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Items where Subject is "L81 - Retail and Wholesale Trade ; e-Commerce"

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ASUAMAH Yeboah, Samuel (2023): Navigating the Waves of Change: Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Behaviour in Developing Countries.

Abdisa, Lamessa T. (2019): Firm Performance Under Infrastructure Constraints: Evodence from Sub-sahara African Firms.

Abdisa, Lamessa Tariku (2018): Power Outages, Its Economic Cost and Firm Performance: Evidence From Ethiopia.

Agboola, A. A. and Yinusa, D. Olalekan and Ologunde, A.O. (2009): Impact of Digital Revolution on the Structure of Nigerian Banks. Forthcoming in: Journal of E-Commerce in Organizations

Aguirregabiria, Victor and Vicentini, Gustavo (2007): Software for the Computation of Markov-Perfect Equilibria in a Dynamic Game of Store Location by Multi-Store Firms.

Anderson, Steven and Friedman, Daniel and Milam, Garrett and Singh, Nirvikar (2007): Buy it now: A hybrid market institution. Forthcoming in: Journal of Electronic Commerce Research No. unknown

Anderson, Steven and Friedman, Daniel and Milam, Garrett and Singh, Nirvikar (2007): Seller strategies on eBay: Does size matter?

Anon-Higon, Dolores and Vasilakos, Nicholas (2008): Productivity, Multinationals and Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from the UK Retail Sector.

Arrigo, Ugo and Di Foggia, Giacomo (2013): Assessing the railways subsidy in selected European countries: insights from the Italian case. Published in: European Journal of Business and Economics , Vol. 4, No. 8 (2013): pp. 1-9.

Asghar, Saima and Oino, Isaiah (2017): Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction. Published in: Market Forces , Vol. XIII, No. 1 (1 June 2018): pp. 1-13.

Azevedo, Susana and Pereira, Madalena and Ferreira, João and Pedroso, Vilma (2008): Consumer Buying behaviour in Fashion Retailing: Empirical Evidencies.


Banica, Logica and Rosca, Doina (2010): Designing a Virtual Center for E-Commerce. Published in: THE ANNALS OF “DUNĂREA DE JOS” UNIVERSITY OF G A L A T I , Vol. No. 1, No. YEAR XVI No 1 2010 (15 July 2010): pp. 71-78.

Barahona, Nano and Otero, Cristobal and Otero, Sebastian (2022): Equilibrium Effects of Food Labeling Policies.

Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Bautista-González, Manuel A and González-Correa, Ignacio (2021): La transformación en el uso de efectivo y pagos digitales durante la pandemia de Covid-19. Forthcoming in: Papeles de Economía Española No. 176 (2022)

Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Buckley, Tom (2021): Early “Frictions” in the Transition towards Cashless Payments.

Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo and González-Correa, Ignacio (2022): The Journey of a Remittance in the US-Mexico Corridor: From My Salary to My Family.

Bergen, Mark and Levy, Daniel and Ray, Sourav and Rubin, Paul and Zeliger, Ben (2006): When Little Things Mean a Lot: On the Inefficiency of Item Pricing Laws.

Bigerna, Simona and Bollino, Carlo Andrea and D'Errico, Maria Chiara and Polinori, Paolo (2017): The Ideal Competitive Electricity Market. A simulation for Italy. Published in: Economia Politica No. 10.1007/s40888-022-00276-6 (14 July 2022): pp. 1-33.

Borraz, Fernando and Zipitría, Leandro (2010): Price Setting in Retailing: the Case of Uruguay.

Bottasso, Anna and Marocco, Paolo and Robbiano, Simone (2021): Price matching and platform pricing.

Bottasso, Anna and Marocco, Paolo and Robbiano, Simone (2021): Price matching in online retail.

Bukvić, Rajko (2022): Влияние интернета и цифровой экономики на развитие конкуренции: что мы можем сказать о Сербии. Published in: International Conference E-Business Technologies, Belgrade: Faculty of organizational sciences, 2022 (2022): pp. 156-164.

Bukvić, Rajko (2022): Пет сила vs Дуги реп. Published in: Нова галаксија No. 3 (2022): pp. 76-89.


Chen, Jong-Rong and Chen, Kong-Pin and Chou, Chien-Fu and Huang, Ching-I (2006): A dynamic model of auctions with buy-it-now: theory and evidence.

Chen, Kong-Pin and Liu, Yu-Sheng and Yu, Ya-Ting (2012): The Seller's listing strategy in online auctions: evidence from eBay.

Chen, Kong-Pin and Yen-Chi, Huang (2009): A search-matching model of the buyer-seller platforms.

Chodak, Grzegorz (2009): Internetowe serwisy porównywania cen – droga do konkurencji doskonałej? Published in: Teoria i praktyka regulacji gospodarczych No. 1 (2009): pp. 195-2008.

Chodak, Grzegorz (2008): Model dropshippingu w sklepie internetowym. Published in: Metody symulacyjne w badaniu organizacji i w dydaktyce menedżerskiej (2008): pp. 110-124.

Chodak, Grzegorz (2016): The Nuisance of Slow Moving Products in Electronic Commerce. Published in: Professionals Center for Business Research , Vol. 3, No. February-2016 (2) (28 February 2016): pp. 11-16.

Chodak, Grzegorz (2006): Propozycja kryteriów służących ocenie konkurencyjności sklepów internetowych. Published in: Przedsiębiorstwa i instytucje w warunkach zmieniającego się otoczenia , Vol. 2, (2006): pp. 149-162.

Chodak, Grzegorz (2004): Symulator obrotów magazynowych w sklepie internetowym - propozycja implementacji. Published in: Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka No. 8 (August 2004): pp. 2-10.

Chodak, Grzegorz and Latus, Łukasz (2011): Analiza metod dostarczania towarów przez polskie sklepy internetowe – wyniki badań. Published in: Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka No. 8 (August 2011): pp. 16-22.

Chodak, Grzegorz and Latus, Łukasz (2011): Metody prognozowania popytu i zarządzanie gospodarką magazynową w polskich sklepach internetowych – wyniki badań. Published in: Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka No. 9 (September 2011): pp. 11-18.

Chodak, Grzegorz and Latus, Łukasz (2012): Sprzedaż zagraniczna prowadzona przez polskie sklepy internetowe – wyniki badań. Published in: Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka No. 1/2012 (January 2012): pp. 16-20.

Chodak, Grzegorz and Latus, Łukasz and Prałat, Ewa (2010): Analiza dystrybucji w sklepach internetowych. Published in: Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka No. 5 (May 2010): pp. 2-8.

Chodak, Grzegorz and Latus, Łukasz and Prałat, Ewa (2010): Analiza współpracy sklepów internetowych z przedsiębiorstwami kurierskimi i Pocztą Polską – wyniki badań. Published in: Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka No. 6 (June 2010): pp. 18-26.

Chodak, Grzegorz and Latus, Łukasz and Prałat, Ewa (2010): Gospodarka magazynowa, prognozowanie popytu i wysyłka w sklepach internetowych – wyniki badań. Published in: Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka No. 4 (April 2010): pp. 2-10.

Chodak, Grzegorz and Suchacka, Grażyna (2012): Cost-oriented recommendation model for e-commerce. Published in: Communications in Computer and Information Science , Vol. 291, (June 2012): pp. 421-429.


Dabija, Dan-Cristian and Alt, Monika Anetta (2012): The economic crisis, an opportunity for retailers in Romania. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 337-355.

Dayal Saraswat, Kinshuk (2021): E-Commerce in Asia: A Study of Its Economic Impact on the Region. Published in: Amity University Press , Vol. 4, No. 3 (19 October 2021): pp. 21-30.

Donna, Javier D. and Pereira, Pedro and Pires, Tiago and Trindade, Andre (2021): Measuring the Welfare of Intermediaries. Published in: Management Science , Vol. 11, No. 68 (2022): pp. 2083-8115.

Donna, Javier D. and Pereira, Pedro and Pu, Yun and Trindade, Andre and Yoshida, Renan C. (2023): Direct Sales and Bargaining.

Donna, Javier D. and Pereira, Pedro and Pires, Tiago and Trindade, Andre (2019): Measuring the Welfare of Intermediaries in Vertical Markets.

Dr. Alpesh, Leua and Ms. Sweta, Sawhney (2010): Study the effectiveness of retail environment classification of Cadbury India Limited.


Fildes, Robert and Ma, Shaohui and Kolassa, Stephan (2019): Retail forecasting: research and practice.


Gaudeul, Alexia (2008): Software Marketing on the Internet: the Use of Samples and Repositories.

Giroldo, Renato and Hollenbeck, Brett (2021): Concentration, Retail Markups, and Countervailing Power: Evidence from Retail Lotteries.

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2018): Пространственная интеграция региональных рынков Сибири. Published in: Экономика Сибири в условиях глобальных вызовов XXI века , Vol. 2, (September 2018): pp. 64-76.

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2018): Market of the Novosibirsk Oblast in the System of Regional Markets.

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2017): The Moscow market in country’s economic space.

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2018): Spatial Integration of Siberian Regional Markets.

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2017): Spatial pattern of Russia’s market integration.

Gács, János and Karimov, Il'dar and Schneider, Christoph (1992): Small Scale Privatization in Eastern Europe and Russia from a Historical and Comparative Perspective. Published in: IIASA Working Paper No. WP-92-067 (September 1992): pp. 1-36.

Gómez González, José Eduardo and Jaramillo Echeverri y, Juliana and Meisel Roca, Adolfo (2016): El uso de efectivo y las tendencias de los pagos con tarjetas de débito y crédito en Colombia.


Halkiopoulos, Constantinos and Antonopoulou, Hera and Papadopoulos, Dimitrios and Giannoukou, Ioanna and Gkintoni, Evgenia (2020): Online reservation systems in e-Business: Analyzing decision making in e-Tourism. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 6, No. 1 (30 January 2020): pp. 9-16.

Hazarika, Bhabesh (2015): An Insight to the Structure of the North East Indian Retail Sector.

He, Sherry and Hollenbeck, Brett and Proserpio, Davide (2021): The Market for Fake Reviews.

Heinrich, Gregor (1998): Electronic Commerce and Electronic Money - Co-operative efforts undertaken at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

Heinrich, Torsten (2015): A Replicator Dynamic and Simulation Analysis of Network Externalities and Compatibility Among Standards.

Heng, Stefan (2006): RFID chips: Future technology on everyone’s lips. Published in: E-conomics No. 55 (20 February 2006)

Heng, Stefan (2009): RFID chips: enabling the efficient exchange of information. Published in: E-conomics No. 69

Hollenbeck, Brett and Giroldo, Renato (2021): Winning Big: Scale and Success in Retail Entrepreneurship.

Hollenbeck, Brett and Uetake, Kosuke (2018): Taxation and Market Power in the Legal Marijuana Industry.

Huynh, Cong Minh and Nguyen, Phan Kim Han (2024): Factors Influencing Customers’ Loyalty: An Empirical Study for the Milk Industry in Vietnam.


Išoraitė, Margarita and Miniotienė, Neringa (2018): Electronic Commerce: Theory and Practice. Published in: Integrated Journal of Business and Economics , Vol. 2, No. 2 : pp. 194-200.


JAWAB, Fouad and BOUAMI, Driss (2004): Le "Supply Chain Management" enjeux et stratégies, cas du commerce électronique et de la grande distribution. Published in: Revue des Sciences de Gestion No. 208-209 (2004): pp. 95-109.

Jawaid, Muhammad Hassan and Karim, Emadul (2021): Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior in E-Commerce Business during Outbreak of Covid-19: A Case Study on Top E-Commerce Websites.


Kano, Kazuko (2011): Menu Costs and Dynamic Duopoly.

Karimi, Abdul Matin (2016): Study of E-banking services and products in Afghanistan.

Kashefi, Mohammad Ali (2012): Supply chain configuration under information sharing.

Khalamillah, Fahmi (2019): Transaksi Jual Beli Online (E-Commerce) dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam.

Kovačić, Zlatko (2004): A predictive model for e-commerce consumer expenditure in EC countries. Published in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Business Information Management Conference in Cozumel, Mexico, December 14-16, 2004 (14 December 2004)

Krummel, Daniel and Siegfried, Patrick and Michel, Alex (2020): Millenials’ Employer Brand Perception in a German Retail Context. Published in: Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies No. 8 (22 December 2020): pp. 396-418.


Levy, Daniel (2013): Discussion of "Change at the Checkout: Tracing the Impact of a Process Innovation" by Emek Basker.

Levy, Daniel (2007): Discussion of "Inflation and Relative Price Asymmetry" by Ratfai, A.

Levy, Daniel (2007): Discussion of "Lumpy Price Adjustments: A Microeconometric Analysis" by Dhyne, et al. (2007).

Levy, Daniel and Snir, Avichai and Gotler, Alex and Chen, Haipeng (Allan) (2019): Not all price endings are created equal: Price points and asymmetric price rigidity. Forthcoming in: Journal of Monetary Economics No. forthcoming

Li, Lingfang (Ivy) (2008): What is the Cost of Venting? Evidence from eBay.

Lord, Montague (2010): Implications of WTO Accession for Insurance Sector of Laos.

Lu, Yang and Siegfried, Patrick (2021): E-commerce Live streaming – An Emerging Industry in China and A Potential Future Trend in the World. Published in: ACC JOURNAL 2021 , Vol. 27, No. 2 (31 December 2021): pp. 1-17.


Maixe-Altes, J Carles (2009): Interpreting the Early Stages of the Self-service Revolution in Europe: the Modernization of Food Retailing in Spain, 1947-1972.

Maixe-Altes, J. Carles and Castro Balaguer, Rafael (2013): Structural Change in Distribution Markets in Peripheral Europe: Spanish Food Retailing, 1950-2007.


Manuel, Eduardo (2007): The Analysis of Five Competitive Forces of Non-Alcoholic Beverage Industry and E-Commerce Industry Cases at the global level.

Martin, Pardupa (2010): Monetary and nonmonetary incentive measures: which work better in the Czech betting firm? Forthcoming in: Ekonomicky Casopis No. 10/2010 (2010)

Melis, Giuseppe and Piga, Claudio A (2016): Are all online hotel prices created dynamic? An empirical assessment.

Musso, Fabio (2004): Il sistema distributivo cinese fra tradizione e modernizzazione. Published in: China News No. 1 (2004): pp. 11-31.

Musso, Fabio (1996): Potere e stabilità nei rapporti di fornitura della grande distribuzione britannica. Published in: Economia e Diritto del Terziario No. 3 (1996): pp. 971-1011.

Musso, Fabio (1999): Relazioni di canale e strategie di acquisto delle imprese commerciali. Potere e stabilità nella grande distribuzione britannica. Published in: (1999): pp. 1-242.

Musso, Fabio and Risso, Mario and Francioni, Barbara (2010): Grande distribuzione alimentare e criteri di selezione dei fornitori nella prospettiva dei piccoli e medi produttori. Published in: Mercati e competitività No. 1 (2010): pp. 73-92.


Nasir, Rosniwati and Ponnusamy, Vanitha and Wazeer, Mohd Wazni (2007): An Exploratory Study on the Level of Trust towards Online Retailers among Consumers in the United Kingdom and Malaysia.

Nguyen, Tan Phat and Huynh, Cong Minh (2025): Customer Satisfaction in Home Delivery Service in Vietnam: The Impact of Service Quality, Perceived Value, and the Mediating Role of Trust. Published in:

Nguyen, Trinh Bao Trung and Huynh, Cong Minh (2022): Factors of Purchase Intentions toward Foreign Products: Empirical Evidence from Vietnamese Consumers’ Perspective.

Niros, Meletios and Samanta, Irene and Pollalis, Yannis and Niros, Angelica (2019): Antecedents and Effects of App-user Satisfaction: Empirical Evidence from Greece.


Ossandón, José (2012): Destapando la Caja Negra: Sociologías de los Créditos de Consumo en Chile. Published in: (January 2012): pp. 1-132.


Paul John, Pena (2019): An ASEAN Digital Single Market: Boosting the Aspiration for a Single Market in the Digital Era.

Pepe, Cosetta and Musso, Fabio and Risso, Mario (2009): Retailers and SME suppliers social responsibility in international supply chains. Published in: Finanza, Marketing e Produzione No. 3 (2010): pp. 32-61.

Phan, The Vinh and Huynh, Cong Minh (2023): The Effect of Logistics Services Quality on Consumer Satisfaction in Fresh Food E-Commerce: Evidence from the South of Vietnam. Published in:

Plawgo, Bogusław and Grabska, Anna and Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena (2010): Analiza kluczowych sektorów województwa podlaskiego. Sektor handlu. Published in: (2010)

Plawgo, Bogusław and Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena and Juchnicka, Marta and Skierniewski, Tomasz and Żynel-Etel, Justyna (2011): Analiza kluczowych sektorów województwa podlaskiego. Sektor producentów wyrobów z drewna i mebli. Published in: (2011)

Puah, Chin-Hong and Chong, Lucy Lee-Yun and Jais, Mohamad (2011): Testing the Rational Expectations Hypothesis on the Retail Trade Sector Using Survey Data from Malaysia. Published in: Journal of International Business and Economics , Vol. 11, No. 4 (October 2011): pp. 214-218.

Puah, Chin-Hong and Wong, Shirly Siew-Ling and Habibullah, Muzafar Shah (2012): Rationality of business operational forecasts: evidence from Malaysian distributive trade sector.


Ray, Sourav and Snir, Avichai and Levy, Daniel (2021): Retail Pricing Format and Rigidity of Regular Prices.

Ray, Sourav and Wang, Li and Levy, Daniel and Bergen, Mark (2019): Pricing Better.

Ray, Sourav and Wang, Li and Levy, Daniel and Bergen, Mark (2019): Pricing Better.

Revilla, Elena and Rodriguez-Prado, Beatriz and Simón, Cristina (2019): The influence of organizational context on the managerial turnover–performance relationshi. Published in: Ecological Economics No. 59 (13 September 2020): pp. 423-443.

Rhodes, Andrew and Watanabe, Makoto and Zhou, Jidong (2017): Multiproduct Intermediaries and Optimal Product Range.

Ribeiro, Ricardo (2010): Consumer demand for variety: intertemporal effects of consumption, product switching and pricing policies.

Roman, Hernan (2010): Testing for Endogenous Sunk Costs in the Retail Industry.

Rudiger, Jesper (2013): Cross-Checking the Media.


Saripalle, Madhuri (2018): Determinants of profitability in the Indian logistics industry. Published in: International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalization , Vol. Vol.7, No. No.1 (March 2018): pp. 13-27.

Sayag, Doron and Snir, Avichai and Levy, Daniel (2024): Small Price Changes, Sales Volume, and Menu Cost.

Siegfried, Patrick and Michel, Alex and Tänzler, Jan and Zhang, John Jiyuan (2021): Analyzing Sustainability Issues in Urban Logistics in the Context of Growth of E-Commerce. Published in: Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2 June 2021): pp. 6-11.

Snir, Avichai and Levy, Daniel (2019): If You Think 9-Ending Prices Are Low, Think Again.

Snir, Avichai and Levy, Daniel (2019): If You Think 9-Ending Prices Are Low, Think Again. Forthcoming in: Journal of the Association for Consumer Research , Vol. 6, No. 1

Snir, Avichai and Levy, Daniel and Chen, Haipeng (Allan) (2017): End of 9-Endings, Price Recall, and Price Perceptions. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters No. Forthcoming

Stagnaro, Carlo (2009): Uno, nessuno o centomila? Tre miti sui prezzi dei carburanti in Italia. Published in: Energia , Vol. 30, No. 4 (2009): pp. 60-75.

Starzyczná, Halina (2009): Spotřební družstevnictví a jeho pozice ve vnitřním obchodě ČR po roce 1989.

Stewart, Hayden and Davis, David E. (2005): Price Dispersion and Accessibility: A Case study of Fast Food. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 71, No. 4 (April 2005): pp. 784-799.

Stojcic, Nebojsa and Vojvodic, Katija (2012): Determinants of profitability of firms in the retail sector: The case of Croatia.

Stojcic, Nebojsa and Vojvodic, Katija (2012): Market success of innovations in the retail sector.

Sugito, Sugito and Lubis, Arlina Nurbaity and Rini, Endang Sulistya and Absah, Yeni (2018): Influence of reference group indicators to the image of modern retail (case in Indonesia). Published in: JUNIOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHER , Vol. 4, No. 2 (November 2018): pp. 67-79.


Ullah, Nazim (2021): Contemporary Change Management Practices and Its Relevance: Application of Maybank.


Vandegrift, Donald and Loyer, John and Kababik, David (2011): The effect of Walmart on the tax base: evidence from New Jersey.


Yamada, Mai (2020): The Regulation Level of Business Hours.


Zagorsek, Branislav (2010): Potreba skúmania podnikateľských stretégií v postindustriálnej ére podnikania. Published in: In Ekonomika, financie a manažment podniku IV (4 November 2010): pp. 1-9.

Zhang, Chuanchuan (2011): 大型外资零售商的进入对中国地区劳动力市场的影响.

Zipitría, Leandro (2011): Impacto económico del Supermercadismo.

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