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Items where Subject is "F60 - General"

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Number of items at this level: 85.


Abdulghaffar, Mahmood and Al-Ubaydli, Omar and Mahmood, Omar (2014): The Malfunctioning of the Gulf Cooperation Council Single Market: Features, Causes and Remedies. Published in: Middle Eastern Finance and Economics No. 19 (2013): pp. 54-67.

Aggarwal, Sakshi (2017): Smile Curve and its linkages with Global Value Chains.

Ahmed, Rashad (2020): Global Flights-to-Safety and Macroeconomic Adjustment in Emerging Markets.

Ahsan, Lubna and Qazi, Burhan and Hashmi, Shahabuddin (2014): Impact of International Economic Policies on National Level Business.

Aiyar, Shekhar and Ohnsorge, Franziska (2024): Geoeconomic Fragmentation and "Connector" Countries.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Theoretical.

Ali, Amjad (2022): Financial Liberalization, Institutional Quality and Economic Growth Nexus: Panel Analysis of African Countries.

Ali, Amjad (2022): Financial Liberalization, Institutional Quality and Economic Growth Nexus: Panel Analysis of African Countries.

Ali, Amjad and Ehsan, Rehan and Audi, Marc and Hamadeh, Hani Fayad (2022): Does Globalization Promote Financial Integration in South Asian Economies? Unveiling the Role of Monetary and Fiscal Performance in Internationalization.

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Export specialisation and regional growth, in Romania.

Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko (2015): Networks in Manuel Castells’ theory of the network society.

Audi, Marc and Ehsan, Rehan and Ali, Amjad (2022): Does Globalization Promote Financial Integration in South Asian Economies? Unveiling the Role of Monetary and Fiscal Performance in Internationalization.

albagoury, samar (2016): الأسباب الإقتصادية لتنامي ظاهرة الإرهاب في إفريقيا جنوب الصحراء.


Baja Daza, Gover and Fernández Tellería, Bernardo X. and Zavaleta Castellón, David (2014): Diminishing commodity prices and capital flight in a dutch disease and resource curse environment: The case of Bolivia.

Breen, Michael and Gillanders, Robert (2013): Political Trust, Corruption and Ratings of the IMF and the World Bank.

Bukvić, Rajko and Hadžić, Miroljub and Hinić, Branko (1994): Implementation of the Programme of Monetary Reconstruction and Strategy of Economic Recovery of Yugoslavia in the First Six Months of 1994. Published in: Yugoslav Survey , Vol. 35, No. 2 (1994): pp. 31-62.

Bukvić, Rajko and Pavlović, Radica and Zakharov, Vladimir (2014): Неоклассическая экономика и Другой канон. Published in: 8th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference Eurobrand, Zrenjanin (2014): pp. 2-21.

Bukvić, Rajko and Zeljković, Marinko (2001): Globalizacija i konkurentska sposobnost naše privrede. Published in: Globalizacija i tranzicija (2001): pp. 225-234.

Bukvić, Rajko (2014): Смещение неоклассической экономической парадигмы ‒ предпосылка повышения качества макроэкономического образования. Published in: Материалы международной конференции, 23–25 апреля 2014, Образование через всю жизнь для устойчивого развития, Издательство Мордовского университета, Саранск, 2014. (2014): pp. 69-84.

Bukvić, Rajko (2007): Транзиција у Русији: либерализам у изведби „породице“. Published in: Нова српска политичка мисао (New Serbian Political Thought) , Vol. 14, No. 3–4 (2007): pp. 291-315.

Bukvić, Rajko (2012): Вашингтонски консензус и деиндустријализација источне и југоисточне Европе. Published in: Нова српска политичка мисао (New Serbian Political Thought) , Vol. 20, No. 1-2 (2012): pp. 7-28.

Bukvić, Rajko (2015): Неоклассическая экономическая парадигма и экономическая реальность. Published in: Приволжский научный журнал (The Privolzhsky Scientific Journal) No. 2 (June 2015): pp. 157-166.

Bukvić, Rajko (2015): Неоклассическая экономическая теория и экономическая действительность. Published in: Вестник Нижегородской государственной сельскохозяйственной академии (Vestnik of Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy) No. 2 (6) (2015): pp. 55-62.

Bukvić, Rajko (2009): Заложно-кредитне аукције и настанак руских олигарха. Published in: Нова српска политичка мисао (New Serbian Political Thought) , Vol. 17, No. 3–4 (2009): pp. 131-156.

Bukvić, Rajko (2003): Ekonomske slobode i ekonomski suverenitet u uslovima globalizacije – prilagođavanje ili potčinjavanje. Published in: Politika i slobode, Institut društvenih nauka – Centar za ekonomska istraživanja, Beograd, 2003 (2003): pp. 111-121.

Bukvić, Rajko (2005): Geografski determinizam, autarkija i tržišna privreda. Published in: Ekonomika preduzetništva (Economics of Entrepreneurship) , Vol. 41, No. 4 (446) (2005): pp. 132-141.

Bukvić, Rajko (2002): Globalizacija, tržišna privreda i nacionalno makroekonomsko planiranje. Published in: Makroekonomsko planiranje i tranzicija (2002): pp. 350-364.


CASELLA, BRUNO and FORMENTI, LORENZO (2018): FDI in the digital economy: a shift to asset-light international footprints. Published in: Transnational Corporations , Vol. 25, No. 1 (30 April 2018): pp. 101-130.

Chandan, Roy (2016): Inclusive trade in Indian silk industry during post globalized era. Published in: International Trade and Inclusive Development: Emerging Issues and Enlarging Debate (January 2017): pp. 127-146.

Coșciug, Anatolie (2013): The Impact of International Student Mobility in Romania. Published in: Europolis , Vol. 7, No. 1 (2013): pp. 93-109.


Diakantoni, Antonia and Escaith, Hubert (2014): Trade in tasks, tariff policy and effective protection rates.

Dobado-González, Rafael (2013): La globalización hispana del comercio y el arte en la Edad Moderna. Forthcoming in: Estudios de Economía Aplicada , Vol. 1, No. 32 (January 2014)

Drobot, Elena (2014): Роль ВТО в современных мирохозяйственных связях. Проблемы и перспективы России в ВТО.

Drobot, Elena (2014): Глобализация, будущее устройство мира и формирование системы общечеловеческих ценностей.

Díaz-Mora, Carmen and Córcoles, David and Gandoy, Rosario (2014): Exit from Exporting: Does Engagement in Transnational Networks Matter?


Escaith, Hubert (2014): Exploring the policy dimensions of trade in value-added.

Escaith, Hubert (2019): Extraction-cum-substitution: A KISS approach to mapping the impacts of bilateral trade conflicts.

Escaith, Hubert (2021): Withering globalization? The Global Value Chain effects of trade decoupling.

Escaith, Hubert and Khorana, Sangeeta (2020): Mapping the Commonwealth Countries’ Participation in Global Value Chains.

Esposito, Federico (2020): Demand Risk and Diversification through Trade.

Esposito, Federico and Bianconi, Marcelo and Sammon, Marco (2020): Trade Policy Uncertainty and Stock Returns. Published in: Journal of International Money and Finance , Vol. 119, (December 2021)


Georgescu, Marius (2013): Despre tensiunea local – global în economia mondială contemporană.


Handler, Heinz and Burger, Christina (2002): Competition and competitiveness in a new economy. Published in:

Heng, Stefan (2019): Industry 4.0 creating a buzz in western hemisphere: But watch out for China pulling into the fast lane. Published in: Machado, Carolina und Davim, J. Paulo (Eds.). “Industry 4.0: Challenges, Trends and Solutions in Management and Engineering”; Taylor & Francis; ISBN 9780815354406 (8 June 2020): pp. 43-76.


Irena, Nikolova (2019): External Debt and Debt Crises in European Economies. Published in: Conference Proceedings “Bulgaria and Romania: Country Members of the EU, Part of the Global Economy”, organized by Economic Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Institute for World Economy at the Romanian Academy (2019): pp. 153-158.

Iulia Monica, Oehler-Șincai (2018): 16+1, a New Issue in China-EU Relations? Published in: Working paper series of the China-CEE Institute Budapest (2018): pp. 1-11.

Iulia Monica, Oehler-Șincai and Costin, Lianu and Irina Gabriela, Rădulescu (2017): European Union and Big Four’s Position Towards the 16+1 Cooperation Platform.


K M, SIBY (2017): Surging Populism around the Globe: Do we see a reversal?

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2001): Социальный феномен глобализации. Published in: Вестник Омского отделения Академии гуманитарных наук No. № 6. (2001): pp. 37-45.

Kenny, Victoria S (2019): Financial development and economic growth in the era of financial liberalization.

Khan, Shiraz and Mehboob, Farhan (2014): Impact of FDI on GDP: An Analysis of Global Economy on Production Function.

Kikkawa, Ken and Sasahara, Akira (2018): Gains from Trade and the Sovereign Bond Market.

Kohnert, Dirk (2016): Chinese And African Migrant Entrepreneur’s Articulation Shaped By African Agency. Forthcoming in: Strategic Review for Southern Africa , Vol. 38, No. 2

Kohnert, Dirk (2014): Horse trading? EU-African Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).


Leblebicioglu, Asli and Weinberger, Ariel (2018): Openness and Factor Shares: Is Globalization Always Bad for Labor?

Loitongbam, Bishwanjit Singh (2015): Regional Economic Agglomeration and Openness: The Economic Development of the North Eastern Region (NER). Published in: Kangla Lanpung , Vol. 10, No. I (30 June 2016): pp. 6-25.


Majeed, Muhammad Tariq and Malik, Amna (2017): Selling Souls: An Empirical Analysis of Human Trafficking and Globalization. Published in: Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences , Vol. 11, No. 1 (30 April 2017): pp. 452-487.

Majumder, Rajarshi (2020): Globalisation, technology and employment: looking back.

Marinov, Eduard (2019): Новата природа на международната специализация в динамично променящото се световно стопанство. Published in: International Journal of Science and Arts , Vol. 3, No. ISBN 978-954-383-137-1 (2021): pp. 305-321.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Tzagarakis, Stelios (2016): About Political Change in Greece.

Mazumdar, Surajit (2022): The Crisis of Globalization and India’s Economic Prospects.

Mishra, SK (2017): Almost equi-marginal principle based composite index of globalization: China, India and Pakistan.

Mishra, SK (2017): Globalization under Hysteresis: A Study of Eastern Bloc Countries, China and India.

Mishra, SK (2017): Measuring Degree of Globalization of African Countries on Almost Equimarginal Contribution Principle.

Mishra, SK (2017): Trends in Globalization of Select Asian Countries.

Mora-Alfaro, Jorge (2015): Procesos de internacionalización en la educación superior de Costa Rica. Published in: : pp. 1-147.


Nadeem, Muhammad and Hayat, Muhammad Azmat and Nazir, Rabia (2014): Exploring Interlinks between Globalization and Governance: A Panel Data Evidence. Published in: Pakistan Economic and Social Review , Vol. 52, No. 2 (December 2014): pp. 187-208.

Nadeem, Muhammad and Hayat, Muhammad Azmat and Nazir, Rabia (2014): Exploring Interlinks between Globalization and Governance: A Panel Data Evidence. Published in: Pakistan Economic and Social Review , Vol. 52, No. 2 (December 2014): pp. 187-208.


Obregon, Carlos (2022): The Economics of Global Peace. Published in:

Ofori, Isaac and Asongu, Simplice (2022): Repackaging FDI for Inclusive Growth: Nullifying Effects and Policy Relevant Thresholds of Governance.

Ofori, Isaac K. and Asongu, Simplice (2021): Foreign Direct Investment, Governance and Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Rabbi, Muhammad Ahsan (2017): Global Perspective of CPEC Regarding Economic Integration and Trade Openness.

Rashid, Muhammad (2021): A brief perspective on globalization.


Saccal, Alessandro (2022): The mercantile dilemma: formalisations and historical conclusions. Published in: Journal of Mathematical Economics and Finance , Vol. VIII, No. 1 (14) (30 June 2022): pp. 31-89.

Sapkota, Jeet Bahadur and Neupane, Pramila (2018): Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) Organisations and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Nepal. Published in: Global Social Welfare , Vol. 8, (2021): pp. 47-58.

Schiliro', Daniele (2019): Note sul sistema bancario italiano.

Schilirò, Daniele (2020): Towards digital globalization and the covid-19 challenge. Published in: International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research , Vol. 2, No. 11 (May 2020): pp. 1710-1716.

Skribans, Valerijs (2012): European Union Economy System Dynamic Model Development. Published in: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society (2012): pp. 3687-3697.

Soldatos, Gerasimos T. (1999): A Brief Political Economy of Globalization and EMU. Published in: Ekonomski Horizonti , Vol. 2, No. 1-2 (2000): pp. 7-27.

Spirin, Victor (2023): Основное уравнение международной экономики: верховенство закона + иностранные инвестиции + свободная торговля = страна-бензоколонка.

Spirin, Victor (2025): «От каждого – по способности, всем – поровну» в основе теории международной торговли: Попугаи Вашингтонского консенсуса «на страже» экономики страны.

Spirin, Victor (2022): Выживание простейшего: Европейский Союз как добровольно принятый Восточной Европой план Моргентау. Уроки и уникальная возможность для России.

Spirin, Victor (2025): “From Each According to Their Ability, to Everyone – Equally:” Free Trade Theory and the Marxist Slogan Have Much in Common.

Spirin, Victor (2023): Модель специфических факторов производства при разном уровне технологического развития: почему неэффективная промышленность лучше, чем никакой промышленности совсем.

Spirin, Victor (2022): Стандартная модель международной торговли, теория игр и деиндустриализация российской экономики.

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