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Number of items: 148.


Angel-Urdinola, Diego and Cosgrove-Davies, Malcolm and Wodon, Quentin (2006): Rwanda: Electricity Tariff Reform. Published in: Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of Reforms: Lessons and Examples from Implementat (edited by A. Coudouel, A. Dani and S. Paternostro), World Bank, Washington, DC (2006): pp. 235-256.


Blanchard, Caroline and Godinot, Xavier and Laureau, Chantal and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Learning from the Extreme Poor: Participatory Approaches to Fostering Child Health in Madagascar. Published in: e-Findings (World Bank Africa Region) No. 277 (1 August 2007): pp. 1-5.


Wodon, Quentin (2007): Using Simple Cross-country Comparisons to Guide Measurement: Poverty in the CFA Franc Zone. Published in: e-Findings (World Bank Africa Region) No. 279 (October 2007): pp. 1-6.


Coulombe, Harold and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Combining census and household survey data for better targeting: The West and Central Africa Poverty Mapping Initiative. Published in: e-Findings (World Bank Africa Region) No. 280 (October 2007): pp. 1-6.


Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Poverty among Cotton Producers: Evidence from West and Central Africa. Published in: e-Findings (World Bank Africa Region) No. 281 (October 2007): pp. 1-5.


Banerjee, Sudeshna and Diallo, Amadou and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Measuring trends in access to modern infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa: Results from Demographic and Health Surveys. Published in: e-Findings (World Bank Africa Region) No. 281 (October 2007): pp. 1-6.


Wodon, Quentin (2007): Is there a divergence between objective measures and subjective perceptions of poverty trends? Evidence from West and Central Africa. Published in: e-Findings (World Bank Africa Region) No. 283 (October 2007): pp. 1-4.


Wodon, Quentin and Yitzhaki, Shlomo (2002): Desigualdad y bienestar social.


Wodon, Quentin and Yitzhaki, Shlomo (2002): Inégalité et bien-être social.


Wodon, Quentin and Yitzhaki, Shlomo (2002): Неравенство и общественное благосостояние.


Coudouel, Aline and Hentschel, Jesko and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Mesure et analyse de la pauvreté.


Coudouel, Aline and Hentschel, Jesko and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Medición y análisis de la pobreza.


Coudouel, Aline and Hentschel, Jesko and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Измерение и анализ бедности.


Christiaensen, Luc and Scott, Christopher and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Metas y costos del desarrollo.


Christiaensen, Luc and Scott, Christopher and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Cibles du développement et coûts.


Christiaensen, Luc and Scott, Christopher and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Задачи развития и затраты.


Mulquin, Marie-Eve and Siaens, Corinne and Wodon, Quentin (1998): Les restaurants du coeur : pour qui et pourquoi ? Published in: Portrait socio-économique de la Belgique (CIFOP, edited by B. Lypsic and P. Pestieau) No. 13ème Congrès des Economistes Belges de Langue Française (1998): pp. 265-278.


Wodon, Quentin and Angel-Urdinola, Diego and Gonzalez-Konig, Gabriel and Ojeda Revah, Diana and Siaens, Corinne (2003): Migration and Poverty in Mexico’s Southern States.


Jayasuriya, Ruwan and Wodon, Quentin (2003): Development Targets and Efficiency in Improving Education and Health Outcomes in Mexico’s Southern States.


Wodon, Quentin and Lopez-Acevedo, Gladys and Siaens, Corinne (2003): Poverty in Mexico's Southern States.


Gunter, Bernhard and Wodon, Quentin (2008): Analyzing Debt Sustainability: Concepts and Tools Applied for Guinea, Rwanda,and Senegal. Published in: Public Finance for Poverty Reduction: Concepts and Case Studies from Africa and Latin America (edited by Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Directions in Development) (January 2008): pp. 311-344.


Mulquin, Marie-Eve and Wodon, Quentin (1998): Les plus pauvres bénéficient-ils des aides sociales? Le cas des aides à l’énergie. Published in: Portrait socio-économique de la Belgique (CIFOP, edited by B. Lypsic and P. Pestieau) No. 13ème Congrès des Economistes Belges de Langue Française (1998): pp. 247-264.


Wodon, Quentin (1998): Quels fondements pour la lutte contre la pauvreté? Connaissance et motivation chez Rawls et Wresinski. Published in: Portrait socio-économique de la Belgique (CIFOP, edited by B. Lypsic and P. Pestieau) No. 13ème Congrès des Economistes Belges de Langue Française (1998): pp. 345-362.


Angel-Urdinola, Diego and Wodon, Quentin (2008): Assessing the Targeting Performance of Social Programs: Cape Verde. Published in: Public Finance for Poverty Reduction: Concepts and Case Studies from Africa and Latin America (edited by Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Directions in Development) (January 2008): pp. 417-439.


Sehili, Saloua and Wodon, Quentin (2008): Analyzing the Potential Impact of Indirect Tax Reforms on Poverty with Limited Data: Niger. Published in: Public Finance for Poverty Reduction: Concepts and Case Studies from Africa and Latin America (edited by Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Directions in Development) (January 2008): pp. 345-370.


Gunter, Bernhard and Wodon, Quentin (2008): Analyzing Debt Sustainability: An Application of SimSIP Debt for Paraguay. Published in: Public Finance for Poverty Reduction: Concepts and Case Studies from Africa and Latin America (edited by Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Directions in Development) (January 2008): pp. 165-188.


Cassimon, Denis and Moreno-Dodson, Blanca and Wodon, Quentin (2008): Debt Sustainability for Low-Income Countries: A Review of Standard and Alternative Concepts. Published in: Public Finance for Poverty Reduction: Concepts and Case Studies from Africa and Latin America (edited by Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Directions in Development) (January 2008): pp. 21-56.


Moreno-Dodson, Blanca and Wodon, Quentin (2008): Public Finance for Poverty Reduction: An Overview. Published in: Public Finance for Poverty Reduction: Concepts and Case Studies from Africa and Latin America (edited by Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Directions in Development) (January 2008): pp. 1-17.


Blackden, Mark and Wodon, Quentin (2006): Gender, Time Use, and Poverty: Introduction. Published in: Gender, Time Use, and Poverty in sub-Saharan Africa (edited by Mark Blackden and Quentin Wodon, World Bank Working Paper) (January 2006): pp. 1-10.


Bardasi, Elena and Wodon, Quentin (2006): Measuring Time Poverty and Analyzing Its Determinants: Concepts and Application to Guinea. Published in: Gender, Time Use, and Poverty in sub-Saharan Africa (edited by Mark Blackden and Quentin Wodon, World Bank Working Paper) (January 2006): pp. 75-95.


Wodon, Quentin and Beegle, Kathleen (2006): Labor Shortages Despite Underemployment? Seasonality in Time Use in Malawi. Published in: Gender, Time Use, and Poverty in sub-Saharan Africa (edited by Mark Blackden and Quentin Wodon, World Bank Working Paper) (January 2006): pp. 97-116.


Bardasi, Elena and Wodon, Quentin (2006): Poverty Reduction from Full Employment: A Time Use Approach. Published in: Gender, Time Use, and Poverty in sub-Saharan Africa (edited by Mark Blackden and Quentin Wodon, World Bank Working Paper) (January 2006): pp. 119-134.


Siaens, Corinne and Subbarao, K. and Wodon, Quentin (2006): Assessing the Welfare of Orphans in Rwanda: Poverty, Work, Schooling, and Health. Published in: Gender, Time Use, and Poverty in sub-Saharan Africa (edited by Mark Blackden and Quentin Wodon, World Bank Working Paper) (January 2006): pp. 135-152.


Wodon, Quentin (2007): Growth and Poverty Reduction in West Africa: A Brief Overview. Published in: Growth and Poverty Reduction: Case Studies from West Africa (edited by Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Working Paper No. 79) (January 2007): pp. 1-5.


Gacitua-Mario, Estanislao and Aasland, Sigrun and Nordang, Hakon and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Institutions, Social Networks, and Conflicts in Guinea-Bissau: Results from a 2005 Survey. Published in: Conflict, Livelihoods and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau No. World Bank Working Paper 88 (January 2007): pp. 23-41.


Azam, Jean-Paul and Dia, Magueye and Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Has Growth in Senegal After the 1994 Devaluation Been Pro-Poor? Published in: Growth and Poverty Reduction: Case Studies from West Africa (edited by Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Working Paper No. 79) (January 2007): pp. 45-67.


Angel-Urdinola, Diego and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Assessing Absolute and Relative Poverty Trends with Limited Data in Cape Verde. Published in: Growth and Poverty Reduction: Case Studies from West Africa (edited by Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Working Paper No. 79) (January 2007): pp. 95-197.


Barry, Boubacar-Sid and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Conflict, Growth, and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau. Published in: Growth and Poverty Reduction: Case Studies from West Africa (edited by Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Working Paper No. 79) (January 2007): pp. 111-122.


Addison, Douglas and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Macroeconomic Volatility, Private Investment, Growth, and Poverty in Nigeria. Published in: Growth and Poverty Reduction: Case Studies from West Africa (edited by Quentin Wodon, published in World Bank Working Paper No. 79) (January 2007): pp. 123-137.


Barry, Boubacar-Sid and Gacitua-Mario, Estanislao and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Conflict, Livelihoods, and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau: An Overview. Published in: Conflict, Livelihoods and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau (edited by Boubacar-Sid Barry, Edward Creppy, Estanislao Gacitua-Mario and Quentin Wodon, published as World Bank Working Paper 88) (January 2007): pp. 1-9.


Creppy, Edward and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Poverty and Its Determinants in Guinea-Bissau. Published in: Conflict, Livelihoods and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau (edited by Boubacar-Sid Barry, Edward Creppy, Estanislao Gacitua-Mario and Quentin Wodon, published as World Bank Working Paper 88) (January 2007): pp. 43-57.


Gacitua-Mario, Estanislao and Nordang, Hakon and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Livelihoods in Guinea-Bissau. Published in: Conflict, Livelihoods and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau (edited by Boubacar-Sid Barry, Edward Creppy, Estanislao Gacitua-Mario and Quentin Wodon, published as World Bank Working Paper 88) (January 2007): pp. 59-75.


Barry, Boubacar-Sid and Creppy, Edward and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Cashew Production, Taxation, and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau. Published in: Conflict, Livelihoods and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau (edited by Boubacar-Sid Barry, Edward Creppy, Estanislao Gacitua-Mario and Quentin Wodon, published as World Bank Working Paper 88) (January 2007): pp. 77-88.


Jayasuriya, Ruwan and Wodon, Quentin (2003): Measuring and Explaining Country Efficiency in Improving Health and Education Indicators. Published in: Efficiency in Reaching the Millennium Development Goals (World Bank Working Paper) No. 9 (June 2003): pp. 5-16.


Wodon, Quentin and Yitzhaki, Shlomo (2002): Inequality and Social Welfare. Published in: A Sourcebook for Poverty Reduction Strategies , Vol. 1, (April 2002): pp. 75-104.


Christiaensen, Luc and Scott, Christopher and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Development Targets and Costs. Published in: A Sourcebook for Poverty Reduction Strategies , Vol. 1, (April 2002): pp. 131-155.


Wodon, Quentin and Velez, Eduardo (2001): Poverty and Inequality. Published in: Mexico: A Comprehensive Development Agenda for the New Era (September 2001): pp. 85-116.


Wodon, Quentin (2001): Government Programs and Poverty. Published in: Mexico: A Comprehensive Development Agenda for the New Era (September 2001): pp. 569-616.


Ajwad, Mohamed Ishan and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Who Benefits from Increased Access to Public Services at the Local Level? A Marginal Benefit Incidence Analysis for Education and Basic Infrastructure. Published in: World Bank Economists' Forum , Vol. 2, (July 2002): pp. 155-175.


Wodon, Quentin and Minowa, Mari (2001): Training for the Urban Unemployed: A Reevaluation of Mexico's Training Program, Probecat. Published in: World Bank Economists' Forum (July 2001): pp. 197-215.


Nganou, Jean-Pascal and Wodon, Quentin and Zoyem, Jean-Paul and Mabushi, Eric and Kebede, Ephraim (2008): Burundi’s Growth: The Need for Long-lasting and Stable Performance. Published in: Breaking the Cycle: A Strategy for Conflict-sensitive Rural Growth in Burundi (World Bank Working Paper) No. 147 (July 2008): pp. 21-34.


Nganou, Jean-Pascal and Wodon, Quentin and Zoyem, Jean-Paul and Mabushi, Eric and Kebede, Ephrain (2008): Croissance du Burundi: La nécessité d’une performance de longue durée et stable. Published in: Rompre le cercle vicieux : Une stratégie pour promouvoir la croissance dans un milieu rural sensible aux conflits au Burundi (World Bank Working Paper) No. 148 (July 2008): pp. 23-37.


Wodon, Quentin and Morris, Michael and Glaesener, Vincent and Zoyem, Jean-Paul and Larbouret, Patricia and Moens, Marc and Dianga, Evalyne and Mdaye, Ba and Kavalec, Alexandre (2008): Agricultural Recovery: Food Security and Beyond. Published in: Breaking the Cycle: A Strategy for Conflict-sensitive Rural Growth in Burundi (World Bank Working Paper) No. 147 (July 2008): pp. 35-67.


Wodon, Quentin and Morris, Michael and Glaesner, Vincent and Zoyem, Jean-Paul and Larbouret, Patricia and Moens, Marc and Dianga, Evalyne and Mdaye, Ba and Kavalec, Alexandre (2008): Relance agricole: Sécurité alimentaire et plus. Published in: Rompre le cercle vicieux : Une stratégie pour promouvoir la croissance dans un milieu rural sensible aux conflits au Burundi (World Bank Working Paper ) , Vol. 148, (July 2008): pp. 39-75.


Clert, Carine and Wodon, Quentin (2002): The Targeting of Government Programs in Chile: A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment. Published in: Chile’s High Growth Economy: Poverty and Income Distribution 1987-1998, World Bank Country Study, Washington, DC (2002): pp. 143-166.


Castro-Fernandez, Rodriguo and Clert, Carine and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Government Programs for the Insertion of Youth and Women in Chile's Labor Market: A Discussion. Published in: Chile’s High Growth Economy: Poverty and Income Distribution 1987-1998, World Bank Country Study, Washington, DC (2002): pp. 167-189.


Castro-Fernandez, Rodriguo and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Protecting the Unemployed in Chile: From State Assistance to Individual Insurance? Published in: Chile’s High Growth Economy: Poverty and Income Distribution 1987-1998, World Bank Country Study, Washington, DC (2002): pp. 190-213.


Miller, Margaret and Jayasuriya, Ruwan and White, elisabeth and Wodon, Quentin (2003): Reaching Health and Education Targets in Argentina: A Provincial Level Analysis. Published in: Efficiency in Reaching the Millennium Development Goals (World Bank Working Paper) , Vol. 9, (June 2003): pp. 33-60.


Wodon, Quentin and Ajwad, Mohamed Ishan and Siaens, Corinne (2003): Lifeline or Means-Testing? Electric Utility Subsidies in Honduras. Published in: Infrastructure for Poor People: Public Policy for Private Provision (2003): pp. 277-296.


Wodon, Quentin and Ying, Yvonne (2009): Literacy and Numeracy in Faith-Based and Government Schools in Sierra Leone. Published in: Emerging Evidence on Vouchers and Faith-Based Providers in Education: Case Studies from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, edited by F. Barrera-Osorio, H. A. Patinos, and Q. Wodon, Directions in Development, World Bank, Washington, DC (June 2009): pp. 99-117.


Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Comparing the Performance of Faith-Based and Government Schools in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Published in: Emerging Evidence on Vouchers and Faith-Based Providers in Education: Case Studies from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, edited by F. Barrera-Osorio, H. A. Patinos, and Q. Wodon, Directions in Development, World Bank, Washington, DC (June 2009): pp. 119-135.


Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Comparing the Private Cost of Education at Public, Private, and Faith-Based Schools in Cameroon. Published in: Emerging Evidence on Vouchers and Faith-Based Providers in Education: Case Studies from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, edited by F. Barrera-Osorio, H. A. Patinos, and Q. Wodon, Directions in Development, World Bank, Washington, DC (June 2009): pp. 165-178.


Parra, Juan Carlos and Wodon, Quentin (2010): How Does Growth Affect Labor Income by Gender? A Structural Path Analysis for Tanzania. Published in: Gender Disparities in Africa’s Labor Markets, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by J. S. Arbache, A. Kolev, and E. Filipiak) (August 2010): pp. 273-296.


Wodon, Quentin and Ying, Yvonne (2010): Domestic Work Time in Sierra Leone. Published in: Gender Disparities in Africa’s Labor Markets, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by J. S. Arbache, A. Kolev, and E. Filipiak) (August 2010): pp. 333-356.


Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Wodon, Quentin (2010): Gender Labor Income Shares and Human Capital Investment in the Republic of Congo. Published in: Gender Disparities in Africa’s Labor Markets, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by J. S. Arbache, A. Kolev, and E. Filipiak) (August 2010): pp. 359-380.


Angel-Urdinola, Diego and Wodon, Quentin (2010): Income Generation and Intra-Household Decision Making: A Gender Analysis for Nigeria. Published in: Gender Disparities in Africa’s Labor Markets, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by J. S. Arbache, A. Kolev, and E. Filipiak) (August 2010): pp. 381-406.


Banerjee, Sudeshna and Wodon, Quentin and Diallo, Amadou and Pushak, Taras and Uddin, Elal and Tsimpo, Clarence and Foster, Vivien (2008): Access, affordability, and alternatives: Modern infrastructure services in Africa.


Ndoye, Djibril and Adoho, Franck and Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Fall, Mariama and Ndaye, Papa Thiecouta and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Tendance et profil de la pauvreté au Sénégal de 1994 à 2006. Published in: Perspective Afrique , Vol. 1-3, A, No. 4 (September 2009): pp. 1-29.


Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Profil et perceptions de la pauvreté en République du Congo en 2005. Published in: Perspective Afrique , Vol. 1-3, A, No. 4 (September 2009): pp. 1-21.


Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Adoho, Franck and Bouare, Issa and Briand, Virginie and Dabitao, Kassim and Gakou, Assa and Sommeiller, Estelle and Traore, Dramane and Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Tendance, profil et déterminants de la pauvreté au Mali de 2001 à 2006. Published in: Perspective Afrique , Vol. 1-3, A, No. 4 (September 2009): pp. 1-24.


Parra Osorio, Juan Carlos and Wodon, Quentin (2010): Gender, Time Use, and Labor Income in Guinea: Micro and Macro Analyses. Published in: Gender Disparities in Africa’s Labor Markets, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by J. S. Arbache, A. Kolev, and E. Filipiak) (August 2010): pp. 231-271.


Nganou, Jean-Pascal and Parra, Juan Carlos and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Oil price shocks, poverty, and gender: a social accouting matrix analysis for Kenya. Published in: Gender aspects of the trade and poverty nexus, World Bank, Washington DC (edited by Maurizio Bussolo and Rafael de Hoyos) (2009): pp. 53-79.


Fofana, Ismael and Parra, Juan Carlos and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Exports and labor income by gender: a social accounting matrix analysis for Senegal. Published in: Gender aspects of the trade and poverty nexus, World Bank, Washington DC (edited by Maurizio Bussolo and Rafael de Hoyos) (2009): pp. 81-110.


Parra Osorio, Juan Carlos and Wodon, Quentin (2011): El desempeño de los estudiantes de secundaria en los colegios de Fe y Alegría en Colombia: una cuestión de Fe y/o Alegría? Published in: Escuelas religiosas en América Latina: estudios de caso sobre Fe y Alegría, World Bank, Washington DC (edited by Juan Carlos Parra Osorio and Quentin Wodon) (February 2011)


Nouve, Kofi and Bambio, Yiriyibin and Kabore, Samuel and Wodon, Quentin (2010): Risque et mesures de la pauvreté rurale au Burkina Faso.


Backiny-Yetna, Propere and Carbonari, Flávia and Wodon, Quentin (2010): Tendances et profil de la pauvreté au Cap-Vert de 2001 à 2007 : Analyses quantitative et qualitative.


Salmon, Léa and Tebero, Josias and Wodon, Quentin (2010): Impact de la crise économique en République Centrafricaine: Analyse quantitative et qualitative.


Backiny-Yetna, Prospère and Wodon, Quentin (2010): Pauvreté en Guinée de 1994 à 2007: Tendances, perceptions, et priorités des ménages.


Backiny-Yetna, Prospère and Wodon, Quentin and Mungai, Rose and Tsimpo, Clarence (2010): Pauvreté au Libéria : Niveau, profil, et corrélats en 2007.


Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Wodon, Quentin (2010): Profil et corrélats de la pauvreté en République Centrafricaine en 2008.


Fall, Abdou and Salmon, Léa and Wodon, Quentin (2010): Impact sur la pauvreté et perceptions de la crise économique au Sénégal: Analyses quantitative et qualitative.


Backiny-Yetna, Prospère and Camara, Mayacine and Ndoye, Djibril and Ndiaye, Papa Thiecouta and Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2010): Progrès accomplis dans le cadre de la stratégie pour la croissance et la réduction de la pauvreté au Sénégal.


Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Wodon, Quentin and Mungai, Rose and Tsimpo, Clarence (2012): Poverty in Liberia: Level,Profile, and Determinants. Published in: Poverty and the Policy Response to the Economic Crisis in Liberia, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by Quentin Wodon) (April 2012): pp. 9-34.


Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Education in Liberia: Basic Diagnostic Using the 2007 CWIQ Survey. Published in: Poverty and the Policy Response to the Economic Crisis in Liberia, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by Quentin Wodon) (April 2012): pp. 35-59.


Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Health in Liberia: Basic Diagnostic Using the 2007 CWIQ Survey. Published in: Poverty and the Policy Response to the Economic Crisis in Liberia, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by Quentin Wodon) (April 2012): pp. 60-81.


Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Benefit Incidence of Fiscal Measures to Deal with the Impact on Households of the Economic Crisis in Liberia: Comparing Import and Income Taxes. Published in: Poverty and the Policy Response to the Economic Crisis in Liberia, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by Quentin Wodon) (April 2012): pp. 99-110.


Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin and Graham, Errol (2012): Ex ante assessment of the potential impact of labor-intensive public works in Liberia. Published in: Poverty and the Policy Response to the Economic Crisis in Liberia, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by Quentin Wodon) (April 2012): pp. 113-127.


Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Wodon, Quentin and Zampaglione, Giuseppe (2012): Impact of Labor-Intensive Public Works in Liberia: Results from a Light Evaluation Survey. Published in: Poverty and the Policy Response to the Economic Crisis in Liberia, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by Quentin Wodon) (April 2012): pp. 155-171.


Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Thematic Paper: Comprehensive Education.


Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): ورقة مواضيعية: التعليم الشامل.


Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Document thématique : L’éducation globale pour tous.


Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Тематическая работа: Всестороннее образование.


Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Documento temático: Educación integral.


Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): 专题论文:全面教育.


Christiaensen, Luc and Scott, Christopher and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Poverty Measurement and Analysis. Published in: A Sourcebook for Poverty Reduction Strategies , Vol. 1, (April 2002): pp. 27-74.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Faith-inspired, Private Secular, and Public Schools in sub-Saharan Africa: Market Share, Reach to the Poor, Cost, and Satisfaction.


Olivier, Jill and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Market Share of Faith-inspired Health Care Providers in Africa: Comparing Facilities and Multi-purpose Integrated Household Survey Data.


Wodon, Quentin and Cong Nguyen, Minh and Tsimpo, Clarence (2012): Market share of faith-inspired and private secular health care providers in Africa: comparing DHS and multi-purpose integrated surveys.


Dimmock, Franck and Olivier, Jill and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Half a Century Young: The Christian Health Associations in Africa.


Olivier, Jill and Shojo, Mari and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Faith-inspired Health Care Provision in Ghana: Market Share, Reach to the Poor, and Performance.


Olivier, Jill and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Increased funding for AIDS-engaged (faith-based) civil society organizations in Africa?


Olivier, Jill and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Satisfaction with faith-inspired health care services in Africa: review and evidence from household surveys.


Gemignani, Regina and Wodon, Quentin (2012): How do households choose between health providers? results from qualitative fieldwork in Burkina Faso.


Shojo, Mari and Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Satisfaction with and reasons for choosing faith-inspired health care provision in Ghana.


Olivier, Jill and Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Do faith-inspired health care providers in Africa reach the poor more than other providers?


Olivier, Jill and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Layers of evidence: discourse and typologies of faith-inspired community response to HIV/AIDS in Africa.


Coulombe, Harold and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Mapping religious health assets: are faith-inspired facilities located in poor areas in Ghana?


Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Differences in the private cost of health care between providers and satisfaction with services: results for sub-Saharan African countries.


Gemignani, Regina and Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Making quality care available for the poor: faith-inspired health facilities in Burkina Faso.


Coulombe, Harold and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Benefit incidence of public health spending for public and faith-inspired health facilities in Ghana.


Wodon, Quentin and Alleyne, Betty and Cong, Lin and Mulusa, Judy and Niami, Farhad (2014): Accounting for Trends in Charitable Tax Deductions: Framework and Application to the District of Columbia.


Joseph, George and Wodon, Quentin (2014): Does the Impact of Remittances on Poverty and Human Development Depend on the Climate of Receiving Areas?


Wodon, Quentin (2013): A Simple Approach for Estimating the Relative Membership Growth Potential of Rotary Districts.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7530 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7550 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7570 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7600 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7610 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7620 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7630 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7670 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7680 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7690 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7710 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7720 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7730 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7750 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin (2013): Rotary District 7770 Relative Membership Growth Potential Analysis by County.


Wodon, Quentin and Liverani, Andrea (2014): Climate Change and Migration in the MENA Region: An Overview.


Wodon, Quentin and Burger, Nicholas and Grant, Audra and Liverani, Andrea (2014): Climate Change, Migration, and Adaptation in the MENA Region.


Burger, Nicholas and Grant, Audra and Kups, Sarah and Rana, Yashodhara and Wodon, Quentin (2014): Focus Countries for the Study on Climate Change and Migration in the MENA Region.


Burger, Nicholas and Ghosh-Dastidar, Bonnie and Grant, Audra and Joseph, George and Ruder, Teague and Tchakeva, Olesya and Wodon, Quentin (2014): Data Collection for the Study on Climate Change and Migration in the MENA Region.


Adoho, Franck and Wodon, Quentin (2014): Perceptions of Climate Change, Weather Shocks, and Impacts on Households in the MENA region.


Cong Nguyen, Minh and Wodon, Quentin (2014): Weather Shocks, Impact on Households, and Ability to Recover in Morocco.


Adoho, Franck and Wodon, Quentin (2014): How Do Households Cope with and Adapt to Climate Change in the MENA Region?


Adoho, Franck and Wodon, Quentin (2014): Do Changes in Weather Patterns and the Environment Lead to Migration in the MENA Region?


Grant, Audra and Burger, Nicholas and Wodon, Quentin (2014): Climate-induced Migration in the MENA Region: Results from the Qualitative Fieldwork.


Joseph, George and Wodon, Quentin and Liverani, Andrea and Blankespoor, Brian (2014): Is Climate Change Likely to Lead to Higher Net Internal Migration? The Republic of Yemen’s Case.


Cong Nguyen, Minh and Wodon, Quentin (2014): Extreme Weather Events and Migration: The Case of Morocco.


Joseph, George and Wodon, Quentin and Blankespoor, Brian (2014): Do Remittances Reach Households Living in Unfavorable Climate Areas? Evidence from the Republic of Yemen.


Wodon, Quentin (2014): Comparing Itemized Tax Deductions across States: A Simple Decomposition Applied to Mortgage Interest Deductions.


Wodon, Divya and Wodon, Naina and Wodon, Quentin (2013): Thrift Stores Funding Food Pantries: A Win-Win Strategy for Nonprofits Serving the Poor?


Wodon, Divya and Wodon, Naina and Wodon, Quentin (2013): What Drives Client Satisfaction at Non-profit Thrift Stores?


Wodon, Divya and Wodon, Naina and Wodon, Quentin (2013): Opening a New Nonprofit Thrift Store: Performance, Competition, Pricing, and Financial Sustainability.


Wodon, Divya and Wodon, Naina and Wodon, Quentin (2013): How Cost Effective Are Food Pantry Programs for the Poor Likely to Be?


Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2016): Coverage of Essential Early Childhood Development Interventions in Uganda.


Tsimpo, Clarence and Wodon, Quentin (2016): Residential Electricity in Uganda.


Wodon, Quentin (2022): Global report on integral human development 2022: measuring the contributions of Catholic and other faith-based organizations to education, healthcare, and social protection.

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