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Items where Subject is "Q53 - Air Pollution ; Water Pollution ; Noise ; Hazardous Waste ; Solid Waste ; Recycling"

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Number of items at this level: 406.


Abueg, Luisito (2019): A survey of the ocean’s plastic waste problem, and some policy developments of the Philippines.

Ackah, Ishmael (2015): Empirical relationship between charcoal production and the social cost of carbon emissions.

Agaton, Casper (2017): Coal, Renewable, or Nuclear? A Real Options Approach to Energy Investments in the Philippines. Published in: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research , Vol. 6, No. 2 (18 December 2017): pp. 50-62.

Agbloyor, Elikplimi Kolma and Dwumfour, Richard Adjei and Pan, Lei and Yawson, Alfred (2021): Carbon emissions and banking stability: Global evidence.

Ahmad, Saba (2024): Assessment of Drinking Water Quality: Its Health and Marketing Impacts.

Alam, Mohammad Masud and Zakaria, AFM (2013): A Probit Estimation of Urban Bases of Environmental Awareness: Evidence from Sylhet City, Bangladesh. Published in: Development Compilation , Vol. 09, No. 01 (2013)

Ali, Amjad and Ahmad, Khalil (2014): The Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Life Expectancy for Sultanate of Oman: An Empirical Analysis. Published in:

Ali, Amjad and Ahmad, Khalil (2014): The Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Life Expectancy for Sultanate of Oman: An Empirical Analysis. Published in: Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research , Vol. 22, No. 2 (2014): pp. 218-224.

Alinsato, Alastaire Sèna (2008): An analytical framework toward the use of emission taxes: The Study case of Cotonou (Rep of Benin).

Allen, Osvalso and Brown, Ava and Wang, Ersong (2021): Socioeconomic Disparities in the Effects of Pollution on Spread of Covid-19: Evidence from US Counties. Published in: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies , Vol. 12, No. 6(J) (9 February 2021): pp. 33-42.

Alva González, Miguel Ángel (2008): Environmentally Unfriendly Consumption Behaviour: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence from Private Motorists in Mexico City.

Ang, James and Sen, Kumal (2009): Private Saving in India and Malaysia Compared: The Role of Financial Liberalization and Expected Pension Benefits.

Apostol, Liviu and Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2012): Rural waste management:challenges and issues in Romania. Published in: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , Vol. 6, No. 2 (2012): pp. 105-114.

Apostol, Liviu and Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2011): The process of closing down rural landfills Case study : Neamț county. Published in: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2011): pp. 167-174.

Asproudis, Elias and Weyman-Jones, Tom (2011): Third parties �participation in tradable permits market. Do we need them?

Asuamah Yeboah, Samuel (2023): Driving Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Consumption: Technological Innovations in Circular Economy Strategies and Industrial Symbiosis.

Attavanich, Witsanu (2017): Impact of the First-Time Car Buyer Program on the Environmental Cost of Air Pollution in Bangkok.

Auci, Sabrina and Castelli, Annalisa (2011): Pollution and economic growth: a maximum likelihood estimation of environmental Kuznets curve.

Auci, Sabrina and Trovato, Giovanni (2011): The environmental Kuznets curve within European countries and sectors: greenhouse emission, production function and technology.

Auci, Sabrina and Vignani, Donatella (2013): Environmental Kuznets curve and domestic material consumption indicator: an European analysis.

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2018): Determinants of Environmental Degradation under the Perspective of Globalization: A Panel Analysis of Selected MENA Nations.

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2016): Environmental Degradation, Energy consumption, Population Density and Economic Development in Lebanon: A time series Analysis (1971-2014).

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2016): Environmental Degradation, Energy consumption, Population Density and Economic Development in Lebanon: A time series Analysis (1971-2014). Published in: Journal of International Finance and Economics , Vol. 17, No. 1 (2017): pp. 7-20.

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2017): Socio-Economic Development, Demographic Changes And Total Labor Productivity In Pakistan: A Co-Integrational and Decomposition Analysis. Published in: Journal of Academy of Business and Economics , Vol. 17, No. 2 (June 2017): pp. 7-24.

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2017): Socio-Economic Development, Demographic Changes and Total Labor Productivity in Pakistan: A Co-Integrational and Decomposition Analysis.

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2016): Socio-Economic Status and Life Expectancy in Lebanon: An Empirical Analysis.

Avik, Sinha and Tuhin, Sengupta (2019): Impact of Energy Mix on Nitrous Oxide Emissions: An Environmental Kuznets Curve approach for APEC countries. Published in: Environmental Science and Pollution Research , Vol. 26, No. 3 (2019): pp. 2613-2622.


Aziz, Ghazala (2011): Global Concern for the Environment – Rhetoric or Real.


Bachev, Hrabrin (2022): Управленчески форми за снабдяване на агро-екосистемни услуги от земеделските стопанства в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Agricultural water management in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2015): An Approach to Assess Sustainability of Agricultural Farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2014): Environmental Management in Agriculture – Case of Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2017): Environmental sustainability of Bulgarian agricultural Farms – assessment, state, factors.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ito, Fusao (2017): Agricultural impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake - six years later.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bodjidar and Toteva, Desislava and Sokolova, Emilia (2017): Sustainability level of Bulgarian agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Yovchevska, Plamena and Mitova, Dilyana and Toteva, Desislava and Mitov, Anton (2013): Еко-управление в българското селското стопанство.

Baer, Paul and Spash, Clive L. (2008): Cost-benefit Analysis of Climate Change: Stern Revisited.

Bakari, Sayef and Othmani, Abdelhafidh and Mabrouki, Mohamed (2017): Do Incidences of Contamination Hurt Tunisian Economic Flourishing?

Balcombe, Kelvin and Fraser, Iain and Sharma, Abhijit (2012): Is Radiative Forcing Cointegrated with Temperature? A Further Examination Using a Structural Time Series Approach.

Ball, Alastair (2014): Air pollution, foetal mortality, and long-term health: Evidence from the Great London Smog.

Balsalobre-Lorente, Daniel and Driha, Oana M. and Shahbaz, Muhammad and Sinha, Avik (2020): The effects of tourism and globalization over environmental degradation in developed countries. Published in: Environmental Science and Pollution Research , Vol. 27, (2020): 7130-7144..

Balsalobre-Lorente, Daniel and Driha, Oana M. and Sinha, Avik (2020): The dynamic effects of globalization process in analysing N-shaped tourism led growth hypothesis. Published in: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management , Vol. 43, (2020): pp. 42-52.

Baraldi, Anna Laura and Cantabene, Claudia and De Iudicibus, Alessandro (2023): Fighting crime for improved recycling: evaluating an anti-mafia policy on source separation of waste.

Baraldi, Anna Laura and Fosco, Giovanni (2024): Clearing the Air: Women in Politics and Air Pollution.

Barkin, David and Klooster, Daniel (2006): Water management strategies in urban Mexico: Limitations of the privatization debate.

Barron, Manuel and Torero, Maximo (2015): Household Electrification and Indoor Air Pollution.

Basu Roy, Sharanya (2017): Ganga Action Plan(GAP): The Challenge of ‘Regulatory Quality’.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet (2023): How spillovers from pollution cleanup in the Ganges affect welfare in Kanpur and Varanasi.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet (2023): The representative Kanpur tannery’s Ganges water pollution problem.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Beladi, Hamid (2023): Centralized versus Decentralized Cleanup of River Water Pollution: An Application to the Ganges.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Beladi, Hamid (2024): Decentralized vs. Centralized Water Pollution Cleanup in the Ganges in a Model with Three Cities.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Yoo, Seung Jick (2023): Heterogeneity in population and values and water pollution control: The Ganges in Kanpur and Varanasi, India.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet (2022): Tanneries in Kanpur and pollution in the Ganges: a theoretical analysis.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Beladi, Hamid (2018): Probabilistic Approaches to Cleaning the Ganges in Varanasi to Attract Tourists.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Kourtit, Karima and Nijkamp, Peter (2022): Polluting tanneries and small farmers in Kanpur, India: a theoretical analysis.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Yoo, Seung Jick (2022): A Theoretical Analysis of Costs, Waste Treatment, Pollution in the Ganges, and Leather Production by Tanneries in Kanpur, India.

Beard, Rodney (2007): Rent seeking, interest groups and environmental lobbying: Cane Farmers versus Great Barrier Reef Protectionists.

Bell, William Paul and Wild, Phillip and Foster, John and Michael, Hewson (2015): Wind speed and electricity demand correlation analysis in the Australian National Electricity Market: Determining wind turbine generators’ ability to meet electricity demand without energy storage. Forthcoming in: Economic Analysis and Policy , Vol. 2015, (2015): pp. 1-10.

Bilgili, Faik and Mugaloglu, Erhan and Koçak, Emrah (2018): The impact of oil prices on CO2 emissions in China: A Wavelet coherence approach.

Bista, Raghu (2019): Industrial Waste and Urban Bio-diversity in Developing country: Mapping Aquatic Biodiversity in Nepal. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Business Law and Technology Management , Vol. 2, No. 2 (29 December 2019): pp. 11-17.

Borghesi, Simone and Vercelli, Alessandro (2010): Greenhouse gas emissions and the energy system: decomposition analysis and the environmental Kuznets curve.

Bosupeng, Mpho (2016): Is China’s Target of a 40-45% Reduction in Carbon Dioxide Emissions Plausible? Forthcoming in: Environmental & Socio-economic Studies , Vol. 5, No. 1 (31 March 2017)

Brahim, DJEMACI (2015): Using a Contingent Valuation Approach for Improved Household Solid Waste Management in Algeria.

Bukvić, Rajko (2015): Загађивање атмосфере и механизми Кјотског протокола: да ли је тржиште универзално решење? Published in: Globalizacija i kultura (Globalization and Culture), Institut društvenih nauka – Centar za ekonomska istraživanja (Institute of Social Sciences – Center for Economic Researches), Beograd (Belgrade), 2015 (28 May 2015): pp. 189-197.

Bukvić, Rajko (2015): Рыночные механизмы сокращения выбросов парниковых газов и активности и перспективы России. Published in: Вестник НГИЭИ (Vestnik NGIEI) , Vol. 6, No. 9 (52) (2015): pp. 23-38.

Bukvić, Rajko (2017): Ефекат стакленика, глобално загревање и Кјотски протокол. Published in: 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference Eurobrand, 24-26 November 2017, Zrenjanin, TQM Center – Inventive Center, Zrenjanin, 2017 (2017): pp. 43-72.

Bukvić, Rajko and Kartavykh, Marina and Zakharov, Vladimir (2015): Mechanisms and projects for reducing greenhouse gases emissions in Russia. Published in: The Environment , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2015): pp. 15-23.

Bukvić, Rajko and Pajović, Ivan (2017): Региональные схемы рыночных механизмов регулирования выбросов парниковых газов: опыт и перспективы. Published in: Теория и практика гармонизации взаимодействия природных, социальных и производственных систем региона, Саранск: Издательство Мордовского университета , Vol. 1, (2017): pp. 78-87.

Bukvić, Rajko and Petrović, Dragan (2017): Парниковый эффект и рыночные механизмы Киотского протокола. Published in: Вестник НГИЭИ (Vestnik NGIEI) , Vol. 8, No. 1 (68) (January 2017): pp. 139-158.

Bukvić, Rajko and Voronov, Mikhail and Chasovskikh, Viktor (2015): Киотский протокол и активность России: механизмы сокращения выбросов парниковых газов. Published in: Эко-Потенциал (Eco-Potential) , Vol. 3, No. 2 (10) (2015): pp. 42-54.

Bukvić, Rajko and Zakharov, Vladimir and Kartavykh, Marina (2015): Механизмы регулирования выбросов парниковых газов и Киотский протокол. Published in: Экологическое образование для устойчивого развития: теория и педагогическая реальность, Нижний Новгород, Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции, НГПУ им. К. Минина, Нижний Новгород, 2015 (1 October 2015): pp. 453-459.


Cabrera, José María and Caffera, Marcelo and Cid, Alejandro (2020): Modest and Incomplete Incentives May Have Very Large Effects: The Impact of Prices on the Demand for Plastic Bags.

Cabrera, José María and Caffera, Marcelo and Cid, Alejandro (2021): Modest and incomplete incentives may work: Pricing plastic bags in Uruguay.

Chaijaroen, Pasita and Panda, Pallavi (2025): Air Pollution and Fertility Outcomes in Thailand.

Chakraborti, Lopamudra (2019): Impact of Upstream Plant Level Pollution on Downstream Water Quality: Evidence from the Clean Water Act.

Chakraborti, Lopamudra (2020): Regulator Reputation Effects in Developing Countries: Evidence from the Toxics Pollution Registry of Mexico.

Chatterjee, Nilendu and Gupta, Kausik and Chatterjee, Tonmoy (2015): Revisiting the Conflicts between ‘Environmental Taxes vs Standard’ in the Context of International Trade: The Role of Waste Recycling.

Chatterjee, Sushmita and Dhavala, Kishore and M N, Murty (2005): Estimating Cost of Air Pollution Abatement for Road Transport in India: Case Studies of Andhra Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. Forthcoming in: Economic and Political Weekly

Chatterjee, Sushmita and Dhavala, Kishore and M N, Murty (2005): Estimating Cost of Air Pollution Abatement for Road Transport in India: Case Studies of Andhra Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 42, No. 36 (8 September 2007): pp. 3662-3668.

Chatterjee, Sushmita and Dhavala, Kishore Kumar and M N, Murty (2005): Estimating Cost of Air Pollution Abatement for Road Transport in India: Case Studies of Andhra Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. VOL 42, No. No. 36 (8 September 2007): pp. 3662-3668.

Chatterjee, Tonmoy (2014): Environmental Legislation and International Trade: Theory, Policy and Indian experience.

Chen, Yenming and Wu, Tien-Hua (2010): The diffusion dynamics of the informal sector and sustainable WEEE supply chain.

Chen, Ying (2020): Pollution Regulations, Air Quality, and the Local Economy.

Chen, Ying (2020): Pollution Regulations, Local Labor Markets, and Skill Heterogeneity.

Cheng, Zhiming and Wang, Ben (2015): Valuing the environment: Happiness and willingness-to-pay.

Ciriaci, Daria and Palma, Daniela (2010): Geography, environmental efficiency and Italian economic growth: a spatially-adapted Environmental Kuznets Curve.

Croner, Daniel and Koller, Wolfgang and Mahlberg, Bernhard (2018): Economic drivers of greenhouse gas-emissions in small open economies: A hierarchical structural decomposition analysis.


Das, Amarendra (2009): Does Firm Ownership Differentiate Environmental Compliance? Evidence from Indian Chromite Mining Industry.

Destek, Mehmet and Sinha, Avik (2020): Renewable, non-renewable energy consumption, economic growth, trade openness and ecological footprint: Evidence from organisation for economic Co-operation and development countries. Published in: Journal of Cleaner Production , Vol. 242, (2020): p. 118537.

Di Foggia, Giacomo and Beccarello, Massimo (2018): Improving efficiency in the MSW collection and disposal service combining price cap and yardstick regulation: The Italian case. Published in: Waste Management No. 79 (2018): pp. 223-231.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2011): Carbon emission and production technology: evidence from the US.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2020): A Circular Economy Approach for Sustainable Economic Development. Published in: International Journal of Green Economics , Vol. 14, No. 2 (September 2020): pp. 174-189.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2016): A Circular Economy Approach for Sustainable Economic Growth.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2006): Globalization and Environment: Can Pollution Haven Hypothesis alone explain the impact of Globalization on Environment?

Dinda, Soumyananda and Coondoo, Dipankor (2001): Income and Emission: A Panel Data based Cointegration Analysis. Published in: Ecological Economics , Vol. 57, No. 2 (15 May 2006): pp. 167-181.

Djemaci, Brahim (2016): Forecast future production of municipal waste on the basis of a panel data model in Algeria.

Djemaci, Brahim and Khelafi, Hakima and Fedghouche, Youssera (2020): الإطار النظري لنظام الدفع-الاسترداد في مجال نفايات التغليف.

Dobrescu, Emilian M. and Susanu, Monica and Oprea, Raducan (2009): Sustainable Development Concerning with Mankind’s Climate Changes. Published in: The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University, Fascicle I Economics and Applied Informatics, 2009, ISSN 1584-0409 , Vol. II, No. XV (25 December 2009): pp. 827-838.

Dosa, Ion and Marica, Laura (2017): Efficiency assesment of a lignite-fired steam generator. Published in: MultiScience-XXXI, microCAD International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference No. ISBN:978-963-358-132-2 (20 April 2017)

Drago, Carlo and Arnone, Massimo and Leogrande, Angelo (2025): Exploring N₂O Emissions at World Level: Advanced Econometric and Machine Learning Approaches in the ESG Context.


Ekonomou, George and Halkos, George (2024): Circular Economy and agribusiness sector: Creating long-run benefits for the environment.

Eva, Mihail and Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Munteanu, Alina-Violeta (2019): Sustainability of the transport sector during the last 20 years: evidences from a panel of 35 countries. Published in: 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference on Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation SGEM 2019, Conference Proceedings , Vol. 19, No. 5.1 (July 2019): pp. 687-694.


FAKHRI, ISSAOUI and HASSEN, TOUMI and WASSIM, TOUILI (2015): Effects Of CO2 Emissions On Economic Growth, Urbanization And Welfare: Application To Mena Countries.

Ferrara, Ida and Missios, Paul (2011): A Cross-Country Study of Household Waste Prevention and Recycling: Assessing the Effective of Policy Instruments. Published in: Land Economics , Vol. 88, No. 4 (2012): pp. 710-744.

Ferrara, Ida and Missios, Paul (2016): Reduce, Reuse or Recycle? Household Decisions over Waste Prevention and Recycling.

Fiorillo, Damiano (2011): Household waste recycling: national survey evidence from Italy.

Fiorillo, Damiano and Senatore, Luigi (2016): Self Image and Environmental Attitude and Behavior.

Fleischer, Tamás (2010): About the Future Perspectives of Inland Waterway Freight in Central Europe. Published in: Proceedings of the SoNorA University Think Tank Conferences; Mathias Gather (ed.); Attila Lüttmerding (ed.) ISSN 1868-8411 No. 5 (2010): pp. 43-50.

Flores, Bryan and Alvarado, Rafael (2022): Influencia de la Renta de Recursos Naturales y la Inversión Extranjera en la Degradación Ambiental de Ecuador.

Franckx, Laurent and Van Hyfte, Annick and Bogaert, Sarah and Vermoote, Stijn and Hunt, Alistair (2009): Environment related health costs in Flanders.

Franke, Richard (2021): Poverty, pollution, and mortality: The 1918 influenza pandemic in a developing German economy.

Fu, Shihe and Gu, Yizhen (2014): Highway toll and air pollution: evidence from Chinese cities.

Fu, Shihe and Guo, Mengmeng (2017): Running with a Mask? The Effect of Air Pollution on Marathon Runners’ Performance.

Fu, Shihe and Viard, Brian and Zhang, Peng (2017): Air Quality and Manufacturing Firm Productivity: Nationwide Estimates for China.

Fu, Shihe and Viard, Brian and Zhang, Peng (2019): Trans-Boundary Air Pollution Spillovers: Physical Transport and Economic Costs by Distance.

Fujii, Hidemichi and Cao, Jing and Managi, Shunsuke (2014): Decomposition of productivity considering multi-environmental pollutants in Chinese industrial sector. Forthcoming in:

Fujii, Hidemichi and Kaneko, Shinji and Managi, Shunsuke (2009): Changes in Environmentally Sensitive Productivity and Technological Modernization in China’s Iron and Steel Industry in the 1990s. Published in: Environmental and Development Economics , Vol. 15, No. 4 (2010): pp. 485-504.

Fujii, Hidemichi and Managi, Shunsuke (2012): Decomposition of toxic chemical substance management in three U.S. manufacturing sectors from 1991 to 2008. Forthcoming in: Journal of Industrial Ecology

Fujii, Hidemichi and Managi, Shunsuke (2015): Economic development and multiple air pollutant emissions from the industrial sector.

Fujii, Hidemichi and Managi, Shunsuke (2012): Productive inefficiency analysis and toxic chemical substances in US and Japanese manufacturing sectors. Published in: Asian Business & Management

Fujii, Hidemichi and Managi, Shunsuke and Kaneko, Shinji (2019): Decomposition analysis of air pollution abatement in China: Empirical study for ten industrial sectors from 1998 to 2009. Published in: Journal of Cleaner Production


Ghiurca, Ana-Andreea and Lamasanu, Andreea and Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2012): Environmental education in rural areas - a real support for sustainable development,. Published in: Lucrări Știintifice Seria Horticultura , Vol. 55, No. 2 (2012): pp. 117-122.

Ghiurca, Ana-Andreea and Lamasanu, Andreea and Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2012): The anthropogenic influence on Cuejdi River water quality. Published in: Lucrări Ştiinţifice – seria Agronomie , Vol. 55, No. 2 (2012): pp. 331-335.

Giovanis, Eleftherios (2014): Evaluation of Ozone Smog Alerts on Actual Ozone Concentrations:A Case study in North Carolina.

Giovanis, Eleftherios (2014): Relationship between Recycling Rate and Air Pollution in the State of Massachusetts.

Giovanis, Eleftherios and Ozdamar, Oznur (2018): Health status, mental health and air quality: evidence from pensioners in Europe. Published in: Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Giovanis, Eleftherios and Ozdamar, Oznur (2014): Relationship between health status and recycling rates: Evidence from Great Britain.

Giovanis, Eleftherios and Ozdamar, Oznur (2014): The effects of Air Pollution on Health Status in Great Britain.

Grozavu, Adrian and Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2018): Environmental Risks between Conceptualization and Action. Published in: Environmental Risks No. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.81072 (10 ['lib/utils:month_18' not defined] 0002): pp. 1-12.

Gómez-Ríos, María del Carmen and Juárez-Luna, David (2018): Costo de generación eléctrica incorporando externalidades ambientales: Mezcla óptima de tecnologías de carga base.

Gómez-Ríos, María del Carmen and Juárez-Luna, David (2018): Precio de las emisiones de CO2 en la generación eléctrica.


Hajibabaei, Ehsan and Ghasmi, Alireza and Hosseini, Seyed Abbas (2017): Numerical Investigation of Head Frontal Velocity of nonconservative Dense Flows in Small Inclined Beds. Published in: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) , Vol. 4, No. 2 (February 2017): pp. 457-462.

Halkos, George and Argyropoulou, Georgia (2024): Use of indexes in evaluating environmental and health efficiency.

Halkos, George and Aslanidis, Panagiotis-Stavros (2024): Reviewing the integrated institutional framework for circular economy in the European Union.

Halkos, George (2010): Construction of abatement cost curves: The case of F-gases.

Halkos, George (2013): Cost-effectiveness analysis in reducing nutrient loading in Baltic and Black Seas: A review.

Halkos, George (2000): Determining optimal air quality standards: Quantities or prices? Published in: Archieves of Economic History , Vol. 2, No. XIV (2002): pp. 61-82.

Halkos, George (1993): Economic incentives for optimal sulphur abatement in Europe. Published in: Energy Sources , Vol. 17, No. 5 (1995): pp. 517-534.

Halkos, George (2013): Uncertainty in optimal pollution levels: Modeling the benefit area.

Halkos, George (2012): The impact of government expenditure on the environment: An empirical investigation.

Halkos, George and Barmpoudaki, Kyriaki and Voulagkas, George and Tsilika, Kyriaki (2018): Exploring the EMEP Input-Output model of air pollution.

Halkos, George and Kevork, Ilias and Tziourtzioumis, Chris (2014): Emissions and abatement costs for the passenger cars sector in Greece.

Halkos, George and Kevork, Ilias and Tziourtzioumis, Chris (2014): Greenhouse gas emissions and marginal abatement cost curves for the road transport in Greece.

Halkos, George and Kitsou, Dimitra (2014): A weighted location differential tax method in environmental problems.

Halkos, George and Managi, Shunsuke and Tsilika, Kyriaki (2018): Spatiotemporal distribution of inclusive wealth data: An illustrated guide.

Halkos, George and Paizanos, Epameinondas (2015): Effects of Macroeconomic Policy on Air Quality: Evidence from the US.

Halkos, George and Paizanos, Epameinondas (2014): Exploring the effect of economic growth and government expenditure on the environment.

Halkos, George and Papageorgiou, George (2014): Controlling polluting firms: Nash and Stackelberg strategies.

Halkos, George and Papageorgiou, George (2015): Dynamical methods in Environmental and Resource Economics.

Halkos, George and Papageorgiou, George (2014): Exploring the optimality of cyclical emission rates.

Halkos, George and Papageorgiou, George (2017): Public debt, pollution and environmental taxes: Nash and Stackelberg equilibria.

Halkos, George and Papageorgiou, George (2014): Spatial environmental efficiency indicators in regional waste generation: A nonparametric approach.

Halkos, George and Petrou, Kleoniki Natalia (2018): Assessment of national waste generation in EU Member States’ efficiency.

Halkos, George and Petrou, Kleoniki Natalia (2016): Efficient waste management practices: A review.

Halkos, George and Petrou, Kleoniki Natalia (2018): ‘Waste culture’ assessment using Hofstede’s and Schwartz’s cultural dimensions – an EU case study.

Halkos, George and Polemis, Michael (2016): Examining the impact of financial development on the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis.

Halkos, George and Polemis, Michael (2016): The good, the bad and the ugly? Balancing environmental and economic impacts towards efficiency.

Halkos, George and Tsilika, Kyriaki (2017): Computational analysis of source receptor air pollution problems.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos and Kourtzidis, Stavros (2014): Abating CO2 emissions in the Greek energy and industry sectors.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos and Tzeremes, Panagiotis (2014): A nonparametric approach for evaluating long-term energy policy scenarios: An application to the Greek energy system.

Halkos, George E (1993): Optimal sulphur emissions abatement in Europe.

Hancevic, Pedro and Lopez-Aguilar, Javier (2017): Energy efficiency programs in the context of increasing block tariffs: The case of residential electricity in Mexico.

Hao, Zhengzheng and Sturm, Astrid and Wätzold, Frank (2020): A novel spatially explicit hydro-economic modelling procedure to design cost-effective agri-environment schemes for mitigating nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural land.

Haq, Mirajul and Usman Mustafa, Usman and Ahmad, Iftikhar (2008): Household’s willingness to pay for safe drinking water: A case study of Abbottabad district. Published in: The Pakistan Development Review , Vol. 46, No. 4 (2007): pp. 1137-1153.

Haqiqi, Iman and Manzoor, Davood (2012): Environmental Impacts of Phasing out Energy Subsidies.

Harris, Patrick (2020): To what extent has climate change impacted the Total Factor Productivity of the Australian beef industry by state and as a country?

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2011): Waste Management in the Various Municipalities of Various Socio-Economic Conditions (An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan). Published in: European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences No. 39 (2011): pp. 152-156.

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