Colignatus, Thomas (2007): Why one would accept Voting Theory for Democracy and reject the Penrose Square Root Weights.
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Various scientists under the label of “Scientists for a democratic Europe” (SDE) sent a joint “Letter to the governments of the EU member states” (2007) advising the use of the Penrose Square Root Weights (PSRW) for the EU Council of Ministers. When we compare the SDE letter with Colignatus (2001, 2007b) “Voting theory for democracy” (VTFD) then we find that SDE does not fit voting theory for democracy. Inspection of the material upon which the SDE letter is based also shows a moral choice while the rigorous empirical analysis by Gelman, Katz and Bafumi (2007) is actually misrepresented. So the SDE letter can also be rejected on its own grounds. The PSRW approach seems not valid for (indivisible) individuals but may be applicable for divisible shares in shareholder meetings.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Institution: | Thomas Cool Consultancy & Econometrics |
Original Title: | Why one would accept Voting Theory for Democracy and reject the Penrose Square Root Weights |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | voting theory; voting systems; elections; public choice; political economy; Borda Fixed Point; democracy; European Union; Penrose square root weights; |
Subjects: | D - Microeconomics > D7 - Analysis of Collective Decision-Making > D71 - Social Choice ; Clubs ; Committees ; Associations A - General Economics and Teaching > A2 - Economic Education and Teaching of Economics H - Public Economics > H0 - General |
Item ID: | 3885 |
Depositing User: | Thomas Colignatus |
Date Deposited: | 06 Jul 2007 |
Last Modified: | 30 Sep 2019 09:33 |
References: | Thomas Colignatus is the preferred name of Thomas Cool in science. EWP references are to the Economics Working Papers Archive at the Washington University at St. Louis: See also Arrow, K. (1950), “A difficulty in the concept of social welfare”, J. of political economy, pp328-346, reprinted in Arrow & Scitovsky (1969) pp147-168 Arrow, K. (1951, 1963), “Social choice and individual values”, J. Wiley Colignatus (1992b), “Definition and Reality in the general theory of political economy; Some background papers 1989-1992”, ISBN 905518-207-9, Magnana Mu Publishing and Research, Rotterdam Colignatus (2001), “Voting Theory For Democracy”, first edition, Thomas Cool Econometrics & Consultancy, ISBN-90-804774-3-5 Colignatus (2003), “On the value of life”, ewp-pe/0310003 October 3 2003 Colignatus (2005), "Definition and Reality in the General Theory of Political Economy", 2nd edition, Dutch University Press Colignatus (2007a), "A Logic of Exceptions", Thomas Cool Econometrics & Consultancy, ISBN 978-90-804774-4-5 Colignatus (2007b), “Voting theory for democracy”, 2nd edition, Thomas Cool Econometrics & Consultancy, ISBN 978-90-804774-5-2 Colignatus (2007h), “In a democracy, Bayrou would have won. Application of the Borda Fixed Point method to the 2007 French presidential elections”,, retrieved from source Cool (1999, 2001), “The Economics Pack, Applications for Mathematica”, Scheveningen, JEL-99-0820, ISBN 90-804774-1-9 (website update 2007) Gelman A., J.N. Katz and J. Bafumi (2004), “Standard voting power indexes don't work: an empirical analysis”, British Journal of Political Science 34: 657--674, earlier available as (2002), California Institute of Technology, Social Science Working Paper 1133 Hart (1961, 1997), “The concept of law”, Oxford Kirsch, W. (2007 ?), “On Penrose’s square-root law and beyond”,, retrieved from source Leech, D. (2002), “Designing the voting system for the Council of the European Union”, Public Choice 113: 437–464,, retrieved from source Scientists for a democratic Europe (2007), “Letter to the governments of the EU member states”,, retrieved from source” Slomczynski, W. and K. Zyczkowski (2007), “Penrose voting system and optimal quota”,, Retrieved from source |
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