Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "K20 - General"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 77.


Dimitrova, Darina (2020): Интердисциплинарните научни изследвания и публикации в контекста на академичното развитие. Published in: Икономическа наука, образование и реална икономика: развитие и взаимодействия в дигиталната епоха (2020): pp. 210-218.

Kosuliev, Aleksandar (2009): Институционална среда, дерегулация и естественото равнище на транзакционни разходи. Published in: Научни трудове на Русенския университет , Vol. 48, No. 5.1. (2009): pp. 7-11.

Стайков, Ивайло (2003): Икономически и правни аспекти на свободните икономически зони в България.


Abdul Rahim, Mohamad Syafiqe (2025): Development of Islamic Deposit Product Post-Islamic Financial Services Act 2013: A Retrospective Analysis.

Abdul Rahim, Mohamad Syafiqe (2014): Islamic Financial Services Act 2013: Analysis from Islamic Deposit Product Perspective.

Aiello, Francesco and Bonanno, Graziella (2014): On the Sources of Heterogeneity in Banking Efficiency Literature.

Amaya Muñoz, Wilson Enrique and Barón Ortegón, Brayan Alexander and Páramo Herrera, Isis Catalina and Martínez Castellanos, Antonio José (2015): Environmental human rights issues on international investment arbitration and economic development: perspectives and legal approach. Published in: Revista Justicia y Derecho , Vol. 3, (December 2015): pp. 39-51.

Apostolache, Mihai (2015): The review of constitutional norms concerning local public administration in the view of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission). Published in: Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences (JOLAS) , Vol. 1, No. 3 (5 March 2015): pp. 105-111.

Athanasakis, Dimitrios (2008): Law applicable to merits of the arbitration dispute (an overview of the English, Swiss and French arbitration laws).

Bagus, Philipp and Howden, David (2016): The Economic and Legal Significance of “Full” Deposit Availability. Published in: European Journal of Law and Economics , Vol. 1, No. 41 (2016): pp. 243-254.

Bayari, Celal (2001): How Does Labour Work Now? A Quantitative Survey of Labour Practices in Japanese Multinationals Post 1996 Workplace Relations Act (Commonwealth). Published in: Proceedings of the 2001 Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference No. 2001 (1 December 2001): pp. 1-14.

Bergen, Mark and Levy, Daniel and Ray, Sourav and Rubin, Paul and Zeliger, Ben (2006): When Little Things Mean a Lot: On the Inefficiency of Item Pricing Laws.

Bet, German and Blair, Roger and Donna, Javier (2022): The Economic Rationale of United States v. Google. Published in: Antitrust Bulletin , Vol. 1, No. 67 (2022): pp. 23-39.

Breen, Michael and Gillanders, Robert (2017): Does Corruption Ease the Burden of Regulation? National and Subnational Evidence.

Böhme, Enrico and Müller, Christopher (2012): Monopolistic Location Choice in Two-Sided Industries.

Böhme, Enrico and Müller, Christopher (2010): Price-Increasing Competition on Two-Sided Markets with Homogeneous Platforms.

Cebula, Richard (1985): An Exploratory Note on Interstate Living-Cost Differentials. Published in: The Review of Regional Studies , Vol. 16, No. 2 (10 September 1986): pp. 58-59.

Cebula, Richard and Clark, Jeff (2014): Impact of Economic Freedom, Regulatory Quality, and Taxation on the Per Capita Real Income: An Analysis for OECD Nations and Non-G8 OECD Nations.

Chen, Haipeng (Allan) and Levy, Daniel and Snir, Avichai (2017): End of 9-Endings and Price Perceptions.

Cooke, Alex (2013): A new dawn for the crescent moon: is the fear of an influx of Turkish nationals driving European law?

Deffains, Bruno and Langlais, Eric (2010): Informational Externalities and Settlements in Mass Tort Litigations. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Law and Economics , Vol. 30, No. 2&3 (October 2010)

Diacon, Paula-Elena (2013): The economic crisis between liberalization and government intervention.

Escobari, Diego (2011): A theoretical model of collusion and regulation in an electricity spot market.

Estavillo, Javea Maria (2022): Anti-competitive Behavior in Providing Internet Service in Multi-Tenant Environments in the Philippines.

Hasan, Zubair (2016): How Islamic is the diminishing musharkah model used for home financing? Published in: Turkish Economic Review , Vol. 3, No. 3 (September 2016): pp. 443-452.

Hasan, Zubair (2016): Nature and significance of Islamic economics. Published in: Nature and significance of Islamic economics , Vol. 3, No. 3 (September 2016): pp. 400-418.

Heng, Stefan (2006): UMTS broadband mobile technology is a reality – Confounding many expectations. Published in: E-conomics No. 57 (13 June 2006)

Heralda, Jahollari (2016): Insurance and reinsurance risk management in Albania. Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 2, No. 1 (May 2016): pp. 36-45.

Hillemacher, Lutz and Hufendiek, Kai and Bertsch, Valentin and Wiechmann, Holger and Gratenau, Jan and Jochem, Patrick and Fichtner, Wolf (2013): Ein Rollenmodell zur Einbindung der Endkunden in eine smarte Energiewelt. Published in: Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft , Vol. 37, No. 3 (2014): pp. 195-210.

K, S Chalapati Rao and Dhar, Biswajit and KVK, Ranganathan (2013): Indefinite Definition of FDI.

Kosten, Dmitri (2015): Bitcoin Mission Statement. Or What does it mean Sharing Economy and Distributed Trust?

Krasniqi, Armand (2016): Legal or business personality of the commercial companies according to business law in Kosovo. Published in: International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) , Vol. 25, No. 3 (6 March 2016): pp. 216-224.

Lazarow, Andrea (2015): Airbnb in New York City: Law and Policy Challenges. Published in: International Journal of Knowledge and Innovation in Business , Vol. 2, No. 3 (10 November 2015): pp. 24-52.

Makovi, Michael (2016): Price-Controls in Jewish Law.

Mazhar, Ummad (2012): Regulatory discretion and the unofficial economy: A redux.

Mihai, Luiza-Corina (2015): Latest Developments In Romanian Legislation Regarding The Collective Dismissal In The Case Of An Insolvent Employer. Published in: Journal of Euro and Competitiveness , Vol. 2, No. 6/2015 (1 December 2015): pp. 1-11.

Mueller, Christopher and Boehme, Enrico (2011): The monopoly benchmark on two-sided markets.

Munro, John H. (2000): The 'New Institutional Economics' and the Changing Fortunes of Fairs in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: the Textile Trades, Warfare, and Transaction Costs. Published in: Fieri e mercati nella integrazione delle economie europee, seccoli XIII - XVIII, Atti delle “Settimana di Studi” e altri convegni, no. 32, Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica F. Datini , Vol. 32, No. 1 (2001): pp. 405-451.

Mutascu, Mihai (2009): The effect of the government intervention in economy on corruption. Published in: Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics , Vol. 2, No. 3 (May 2009): pp. 55-71.

Müller-Langer, Frank and Scheufen, Marc (2011): The Google Book search settlement: A law and economics analysis. Published in: Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues , Vol. 8, No. 1 (15 June 2011): pp. 7-50.

Ojo, Marianne (2020): The need for global coordination and cooperation transparency and uncertainty amid the COVID -19 outbreak. Published in: Centre for Innovation and Sustainable Development Economic Review

Ojo, Marianne and Roedl, Marianne (2020): Uncertain accommodative policies as tools for financial stability: recent developments. Published in: Lambert Academic Publishers October 2019

Pieroni, Luca and d'Agostino, Giorgio (2009): Corruption and the Effects of Economic Freedom.

Puah, Chin-Hong and Voon, Sze-Ling and Entebang, Harry (2008): Factors stimulating corporate crime in Malaysia.

Sayag, Doron and Snir, Avichai and Levy, Daniel (2024): Price Setting Rules, Rounding Tax, and Inattention Penalty.

Sayag, Doron and Snir, Avichai and Levy, Daniel (2025): Sticky Information and Price Controls: Evidence from a Natural Experiment.

Sayag, Doron and Snir, Avichai and Levy, Daniel (2025): Sticky information and price controls: Evidence from a natural experiment. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters

Schouten, Michael C. (2009): The Case for Mandatory Ownership Disclosure.

Schouten, Michael C. (2009): The Case for Mandatory Ownership Disclosure.

Simplice A., Asongu (2011): Law and Investment in Africa.

Simplice A., Asongu (2011): Law, Finance and Investment: does legal origin matter?

Snir, Avichai and Levy, Daniel and Chen, Haipeng (Allan) (2017): End of 9-Endings, Price Recall, and Price Perceptions. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters No. Forthcoming

Taguchi, Hiroyuki (2019): The role of institutions in private participation in infrastructure revisited.

Takaoka, Sumiko (2018): Is there a safety premium in the design of corporate bond contracts?

Tatom, John (2010): Financial Legislation: The Promise and Record of the Financial Modernization Act of 1999.

Thurman, Neil and Sly, James and Wilczek, Bartosz and Fletcher, Richard (2022): Forbidden fruit or soured grapes? Long-term effects of the temporary unavailability and rationing of US news websites on their consumption from the European Union. Published in: International Communication Gazette , Vol. 84, No. 7-8 (15 July 2022): pp. 698-720.

Torres, Fernando (2007): Trademark Values in Corporate Restructuring.

Vergés-Jaime, Joaquim (2022): Politics subordinated to (neoliberal) Economics.

Voon, Mung Ling and Voon, Sze Ling and Puah, Chin-Hong (2008): An empirical analysis of the determinants of corporate crime in Malaysia. Published in: Applied Economics and Management Letters , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2008): pp. 13-17.

Wach, Krzysztof (2010): Support for Business Succession in the European Union. Published in: Cracow University of Economics Discussion Papers , Vol. 6(7), (2010)

Yalincak, Orhun Hakan (2013): Freedom of Movement Rights of Turkish Nationals in the European Union. Published in: Columbia Journal of European Law , Vol. 19, No. 3 (1 September 2013): pp. 391-422.

mollaesmaeili dehshiri, hassan and sameti, Morteza and sameti, Majid (2012): Impact of Human Development Index and Rule of Law to Attract Foreign Direct Investment in Selected Developing Countries.


Mtiraoui, Abderraouf and Lassoued, Mongi (2014): Gouvernance, Capital humain et Croissance économique dans la zone OCDE: Application sur les données de panel dynamique (GMM).

Tarbalouti, Essaid and Hamdaoui, Mohamed and Ouali, Abderrazak (2011): L’actionnariat éthique : une solution aux conflits successoraux des entreprises familiales.


Garofalo, Giuseppe and Morganti, Patrizio (2010): Il finanziamento degli investimenti in R&S. Gli effetti sulla crescita e sulla struttura finanziaria. Published in: , Vol. 10, 2, : pp. 1-38.

Pammolli, Fabio and Cambini, Carlo and Giannaccari, Andrea (2007): Introduzione. Liberalizzazioni e concorrenza in Italia. Published in: Politiche di liberalizzazione e concorrenza in Italia., Il Mulino (2007): pp. 7-26.


Abdul Rahim, Mohamad Syafiqe (2013): Penubuhan Jawatankuasa Syariah Bagi Institusi Perbankan Islam di Malaysia dan Isu Berkaitannya.


Agapova, Anna (2021): Directions for the Development of a Single Window to Facilitate International Trade. Published in: Russian Journal Of Management , Vol. 9, No. 1 (30 April 2021): pp. 146-150.

Bukvić, Rajko and Rajnović, Ljiljana (2019): Управление предприятием и интерес акционеров: концепция максимизации рыночной стоимости. Published in: Большая Евразия: Развитие, безопасность, сотрудничество. Ежегодник. Выпуск 3. Часть 1. РАН. ИНИОН, сотрудничества; Отв. ред. В.И. Герасимов. Москва, 2020. (2020): pp. 283-290.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Состав денежного содержания муниципальных служащих.


Begović, Boris and Bukvić, Rajko (1998): Antimonopolska politika: predlog rešenja. Published in: Ekonomika , Vol. 34, No. 6-8 (1998): pp. 160-163.

Begović, Boris and Bukvić, Rajko (1998): Institucionalni aspekti antimonopolske politike. Published in: Strategija razvoja Jugoslavije i uključivanje preduzeća u svetsku privredu (Development Strategy of Yugoslavia and the Inclusion to World Economy), Savez ekonomista Jugoslavije (Economists Association of Yugoslavia),Belgrade (1998): pp. 179-186.

Bukvić, Rajko and Rajnović, Ljilјana (2018): Треба ли компанијама управљати у интересу акционара? Published in: Korporativno upravljanje u Srbiji, Ekonomski fakultet u Beogradu, Beograd (2018): pp. 93-105.

Pavlović, Radica and Bukvić, Rajko (2020): Uticaj politike deviznog kursa na trgovinsku razmenu Republike Srbije u uslovima krize – trgovinskopravni i ekonomski aspect. Published in: Negatrend revija , Vol. 17, No. 4 (2020): pp. 77-93.


Coronel, Yeisson (2016): La unificación del derecho privado europeo y las transacciones jurídico-mercantiles transfronterizas. Published in: Revista Justicia y Derecho , Vol. 4, (31 December 2016): pp. 7-25.

Jose Antonio, Villalobos Lopez (2020): Quince años de conflicto Monitor vs Radio Centro.

Vargas-Chaves, Ivan (2015): Reflexiones Sobre el Contrato en el Derecho Colombiano. Published in: Reflexiones sobre derecho privado patrimonial No. 5 (2015): pp. 287-306.

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