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Items where Subject is "R5 - Regional Government Analysis"

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Number of items at this level: 129.


ADAM, Elena and TRIȘCAȘ, Floarea Elena and NICOARĂ, Raluca-Maria and IVAN, Ruben Ioan and DUȚĂ, Paul and PANAIT, Ion and MANOLACHE, Viorella and ANDRONACHE, Alin and TRANDAFIR, Andreea and TAROPA-IACOB, Anda and DUȚĂ, Andreea Emilia and IORDAN, Costel and ALEXA, Oana Alexandra and CIOREI, Mihaela Andreea and MARCAU, Flavius-Cristian and SIMA, Isabella Cristiana and MATEIU, Mihaela and NISIPEANU, Elena and CĂLIN, Alexandra and HARANGUS, Katalin and EDU, Filip Vladimir and MARIN, Aurelia Camelia and AŞER, Nica and BOGDAN, Laura and MOGA, Monika and VULPAȘU, Dana and COSTESCU, Elena-Alis and CIUNTUC, Cristina-Elena and NECHIFOR, Caleb Otniel Traian and CRISTESCU, Cosmina and PIPOŞ, Cristina (2013): Research and Science Today No. 1(5)/2013. Published in: Research and Science Today No. 1(5)/2013 (1 March 2013)

Ahmad, Sayed Javed (2008): State of Governance in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects.

Alessandrini, Sergio (2012): Quality of ski resorts and competition between the Emilian Apennines and Altipiani Trentini. An estimate of the hedonic price.

Aliu, Armando (2012): International migration and the european union relations in the context of a comparison of Western Balkans and North African countries: controlling migration and hybrid model.

Anand, P B (2011): Developing a multi-dimensional environmental vulnerability (MEV) indicator for Mongolia. Published in:

Antonescu, Daniela (2023): Analiza SWOT la nivel teritorial – instrument de sprijin al planificării strategice și al managementului sistemelor teritoriale complexe din zona montană. Studiu de caz: Bioaria Bazinul Dornelor.


Antonescu, Daniela (2017): Dimensiunea economică a orașului confortabil.

Antonescu, Daniela (2012): Identifying regional disparities in Romania: a convergence process perspective in relation to European Union's territorial structures. Published in: Procedia Economics and Finance Volume , Vol. 3, (3 November 2012): pp. 1148-1155.

Antonescu, Daniela (2019): Impact of Regional Operational Programme on cultural heritage. The Romanian Case. Published in: Journal of Urban and Landscape Planning No. 4/2019 - SUSTAINABILITY (3 November 2019)

Antonescu, Daniela (2017): Liveable city from an economic perspective.

Antonescu, Daniela (2020): New cohesion and regional policy in 2021-2027 period. Forthcoming in:

Antonescu, Daniela (2003): Politica de dezvoltare regionala a Romaniei in contextul integrarii în structurile Uniunii Europene.

Antonescu, Daniela (2014): Territorial Pact in context of Europe 2020.

Antonescu, Daniela (2022): The relation between digitalization and regional development in Romania. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 4, No. 2 (27 December 2022): pp. 64-77.

Anzoategui Zapata, Juan Camilo and Vásquez Roldan, Julián Santiago (2013): Documento de trabajo. El impacto en el desarrollo local de las políticas educativas en el municipio de medellín entre 2004 – 2011. Published in:

Apostol, Liviu and Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2012): Rural waste management:challenges and issues in Romania. Published in: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , Vol. 6, No. 2 (2012): pp. 105-114.

Apostol, Liviu and Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2011): The process of closing down rural landfills Case study : Neamț county. Published in: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2011): pp. 167-174.

Aykut, Arslan (2008): Assessment of the Turkish Local e-Governments: An Empirical Study. Published in: International Journal of Human Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2008): pp. 1-20.

Aykut, Arslan (2009): Cross-Cultural Analysiis of European e-Government Adoption. Published in: World Applied Sciences Journal , Vol. 7, No. 9 (2009): pp. 1124-1130.

Aykut, Arslan (2007): Turkish Local e-Governments: a Longitudinal Study. Published in: Electronic Journal of E-government , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2007): pp. 95-106.


Brie, Mircea and Gal, Diana (2011): CoR’s White Paper on Multilevel Guvernance – Advantages and Desadvantages. Published in: Ioan Horga, Iordan Bărbulescu, Adrian Ivan, Mykolia Palinchak, Istvan Suli-Zakar (coord.), Regional and Cohesion Polity. Insights into the role of the Partnership Principle in the New Policy Design (2011): pp. 284-289.

Bădilă, Andreea Iuliana and Sucilă căs. Pahoni, Cipriana and Mihuţ, Cosmin and Filip, Dan Andrei and Ciubotaru, Iulian Marcel and Luca, Cătălin-Viorel and Mănescu, Alexandra Florina and Pipoș, Cristina and Popa (Lupu), Diana Gabriela and Dinu (Dragomir), Maria Magdalena and Petric, Paulian Timotei and Bran, Răzvan and Constantin, Veronica and Postăvaru, Gianina Ioana and Ciolan, Ioana Monica and Papuc, Valentin and Moșoi, Ștefan Cristian and Gheorghe, Anamaria Elena and Clucerescu (Tănase), Emilia Elena and Marin, Ştefan Claudiu and Ciorei, Mihaela Andreea and Mărcău, Flavius Cristian and Mihaela, Ruxanda and Marin, Camelia and Enescu, Camelia and Ealangi, Ionuț and Purcaru, Mihai and Pop, Alexandra Raluca and Bojincă, Moise (2012): Research and Science Today Supplement No.1(3)/2012. Published in: Research and Science Today


Daniela, Antonescu and Ioana Cristina, Florescu (2024): The dynamics of regional inequalities in Romania. Comparative analysis between the major crises – financial and sanitary. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 1, No. 6(1), 5–27 (1 February 2024): pp. 5-29.

Daniela, Antonescu (2021): Romania’s urban policy in the context of COVID-19 pandemic time. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 3, No. 2 (24 December 2021): pp. 85-102.

Dax, Thomas and Hovorka, Gerhard (2007): The territorial dimension of the Common Agricultural and Rural Development policy (CAP) and its relation to cohesion objectives. Published in: No. Less Favoured Areas for Agriculture and Rural Areas (8 November 2007): pp. 20-32.

Dhas, Albert Christopher (2009): Agricultural Crisis in India: The Root Cause and Consequences.

Dhas, Albert Christopher and Helen, Mary Jacqueline (2008): Trends in Health Status and Infrastructural Support in Tamil Nadu.

Diaz, Pedro and Koundouri, Phoebe and Rulleau, Benedique and Remoundou, Kyriaki (2012): Valuing Climate Change Mitigation in Coastal Environments Exposed to Extreme Natural Hazards: A choice experiment simulated for different time horizons. Published in:

Dipasquale, Daniela and Torrisi, Gianpiero (2020): Place-specific lockdown? A tentative analysis of the Italian case.

de Silva, Ashton J and Yanotti, Maria and Sinclair, Sarah and Angelopoulos, Sveta and Navon, Yonatan (2023): Mapping local economic recovery paths using pedestrian counts. A City of Melbourne Case Study.


Escalona Reynoso, Rafael (2010): Are Intellectual Property Rights Evolving Towards the Enclosure of the ‘Intangible Commons’? Published in: The Current, The Public Policy Journal of the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs , Vol. 14, No. 1 (2010): pp. 29-42.

Evers, Hans-Dieter and Nordin, Ramli (2012): The symbolic universe of Cyberjaya, Malaysia. Published in: ZEF Working Paper Series No. 95 (5 June 2012): pp. 1-33.


Feng, Lin and Yuan, Liwei (2017): A developmental model on quantifying urban policy effectiveness in port city relations.

Ferraro, Aniello and Agovino, Massimilano and Garofalo, Antonio and Cerciello, Massimilano (2020): A Regional Perspective on Social Exclusion in European Regions: Context, Trends and Policy Implications.


Gabe, Todd (2000): The Effects of Business Assistance Programs on Employment Growth in Maine Establishments.

Gade, Dipak S. and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Blockchain Technology: A Driving Force in Smart Cities Development. Published in: International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML) , Vol. 4, No. 2 (30 December 2020): pp. 237-252.

Gheorghe, Anamaria Elena and Manole, Andrada Ligia and Andronache, Alin and Cristescu, Cătălin and Luca, Cătălin Viorel and Constantin, Pompiliu Nicolae and Rogojanu, Dumitru Cătălin and Luca, Constantin and Duţă, Andeea Emilia and Mărcău, Flavius Cristian and Ciorei, Mihaela Andreea and Marin, Ştefan Claudiu and Mihalache, Gabriela and Liţoiu (MurăriIţa), Cristina and Cigăreanu, Elena and Purcaru, Mihai and Bușe, Dan and Papuc, Valentin (2012): Research and Science Today No.3. Published in: Research and Science Today


H, Gopi and K B, Dr. Rangappa (2023): Socio-Economics Status of an Irrigation Scheme's Beneficiaries with Non-Beneficiaries: A Comparative Study in Karnataka. Published in: Journal of Fundamental and Comparative Research , Vol. X, No. I (II) (June 2023): pp. 75-82.

Hu, Jin-Li and Tsai, Tsung-hsiu and Lung, Hsiao-Lan (2007): Waste Recycling Efficiency in Sub-regions: A Case Study of Taipei County.


Indra, Citra Asmara (2013): Dampak Dari Penambangan Timah Inkonvensional Di Desa Lampur Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. Published in: Society , Vol. 1, No. 2 (1 December 2013): pp. 148-164.

Irimie, Sabin Ioan and Timisan, Ionel Vasile (2012): The status of Framework Programmes Funding of the sustainable development of the Romanian energy sector. Published in: The 63st Freiberg International Research Conference "Sustainable Energy Use", Freiberg, Germany , Vol. 1, No. Scientific Reports on Resource, 2012 (13 June 2012): pp. 347-357.


Ken, Crucita and Asencio, Adelmo Gamaliel (2015): La democracia en México desde el resultado de las políticas públicas vista por el desempeño en el desarrollo de sus entidades federativas. Published in: AMECIDER , Vol. 1, No. 1 (9 May 2015): pp. 1-26.

Ken, Crucita Aurora (2011): El desarrollo sustentable y regional en Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo, y sus perspectivas para el desarrollo local. Published in: Manejo Sostenible De Los Recursos Naturales. Conservación y experiencias , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2 April 2012): pp. 101-121.

Klimov, Blagoy (2010): Challenging path dependence? Ideational mapping of nationalism and the EU’s transformative power: The case of infrastructural politics in SEE.

Koundouri, Phoebe and Gonzalez Davila, Osiel and Pantelidis, Theologos (2015): Measuring the Economic Value of Sustainable River Basin Management: The Full-Preference Rank Method. Published in:


Lago-Peñas, Santiago and Lago-Peñas, Ignacio (2013): La atribución de responsabilidades políticas en Estados descentralizados.


METAXAS, IOANNIS and Metaxas, Theodore (2022): Putting cities in the framework of Sustainable Development; Evolution, Evaluation and Features of SDG 11.

MUREŞAN, Adriana Rodica and CRISTESCU, Cătălin and RUSU, Anca-Elena and MĂRCĂU, Flavius-Cristian and CIOREI, Mihaela Andreea and CIUBOTARU, Iulian Marcel and DAMIAN, Irina and ŞERBAN, Ileana Daniela and POPA (LUPU), Diana-Gabriela and GHEORGHE, Anamaria Elena and GHERVASE, Denis – Gabriela and IOSIF, Daniel and MARIN, Ştefan - Claudiu and MARIN, Camelia and RUXANDA, Mihaela (2011): Research and Science Today No.2. Published in: Research and Science Today

Mallick, Iftekhar (2012): Major impacts of microfinance on the poor: snapshots from Bangladesh. Published in: : pp. 1-17.

Marcucci, Edoardo and Marini, Marco (2001): Individual uncertainty and the political acceptability of road pricing policies. Published in: Schade J., Schlabe, K. (eds.) Acceptability of Transport Pricing Strategies, Elsevier Science , Vol. Elsevi, (2003): pp. 279-297.

Marques, Bruno Pereira and Carvalho, Rui (2010): Local development initiatives in metropolitan areas' suburban municipalities: a comparative case-study between Amadora (Lisbon-PT) and Diadema (São Paulo-BR). Published in: 16th Portuguese Association for Regional Development Congress Proceedings (2010): pp. 1053-1083.

Marques, Bruno Pereira and Coelho, Ana Filipa and Piteira, Carla (2010): Infrastructures and Development: impacts of future public projects on Palmela municipality. Published in: 16th Portuguese Association for Regional Development Congress Proceedings (2010): pp. 2657-2678.

Matteucci, Nicola and Seri, Paolo (2015): Editoriale: “La PA digitale: un ossimoro italiano?”. Forthcoming in: Prisma , Vol. 2015, No. 1 (2015)

Maulana, Ardian and Hokky, Situngkir (2024): Exploring The Spatial Structure of Interregional Supply Chain: A Multilayer Network Approach. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-2-2024 (7 May 2024)

Medved, Anna and Shcherbakova, Darya (2018): Факторы инвестиционной привлекательности регионов России. Published in: Russian Public Policy

Metaxas, Theodore and Karagiannis, Dimitris (2015): Peloponnesus: a unique example of unorthodox regional development: Can the gastronomic tradition show the right path?

Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2012): Geography of waste as a new approach in waste management study. Published in: Papers of Geographic Seminar “ Dimitrie Cantemir” , Vol. 33, (2012): pp. 39-46.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Ichim, Pavel (2013): Landfills – territorial issues of cities from North-East Region, Romania. Published in: Forum Geografic. Geographical studies and environment protection research , Vol. 12, No. 2 (2013): pp. 201-2010.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Lamasanu, Andreea and Apostol, Liviu (2012): Regional Disparities in Urban Population Access to Sanitation Services. Case Study: Romania. Published in: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Special issue , Vol. 3, No. 6 (2012): pp. 281-287.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): The Impacts of Water Pollution on Economic Development in Sudan.

Moreira, Paulo (2013): A ligação ferroviária do Porto de Sines como elemento estruturante de desenvolvimento regional.

Moreira, Paulo Pires (2013): TERMINAL DE CONTENTORES NA TRAFARIA: Not in my backyard?

Muravchenko, Viktor (2003): Законодательные требования субъектов Российской Федерации к муниципальным должностям муниципальной службы. Published in: Законодательные требования субъектов Российской Федерации к муниципальным должностям муниципальной службы / Актуальные проблемы правотворчества и правоприменения: Межвузовский сборник научных трудов. – Омск: НОУ ВПО «Омский юридический институт». (2003): pp. 184-194.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2005): Соотношение понятий должностное лицо и муниципальный служащий. Published in: Культурологическое исследование в Сибири. No. № 2 (16). (2005): pp. 132-140.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2002): Правовой статус муниципального служащего в субъектах Российской Федерации. Published in: Вестник Омского государственного Аграрного университета. No. 2 (2002): pp. 80-83.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2003): Правовое закрепление субъектами Российской Федерации принципов муниципальной службы. Published in: Катанаевские чтения: Сборник научных трудов, посвященный военному администратору и ученому генерал-лейтенанту Георгию Ефремовичу Катанаеву (1848-1921). (2003): pp. 203-218.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2003): Меры ответственности муниципальных служащих в законодательстве Российской Федерации. Published in: Материалы VIII семинара-совещания АСДГ руководителей юридических служб администраций городов Сибири и Дальнего Востока «Реформа местного самоуправления: очередной этап. Новое законодательство: арбитражный процесс и трудовое право», Новосибирск. No. № 67. (2003)

Muravchenko, Viktor (2005): Проблемы управления муниципальной службой в законодательстве субъектов Российской Федерации. Published in: Вестник Омского государственного университета. Серия «Право». No. № 3 (4). (2005): pp. 70-76.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2005): Соотношение понятий должностное лицо и муниципальный служащий. Published in: Культурологическое исследование в Сибири. No. № 2 (16). (2005): pp. 132-140.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2004): Предмет муниципальной службы. Published in: Проблемы культуры городов: Материалы V всероссийского научно-практического семинара. Омск: Издательский дом «Наука». (2004): pp. 196-201.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Толкование отдельных ключевых понятий муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Практическое использование основных понятий муниципальной службы в субъектах Российской Федерации.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Соотношение основных понятий и терминов муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Учреждение муниципальных должностей.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Способы и порядок поступления на муниципальную службу.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Конкурсный порядок подбора кадров на муниципальную службу.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Основные положения аттестации муниципального служащего.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Виды профессионального дополнительного образования муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Основные права муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Основные обязанности муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Основные ограничения муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Закрепление основных положений муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа приоритета прав и свобод человека и гражданина в законодательстве муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа ответственности муниципальных служащих за неисполнение или ненадлежащее исполнение своих должностных обязанностей.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа внепартийности муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа законности муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа равного доступа граждан к муниципальной службе.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа разграничения предметов ведения и полномочий между органами государственной власти и органами местного самоуправления.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа равенства прав и обязанностей муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепления принципа гласности в законодательстве о муниципальной службе.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление субъектами Российской Федерации принципа стабильности муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Дисциплинарная ответственность муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Материальная ответственность муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Уголовная ответственность муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Гражданско-правовая ответственность муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Административная ответственность муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Единые требования к муниципальным должностям муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Процедура оценки муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Российское законодательство об установлении гарантий муниципальным служащим.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Состав денежного содержания муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Система гарантий муниципальных служащих.

Mărcău, Flavius-Cristian and Ciorei, Mihaela (2012): Research and Science Today No. 4. Published in: Research and Science Today No. 2(4)/2012


Nakazawa, Kasuyoshi (2016): Identifying Discretion of Municipalities to Undertake Eligibility Assessments for Japan’s Long-Term Care Insurance Program.

Naude, Cliff (2018): Using Road Freight Movements Survey data to estimate road freight transport quotients and regional road freight flows in Australia. Published in: Refereed Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Regional Science Association International , Vol. 2018, No. 42 (February 2019): pp. 70-90.

Novak, Branko and Matić, Branko and Stjepanović, Slobodanka (2003): ISSUING POLICIES IN CURRENCIES DENOMINATED IN EUROS AND EUROCENTS. Published in: ICES 2003, From Transition to Development: Globalisation and Political Economy of Evelopment in Transition Economies. (2004): pp. 911-923.


Ofori, Isaac K. and Asongu, Simplice A. (2022): Repackaging FDI for Inclusive Growth: Nullifying Effects and Policy Relevant Thresholds of Governance.


Pal, Rupayan and Sharma, Ajay (2016): Competition for Foreign Capital under Asymmetric Revenue-Orientation. Published in: Indian Economic Review , Vol. 1/2, No. 51 (December 2016): pp. 105-116.

Pal, Rupayan and Sharma, Ajay (2018): Preferences over public good, political delegation and leadership in tax competition. Published in: Public Finance Review

Parsisson, David and Hanley, N and Spash, Clive L. (1994): Nitrate pollution due to agriculture, project report No.2: cross compliance of agricultural and environmental policies.

Photis, Yorgos N. and Koutsopoulos, Kostis (1996): Decentralisation: a One-to-many Relationship. The Case of Greece. Published in: Book Mediterranean Multiregionality. Regional Analysis and Planning in the Mediterranean Regions (1996): pp. 144-155.

Pradhan, Kanhu Charan (2013): Unacknowledged Urbanisation: The New Census Towns of India. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 36, No. Vol - XLVIII (7 September 2013): pp. 43-51.

Pérez Blanco, Carlos Dionisio and Gómez, Carlos Mario (2014): Drought management plans and water availability in agriculture:A risk assessment model for a Southern European basin. Published in: Weather and Climate Extremes , Vol. 4, No. 4 (1 August 2014): pp. 11-18.


Remoundou, Kyriaki and Adaman, Fikret and Koundouri, Phoebe and Nunes, Paulo A.L.D. (2011): Are Preferences For Environmental Quality Sensitive to Financial Funding Schemes? Evidence from a Marine Restoration Programme in the Black Sea. Published in:

Rossi, Federica and Caloffi, Annalisa and Russo, Margherita (2015): Networked by design: Can policy requirements influence organisations’ networking behaviour? Forthcoming in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2016)

Roy, Chandan and Barman, Jiten (2012): Child Labour & Inclusive Education in Backward Districts of India. Published in: International Journal of Education , Vol. No. 4, No. No. 4 (20 December 2012): pp. 311-327.


Sharma, Ajay and Pal, Rupayan (2019): Nash Equilibrium in Tax and Public Investment Competition. Forthcoming in: International Review of Economics and Finance (17 March 2019)

Singh, Radhika and Joshi, Shail (2020): Managing the Water Crisis in Bundelkhand, India: A Governance Approach.

Steiner, Bodo (2006): Governance Reform of German food safety regulation: Cosmetic or real? Published in: European Food Safety Regulation: The Challenge of Multi-Level Governance (2006): pp. 181-210.

Stukach, Victor and Zadvorneva, Evgeniyf (2018): Продовольственное обеспечение столичного мегаполиса Республики Казахстан: институты инфраструктуры, потенциал местного производства, обеспечение питанием социально незащищенных слоев населения.


Torrisi, Gianpiero and Pike, Andy and Tomaney, John and Tselios, Vassilis (2011): (Re-)exploring the link between devolution and regional disparities in Italy.


Vecchione, Gaetano (2010): EU rural policy: proposal and application of an agricultural sustainability index.


Wada, Roy and Herbert, Zahirovic-Herbert (2009): Distribution of Demand for School Quality: Evidence from Quantile Regression.

Wu, Cheng (2024): Consumption Theory and Why Any GOP Candidate, Including J.D. Vance, Would Have Won the 2024 Election: Comment and Update to the Original Paper of 2016 (“Economics and How Obama Could Have Lost the 2016 Election Too”).


Xu, Tao and Hu, Yabei (2023): Towards Sustainable Prosperity? Policy Evaluation of Jiangsu Advanced Manufacturing Clusters. Published in: Technology in Society , Vol. 77, (21 May 2024)


Yawson, Robert M. (2004): Management of technology in Ghana – problems & prospects. Published in: International Association for Management of Technology, , Vol. April, No. Washington, DC, USA


Zadvorneva>, Evgeniya and Stukach, Victor (2018): Столица Казахстана: институциональная среда агропродовольственного рынка, инфраструктура продовольственного снабжения мегаполиса. Published in: Издательство Омского государственного аграрного университета , Vol. 181, No. Серия Региональная инфраструктура АПК (February 2019): pp. 3-181.


Задворнева, Евгения and Стукач, Виктор (2017): Развитие пригородного агропродовольственного комплекса столицы Казахстана до 2030: сбалансированность в продовольственном обеспечении мегаполиса, приоритеты.


Муравченко, Виктор (2005): Управление муниципальной службой. Published in: Вестник Омского отделения Академии гуманитарных наук. No. № 7 (2005): pp. 67-77.

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