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Items where Subject is "N77 - Africa ; Oceania"

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Number of items at this level: 48.


Marinov, Eduard (2013): Успехи и предизвикателства на регионалната икономическа интеграция в Африка. Published in: Political and Economic Transformations in the 21st Century No. ISBN 978-954-715-620-3 (2013): pp. 79-90.

Marinov, Eduard (2019): Новата битка за Африка: възможности за Европа и/или за Китай. Published in: Глобални макротенденции и отражението им върху конкурентоспособността на ЦЮИЕ. Петдесето издание от поредицата „Конкурентоспособност на българската икономика“ (2019): pp. 68-81.

Marinov, Eduard (2013): Кризата в ЕС – финансови рискове за Африка. Published in: Postcrisis Economic Development of EU and Bulgaria No. ISBN 978-954-616-230-4 : pp. 406-414.

Marinov, Eduard (2013): Африканската зона за свободна търговия – стъпка към континентална интеграция. Published in: Proceedings of the Ninth International Scientific Conference “Investments in the Future – 2013” No. ISBN 1314-3719 (2013): pp. 266-271.

Marinov, Eduard (2013): Регионалните интеграционни общности в Африка. Published in: Proceedings of Scientific Seminar “The New Economic Geography: Theory and Practice” No. ISBN 978-954-490-434-0 (2014): pp. 143-154.

Marinov, Eduard (2014): Регионална икономическа интеграция в Африка (дисертация).

Marinov, Eduard (2015): Развитие на интеграционните процеси в Африка – от политически към икономически цели. Published in: Geopolitika , Vol. 1/2015, No. ISSN 1312-4579 (January 2015): pp. 119-127.

Marinov, Eduard (2014): Регионалната икономическа интеграция в Африка – история и съвременно развитие. Published in: Times of Insecurity and Risks: Development Possibilities and Perspectives, book II No. ISBN 978-619-202-037-8 (May 2015): pp. 302-309.

Marinov, Eduard (2015): Външнотърговски отношения между Европейския съюз и регионалните интеграционни общности в Африка – обобщение на основните изводи. Published in: "Innovations - Engine for Economic Growth" Scientific Conference Proceedings No. ISBN: 978-954-8590-32-7 (2015): pp. 118-134.

Marinov, Eduard (2017): Търговски отношения на България с основните партньори от Субсахарска Африка – тенденции и перспективи. Published in: Economics 21 Interuniversity Journal No. 1/2017 (April 2017): pp. 96-122.

Marinov, Eduard (2017): Географска структура на търговията на България със Субсахарска Африка. Published in: Academic Journal Management and Education No. 1/2017 (June 2017): pp. 114-119.

Marinov, Eduard (2016): Външнотърговски отношения на България с държавите от Субсахарска Африка: нагласи на българските фирми. Published in: Academic Journal Management and Education No. 1/2016 (June 2016): pp. 52-57.

Marinov, Eduard and Bobeva, Daniela (2017): Пазарите в Субсахарска Африка – Възможност за диверсификация на българската външна търговия. Published in: Списание на БАН No. 3/2017 (2017): pp. 64-72.


Abdisa, Lamessa T. (2019): Firm Performance Under Infrastructure Constraints: Evodence from Sub-sahara African Firms.

Abdisa, Lamessa Tariku (2018): Power Outages, Its Economic Cost and Firm Performance: Evidence From Ethiopia.

Bakari, Sayef and Mabrouki, Mohamed and Othmani, Abdelhafidh (2018): The Six Linkages between Foreign Direct Investment, Domestic Investment, Exports, Imports, Labor Force and Economic Growth: New Empirical and Policy Analysis from Nigeria.

Bayari, Celal (2012): Australian Trade and FDI Relations with Japan: Reflecting on the Past Seven Decades. Published in: , Vol. 12, No. 2012 12 (1 December 2012): pp. 144-188.

Dalton, John and Leung, Tin Cheuk (2015): Being Bad by Being Good: Owner and Captain Value-Added in the Slave Trade.

Dalton, John and Leung, Tin Cheuk (2013): Dispersion and Distortions in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.

Elem Eyrice, Tepeciklioğlu and M. Evren, Tok and Syed Abul, Basher (2017): Turkish and BRICS Engagement in Africa: Between humanitarian and economic interests.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): Prospects for LNG and Hydrogen Export from Sub-Saharan Africa to the EU.

Kohnert, Dirk (2018): Britain & Africa: heading for the Brexit rocks.

Kohnert, Dirk (2018): Britain and Africa: heading for the Brexit rocks. Forthcoming in: Africa Spectrum , Vol. 47, No. 2 (October 2018)

Kohnert, Dirk (2018): Britain and Africa: heading for the Brexit rocks.

Kohnert, Dirk (2018): Trump's tariff’s impact on Africa and the ambiguous role of African agency.

Kohnert, Dirk (2018): Trump's tariff’s impact on Africa and the ambiguous role of African agency.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Will Putin"s Ukraine war provoke famine and upheaval in Africa.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Will Putin's Ukraine war provoke famine and upheaval in Africa?

Kohnert, Dirk (2019): The impact of Brexit on Francophone Africa.

Malah Kuete, Yselle and Asongu, Simplice (2021): Infrastructure development as a prerequisite for structural change in Africa.

Marinov, Eduard (2019): The African Continental Free Trade Area: Why is Africa turning to multilateralism? Published in: Journal of Financial and Monetary Economics No. 6/2019 (2020): pp. 213-222.

Marinov, Eduard (2017): Bulgaria’s Trade Relations with the Main Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa – Trends and Prospects. Published in: Economics 21 Interuniversity Journal No. 1/2017 (April 2017): pp. 87-110.

Marinov, Eduard (2014): Economic Integration in Africa – Overview, Progress and Challenges. Published in: Journal of Global Economy No. 1/2014, ISSN 2343 – 9521 (2014): pp. 42-55.

Marinov, Eduard (2013): Economic Partnership Agreements of the EU: Impact on Regional Integration in Africa. Published in: The future of integration, the future of the European Union No. ISBN 978-954-23-0867-6 (2013): pp. 200-208.

Marinov, Eduard (2014): Regional Economic Integration in Africa. Published in: Ph.D. Students Forum: Transatlantic Dialogues in the Field of Social Scienses No. ISBN 978-954-07-3755-3 (2014): pp. 9-31.

Nchofoung, Tii and Asongu, Simplice (2021): Effects of Infrastructures on Environmental Quality Contingent on Trade Openness and Governance Dynamics in Africa.

Nchofoung, Tii and Asongu, Simplice and Njamen Kengdo, Arsène and Achuo, Elvis (2021): Linear and non-linear effects of infrastructures on inclusive human development in Africa.

Okoye, Dozie and Pongou, Roland and Yokossi, Tite (2016): On the Dispensability of New Transportation Technologies: Evidence from the Heterogeneous Impact of Railroads in Nigeria.

Potgieter, Petrus H. (2010): Water and energy in South Africa – managing scarcity.

Whatley, Warren (2014): The Gun-Slave Cycle in the 18th Century British Slave Trade.

Whatley, Warren (2017): The gun-slave hypothesis and the 18th century British slave trade.

Yawson, Robert M. and Yawson, Ivy (2008): Policy options of agricultural biotechnology R&D in Sub-Saharan Africa: key issues and aspects. Published in: University of Minnesota


Kohnert, Dirk (2023): Perspectives d'exportation de GNL et d'hydrogène de l'Afrique subsaharienne vers l'UE.

Kohnert, Dirk (2018): L' Angleterre, le Brexit et l'Afrique.

Kohnert, Dirk (2016): L'agence sociale compte! - Des entrepreneurs migrants africains et chinois comme acteurs de changement. Published in: Politique Africaine No. 147 (19 November 2017): pp. 175-176.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): La guerre de Poutine en Ukraine provoquera-t-elle famine et révoltes en Afrique?

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): La guerre de Poutine en Ukraine, causera-t-elle la faim et des troubles en Afrique ?

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Éthique des machines et identités africaines: Perspectives de l'intelligence artificielle en Afrique.

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