Jiménez-Castillo, David and Sánchez-Fernández, Raquel (2019): The role of digital influencers in brand recommendation: examining their impact on engagement, expected value and purchase intention. Published in: International Journal of Information Management , Vol. 39, (December 2019): pp. 366-376.
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Despite the growing interest in digital influencers as a brand communication tool in recent years, much remains to be explored to understand how they can build a bond with their followers that shapes their perceptions and behaviors towards the endorsed brands. This study aims to determine how effective digital influencers are in recommending brands via electronic word-of-mouth by examining whether the potential influence they have on their followers may affect brand engagement in self-concept, brand expected value and intention to purchase recommended brands. The results from a sample of 280 followers show that the perceived influential power of digital influencers not only helps to generate engagement but also increases expected value and behavioral intention regarding the recommended brands. Moreover, brand engagement in self-concept raises brand expected value and both variables also affect the intention to purchase recommended brands. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of the persuasive power of digital influencers, which is still limited. It can be also useful for companies when developing their own social media communication strategy.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | The role of digital influencers in brand recommendation: examining their impact on engagement, expected value and purchase intention |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Digital influencers, electronic word-of-mouth, brand engagement, brand expected value, purchase intention. |
Subjects: | M - Business Administration and Business Economics ; Marketing ; Accounting ; Personnel Economics > M3 - Marketing and Advertising > M31 - Marketing M - Business Administration and Business Economics ; Marketing ; Accounting ; Personnel Economics > M3 - Marketing and Advertising > M37 - Advertising |
Item ID: | 123210 |
Depositing User: | Dr. Raquel Sánchez-Fernández |
Date Deposited: | 09 Jan 2025 01:58 |
Last Modified: | 09 Jan 2025 01:58 |
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URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/123210 |
Available Versions of this Item
The role of digital influencers in brand recommendation: examining their impact on engagement, expected value and purchase intention. (deposited 06 Jan 2025 08:42)
- The role of digital influencers in brand recommendation: examining their impact on engagement, expected value and purchase intention. (deposited 09 Jan 2025 01:58) [Currently Displayed]