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Items where Subject is "R13 - General Equilibrium and Welfare Economic Analysis of Regional Economies"

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Number of items at this level: 119.


Akamatsu, Takashi and Mori, Tomoya and Osawa, Minoru and Takayama, Yuki (2017): Endogenous agglomeration in a many-region world.

Akamatsu, Takashi and Takayama, Yuki (2009): A Simplified Approach to Analyzing Multi-regional Core-Periphery Models.

Akamatsu, Takashi and Takayama, Yuki and Ikeda, Kiyohiro (2009): Spatial Discounting, Fourier, and Racetrack Economy: A Recipe for the Analysis of Spatial Agglomeration Models.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2017): Artificial nighttime lights and the “real” well-being of nations: ‘Measuring economic growth from outer space’ and welfare from right here on Earth.

Antonescu, Daniela (2011): Nouvelles perspectives theoriques du developpement economique au niveau regional. Published in: Elements de planification territoriale et developpement regional (2 December 2011): pp. 29-50.

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Theoretical approaches of endogenous regional development.


Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Yoo, Seung Jick (2019): Heterogeneity and the Provision of a Public Good in Leading and Lagging Regions.

Belykh, Anastasia and Tolstoguzov, Oleg (2021): Исследование интеллектуального потенциала российских регионов и оценка их резилентности. Published in: Региональная экономика и управление: электронный научный журнал No. 3 (67)

Berliant, Marcus (2006): Prospects for a unified urban general equilibrium theory.

Berliant, Marcus and Chia-Ming, Yu (2014): Locational signaling and agglomeration.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2019): Evil deeds in urban economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2019): Evil deeds in urban economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2006): Can Information Asymmetry Cause Agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2006): Can Information Asymmetry Cause Agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2008): Can Information Asymmetry Cause Agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2010): Can Information Asymmetry Cause Stratification?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2006): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2008): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2008): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2008): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2009): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2009): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Mori, Tomoya (2016): Beyond urban form: How Masahisa Fujita shapes us.

Berliant, Marcus and Mori, Tomoya (2016): Beyond urban form: How Masahisa Fujita shapes us.

Berliant, Marcus and Peng, Shin-Kun and Wang, Ping (2013): Taxing Pollution: Agglomeration and Welfare Consequences.

Berliant, Marcus and Peng, Shin-Kun and Wang, Ping (2011): Taxing pollution: agglomeration and welfare consequences.

Berliant, Marcus and Peng, Shin-Kun and Wang, Ping (2012): Taxing pollution: agglomeration and welfare consequences.

Berliant, Marcus and Sabarwal, Tarun (2008): When Worlds Collide: Different Comparative Static Predictions of Continuous and Discrete Agent Models with Land.

Berliant, Marcus and Sabarwal, Tarun (2007): When worlds collide: Different comparative static predictions of continuous and discrete agent models with land.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2015): Equilibrium Commuting.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2016): Equilibrium Commuting.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2015): Equilibrium commuting.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2009): Locational signaling and agglomeration.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2010): Locational signaling and agglomeration.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2009): Locational signaling and agglomeration.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2012): Locational signaling and agglomeration.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2010): Rational Expectations in Urban Economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2012): Rational Expectations in Urban Economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2009): Rational expectations in urban economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2009): Rational expectations in urban economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2011): Rational expectations in urban economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2012): Rational expectations in urban economics.

Bhatta, Kiran Prasad and Ishida, Akira and Taniguchi, Kenji and Sharma, Raksha (2008): Does Kitchen Garden and Backyard Livestock Farming Help Combat Food Insecurity? Published in: Journal of Rural Economics , Vol. 2008, No. Special Issue (1 December 2008): pp. 376-383.

Bhatta, Kiran Prasad and Ishida, Akira and Taniguchi, Kenji and Sharma, Raksha (2007): Role of non-farm sector in poverty and income distribution among rural households: a case of Nepal. Published in: Japanese Journal of Farm Management , Vol. 45, No. 2 (1 September 2007): pp. 100-105.

Bouhari, Mohamed and Khabbouchi, Rafika and Mathlouthi, Yamina (2016): What cluster model for the competitiveness of Tunisian companies? Published in: International Journal of Business & Economic Strategy , Vol. 4, No. 1 (March 2016): pp. 1-6.


Cardullo, Gabriele (2015): The Welfare and Employment Effects of Centralized Public Sector Wage Bargaining.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Yabuuchi, Shigemi (2007): Formation of SEZ, Agricultural Productivity and Urban Unemployment.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1996): Markets with endogenous uncertainty: theory and policy. Published in: Theory and Decision , Vol. 41, (1996): pp. 99-131.


Daskovskiy, Vadim and Teberdieva, Inna (2000): О выравнивании социально-экономического развития регионов. Published in: Пищевая промышленность (Food processing industry) No. 3 (March 2000): pp. 12-14.

Durán Lima, José Elías and De Miguel, Carlos J. and Schushny, Andrés (2006): Los acuerdos comerciales de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú con los Estados Unidos: efectos sobre el comercio, la producción y el bienestar. Published in: CEPAL Review , Vol. No. 91, No. 978-92-1-121635-6 (April 2007): pp. 67-94.


Ehrenfeld, Wilfried (2004): Die Neue Ökonomische Geographie.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Leviatán débil, un concepto para explicar el estado desde las regiones.


Faizan, Riffat and Haque, Adnan ul (2016): The Relationship between Societal attributes, Feminine Leadership & Management Style: Responses from Pakistan's Urban Region Female-Owned Businesses. Published in: European Journal of Business and Management , Vol. 8, No. 23 (31 August 2016): pp. 171-191.


Gerse, József and Szilágyi, Dániel (2016): Commuting links between settlement hierarchy levels in Hungary. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2016): pp. 221-224.

Gesualdo, Maria and Rosignoli, Stefano (2013): Building a computable general equilibrium model on a regional Social Accounting Matrix: the case of Tuscany.

Gisell, Cogliandro (2010): El programa Asignación Universal por Hijo para Protección Social y los cambios en los Programas de Transferencias Condicionadas. Published in: Fundacion Siena website No. 12 (2010): 01-08.


Haddad, Eduardo A. and Porsse, Alexandre A. and Rabahy, Wilson (2011): Domestic tourism and regional inequality in Brazil. Forthcoming in: Tourism Economics No. Forthcoming 2013

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Agro-based Industry of Tharparkar and Barrage Area of Sindh: Concluding Remarks. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Ph.D Thesis

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Agro-based Industry of Tharparkar and Barrage Area of Sindh: Solutions and Suggested Policy. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy (2002): pp. 181-198.

Herani, Gobind M. (2008): Agro-based industry of Tharparkar and barrage area of Sindh: Solutions and suggested policy.

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Comparision of Agro-based Industry of Tharparkar and Barrage Area of Sindh. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Ph.D Thesis Chapter-8. MPRA Paper : pp. 147-167.


Ikeda, Kiyohiro and Aizawa, Hiroki and Gaspar, Jose M. (2020): How and where satellite cities form around a large city: Sustain bifurcation mechanism of a long narrow economy.


Jóna, György (2015): New trajectories of the Hungarian regional development: balanced and rush growth of territorial capital. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (July 2015): pp. 121-136.


Kalan, Arezou and Oliveira, Eduardo (2014): A sustainable architecture approach to the economic and social aspects of the bazaar of Tabriz.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1998): Региональная политика и продовольственная безопасность субъекта Российской Федерации.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2007): Новый подход к разработке методик анализа региональных экономических процессов. Published in: Вестник филиала ВЗФЭИ в г. Омске. , Vol. 8, No. Конкурентоспособность региональной экономики: опыт, проблемы, перспективы: Материалы междунар. научно-практич. конференции (2007): pp. 57-59.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2000): Стратегия развития системы городского самоуправления в новых экономических условиях. Published in: Информационно-аналитический бюллетень “Портал-инфо” администрации г.Омска No. 3 (2000): p. 6.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2009): Перспективы реформирования регионального экономического управления в Российской Федерации на современном этапе. Published in: Социально-экономические проблемы развития рыночной экономики: Сборник научных трудов No. Омск: ОмГТУ, 2009. – С. 80-93. – ISBN 978-5-8149-0706-6. (2009): pp. 80-93.

Kanemoto, Yoshitsugu (1980): Theories of urban externalities. Published in: (1980)

Kanev, Dimitar (2012): Социално-ефективният резултат: в търсене на благосъстояние, свобода, справедливост и равенство. Published in: Предизвикателства пред съвременната икономика, МВБУ (2012): pp. 38-55.

Karpov, Valery (2012): Анализ подходов к обеспечению энергетической безопасности регионов. Published in: Актуальные вопросы развития региональной экономики: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции. (2012): pp. 57-61.

Karpov, Valery and Karsyuk, Elena (2011): Особенности и проблемы развития предпринимательских структур швейной промышленности в России. Published in: Омский экономический форум: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (2011): pp. 148-149.

Kim, Jinwon (2012): Endogenous Vehicle-Type Choices in a Monocentric City. Published in: Regional Science and Urban Economics , Vol. 42, No. 4 (1 July 2012): pp. 749-760.

Kono, Tatsuhito and Sega, Kousuke and Seya, Hajime (2020): Estimating the willingness to pay for urban esthetic projects using an inter-temporal equilibrium: a difference-in-differences hedonic approach.


Mercenier, Jean and Voyvoda, Ebru (2018): On Barriers to Technology Adoption, Appropriate Technology and Deep Integration (with implications for the European Union).

Montes-Solla, Paulino and Faiña Medín, J. Andres and Lopez-Rodriguez, Jesus (2015): Regional development in Spain 1989-2010: capital widening and productivity stagnation.

Mortazavi Kakhaki, Morteza and Haqiqi, Iman and Mahdavi Adeli, Mohammad (2013): Regional Equality of Opportunities and Income: A General Equilibrium Modeling for Iran. Published in: Journal of Regional Economics and Development , Vol. 5, No. 20 (2013): pp. 69-95.

Mourao, Paulo (2006): Contributo para o estudo económico dos indicadores regionais. Published in: Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais No. 12 (2006): pp. 77-92.


Nagamachi, Kohei (2015): A Simple Model of Functional Specialization of Cities.

Nagano, Mamoru (2010): The Effect of Easing Monetary Policy in Regional Lending Markets in Japan.

Necula, Diana Maria and Draghici, Manea and Necula, Raluca (2015): The tourism seasonality in Romania. Published in: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 6, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2015): pp. 396-399.


Osawa, Minoru and Akamatsu, Takashi and Takayama, Yuki (2015): Harris and Wilson (1978) Model Revisited: The Spatial Period-doubling Cascade in an Urban Retail Model.


Partridge, Mark D. and Rickman, Dan S. and Olfert, M. Rose and Tan, Ying (2012): When spatial equilibrium fails: is place-based policy second best?

Pegnalver, Domingo (2013): Análisis del impacto social de las inversiones públicas en infraestructuras. La huella social.

Piecuch, Jakub (2008): Czy decentralizacja władzy przyspiesza tempo rozwoju regionalnego? Doświadczenia hiszpańskich wspólnot autonomicznych. Published in: Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług , Vol. 22, No. 501 (2008): pp. 155-164.

Pouliakas, Konstantinos and Roberts, Deborah and Balamou, Eudokia and Psaltopoulos, Dimitris (2008): Modelling the Effects of Immigration on Regional Economic Performance and the Wage Distribution: A CGE Analysis of Three EU Regions.

Prada, Albino and Sanchez-Fernandez, Patricio (2014): Del concepto de crecimiento económico al de desarrollo y bienestar de las naciones: Una aplicación a la Unión Europea.

Prada, Albino and Sanchez-Fernandez, Patricio (2015): Análisis del acoplamiento entre la riqueza y el desarrollo socioeconómico de las naciones.

Prokopyev, Egor (2021): Официальные сайты поселений как источники информации о социально-экономическом развитии территории: карельская практика. Published in: Экономика, предпринимательство и право , Vol. 11, No. 10 (31 October 2021): pp. 2399-2416.


Reggiani, Tommaso (2005): Il successo del microcredito. Published in: Appunti di cultura e politica , Vol. Vol. 4, (1 July 2005): pp. 33-37.

Reggiani, Tommaso (2005): The Microcredit Success. Published in: Appunti di cultura e politica , Vol. Vol. 4, (1 July 2005): pp. 33-37.

Rose, Adam and Peterson, Thomas D. and Zhang, ZhongXiang (2006): Regional carbon dioxide permit trading in the United States: coalition choices for Pennsylvania.


Sanguinet, Eduardo and Alvim, Augusto (2020): Effects of EU-Mercosur trade agreement on bilateral trade: the role of Brexit.

Schubert, Stefan Franz (2009): Coping with Externalities in Tourism - A Dynamic Optimal Taxation Approach.

Shi, Tie and Zhu, Wenzhang and Fu, Shihe (2021): Quality of Life in Chinese Cities.

Shirai, Daichi and Takeda, Shiro and Ochiai, Katsuaki (2011): 温室効果ガス排出規制の地域間CGE分析. Published in: 環境経済・政策研究 , Vol. 6, No. 2 (18 September 2013): pp. 12-25.

Su, Yichen (2022): Measuring the Value of Urban Consumption Amenities: A Time-Use Approach.

Subramaniam, Viswanatha (2021): Poverty - A Simple Approach to Eradicate IT.


Tolstoguzov, Oleg (2021): О возможности эффективного ответа на индустриальный вызов в контексте взаимодействия человека и природы. Published in: Экономика северо-запада: проблемы и перспективы развития No. 1(64) (2021): pp. 60-68.

Tripathi, Sabyasachi (2016): Does Higher level of Education Reduce Poverty and Increase Inequality? Evidence from Urban India.

Tripathi, Sabyasachi (2019): Urbanization and Human Development Index: Cross-country evidence.

Tscharaktschiew, Stefan and Hirte, Georg (2009): An urban general equilibrium model with multiple household structures and travel mode choice.


Uzzoli, Annamária (2016): Health inequalities regarding territorial differences in Hungary by discussing life expectancy. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2016): pp. 139-163.


van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique and Osorio Rodarte, Israel and Burns, Andrew and Baffes, John (2009): How to feed the world in 2050: Macroeconomic environment, commodity markets - A longer term outlook.


Wang, Pengfei and Xie, Danyang (2014): Trade, Sectorial Reallocation, and Growth.

Wang, Ping and Xie, Danyang (2014): Housing Dynamics: Theory Behind Empirics.

Winters, John V (2010): Differences in Quality of Life Estimates Using Rents and Home Values.

Winters, John V (2011): Human Capital, Higher Education Institutions, and Quality of Life.

Woldie, Getachew Abebe and Siddig, Khalid (2009): Do subsidies matter in food price stabilization? Evidences from Ethiopia in a computable general equilibrium framework.


Yilmazkuday, Hakan (2009): Distribution of Consumption, Production and Trade within the U.S.

Yilmazkuday, Hakan (2009): How Important is Technology? A Counterfactual Analysis.

Yilmazkuday, Hakan (2009): Understanding Interstate Trade Patterns.


Zhang, ZhongXiang (1999): Estimating the size of the potential market for all three flexibility mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol.

Zhang, ZhongXiang (1998): Is China taking actions to limit its greenhouse gas emissions? past evidence and future prospects.

Zhang, ZhongXiang (2001): An economic assessment of the Kyoto Protocol using a global model based on the marginal abatement costs of 12 regions.

Zhang, ZhongXiang (2000): The size of the carbon market study: discussion.

Zhang, ZhongXiang and Baranzini, Andrea (2000): What do we know about carbon taxes? an inquiry into their impacts on competitiveness and distribution of income.


Волков, Александр (2021): мировой опыт применения экономико- правовых режимов и его использование в пространственной организации экономики арктического региона. Published in: Journal of Economics, EntrEprEnEurship and , Vol. 6, (June 2021): pp. 1389-1404.


Задворнева, Евгения and Стукач, Виктор (2017): Развитие пригородного агропродовольственного комплекса столицы Казахстана до 2030: сбалансированность в продовольственном обеспечении мегаполиса, приоритеты.

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