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ANDREI, Dalina and Andrei, Liviu Catalin (2020): The generic economic entity types. A critical analysis of basics of the Keynesian Macro-Model. Published in: Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics and New Economy , Vol. 13, No. 1 (10 December 2020): pp. 113-122.

Akhabbar, Amanar (2006): Machine de guerre, machine de paix : le cas de l’analyse input-output comme modèle pour l’intervention publique.

Alberto Delgado, José Luis and Demirbaş, Dilek and Aysan, Ahmet Faruk (2022): OLD BUT RESILIENT STORY: IMPACT OF DECENTRALIZATION ON SOCIAL WELFARE.

Almanzar, Miguel and Torero, Maximo (2014): Distributional Effects of Growth and Public Expenditures in Africa: Estimates for Tanzania and Rwanda.

Amegashie, J. Atsu (2013): Consumers' Complaints, the Nature of Corruption, and Social Welfare.

Andrei, Tudorel and Profiroiu, Marius and Oancea, Bogdan and TurtureaN, Marius and Matei, Ani (2010): Analiza unor aspecte legate de mobilitatea si politizarea functiei publice in administratia publica din Romania.

Andrianady, Josué R. and Andrianavony, Kanto Joviannah (2024): An In-Depth Analysis of Corruption in the Malagasy Context.

Anton, Roman (2014): Sustainable Intrapreneurship - The GSI Concept and Strategy - Unfolding Competitive Advantage via Fair Entrepreneurship. Forthcoming in: Open Science , Vol. 2, No. 1 (1 March 2016): pp. 1-46.

Aras, Osman Nuri (2013): Haydar Aliyev Döneminde Azerbaycan Ekonomisi. Published in: Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi No. 22 (2013): pp. 57-89.

Aristovnik, Aleksander (2012): Fiscal decentralization in Eastern Europe: a twenty-year perspective. Published in: Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences , Vol. Octobe, No. 37E (October 2012): pp. 5-22.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Green, Kesten C. and Soon, Willie (2007): Polar Bear Population Forecasts: A Public-Policy Forecasting Audit.

Arrigo, Ugo and Di Foggia, Giacomo (2015): Produzione, costi e performance delle principali reti ferroviarie dell’Unione Europea. Published in:


Bachev, Hrabrin (2014): Socio-economic and environmental impacts of Match 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan.

Bagaka, Obuya (2008): Fiscal Decentralization in Kenya: The Constituency Development Fund and the Growth of Government. Published in: Proceedings of 20th Annual Conference of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management October 23-25, 2008 – Chicago (November 2008)

Bagir, Yusuf (2017): Impact of the Presence of Foreign Missions on Trade: Evidence from Turkey.

Banzhaf, Spencer (2023): Comments on OMB Circular A-4, “Regulatory Analysis” (OMB-2022-0014).

Barrios, Nyza Ann and Moreno, Frede (2024): Evaluating the Efficacy of e-Government Initiatives in Addressing Local Governance Challenges in the City of Zamboanga, Philippines.

Bendoma, Marius and Messiné Essomba, Cyrille (2017): Investissement public et croissance économique au Cameroun.

Beria, Paolo and Ponti, Marco and Laurino, Antonio (2010): A proposal for a world database on transport infrastructure regulation. Published in: General Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research Society

Berman, Yonatan (2018): Inclusive Growth and Absolute Intragenerational Mobility in the United States, 1962-2014.

Blom, Martin and Castellacci, Fulvio and Fevolden, Arne (2014): The Trade-off between Innovation and Defence Industrial Policy: A Simulation Model Analysis of the Norwegian Defence Industry. Published in:

Borooah, Vani (2024): Objective and Subjective Measures of Happiness. Published in: Routledge Series in Development Economics (October 2024): pp. 38-59.

Borooah, Vani (2024): Setting the Scene. Published in: Routledge Studies in Development Economics (October 2024): pp. 1-9.

Borooah, Vani (2024): What Makes People Happy. Published in: Routledge Studies in Development Economics (2024): pp. 10-37.

Bos, Frits and Teulings, Coen (2011): Evaluating election platforms: a task for fiscal councils? Scope and rules of the game in view of 25 years of Dutch practice.

Bouchoucha, Najeh and Yahyaoui, Ismahen (2019): Governance and Foreign Direct Investment : A comparative Analysis between Low and Middle Income African Countries. Published in:

Boxell, Levi (2018): Slanted images: Measuring nonverbal media bias.

Brand, Sam and Price, Richard (2000): The economic and social costs of crime. Published in:

Brooks, Weston (2025): Environmental Challenges, COVID-19, and Economic Dynamics in the American Continent.

Byrnes, Liam and Brown, Colin (2015): Australia’s renewable energy policy: the case for intervention.

Bădilă, Andreea Iuliana and Sucilă căs. Pahoni, Cipriana and Mihuţ, Cosmin and Filip, Dan Andrei and Ciubotaru, Iulian Marcel and Luca, Cătălin-Viorel and Mănescu, Alexandra Florina and Pipoș, Cristina and Popa (Lupu), Diana Gabriela and Dinu (Dragomir), Maria Magdalena and Petric, Paulian Timotei and Bran, Răzvan and Constantin, Veronica and Postăvaru, Gianina Ioana and Ciolan, Ioana Monica and Papuc, Valentin and Moșoi, Ștefan Cristian and Gheorghe, Anamaria Elena and Clucerescu (Tănase), Emilia Elena and Marin, Ştefan Claudiu and Ciorei, Mihaela Andreea and Mărcău, Flavius Cristian and Mihaela, Ruxanda and Marin, Camelia and Enescu, Camelia and Ealangi, Ionuț and Purcaru, Mihai and Pop, Alexandra Raluca and Bojincă, Moise (2012): Research and Science Today Supplement No.1(3)/2012. Published in: Research and Science Today


Calabria, Alejandro A. and Cunquero, Camila (2016): ¿Dónde estamos y hacia dónde vamos? Análisis de las fragilidades del sistema previsional argentino desde una comparación internacional. Hacia una mayor eficiencia del gasto en previsión social.

Canonva, Luciano and Vaglio, Alessandro (2010): Why do educated mothers matter? A model of parental help.

Celikay, Ferdi and Gumus, Erdal (2011): Sağlıkta Dönüşümün Ampirik Analizi. Published in: Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Political Science , Vol. 66, No. 3 (2011): pp. 55-92.

Challoumis, Constantinos (2024): AI And The Economy - The Challenges And Opportunities For Modern Job Seekers.

Challoumis, Constantinos (2024): The AI Revolution - Transforming The Monetary Landscape And Job Opportunities.

Challoumis, Constantinos (2024): Decoding Economic Cycles - The Influence Of AI On Job Creation And Sustainability.

Chandrasekaran, Pravin and Katayama, Roy (2006): Municipal Bonds : Is India ready for more?

Che, Yeon-Koo and Gale, Ian (2006): Caps on Political Lobbying: Reply. Published in: American Economic Review , Vol. 96, (2006): pp. 1355-1360.

Chen, Chien-Hsun (2023): Is Taiwan’s Declining Public Investment a Crisis in the Making?

Chhibber, Ajay (2021): India's Interventionist State: Reduce Its Scope and Increase Its Capability.

Chia, Ricky Chee-Jiun and Liew, Venus Khim-Sen and Rowland, Racquel (2020): Daily New Covid-19 Cases, The Movement Control Order, and Malaysian Stock Market Returns. Published in: International Journal of Business and Society , Vol. 21, No. 2 (2020): pp. 533-568.

Colignatus, Thomas (2007): In a democracy, Bayrou would have won. Application of the Borda Fixed Point method to the 2007 French presidential elections.

Colignatus, Thomas (2007): In a democracy, Bayrou would have won. Application of the Borda Fixed Point method to the 2007 French presidential elections.

Colignatus, Thomas (2008): Review of Howard DeLong (1991), "A refutation of Arrow’s theorem", with a reaction, also on its relevance in 2008 for the European Union.

Colignatus, Thomas (2007): Why one would accept Voting Theory for Democracy and reject the Penrose Square Root Weights.

Cowling, Marc (2007): The Desire for Income Equality Amongst the UK Adult Population.

Cozzi, Guido and Mantovan, Noemi (2021): To get Rich is Glorious, but only if Fairly.

Cruces, Guillermo and Gluzmann, Pablo and Lopez-Calva, Luis Felipe (2011): Economic Crises, Maternal and Infant Mortality, Low Birth Weight and Enrollment Rates: Evidence from Argentina’s Downturns. Published in: Documento de Trabajo - CEDLAS , Vol. 121, (July 2011): pp. 1-28.

Cummins, Matthew (2019): The Macroeconomic and Social Investment Outlook for Children in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Cyrenne, Philippe (1999): Analysing Shared Service Contracts: The Case of Food Services for Winnipeg Hospitals.

Cyrenne, Philippe (1999): On the Incentive Effects of Municipal Tax Credits.


Dagher, Leila and nehme, raoul (2020): Can Lebanon’s Economy Be Saved? A Plan for Revival. Published in: Middle East Policy , Vol. 28, (2021): pp. 123-134.

Dartanto, Teguh (2010): The relationship between corruption and public investment at the municipalities’ level in Indonesia. Forthcoming in: China-USA Bussiness Review , Vol. 9,

Das, Panchanan (2020): COVID-19 Pandemic and Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Indian Economic Outlook.

Davila, Osiel Gonzalez and Koundouri, Phoebe and Souliotis, Ioannis and Kotroni, Erasmia and Chen, Wenting and Haggett, Claire and Lu, Shiau-Yun and Rudolph, David (2015): Supporting BLUE Growth: Eliciting Stakeholders' preferences for Multiple-Use Offshore Platforms. Published in:

Davis, Matt and Vedder, Andrea and Stone, Joe (2015): Local Tax Limits, Student Achievement, and School-Finance Equalization.

Delorme, Francois and Godbout, Luc (2017): S’instruire, c’est s’enrichir : Le niveau de scolarité joue-t-il un rôle dans l’accès à la classe moyenne au Québec? Published in: Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et en finances publiques Working Paper No. 2017/04 (1 February 2017)

Delorme, Francois and St-Cerny, Suzie (2014): La classe moyenne au Québec s’érode-t-elle vraiment : Contour et évolution. Published in: Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et en finances publiques Working Paper

Demiessie, Habtamu (2020): A Comparative Study of Women in Formal and Informal Businesses in Jigjiga City, Ethiopia : Characteristics, Linkage, Challenges and Way forwards.

Demiessie, Habtamu (2020): Unfolding the Ongoing Political Dynamics in Ethiopia : Why the Departure of TPLF and Its Doctrine is Important.

Diffo Lambo, Lawrence and Pongou, Roland and Tchantcho, Bertrand and Wambo, Pierre (2015): Networked Politics: Political Cycles and Instability under Social Influences.

Diffo Lambo, Lawrence and Pongou, Roland and Tchantcho, Bertrand and Wambo, Pierre (2015): Networked politics: political cycles and instability under social influences.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2015): Land Acquisition and Compensation Policy for Development Activity. Published in: Journal of Land and Rural Studies , Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 2016): pp. 111-118.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2015): Social Preference and Governance: A Case Study in India.

Dushko, Josheski and Darko, Lazarov and Cane, Koteski (2011): Analysis of the optimal size of the government consumption.


Eita, Joel Hinaunye and Mbazima, Daisy (2008): The Causal Relationship Between Government Revenue and Expenditure in Namibia.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Antinomias del capitalismo: Una reseña sobre El malestar en la globalización de Joseph Stiglitz.

Evans, Olaniyi (2018): Digital Government: ICT and Public Sector Management in Africa. Published in: New Trends in Management: Regional and Cross-border Perspectives, London Scientific Publishing, London (2018): pp. 269-286.


FARAYIBI, Adesoji (2016): The Funded Pension Scheme and Economic Growth in Nigeria.

Farhadi, Hadi and Salehi, Hadi and Md Yunus, Melor and Arezoo, Aghaei Chadegani and Farhadi, Maryam and Fooladi, Masood and Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2012): Does it Matter Which Citation Tool is Used to Compare the H-Index of a Group of Highly Cited Researchers? Published in: Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , Vol. 7, No. 4 (27 March 2013): pp. 198-202.

Fischer, Justina AV (2021): Call for reforming our democracies: rejuvenating the median voter.

Floristeanu, Elena (2008): Cheltuielile publice ca baza a dezvoltarii educatiei.

Floristeanu, Elena (2008): Cheltuielile publice ca baza a dezvoltarii educatiei.

Forson, Joseph Ato and Baah-Ennumh, Theresa Yabaa and Buracom, Ponlapat and Chen, Guojin and Peng, Zhen (2014): Causes of Corruption: Evidence from Sub-Sahara Africa. Published in: South Africa Journal of Economics and Management Sciences , Vol. 19, No. 4 (10 June 2016): pp. 562-578.

Fosgerau, Mogens (2015): Congestion in the bathtub. Forthcoming in: Economics of Transportation No. doi:10.1016/j.ecotra.2015.08.001

Francois, Emmanuel Jean (2015): Development of the Cross-cultural Readiness Exposure Scale (CRES). Published in: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review , Vol. 3, No. 5 (July 2015): pp. 10-30.


Gamboa, Yudy (2023): Citizen participation in Colombia’s peacebuilding process. Analysis of the mechanisms for the participation of the victims of the armed conflict.

Giovanis, Eleftherios and Ozdamar, Oznur (2018): Health status, mental health and air quality: evidence from pensioners in Europe. Published in: Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Glavan, Bogdan (2007): Coordination Failures, Cluster Theory and Entrepreneurship: A Critical View.

Gong, Liutang and Zou, Heng-fu (2012): Risk-taking, fiscal policies, asset pricing, and stochastic growth with the spirit of capitalism.

Graves, Philip E. (2009): A note on the valuation of collective goods: overlooked input market free riding for non-individually incrementable goods. Published in: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: , Vol. 9, No. 1 : pp. 1-17.

Gualdajara Cutang, Janeth and Moreno, Frede (2024): The Influence of Situational Leadership on Performance Proficiency Among Civilian Human Resource Personnel in the Philippine Army.

Gugushvili, Alexi (2006): How Globalisation Shapes Public Policy? A Case of Azerbaijan.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Azzoni, Carlos Roberto and Silveira, Fernando and Menezes, Tatiane and Hasegawa, Marcos and Haddad, Eduardo A. (2006): International prices changes of agricultural commodities and their impacts on income distribution and poverty in Brazil. Published in: Intermediate Input-Outout Meetings on Sustainability, Trade & Productivity (2006)

Gumus, Erdal (2005): Benefit-Cost Analysis of Turkish Social Insurance Institute Gradual Privatization Proposal. Published in: Journal of Economic Cooperation , Vol. 26, No. 4 (2005): pp. 87-126.

Gumus, Erdal (2008): Türk Sosyal Güvenlik Sisteminin Değerlendirilmesi ve Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumlarının Finansal Geleceği. Published in: Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi , Vol. 45, No. 517 (2008): pp. 23-42.


gamar, mohd nur arif (2017): risk and performance of amtel holdings berhad.


Hansen, Lars Gårn (2005): Aspects of the political economy of environmental voluntary agreements - a meta study. Published in: The Handbook of Environmental Voluntary Agreements, ed: E. Croci, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. (2005)

Hansen, Lars Gårn (1997): Environmental Regulation through Voluntary Agreements. Published in:

Harttgen, Kenneth and Opfinger, Matthias (2013): National Identity and Religious Diversity.

Hibbs, Douglas A. (2007): The Economy, the War in Iraq and the 2004 Presidential Election.

Hibbs, Douglas A. (2009): Tax Toleration and Tax Compliance: How Government Affects the Propensity of Firms to Enter the Unofficial Economy. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Political Science

Hirshleifer, David (2007): Psychological Bias as a Driver of Financial Regulation.

Homburg, Stefan (2020): Öffentliche Finanzen.

Honorio-González, Diego Manuel (2019): El Estado en la Modernidad.


Ibrahim, Taofik (2016): Human Capital-Growth nexus: the role of Government Spending on Education and Health in Nigeria.

Ioannidis, Yiorgos and Gravaris, Dionisis (2013): Η επίδραση της ύφεσης στο καταναλωτικό προφίλ των νοικοκυριών & εκτίμηση του Δείκτη Τιμών Καταναλωτή για τα φτωχά νοικοκυριά Estimation of the Consumer Price Index in Greece according household income and expenditure brackets.

Islam, Nurul (2010): The Army, UN Peacekeeping Mission and Democracy in Bangladesh. Published in: Economic & Political Weekly , Vol. 45, No. 29 (2010): pp. 77-85.


Jackson, Emerson Abraham and Jabbie, Mohamed (2019): Understanding market failure in the developing country context. Published in: Springer Nature (29 April 2019): pp. 1-12.

Jaelani, Aan (2015): Manajemen Zakat di Indonesia dan Brunei Darussalam. Published in: Nurjati Press Cirebon (1 October 2015): pp. 1-156.

Jaelani, Aan (2015): PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN PUBLIK DI INDONESIA: Tinjauan Keuangan Publik Islam. Published in: Proceedings International Conference On Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIES) , Vol. I, No. Strengthening Islamic Economics in Facing Asian Economic Community (AEC) (2 November 2015): pp. 1-26.

Jairo, Acuna-Alfaro and Nguyen, Cuong and Tran, Anh and Phung, Tung (2014): The Urban-Rural Gap in Governance: Evidence from Vietnam. Published in: International Public Management Review , Vol. 16, No. 1 (10 May 2015)

Jamaledini, Ashkan and Khazaei, Ehsan and Bitaraf, Mohammd (2019): Solving the Grid-Connected Microgrid Operation by JAYA Algorithm.

Jamaledini, Ashkan and Soltani, Ali and Khazaei, Ehsan (2019): Modified Charged System Search Algorithm for Economic Optimal Scheduling of Microgrid in Grid-Connected Mode.

James, Simon and Edwards, Alison (2010): An annotated bibliography of tax compliance and tax compliance costs.

Jenk, Justin (2015): Strategies for Managing Banks’ Legacy Assets: part 1 (of 2) context, setting the scene, Spain 2012.

Jenk, Justin (2015): Strategies for Managing Bank’s Legacy Assets:part 2 (of 2) Assessment of strategies and their implementation.

Jin, Zhong and Michael, Lipsman (2009): Iowa’s Historic Preservation and Cultural and Entertainment District Tax Credit Program Evaluation Study.

John, Raju (2023): Why Budget Implementation Evaluation (BIE) is Less Prevalent in Public Finance? Lessons from Indian Experience.

Josephine, Faass and Michael, Lahr (2007): Towards a More Holistic Understanding of American Support for Genetically Modified Crops: An Examination of Influential Factors Using a Binomial Dependent Variable.

Josheski, Dushko and Lazarov, Darko and Koteski, Cane (2011): Analysis of the optimal size of the government consumption.

Junayed, Arshad and Mubasshir, Jahed and Sen, Topon (2025): Bangladesh’s Development Journey: Economic Transformation, Social Progress and Future Challenges.


Kakade, Ameya and Roongta, Dhruv and Haribalaraman, Shravan (2020): A case-study oriented analysis of the demand-side policies to reduce cyclical unemployment in the 2008 financial crisis and their potential effectiveness in a post-COVID US economy.

Kanev, Dimitar (2016): Социална политика и обществен избор.

Kaufmann, Daniel and Kraay, Aart and Mastruzzi, Massimo (2005): Measuring Governance Using Cross-Country Perceptions Data. Published in:

Ken, Crucita Aurora and Dacak Cámara, José Antonio (2015): El desempeño financiero de los municipios de Quintana Roo. Published in: Ensayos sobre crecimiento y desarrollo , Vol. 1, No. 1 (15 July 2015): pp. 39-68.

Ken, Crucita Aurora and Pérez Medina, Ashanti (2014): Las características financieras de la deuda pública y su repercusión en el gasto social del municipio de Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo, 1993 -2013. Published in: Deuda Pública: Gran desafío de los gobiernos estatales y municipales , Vol. 1, No. 1 (16 June 2014): pp. 16-42.

Ken Rodríguez, Crucita (2013): La influencia de la globalización y los retos para el diseño de políticas públicas adecuadas a la agricultura en Quintana Roo. Published in: Manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales:conocimiento y afectaciones , Vol. 1, No. 1 (21 April 2014): pp. 10-32.

Ken Rodríguez, Crucita and Cruz Martínez, Margely (2015): La Economía y la Administración Pública. De la teoría a la práctica sondeando el presupuesto participativo en Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo. Published in: Ensayos sobre crecimiento y desarrollo , Vol. 1, No. 1 (30 July 2015): pp. 155-182.

Khazaei, Ehsan and Jamaledini, Ashkan (2019): Islanded Microgrid Operation Based on the Chaotic Crow Search Algorithm.

Khazaei, Ehsan and Jamaledini, Ashkan and Soltani, Ali (2019): Economic Self-Operation of Microgrids By Gravitational Emulation Local Search Algorithm.

Kim, Young Chul and Loury, Glenn (2009): Group Reputation and the Dynamics of Statistical Discrimination.

Klüh, Ulrich (2016): Makroökonomische/Sozialpolitische Perspektiven auf die Sozialpolitik/Makroökonomie.

Klüh, Ulrich and Hütten, Moritz (2016): No more cakes and ale: banks and banking regulation in the post-bretton woods macro-regime.

Ko, Chiu Yu and Koyama, Mark and Sng, Tuan-Hwee (2014): Unified China; Divided Europe.

Kosten, Dmitri (2016): Манифест Биткойна или Крипто-Социализм как следующая фаза Социально-Экономического развития.

Kotroyannos, Dimitrios (2016): Alexis Tsipras und der rhetorische Diskurs als Politik.

Kotroyannos, Dimitrios and Tzagarakis, Stelios and Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Kamekis, Apostolos (2017): Utopian Left-Wing Expectations and the Social Consequences of the 3rd Memorandum in Greece. Published in: European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities - EQPAM , Vol. 2017, No. Volume 6, No.2, (1 April 2017): pp. 55-66.

Koundouri, Phoebe and Alamanos, Angelos and Sachs, Jeffrey (2024): Innovating for Sustainability: The Global Climate Hub. Published in:

Koundouri, Phoebe and Papayiannis, Georgios I. and Vassilopoulos, Achilleas and Yannacopoulos, Athanasios N. (2023): Probabilistic Scenario-Based Assessment of National Food Security Risks with Application to Egypt and Ethiopia. Published in:

Kozel, Valerie and Nguyen, Cuong (2010): Power Sector Reforms and the Poor in Vietnam.


Lankina, Tomila (2008): Cross-Cutting Literature Review on the Drivers of Local Council Accountability and Performance. Published in: WORLD BANK LOCAL GOVERNANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY SERIES No. Paper No. 112 (July 2008): pp. 1-60.

Le, Ha and Nguyen, Cuong and Phung, Tung (2014): Multidimensional Poverty: First Evidence from Vietnam.

Le, Kien and Nguyen, My (2019): Education and Political Engagement.

Li, Chao and Keeley, Alexander Ryota and Takeda, Shutaro and Seki, Daikichi and Managi, Shunsuke (2024): ESG Tendencies from News - Investigated by AI Trained by Human Intelligence. Forthcoming in: Business Strategy and the Environment (December 2024)

Lopez, Iris Faye and Moreno, Frede (2024): Strategic Governance of Flood and Drought Management: A Case Study of Zamboanga City, Philippines.

Lopez-Medoza, Hector and González-Álvarez, Maria A. and Montañés, Antonio (2023): Assessing the effectiveness of international government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ly, Bora (2018): Tourism Talent development for Cambodia. Published in: Tourism Talent development for Cambodia No. 88026 (19 July 2018)


MAVROZACHARAKIS, EMMANOUIL (2022): The end of hypocrisy and the questioning of democracy.

Mahdavi, Sadegh and Bayat, Alireza and Mirzaei, Farzad (2019): Economic Operation of Grid-Connected Microgrid By Multiverse Optimization Algorithm.

Mahrous, Walaa (2016): Dynamic Impacts of Changes in Government Spending on Economic Growth in Kenya: A Structural VAR Analysis. Published in: 51st Annual Conference for Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo, Egypt. (December 2016)

Malesky, Edmund and Nguyen, Cuong and Tran, Anh (2013): The Impact of Recentralization on Public Services: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis of the Abolition of Elected Councils in Vietnam.

Mark D., Partridge and M. Rose, Olfert (2010): The Winner's Choice: Sustainable Economic Strategies for Successful 21st Century Regions. Forthcoming in: Applied Economic Policy Perspectives

Marković, Branimir and Matić, Branko (2006): Problems of financing local and regional self-government. Published in: GIS Applications and Development (2006): pp. 185-192.

Matus-López, Mauricio (2020): Un sistema de atención a la dependencia para Chile. Apuntes desde la experiencia española. Published in: Revista de Economía de la Salud , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2020): pp. 54-65.

Maurya, Nagendra Kumar (2014): Debt sustainability of state finances of Uttar Pradesh government.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil (2022): The crisis of the social democratic movement.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Tzagarakis, Stelios (2016): About Political Change in Greece.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Tzagarakis, Stelios (2017): The impact of “anti-political” parties after the restoration of democracy in Greece and the challenge of confronting the crisi.

Meena, M.S. and Singh, K.M. and Singh, R.K.P. and Kumar, Abhay and Kumar, Anjani (2012): Dynamics of income in Jharkhand: evidences from village studies.

Mgetchan, Fatih (2016): Development of the tourist accommodation in Gdańsk due to the organization of Euro 2012 in Poland.

Mirzaei, Farzad and Mahdavi, Sadegh and Bayat, Alireza (2019): Economic Operation of Unit Commitment Using Multiverse Optimization Algorithm.

Mohajan, Haradhan (2022): Four Waves of Feminism: A Blessing for Global Humanity. Published in: Studies in Social Science & Humanities , Vol. 1, No. 2 (26 August 2022): pp. 1-8.

Morris, Sebastian (2001): Issues in Infrastructure Development Today: The Interlinkages. Published in: India Infrastructure Report (2001): pp. 9-32.

Murray, Cameron K. (2012): Markets in political influence: rent-seeking, networks and groups.


NYONI, THABANI (2018): The war against corruption in Nigeria: devouring or sharing the national cake?

Nabi, Mahmoud Sami (2021): لتشع تونس من جديد. Published in:

Naghshineh-Pour, Amir (2009): Iran’s Banking and Monetary Problems.

Ncube, Prince and Cheteni, Priviledge and Sindiyandiya, Kholeka (2016): Road accidents fatalities trends and safety management in South Africa. Published in: Problems and Perspectives in Management , Vol. 14, No. 3 (2016): pp. 627-633.

Nelozhin, Sergei (2023): Russia Today: does it real to turn to the path of progress?

Nikolov, Plamen (2020): Writing Tips for Economics Research Papers.

Nyamwange, Mathew (2012): Economic Growth and Public Healthcare Expenditure in Kenya (1982 - 2012). Published in:


Obeng, Samuel (2015): A Causality Test of the Revenue-Expenditure Nexus in Ghana. Published in: ADRRI Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Ghana , Vol. 11, No. Vol. 11, No. 11(1) (28 February 2015): pp. 1-19.

Obregon, Carlos (2020): Beyond Quantitative Easing (Towards a New Monetary Theory). Published in:

Oehler-Sincai, Iulia Monica (2008): Strengths And Weaknesses Of The New Public Management (NPM)- Cross-Sectional And Longitudinal Analysis.

Ofori, Isaac Kwesi and Obeng, Camara Kwasi and Armah, Mark Kojo (2018): Exchange Rate Volatility and Tax Revenue: Evidence from Ghana.

Oloufade, Djoulassi K. and Pongou, Roland (2012): Dual Citizenship Institution: A Pareto Improvement?

Oserei, Kingsley and Uddin, Godwin (2019): The myth and reality of government expenditure on primary health care in Nigeria: Way forward to inclusive growth.

Othman, Norfaizah Bt and Sulaiman, Muna Bt and Zainudin, Norlita Bt and Hasan, Zubair (2008): Entrepreneurial acculturation in Malaysia: Efforta and achievements.

ouhibi, saoussen (2021): Determinants of public debt in southern mediterranean countries and european countries: a tale of two regions. Published in:


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