Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2017): Waste collection in rural communities: challenges under EU regulations. A Case study of Neamt County, Romania. Published in: Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (15 June 2017)
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The paper aims to examine the changes in the rural waste management sector at regional scale since the Romania adhesion to the EU in 2007. Traditional waste management based on the mixed waste collection and waste disposal often on improper sites prevailed in municipal waste management options of transitional economies across the globe. The lack of formal waste collection services in rural areas has encouraged the open dumping or backyard burning. The paper analyses the improvements and challenges of local authorities in order to fulfill the new EU requirements in this sector supported by data analysis at local administrative unit levels and field observations. Geographical analysis is compulsory in order to reveal the local disparities. The paper performs an assessment of waste collection issues across 78 rural municipalities within Neamt County. This sector is emerging in rural areas of Eastern Europe, but is far from an efficient municipal waste management system based on the waste hierarchy concept.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Waste collection in rural communities: challenges under EU regulations. A Case study of Neamt County, Romania |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | waste collection, waste management, municipal waste, rural areas, EU, |
Subjects: | H - Public Economics > H0 - General > H00 - General I - Health, Education, and Welfare > I1 - Health > I18 - Government Policy ; Regulation ; Public Health K - Law and Economics > K3 - Other Substantive Areas of Law > K32 - Environmental, Health, and Safety Law Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q5 - Environmental Economics > Q51 - Valuation of Environmental Effects Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q5 - Environmental Economics > Q53 - Air Pollution ; Water Pollution ; Noise ; Hazardous Waste ; Solid Waste ; Recycling Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q5 - Environmental Economics > Q56 - Environment and Development ; Environment and Trade ; Sustainability ; Environmental Accounts and Accounting ; Environmental Equity ; Population Growth R - Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics > R1 - General Regional Economics > R11 - Regional Economic Activity: Growth, Development, Environmental Issues, and Changes R - Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics > R5 - Regional Government Analysis > R53 - Public Facility Location Analysis ; Public Investment and Capital Stock R - Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics > R5 - Regional Government Analysis > R58 - Regional Development Planning and Policy |
Item ID: | 79883 |
Depositing User: | Dr. Florin-Constantin MIHAI |
Date Deposited: | 26 Jun 2017 13:27 |
Last Modified: | 27 Sep 2019 08:00 |
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URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/79883 |