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Items where Subject is "I18 - Government Policy ; Regulation ; Public Health"

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ATAKE, Esso - Hanam (2014): Financement Public des dépenses de santé et survie infantile au Togo.

Abba AHmed, Bello (2020): Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Global Economy.

Abbas, Touqeer and Awan, Masood Sarwar and Aslam, Muhammad Amir and Waqas, Muhammad (2011): Analyzing the efficiency differences among basic health units in Sargodha District. Published in: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2011): pp. 42-50.

Abreha, Fasika Molla and Salmasi, Luca and Ianuale, Nicola and Pegoraro, Enrico (2021): A Bayesian Cost-effectiveness analysis of Holobalance, Holograms for personalized virtual coaching and motivation in an ageing population with balance disorders.

Adeola, Ogechi and Evans, Olaniyi (2018): Digital health: ICT and health In Africa. Published in: Actual Problems of Economics , Vol. 10, No. 208 (2018): pp. 66-83.

Afroze, Farhana (2024): The Invisible Burden Gender Disparities and Their Cascading Impact on NCD Risks in Bangladeshi Women.

Ahlert, Marlies and Pfarr, Christian (2014): Attitudes of Germans towards distributive issues in the German health system.

Ahlert, Marlies and Pfarr, Christian (2015): The acceptance of priority criteria in health care: international evidence.

Ahn, Thomas and Yelowitz, Aaron (2016): Paid Sick Leave and Absenteeism: The First Evidence from the U.S.

Ahn, Thomas and Yelowitz, Aaron (2014): The Short-Run Impacts of Connecticut’s Paid Sick Leave Legislation.

Akbari, Ather H. and Rankaduwa, Wimal and Kiani, Adiqa (2009): Demand for Public Health Care in Pakistan. Published in: Pakistan Development Review , Vol. 8, No. 2 : pp. 141-154.

Al-Ubaydli, Omar (2020): Understanding How the Coronavirus Affects the Global Economy: A Guide for Non-Economists. Published in: Derasat Strategic Studies Series (13 April 2020)

Albu, Lucian-Liviu (2020): How much will the Coronavirus pandemic expand?

Alexander, Gigi and Cebula, Richard (2010): Non-Economic and Economic Factors in the Decision to Obtain a Pap Smear: The Case of Women Residents in the State of Florida. Published in: Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy , Vol. 41, No. 2 (29 December 2011): pp. 101-107.

Alibrandi, Angela and Gitto, Lara and Limosani, Michele and Mustica, Paolo (2020): Improving health performances: To what extent patient satisfaction may influence quality?

Alipio, Mark (2020): Determinants of tuberculosis incidence in East Asia and Pacific: A panel regression analysis.

Alipio, Mark and Lantajo, Grace Meroflor (2021): Do Socio-Economic Indicators Associate with Covid-2019 Cases? Findings from a Philippine Study. Published in: IMCC Journal of Science , Vol. 1, No. 2 (14 December 2021): pp. 102-107.

Almeida, Anabela (2007): Práticas de Aprovisionamento nos Hospitais Públicos Portugueses: Estudo das Diferenças Regionais.

Amarasekara, Chandranath and Venuganan, Poongothai (2021): Comparative Review of the Human Capital Development Journeys of Vietnam and Sri Lanka. Published in: Vietnam Journal for Indian and Asian Studies , Vol. 9, No. 106 (September 2021): pp. 14-27.

Anderson, Soren and Laxminarayan, Ramanan and Salant, Stephen W. (2010): Diversify or focus: spending to combat infectious diseases when budgets are tight.

Ang, Joshua Ping and Guanlin, Gao and Sparks, Andrew (2022): A dichotomy between democracy and personal freedom on the spread of COVID-19. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Social Economics

Antonakakis, Nikolaos (2013): Fiscal Austerity, Unemployment and Suicide Rates in Greece.

Antonakakis, Nikolaos and Collins, Alan (2014): Does Fiscal Consolidation Really Get You Down? Evidence from Suicide Mortality.

Apostolova-Mihaylova, Maria and Yelowitz, Aaron (2015): Health Insurance, Fertility, and the Wantedness of Pregnancies: Evidence from Massachusetts.

Apouey, Bénédicte H. (2016): Child physical development in the UK: The imprint of time and socioeconomic status. Forthcoming in: Public Health

Ara, Roberta and Brazier, John (2009): Populating an economic model with health state utility values: moving towards better practice. Published in: Value in Health , Vol. 13, No. 5 (2010): pp. 509-518.

Aregbeshola, Bolaji Samson and Folayan, Morenike Oluwatoyin (2021): Nigeria's financing of health care during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and recommendations.

Arokiasamy, Perianayagam and Uttamacharya, Uttamacharya and Jain, Kshipra (2013): Multiple Chronic Diseases and Their Linkages with Functional health and Subjective Wellbeing among adults in the low-middle income countries: An Analysis of SAGE Wave1 Data, 2007/10.

Arokiasamy, Perianayagam and Uttamacharya, Uttamacharya and Kowal, Paul (2013): Socioeconomic and age gradients of health of Indian adults: an assessment of self-reported and performance-based measures of health.

Arthur, Grimes and Tim, Denne and Philippa, Howden-Chapman and Richard, Arnold and Lucy, Telfar-Barnard and Nicholas, Preval and Chris, Young (2012): Cost benefit analysis of the Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart programme. Published in:

Asongu, Simplice and Diop, Samba and Nnanna, Joseph (2020): The Geography of the Effectiveness and Consequences of Covid-19 Measures: Global Evidence. Published in: Journal of Public Affairs

Asongu, Simplice and Diop, Samba and Nnanna, Joseph (2020): Health Vulnerability versus Economic Resilience to the Covid-19 pandemic: Global Evidence.

Athias, Laure and Macina, Moudo (2021): Demand for Vaccination in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Vertical Legacy of the Slave Trade.

Awan, Masood Sarwar and Waqas, Muhammad and Ali, Mumtaz and Aslam, Muhammad Amir (2011): Status of Health related Quality of life between HBV and HCV Patients of Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Business and Social Science , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2011): pp. 213-220.

Awan, Masood Sarwar and Waqas, Muhammad and Aslam, Muhammad Amir and Abbas, Faisal (2011): Health related quality of life assessment in patients with hepatitis: a case of Pakistan. Published in: Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2011): pp. 1259-1268.

Awan, Masood Sarwar and Waqas, Muhammad and Aslam, Muhammad Amir and Sarwar, Muhammad (2011): Measurement of SF-6D utility among patients with active tuberculosis. Published in: Global Journal of Health Science , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2011): pp. 203-208.

Aydogan, Yigit (2020): Are Covid-19 Cases Independent of the City Sizes?

Azad, Abul Kalam and Abdullah, S M and Fariha, Tasnim Rahman (2017): Does Carbon Emission Matter for Health Care Expenditure? Evidence from SAARC region using Panel Cointegration. Published in: Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , Vol. 34, No. 1 (1 June 2018): pp. 611-634.

Azam, Anahita and Hendrickx, Jef and Adriaenssens, Stef (2021): Estimating the Prostitution Population in the Netherlands and Belgium: A Capture-Recapture Application to Online Data.

Aziz, Ghazala (2012): Financing Human Development in India: Strategies and Options.

Azmat, Hayat (2012): Culture, economics and drugs addiction.

Azmat, Hayat and Saeed, Akhtar (2012): Is Bible and Quran the true word of God, "The Economist case against addictive substance".

Azuara, Oliver and Marinescu, Ioana (2011): Informality and the expansion of social protection programs.


Bachev, Hrabrin (2015): March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear accident impacts on Japanese agri-food sector.

Baker, J and McPhedran, S (2007): Gun laws and sudden death: Did the Australian firearms legislation of 1996 make a difference? Published in: British Journal of Criminology No. 47 (2007): pp. 455-469.

Ball, Alastair (2014): Air pollution, foetal mortality, and long-term health: Evidence from the Great London Smog.

Banik, Nilanjan (2020): To Test or Not to Test: The Case of COVID-19 in India.

Barahona, Nano and Otero, Cristobal and Otero, Sebastian (2022): Equilibrium Effects of Food Labeling Policies.

Barbieri, Paolo Nicola (2015): Body Weight, Dieting and Obesity Traps.

Barbieri, Paolo Nicola (2015): Social Distortion in Weight Perception: A Decomposition of the Obesity Epidemic.

Barbieri, Paolo Nicola (2016): Weight loss, obesity traps and policy policies.

Barik, Debasis and Desai, Sonalde (2014): Determinants of private healthcare utilisation and expenditure patterns in India. Published in: India Infrastructure Report 2013|14 The Road to Universal Health Coverage (2014): pp. 52-64.

Barkowski, Scott (2015): Does Defensive Medicine Reduce Health Care Spending?

Barkowski, Scott and Jun, Dajung and Zhang, Yuting (2022): Medicaid Expansion Spillover Effects on Health Care Consumption and Coverage: Evidence from Medicare Administrative Data.

Barkowski, Scott and McLaughlin, Joanne Song (2018): In Sickness and in Health: The Influence of State and Federal Health Insurance Coverage Mandates on Marriage of Young Adults in the USA.

Barkowski, Scott and McLaughlin, Joanne Song and Ray, Alex (2018): A Reevaluation of the Effects of State and Federal Dependent Coverage Mandates on Health Insurance Coverage.

Barron, Manuel and Torero, Maximo (2015): Household Electrification and Indoor Air Pollution.

Barros, Pedro Pita (2007): The simple economics of risk-sharing agreements between the NHS and the pharmaceutical industry.

Bartolini, Stefano and Sarracino, Francesco and Slater, Giulia (2020): Do epidemics impose a trade-off between freedom and health? Evidence from Europe during Covid-19.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Beladi, Hamid (2021): Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic.

Bayari, Celal (2025): Japanese women doctors in the hospital system: Gender gap, professional burnout, and the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Bayari, Celal (2018): Economy and Market in China: The State, Wage Labour and the Construction of the ‘China Price’. Published in: Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review , Vol. 14, No. 1 (5 July 2018): pp. 13-29.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour-centred Politics and Judicial Institutionalisation: The Lineaments of an Early Proto-Regulatory State Model in Australia. Published in: Discourses on Global Studies , Vol. 1, No. 4 (14 September 2014): pp. 42-60.

Beard, T. Randolph and Jackson, John D. and Kaserman, David and Kim, Hyeongwoo (2009): A Time-Series Analysis of U.S. Kidney Transplantation and the Waiting List: Donor Substitution Effects and "Dirty Altruism".

Becchetti, Leonardo and Solferino, Nazaria and Tessitore, M. Elisabetta (2016): A dynamic model of Gambling addiction with social costs: theory and policy solutions.

Behera, Deepak (2020): Does the Higher Level of Health System Spending Speed Up the COVID-19 Detection Rate?: Evidence from South-East Asia Region.

Bell-Aldeghi, Rosalind (2019): Interactions between Social and Topping Up Insurance under ex-post Moral Hazard.

Bellanca, Nicolo' (2021): Strategie di governo e strutture egemoniche in tempo di pandemia. Forthcoming in:

Bellemare, Marc F. and King, Robert P. and Nguyen, Ngoc (Jenny) (2015): Farmers markets and Food-Borne illness.

Bellù, Lorenzo Giovanni and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Social Welfare Analysis of Income Distributions: Ranking Income Distributions with Generalised Lorenz Curves. Published in: (1 November 2005)

Benkhalifa, Abdelaziz and Lanoie, Paul and Ayadi, Mohamed (2012): Estimated hedonic wage function and value of life in an African country. Published in:

Berta, P and Callea, G and Martini, G and Vittadini, G (2009): The effects of upcoding, cream skimming and readmissions on the Italian hospitals efficiency: a population–based investigation.

Bhabesh, Sen and Himanshu Sekhar, Rout (2007): DETERMINANTS OF HOUSEHOLD HEALTH EXPENDITURE: CASE OF URBAN ORISSA. Published in: Utkal Economic Papers , Vol. XIII, No. 1 (2007): pp. 17-23.

Bhardwaj, Ramesh (2015): Restraining High and Rising Cancer Drug Prices: Need for Accelerating R&D Productivity and Aligning Prices with Value.

Bhattacharjya, Chiranjeev and Kannan, Srinivasan (2009): Prevalence of non-sterile injuries among modern medicine students of Assam.

Bhattacharyya, Bhaskar and Mandal, Biswajit and Sengupta, Sarbajit (2022): Correlates of Distress Financing In Case of Institutional Delivery In India: Evidence From The National Family Health Survey.

Biorn, Erik and Godager, Geir (2008): Does quality influence choice of general practitioner? An analysis of matched doctor-patient panel data. Published in: , Vol. 2008-3, No. HERO Working Paper (May 2008)

Biorn, Erik and Hagen, Terje P. and Iversen, Tor and Magnussen, Jon (2002): The Effect of Activity-Based Financing on Hospital Efficiency: A Panel Data Analysis of DEA Efficiency Scores 1992-2000. Published in: HERO Working Paper No. 2002:6 (2002): pp. 1-35.

Biorn, Erik and Hagen, Terje P. and Iversen, Tor and Magnussen, Jon (2006): Heterogeneity in Hospitals' Responses to a Financial Reform: A Random Coefficient Analysis of The Impact of Activity-Based Financing on Efficiency. Published in: HERO Working Paper No. 2006:9 (2006): pp. 1-34.

Birenbaum-Carmeli, Daphna and Montebruno, Piero (2019): Incidence of surrogacy in the USA and Israel and implications on women’s health: a quantitative comparison. Published in: Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics , Vol. 36, No. 12 (30 October 2019): pp. 2459-2469.

Bisceglia, Michele and Cellini, Roberto and Grilli, Luca (2017): Quality competition in healthcare services with regional regulators: A differential game approach.

Bishop, James (2015): Interacting effects of state cigarette taxes on smoking participation.

Blanco, Magdalena and Cabrera, José María and Cid, Alejandro and Carozzi, Felipe (2017): Effects of Motorcycle Helmet Laws on Fatalities’ Prevention: An Impact Evaluation.

Boachie, Micheal Kofi and Ramu, K. (2015): Public Health Expenditure and Health Status in Ghana.

Bommier, Antoine and Villeneuve, Bertrand (2008): Risk Aversion and the Value of Risk to Life.

Borooah, Vani (2016): Gender Disparities in Health Outcomes of Elderly Persons in India. Published in: Journal of South Asian Development , Vol. 11, No. 3 (December 2016): pp. 328-359.

Borooah, Vani (2018): Health Outcomes and Policy in India. Published in: Health and Well-Being in India No. Palgrave Macmillan (May 2018): pp. 1-28.

Borooah, Vani (2022): Issues in the Providion of Health Care in India: an Overview. Published in: Arthanti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice , Vol. 21, No. 1 (2022): pp. 43-64.

Borooah, Vani (2018): Sanitation and Hygiene. Published in: Health and Well-Being in India No. Palgrave Macmillan (May 2018): pp. 29-66.

Borra, Cristina and Pons-Pons, Jeronia and Vilar-Rodriguez, Margarita (2017): Austerity, health care provision, and health outcomes in Spain.

Bosi, Stefano and Laurent, Thierry (2011): Health, growth and welfare: a theoritical appraisal of the long run impact of medical R&D. Forthcoming in:

Bostan, Ionel and Bostan, Patricia (2023): Book Review: Provision of medical services. Regulation and case law [Furnizarea de servicii medicale. Reglementare și jurisprudență] (by: Laura-Valeria Malinetescu, Bucharest: C.H. Beck Publishing, 2023).

Bostan, Ionel and Bostan, Patricia (2023): Public health and health management [Sănătate publică și management sanitar] (V.-I. Popovici and T. Tătaru, Craiova: Universitaria Publishing, 2019).

Boudreaux, Michel and Lipton, Brandy (2018): Medicaid Benefit Generosity and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Medicaid Adult Vision Benefits.

Braendle, Thomas and Colombier, Carsten (2017): Healthcare expenditure projections up to 2045. Published in: Healthcare expenditure and fiscal sustainability: evidence from Switzerland , Vol. 42, No. 3 (2018): pp. 279-301.

Brañas-Garza, Pablo and Cabrales, Antonio and Mateu, Guillermo and Angel, Sanchez and Sutan, Angela (2020): Does pre-play social interaction improve negotiation outcomes?

Brañas-Garza, Pablo and Cabrales, Antonio and Mateu, Guillermo and Sanchez, Angel and Sutan, Angela (2018): Does pre-play social interaction improve negotiation outcomes?

Brollo, Fernanda and Troiano, Ugo (2013): What Happens When a Woman Wins an Election? Evidence from Close Races in Brazil.

Bronfman, Javier (2014): Universal health insurance under a dual system, evidence of adverse selection against the public sector: the case of Chile.

Böbel, Ingo and Martis, Amrita (2009): Value Creation in Health Care: The Case of the Princesse Grace Hospital (CHPG) Monaco.

Böckerman, Petri and Kanninen, Ohto and Suoniemi, Ilpo (2014): A Kink that Makes You Sick: the Effect of Sick Pay on Absence in a Social Insurance System.

benhamida, hichem and Arabi, mahfoud (2019): La pratique de la contractualisation interne hospitalière: vers une nouvelle gestion publique.


CHACKO, ANOOJA (2015): Disability, Employment and Livelihood: An Empirical Study of Malappuram district, Kerala.

Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero and Rubalcava-Peñafiel, Luis and Sosa-Rubi, Sandra (2012): Políticas fiscales como herramienta para la prevención de sobrepeso y obesidad. Published in: Obesidad en México: recomendaciones para una política de Estado. Edited by Rivera J. et al. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (January 2013): pp. 211-224.

Calabria, Alejandro A. (2011): Análisis del mercado de órganos para trasplante: evaluación de la introducción de incentivos en la Argentina.

Calabria, Alejandro A. and Rottenschweiler, Sergio (2015): Los desafíos del sistema público de salud en Argentina de cara al futuro: cobertura y financiamiento.

Caleiro, António (2020): About some evidences of health literacy.

Calero, Analía Verónica (2013): Políticas de protección social, vulnerabilidad económica y enfoque de derechos. Published in: Persistencias de la pobreza y esquemas de protección social en América Latina y el Caribe /Colección CLACSO-CROP, Buenos Aires (May 2013): pp. 65-87.

Calvo, Esteban (2013): Antecedentes y desarrollos recientes del sistema de salud chileno. Published in: V Cátedra Internacional. Análisis y evaluación de políticas públicas. : pp. 34-56.

Canaviri, Jose (2007): A Random Parameter Logit model for modeling Health Care Provider Choice in Bolivia.

Carolin, Hoh and Ivonne, Honekamp (2010): Selbstbeteiligung als Lösung für das Moral-Hazard-Problem auf dem Arzneimittelmarkt?

Carone, Giuseppe and Schwierz, Christoph and Xavier, Ana (2012): Cost-containment policies in public pharmaceutical spending in the EU. Published in: European Economy- Economic Papers , Vol. ISSN 1, No. 461 (14 September 2012): pp. 1-64.

Carrasco, L R and Lee, V J and Chen, M I and Matchar, D B and Thompson, J P and Cook, A R (2011): Strategies for antiviral stockpiling for future influenza pandemics: a global epidemic-economic perspective. Published in: Journal of the Royal Society Interface , Vol. 8, No. 62 (7 September 2011): pp. 1301-1313.

Carrasco, Luis R and Coker, Richard and Cook, Alex R (2013): Who Should Pay for Global Health, and How Much? Published in: Who Should Pay for Global Health, and How Much? , Vol. 10, No. 2 (19 February 2013)

Carrasco, Luis R and Lee, Linda K and Lee, Vernon J and Ooi, Eng Eong and Shepard, Donald S and Thein, Tun L and Gan, Victor and Cook, Alex R and Lye, David and Ng, Lee Ching and Leo, Yee Sin (2011): Economic Impact of Dengue Illness and the Cost-Effectiveness of Future Vaccination Programs in Singapore. Published in: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases , Vol. 5, No. 12 (20 December 2011)

Carrino, Ludovico and Glaser, Karen and Avendano, Mauricio (2018): Later Pension, Poorer Health? Evidence from the New State Pension Age in the UK.

Cebula, Richard (2010): Effects of Health Insurance and Medical Care Inflation on Voluntary Enlistment in the Army: An Empirical Study in the United States. Published in: International Journal of Management , Vol. 28, No. 1 (30 March 2011): pp. 349-362.

Cebula, Richard and Nair-Reichert, Usha and Taylor, Kyle (2009): Does a Lack of Health Insurance Elicit an Increase in the Rate of Voluntary Military Enlistment in the U.S.? The "Military Health Care Magnet Hypothesis," 1974-2007. Published in: International Business Research , Vol. 3, No. 1 (31 January 2010): pp. 13-21.

Celidoni, Martina and Pieroni, Luca and Salmasi, Luca (2014): Side-effects of anti-smoking policies on health behaviors. Evidence from the US.

Celikay, Ferdi and Gumus, Erdal (2011): Sağlıkta Dönüşümün Ampirik Analizi. Published in: Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Political Science , Vol. 66, No. 3 (2011): pp. 55-92.

Cellini, Roberto and Lisi, Domenico (2019): Readmission treatment price and product quality in the hospital sector: A note.

Chacko, Anooja (2015): Disability: A Brief Conceptual Overview.

Chacko, Anooja (2017): Palliative Care Movement in Kerala: A Historic Overview.

Chatterjee, Tonmoy and Gupta, Kausik (2012): Is Health Trade of Mode 3 in Public Health Care Gainful?

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit (2015): Is it reasonable to subsidize healthcare in Developing Nations? A question purely from the growth perspective.

Chellai, Fatih (2023): Epidemiology Analysis of Caesarean Section in Central, Eastern and Southeastern European Countries.

Chen, Yongmin and Li, Jianpei and Zhang, Jin (2017): Efficient Liability in Expert Markets.

Chen, Yongmin and Li, Jianpei and Zhang, Jin (2018): Efficient Liability in Expert Markets.

Chen, Yongmin and Li, Jianpei and Zhang, Jin (2018): Efficient Liability in Expert Markets.

Chen, Yongmin and Li, Jianpei and Zhang, Jin (2018): Efficient Liability in Expert Markets.

Chen, Yongmin and Li, Jianpei and Zhang, Jin (2017): Liability in Markets for Credence Goods.

Cheng, Chu-Chuan and Chu, Hsun (2017): Optimal Policies for Sin Goods and Health Care: Tax or Subsidy?

Chiba, Asako (2020): Modeling the effects of contact-tracing apps on the spread of the coronavirus disease: mechanisms, conditions, and efficiency.

Chiba, Asako (2021): The effectiveness of mobility control, shortening of restaurants’ opening hours, and working from home in Japan.

Chin, Phaik Nie and Vaghefi, Negin (2022): Knowledge, Perceived Risk, and Precautionary Behaviours towards COVID-19: Implications on Health Crisis Policy.

Ching, Andrew and Ishihara, Masakazu (2007): The Effects of Detailing on Prescribing Decisions under Quality Uncertainty.

Chiu, I-Ming and Barbayannis, Georgia and Cabrera, Javier and Cosgrove, Nora and Kostis, John and Sargsyan, Davit and Kostis, William (2021): Association of Socioeconomic Status with One-Year Readmission and Mortality among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction.

Chorus, Caspar and Sandorf, Erlend Dancke and Mouter, Niek (2020): Diabolic dilemmas of COVID-19: An empirical study into Dutch society’s trade-offs between health impacts and other effects of the lockdown.

Ciacci, Riccardo and Sansone, Dario (2020): The Impact of Sodomy Law Repeals on Crime.

Ciani Scarnicci, Manuela (2012): Economics and ethics: a historical approach.

Cid, Camilo and Matus López, Mauricio (2013): Crisis y financiamiento de la salud. La Gran Recesión en los países sudamericanos. Published in: XXIX Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología 2013

Clemens, Jeffrey (2014): Implications of Physician Ethics, Billing Norms, and Service Cost Structures for Medicare's Fee Schedule.

Clemente, Jesús and Lazaro, Angelina and Montanes, Antonio (2016): Public health expenditure in Spain: is there partisan behaviour?

Colombier, Carsten and Braendle, Thomas (2022): Healthcare expenditure projections up to 2050: ageing and the COVID-19 crisis.

Colombier, Carsten (2012): Healthcare expenditure projections up to 2060.

Coulombe, Harold and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Benefit incidence of public health spending for public and faith-inspired health facilities in Ghana.

Cozzi, Guido (2022): Shall we fear a Patent Waiver? Not for Covid-19 Vaccines.

Cragun, Randy (2019): Effects of lower ages of majority on oral contraceptive use: Evidence on the validity of The Power of the Pill.

Cristini, Annalisa and Trivin, Pedro (2020): Close encounters on the verge of a pandemic: the role of social contacts on the spread and mortality of COVID-19.

Cruces, Guillermo and Gluzmann, Pablo and Lopez-Calva, Luis Felipe (2011): Economic Crises, Maternal and Infant Mortality, Low Birth Weight and Enrollment Rates: Evidence from Argentina’s Downturns. Published in: Documento de Trabajo - CEDLAS , Vol. 121, (July 2011): pp. 1-28.

cuong, nguyen (2010): Smoking behavior in Vietnam: demographic and socioeconomic determinants.


D'Hombres, Beatrice and Rocco, Lorenzo and Suhrcke, Marc and Haerpfer, Christian and McKee, Martin (2011): The influence of social capital on health in Eight Former Soviet Countries: why does it differ? Published in: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health No. 65 (2011): pp. 44-50.

DONGRE, AMBRISH (2010): Effect of Monetary Incentives on Institutional Deliveries: Evidence from the Janani Suraksha Yojna in India.

Damiano, Fiorillo and Fabio, Sabatini (2011): Quality and quantity: the role of social interactions in individual health.

Dang, Thang (2017): Body Weight and Hypertension Risk in a Developing Country.

Dang, Thang (2017): The Multiple Effects of Child Health Insurance in Vietnam.

Dapi N., Léonie and Rocklov, Joacim and Nguefack-Tsague, Georges and Tetanye, Ekoe and Kjellstrom, Tord (2010): Heat impact on schoolchildren in Cameroon, Africa: potential health threat from climate change. Published in: Global Health Action , Vol. 3:5610, (29 November 2010)

Das, Nimai (2016): Federal Fiscal Transfers on Health: Implications of Fourteenth Finance Commission Recommendations at Subnational Level.

Das, Nimai and Kumar, Rajeev (2016): Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Healthcare Sector of India. Published in: http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/rg.2.2.30420.19845 (September 2016)

Datta, Anusua and Vandegrift, Donald (2011): Effects of welfare reform and the state children’s health insurance program on medicaid and total health expenditures.

Datta Gupta, Nabanita and Larsen, Mona (2007): Health Shocks and Retirement: The Role of Welfare State Institutions. Published in: European Journal of Ageing , Vol. 4, : pp. 183-190.

De Luca, Giuliana and Ponzo, Michela (2009): Access to primary care and workers’ opportunity costs. Evidence from Italy.

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De Nicola, Arianna and Gitto, Simone and Mancuso, Paolo (2011): Healthcare reform in Italy: an analysis of efficiency based on nonparametric methods. Published in: The International journal of health planning and management (2014)

Defago, Daniel and Geng, José F. and Molina, Oswaldo and Santa María, Diego (2017): Digestible information: The impact of Multiple Traffic Light nutritional labeling in a developing country.

Deiana, Claudio and Giua, Ludovica (2018): The US Opidemic: Prescription Opioids, Labour Market Conditions and Crime.

Delgado Narro, Augusto Ricardo and Katafuchi, Yuya (2020): COVID-19, state of emergency, and housing market.

Delgado-Cubillo, Pablo and Martín-Román, Ángel L. (2023): Workers’ behavior after safety regulations: Impact evaluation of the Spanish Occupational Safety and Health Act.

Delis, Manthos D. and Iosifidi, Maria and Tasiou, Menelaos (2021): Efficiency of government policy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Deluna, Roperto and maneja, Kimbely (2015): The Effect of Sin Tax and Anti-Smoking Campaign in Regulating Cigarette Smokers in Davao City, Philippines.

Denisova, Irina and Chubarova, Tatiana and Bogatova, Irina and Vartanov, Sergey and Kucheryanu, Valerian and Polterovich, Victor and Tourdyeva, Natalia and Shakleina, Marina (2020): Оценка эффективности доклинической диагностики болезни Паркинсона методом "затраты-полезность".

Dias, Mateus and Fontes, Luiz Felipe (2020): The Effects of a Large-Scale Mental-Health Reform: Evidence from Brazil.

Dias, Mateus and Fontes, Luiz Felipe (2020): The Effects of a Large-Scale Mental-Health Reform: Evidence from Brazil.

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