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Items where Subject is "Q25 - Water"

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Number of items at this level: 144.


Acharya, Akash and Biswaroop, Das and Pandya, Kiran and Raj, Madhusudan (2006): Surat 2006 Floods: A Citizens’ Report.

Acuña, Guillermo (2017): Elasticidades de la demanda de agua en Chile.

Al-Hmoud, Rashid and Edwards, Jeffrey A. (2004): Private sector participation in the water and sanitation sector: alternative options and measurement issues. Published in: The International Water Demand Management Conference (30 May 2004)

Ali, Muhammad (2009): Our Water Scenario: Are We Heading Towards Disaster?

Amundsen, Eirik S. (1999): Drought and Optimal Groundwater Managment.

Anand, P B (2007): Capability, sustainability, and collective action: an examination of a river water dispute. Published in: Journal of Human Development , Vol. 8, No. 1 (March 2007): pp. 109-132.

Anand, P B (2007): Right to water and access to water. Published in: Journal of International Development , Vol. 19, No. 4 (2007): pp. 511-526.

Ansink, Erik and Weikard, Hans-Peter (2013): Composition properties in the river claims problem.

Antonelli, Marta and Sartori, Martina (2014): Unfolding the potential of the Virtual Water concept. What is still under debate?

Aprile, Maria Carmela and Fiorillo, Damiano (2016): Water Conservation Behavior and Environmental Concerns.

Avik, Sinha and Siddhartha K., Rastogi (2015): Inequality in Access to Improved Water Source: A Regional Analysis by Theil Index. Published in: Theoretical Economics Letters , Vol. 5, (2015): pp. 683-690.


Bachev, Hrabrin (2023): Оценка на институционалната структура на оползотворяване на утайки от ПСОВ в българското земеделие.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2022): Управленчески форми за снабдяване на агро-екосистемни услуги от земеделските стопанства в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Agri-environmental Management during EU Integration of Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Agricultural water management in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Agro-Ecosystem Services – Governance Needs and Efficiency.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Assessing environmental management in agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Eco-governance in Bulgarian Agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2013): Natural resources conservation management and strategies in agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2015): A study on market inclusion through enhanced eco-management in Bulgarian farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Yovchevska, Plamena and Mitova, Dilyana and Toteva, Desislava and Mitov, Anton (2013): Еко-управление в българското селското стопанство.

Baldursson, Fridrik M. and Sturluson, Jon Thor (2008): Fees and the efficiency of tradable permit systems: an experimental approach.

Barkin, David and Klooster, Daniel (2006): Water management strategies in urban Mexico: Limitations of the privatization debate.

Basu Roy, Sharanya (2013): Population and natural resources: A case study of Yamuna water pollution.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Beladi, Hamid (2017): Cleaning the Ganges in Varanasi to Attract Tourists.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Beladi, Hamid (2020): A Game-Theoretic Model of Water Theft During a Drought.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Kourtit, Karima and Nijkamp, Peter (2022): Climate Change and River Water Pollution: An Application to the Ganges in Kanpur.

Beard, Rodney (2011): The river sharing problem: A review of the technical literature for policy economists.

Ben said, Hayet (2011): Gestion publique du périmètre irrigué : Accord informel, corruption et recherche de rente.

Bielsa, Jorge (2006): El valor del agua en el río: ¿cuánto, cómo y por qué? Published in: Revista de Estudios Territoriales del Pirineo Aragonés , Vol. 7, No. Invierno 2006 (November 2006): pp. 11-16.

Bielsa, Jorge and Cazcarro, Ignacio and Sancho, Yolanda (2011): Integration of hydrological and economic approaches to water and land management in Mediterranean climates: an initial case study in agriculture. Published in: Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research , Vol. 4, No. 9 (2011): pp. 1076-1088.

Bielsa, Jorge and Clemente, Jesús and Marcuello, Chaime (2008): Agua y Sostenibilidad, Elementos para el Debate. Published in: Informe España de la Fundacion Encuentro , Vol. 15, No. Informe 2008 (2008): pp. 255-275.

Bielsa, Jorge and Duarte, Rosa (2003): Modelling water resource allocation: a case study on agriculture versus hydropower production. Published in: Economy & Environment: Economics of Sustainable Energy in Agriculture , Vol. 24, No. IV (2003): pp. 157-175.

Bielsa, Jorge and Duarte, Rosa (2001): An economic model for water allocation in North Eastern Spain. Published in: International Journal of Water Resources Development , Vol. 17, No. 3 : pp. 397-408.

Bista, Raghu (2019): Groping climate vulnerability in western mountainous Nepal: applying climate vulnerability index. Published in: Forum for Social Economics (7 March 2019): pp. 1-19.

Béal, Sylvain and Rémila, Eric and Solal, Philippe (2012): The sequential equal surplus division for sharing a river.

Bøckman, Thor and Fleten, Stein-Erik and Juliussen, Erik and Langhammer, Håvard and Revdal, Ingemar (2006): Investment timing and optimal capacity choice for small hydropower projects.


Cebula, Richard and Payne, James (2013): Introduction: Environmental Sustainability Symposium. Published in: American Journal of Economics and Sociology , Vol. 73, No. 2 (15 April 2014): pp. 295-298.

Cirer Costa, Joan Carles (2014): Petróleo: peligro mortal. Unas islas alquitranadas.

Crow, Ben and Singh, Nirvikar (2008): The management of inter-state rivers as demands grow and supplies tighten: India, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh.


De Pin, Antonio (2014): La nuova Politica Comune della Pesca. Published in: Intersezioni , Vol. 54, No. 54 (5 November 2014): pp. 1-3.

Desvousges, William H. and Naughton, Michael C. and Parsons, George R. (1992): Benefit Transfer: Conceptual Problems in Estimating Water Quality Benefits Using Existing Studies. Published in: Water Resources Research , Vol. 28, No. 3 (March 1992): pp. 675-683.

Devarajulu, Suresh Kumar (2008): An economic inquiry into collective action and household behaviour in watershed management. Published in: Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics , Vol. 64, No. 1 (January 2009): pp. 108-122.

Diagne, Youssoupha Sakrya and Thiam, Dame (2020): La résilience de l'économie sénégalaise : Quelles politiques publiques en réponses aux chocs exogènes? Published in: dpee.sn

Donna, Javier and Espin-Sanchez, Jose (2018): The Illiquidity of Water Markets: Efficient Institutions for Water Allocation in Southeastern Spain.

Donna, Javier D. and Espin-Sanchez, Jose-A. (2021): The Illiquidity of Water Markets.

Duvvuru, Narasimha Reddy and Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2013): SRI Cultivation in Andhra Pradesh : Achievements, Problems and Implications for GHGs and Work.

de Rigo, Daniele and Rizzoli, Andrea Emilio and Soncini-Sessa, Rodolfo and Weber, Enrico and Zenesi, Pietro (2001): Neuro-dynamic programming for the efficient management of reservoir networks. Published in: Proceedings of MODSIM 2001, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation , Vol. 4, (December 2001): pp. 1949-1954.


Edwards, Jeffrey A. and Pumphrey, R. Gary and Barbato, Lucia and Kurkalova, Lyubov A. and Burkey, Mark L. (2012): Building a simple general model of municipal water conservation policy for communities overlying the Ogallala Aquifer. Published in: Natural Resources Journal , Vol. 52, No. 1 (2012): pp. 135-155.

El-Rasoul, Ahmed Abou El-Yazid and alomar, Ibrahim Saleh (2012): دراسة اقتصادية تحليلية لكفاءة استخدام أنماط الري الحديثة: دراسة ميدانية بمزارع منطقة القصيم. Published in: مجلة جامعة الملك سعود، العلوم الزراعية , Vol. 24, No. 1 (2012): pp. 39-70.

Evers, Hans-Dieter and Benedikter, Simon (2009): Strategic Group Formation in the Mekong Delta - The Development of a Modern Hydraulic Society. Published in: ZEF Working Papers Series (10 February 2009): pp. 1-27.


Fleten, Stein-Erik and Haugstvedt, Daniel and Steinsbø, Jens Arne and Belsnes, Michael and Fleischmann, Franziska (2011): Bidding hydropower generation: Integrating short- and long-term scheduling. Published in: 17th Power System Computation Conference (August 2011)

Foran, Tira and Kiik, Laur and Hatt, Sullivan and Fullbrook, David and Dawkins, Alice and Walker, Simon and Chen, Yun (2017): Large hydropower and legitimacy: a policy regime analysis, applied to Myanmar. Forthcoming in: Energy Policy

Fracasso, Andrea (2014): A gravity model of virtual water trade.

Fracasso, Andrea and Sartori, Martina and Schiavo, Stefano (2014): Determinants of virtual water flows in the Mediterranean.

Fullerton, Thomas (2006): Water transfers in El Paso County, Texas. Published in: Water Policy , Vol. 8, No. 3 (2006): pp. 255-268.

Fullerton, Thomas M., Jr. and Ceballos, Alejandro and Walke, Adam G. (2015): Short-Term Forecasting Analysis for Municipal Water Demand. Published in: Journal of the American Water Works Association , Vol. 108, No. 1 (11 January 2016): E27-E38.

Fullerton, Thomas M., Jr. and White, Katherine and Smith, Wm. Doyle and Walke, Adam G. (2012): An Empirical Analysis of Halifax Municipal Water Consumption. Published in: Canadian Water Resources Journal , Vol. 38, No. 2 (11 June 2013): pp. 148-158.


Gabriela Elena, BADEA and Ion, CORBU and Alina, CARABAN and Petru, CRET (2010): Seawater electrolysis for hydrogen production. Published in: https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/117249/7/Seawater_Electrolysis_for_Hydrogen_Produ.pdf (13 May 2023)

Ghai, Rahul (2021): Understanding „culture‟ of pastoralism and „modern development‟ in Thar: Muslim pastoralists of north- west Rajasthan, India. Published in: Pastoralism Research Policy Practice , Vol. 11, No. 11:3 (27 February 2021): pp. 1-19.

Groom, Ben and Koundouri, Phoebe and Swanson, Timothy (2005): Cost–benefit analysis and efficient water allocation in Cyprus. Published in: Cost–Benefit Analysis And Water Resources Management (2005): pp. 315-339.

Guven, Cahit and Tong, Lan and Ulubasoglu, Mehmet (2021): Growing More Rice with Less Water: The System of Rice Intensification and Rice Productivity in Vietnam.


Halkos, George (2013): Cost-effectiveness analysis in reducing nutrient loading in Baltic and Black Seas: A review.

Halkos, George (2013): The relationship between people’s attitude and willingness to pay for river conservation.

Halkos, George (2012): The use of contingent valuation in assessing marine and coastal ecosystems’ water quality: A review.

Hamedi, Amirmasoud and Ketabdar, Milad and Fesharaki, Mohammad and Mansoori, Abbas (2015): Nappe flow regime energy loss in stepped chutes equipped with reverse inclined steps: experimental development. Published in: Florida Civil Engineering Journal (January 2016): pp. 28-37.

Haqiqi, Iman and Yasharel, Sepideh (2018): Removing Fossil Fuel Subsidies to Help the Poor.

Havranek, Tomas and Irsova, Zuzana and Vlach, Tomas (2016): Publication Bias in Measuring the Income Elasticity of Water Demand.

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): Planning and Construction of Canop-E Networks for Inclusive, Sustainable Growth in Developing Countries (E.g.- India). Published in: Urban Research eJournal , Vol. 06, No. 39 (17 May 2017)

Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. and Dridi, Chokri and Guilhoto, Joaquim J.M. (2005): Impacts of reallocation of resource constraints on the northeast economy of Brazil.


Jackson, Michael (1995): A Water Monetary Standard: An Economic Thesis.

Janmaat, Johannus and Geleta, Solomon and Loomis, John (2019): Detecting social network effects on willingness to pay for environmental improvements using egocentric network measures.

Janmaat, Johannus A. (2007): Stakeholder Engagement in Land Development Decisions: A Waste of Effort?

Janmaat, John A and Ruijs, Arjan (2006): Investing in Arms to Secure Water.

Ji, Junping and Wei, Fangling and Ma, Xiaoming (2011): 深圳水库流域污水处理方案多准则决策研究.

Jiang, Yi and Jin, Leshan and Lin, Tun (2010): Higher water tariffs for less river pollution—evidence from Min River and Fuzhou City, People’s Republic of China. Published in: ADB Economics Working Paper Series No. 201 (May 2010)


Karousakis, Katia and Koundouri, Phoebe and Assimacopoulos, Dionysis and Jeffrey, Paul and Lange, Manfred (2006): Conclusions and policy recommendations for the E.U. Water Framework Directive. Published in: Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2006)

Karpov, Valery and Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2012): Социально-экономические аспекты регулирования регионального водопотребления в Омской области. Published in: Актуальные вопросы развития региональной экономики: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. (December 2012): pp. 61-65.

Kertous, Mourad and Zerzour, Sahad (2015): To pay or not to pay? Water bill and delay in payment in Bejaia (Algeria): A duration analysis.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): Is water a blessing or a curse? How to address water conflicts in West Africa.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): L'eau, une bénédiction et une malédiction: comment résoudre les conflits liés à l'eau en Afrique de l'Ouest?

Koundouri, Phoebe (2005): Design and Implementation of an Integrated Water Management Approach. Published in: Water on Mediterranean Islands: Advanced Study Course SUSTAINIS (2005): pp. 85-99.

Koundouri, Phoebe (2000): Three approaches to measuring natural resource scarcity: theory and application to groundwater. Published in: (24 October 2000)

Koundouri, Phoebe and Babalos, Vassilis and Stithou, Mavra and Anastasiou, Ioannis (2011): A Micro-Econometric Approach to Deriving Use and Non-Use Values of in-situ Groundwater: The Vosvozis Case Study, Greece. Forthcoming in: The Handbook on Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services

Koundouri, Phoebe and Birol, Ekin (2011): Water Resources Allocation:Policy & Socioeconomic Issues in Cyprus. Published in: (2011)

Koundouri, Phoebe and Carson, Richard and Nauges, Céline (2010): Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh: A Household Labor Market Approach. Published in: American Journal of Agricultural Economics , Vol. 93, No. 2 (2010): pp. 407-414.

Koundouri, Phoebe and Karousakis, Katia (2006): Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions:Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Published in: (2006)

Koundouri, Phoebe and Pashardes, Panos and Swanson, Timothy and Xepapadeas, Anastasios (2003): The Economics of Water Management in Developing Countries Problems, Principles and Policies. Published in: (2003)

Krawczyk, Jacek B. and Azzato, Jeffrey D. (2006): A report on NISOCSol: An algorithm for approximating Markovian equilibria in dynamic games with coupled-constraints.

Kwakwa, Paul Adjei (2015): An investigation into the determinants of hydropower generation in Ghana.


Laukkanen, Marita and Koundouri, Phoebe (2006): Competition versus coopertion in groundwater extraction: A stochastic framework with heteregoneous agents. Published in: Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2006)

Liu, Shuang and Stern, David I. (2008): A Meta-Analysis of Contingent Valuation Studies in Coastal and Near-Shore Marine Ecosystems.

Lup, Aurel and Miron, Liliana (2014): Fighting against drought in Dobrogea by protective forest belts. Published in: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development – Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 5, No. ISSN – 2285 – 6803; ISSN – L – 2285 – 6803 (20 November 2014): pp. 69-73.

Lux, Alexandra and Janowicz, Cedric (2009): Water use options for regional development. Potentials of new water technologies in Central Northern Namibia. Published in: CuveWaters Papers No. 6 (February 2009)


Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Environment Case Study: Forestry and Water Management in Thailand: A Win Win Situation.

Mannino, Ilda and Franco, Daniel and Piccioni, Enrico and Favero, Laura and Mattiuzzo, Erika and Zanetto, Gabriele (2006): A cost-effectiveness analysis of seminatural wetlands and activated sludge wastewater-treatment systems. Published in: Environmental Management , Vol. 1, No. 41 (2007): pp. 118-129.

Martinez-Espineira, Roberto (2005): An Estimation of Residential Water Demand Using Co-Integration and Error Correction Techniques. Forthcoming in: Journal of Applied Economics

Melstrom, Richard and Lupi, Frank (2012): Using a Control Function to Resolve the Travel Cost Endogeneity Problem in Recreation Demand Models.

Menon, Sudha (2007): Sustainable Practices in Watershed Management: Global Experiences.

Menon, Sudha Venu (2007): Ground Water Management: Need for Sustainable Approach.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Minea, Ionut and Grozavu, Adrian (2018): Assessment of waste dumping practices in mountain creeks. Published in: 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference on Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation SGEM 2018, Conference Proceedings , Vol. 18, No. 5.1 (2 July 2018): pp. 89-96.

Miron, Liliana and Lup, Aurel (2015): The performances of Romanian agriculture, given the resources allotted in the socialist agricultural system, compared to the market economy. Published in: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 6, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2015): pp. 73-80.

Mkaddem, Chamseddine and Mahjoubi, Soufiane (2022): Climate change and its impact on water consumption in Tunisia: Evidence from ARDL approach. Published in:

Moahmed Hassan, Hisham and Mahgoub Mohamed, Tariq (2014): Rainfall Drought Simulating Using Stochastic SARIMA Models for Gadaref Region, Sudan.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): The Impacts of Water Pollution on Economic Development in Sudan.

Monteiro, Henrique (2008): Evolution of cost recovery levels in the Portuguese water supply and wastewater industry 1998-2005.

Monteiro, Henrique (2007): Recuperação de custos no sector de abastecimento de água e drenagem e tratamento de águas residuais em Portugal.

Monteiro, Henrique and Roseta-Palma, Catarina (2007): Caracterização dos tarifários de abastecimento de água e saneamento em Portugal.

Mukherjee, Sacchidananda (2008): Economic Valuation of a Wetland in West Bengal, India. Published in: Proceedings of the IWMI-Tata Water Policy Research Program’s Seventh Annual Partners’ Meet , Vol. 1, (3 April 2008): pp. 254-266.

Mukherjee, Sacchidananda and Chakraborty, Debashis (2007): Environment, Human Development and Economic Growth after Liberalisation: An Analysis of Indian States.

Mukherjee, Sacchidananda and Chakraborty, Debashis (2009): Is there any relationship between Environmental Quality Index, Human Development Index and Economic Growth? Evidences from Indian States.

Mukherjee, Sacchidananda and Nelliyat, Prakash (2006): Ground Water Pollution and Emerging Environmental Challenges of Industrial Effluent Irrigation: A Case Study of Mettupalayam Taluk, Tamilnadu.

Mukherjee, Sacchidananda and Shah, Zankhana and Kumar, M. Dinesh (2008): Large reservoirs: are they the last Oasis for the survival of cities in India? Published in: Published in: Proceedings of the IWMI-Tata Water Policy Research Program’s Seventh Annual Partners’ Meet, “Managing Water in the Face of Growing Scarcity, Inequity and Declining Returns: Exploring Fresh Approaches”, ICRISAT Campus, Andhra Pradesh, , Vol. Volume, (April 2008): pp. 908-923.

Murwirapachena, Genius and Dikgang, Johane (2018): An empirical examination of reducing status quo bias in heterogeneous populations: evidence from the South African water sector.


Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2011): Does Piped Water Improve Household Welfare? Evidence from Vietnam.

Noor, Junaid and Siddiqi, Wasif and Muhammad, Taj (2010): Estimation of Willingness to Pay for Improvements in Drinking Water Quality in Lahore: A Case Study of WASA, Lahore.


Paccagnan, Vania (2007): On combining stated preferences and revealed preferences approaches to evaluate environmental resources having a recreational use. Published in: IEFE Working Paper Series , Vol. IEFE W, (May 2007)

Pagiola, Stefano (2006): Payments for Environmental Services in Costa Rica.

Pagiola, Stefano and Colom, Ale and Zhang, Wei (2007): Mapping environmental services in Guatemala.

Pagiola, Stefano and Zhang, Wei and Colom, Ale (2009): Can payments for watershed services help save biodiversity? A spatial analysis of highland Guatemala.

Pashardes, Panos and Koundouri, Phoebe and Hajispyrou, Soteroula (2002): Household Demand and Welfare Implications of Water Pricing in Cyprus. Published in: Environment and Development Economics , Vol. 7, No. 4 (2002): pp. 659-685.

Pérez Blanco, Carlos Dionisio and Gómez, Carlos Mario (2014): Drought management plans and water availability in agriculture:A risk assessment model for a Southern European basin. Published in: Weather and Climate Extremes , Vol. 4, No. 4 (1 August 2014): pp. 11-18.


Raju, K V and Taron, Avinandan (2018): Enabling sustainable and inclusive irrigation development in Cambodia.

Roseta-Palma, Catarina and Monteiro, Henrique (2008): Pricing for Scarcity.


Sartori, Martina and Schiavo, Stefano (2014): Virtual water trade and country vulnerability: A network perspective.

Seo, Misuk and Pape, Andreas Duus (2011): Reports of Water Quality Violations induce Consumers to buy Bottled Water.

Shima, Mst. Urmi Akter and Hasan, Mohammad Monirul (2022): Temporal mapping of vegetation cover change in Gazipur district, Bangladesh: a framework for environmental sustainability.

Shmelev, Stanislav Edward (2010): Environmentally Extended Input–Output Analysis of the UK Economy: Key Sector Analysis. Published in: QEH Working Paper Series No. Working Paper Number 183 (November 2010)

Singh, Anil Kumar and Singh, K.M. and Bhatt, B.P. (2014): Efficient water management: way forward to climate smart grain legumes production.

Singh, Radhika and Joshi, Shail (2020): Managing the Water Crisis in Bundelkhand, India: A Governance Approach.

Situngkir, Hokky (2016): Agent-Based Model for River-Side Land-living: Portrait of Bandung Indonesian Cikapundung Park Case Study. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series, WP-3-2016 (2 May 2016)

Slave, Camelia and Vizireanu, Ioana (2015): Climate change in relation to agriculture. Published in: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 6, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2015): pp. 162-166.

Soori, Saba and Hajikandi, Hooman (2017): Numerical Computation of Flow Reattachment Lengthovera Backward-Facing Step at High Reynolds Number. Published in: International Journal of Research and Engineering , Vol. 04, No. 05 (May 2017): pp. 145-149.

Strauss, Peter and Leone, Antonio and Ripa, Maria and Turpin, Nadine and Lescot, Jean-Marie and Laplana, Ramon (2006): Using critical source areas for targeting cost-effective best management practices to mitigate phosphorus and sediment transfer at the watershed scale. Published in: Soil Use and Management No. 25 (2007): pp. 144-153.

Sturla, Gino and Illanes, Camila (2014): La Política de Aguas en Chile y la Gran Minería del Cobre. Published in: Revista Análisis Público , Vol. 4, (4 November 2014): pp. 63-99.

Sturla, Gino and Meza, Catalina (2015): Escasez y sequía en acuífero del río Copiapó �. Published in: Revista de Derecho Ambiental , Vol. 4, (1 January 2015): pp. 81-89.


Tamini, Lota D. and Larue, Bruno (2009): Technical and Environmental efficiencies and Best Management Practices in Agriculture.

Tsusaka, Takuji W. and Kajisa, Kei and Pede, Valerien O. and Aoyagi, Keitaro (2013): Neighbourhood effects and social behaviour: the case of irrigated and rainfed farmeres in Bohol, the Philippines.

Tsusaka, Takuji W. and Kajisa, Kei and Pede, Valerien O. and Aoyagi, Keitaro (2013): Neighbourhood effects and social behaviour: the case of irrigated and rainfed farmeres in Bohol, the Philippines.


V. P. Sales de Lima, Patrícia and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Casimiro Filho, Francisco (2004): Distribuição racional de água e energia elétrica entre os setores econômicos do estado do Ceará - uma análise insumo-produto. Published in: Anais do III Encontro Brasileiro de Estudos Regionais (2004)


Wadood, Syed Naimul and Ali, Ayub (2016): Economic Valuation of Rural Wetlands and Household Food Security: A Case Study from the North-West Bangladesh.


Yagi, Michiyuki and Managi, Shunsuke and Kaneko, Shinji (2014): Water Use and Wastewater Discharge of Industrial Sector in China. Published in: International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics , Vol. 32, No. 1 (2014): pp. 33-43.


Zia, Muhammad Qasim and Mehmood, Majid (2018): Integration and Analysis of Resource Inventory Data for Risk Assessments of Environmental Contamination in Mixed Use Landscapes in Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography , Vol. 5, No. 1 (22 March 2018): pp. 1-13.

Zolfaghari, Mehdi and Jariani, Farzaneh (2020): Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Middle East and North African Countries (MENA).

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