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Items where Subject is "C83 - Survey Methods ; Sampling Methods"

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Number of items at this level: 70.


Aiello, Francesco and Bonanno, Graziella and Capristo, Luigi (2018): Explaining differences in efficiency. A meta-study on local government literature.

Aithal, Architha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Development and Validation of Survey Questionnaire & Experimental Data – A Systematical Review-based Statistical Approach. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (31 October 2020): pp. 233-251.

Alfarano, Simone and Milakovic, Mishael (2010): Identification of Interaction Effects in Survey Expectations: A Cautionary Note.

Amalia, Ratna Rizki and Kadir, Kadir (2019): Improving Paddy Statistics in Indonesia: Developing Crop Cutting Survey Using Area Sampling Frame.

Armstrong, J. Scott (1990): Class of Mail Does Affect Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires: Evidence from Meta-analysis. Published in: Journal of the Market Research Society No. 32 (1990): pp. 467-471.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Lusk, Edward J. (1987): Return Postage in Mail Surveys: A Meta Analysis. Published in: Public Opinion Quarterly No. 51 (1987): pp. 233-248.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Overton, Terry S. (1977): Estimating Nonresponse Bias in Mail Surveys. Published in: Journal of Marketing Research No. 14 (1977): pp. 396-402.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Yokum, J. Thomas (1994): Effectiveness of Monetary Incentives: Mail Surveys to Members of Multinational Professional Groups. Published in: Industrial Marketing Management , Vol. 23, (1994): pp. 133-136.


Bajzik, Jozef and Havranek, Tomas and Irsova, Zuzana and Schwarz, Jiri (2019): Estimating the Armington Elasticity: The Importance of Data Choice and Publication Bias.

Bechlioulis, Alexandros P. and Karamanis, Dimitrios (2020): The impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on the i-banking use: An empirical inquiry from Greece.

Behera, Smruti Ranjan Behera and Dua, Pami Dua and Goldar, Bishwanath Goldar (2012): Technology Spillover of Foreign Direct Investment: An Analysis of Different Clusters in India.

Bilgili, Faik (2017): Piyasa ekonomisine geçiş süreci ve sonrasında Türkiye'de GINI katsayılarının analizi: Alternatif GINI formülü yaklaşımı.

Bishu, Kinfe and O'Reilly, Seamus and Lahiff, Edward and Steiner, Bodo (2016): Cattle farmers’ perceptions of risk and risk management strategies. Forthcoming in: Journal of Risk Research

Bista, Raghu (2015): Conflict and Internal Displacement in Nepal:Socio-Economic Query. Published in: Journal of South Asian Studies , Vol. 3, No. 3 (3 March 2015): pp. 307-314.

Booleman, Max and Zeelenberg, Kees (2013): Industrialisation in official statistics: a view on quality reporting and sufficient quality. Published in: Proceedings of NTTS 2013 (New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics conference) , Vol. 2013, (2013): pp. 184-191.

Bovi, Maurizio (2019): A Time-Varying Expectations Formation Mechanism. Published in: Economia Politica No. 4 (December 2019)

Braaksma, Barteld and Zeelenberg, Kees (2015): “Re-make/Re-model”: Should big data change the modelling paradigm in official statistics? Published in: Statistical Journal of the IAOS , Vol. 31, No. 2 (2015): pp. 193-202.

Börjesson, Maria and Fosgerau, Mogens (2015): Response Time Patterns in a Stated Choice Experiment. Forthcoming in: Journal of Choice Modelling


Carbonai, Davide and Drago, Carlo (2014): What is a Workers’ Referendum for? Evidence from Italy.


D'Elia, Enrico (1991): La quantificazione dei risultati dei sondaggi congiunturali: un confronto tra procedure. Published in: Rassegna dei lavori dell'ISCO No. n. 13 (June 1991): pp. 1-72.

Das, Nimai and Kumar, Rajeev (2016): Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Healthcare Sector of India. Published in: http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/rg.2.2.30420.19845 (September 2016)

Delis, Manthos and Galariotis, Emilios and Monne, Jerome (2021): Financial vulnerability and seeking expert advice: Evidence from a survey experiment.

Dill, Alexander and Gebhart, Nicolas (2016): Redundancy, Unilateralism and Bias beyond GDP – results of a Global Index Benchmark.

Drichoutis, Andreas C. and Vassilopoulos, Achilleas and Lusk, Jayson and Nayga, Rodolfo M. (2015): Consumer preferences for fair labour certification.


Escobal, Javier and Flores, Eva (2008): An Assessment of the Young Lives Sampling Approach in Peru. Published in: Young Lives Technical Note Series No. 3 (March 2008)


Faggini, Marisa (2010): Chaos detection in economics. Metric versus topological tools.

Friesenbichler, Klaus S. and Selenko, Eva and Clarke, George R.G. (2015): How much of a nuisance is greasing the palms? A study on job dedication and attitudes towards corruption reports under answer bias control.


Ghassan, Hassan B. and Alhajhoj, Hassan R. (2008): اختبار أثر مزاحمة الإنفاق الحكومي للإستثمار الخاص في الاقتصاد السعودي عبر المعاينة المعادة. Published in: Arab Economic and Business Journal , Vol. 4, (2009): pp. 34-41.

Giovannini, Enrico and Malgarini, Marco (2012): What do Italian consumers know about Economic Data? An analysis based on the ISTAT Consumers Survey.

Gupta, Pallavi and Datta, Ambarish and Kothe, Satyanarayan (2021): Logic Model Framework for Employability and Skills Development in Vulnerable Youth: evidence from pilot intervention and quasi-experimental research.


Hampl, Mojmir and Havranek, Tomas (2018): Foreign Investment and Domestic Productivity in the Czech Republic: A Quantitative Survey.

Havranek, Tomas and Irsova, Zuzana and Vlach, Tomas (2016): Publication Bias in Measuring the Income Elasticity of Water Demand.

Heidarzadeh, Elham and Sajadnia, Sahar (2017): Using Simulation and Six-Sigma Tools in Improving Process Flow in Outpatient Clinics.


Iorngurum, Tersoo (2022): Foreign Direct Investment, Growth, and Publication Bias in Latin America and the Caribbean.


K.N, Nair and C.S, Krishnakumar (2014): Breeding, Feeding and Distribution of Milch Animal Holdings in India:An Analysis Based on the Data from the National Dairy Sample Survey.

Kamal, Mona (2011): Bayesian Estimation of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model Using UK Data.

Karpov, Valery and Mozzherina, Nadezhda and Andreeva, Elena (2009): Использование CASE-технологий при моделировании организации предпринимательской деятельности в агропромышленном комплексе. Published in: Экономика региона: интеллект, инновации, предпринимательство: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (11 дек. 2009 г.). (2009): pp. 188-191.

Kumara, Ajantha Sisira (2022): Researching with Secondary Data: A brief overview of possibilities and limitations from the viewpoint of social research.

Kässi, Otto and Lehdonvirta, Vili (2016): Online Labour Index: Measuring the Online Gig Economy for Policy and Research.


Lautenbacher, Stefan (2020): Subjective Uncertainty, Expectations, and Firm Behavior.

Leogrande, Angelo (2024): Unlocking Hidden Value: A Framework for Transforming Dark Data in Organizational Decision-Making.

Leong, Wei Dong and Teng, Sin Yong and How, Bing Shen and Ngan, Sue Lin and Lam, Hon Loong and Tan, Chee Pin and Ponnambalam, S. G. (2019): Adaptive Analytical Approach to Lean and Green Operations. Published in: Journal of Cleaner Production , Vol. 235, (20 October 2019): pp. 190-209.

Lewis, Gabriel (2022): Heteroskedasticity and Clustered Covariances from a Bayesian Perspective.

Lin, Yu-Hsuan and Kim, KyungJa (2017): Willingness to Pay for Government-Certified Agri-Products in South Korea. Published in: 소비문화연구 (Journal of Consumption Culture) , Vol. 4, No. 20 (December 2017): pp. 139-160.


Mac an Bhaird, Ciaran and Lucey, Brian (2008): Determinants of capital structure in Irish SMEs. Published in: Small Business Economics , Vol. 35, No. 3 (2010): pp. 357-375.

Medel-Ramírez, Carlos and Medel-López, Hilario (2020): Data Article. Data mining for the study of the Epidemic (SARS- CoV-2) COVID-19: Algorithm for the identification of patients (SARS-CoV-2) COVID 19 in Mexico.

Mohammad Monirul, Hasan (2013): Does Consumer Behaviour on Meat Consumption Increase Obesity? - Empirical Evidence from European Countries. Published in: International Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , Vol. 2, No. 1 (20 February 2014): pp. 1-5.


Nwaobi, Godwin (2023): An Impact Evaluation of Digital Cash Transfers Scheme on Income Poverty in Nigeria.

Nwaobi, Godwin (2023): The Impact of Home Grown School Feeding Program(HGSFP) on Child Education and Nutrition in Nigeria.


Oktal, Kaan and Yucel, Eray (2023): Developing a Measurement Framework and Survey for Micromanagement.

Omid, M. Rouhani (2013): Queue Dissipation Shockwave Speed for Signalized Intersections.

Onofrei, Mihaela and Lupu, Dan (2014): The modelling of forecasting the bankruptcy in Romania. Published in: Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research , Vol. 48, No. 3 (30 September 2014): pp. 197-217.


Pachankis, Yang (2022): Jeopardies in human security and politicization of COVID-19. Forthcoming in: Ethics, Medicine and Public Health

Pan, Chi-Hung and Emura, Takeshi (2014): Corrections to: Multivariate normal distribution approaches for dependently truncated data. Forthcoming in: Statistical Papers

Patrick, Grady (2015): Time to Face the Fact that the National Household Survey Is Just the Compulsory Long-Form Census Made Voluntary.

Puah, Chin-Hong and Wong, Shirly Siew-Ling and Habibullah, Muzafar Shah (2012): Rationality of business operational forecasts: evidence from Malaysian distributive trade sector.


Rahajeng, DIAN (2013): The Role of Islamic Banking System as the Milestone towards Indonesia Micro Economy Development.


Sabatini, Fabio (2010): Questionario e guida pratica per la misurazione del capitale sociale.

Seiler, Christian and Heumann, Christian (2012): Microdata imputations and macrodata implications: evidence from the Ifo Business Survey.

Shevelova, Anastasia and Melnyk, Anna and Motliuk, Mark (2023): Influence of various factors on academic performance.

Singh, Deepti and Goli, Srinivas and T.V., Sekher (2011): Double burden of nutritional disorder among Indian women: an assessment of differentials and determinants. Published in:

Situngkir, Hokky and Maulana, Ardian (2013): Dynamics of the Corruption Eradication in Indonesia. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-1-2013 (17 September 2013)

Stoian, Andreea and Vintila, Nicoleta and Iorgulescu, Filip and Cepoi, Cosmin Octavian and Dina Manolache, Aurora (2021): How Risk Aversion and Financial Literacy Shape Young Adults’ Investment Preferences.

Syed Zwick, Hélène (2019): Motivation - Opportunity - Ability Nexus: Application to Regional Central Asian Student Mobility.


Turner, Grant (2018): Establishing a comprehensive census of undergraduate economics curricula:Foundational and special requirements for major programs in the U.S.


Vorobyev, Oleg Yu. (2016): The bet on a bald. Published in: Proceedings of the XV FAMEMS-2016 Conference and the Workshop on Hilbert's sixth problem, Krasnoyarsk, Russia (30 September 2016): pp. 98-101.


Wong, Shirly Siew-Ling and Puah, Chin-Hong and Shazali, Abu Mansor (2011): Survey Evidence on the Rationality of Business Expectations: Implications from the Malaysian Agricultural Sector. Published in: Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research , Vol. 45, No. 4 (December 2011): pp. 169-180.


Xesfingi, Sofia and Vozikis, Athanasios (2014): What shapes eHealth literacy of an individual?


Y. Tamsamani, Yasser (2018): La mesure du chômage au Maroc : rien n’est moins sûr.

Y. Tamsamani, Yasser (2018): La mesure du chômage au Maroc : rien n’est moins sûr.

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