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Number of items: 168.


Reinhart, Carmen (1995): Devaluation, Relative Prices, and International Trade: Evidence from Developing Countries. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 42, No. 2 (June 1995): pp. 290-312.


Reinhart, Carmen and Ostry, Jonathan (1992): Saving and Terms of Trade Shocks: Evidence from Developing Countries. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 39, No. 3 (September 1992): pp. 495-517.


Reinhart, Carmen and Ogaki, Masao and Ostry, Jonathan (1996): Saving Behavior in Low- and Middle-Income Developing Countries: A Comparison. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 43, No. 1 (March 1996): pp. 38-71.


Reinhart, Carmen and Borensztein, Eduardo (1994): The Macroeconomic Determinants of Commodity Prices. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 41, No. 2 (June 1994): pp. 236-261.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (1991): Output Fluctuations and Monetary Shocks: Evidence from Colombia. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 38, No. 4 (December 1991): pp. 705-735.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela and Lizondo, Saul (1998): Leading Indicators of Currency Crises. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 45, No. 1 (March 1998): pp. 1-48.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo (2000): When Capital Inflows Come to a Sudden Stop: Consequences and Policy Options. Published in: in Peter Kenen and Alexandre Swoboda, eds. Reforming the International Monetary and Financial System, (Washington DC: International Monetary Fund, 2000) (2000): pp. 175-201.


Reinhart, Carmen and Tokatlidis, Ioannis (2005): Before and After Financial Liberalization.


Reinhart, Carmen and Plies, William (1999): Saving in Latin America and Lessons from Europe: An Overview. Published in: in Carmen M. Reinhart, ed., Accounting for Saving: Financial Liberalization, Capital Flows, and Growth in Latin America and Europe (Washington DC: John Hopkins University Press for the Inter-American Development Bank, 1999) : pp. 3-47.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Sara (1996): Capital Flows to Latin America: Is There Evidence of Contagion Effects?”. Published in: in Guillermo A. Calvo, Morris Goldstein, Eduard Hochreiter, eds. Private Capital Flows to Emerging Markets After the Mexican Crisis (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1996), : pp. 151-171.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1993): “Capital Inflows and Real Exchange Rate Appreciation in Latin America: The Role of External Factors. Published in: ” IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 40, No. 1 (March 1993): pp. 108-151.


Reinhart, Carmen (2002): Sovereign Credit Ratings Before and After Financial Crises. Published in: in Richard Levich, Giovanni Majnoni, and Carmen M.Reinhart, eds. Ratings, Rating Agencies and the Global Financial System, (New York: Kluwer Academic Press. (2002): pp. 251-268.


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2005): Serial Default and Its Remedies. Published in: Miguel Centeno, Harold James, and J. Londregan, eds. The Political Economy of Recurrent Debt. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies Monograph Series, No. 3 (2005): pp. 4-18.


Reinhart, Carmen and Montiel, Peter (2001): The Dynamics of Capital Movements to Emerging Economies During the 1990s. Published in: n Stephany Griffith-Jones, Manuel Montes, and Anwar Nasution eds. Short-term Capital Flows and Economic Crises, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001) (2001): pp. 3-28.


Reinhart, Carmen and Savastano, Miguel (2003): The Realities of Modern Hyperinflation. Published in: Finance and Development, , Vol. 40, No. 2 (June 2003): pp. 20-23.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela (2001): Bank Lending and Contagion: Evidence from the Asian Crisis. Published in: in Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger, eds. Regional and Global Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Causes and Consequences, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press for the NBER, 2001). (2001): pp. 73-99.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2002): Is a G-3 Target Zone on Target for Emerging Markets? Published in: Finance and Development, , Vol. 39, No. 1 (March 2002): pp. 17-19.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo (1999): The Consequences and Management of Capital Inflows: Lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa. Published in: Expert Group on Development Issues Series, 1998:2, (Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell International, 1999). , Vol. 2, (1999): pp. 1-55.


Reinhart, Carmen (1990): “A Model of Adjustment and Growth. Published in: IMF Staff Papers, , Vol. 37, No. 1 (March 1990): pp. 168-182.


Reinhart, Carmen and Khan, Mohsin (1995): Macroeconomic Management in APEC Economies: The Response to Capital Inflows. Published in: Capital Flows in the APEC Region, (Mohsin S. Khan and Carmen M. Reinhart, eds.), IMF Occasional Paper 122, (Washington DC: International Monetary Fund, April 1995). (1995): pp. 1-17.


Reinhart, Carmen and Wickham, Peter (1994): Commodity Prices: Cyclical Weakness or Secular Decline? Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 41, No. 2 (June 1994): pp. 175-213.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1994): Capital Inflows to Latin America: The 1970s and 1990s. Published in: in Edmar Bacha, ed. Economics in a Changing World, Vol. 4 Development, Trade and the Environment, (London: Macmillan Press, 1994). (1994): pp. 123-148.


Reinhart, Carmen (1991): Fiscal Policy, the Real Exchange Rate, and Commodity Prices. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 38, No. 3 (September 1991): pp. 506-524.


Reinhart, Carmen and Borenzstein, Eduardo and Khan, Mohsin and Wickham, Peter (1994): The Behavior of Non-Oil Commodity Prices. Published in: IMF Occasional Paper 112 (August 1994): pp. 1-28.


Reinhart, Carmen and Khan, Mohsin (1995): Capital Flows in the APEC Region. Published in: IMF Occasional Paper 122, (Washington DC: International Monetary Fund, April 1995). (March 1995): pp. 1-17.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo (2001): Reflections on Dollarization. Published in: in Alberto Alesina and Robert Barro (eds.), Currency Unions (Stanford: Hoover Institute Press, 2001) (2001): pp. 39-47.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo (1999): Capital Flow Reversals,the Exchange Rate Debate,and Dollarization. Published in: Finance and Development , Vol. 36, No. 3 (September 1999): pp. 13-15.


Reinhart, Carmen and Vegh, Carlos (1999): Do Exchange Rate-Based Stabilizations Carry the Seeds of Their Own Destruction?


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Fernandez Arias, Eduardo and Talvi, Ernesto (2001): Growth and External Financing in Latin America.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Fernandez Arias, Eduardo and Talvi, Ernesto (2001): The Growth-Interest Rate Cycle in the United States and its Consequences for Emerging Markets.


Reinhart, Carmen (2008): Reflections on the International Dimensions and Policy Lessons of the U.S. Subprime Crisis. Published in: VoxEU-CEPR (March 2008): pp. 1-8.


Reinhart, Carmen (2008): Eight Hundred Years of Financial Folly. Published in: VoxEU-CEPR (March 2008): pp. 1-9.


Reinhart, Carmen (2008): The Next (but not new) Frontier for Sovereign Default. Published in: VoxEU-CEPR (April 2008): pp. 1-9.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2008): From Capital Flow Bonanza to Financial Crash. Published in: VoxEU-CEPR (August 2008): pp. 1-9.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2008): Is the US too big to fail? Published in: VoxEU-CEPR (17 November 2008): pp. 1-9.


Reinhart, Carmen (2009): The economic and fiscal consequences of financial crises. Published in: VoxEU-Centre for Economic Policy Research (26 January 2009): pp. 1-10.


Reinhart, Carmen (1988): Real Exchange Rate and Commodity Prices in a Neoclassical Model.


Reinhart, Carmen (2002): A Modern History of Exchange Rate Arrangements: The Country Histories, 1946-2001.


Reinhart, Carmen (2002): A Modern History of Exchange Rate Arrangements: Chartbook, 1946-2001.


Reinhart, Carmen (2002): A Modern History of Exchange Rate Arrangements: Parallel Markets and Dual and Multiple Exchange Rates.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela (2002): Financial turmoil: Systemic or regional? Published in: Risk Measurement and Systemic Risk, Bank for International Settlements (October 2002): pp. 75-79.


Reinhart, Carmen (2001): Fear of Floating: Exchange Rate Flexibility Indices.


Reinhart, Carmen (2006): For better or for worse? Job and earnings mobility in nine middle- low-income countries: A comment. Published in: Brookings Trade Forum 2006 (2006): pp. 204-207.


Reinhart, Carmen (2003): New approaches to crisis resolution: Weighing the options (A comment). Published in: Brookings Trade Forum 2003 (2003): pp. 338-348.


Reinhart, Carmen (2004): Straining at the Anchor: The Argentine Currency Board and the Search for Macroeconomic Stability, 1880-1935: A Review. Published in: Journal of Economic Literature No. 1 (March 2004): pp. 187-188.


Reinhart, Carmen (2000): Political contagion in currency crises: A comment. Published in: in Paul Krugman, ed., Currency Crises (Chicago: University of Chicago Press for the NBER) (2000): pp. 67-70.


Reinhart, Carmen (2000): Capital flows to emerging markets: Liberalization, overshooting and volatility (a comment). Published in: Capital Flows and the Emerging Economies: Theories, Evidence, and Controversies, Sebastian Edwards, ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press for the NBER, 2000), (2000): pp. 98-104.


Reinhart, Carmen (1999): Capital flows to developing economies: Implications for saving, investment, and growth (a comment). Published in: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity No. 1 (June 1999): pp. 170-176.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (1998): Some lessons for policy makers who deal with the mixed blessing of capital inflows. Published in: Capital Flows and Financial Crises (1998): pp. 93-127.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela and Vegh, Carlos (2002): Two Hundred Years of Contagion. Published in: Journal of Economic Perspectives , Vol. 17, No. 4 (2003)


Reinhart, Carmen and Vegh, Carlos and Velasco, Andres (2008): Money, Crises, and Transition Essays in Honor of Guillermo A. Calvo: An Introduction. Published in: Money, Crises, and Transition Essays in Honor of Guillermo A. Calvo (2008): pp. 1-12.


Reinhart, Carmen (1991): A model of adjustment and growth: An empirical analysis. Published in: Macroeconomic Models for Adjustment in Developing Countries : pp. 10-37.


Reinhart, Carmen and Smith, R. Todd (1998): Too much of a good thing: The macroeconomic effects of taxing capital inflows. Published in: Managing Capital Flows and Exchange Rates (1998): pp. 436-464.


Reinhart, Carmen (2002): Financial crises, credit ratings, and bank failures: An introduction. Published in: World Bank Economic Review , Vol. 149-15, No. 2 (August 2002): p. 151.


Reinhart, Carmen and Levich, Richard and Majoni, Giovanni (2002): Ratings, rating agencies and the global financial system: Summary and policy implications.


Reinhart, Carmen and Ostry, Jonathan (1995): Saving and real interest rates in developing countries. Published in: Finance and Development , Vol. 32, No. 4 (December 1995): pp. 16-18.


Reinhart, Carmen (2001): Private inflows when crises are anticipated: a case study of Korea (A comment). Published in: Financial Crises in Emerging Markets (2001): pp. 275-279.


Reinhart, Carmen (1993): Output fluctuations and monetary shocks in Colombia: A reply to Garcia. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 40, No. 4 (December 1993): pp. 876-877.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1993): Formulating a policy response: Reply to Snowden. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 40, No. 4 (December 1993): pp. 865-868.


Reinhart, Carmen and Asea, Patrick (1995): Real interest rate differentials and the real exchange rate: Evidence from four African countries.


Reinhart, Carmen and Leiderman, Leonardo (1994): Capital inflows to Latin America. Published in: A Study Group Report—Latin America Capital Flows: Living with Volatility, (Washington DC: Group of Thirty) (1994)


Reinhart, Carmen (1988): Commodity markets and the international transmission of fiscal shocks.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Vegh, Carlos (1994): Targeting the real exchange rate: Theory and evidence.


Reinhart, Carmen and Tokatlidis, Ioannis (2000): Financial Liberalization: The African Experience. Published in: Journal of African Economies , Vol. 12, No. supplement 2 (2003): pp. 53-88.


Reinhart, Carmen and Vegh, Carlos (1994): Intertemporal consumption substitution and inflation stabilization:An empirical investigation.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Vegh, Carlos (1994): La tasa de cambio real como meta de política: teoría y evidencia. Published in: Enayos Sobre Politica Economica , Vol. 25, (June 1994): pp. 7-50.


Reinhart, Carmen and Goldstein, Morris and Kaminsky, Graciela (2000): Assessing financial vulnerability, an early warning system for emerging markets: Introduction. Published in: Assessing Financial Vulnerability: An Early Warning System for Emerging Markets,Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics (2000): pp. 1-56.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (1991): Fluctuaciones del producto y choques monetarios: evidencia colombiana. Published in: Ensayos Sobre Politica Economica , Vol. 20, (December 1991): pp. 53-86.


Reinhart, Carmen and Khan, Mohsin (1989): Private investment and economic growth in developing countries. Published in: World Development , Vol. 18, No. 1 (January 1990): pp. 243-258.


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2008): ¿Es tan diferente la crisis financiera de sub-prime en EEUU? Una comparacion historica internacional.


Reinhart, Carmen and Savastano, Miguel (2003): Realidades de las hiperinflaciones modernas. Published in: Finanzas y Desarollo (June 2003): pp. 20-23.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1993): Af1uencia de capital y apreciacion del tipo de cambio real en America Latina: E1 papel de los factores externos. Published in: Macroeconomia de los Flujos de Capital en Colombia y América Latina (1993): pp. 15-84.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1993): El problema de la afluencia de capital: Conceptos y temas. Published in: Afluencia de Capitales y Estabilización en América Latina (1995): pp. 1-24.


Reinhart, Carmen and Ogaki, Masao (1998): Intertemporal substitution and durable goods: long-run data.


Reinhart, Carmen and Vegh, Carlos (1994): Inflation stabilization in chronic inflation countries: The empirical evidence.


Reinhart, Carmen and Ogaki, Masao (1995): Measuring intertemporal substitution: The role of durable goods.


Reinhart, Carmen and Arrau, Patricio and DeGregorio, Jose and Wickham, Peter (1991): The demand for money in developing countries: Assessing the role of financial innovation.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo (1999): Inversión de las corrientes de capital, tipo de cambio y dolarización. Published in: Finanzas y Desarollo , Vol. 36, No. 3 (September 1999): pp. 13-15.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2002): Una banda cambiaria en el G–3 ¿Es lo mejor para los mercados emergentes? Published in: Finanzas y Desarollo , Vol. 39, No. 1 : pp. 17-19.


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2008): Las secuelas de las crisis financieras.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (1999): On the use of reserve requirements in dealing with capital flow problems. Published in: International Journal of Finance and Economics , Vol. 1, No. 4 (January 1999): pp. 27-54.


Reinhart, Carmen and Talvi, Ernesto (1998): Capital flows and saving in Latin America and Asia: A reinterpretation. Published in: Journal of Development Econommics , Vol. 57, No. 1 (October 1998): pp. 45-66.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1996): Inflows of capital to developing countries in the 1990s. Published in: Journal of Economic Perspectives , Vol. 10, No. 2 (1996): pp. 123-139.


Reinhart, Carmen (1994): Devaluation, Relative Prices, and International Trade. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 42, No. 2 (June 1995): pp. 290-312.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela (1998): On crises, contagion, and confusion. Published in: Journal of International Economics , Vol. 51, No. 1 (June 2000): pp. 145-168.


Reinhart, Carmen and Montiel, Peter (1999): Do capital controls influence the volume and composition of capital flows? Evidence from the 1990s. Published in: Journal of International Money and Finance , Vol. 18, No. 4 (August 1999): pp. 619-635.


Reinhart, Carmen and Ostry, Jonathan (1991): Private Saving and Terms of Trade Shocks. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 3, No. 39 (September 1992): pp. 495-517.


Reinhart, Carmen and Ostry, Jonathan (1995): El ahorro y 1a tasa de interes real en los paises en desarrollo. Published in: Finanzas y Desarollo , Vol. 32, No. 4 : pp. 16-18.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela (2000): Crisis financieras en Asia y Latinoamerica: ahora y entonces. Published in: Sistemas Financieros ante la Globalización (2000): pp. 113-121.


Reinhart, Carmen (2000): The mirage of floating exchange rates. Published in: American Economic Review , Vol. 90, No. 2 (May 2000): pp. 65-70.


Reinhart, Carmen and Ogaki, Masao and Ostry, Jonathan (1995): Saving behavior in low- and middle-income developing countries. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 43, No. 1 (March 1996): pp. 38-71.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2003): Twin fallacies about exchange rate policy: A note. Published in: Economika , Vol. 15, No. 3 : pp. 12-24.


Reinhart, Carmen and Dunnaway, Steve (1996): Dealing with capital inflows: Are there any lessons? Published in: United Nations University, WIDER Research for Action , Vol. 28, (1996): pp. 1-43.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Vegh, Carlos (1994): Targeting the real exchange rate. Published in: Journal of Development Econommics , Vol. 47, (June 1995): pp. 97-133.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (1991): Output Fluctuations and Monetary Shocks. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 38, No. 4 (December 1991): pp. 53-86.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1995): Capital inflows to Latin America with reference to the Asian experience. Published in: Capital Controls, Exchange Rates and Monetary Policy in the World Economy (1995): pp. 339-382.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela (2000): Las crisis gemelas: las causas de los problemas bancarios y de balanza de pagos. Published in: Sistemas Financieros ante la Globalización (2000): pp. 63-110.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1992): Capital Inflows and Real Exchange Rate Appreciation in Latin America. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 40, No. 1 (March 1993): pp. 108-151.


Reinhart, Carmen and Edison, Hali (2001): Stopping hot money. Published in: Journal of Development Econommics , Vol. 22, No. 2 (December 2001): pp. 533-553.


Reinhart, Carmen and Smith, R Todd (2002): Temporary controls on capital inflows. Published in: Journal of International Economics , Vol. 57, No. 2 (2002): pp. 327-351.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela (2002): Financial markets in time of stress. Published in: Journal of Development Economics , Vol. 69, No. 2 (December 2002): pp. 451-470.


Reinhart, Carmen and Borensztein, Eduardo (1994): The determinants of commodity prices. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 41, No. 2 (June 1994): pp. 175-213.


Reinhart, Carmen and Wickham, Peter (1994): Non-oil commodity prices: Cyclical weakness or secular decline? Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 41, No. 2 (June 1994): pp. 175-213.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo (2001): Fixing for your life. Published in: Susan Collins and Dani Rodrik, eds., Brookings Trade Forum 2000 Washington, DC: Brookings Institution (2000): pp. 1-39.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2003): Twin fallacies about exchange rate policy in emerging markets. Published in: Moneda y Crédito , Vol. 216, (2003): pp. 11-29.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela (1998): Financial crises in Asia and Latin America: Then and now. Published in: American Economic Review , Vol. 88, (May 1998): pp. 444-449.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela and Vegh, Carlos (2003): The unholy trinity of financial contagion. Published in: Journal of Economic Perspectives , Vol. 17, No. 4 (September 2003): pp. 51-74.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela and Vegh, Carlos (2004): When it rains, it pours: Procyclical capital flows and macroeconomic policies. Published in: NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2004 (2005): pp. 11-53.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (1996): Forecasting turning points in Canada. Published in: Canada’s 1996 International Monetary Fund Article IV Consultation (1996)


Reinhart, Carmen and Vegh, Carlos (1995): Nominal interest rates, consumption booms, and lack of credibility: A quantitative examination. Published in: Journal of Development Econommics , Vol. 46, No. 2 (April 1995): pp. 357-378.


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1994): The capital inflows problem: Concepts and issues. Published in: Contemporary Economic Policy , Vol. 12, No. 3 (July 1994): pp. 54-66.


Reinhart, Carmen and Edison, Hali (2001): Capital controls during financial crises: The case of Malaysia and Thailand. Published in: Financial Crises in Emerging Markets Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2001): pp. 427-456.


Reinhart, Carmen (2002): Default, currency crises, and sovereign credit ratings. Published in: World Bank Economic Review , Vol. 16, No. 2 (2002): pp. 151-170.


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth and Savastano, Miguel (2003): Debt intolerance. Published in: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity , Vol. 1, (March 2003): pp. 1-74.


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2004): Serial default and the “paradox” of rich to poor capital flows. Published in: American Economic Review, , Vol. 94, No. 2 (May 2004)


Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo (2002): Fear of floating. Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics , Vol. 117, No. 2 (May 2002): pp. 379-408.


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2004): The modern history of exchange rate arrangements: A reinterpretation. Published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics , Vol. CXIX, No. 1 (February 2004): pp. 1-48.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela (1999): The twin crises: The causes of banking and balance of payments problems. Published in: American Economic Review , Vol. 89, No. 3 (June 1999): pp. 473-500.


Reinhart, Carmen and Arrau, Patricio and DeGregorio, Jose and Wickham, Peter (1995): The demand for money in developing countries: Assessing the role of financial innovation. Published in: Journal of Development Economics , Vol. 46, (1995): pp. 317-340.


Reinhart, Carmen and Magud, Nicolas (2007): Capital controls: An evaluation. Published in: Capital Controls and Capital Flows in Emerging Economies: Policies, Practices, and Consequences (2007): pp. 645-674.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2001): What hurts most?: G-3 exchange rate or interest rate volatility. Published in: Preventing Currency Crises in Emerging Markets (2001): pp. 73-99.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2000): What does a G-3 target zone mean for emerging-market economies?


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela (2008): The center and the periphery: The globalization of financial turmoil. Published in: Flows, Crisis, and Stabilization: Essays in Honor of Guillermo A. Calvo (2008): pp. 171-216.


Reinhart, Carmen (1989): A model of adjustment and growth: An empirical analysis. Published in: Macroeconomic Models for Adjustment in Developing Countries (1991): pp. 10-37.


Reinhart, Carmen (1990): Fiscal policy, the real exchange rate and commodity prices: A global framework. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 38, No. 3 (September 1991): pp. 508-524.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2009): Fiscal stimulus for debt intolerant countries?


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2009): This Time It’s Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly-Preface. Published in: This Time It’s Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly (Princeton University Press) (September 2009): pp. 25-35.


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2009): This Time It’s Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly-Chapter 1. Published in: This Time It’s Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009). (September 2009): pp. 3-20.


Reinhart, Carmen (2009): The Second Great Contraction.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2009): When the North Last Headed South: Revisiting the 1930s.


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2010): Debt and Growth Revisited.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kaminsky, Graciela and Goldstein, Morris (2000): Notes on contagion. Published in: Assessing Financial Vulnerability: An Early Warning System for Emerging Markets, Institute for International Economics (2000)


Reinhart, Carmen and Goldstein, Morris and Kaminsky, Graciela (2000): Methodology for an Early Warning System: The Signals Approach. Published in: Assessing Financial Vulnerability: An Early Warning System for Emerging Markets, Institute for International Economics (2000)


Reinhart, Carmen and Goldstein, Morris and Kaminsky, Graciela (2000): Early Warning System: Empirical Results from The Signals Approach. Published in: Assessing Financial Vulnerability: An Early Warning System for Emerging Markets , Institute for International Economics (2000)


Reinhart, Carmen and Goldstein, Morris and Kaminsky, Graciela (2000): Rating the Rating Agencies. Published in: Assessing Financial Vulnerability: An Early Warning System for Emerging Markets , Institute for International Economics (2000)


Reinhart, Carmen and Goldstein, Morris and Kaminsky, Graciela (2000): Some Policy Issues Regarding an Early Warning System. Published in: Assessing Financial Vulnerability: An Early Warning System for Emerging Markets (2000)


Reinhart, Carmen and Qian, Rong and Rogoff, Kenneth (2010): Do countries “graduate” from crises? Some historical perspective.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2011): The Capital Inflow “Problem” Revisited.


Magud, Nicolas and Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2011): Capital Controls: A Meta-analysis Approach.


Reinhart, Carmen and Kirkegaard, Jacob and Sbrancia, Belen (2011): Financial repression redux. Published in: Finance and Development , Vol. 48, No. 2 (June 2011): pp. 22-26.


Reinhart, Carmen and Felton, Andrew (2009): The first global financial crisis of the 21st century,Part II: Introduction. Published in: VoxEU-CEPR (22 February 2009): pp. 1-27.


Reinhart, Carmen and Felton, Andrew (2009): The first global financial crisis of the 21st century,Part II: Introduction. Published in: VoxEU-CEPR (22 February 2009): pp. 1-27.


Reinhart, Carmen and Felton, Andrew (2008): The First Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century. Published in: VoxEU-Centre for Economic Policy Research (July 2008): pp. 1-169.


Reinhart, Carmen (2008): The first global financial crisis of the 21st century: Introduction. Published in: The First Global Financial Crisis of the Financial 21st Century (July 2008): pp. 1-24.


Reinhart, Carmen and Felton, Andrew (2009): The first global financial crisis of the 21st century: Part II, June-December, 2008. Published in: VoxEU-CEPR (22 February 2009): pp. 1-374.


Reinhart, Carmen (2009): Financial crash, commodity prices and global imbalances: A comment. Forthcoming in: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (2009)


Reinhart, Carmen (2009): Financial crash, commodity prices and global imbalances: A comment. Forthcoming in: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (2009)


Reinhart, Carmen and Goldstein, Morris and Kaminsky, Graciela (2000): Early Warning System: An Assessment of Vulnerability. Published in: Assessing Financial Vulnerability: An Early Warning System for Emerging Markets, Institute for International Economics (2000)


Reinhart, Carmen (2001): Fundamental determinants of the Asian crisis: The role of financial fragility and external imbalances (a comment). Published in: Regional and Global Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Causes and Consequences (2001): pp. 42-45.


Reinhart, Carmen (1999): Some Parallels Between Currency and Banking Crises: A Comment. Published in: International Finance and Financial Crises: Essays in Honor of Robert P. Flood Jr. (1999): pp. 19-23.


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2002): FDI to Africa: The role of price stability and currency instability. Published in: B. Plesovic and N. Stern, Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2002: The New Reform Agenda. Washington DC: The World Bank/Oxford University Press, (2002): pp. 247-282.


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2002): FDI to Africa: The role of price stability and currency instability. Published in: B. Plesovic and N. Stern, Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2002: The New Reform Agenda. Washington DC: The World Bank/Oxford University Press, (2002): pp. 247-282.


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2002): FDI to Africa: The role of price stability and currency instability. Published in: B. Plesovic and N. Stern, Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2002: The New Reform Agenda. Washington DC: The World Bank/Oxford University Press, (2002): pp. 247-282.


Reinhart, Carmen and Goldstein, Morris and Kaminsky, Graciela (2000): The Wake of Crises and Devaluations. Published in: Assessing Financial Vulnerability: An Early Warning System for Emerging Markets , Institute for International Economics (2000)


Reinhart, Carmen (2006): What is next for financial globalization: Some perspective gained from the experience of capital flows to emerging market economies.


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2010): Diminished Expectations, Double Dips, and External Shocks: The Decade After the Fall.


Reinhart, Carmen (2004): Debt intolerance: Executive summary.


Reinhart, Carmen (2012): Capital Inflows, Credit Booms and Their Risks. Published in: hina-US Economists Symposium--United States and China: Systemic Responsibilities for the Global Economy (2012)


Reinhart, Carmen and Kenneth, Rogoff (2012): This Time is Different, Again? The United States Five Years after the Onset of Subprime. Published in: VoxEU (22 October 2012)


Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2012): Causes of Financial Crises Past and Present: The Role of the This Time is Different Syndrome. Published in: The Occupy Handbook,. New York: Little, Brown and Co (2012)


Reinhart, Carmen (2012): Capital Inflows, Exchange Rate Flexibility, and Domestic Credit. Published in: Vox EU (January 2012)


Reinhart, Carmen (2013): Goodbye Inflation Targeting, Hello Fear of Floating? Latin America after the Global Financial Crisis*. Forthcoming in: Ernesto Zedillo (ed.) Latin America: Taking Off or Still Falling Behind. (2013)


Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (2015): Financial Crises, Development, and Growth: A Long-term Perspective. Published in: World Bank Economic Review , Vol. 29, No. 1 (April 2015): pp. 1-24.


Fuentes, Miguel and Raddatz, Claudio and Reinhart, Carmen (2015): Capital Mobility and Monetary Policy: An Overview. Published in: Journal Economía Chilena , Vol. 18, No. 1 (April 2015): pp. 50-67.


Bulow, Jeremy and Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth and Trebesch, Christoph (2020): The Debt Pandemic. Published in: Finance and Development No. Fall : pp. 12-16.


Graf Von Luckner, Clemens and Meyer, Josefin and Reinhart, Carmen and Trebesch, Christoph (2021): External sovereign debt restructurings: Delay and replay. Published in: VoxEU (30 March 2021): pp. 1-7.


Bredenkamp, Hugh and Hausmann, Ricardo and Pienkowski, Alex and Reinhart, Carmen (2019): Challenges Ahead: Sovereign Debt. Published in: Sovereign Debt: A Guide for Economists and Practitioners, Ali Abbas, Alex Pienkowski, Kenneth Rogoff, editors, Chapter 9 (London: Oxford University Press) (1 October 2019): pp. 365-404.


Pazarbasioglu, Ceyla and Reinhart, Carmen (2022): Shining a Light on Debt. Published in: Finance and Development No. Spring (1 March 2022): pp. 10-13.

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