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Number of items at this level: 139.


Aaronson, Daniel and Dehejia, Rajeev and Jordon, Andrew and Pop-Eleches, Cristian and Samii, Cyrus and Schultze, Karl (2017): The Effect of Fertility on Mothers’ Labor Supply over the Last Two Centuries.

Adesete, Ahmed and Osinloye, Adelanfe and Abolade, Modupeoluwa and Nwachukwu, Christian and Onyejeaka, Emmanuel and Ojo, Dolapo and Ogungbemi, Tosin and Phillips, Martins (2018): Thirlwall Law: Validity of the Law in Nigeria. Published in: International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research , Vol. 9, No. 4 (April 2018): pp. 899-903.

Aguado, Itziar and Echebarria, Carmen and Barrutia, José M. (2008): El desarrollo sostenible a lo largo de la historia del pensamiento económico. Published in: Revista de economía mundial No. 21 (2009): pp. 87-110.

Alam, M. Shahid (2006): Global Disparities Since 1800:Trends and Regional Patterns. Published in: Journal of World-Systems Research , Vol. 12, No. 1 (July 2006): pp. 36-59.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Empirical.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Theoretical.

Albers, Scott (2012): Predicting crises: Five essays on the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises. Published in: Middle East Studies On-line Journal , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 6 (8 August 2011): pp. 199-253.

Albers, Scott (2014): Towards an economic architecture of the rings of Saturn: On the Political Economy Wave, Kaluza’s fifth dimension and an alternative derivation of the Roche Limit.

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2012): The evolution of lateral hiring and skill formation in the global airline industry, 1940–2010. Published in: AIB-UK & Ireland Conference, Liverpool


BAGDE, RAKSHIT (2020): Thoughts on the Economic Life of the Tathagata Buddha. Published in: TUMBE GROUP OF INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS , Vol. 4, No. 3 (20 October 2020): pp. 20-25.

Barros, Gustavo (2011): O problema siderúrgico nacional na Primeira República.

Basu, Kaushik and Jones, Eric and Schlicht, Ekkehart (1987): The Growth and Decay of Custom: The Role of the New Institutional Economics in Economic History. Published in: Explorations in Economic History , Vol. 24, No. 1 (1987): pp. 1-21.

Batiz-lazo, Bernardo and del Angel, Gustavo (2016): El nacimiento de la tarjeta de credito bancaria an Mexico y Espana, 1966-1975.

Baubeau, Patrice and Teixeira, Mateo (2024): Inflation without politics: how French prices outsmarted bullets, 1938-1949.

Berceanu, Ionut Bogdan and Mititelu, Cristina (2016): The Impact of Economic Crisis on the Emerging Administrations from Southeastern Europe. Case Study: Romania. Published in: Dogaru T. , Cărăușan M. V., Peculea - Dumitrescu A., Berceanu I.B. (eds.). Re(forming) Public Administration Paradigms in Global Governance Context, Economica Publishing House, Bucharest , Vol. 1, No. ISBN 978-973-709-805-4 (2016): pp. 145-162.

Bhattacharyya, Sambit (2011): Five Centuries of Economic Growth in India: The Institutions Perspective. Published in: The Routledge Handbook of South Asian Economics (9 February 2011): pp. 32-43.

Bhattacharyya, Sambit (2016): The Historical Origins of Poverty in Developing Countries. Forthcoming in: Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Poverty (April 2016): pp. 270-292.

Biyase, Mduduzi (2018): Education and economic growth in Cape and Natal colonies: learning from history.

Bojanic, Antonio N. (2011): Final Years of the Silver Standard in Mexico: Evidence of Purchasing Power Parity with The United States. Published in: História Econômica & História de Empresas , Vol. 1, No. XIV (1 November 2011): pp. 5-34.


Carillo, Mario Francesco (2018): Fascistville: Mussolini's New Towns and the Persistence of Neo-Fascism.

Casson, Catherine and Fry, J. M. (2011): Revolutionary change and structural breaks: A time series analysis of wages and commodity prices in Britain 1264-1913.


Chilosi, Alberto (2008): Poverty and development in historical perspective.

Chilosi, Alberto (2008): Poverty, Population, Development, and Transition in Historical Perspective.

Chilosi, Alberto (2008): Poverty, population, inequality, and development in historical perspective.

Ciccolella, Daniela (2005): Il setificio meridionale tra età rivoluzionaria, decennio francese e restaurazione: dinamiche di mercato e nuovi assetti produttivi. Published in: Storia economica No. 2 (2005): pp. 329-374.

Ciccolella, Daniela (2004): «Un genere pressocché necessario»: consumo, politica e industria dello zucchero nel Regno di Napoli in età rivoluzionaria e napoleonica. Published in: Storia economica No. 2-3 (2004): pp. 263-314.

Cizakca, Murat (2006): Islam and Christianity: symbiosis of civilizations.


Daniele, SCHILIRO' (1998): L’Europa, l’economia politica e la sua storia.

Daniele, Vittorio and Malanima, Paolo (2013): Perché il Sud è rimasto indietro? Il Mezzogiorno fra storia e pubblicistica. Published in: Rivista di Storia Economica , Vol. 1, No. XXX (April 2014): pp. 3-35.

De Vijlder, Nicolas (2012): A macroeconomic analysis of the land market in the count of Flanders and the duchy of Brabant. (fifteenth and sixteenth century).

Depetris-Chauvin, Emilio and Özak, Ömer (2015): Population Diversity, Division of Labor and the Emergence of Trade and State.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2012): Mentalism versus behaviourism in economics: a philosophy-of-science perspective.

Dobos, Sebastian (2017): Effects and characteristics of the implementation of the 1921 agrarian reform in Iași county. Published in: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 8, No. ISSN 2285-6803, ISSN-L 2285-6803 (16 November 2017): pp. 24-31.


Ecchia, Stefania (2012): Mercati informali del credito agrario nella Palestina di fine Impero Ottomano: un'analisi dell'evoluzione dei contratti bay-wafa, salam e muzaraah nel distretto di Haifa (1890-1915).

Ecchia, Stefania (2010): The economic policy of the Ottoman Empire (1876-1922).

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros (2021): Kaiserin Theophano’s: The political, economic and cultural deeds of a Byzantine princess who became empress of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros (2020): A discussion regarding the economic and legal rights of women in Classical Athens (508-323 BCE).

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas and Zachilas, Loukas (2016): Interpreting sociopolitical change by using Chaos Theory: A lesson from Sparta and Athens.


Esposito, Federico (2020): Estimating the welfare costs of autarky: a sufficient statistics approach.

Estrada, Fernando (2011): The paths of coffee: A brief economic history of coffee in Colombia. Published in: Credencial Historia, Banco de la Republica , Vol. 261, No. IV (September 2011): pp. 1-16.

Estrada, Fernando and González, Jorge Iván (2014): Política tributaria y economía fiscal en los enfoques de Hayek y Brenann/Buchanan.


Freeman, Alan (2013): Culture, Labour, and Resources: Principles of a Practical Alternative Growth Path.

Freeman, Alan (2009): Investing In Civilization. Published in: Bailouts and Bankruptcies (15 February 2009)

Freeman, Alan (2013): The Road out of Crisis and the Policy Choices Facing Russia.


Garrues-Irurzun, Josean (2008): El Irati, Compañía General de Maderas, Fuerzas Hidráulicas y Tranvía Eléctrico de Navarra: una empresa autoproductora comercial de electricidad, 1904-1961. Published in: Working papers of the Fundación Sepi (Madrid) No. 9701 (2008): pp. 1-143.

Garrues-Irurzun, Josean (2008): Servicio público de aguas y servicio privado de producción y distribución de electricidad en Pamplona, 1893-1961. Published in: Working papers of the Fundación Sepi (Madrid) No. 9810 (2008): pp. 1-194.

Gay, Victor (2020): Mapping the Third Republic. A Geographic Information System of France (1870–1940).

Geerling, Wayne and Magee, Gary and Raschky, Paul and Smyth, Russell (2017): Legally Irrelevant Factors in Judicial Decision-making: Battle Deaths and the Imposition of the Death Penalty in Nazi Germany.

Goodspeed, Tyler (2013): Famine, Finance, and Adjustment to Environmental Shock: Microcredit and the Great Famine in Ireland.

Goodspeed, Tyler (2015): Slavery, Path Dependence, and Development: Evidence from the Georgia Experiment.

Guajardo, Guillermo (2009): Between the Workshop and the State: Training Human Capital in Railroad Companies in Mexico and Chile, 1850-1930.



Haidar, Jamal and Diwan, Ishac (2019): Clientelism, Cronyism, and Job Creation in Lebanon.

Hannah, Leslie and Foreman-Peck, James S. (2023): Business Forms and Business Performance in UK Manufacturing 1871-81.

Hasan, Zubair (2014): Risk sharing versus risk transfer in islamic finance.

Hasan, Zubair (2015): Risk sharing versus risk transfer in islamic finance.


Irigoin, A and Grafe, R (2013): 'Bounded Leviathan: fiscal constraints and financial development in the Early Modern Hispanic World'. Forthcoming in: LSE Economic History Department Working Papers No. 164/12 (24 June 2012): pp. 1-33.

Islahi, Abdu Azim (2014): “The Genesis of Islamic Economics” Revisited. Published in: Islamic Economic Studies , Vol. 23, No. 2 (2015): pp. 1-28.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2012): Economic Thought of Muhammad Abduh: An omitted aspect of his biography.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2009): Islamic economic thinking in the 12th AH/18th CE century with special reference to Shah Wali-Allah al-Dihlawi. Published in: Book (2011): pp. 1-128.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2004): Role of awqaf in promotion of scientific research. Published in: The Muslim World League Journal , Vol. 32, No. 6 (August 2004): pp. 13-19.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2009): A study of Muslim economic thinking in the 11th A.H. / 17th C.E. century. Published in: Book (2011): pp. 1-101.


Jaelani, Aan (2015): Kontribusi Sarjana Muslim bagi Peradaban Eropa: Melacak Akar Sejarah dan Perkembangan Ekonomi. Published in: Festival & Seminar Tahunan Seni & Peradaban Tingkat Internasional , Vol. 1, No. Menuju Perdamaian Dunia Melalui Islam Berkemajuan Mencerahkan Keadaban Bangsa-bangsa (23 February 2016): pp. 1-28.

Jahedi, Monika and Minhaz, Kakoli and Gupta, Shittak and Sen, Topon (2024): Whispers of Growth: Navigating the Interwoven Currents of Bangladesh’s Economic and Social Evolution.

Johnson, Thomas (2017): The tragedy of modern economic growth: A call to business to radically change its purpose and practices.

Josué, ANDRIANADY and RAVELOSON, Rojo Armel (2024): L’environnement du point de vue des économistes.

Junayed, Arshad and Mubasshir, Jahed and Sen, Topon (2025): Bangladesh’s Development Journey: Economic Transformation, Social Progress and Future Challenges.


Kendrick, Neil (2013): Educação para todos –“free to those who can afford it”: human capital and inequality persistence in 21st c Brazil. Published in: The Economic History Working Paper Series No. 2013 (2013)

Khalil, Elias (2006): The Roadblock of Culturalist Economics: Economic Change á la Douglass North.

Kleiner, George (2023): Мезоэкономическое лицо российской экономики. Published in:

Klüh, Ulrich (2016): Makroökonomische/Sozialpolitische Perspektiven auf die Sozialpolitik/Makroökonomie.

Ko, Chiu Yu and Koyama, Mark and Sng, Tuan-Hwee (2014): Unified China; Divided Europe.

Konstantakis, Konstantinos N. and Michaelides, Panayotis G. (2017): Technology and Business Cycles: A Schumpeterian Investigation for the USA.

Koyama, Mark and Xue, Melanie Meng (2015): The Literary Inquisition: The Persecution of Intellectuals and Human Capital Accumulation in China.


Lanzona, Leonardo (2019): Agrarian reform and democracy: Lessons from the Philippine experience. Published in: Millennial Asia , Vol. 10, No. 3 (8 November 2019): pp. 272-298.

Leigh, Andrew (2024): The Shortest History of Economics (published in the US as How Economics Explains the World). Published in: Book , Vol. N/A, No. N/A (2024)

Lepore, Amedeo (2020): Rischio e incertezza in una dimensione storica. Le dinamiche dell’economia di fronte agli scenari della nuova pandemia. Published in: Rivista della Corte dei Conti No. 1 (14 April 2020): pp. 5-32.

Lopes, F. and Sequeira Dias, F. (2010): Azorean savings banks and the 1929 economic crisis.


Magni, Carlo Alberto (2016): Capital depreciation and the underdetermination of rate of return: A unifying perspective. Published in: Journal of Mathematical Economics , Vol. 67, (December 2016): pp. 54-79.

Maito, Esteban Ezequiel (2014): The historical transience of capital: the downward trend in the rate of profit since XIX century.

Mariotti, Martine (2009): Labor Markets in South Africa During Apartheid.

Marques Gomes, Luiz Henrique (2021): Economic trajectory of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria (1946-1990).

Maxfield, Sean (2021): Anti-Meritocratic Economics in the Contemporary Era: The Issues with the Neoclassical Theory.

Mazumdar, Surajit (2022): The Crisis of Globalization and India’s Economic Prospects.

Mazumdar, Surajit (2018): The Incomplete Transition: Stunted Industrialisation and the Historical Development of India's Big Business Class.

McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen (2009): Britain, China, and the Irrelevance of Stage Theories.

McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen (2009): Growth, Quality, Happiness, and the Poor.

McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen (2009): The Inheritance of Gregory Clark.

McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen (2009): Saving, Investment, Greed, and Original Accumulation Do Not Explain Growth.

McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen (2009): Slavery and Imperialism Did Not Enrich Europe.

McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen (2009): The anti-materialist project of "The Bourgeois Era".

Mehmood, Shahid (2021): The Economic Consequences of Pandemics.

Milanovic, Branko (2016): Towards an explanation of inequality in pre-modern societies:the role of colonies and high population density.

Mohajan, Haradhan (2019): The First Industrial Revolution: Creation of a New Global Human Era. Published in: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities , Vol. 5, No. 4 (17 October 2019): pp. 377-387.

Moura Filho, Heitor (2008): O uso da informação quantitativa em história; tópicos para discussão. Published in: Locus Revista de História , Vol. 14, No. 1 (2008): pp. 41-90.

Muhammad, Nabeel and Léo-Paul, Dana (2015): Collective Efficacy of a Regional Network: Extending the Social Embeddedness Perspective of Entrepreneurship.


Nogues, Julio (2020): Europa, el comercio de esclavos y el subdesarrollo de África.


Okoye, Dozie and Pongou, Roland and Yokossi, Tite (2016): On the Dispensability of New Transportation Technologies: Evidence from the Heterogeneous Impact of Railroads in Nigeria.


Pattit, Jason M. and Pattit, Katherina G. and Spender, J C (2021): Edith T. Penrose: Economist of "The Ordinary Business of Life". Forthcoming in: Strategic Management Review

Pogany, Peter (2013): Thermodynamic Isolation and the New World Order.

Popov, Vladimir (2024): Китайская модель: ретроспектива и перспектива.

Popov, Vladimir (2015): Разрыв между Югом и Западом по уровню экономического развития сокращается?

Prentice, David (2008): The origins of American industrial success: Evidence from the US portland cement industry.


Rafael, Dobado-González and Alfredo, García-Hiernaux and David, Guerrero-Burbano (2013): West versus East: Early Globalization and the Great Divergence.

Rashid, Muhammad Mustafa (2020): Case Analysis: Enron; Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Ethical Accounting as Inferior Goods?

Rashid, Muhammad Mustafa (2020): Real Options: Capital Investment Appraisal; Estimating the Market Price of Risk and Application to the Valuation of a New Business.

Reinhart, Carmen and Kenneth, Rogoff (2012): This Time is Different, Again? The United States Five Years after the Onset of Subprime. Published in: VoxEU (22 October 2012)

Reinhart, Carmen and Qian, Rong and Rogoff, Kenneth (2010): Do countries “graduate” from crises? Some historical perspective.


Scheltjens, Werner (2007): Logistics in early-modern Europe: A discussion of specialization, flexibility and efficiency in the activities of the Dutch shipping community in the eighteenth century.

Scheltjens, Werner (2006): When Nyen became St. Petersburg: Patterns of specialization in Dutch shipping in the eastern Gulf of Finland in the first half of the eighteenth cntury.

Scheltjens, Werner (2008): The impact of a new port on the organization of maritime shipping: an attempt to generalize the results of a case-study on the foundation of St. Petersburg and its influence on Dutch maritime shipping in the Gulf of Finland and Archangel (1703-1740).

Shachmurove, Tomer and Shachmurove, Yochanan (2011): String of defaults: Spanish financial crises through the years. Published in: Aestimatio. The IEB International Journal of Finance No. 2 (July 2011): pp. 1-20.

Shafaeddin, Mehdi (2006): NAMA: A Tool of Development or De-industrialization?

Shaturaev, Jakhongir (2023): Is Your Portfolio Free from Coronavirus? Published in: The Cost & Management , Vol. 1, No. 32 (30 January 2023): pp. 34-44.

Singh, Ajit (1996): The Asia-Pacific developing countries and the new world trading system: a historical overview of emerging policy issues.

Singh, Ajit (1996): Catching up with the West: a perspective on Asian economic development. Published in: Economic and Social Development into the XXI Century, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC (1 January 1997): pp. 222-265.

Souza, Luiz Eduardo Simões de (2010): Breve ou Longo? Um estudo comparativo entre as contribuições de Hobsbawm e Arrighi para a interpretação da História Econômica do século XX. Published in:

Spender, J. C. (2024): Simon and Knight.


Tamilina, Larysa (2017): Вплив історико-економічних закономірностей на сучасну політику оподаткування України.

Tamilina, Larysa (2017): Узагальнення історичного досвіду підвищення ефективності оподаткування.

Tamilina, Larysa (2016): Особливості механізму оподаткування державної промисловості на новому етапі розвитку економіки (1930 – 1931).


Tsoulfidis, Lefteris and Papageorgiou, Aris (2017): The Recurrence of Long Cycles: Theories, Stylized Facts and Figures.

toprak, metin (2002): Osmanlıdan Devreden Kriz Potansiyeli ve Tek Parti Dönemi Ekonomik Krizleri. Published in: Yeni Türkiye: Türkler , Vol. 17, (2002): pp. 598-614.


Vanhaute, Eric (2008): The End of Peasantries? Rethinking the Role of Peasantries in a World-Historical View. Published in: Review Fernand Braudal Center , Vol. 31, No. 1 (2008): pp. 39-59.

Vinokurov, Evgeny and Libman, Alexander (2012): Eurasia and Eurasian Integration: Beyond the Post-Soviet Borders. Published in: EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook No. 2012 (2012): pp. 80-95.

Víctor, Cuchí Espada (2001): Políticas corporativas en México: el caso de la Compañía Telefónica Mexicana, 1881-1911. Published in:

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W.Hussin, Wan Nur Imani (2017): Risk and performances: financial performance of sime darby berhad.

Wu, Cheng (2018): Clower’s Dual-Decision Hypothesis is economics.


Xue, Melanie Meng (2018): High-Value Work and the Rise of Women: The Cotton Revolution and Gender Equality in China*.


Yao, Ye (2008): Dalai Lama et Laurens van den Muyzenberg, Ce que le bouddhisme peutapporter aux managers. Published in: Librairie Vuibert, Paris (2008)


Zerbe, Richard (2023): A foundation for benefit-cost analysis.

Zhao, Qiyi C. (2023): Rethinking “Distance From”: Lessons from Wittenberg and Mainz.


Ó Gráda, Cormac (2024): H1N1 and WW1: The Spanish Flu and the Great War.

Ó Gráda, Cormac and Lee, Chihua and Lumey, L. H. (2023): How Much Schizophrenia Do Famines Cause?


Ćwiklicki, Marek (2011): Współczesne oblicza tayloryzmu. Published in: Rozwój koncepcji i metod zarządzania (2011): pp. 135-157.

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