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Items where Subject is "R38 - Government Policy"

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Number of items at this level: 78.


Ahlfeldt, Gabriel M. and Feddersen, Arne (2010): From Periphery to Core: Economic Adjustments to High Speed Rail.

Alfano, Maria Rosaria and Cantabene, Claudia and de Iudicibus, Alessandro (2024): The effectiveness of a certification of legality. Evidence from Italian firms.

Angjellari-Dajci, Fiorentina and Boylan, Robert and Cebula, Richard (2014): Firm Size, Dual Brokerage, and National Franchise Affiliation of Real Estate Brokerage Firms: Unexpected Results from 2008 to 2013.

Angjellari-Dajci, Fiorentina and Cebula, Richard (2014): Applying the Hedonic Pricing Model to the Prices of Single-Family Homes in the Oldest U.S. City, St. Augustine, Florida, Testing Whether Property Taxes Are Capitalized into Housing Prices.

Antonescu, Daniela (2014): Quantitative and qualitative aspects regarding housing in the European Union and Romania. Published in: Regionalizare si Politici Regionale , Vol. 1, (1 April 2014)

Arbelaez, Maria Angelica and Camacho, Carolina and Fajardo, Johanna (2011): Low-income housing finance in Colombia. Published in: IDB WORKING PAPER SERIES No. 256

Azevedo, João Pedro and Guilhon, Letícia (2007): O tempo de abertura de negócios: uma breve revisão crítica da literatura existente para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

Azevedo, João Pedro and Guilhon, Letícia and Rosa, Rafael (2007): Uma avaliação ex-ante de algumas políticas para melhoria do ambiente de negócios no Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

asif, numra and Asghar, Zahid (2016): The Costs and Benefits of Alternative Development Patterns: A Paradigm of Two Universities.


Bell, William (2012): The impact of climate change on electricity demand in the Australian national electricity market. Published in: Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change (12 June 2013): pp. 36-50.

Bell, William and Foster, John (2012): Feed-in tariffs for promoting solar PV: progressing from dynamic to allocative efficiency.

Bell, William and Foster, John (2012): Feed-in tariffs for promoting solar PV: progressing from dynamic to allocative efficiency. Published in: Journal of Bioeconomics (4 January 2017)

Bell, William Paul (2012): Reviewing the climate change adaptation readiness of the Australian national electricity market institutions. Published in: Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change (12 June 2013): pp. 183-208.

Bell, William Paul (2012): The impact of climate change on generation and transmission in the Australian national electricity market. Published in: Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change (12 June 2013): pp. 36-50.

Bell, William Paul and Wild, Phillip and Foster, John (2013): The transformative effect of unscheduled generation by solar PV and wind generation on net electricity demand.

Belykh, Anastasia and Tolstoguzov, Oleg (2021): Network intelligence as a necessity of the new time. Published in: International Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences , Vol. 10, No. 2 : pp. 61-74.

Bisceglia, Michele and Cellini, Roberto and Grilli, Luca (2017): Quality competition in healthcare services with regional regulators: A differential game approach.

Bisceglia, Michele and Cellini, Roberto and Grilli, Luca (2017): Regional regulators in healthcare service under quality competition: A game theoretical model.

Bourassa, Steven and Hoesli, Martin and Scognamiglio, Donato (2010): Housing finance, prices, and tenure in Switzerland. Published in: Journal of Real Estate Literature , Vol. 18, No. 2 (2010): pp. 263-282.

Burkey, Mark L. (2010): Geographic access and demand in the market for alcohol. Published in: The Review of Regional Studies , Vol. 40, No. 2 (2010): pp. 159-179.


Christafore, David and Leguizamon, Susane (2012): Spatial spillovers of land use regulation in the United States.

Coskun, Yener (2011): Does re-design of the policies on housing finance and supply help to solve housing question of Turkey?


D'Acci, Luca (2013): A Modern Postmodern Urbanism The Systemic Retroactive game (SyR) between Bottom-up and Top-down.

D'Acci, Luca (2013): Simulating future societies in Isobenefit Cities: social isobenefit scenarios. Forthcoming in: Futures (2013)

Daniela, Antonescu (2021): Romania’s urban policy in the context of COVID-19 pandemic time. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 3, No. 2 (24 December 2021): pp. 85-102.

Daniele, Vittorio (2009): Regional convergence and public spending in Italy. Is there a correlation?

Daniele, Vittorio and Marani, Ugo (2007): Criminalità e investimenti esteri. Un’analisi per le province italiane.

Di Gennaro, Daniele and Pellegrini, Guido (2016): Evaluating direct and indirect treatment effects in Italian R&D expenditures.

Dobbels, Gregory and Tavakalov, Suren (2024): Not in My Back Yard: The Local Political Economy of Residential Land-Use Regulations.

Dogruel, Fatma and Dogruel, A. Suut (2010): The Deindustrialization of Istanbul.

Dolega, Les and Celińska-Janowicz, Dorota (2015): Retail resilience: A theoretical framework for understanding town centre dynamics. Published in: Studia Regionalne i Lokalne No. 2(60) (1 July 2015): pp. 8-31.

de Silva, Ashton J and Yanotti, Maria and Sinclair, Sarah and Angelopoulos, Sveta and Navon, Yonatan (2023): Mapping local economic recovery paths using pedestrian counts. A City of Melbourne Case Study.

de Silva, Ashton J and Boymal, Jonthan and Potts, Jason and Thomas, Stuart (2015): The Residential Mortgage (De)regulation–Innovation nexus.


El Makhloufi, Abdel and Davids, Karel (2013): Air, Money and Space: How Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Transformed the Region. Published in: Megastructure Schiphol Design in Spectacular Simplicity (November 2013): pp. 1-22.

Ercolano, Salvatore and Romano, Oriana (2011): Exploring environmental urban policies: a methodological proposal to build a composite indicator measuring urban environmental virtuosity.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Leviatán débil, un concepto para explicar el estado desde las regiones.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Por qué fracasan los países: breves notas sobre Colombia.


Feigelfeld, Heidrun and Huber, Florian and Wieser, Robert (2015): EFFEKTE DER STADTERNEUERUNG - sozial/baulich-räumlich und immobilienseitig.

Feigelfeld, Heidrun and Huber, Florian and Wieser, Robert (2015): Effects Of Urban Regeneration - Social/Structural-Spatial And Property Market.

Fuentes Castro, Daniel (2009): Rentabilidad de la inversión en vivienda, apalancamiento y especulación (1996-2008). Published in: Boletín Económico de Información Comercial Española No. 2970 : pp. 31-49.


Gavriilidis, Gaby and METAXAS, THEODORE (2024): The symbolic value of Madrid Nuevo Norte Project (MNNP).

Guimarães, Sergio and Azevedo, João Pedro (2007): RIOLOG: Uma avaliação ex-post.


Karimova, Amira (2020): Forecast of Ontario’s housing stock 2020-2046.

Kato, Kazuhiko (2010): Partial privatization and unidirectional transboundary pollution.

Kox, Henk L.M. and Leeuwen, George van and Wiel, Henry van der (2010): Competitive, but too small - productivity and entry-exit determinants in European business services.

Kundu, Amit (2010): Effectiveness of Microfinance under SGSY scheme to reduce Poverty and Vulnerability of Rural Households: A Natural Experiment. Published in: IUP Journal of Financial Economics , Vol. IX, No. No.3 (30 September 2011): pp. 40-54.


Lambert, Thomas (2022): An Evaluation of Churchill Downs’ Tax Increment Financing District.

Lambert, Thomas (2019): Short Term versus Long Term Effects of the Louisville Enterprise Zone Incentives: A Response to Zhang.

Lambert, Thomas and Mattson, Gary and Dorriere, Kyle (2016): Industry Clustering and Unemployment in US Regions: An Exploratory Note.

Liargovas, Panagiotis G. and Daskalopoulou, Irene F. (2011): Capital allocation in the Greek regions.


Mariam, Yohannes and Barre, Mike and Molburg, John (1997): Use of Aggregate Emission Reduction Cost Functions in Designing Optimal Regional SO2 Abatement Strategies.

Mishra, Alok Kumar and Malhotra, Abhishek (2020): Financing Urban Infrastructure in India through Tax Increment Financing Instruments: A Case for Smart Cities Mission.

Mitze, Timo and Strotebeck, Falk (2017): Modeling interregional research collaborations in German biotechnology using industry directory data: A quantitative social network analysis.

Monastiriotis, Vassilis (2006): Macro-determinants of UK regional unemployment and the role of employment flexibility. Published in: European Institute Working Paper Series No. No 2006-01 (March 2006): pp. 1-40.

Mukherjee, Dipa (2003): Problems and Prospects of Informal Manufacturing Sector: A Case Study of Durgapur City. Published in: Indian Journal of Regional Science , Vol. 36, No. 2 (December 2004)

Myrzakhmet, Marat (2020): Методические аспекты оценки элементов структурных изменений в технологическом развитии промышленности регионов Казахстана.

Myrzakhmet, Marat and Myrzakhmet, Zhanat and Myrzakhmet, Bolat (2021): Активность и кооперация университета, бизнеса и государства в Акмолинской области Республики Казахстан.


Nakatani, Ryota (2020): Macroprudential Policy and the Probability of a Banking Crisis.

Niemesh, Gregory and Jones-Farmer, L. Allison and Hart, Joseph and Holmes, William and Soundappan, Nathan (2019): The Impact of Land Bank Demolitions on Property Values.

Nunes, Sérgio and Amorim, Ana (2006): Concorrência Espacial, Sistemas de Informação e Comunicação, Pesquisa de Preços e Regulação – um ensaio para o caso do mercado de combustíveis líquidos em Portugal. Published in: Revista Portuguesa Estudos Regionais , Vol. 3.º Qu, No. N.º 13 (2006): pp. 29-44.


Oribuyaku, Damilola (2015): Partnering and the Viability of Affordable Housing Projects in London: Determining a causation.


Pal, Rupayan and Sharma, Ajay (2016): Competition for Foreign Capital under Asymmetric Revenue-Orientation. Published in: Indian Economic Review , Vol. 1/2, No. 51 (December 2016): pp. 105-116.

Petit, Gillian and Cameron, Anna and Khanal, Mukesh and Tedds, Lindsay M. (2022): A Comparative Analysis of Short-Term Rental Regulations in Six Alberta Municipalities.

Psofogiorgos, Nikolaos - Alexandros and Metaxas, Theodore (2015): Porter vs Krugman: History, Analysis and Critique of Regional Competiveness.


Rickman, Dan S. and Wang, Hongbo (2022): Estimating the Economic Effects of US State and Local Fiscal Policy: A Synthetic Control Method Matched Regression Approach.

Rickman, Dan S. and Wang, Hongbo (2018): U.S. State and Local Fiscal Policy and Economic Activity: Do We Know More Now?


Schilirò, Daniele (2013): I patti di sviluppo dei distretti produttivi in Sicilia: 2011-2013.

Segú, Mariona (2018): Taxing Vacant Dwellings: Can fiscal policy reduce vacancy?

Skokan, Karel (2002): Industry Clusters v regionálním rozvoji. Published in: Ekonomická revue, VSB-TU Ostrava , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2002): pp. 50-60.

Skokan, Karel (2005): Systémy inovací v regionálním rozvoji. Published in: Ekonomická revue, VSB-TU Ostrava , Vol. 8, No. 4 (2005): pp. 12-25.

Stojcic, Nebojsa and Pylak, Korneliusz and Jurlina Alibegovic, Dubravka (2022): Spatial impact of entrepreneurial zones: firm, city, and inter city evidence. Forthcoming in: Regional Studies


Tan, Teck Hong and Khong, Kok Wei (2012): The Link between Homeownership Motivation and Housing Satisfaction. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Management , Vol. 6, No. 1 (18 April 2012): pp. 1-20.

Trofimov, Ivan D. and Md. Aris, Nazaria and C. D. Xuan, Dickson (2018): Macroeconomic and demographic determinants of residential property prices in Malaysia.


Wong, Maisy (2013): Estimating the Distortionary Effects of Ethnic Quotas in Singapore Using Housing Transactions.


Yamagishi, Atsushi (2019): Minimum Wages and Housing Rents: Theory and Evidence from Two Countries.

Yfantis, Athanasios (2008): Land use and transportation planning in urban areas collective needs and investigation of possibilities for combined application. Published in: (July 2008)


Zúniga González, Carlos Alberto (2010): Impacto de los Sistemas de Producción Agropecuarios en el Desarrollo Local Sostenible de Nicaragua, 1998-2005: Índice de Malmquist DEA con un producto Orientado. Published in: Universitas (León) , Vol. 1, No. 4 (10 November 2013): pp. 10-17.


Стукач, Виктор and Задворнева, Евгения (2016): Факторы инфраструктурного обустройства агропродовольственного комплекса пригородной зоны мегаполиса: функции органов государственной власти и местного самоуправления, методы оценки.

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