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Number of items: 55.


Alexe, Ileana and Tatomir, Cristina F. (2011): Does economic convergence with the European Union mean more FDI flows to an economy? Analysis on 5 Central and Eastern Europe countries.

Andrei, Tudorel and Iacob, Andreea Iluzia and Vlad, Liviu Bogdan (2007): Tendencies in the Romania's Regional Economic Development during the Period 1991-2004. Published in: Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research , Vol. 41, No. 1-2/2007 (June 2007): pp. 107-119.

Andrei, Tudorel and Matei, Ani and Tusa, Erika and Nedelcu, Monica (2009): Characteristics of the Reforming Process in the Romanian Public Administration System. Published in: Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences. No. 23E (February 2009): pp. 13-31.

Andrei, Tudorel and Stancu, Stelian and Nedelcu, Monica and Matei, Ani (2009): Econometric Models used for the Corruption Analysis. Published in: Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research , Vol. 43, No. 1/2009 (15 March 2009): pp. 101-122.

Andrei, Tudorel and Teodorescu, Daniel and Iacob, Andreea Iluzia E. S. and Stancu, Stelian (2007): The Application of the Econometric Models with Qualitative Variables in the Analysis of the Non Academic Behaviors at the Level of the Romanian Higher Education System. Published in: Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research , Vol. 41, No. No. 3-4/2007 (December 2007): pp. 131-139.

Anghel, Laurentiu-Dan and Filip, Alina (2007): Analysis of Place and Role of SME’s in the new Member States of the European Union. Published in: Analele Universitatii din Oradea , Vol. XVI, No. Special (June 2007): pp. 134-139.


Bob, Constantin and Grigorescu, Adriana (2006): Industry structure analysis. A case of Romania. Published in: Conference proceedings No. ISBN 86-83803-21-X (2006)

Bob, Constantin and Grigorescu, Adriana (2006): Tourism companies performances and managerial skills. Published in: volume printed by Fintrade & Tours d.o.o. Rijeka, Croaţia, No. ISSN 1846-288X (2006)

Bob, Constantin and Grigorescu, Adriana (2009): Interrelations between development factors and tourism factors. A quantitative point of view. Published in: Conference proceeding ISBN 978-88-96116-20-3 (2009)

Bob, Constantin and Grigorescu, Adriana and Saseanu, Andreea (2007): Strategic concerns about technological research of the Romanian baking and flour products industry. Published in: Conference proceedings Edited by Predrag Dašiæ. Krusevac: Institute IMK "14. October" and Trstenik: High Technical Mechanical School No. . ISBN 86-83803-22-4. : pp. 358-362.

Bunget, Ovidiu-Constantin and David-Sobolevschi, Maria-Iulia (2009): Ethics and internal audit: whistleblowing issues. Published in: Revista Audit Financiar , Vol. 7, No. 9 (September 2009): pp. 43-51.


Ciobotaru, Virginia and Tapurica, Oana-Catalina and Tache, Florin (2008): Avantajele implementarii unui sistem de management al mediului la nivelul clusterelor industriale in economia bazata pe cunoastere. Published in: Investitiile si Noua Economie - Lucrarile celui de-al Optulea Simpozion International "Investitiile si Relansarea Economica" (5 July 2008): pp. 281-289.

Cojanu, Valentin and Paun, Cristian and Lupu, Radu (2006): Empirical Evidence On The Correlation Between The Exchange Rate And Romanian Exports. Published in: International Conference on Commerce - CD , Vol. 1, No. 1 (10 October 2006): pp. 205-214.


Dardala, Marian and Reveiu, Adriana (2011): Geographical information systems technologies for spatial visualization of statistical data.

Dima, Alina Mihaela and Vasilache, Simona and Agoston, Simona and Ghinea, Valentina and Stamule, Tanase (2011): Leadership Challenges In Today’s Academia.

Dumitru, Ionut (2006): Tintirea directa a inflatiei in Romania – provocari si perspective.

Dumitru, Ionut (2006): Estimarea cursului de schimb real de echilibru in România.

Dumitru, Ionut and Stanca, Razvan (2010): Fiscal discipline and economic growth – the case of Romania.


Glaser-Segura, Daniel and Anghel, Laurentiu-Dan and Tucci, Jack (2006): Supply chain management and the Romanian transition. Published in: Amfiteatru Economic , Vol. Anul V, No. Nr.19 (February 2006): pp. 18-26.

Goschin, Zizi and Constantin, Daniela-Luminita and Roman, Monica (2009): The partnership between the state and the church against trafficking in persons. Published in: Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies , Vol. 8, No. 24 (27 November 2009): pp. 231-256.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2010): Romanian public marketing in terms of necessity, collaboration and mix. Published in: Analele Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria: Știinţe Economice ISSN 1582 – 9383 , Vol. Volumu, No. issue 1 (2010): pp. 72-76.

Grigorescu, Adriana and Balalia, Alina Elena (2009): Public marketing in supporting the tourist destinations. Published in: HOTEL LINK, Journal for the Theory and Practice of Hotel Industry , Vol. volume, No. no.13-14, 2009/2010 (2010): pp. 376-382.

Grigorescu, Adriana and Balalia, Alina Elena (2009): The involvement of the European Union in funding the member states during the economic crisis period. Published in: Review Of Management And Economical Engineering , Vol. VOL.9,, No. ISSN 1583-624X (2010)

Grigorescu, Adriana and Bob, Constantin (2007): Romanian specifics within the framework of regional economic cooperation. Published in: Conference proceedings on CD-ROM Edited by Predrag Dašiæ. Krusevac: Institute IMK "14. October" and Trstenik: High Technical Mechanical School No. ISBN 86-83803-22-4 (2007): pp. 411-415.

Grigorescu, Adriana and Bob, Constantin (2006): Marketing mix and TQM - compelmetary philosophies of companies sustainable development. Published in: Conference proceeding , Vol. paper, No. ISBN 86-83803-21-X (2006)

Grigorescu, Adriana and Bob, Constantin (2007): Knowledge management in proiectele de parteneriat public-privat. Published in: Volume Knowledge management No. ISBN978-973-663-662-2 (2007): pp. 32-41.

Grigorescu, Adriana and Saseanu, Andreea (2010): The social responsibility influence of corporations on sustainable development. Published in: Analele Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria: Știinţe Economice, ISSN 1582 – 9383 , Vol. Volumu, No. issue 1 (2010): pp. 1049-1054.


Horobet, Alexandra and Ilie, Livia (2007): On the dynamic link between stock prices and exchange rates: evidence from Romania.

Horobet, Alexandra and Ilie, Livia (2007): Regulation versus Competition on European Financial Markets. Published in: , Vol. „The P, (2007)


Ilie, Livia and Horobet, Alexandra (2007): MBA education: a must in a competitive Romanian business environment.


Jaba, Elisabeta and Balan, Christiana and Roman, Mihai and Roman, Monica (2010): Statistical evaluation of spatial concentration of unemployment by gender. Published in: Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research , Vol. 44, No. 3 (15 September 2010): pp. 79-92.

Jaba, Elisabeta and Balan, Christiana and Roman, Monica and Viorica, Daniela and Roman, Mihai (2008): Employment rate prognosis on the basis of the development environment trend displayed by years-clusters. Published in: Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research No. 3-4 (December 2008): pp. 35-48.

Jianu (Dumitru), Ionela and Dumitru, Ionut (2011): Intelectual capital (IC) models – a comparative approach.

Jianu (Dumitru), Ionela and Dumitru, Ionut (2011): University rankings – a guide to choose a university?


Lungu, Ion and Vatuiu, Teodora (2008): Manageability comparison: Oracle database 10g and Oracle 9i database. Published in: Annals of the university of Petrosani , Vol. 2, (2008): pp. 369-375.


Marinas, Marius and Zoican, Marius Andrei (2008): Optimality, rational expectations and time inconsistency applied to inflation targeting strategy. Published in: Theoretical and Applied Economics , Vol. 10(527, No. 10(527) October (October 2008): pp. 17-30.

Miron, Dumitru and Dima, Alina and Paun, Cristian (2009): A model for assessing Romania's real convergence based on distances and clusters methods.

Muşetescu, Radu and Dima, Alina and Cristian, Paun (2008): The role of the competition policy in forging the European Common Market. Published in: Romanian Journal of European Affairs , Vol. 8, No. 4 (15 December 2008): pp. 63-74.


Paun, Cristian (2010): An empirical estimation of Balassa – Samuelson effect in case of eastern european countries. Published in: Oeconomica Journal - Working Paper , Vol. 1, (15 March 2009)

Paun, Cristian (2012): Politica monetara în sistemele financiare moderne.

Prejmerean, Mihaela Cornelia and Vasilache, Simona (2007): Standards and markets for university-originated organizational intelligence.

Prejmerean (Dan), Mihaela Cornelia (2011): The development potential of clusters in Romania.


Rizescu, Gianina (2007): Analysis of the Romanian offer of ERP solutions. Published in: Informatica Economica , Vol. XII, No. 1 (45) (15 April 2008): pp. 131-139.

Roman, Monica (2010): Regional efficiency of knowledge economy in the new EU countries: The Romanian and Bulgarian case. Forthcoming in: Romanian Journal of Regional Science , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2010)

Roman, Monica (2008): The efficiency analysis applied for the evaluation of labour market policies: Study case for Romania. Published in: Revista Romana de Staatistica , Vol. 6, No. 11 (December 2008): pp. 58-78.

Roman, Monica (2008): Romanian higher education: present and perspectives. Published in: Synery , Vol. 4, No. 2 (January 2009): pp. 5-26.

Roman, Monica (2006): Diferenţa dintre genuri în alocarea timpului liber în România. Published in: Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies , Vol. 5, No. 14 (September 2006): pp. 63-73.

Roman, Monica and Goschin, Zizi (2011): Does religion matter? Exploring economic performance differences among Romanian emigrants. Forthcoming in: Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies , Vol. 10, No. 29 (2011)

Roman, Monica and Roman, Mihai (2004): Economic Development and Time Use in Romania’s Regions. Published in: Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research , Vol. 37, No. 1-4 (December 2004): pp. 65-80.

Roman, Monica and Suciu, Christina (2007): International Mobility of Romanian Students in Europe: From Statistical Evidence to Policy Measures. Published in: Romanian Journal of European Studies, issue 5-6/2007 , Vol. volume, No. issue 5-6/2007 (2008): pp. 167-178.

Roman, Monica and Voicu, Cristina (2010): Some Socio-Economic Effects of Labour Migration on the Sending Country. Evidence from Romania. Forthcoming in: Theoretical and Applied Economics , Vol. 6, No. 547


Socol, Cristian and Marinas, Marius and Socol, Aura Gabriela (2007): The flat tax in Romania. A good economic strategy?


Tatomir, Cristina F. and Popovici, Oana (2011): Eyes on Romania: what to look when investing here?


Vatuiu, Teodora and Lungu, Ion (2008): Oracle HRMS for the human resources management in the public sector. Published in: Annals of the University of Petrosani , Vol. 2, (2008): pp. 363-369.

van der Hoek, M. Peter (2008): Enlarging the European Union: Taxation and Corruption in the New Member States. Published in: Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies (2008): pp. 11-23.

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