Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "L14 - Transactional Relationships ; Contracts and Reputation ; Networks"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 211.


Elasrag, Hussein (2020): بناء وإدارة السمعة المؤسسية للأوقاف.


Bachev, Hrabrin (2022): Как да оценим управленческата ефективност на българските земеделски стопанства.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2018): Управление на аграрната устойчивост в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bojidar and Toteva, Dessislava and Sokolova, Emilia and Terziev, Dimitar and Nikolov, Dimitar and Radeva, Donka and Chopeva, Minka and Li, Hongfei and Che, Shengquan (2018): Управление и оценка на аграрната устойчивост – опит, предизвикателства и уроци от България и Китай.


Alcalde, Pilar and Vial, Bernardita (2016): Willingness to Pay for Firm Reputation: Paying for Risk Rating in the Annuity Market.

Alessandra Cassar, ac and Mary Rigdon, mr (2008): Trust and Reciprocity in 2-node and 3-node Networks.

Alexandrov, Alexei and Pittman, Russell and Ukhaneva, Olga (2018): Pricing of Complements in the U.S. freight railroads: Cournot versus Coase.

Anginer, Deniz and Mansi, Sattar and Warburton, A. Joseph and Yildizhan, Celim (2011): Firm Reputation and Cost of Debt Capital.

Anginer, Deniz and Yildizhan, Celim and Han, Xue Snow (2017): Do Individual Investors Ignore Transaction Costs?

Antelo, Manel and Bru, Lluís (2021): Horizontal contracts in a dominant firm-competitive fringe model.

Anton, Roman (2015): An Integrated Strategy Framework (ISF) for Combining Porter's 5-Forces, Diamond, PESTEL, and SWOT Analysis. Forthcoming in: Open Science , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2016): pp. 21-26.

Aral, Karca D. and Giambona, Erasmo and Lopez A., Ricardo and Wang, Ye (2024): Board Gender Diversity and Buyer-Supplier Relationships.

Ardizzi, Guerino (2013): Card versus cash: empirical evidence of the impact of payment card interchange fees on end users’ choice of payment methods. Published in: Journal of Financial Market and Infrastructures , Vol. 1, No. 4 (27 June 2013): pp. 73-105.

Armstrong, Mark (2002): Competition in two-sided markets (2002 version).

Arora, Ashish and Gambardella, Alfonso and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo (2000): The Nature and the Extent of the Market for Technology in Biopharmaceuticals. Published in: R&D, Innovation and Competitiveness in the European Chemical Industry, Springer (2004): pp. 175-202.

Arora, Vipin (2012): A Note on Natural Gas Market Evolution in Light of Transaction Cost Theory.

Athias, Laure and Saussier, Stéphane (2007): Contractual flexibility or rigidity for public private partnerships? Theory and evidence from infrastructure concession contracts.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Competitiveness of Bulgarian Farms in Conditions of EU CAP Implementation.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Competitiveness of Bulgarian farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2011): Dairy value chain management in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Framework for Analisis and Improvement of Agrarian Dynamics.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Framework for Analysis of Agrarian Contracts.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Governing Agrarian Risks.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Governing of Agro-Ecosystem Services.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2011): Management of chemical and biological risks in agri-food chain.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Mechanisms of Governance of Sustainable Development.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Needs, Modes and Efficiency of Economic Organizations and Public Interventions in Agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Risk Management in Agri-food Chain.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Study on Agrarian Contracts in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Understanding efficiency of agrarian organisation.

Balakrishnan, VN and Mohamad Khan, Jamal Khan (2018): Influential Factors of Competitive Advantage Progression on SME Third-Party Logistics in Selangor Malaysia.

Balkenborg, Dieter and Kaplan, Todd R and Miller, Tim (2010): A simple economic teaching experiment on the hold-up problem.

Barinov, Alexander and Park, Shawn Saeyeul and Yildizhan, Celim (2016): Firm Complexity and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift.

Baskaran, Thushyanthan and Blöchl, Florian and Brück, Tilmann and Theis, Fabian J. (2010): The Heckscher-Ohlin Model and the Network Structure of International Trade. Published in: International Review of Economics and Finance , Vol. 20, No. 2 (2011): pp. 135-145.

Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Reese, Claudia (2008): Is the future of the ATM past?

Bayari, Celal (2020): South Korean Economy and the Free Trade Agreement with China. Published in: The Journal of East Asian Affairs , Vol. 33, No. 1 (30 July 2020): pp. 89-122.

Behringer, Stefan (2005): Equilibrium Market and Pricing Structures in Virtual Platform Duopoly.

Bell, William Paul (2008): Adaptive Interactive Profit Expectations and Small World Networks.

Berliant, Marcus and Watanabe, Hiroki (2016): A Scale-Free Transportation Network Explains the City-Size Distribution.

Berliant, Marcus and Watanabe, Hiroki (2015): A scale-free transportation network explains the city-size distribution.

Berulava, George (2013): Do Trust-Based Relations Improve Firm’s Performance? Evidence from Transition Economies.

Berulava, George (2013): Do Trust-Based Relations Improve Firm’s Performance? Evidence from Transition Economies.

Bischoff, Oliver and Buchwald, Achim (2015): Horizontal and Vertical Firm Networks, Corporate Performance and Product Market Competition.

Bista, Raghu (2017): Understanding corporate social responsibility of Commercial Banks of Nepal. Published in: Kaav International Journal of Law, Finance and Industrial Relations , Vol. 5, No. 1 (2 January 2018): pp. 23-33.

Bitros, George C. and Minoglou, Ioanna (2006): Entrepreneurship and market order: Some historical evidence.

Bojanowski, Michał and Corten, Rense and Westbrock, Bastian (2009): The structure and dynamics of the global network of inter-firm R&D partnerships 1989-2002. Forthcoming in:

Boniface, Bonaventure and Gyau, Amos and Stringer, Randy (2009): Relationship quality as the predictor of long term relationship in the Malaysian dairy industry. Published in: Proceedings The 4th International Conference of the Asian Academy of Applied Business (AAAB 2009) (17 December 2009): pp. 766-776.

Braha, Dan and Stacey, Blake and Bar-Yam, Yaneer (2011): Corporate competition: A self-organized network. Forthcoming in: Social Networks , Vol. doi:10, No. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2011.05.004 (2011)

Brusset, Xavier (2009): Choosing a transport contract over multiple periods. Published in: International Journal Logistics Systems and Management , Vol. 5, No. 2-3 (February 2009): pp. 273-322.

Bunea-Bontaş, Cristina Aurora and Petre, Mihaela (2009): Franchise in Romanian tourism.

Chen, Liyun (2009): What do we pay for asymmetric information? The evolution of mechanisms in online markets.

Cui, Shana and Pittman, Russell and Zhao, Jian (2018): Restructuring the Chinese Freight Railway: Two Scenarios.

Cyrenne, Philippe (1999): Analysing Shared Service Contracts: The Case of Food Services for Winnipeg Hospitals.

Dabija, Dan-Cristian and Alt, Monika Anetta (2012): The economic crisis, an opportunity for retailers in Romania. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 337-355.

Deguilhem, Thibaud and Berrou, Jean-Philippe and Combarnous, François (2017): Using your ties to get a worse job? The differential effects of social networks on quality of employment in Colombia.

Delina, Radoslav and Vajda, Viliam and Bednár, Peter (2007): Trusted operational scenarios - Trust building mechanisms and strategies for electronic marketplaces.

Dey, Oindrila and Banerjee, Swapnendu (2015): Endogenous favouritism with status incentives: A model of optimum inefficiency.

Dey, Oindrila and Banerjee, Swapnendu (2014): Incentives and status.

Dey, Oindrila and Banerjee, Swapnendu (2013): Status, incentives and random favouritism.

Diathesopoulos, Michael (2010): Relational contract theory and management contracts: A paradigm for the application of the Theory of the Norms.

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Urmetzer, Florian (2023): Policy-Driven Industrial Ecosystems.

Donna, Javier and Espin Sanchez, Jose (2019): Water Theft As Social Insurance: Southeastern Spain, 1851-1948. Published in: Economic History Review , Vol. 3, No. 74 (2021): pp. 721-753.

Drago, Carlo (2015): Exploring the Community Structure of Complex Networks. Published in: Annali MEMOTEF No. 2016 (2016)

Drago, Carlo and Millo, Francesco and Ricciuti, Roberto and Santella, Paolo (2014): Corporate Governance Reforms, Interlocking Directorship and Company Performance in Italy. Forthcoming in: International Review of Law and Economics

Dubovik, Andrei (2018): Mergers on Networks.

Díaz-Mora, Carmen and Córcoles, David and Gandoy, Rosario (2014): Exit from Exporting: Does Engagement in Transnational Networks Matter?

Elsner, Wolfram and Hocker, Gero and Schwardt, Henning (2009): Simplistic vs. Complex Organization: Markets, Hierarchies, and Networks in an 'Organizational Triangle'.

Elsner, Wolfram and Schwardt, Henning (2015): The (dis-)embedded firm: Complex structure and dynamics in inter-firm relations. Adding institutionalization as a Veblenian dimension to the Coase-Williamson approach – An emerging triangular organizational space.

Erbes, Analía and Tacsir, Ezequiel and Yoguel, Gabriel (2008): Endogenous competences and linkages development.

Fischer, Christian (2020): Optimal payment contracts in trade relationships.

Fischer-Thöne, Christian (2022): Optimal payment contracts in trade relationships.

Garas, Antonios and Lapatinas, Athanasios (2017): The role of consumer networks in firms’ multi-characteristics competition and market-share inequality.

Gavazza, Alessandro (2010): Leasing and Secondary Markets: Theory and Evidence from Commercial Aircraft.

Gay, Brigitte (2008): Firm dynamic governance of global innovation by means of flexible networks of connections. Published in: Journal of Innovation Economics , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2008): pp. 63-83.

Ghosh, Meenakshi (2021): Consumer naivete and competitive add-on pricing on platforms.

Gil, Ricard and Warzynski, Frédéric (2009): Vertical Integration, Exclusivity and Game Sales Performance in the U.S. Video Game Industry.

Golonka, Monika (2012): Emerging Asian ICT global players: natural born collaborators or stuck with aliens? Forthcoming in: International Journal of Management And Business , Vol. XX, No. XX (2012): X-X.

Green, Mitchell R. (2012): Recent evidence in the support of oligopolistic cooperation: a network approach. Published in: Oeconomicus , Vol. 12, (January 2012)

Gräbner, Claudius and Heinrich, Torsten and Kudic, Muhamed (2017): Network theory and social economics - a promising conjunction?

Hattori, Keisuke and Zennyo, Yusuke (2018): Heterogeneous Consumer Expectations and Monopoly Pricing for Durables with Network Externalities.

Hattori, Keisuke and Zennyo, Yusuke (2018): Pricing and Diffusion of Durables with Network Externalities.

Havas, Attila (2007): The Interplay between Innovation and Production Systems at Various Levels: The case of the Hungarian automotive industry.

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2016): Analysis of Contracts in Various Formats of Blockchain. Published in: Contracts & Commercial Law eJournal , Vol. 18, No. 12 (1 March 2017)

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): K-Chains: A New Class of Blockchains and Related Turing Machines Based on Quantum Mechanics. Published in: Computing Technologies eJournal , Vol. 10, No. 03 (31 January 2017)

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): Legal Systems and Blockchain Interactions. Published in: Transnational Litigation/Arbitration, Private International Law, & Conflict of Laws eJournal , Vol. 04, No. 11 (2 March 2017)

Heinrich, Torsten (2015): A Discontinuity Model of Technological Change: Catastrophe Theory and Network Structure.

Heinrich, Torsten and Gräbner, Claudius (2017): Beyond Equilibrium: Revisiting Two-Sided Markets from an Agent-Based Modeling Perspective.

Hong, Jifeng and Kazakis, Pantelis and Strieborny, Martin (2024): A fish rots from the head down: The contagion effect of upstream firms’ environmental misconduct on downstream firms’ green innovation continuity.

Inoue, Hiroyasu and Todo, Yasuyuki (2017): Firm-level simulation of supply chain disruption triggered by actual and predicted earthquakes.

Ivanov, Martin and Ganev, Georgy (2015): Bulgarian business elite, 1900s-2000s. Published in:

Jain, Tarun and Sood, Ashima (2012): How does relationship-based governance accommodate new entrants? Evidence from the cycle rickshaw rental market.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Influence of structure and ownership of lignite opencast mine and power plant bilateral monopoly on its operation. Published in: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection MPES/06 (20 September 2006): pp. 26-31.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Lignite price and split of profit negotiation in bilateral monopoly of lignite opencast mine and power plant. Published in: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection MPES’06 (20 September 2006): pp. 32-37.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Lignite price negotiation between opencast mine and power plant as a two-stage, two-person, cooperative, non-zero sum game. Published in: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium Continuous Surface Mining , Vol. ISBN 3, No. Department of Mining Engineering III, RWTH Aachen University (24 September 2006): pp. 469-476.

Jääskeläinen, Kristian and Pau, Louis-François (2009): ERP project’s internal stakeholder network and how it influences the project’s outcome.

Kallina, Dennis and Siegfried, Patrick (2021): Optimization of Supply Chain Network using Genetic Algorithms based on Bill of materials. Published in: International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES) , Vol. 10, No. 7 (5 July 2021): pp. 37-47.

Keating, Byron W. and Alpert, Frank and Kriz, Anton and Quazi, Ali (2010): Exploring the mediating role of relationship quality in online services. Published in: Journal of Computer Information Systems , Vol. 52, No. 2 (2011): pp. 33-41.

Kono, Tatsuhito and Nakajima, Kentaro and Ozane, Kanta (2023): Quantitative Impact Analysis of the Centralization of Firms in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Considering Firm-to-Firm Trade Networks.

Krueger, Malte (2009): The Pricing of Payments.

Kuzmin, Evgeny A. and Barbakov, Oleg M. (2015): Institutional Efficiency and Processes of Institutional Changes (as Seen by the Russian Academic Tradition). Published in: Asian Social Science , Vol. 11, No. 6 (February 2015): pp. 163-170.

Lee, DongJoon and Choi, Kangsik and Hwang, Kyu-Chan (2014): Reverse First-mover and Second-mover Advantage in a Vertical Structure.

Leung, Tin Cheuk (2012): Music Piracy: Bad for Record Sales but Good for the iPod?

Leung, Tin Cheuk and Ng, Travis and Ho, Chun-Yu and Chao, Hong (2013): To Root or Not to Root? The Economics of Jailbreak.

Levy, Daniel (2013): Discussion of "Local News Online: Aggregators, Geo-Targeting and the Market for Local News" by George, L. and C. Hogendorn.

Levy, Daniel and Young, Andrew (2019): Promise, Trust and Betrayal: Costs of Breaching an Implicit Contract.

Lopez-Rodriguez, Patricia and De la Torre Garcia, Rodolfo (2010): Social Capital in the Presence of Market Failures. Published in: International Journal of Social Inquiry , Vol. Volume, No. especial issue of social capital (2010): pp. 163-188.

Lumineau, Fabrice and Frechet, Marc and Puthod, Dominique (2011): An organizational learning perspective on contract design. Published in: Strategic Organization , Vol. 1, No. 9 (2011)

Lumineau, Fabrice and Henderson, James (2012): The influence of relational experience and contractual governance on the negotiation strategy in buyer-supplier disputes. Forthcoming in: Journal of Operations Management , Vol. 5, No. 30 (2012)

Lumineau, Fabrice and Malhotra, Deepak (2011): Shadow of the contract: how contract structure shapes inter-firm dispute resolution. Published in: Strategic Management Journal , Vol. 5, No. 32 (2011)

Lumineau, Fabrice and Quelin, Bertrand (2012): An Empirical Investigation of Interorganizational Opportunism and Contracting Mechanisms. Published in: Strategic Organization , Vol. 1, No. 10 (2012)

Luttmann, Alexander and Ladd, Daniel (2023): Loyalty rewards and redemption behavior: Stylized facts for the U.S. airline industry.

Mahmud, Minhaj and Wadood, Syed Naimul (2012): Delinking of Local and International Prices: Exploring Competition in the Bangladesh Rice Market. Published in: SANEI Working Paper Series No. No.12-06 (30 June 2012)

Malhotra, Deepak and Lumineau, Fabrice (2011): Trust and collaboration in the aftermath of conflict: the effects of contract structure. Published in: Academy of Management Journal , Vol. 5, No. 54 (2011)

Marinucci, Marco (2008): Optimal ownership in joint ventures with contributions of asymmetric partners.

Marinucci, Marco (2008): Optimal ownership in joint ventures with contributions of asymmetric partners.

Martino, Gaetano and Frascarelli, Angelo (2012): Adaptation in Food Networks: theoretical framework and empirical evidences.

Massie, Natanael Waraney Gerald and Mangunsong, Carlos (2022): Products as Network: An Empirical Approximation of the Manufacturing Production Network in Indonesia.

Medicamento, Umberto and Degennaro, Bernardo (2006): Social Networks and Supply chain Management in Rural Areas: A Case Study Focusing on Organic Olive Oil. Published in: International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference (18 August 2006)

Mendes-Da-Silva, Wesley (2011): Small worlds and board interlocking in Brazil: a longitudinal study of corporate networks, 1997-2007.

Miroudot, Sébastien and Ye, Ming (2017): Decomposition of Value-Added in Gross Exports:Unresolved Issues and Possible Solutions.

Miroudot, Sébastien and ye, ming (2018): Tracing value-added and double counting in sales of foreign affiliates and domestic-owned companies.

Miroudot, Sébastien and ye, ming (2018): Tracing value-added and double counting in sales of foreign affiliates and domestic-owned companies.

Misani, Nicola (2020): Sustainability and Implicit Contracts. Forthcoming in: Sustainability , Vol. 4, No. Business and Society 360 (1 June 2020): pp. 81-97.

Misani, Nicola (2010): The convergence of corporate social responsibility practices. Published in: Management Research Review , Vol. 33, No. 7 (2010): pp. 734-748.

Moszoro, Marian and Spiller, Pablo (2016): Coase and the Transaction Cost Approach to Regulation. Published in: Claude Ménard & Elodie Bertrand (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase No. Chapter 19 (2016): pp. 262-275.

Murray, Cameron K. (2012): Markets in political influence: rent-seeking, networks and groups.

Müller, Daniel and Schmitz, Patrick W. (2016): Transaction costs and the property rights approach to the theory of the firm. Published in: European Economic Review , Vol. 87, (2016): pp. 92-107.

Nabi, Mahmoud Sami and Ben Souissi, Souraya (2011): Could dishonest banks be disciplined ?

Najda-Janoszka, Marta (2020): Value capture dynamics – opportunity-driven changes. Published in: Contemporary organisation and management. Challenges and trends (2020): pp. 49-61.

Nasir, Rosniwati and Ponnusamy, Vanitha and Wazeer, Mohd Wazni (2007): An Exploratory Study on the Level of Trust towards Online Retailers among Consumers in the United Kingdom and Malaysia.

Nepelski, Daniel (2009): Value chain structure and flexible production technologies.

Nerja, Adrian (2021): Exclusivity in concession revenue sharing contracts. Published in: Journal of Air Transport Management , Vol. 99, (March 2022)

Nerja, Adrián and Sánchez, Mariola (2020): The effects of concession revenue sharing contracts in airport competition. Published in: Economics of Transportation , Vol. 28, (December 2021)

Nijhof, A. and Graafland, J.J. and Kuijer de, O. (2009): Exploration of an agenda for transparency in the construction industry. Published in: Construction Innovation , Vol. 3, No. 9 (2009): pp. 250-267.

Oliveira, Victor and Davis, David E. (2006): Recent Trends and Economic Issues in the WIC Infant Formula Rebate Program. Published in: Economic Research Report No. 22 (August 2006)

Orkodashvili, Mariam (2010): Shadow economy revisited: logic, morality and intuition in corrupt practices and illegal channels.

Owen-Smith, Jason and Riccaboni, Massimo and Pammolli, Fabio and Powell, Walter W. (2002): A Comparison of U.S. and European University-Industry Relations in the Life Sciences. Published in: Management Science , Vol. 48, No. 1 (January 2002): pp. 24-43.

Pau, Louis-François (2007): Discovering the dynamics of smart business networks.

Pieters, Michiel and Gilsing, Victor and Vanhaverbeke, Wim (2009): Mind the gap: Balancing alliance network and technology portfolios during periods of technological uncertainty.

Ramalingam, Abhijit (2009): "Endogenous" Relative Concerns: The Impact of Workers' Characteristics on Status and Pro ts in the Firm.

Rehman, Zeeshan Rehman and Herani, Gobind M. and Mugheri, Saleem (2010): Factor Identifying Employees’ Workplace Conflict and Timely Resolution. Published in: Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences No. 4(2) (31 December 2010): pp. 103-111.

Repkine, Alexandre and Hwang, Junseog (2004): A Network-Economic Policy Study of Identity Management Systems and Implications for Security and Privacy Policy.

Riccaboni, Massimo and Pammolli, Fabio (2001): On Firm Growth in Networks. Published in: Research Policy , Vol. 31, No. 8-9 (3 June 2002): pp. 1405-1416.

Richter, Rudolf (2001): New economic sociology and new institutional economics.

Roy Chowdhury, Prabal (2009): Land Acquisition: Fragmentation, Political Intervention and Holdout.

Roy Chowdhury, Prabal and Sengupta, Kunal (2008): Multi-person Bargaining With Complementarity: Is There Holdout?

Roy Chowdhury, Prabal and Sengupta, Kunal (2009): Transparency, complementarity and holdout.

Salah, Marwa and Abou-Shouk, Mohamed A. (2019): The effect of customer relationship management practices on airline customer loyalty. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 5, No. 2 (30 November 2019): pp. 11-19.

Salies, Evens (2010): Product innovation when consumers have switching costs.

Saruta, Fuyuki (2021): Exclusive contracts and multihoming agents in two-sided markets.

Schieffer, Jack and Wu, Steven Y. (2010): Naughty or nice? Punishment and the interaction of formal and informal incentives in long-term contractual relationships.

Schmidt, Oliver (2007): The becoming of a market - A reflection illustrated by two case studies from Uganda.

Schmitz, Patrick W. (2001): The Hold-Up Problem and Incomplete Contracts: A Survey of Recent Topics in Contract Theory.

Schmitz, Patrick W. (2022): How (Not) to Purchase Novel Goods and Services: Specific Performance Versus At-Will Contracts. Published in: Economic Journal , Vol. 132, No. ueac024

Schmitz, Patrick W. (2013): Investments in physical capital, relationship-specificity, and the property rights approach.

Schmitz, Patrick W. (2016): The Negotiators Who Knew Too Much: Transaction Costs and Incomplete Information. Published in: Economics Letters , Vol. 145, (2016): pp. 33-37.

Schmitz, Patrick W. (2002): On simple contracts, renegotiation under asymmetric information, and the hold-up problem.

Sengupta, Atanu and De, Sanjoy (2018): Trust & Informality in the Indian Credit Market: A Snapshot from Recent Data.

Smith, John (2009): Reputation, social identity and social conflict.

Smith, John (2010): Reputation, social identity, and social conflict.

Staszkiewicz, Piotr W. (2012): Veryfication of the disclosure lemma for Polish broker-dealer market. Forthcoming in:

Sääskilahti, Pekka (2006): Buying Decision Coordination and Monopoly Pricing of Network Goods.

Sääskilahti, Pekka (2007): Monopoly pricing of social goods.

Tamada, Yasunari and Tsai, Tsung-Sheng (2009): The Allocation of Decision-Making Authority when Principal has Reputation Concerns.

Todeva, Emanuela (2007): Behavioural Theory of the Firm. Published in: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Sage (2007)

Todeva, Emanuela (2007): Business Networks. Published in: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Sage (2007)

Todeva, Emanuela (2007): Network Co-Evolution. Published in: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Sage (2007)

Todeva, Emanuela (2007): Networks. Published in: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Sage (2007)

Todeva, Emanuela (2007): Strategic Alliances. Published in: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Sage (2007)

Toms, Steven (2017): Network preferences and the growth of the British cotton textile industry, c.1780-1914.

Vahabi, Mehrdad (2008): Protection costs, transaction costs,and economic theory.

Van Horen, Neeltje (2007): Customer Market Power and the Provision of Trade Credit; Evidence from Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Van Horen, Neeltje (2004): Trade Credit as a Competitiveness Tool;Evidence from Developing Countries.

Vermeulen, Ben and De Kok, Ton (2013): A value network development model and implications for innovation and production network management.

Vyrost, Tomas (2015): Country and industry effects in CEE stock market networks: Preliminary results.

Výrost, Tomáš (2012): Country effects in CEE3 stock market networks: a preliminary study.

Waters, J (2011): Cost structures and the movement of the innovation locus: a derived network approach.

Waters, James (2014): Introduction of innovations during the 2007-8 financial crisis: US companies compared with universities.

Watson, Glyn and Lonsdale, Chris and Peng, Fei and Sanderson, Joe (2012): Lessons for Procurement and Contract Management Practice in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Quantitative Study.

Xin, Guangyi (2017): Social Interaction and Labour Market Outcomes.

Yamada, Mai (2016): Strategic Trading Partner Selection for an Upstream Licenser.

Young, Andrew and Levy, Daniel (2013): Explicit Evidence of an Implicit Contract. Forthcoming in: Journal of Law, Economics & Organization (Forthcoming)

Young, Andrew and Levy, Daniel (2006): Explicit Evidence on an Implicit Contract.





Michaelis, Björn (2017): Modell eines selbstregulierenden, räumlich ausgedehnten Marktplatzes für Rohstoffhandel.


Munro, John H. (2005): I panni di lana: Nascita, espansione e declino dell’industria tessile di lana italiana, 1100-1730. Published in: Il Rinascimento italiano et l’Europa, vol. IV: Commercio e cultura mercantile , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2007): pp. 105-141.

Musso, Fabio (2005): Le relazioni di guanxi per l’accesso ai business network cinesi. Published in: China News No. 3 (2005): pp. 21-39.

Musso, Fabio and Risso, Mario and Francioni, Barbara (2010): Grande distribuzione alimentare e criteri di selezione dei fornitori nella prospettiva dei piccoli e medi produttori. Published in: Mercati e competitività No. 1 (2010): pp. 73-92.

Scoppa, Vincenzo (2003): Contratti Incompleti Ed Enforcement Endogeno. Una Rassegna Della Letteratura.


Golonka, Monika (2011): UWARUNKOWANIA KULTUROWE A POWIĄZANIA MIĘDZYFIRMOWE W SEKTORACH GLOBALNYCH. PERSPEKTYWA EMPIRYCZNA. Published in: Wydawnictwa Naukowe WSB w Gdańsku , Vol. Vol 12, No. Działanie współczesnych przedsiębiorstw, determinanty kulturowe, zasobowe i samorządowe. (3 November 2011): pp. 4-23.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część I – Propozycje podziału. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 43-57.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część II – Formuły cen węgla brunatnego. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 59-68.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część III – Obliczenia cen i zysków dla hipotetycznych danych. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 69-80.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2005): Czy integracja pionowa kopalń odkrywkowych węgla z elektrowniami jest korzystna i dla kogo? Published in: Biuletyn URE No. Nr 2 (February 2005)

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Odkrywkowa kopalnia węgla brunatnego i elektrownia jako bilateralny monopol w ujęciu klasycznym. Published in: Górnictwo i Geologia VII , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 106 (2004)

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Schemat arbitrażowy Nasha, a podział zysków w bilateralnym monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Cześć druga – zastosowania w negocjacjach strategicznych i taktycznych. Published in: Górnictwo Odkrywkowe (Opencast Mining) , Vol. XLIX, No. No.1-2 (January 2007): pp. 81-88.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Schemat arbitrażowy Nasha, a podział zysków w bilateralnym monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Cześć pierwsza – podstawy teoretyczne. Published in: Górnictwo Odkrywkowe (Opencast Mining) , Vol. Vol. X, No. No.1-2 (January 2007): pp. 73-80.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Wpływ optymalizacji kopalń odkrywkowych na rozwiązanie modelu bilateralnego monopolu: kopalnia & elektrownia w długim okresie. Published in: Gornictwo Odkrywkowe No. Nr 7-8 (2004)

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Wpływ struktury organizacyjno-właścicielskiej na funkcjonowanie bilateralnego monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Published in: Materiały konferencyjne , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wroclawskiej Nr 112 (2005)

Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena (2016): Relacje międzyorganizacyjne. Published in: Zarządzanie, organizacje i organizowanie - przegląd perspektyw teoretycznych (2016): pp. 345-356.

Najda-Janoszka, Marta (2011): Ochrona zasobów niematerialnych w sieciach kooperacyjnych. Published in: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego No. Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług, No. 650 (2011): pp. 427-438.

Najda-Janoszka, Marta (2011): Zatrzymywanie Wartości W Sieciach Kooperacyjnych Przedsiębiorstw. Published in: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu No. 169 (2011): pp. 48-62.


Moniz, António (2007): Futuros da indústria automóvel: Qual a sua importância para a definição do produto, modelos de produção e estratégias de mobilidade? Published in: Actas dos ateliers do Vº Congresso Português de Sociologia (May 2004): pp. 1-11.


Stukach, Victor and Astashova, Ekaterina and Shumakova, Oksana (2006): Трансакционные издержки на аграрном рынке: измерение, регулирование, оптимизация. Published in: Издательство Омского государственного аграрного университета, No. Региональная инфраструктура АПК (July 2006): pp. 1-212.


Asuaga, Carolina and Rausell, Pau (2006): Un Análisis de la gestión de instituciones culturales: el caso específico de los Museos. Published in: Revista Iberoamericana de Contabilidad de Gestión , Vol. 4, No. 8 (November 2006)

Barreto Nieto, Carlos Alberto (2010): Modelo de Unión Público-Privado: una aproximación desde la Teoría de Contratos.

Chaihuaque, Bruno (2009): El enfoque transaccional en los límites de la empresa. Published in: Contabilidad y Negocios , Vol. 4, No. 8 (November 2009): pp. 33-41.

Galarza, Francisco (2003): El crédito solidario, el colateral social, y la colusión. Algunos apuntes. Published in: Debate Agrario No. 35 (2003): pp. 105-132.

Gomez-Selemeneva, D. (2009): Factores Claves para la Sostenibilidad de las Alianzas Inter-organizativas: Un caso de Estrategias de Cooperación.

Pagliacci, Carolina and Peña, Jennifer (2016): Riesgos sistémicos en el mercado interbancario en Venezuela: 2004-2014. Published in: Semestre Económico , Vol. 20, No. 42 (23 January 2017): pp. 95-126.

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