Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "Q21 - Demand and Supply ; Prices"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 63.


Ackah, Ishmael (2017): Analysis OF Energy Efficiency Practices of SMEs in Ghana: An application of Product Generational Dematerialisation.

Ackah, Ishmael (2015): Investing in the cheapest form of energy: efficiency practices of SMEs in rural Ghana.

Ackah, Ishmael and A. Opoku, Freda and Suleman, Shafic (2017): To Toss a Coin or Shake a Hand: An Overview of Renewable Energy Interventions and Procurement in selected African Countries.

Ackah, Ishmael and Appiah-Adu, Kwaku and Ahunu, Linda (2015): What Factors Drive Energy Consumption in Ghana?

Ackah, Ishmael and Asomani, Mcomari (2015): Modelling Renewable Energy Economy in Ghana with Autometrics.

Anderson Roselló, Ray and Villarreal Zan, Ricardo (2020): Economic impact of the 2016 Red Tide over the exporting sector of Chile's Tenth Region.

Bespalova, Olga Gennadyevna (2011): Renewable Portfolio Standards in the USA: Experience and Compliance with Targets. Published in: K-State Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports , Vol. May, No. 2011 (10 May 2011): pp. 1-48.

Bielsa, Jorge and Duarte, Rosa (2001): An economic model for water allocation in North Eastern Spain. Published in: International Journal of Water Resources Development , Vol. 17, No. 3 : pp. 397-408.

Bilgili, Faik and Mugaloglu, Erhan and Koçak, Emrah (2018): The impact of oil prices on CO2 emissions in China: A Wavelet coherence approach.

Biswas, Pradip and Verma, Jyotiprakash and Pohit, Sanjib (2018): India’s Biodiesel Programme: A Pathway for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Employment Generation and Inclusiveness.

Blecker, Thorsten and Kersten, Wolfgang and Meyer, Christian (2005): Development of an Approach for Analyzing Supply Chain Complexity. Published in: Blecker, Th./Friedrich, G. (Ed.): Mass Customization. Concepts – Tools – Realization. Proceedings of the International Mass Customization Meeting 2005 (2005): pp. 47-59.

Brocks, Annette and Nyangon, Joseph and Taminiau, Job (2016): Utility 2.0: A multi-dimensional review of New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) and Great Britain’s RIIO utility business models. Published in: SSRN Electronic Journal (30 September 2016): pp. 1-39.

Cazotto, Gabriel (2015): Oil – The Earth’s blood, a paper on how to recover its critical declining prices by using a hedge vaccine through a leading core of countries termed as VIRUS.

Cebula, Richard and Herder, Nate (2009): An Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Commercial and Industrial Electricity Consumption. Published in: Business and Economics Journal , Vol. 1, No. 1 (6 March 2010): pp. 1-7.

Chernyavs’ka, Liliya and Gullì, Francesco (2007): Interaction of carbon and electricity prices under imperfect competition. Published in: IEFE Working Paper Series , Vol. IEFE W, No. ISSN 1973-0381 (May 2007)

Dagher, Leila and Bird, Lori and Heeter, Jenny (2016): Residential Green Power Demand in the United States. Published in: Renewable Energy , Vol. 114, (2017): pp. 1062-1068.

De Pin, Antonio (2011): The actuality of Malthus's law in the economic and social evolutionary processes. Published in: AGRIBUSINESS LANDSCAPE & ENVIRONMENT , Vol. 2, No. XIV (2 March 2011): pp. 1-10.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2015): Development and Land Acquisition in the View of Law and Economics.

Fajar, Muhammad and Winarti, Yuyun Guna (2020): Modeling of Big Chili Supply Response Using Bayesian Method. Published in: International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences , Vol. 7, No. 6 (31 December 2020): pp. 29-33.

Foster, John and Wagner, Liam and Liebman, Ariel (2017): Economic and investment models for future grids: Final Report Project 3.

Galychyn, Oleksandr (2022): Towards sustainable cities: A multi-criteria assessment framework for studying urban metabolism.

Jayasooriya, Sujith (2024): Green Energy Finance in Sri Lanka: A review.

Kertous, Mourad and Zerzour, Sahad (2015): To pay or not to pay? Water bill and delay in payment in Bejaia (Algeria): A duration analysis.

Khobai, Hlalefang and Le Roux, Pierre (2017): Does renewable energy consumption drive economic growth: Evidence from Granger-causality technique.

Khodusov, Valery and Pihnastyi, Oleh (2019): The statement of the task of optimal control of the production line using the additional time of equipment operation. Published in: Bulletin of V. Karazin Kharkiv National University No. 42 (10 September 2019): pp. 84-92.

McCarl, Bruce A. and Yu, Chin-Hsien and Attavanich, Witsanu (2021): Climate Change Impacts and Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation in Agriculture. Published in: Atmosphere , Vol. 545, No. 12 (24 April 2021): pp. 1-4.

Müller, Christopher (2012): Welfare Effects of Water Pricing in Germany.

Omid, M. Rouhani (2013): Modified RPS Calculator: Inputs, Updating Procedure, and Outputs. Published in:

Pareto, Vittorio Emmanuel and Pareto, Marcos Pompeu (2008): The urban component of the energy crisis. Forthcoming in: Urbanistica No. 51 (2009)

Paunić, Alida (2016): Solar Australia.

Pihnastyi, Oleh (2007): Distinctive numbers of production systems functioning description. Published in: Problems of Atomic science and technology , Vol. 3, (4 March 2007): pp. 322-325.

Pihnastyi, Oleh (2019): Optimal Control of the Parameters of the Production Line. Published in: International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research , Vol. 7, No. 2 (2 February 2019): pp. 1-12.

Pihnastyi, Oleh (2017): The model of the production process of the party of the subjects of labour. Published in: Research Result. Information Technologie. , Vol. 2, No. 1 (23 March 2017): pp. 3-13.

Pihnastyi, Oleh and Chernіavska, Svіtlana (2022): Improvement of methods for description of a three-bunker collection conveyor. Published in: Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies , Vol. 5, No. 4(119) (14 October 2022): pp. 33-41.

Pihnastyi, Oleh and Khodusov, Valery (2020): Development of the controlling speed algorithm of the conveyor belt based on TOU-tariffs. Published in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Information-Communication Technologies & Embedded Systems, ICTES 2020 , Vol. 2762, (12 October 2020): pp. 73-86.

Pihnastyi, Oleh and Khodusov, Valery (2020): The stabilization problem the flow parameters of the production line. Published in: Актуальные проблемы информационных систем и технологий (14 September 2020): pp. 223-232.

Pihnastyi, Oleh and Korsun, Roman (2016): The construction a kinetic equation of the production process. Published in: Automation of technologies and production , Vol. 1, No. 11 (19 March 2016): pp. 10-17.

Pihnastyi, Oleh and Kozhevnikov, Georgii (2020): Control of a Conveyor Based on a Neural Network. Published in: International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S&T) (9 October 2020): pp. 295-300.

Pihnastyi, Oleh and Sytnikova, Anastasiya (2021): Construction of Control Systems of Flow Parameters of the Smart Conveyor using a Neural Network. Published in: Central European Researchers Journal , Vol. 7, No. 2 (3 September 2021): pp. 1-14.

Rahmani, Fatemeh and Razaghian, Farhad and Kashaninia, Alireza (2014): High Power Two- Stage Class-AB/J Power Amplifier with High Gain and Efficiency. Published in: Journal of Academic and Applied (JAAS) , Vol. 4(6), No. Special Issue on Applied Sciences (June 2014): pp. 56-68.

Rakotoarison, Hanitra and Loisel, Patrice (2016): The Faustmann model under storm risk and price uncertainty: A case study of European beech in Northwestern France. Published in: Forest Policy and Economics , Vol. 81, (August 2017): pp. 30-37.

Roth, Lucas and Lowitzsch, Jens and Yildiz, Özgür and Hashani, Alban (2016): The impact of (co-) ownership of renewable energy production facilities on demand flexibility.

Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano and Di Gioia, Leonardo and Lamonaca, Emilia (2020): Price responsiveness of supply and acreage in the EU vegetable oil markets: policy implications. Forthcoming in: Land Use Policy

Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano and Searle, Stephanie (2018): Linking soy oil demand from the US Renewable Fuel Standard to palm oil expansion through an analysis on vegetable oil price elasticities. Forthcoming in: Energy Policy

Sedigh, Golnaz (2008): Do environmental regulations reduce greenhouse gas emissions? A study on Canadian industries.

Singh, K.M. and Jha, A.K. (2008): Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Cultivation in Bihar, India: Economic Potential and Condition for Adoption.

Sukharomana, Renu and Chang, Chia-Lin (2017): Demand for Narcotics in Thailand, with Policy Implications.

Syed Zwick, Hélène and Syed, Sarfaraz Ali Shah and Liddle, Brantley and Lung, Sidney (2017): Disaggregated relationship between economic growth and energy use in OECD countries: Time-series and cross-country evidence.

Sánchez Ramos, Karen Melissa and Karimi, Abdul Matin and Elmalawany, Omar (2020): Access to Green Financing: A Case Study of Mexico.

Thath, Rido (2016): Potentials and Constraints of Cambodian Rice Export.

Turpin, Nadine and Dupraz, Pierre and Thenail, Claudine and Joannon, Alexandre and Baudry, Jacques and Herviou, Serge and Verburg, Peter (2009): Shaping the landscape: agricultural policies and local biodiversity schemes. Published in: Land Use Policy , Vol. 26, (April 2009): pp. 273-283.


Nkamleu, Guy Blaise and Endamana, Dominique and Ndoye, Ousseynou and Gockowski, Jim and Sunderlin, Willams (2002): Analyse economique de la consommation du bois de feu en regions forestieres : Leçons des zones urbaines Camerounaises. Published in: Revue Science et Changements Planétaire ‘’Secheresse’’ , Vol. 13, No. 2 (2002)


Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr (2007): Marktstruktur und Preisbildung auf dem ukrainischen Markt für Rohmilch. Published in: Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe No. 41 (August 2007)


De Pin, Antonio (2015): La spada di Damocle malthusiana. Published in: Intersezioni , Vol. 65, No. 65 (1 July 2015): pp. 1-3.


Stukach, Victor (2015): Органическое земледелие на малопригодных почвах - ресурс для внутренней продовольственной помощи населению. Published in: From the other shore: london journals in economics, marketing, finance, business and innovation , Vol. 7, (March 2015): pp. 23-29.

Stukach, Victor and Stepanova, Tanyana and Hramzova, Natali (2004): Рынок производственных услуг в сельском хозяйстве: инфраструктура; платежеспособный спрос; сегментация; интеграционные модели; кооперативы в сфере производственного и агрохимического обслуживания. Published in: Рыночные реформы No. Рыночные реформы (March 2004): pp. 1-181.

Пигнастый, Олег (2005): Инженерно-производственная функция предприятия с серийным или массовым выпуском продукции. Published in: Вопросы проектирования и производства конструкций летательных аппаратов , Vol. 3, No. 42 (14 April 2005): pp. 111-117.

Пигнастый, Олег (2010): К вопросу обеспечения асимптотической устойчивости макропараметров технологического процесса. Published in: Математическое моделирование , Vol. 23, No. 2 (7 October 2010): pp. 25-31.

Пигнастый, Олег (2011): Основные положения статистического моделирования технологических процессов. Published in: Вестник Херсонского национального технического университета , Vol. 3, (4 March 2011): pp. 348-354.

Пигнастый, Олег (2011): Статистическая двухуровневая модель технологического процесса. Published in: Сучасні проблеми математики і її застосування у природничих науках та інформаційних технологіях (22 April 2011): pp. 153-155.

Пигнастый, Олег and Ходусов, Валерий (2017): Диффузионное описание производственного процесса. Published in: Математическое моделирование. Информационные технологии. Автоматизированные системы управления , Vol. 35, No. 1 (1 November 2017): pp. 61-73.

Пигнастый, Олег and Ходусов, Валерий and Михайленко, Виктор and Демуцкий, Виктор and Дидиченко, Николай and Дубровин, Анатолий (2007): Теоретические основы построения целевой функции производственной системы. Published in: Вестник Харьковского национального университета , Vol. 779, (5 August 2007): pp. 113-119.


Sarmiento, Miguel (2010): Rentabilidad de un sistema mixto de pagos por servicios ambientales en una cuenca hidrográfica de Argentina. Published in: Spanish Journal of Rural Development , Vol. 2, No. Special Number 1 (April 2011): pp. 67-74.

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