Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "O22 - Project Analysis"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 70.


Basu, Rahul (2014): Implementing Intergenerational Equity in Goa. Published in: Economic & Political Weekly , Vol. XLIX, No. 51 (20 December 2014): pp. 33-37.

Bethencourt, Carlos and Marrero, Gustavo A. and Ngoudji, Charlie Y. (2021): The Fight against Malaria: A New Index for Quantifying and Assessing Policy Implementation Actions to Reduce Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Bierschenk, Thomas and Elwert, Georg and Kohnert, Dirk (1991): The long-term effects of development aid - Empirical studies in rural West Africa. Published in: Economics, Biannual Journal of the Institute for Scientific Co-operation, Tübingen , Vol. 47, No. 1 (1993): pp. 83-111.

Bitros, George C. (2007): The optimal lifetime of assets under uncertainty in the rate of embodied technical change.

Bratanova, Alexandra and Ford, Jerad A. and Schleiger, Emma (2023): Prioritising Investment Opportunities in Research and Development Using Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis.

Carvalho, Pedro G. (2006): Key Issues on Tourism Strategies. Published in: (2007)

Carvalho, Pedro G. and Miragaia, Dina (2007): Leaning an University Department: a life experiment.

Carvalho, Pedro G. and Sonis, Michael (2007): A Life experiment of development Mountain tourism in Portugal observed from the point of view of theories of Complexity, Complication and Self-organization.

Chichilnisky, Graciela and Heal, Geoffrey (1979): Necessary and sufficient conditions for a resolution of the social choice paradox. Published in: Journal of Economic Theory , Vol. 31, No. No. 1 (October 1983): pp. 68-87.

Dao, Nga and McGrath, Tim and Nguyen, Cuong (2008): Impact of Provincial Rural Roads on Inclusive Development: Evidence from Vietnam.

Das, Narayan C and Raza, Wameq A (2010): Does a Grant-based Approach Work for Addressing Extreme Poverty? A RCT Approach.

Daskovskiy, Vadim and Kiselyov, Vladimir (2010): Assessment of investment projects on the basis of production efficiency.

Daskovskiy, Vadim and Kiselyov, Vladimir (2010): The phased approach to time value of money in economic analysis of investment projects.

Davies, Simon and Davey, James (2007): A regional multiplier approach to estimating the impact of cash transfers: The case of cash aid in rural Malawi.

Ekonomou, George and Halkos, George (2024): Managing projects: The role of leadership and organization's management style.

Gade, Dipak S. and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Blockchain Technology: A Driving Force in Smart Cities Development. Published in: International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML) , Vol. 4, No. 2 (30 December 2020): pp. 237-252.

Gul, Ejaz (2010): Economic Suitability Mapping – a New Trend in Establishing Economic Suitability of Project Site. Published in: Conference proceedings of Second International Conference on Business, Technology & Engineering (ICBTE-2010) ISSN 1997-731X , Vol. 1, No. 1 (16 February 2011): pp. 166-176.

Gul, Ejaz and Farooq, Fatima and Chaudhry, Dr. Imran Sharif (2013): Economic Evaluation of Project Site Using Cardinal Numbers Approach. Published in: Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS) , Vol. 32, No. 2 (2012) (15 May 2013): pp. 489-499.

Halicioglu, Ferda and Karatas, Cevat (2010): Estimation of economic discounting rate for practical project appraisal: the case of Turkey.

Hasan, Mohammad Monirul (2010): Does credit improve the food consumption vulnerability of the extreme poor? - Empirical evidence from Bangladesh.

Jayasundara, Chinthaka and Jayawickrema, Vishuddhi and Sivagananathan, Arul (2013): Effectiveness of Project Management Tools used in the Sri Lankan Public Sector. Published in: Sri Lankan Journal of Management , Vol. 18, No. 3-4 (December 2013): pp. 138-164.

Jensen, Nathaniel and Barrett, Christopher B. and Mude, Andrew (2014): Index Insurance and Cash Transfers: A Comparative Analysis from Northern Kenya.

Khumalo, Bhekuzulu (2007): Managing a Societies Knowledge base A look at Opportunity Costs.

Lorko, Matej and Servátka, Maroš and Zhang, Le (2018): Anchoring in Project Duration Estimation.

Lorko, Matej and Servátka, Maroš and Zhang, Le (2019): Anchoring in Project Duration Estimation.

Lorko, Matej and Servátka, Maroš and Zhang, Le (2020): Hidden inefficiency: Strategic inflation of project schedules.

Lorko, Matej and Servátka, Maroš and Zhang, Le (2022): Hidden inefficiency: strategic inflation of project schedules.

Lorko, Matej and Servátka, Maroš and Zhang, Le (2019): How to Improve the Accuracy of Project Schedules? The Effect of Project Specification and Historical Information on Duration Estimates.

Lorko, Matej and Servátka, Maroš and Zhang, Le (2020): Improving the accuracy of project schedules.

Makaratzi, Elisavet and Metaxas, Theodore and Terzidis, Konstantinos (2016): Improving service quality to local communities via satisfaction measurament in Greece: The MUSA approach.

Mamoon, Dawood and Hernandez, SIlvia (2017): Principle-Agent Analysis of Technology Project (LINCOS) in Costa Rica.

Metaxas, Theodore and Deffner, Alex (2013): Using Critical Path Analysis (CPA) in Place Marketing process.

Miine, Licarion (2021): Infrastructure for Project Affected People In Ghana.

Neyestani, Behnam (2016): Effectiveness of Quality Management System (QMS) on Construction Projects. Forthcoming in:

Neyestani, Behnam (2016): Impact of ISO 9001 Certification on the Projects' Success of Large-Scale (AAA) Construction Firms in the Philippines. Published in: International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences , Vol. 3, No. 11 (30 November 2016): pp. 35-45.

Neyestani, Behnam and Juanzon, Joseph Berlin P. (2017): Effects of ISO 9001 Standard on Critical Factors of Project Management in Construction Industry. Published in: Proceedings of 2017 Manila International Conference on “Trends in Engineering and Technology” (MTET-17) No. ISBN: 978-93-84468-98-9). (January 2017): pp. 55-59.

Neyestani, Behnam and Juanzon, Joseph Berlin P. (2017): Impact of ISO 9001 Standard on the Quality Costs of Construction Projects in the Philippines. Published in: Proceedings of 2017 Manila International Conference on “Trends in Engineering and Technology” (MTET-17), Jan. 23-24, 2017 Manila, Philippines No. (ISBN: 978-93-84468-98-9). (24 January 2017): pp. 60-65.

O'Neill, Robert and Virmani, Swati and Bamford, Jim (2019): Analysis of Sector Led Improvement of Children and Young People's Services.

Pachankis, Yang (2022): Assessment of Space Junks — Organizational Origins, Current Status, and Economic Impacts. Published in: Biomedical Science and Clinical Research , Vol. 1, No. 1 (7 December 2022): pp. 11-16.

Pulmanis, Emils (2016): Implementation of the eHealth Project in Latvia: Project audit perspective. Published in: PM World Journal , Vol. 5, No. 10 (7 October 2016): pp. 1-34.

Pulmanis, Emils (2015): Micro-Economical Aspects of Public Projects: Impact Factors for Project Efficiency and Sustainability. Published in: Project Management Development – Practice and Perspectives , Vol. 3, No. 1 (16 April 2015): pp. 272-285.

Pulmanis, Emils (2016): Project Management in the Port Development Project in Latvia. Published in: PM World Journal , Vol. 5, No. 6 (8 June 2016): pp. 1-19.

Rouhani, Omid (2024): An overview of Value of Statistical Life Estimations- Transportation Perspective.

Savvides, Savvakis C. (2000): Market Analysis and Competitiveness in Project Appraisal.

Shcherbakova, Nadezda (2010): The assessment of socio-economic efficiency of urban planning in modern conditions. Published in: Russian Economic Journal (13 March 2010)

Shcherbakova, Nadezda (2010): The assessment of socio-economic efficiency of urban planning in modern conditions. Published in: Russian Economic Journal (13 March 2010)

Shevchenko, Yelena and Pomogaev, Vitaly and Stukach, Victor and Nikulin, Danil (2017): Designing and implementing future scenarios: Foresight methodology, economics, technologies, society,and ecology. Published in: Modern Perspectives in Economics, Business and Management/ Vol. 1 , Vol. 13, (2021): pp. 52-65.

Singh, K M and Singh, Pushpa (2017): Doubling farmers’ income: An action research initiative in Bihar (India).

Soliman, Ibrahim and F. Mashhour, Ahmed (2021): Feasibility of Artificial Insemination Network for Egyptian Buffalo Development. Published in: Research Aspects in Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences , Vol. 1, (August 2021)

Soliman, Ibrahim and F. Mashhour, Ahmed (2019): Feasibility of Artificial Insemination Network for Egyptian Buffalo Development. Published in: Journal of Buffalo Science , Vol. 1, No. 8 (May 2019): pp. 3-12.

Soliman, Ibrahim and Mashhour, Ahmed (2014): Techno-Economic Factors Affecting Genetic Investment in Dairy Cattle in Egypt. Published in: Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science , Vol. 4, No. 3 (17 March 2015): pp. 156-161.

Thanh Nguyen, Phong and Anh Nguyen, Thu and Huynh Tat Tran, Thang (2021): Barrier Factors Affecting Development of Intelligent Transport System Projects. Published in: Journal of process management and new technologies , Vol. 9, No. 4 (31 December 2021): pp. 100-120.

Toca, Constantin-Vasile (2013): Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cooperation at various territorial levels, with a particular study of the Debrecen-Oradea Eurometropolis (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation-EGTC). Published in: Eurolimes No. Supplement of Eurolimes (2013): pp. 1-210.

Vamakshi, Vamakshi (2022): Examining the effectiveness of One Nation One Ration Card Scheme. Published in: Economic & Political WEEKLY , Vol. 57, No. ISSUE NO 35 (27 August 2022): pp. 15-17.

Waheed, Muhammad Shahid (2017): The Financial and Economic feasibility of establishing a new schooling system in Balochistan “Container school system”.

Wang, Fei (2012): Family Planning Policy in China: Measurement and Impact on Fertility.

White, Howard (2007): Evaluating Aid Impact.

White, Howard (2006): Impact evaluation: the experience of the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank.

Wilson, Tetevi Bahun and Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2007): The Economic Value of Industrial Minerals and Rocks for Developing Countries: A Discussion of Key Issues.

Zeng, Xiangyu and Zeng, Zhezhao (2015): Modeling and Applied Research in Sustainable Development. Forthcoming in: Ecological Economy , Vol. 12, No. 163 (2015): pp. 28-39.


Kohnert, Dirk (1994): Zimbabwe : Bestandsaufnahme der Förderpolitik und -praxis der evangelischen Hilfswerke EZE/BfdW.


Mantino, Francesco (2009): L'anomalia nella PAC: eterogeneità e dinamiche del Leader in Italia. Published in:

Pisani, Elena (2009): Recenti evoluzioni nella valutazione degli interventi di cooperazione allo sviluppo. Published in: Rassegna italiana di valutazione - RIV , Vol. 43-44, No. 2009 (2009)

Reggiani, Tommaso (2006): Premio Nobel al Microcredito. Published in: Aggiornamenti Sociali , Vol. Vol. 1, (1 December 2006): pp. 823-833.


Corbu, Ion (2023): Decizia, factor determinant în procesele manageriale și în activitatea de cercetare. Published in: https://www.academia.edu/101585174/Decizia_factor_determinant_%C3%AEn_procesele_manageriale_%C8%99i_%C3%AEn_activitatea_de_cercetare (11 May 2023)


Bazhanov, Andrei and Belyaev, Alexander (2009): Адекватность закрытой модели для российской экономики в задаче сравнительного анализа Энергетической стратегии России.

Dubrovsky, V. Zh. and Kuzmin, Ye. A. (2011): Региональные аспекты применения адаптивного подхода к управлению портфелем проектов государственно-частного партнерства. Published in: Izvestiya of the Urals State University of Economics No. 1 (33) (February 2011): pp. 53-62.

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2011): Оценка эффективности транспортных проектов: опыт и проблемы.

Karpov, Valery and Cement, Petr (2013): Подходы к повышению конкурентоспособности предпринимательской деятельности в сфере строительства. Published in: Актуальные вопросы развития региональной экономики: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. (2013): pp. 81-86.

Шевченко, Елена and Стукач, Виктор (2016): Форсайт: инструмент исследования, основа формирования государ-ственной стратегии.

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