): Trial experience, satisfaction and incentive to bring another lawsuit: Does aspiration level influence winners and losers?

Yamamura, Eiji (2010): What Discourages Participation in the Lay Judge System (Saiban’in Seido) of Japan? Interaction between the Secrecy Requirement and Social Networks.

Yamamura, Eiji (2009): What Discourages Participation in the Lay Judge System (Saiban’in Seido) of Japan? Interaction between the Secrecy Requirement and Social Networks.

Yamamura, Eiji (2009): What discourages participation in the lay judge system (Saiban'in seido) of Japan? : an interaction effect between the secrecy requirement and social network.

sarkar, prabirjit (2011): Common Law vs. Civil Law: Which System Provides More Protection to Shareholders and Creditors and Promotes Financial Development.



Kchirid, Mustapha and Tarbalouti, Essaid and Elgraa, Mohamed (2013): Le comportement du musulman en matière de crédit à intérêt face à la contrainte religieuse.

Langlais, Eric (2005): Indemnisation des préjudices et fréquence des procès en présence d'une asymétrie d'informaion sur l'aversion au risque des parties.


Schwab, Christian and Tang, Hin-Yue Benny (2011): Die Steuerungswirkungen unterschiedlicher Prozesskostenregelungen: Ein Überblick zum Stand von Theorie und Empirie.


Meilindawati, Rahayu Meilindawati (2017): PEMBAHASAN PEMBIAYAN MUDHARABAH.

Naendhy Sunaendy, Lilla Fadhilah (2017): PEMBIAYAAN BANK SYARIAH. Published in: PEMBIAYAAN BANK SYARIAH No. PEMBIAYAAN (26 December 2018): pp. 1-11.


Bonaventura, Luigi and Consoli, Andrea (2009): La scelta dei criteri di priorità per il giudice penale: effetti sui carichi pendenti e sul costo sociale.

Reggiani, Tommaso (2006): First, the women and children: why it is indispensable to give political weight to the under-age ones: the perspective of Luigi Campiglio.

Reggiani, Tommaso (2006): Prima le donne e i bambini. Il peso politico dei minorenni: come e perché è indispensabile farlo emergere. La prospettiva secondo Luigi Campiglio.


Corbu, Ion (2023): Decizia, factor determinant în procesele manageriale și în activitatea de cercetare. Published in: https://www.academia.edu/101585174/Decizia_factor_determinant_%C3%AEn_procesele_manageriale_%C8%99i_%C3%AEn_activitatea_de_cercetare (11 May 2023)


Eremenko, Alexander (2010): Гражданское законодательство и международные договоры: взаимодействие внутри правовой системы Российской Федерации. Published in: Bulletin of PNU No. 4(27) (2012): pp. 303-308.

Eremenko, Alexander (2010): Методологические вопросы структуры нормы гражданского права. Published in: Legal Science and Law Enforcement Practice No. 16 (2011): pp. 39-48.

Eremenko, Alexander (2011): К философско-правовой системе атрибутов понятия "гражданский закон". Published in: Academical Law Journal No. 44 (2011): pp. 21-28.

Eremenko, Alexander (2010): Метод правоотношения как способ познания явлений правовой действительности: теоретико-правовые и гражданско-правовые вопросы. Published in: Leningrad Judicial Journal No. 1 (2011): pp. 29-35.

Eremenko, Alexander (2010): Российская доктрина гражданского правоприменения: вопросы становления и развития. Published in: Lex Russica , Vol. LXX, No. 2 (2011): pp. 224-244.

Eremenko, Alexander (2010): Организационно-методологические основания российской доктрины гражданского правоприменения (окончание). Published in: Civil Law No. 2 (2011): pp. 3-8.

Eremenko, Alexander (2010): Конкуренция норм гражданского права в механизме юридической квалификации гражданских отношений. Published in: Bulletin of Udmurt University No. 2-3 (2011): pp. 109-114.

Eremenko, Alexander (2010): Конкуренция норм гражданского права в механизме юридической квалификации гражданских отношений. Published in: Bulletin of Udmurt University No. 2-3 (2011): pp. 109-114.

Eremenko, Alexander (2010): Методологические принципы научно-теоретического изучения гражданского правоприменения. Published in: Civil Legal Notes , Vol. 1, (2011): pp. 8-29.

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