Henningsen, Arne (2006): Modellierung von Angebots- und Nachfrageverhalten zur Analyse von Agrarpolitiken: Theorie, Methoden und empirische Anwendungen. Published in:
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In many countries the state heavily intervenes in the agricultural sector. For instance, domestic prices of agricultural products are regulated by import quotas, export subsidies and intervention prices. Furthermore, coupled or decoupled payments as well as several other subsidies (e.g. for credits) are granted and special agricultural taxes are raised. The analysis of the impacts of these interventions is complex and requires a detailed study of the supply and demand in the agricultural sector. One main focus of the research in agricultural economics is the analysis of the behavior of consumers and agricultural producers. Based on these results the impacts of agricultural policies can be determined. This dissertation consists of nine papers that all deal with the analysis of supply and demand in the agricultural sector. They cover microeconomic theory as well as econometric methods and programming models. Furthermore, they contain empirical applications of the theory and of the quantitative methods.