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Výuka webových technologií v souvislosti s potřebami podnikatelského prostředí a státní správy

Suchánek, Petr (2008): Výuka webových technologií v souvislosti s potřebami podnikatelského prostředí a státní správy. Published in: Sborník příspěvků mezinárodní vědecké konference - Čtyři roky členství zemí střední a východní Evropy v Evropské unii (14 May 2008): pp. 704-710.

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Internet with all services is integral part of profession and private life of the all community. Web technologies develop very quickly and its usage has an increasing trend. Web technologies are used for various purposes in private business and public administration companies. In both cases web technologies are very important and have a big sense to support of presentation, communication and generally control processes. Today there are quite a number of standards and methods of web interface development. One of main goal of web technologies is communication of external environment and information systems, because information systems are one of fundamental part of all types of companies because of support operational and control processes. With web technologies expansion is growing need to educate new specialists and users. It is target of technical and economic universities. In this respect we have to observe uses of external environment and offer fields of study whose school-leavers find good jobs. Web technologies area is very extensive and always we have to do thorough evaluation what to teach in terms of fields of study in singles types of schools.

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