Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "B13 - Neoclassical through 1925 (Austrian, Marshallian, Walrasian, Stockholm School)"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 74.


Andrey, Rudkov (2011): Economical preconditions of functioning of independent boards of directors in view of neoclassical economical theory.

Bagus, Philipp and Howden, David and Gabriel, Amadeus and Carrasco Bañuelos, Eva María (2016): Mises and Montaigne: A Comment. Published in: History of Political Economy , Vol. 4, No. 48 (2016): pp. 733-740.

Braun, Eduard and Howden, David (2017): The Rise and Fall of the Subsistence Fund as a Resource Constraint in Austrian Business Cycle Theory. Published in: Review of Austrian Economics , Vol. 2, No. 30 (2017): pp. 235-249.

Bukvić, Rajko (2010): The Other canon against Washington consensus: Re-industrialization as a condition for revival and development. Published in: 8th International Conference Forces Driving the Revival of the Companies and Economy No. Megatrend University, Belgrade, 2010 (2010): pp. 267-276.

Cavalieri, Duccio (1992): Alfred Marshall on the theory of capital. Published in: Quaderni di storia dell'economia politica , Vol. 10, No. 1 (1992): pp. 601-626.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2013): On the theory of capital in post-industrial societies.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2013): Towards a revision of the theory of capital.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2013): A theory of capital as value in progress.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Schumpeter and the History of Economic Thought.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): The power to tax: a lecture of Hayek.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): The progressive tax.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): A reading Hayek on power to tax.

Estrada, Fernando and González, Jorge Iván (2014): Tax Power and Economics.

Ferlito, Carmelo (2015): At the Root of Economic Fluctuations: Expectations, Preferences and Innovation. Theoretical Framework and Empirical Evidences.

Ferlito, Carmelo (2015): Entrepreneurship: State of grace or human action? Schumpeter’s leadership vs Kirzner’s alertness. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Economic and Social Syestems (2015)

Ferlito, Carmelo (2014): Ludwig M. Lachmann Against the Cambridge School. Macroeconomics, Microfoundations, Expectations, Rate of Profit, Equilibrium and Innovations.

Fratini, Saverio M. (2012): Malinvaud on Wicksell’s legacy to capital theory: some critical remarks. Forthcoming in:

Fratini, Saverio M. (2017): Neoclassical theories of stationary relative prices and the supply of capital.

Fratini, Saverio M. (2019): Theories of value and ultimate standards in Sraffa's notes of summer 1927.

Freeman, Alan (2002): Marx After Marx After Sraffa.

Freeman, Alan (1998): Marx: The Spectre Haunting Economics.

Freeman, Alan (1996): The Psychopathology of Walrasian Marxism. Published in: Freeman, A. and Guglielmo Carchedi 'Marx and non-equilibrium economics', Aldershot: Edward Elgar (1996): pp. 1-29.

Freeman, Alan (1998): A dialogue concerning the two chief systems of value.

Giocoli, Nicola (2008): Competition vs. property rights: American antitrust law, the Freiburg School and the early years of European competition policy. Published in: Journal of Competition Law and Economics , Vol. 5, No. 4 (2009): pp. 747-786.

Giocoli, Nicola (2012): Old lady charm: explaining the persistent appeal of Chicago antitrust.

Giocoli, Nicola (2008): Three alternative (?) stories on the late 20th-century rise of game theory. Published in: Studi e Note di Economia , Vol. 14, No. 2 (2009): pp. 187-210.

Glötzl, Erhard and Glötzl, Florentin and Richters, Oliver and Binter, Lucas (2023): General Constrained Dynamic Models in Economics - General Dynamic Theory of Economic Variables - Beyond Walras and Keynes.

Glötzl, Erhard (2022): General Constrained Dynamic (GCD) models with intertemporal utility functions.

Glötzl, Erhard (2022): Macroeconomic General Constrained Dynamic models (GCD models).

Glötzl, Erhard (2022): A simple General Constrained Dynamics (GCD) model for demand, supply and price shocks.

Graziano, Mario and Schilirò, Daniele (2012): Rationality and choices in economics: behavioral and evolutionary approaches.

Halkos, George (2011): The evolution of environmental thinking in economics.

Hasan, Zubair (2011): Scarcity, self-interest and maximization from Islamic angle. Published in: No. IRTI: IDB Laureate Lecture Series 2014 : pp. 1-25.

Hasan, Zubair (2011): Scarcity, self-interest and maximization from Islamic angle.

Heinrich, Torsten (2013): The ongoing history of economic conservation laws.

Howden, David (2009): Fama's Efficient Market Hypothesis and Mises' Evenly Rotating Economy: Comparative Constructs. Published in: The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics , Vol. 2, No. 12 (2009): pp. 17-26.

Howden, David (2017): The Interest Rate and the Length of Production: A Comment. Published in: Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics , Vol. 4, No. 19 (2017): pp. 345-358.

Mario, Pomini (2009): From stability to growth in neoclassical multisector models.

Meacci, Ferdinando (1997): On Working and Circulating Capital. Published in: Hagemann H., Kurz H. (eds), Political Economics In Retrospect: Essays in Memory of Adolph Lowe, Aldershot: Edward Elgar (1998): pp. 76-91.

Meacci, Ferdinando (1998): Wealth. Published in: The Elgar Companion to Classical Economics , Vol. 2, (1998): pp. 535-541.

Michaelides, Panayotis G. and Theologou, Kostas (2009): Joseph Schumpeter and Gabriel Tarde on Technological Change and Social Evolution.

Mishra, SK (2007): A Brief History of Production Functions.

Mishra, SK (2008): The age of Professor Narmadeshwar Jha.

Obregon, Carlos (2022): The Resolution of Economic Conflicts: Beyond the Economic System. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2021): Today’s Problems: In The Minds of The Great Economists. Published in:

Onye, Kenneth U. (2014): Neoclassical Economics: The Need for a Reconstruction.

Posada, Carlos Esteban (2012): Homer: A Forerunner of Neoclassical Economics.

Salvadori, Neri and Signorino, Rodolfo (2011): Competition.

Schlenkhoff, Georg (2009): Can Great Depression Theories Explain the Great Recession?

Shafaeddin, Mehdi (2008): Knocked-down Agriculture After De-industrialization; Another Destructive Influence of Neo-liberalism.

Thomas, Alex M (2011): (Mis)understanding Classical Economics. Published in: Eostre , Vol. 2, : pp. 6-7.

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2011): Classical vs. Neoclassical Conceptions of Competition.

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2010): Economic Theory in Historical Perspective. Published in: Journal of Economic Analysis , Vol. 2, No. 1 (2011): pp. 32-45.

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris and Tsimis, Achilleas and Paitaridis, Dimitris (2018): The Rise and Fall of Unproductive Activities in the US Economy 1964-2015: Facts, Theory and Empirical Evidence.

Turner, Grant (2018): Establishing a comprehensive census of undergraduate economics curricula:Foundational and special requirements for major programs in the U.S.

Umlauft, Thomas (2018): Is Bitcoin Money? An Economic-Historical Analysis of Money, Its Functions and Its Prerequisites.

Vahabi, Mehrdad (2009): Normal Value. Published in:

Vahabi, Mehrdad (2012): A Note on Backhouse and Medema: On Walras’ Contribution to the Definition of Economics.

Vouldis, Angelos and Michaelides, Panayotis G. and Milios, John G. (2008): Emil Lederer’s Theory of Economic Fluctuations and the Role of Financial Institutions.

Yefimov, Vladimir (2009): Comparative historical institutional analysis of German, English and American economics.

zamparelli, luca (2007): Average Cost and Marginal Cost Pricing in Marshall: Textual Analysis and Interpretation.


Akhabbar, Amanar and Lallement, Jerôme (2011): « Appliquer la théorie économique de l’équilibre général » : de Walras à Leontief. Published in: Economica Editions Paris (January 2011)


Quaas, Friedrun (2019): Die New Austrians als Pseudo-Heterodoxe?


Bellanca, Nicolo' (2024): Prezzi politici e ostacoli istituzionali in Maffeo Pantaleoni.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2004): Epicarmo Corbino a venti anni dalla sua scomparsa. Un ricordo. Published in: Il pensiero economico italiano , Vol. 12, No. 1 (2004): pp. 31-37.

Cavalieri, Duccio (1991): Marshall, l'economia classica e la logica della separazione. Published in: Quaderni di storia dell'economia politica , Vol. 9, No. 1 (1991): pp. 147-180.

Ferlito, Carmelo (2014): Il Ciclo Naturale. Perche' le fluttuazioni economiche sono inevitabili. Un'estensione schumpeteriana della teoria austriaca del ciclo economico. Published in: Ludwig von Mises Italia (12 September 2014)

Ferlito, Carmelo (2015): Ludwig M. Lachmann contro la Scuola di Cambridge. Published in: Ludwig von Mises Italia (28 October 2015)

Sitzia, Bruno (1998): Rodolfo Benini e gli inizi dell'economia applicata in Italia.


Bukvić, Rajko and Pavlović, Radica and Zakharov, Vladimir (2014): Неоклассическая экономика и Другой канон. Published in: 8th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference Eurobrand, Zrenjanin (2014): pp. 2-21.


Bukvić, Rajko (2017): Други канон и Маршалов план као модел економске политике. Published in: Развој малих земаља у условима глобализације (Development of small countries in conditions of globalization), Зборник радова, Академија наука и умјетности Републике Српске, Бања Лука (2019): pp. 117-144.


Estrada, Fernando (2012): Ronald Coase y los costos de transacción.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Schumpeter y la Historia del Pensamiento Económico.


Göcen, Serdar (2015): F. A. Hayek'in Bilgisizlik Teorisi Çerçevesinde Piyasa, Denge ve Planlama. Published in: Suleyman Demirel University , Vol. 20, No. 3 (2015): pp. 385-404.

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