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Items where Subject is "R42 - Government and Private Investment Analysis ; Road Maintenance ; Transportation Planning"

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Number of items at this level: 97.


Adeel, Muhammad and Anthony G.O., Yeh and Zhang, Feng (2013): Gender, mobility and travel behavior in Pakistan: Analysis of 2007 Time Use Survey.

Ahlfeldt, Gabriel M. (2008): If Alonso was Right: Residual Land Price, Accessibility and Urban Attraction.

Andrianady, Josué R. and Camara, Alyda E. and Randrianantenaina, Kantotiana S. (2023): Public investment and growth in case of Madagascar.

Andrianady, Josué R. and Camara, Alyda E. and Randrianantenaina, Kantotiana S. (2023): Investissement Public et Croissance économique pour le cas de Madagascar.

Asuamah Yeboah, Samuel (2018): Econometric modelling of the link between investment and electricity consumption in Ghana.


Barreto Nieto, Carlos Alberto (2010): Modelo de Unión Público-Privado: una aproximación desde la Teoría de Contratos.

Beria, Paolo (2009): Agents’ behaviour in financing italian transport infrastructures.

Beria, Paolo and Grimaldi, Raffaele (2013): Appraising the benefits of bottleneck removal in rail transport: a simplified CBA approach.

Beria, Paolo and Grimaldi, Raffaele (2014): Cost Benefit Analysis to assess urban mobility plans. Consumers’ surplus calculation and integration with transport models.

Bertoldi, Paolo and Rezessy, Silvia and Anable, Jillian and Jochem, Patrick and Oikonomou, Vlasis (2011): Energy Saving Obligations and White Certificates: Ideas and Considerations for the Transport Sector. Published in: International Journal of Sustainable Transportation , Vol. 5, No. 6 (2011): pp. 345-374.


CHETENI, PRIVILEDGE (2013): Transport Infrastructure Investment and Transport Sector Productivity on Economic Growth in South Africa (1975-2011). Published in: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 4, No. 13 (28 November 2013): pp. 761-772.

Camilo Pereira, Ana Paula and Boldrine Abrita, Mateus and Rondina Neto, Angelo and Amorim Souza Centuriao, Daniel and Stradiotto Vignandi, Rafaella and Espíndola Junior, Guilherme and Marques, Nelagley and Aparecida de Moraes Weber, Vanessa and Franco Maciel, Ruberval (2024): The Latin American Integration Route in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil: territorial circulation, transportation and logistics.

Cherevykov, Yevhen (2017): Defining PPP Opportunities in the Road Sector of Ukraine. Forthcoming in: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing : pp. 1-42.

Cruz, Carlos and Marques, Rui (2010): Contribution to the study of PPP arrangements in airport development, management and operation.

Cui, Shana and Pittman, Russell and Zhao, Jian (2018): Restructuring the Chinese Freight Railway: Two Scenarios.


Debernardi, Andrea and Grimaldi, Raffaele and Beria, Paolo (2011): Cost benefit analysis to assess modular investment: the case of the New Turin-Lyon Railway.

Dubrovsky, V. Zh. and Kuzmin, Ye. A. (2011): Финансово-экономический механизм поддержания инфраструктурного развития через модель государственно-частного партнерства. Published in: Upravlenets No. 9-10 (25-26) (October 2011): pp. 50-58.


Eliasson, Jonas (2023): Cost overruns in Swedish infrastructure projects.

Eliasson, Jonas (2024): Cost overruns of infrastructure projects – distributions, causes and remedies.

Eliasson, Jonas (2023): Tillbaka till framtiden: en nygammal planprocess. Published in: Nyström, Johan (ed.) Vägval – fem tankar om framtidens planeringsmodell för Sveriges infrastruktur. No. Svenskt Näringsliv, Stockholm

Eliasson, Jonas (2017): Congestion pricing. Published in: Cowie, J., and Ison, S. (eds.): Handbook of Transport Economics (2017)

Eliasson, Jonas (2009): Forecasting travel time variability.

Eliasson, Jonas and Fosgerau, Mogens (2013): Cost overruns and demand shortfalls – deception or selection? Forthcoming in: Transportation Research Part B

Eliasson, Jonas and Savemark, Christian and Franklin, Joel (2020): The impact of land use effects in infrastructure appraisal. Forthcoming in: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2020)

Ensslen, Axel and Gnann, Till and Jochem, Patrick and Plötz, Patrick and Dütschke, Elisabeth and Fichtner, Wolf (2018): Can product service systems support electric vehicle adoption? Published in: Transportation Research Part A (21 May 2018)

Ensslen, Axel and Ringler, Philipp and Dörr, Lasse and Jochem, Patrick and Zimmermann, Florian and Fichtner, Wolf (2018): Incentivizing smart charging: Modeling charging tariffs for electric vehicles in German and French electricity markets. Published in: Energy Research & Social Science , Vol. 42, (22 March 2018): pp. 112-126.

Ensslen, Axel and Schücking, Maximilian and Jochem, Patrick and Steffens, Henning and Fichtner, Wolf and Wollersheim, Olaf and Stella, Kevin (2017): Empirical carbon dioxide emissions of electric vehicles in a French-German commuter fleet test. Published in: Journal of cleaner production , Vol. 142, No. 1 (27 June 2018): pp. 263-278.

Erdősi, Ferenc (2016): The Role Weight of Key Factors Determining the (Infrastructure and Traffic) Intensity of Aviation for the Countries of the World. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 2, No. 5 (February 2016): pp. 82-107.


Fernández-Leiceaga, Xoaquin and Lago-Peñas, Santiago and Álvarez-Corbacho, Xoaquín (2013): El Fondo de Compensación Interterritorial: Análisis y propuestas de reforma.

Fleischer, Tamás and Tir, Melinda (2017): The transport in our time-budget. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 2 (February 2017): pp. 54-94.

Fosgerau, Mogens and Pilegaard, Ninette (2007): Cost-benefit rules for transport projects when labor supply is endogenous and taxes are distortionary.

Fosu, Prince (2019): The Determinants of Economic Growth: The Role of Infrastructure.


Gonzalez Laxe, Fernando and Armesto Pina, José Francisco and Sanchez-Fernandez, Patricio (2021): La conectividad portuaria de Galicia y del Norte de Portugal: características esenciales. Forthcoming in: Informe de Conxuntura Socioeconómica (1 March 2021)

Grimaldi, Raffaele and Laurino, Antonio and Beria, Paolo (2010): The choice between bus and light rail transit: a stylised cost-benefit analysis model.

Gul, Ejaz (2013): Economic Efficacy of Road Traffic Safety Measures. Published in: INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS, ISSN 2073-7122 , Vol. No 2, No. June 2011, 3 (19 June 2011): pp. 1012-1022.

Gul, Ejaz (2013): Economic Evaluation of Road Traffic Safety Measures. Published in: Conference Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Infrastructure Engineering in Developing Countries (IEDC-2010), NED University, Karachi, Pakistan , Vol. 1, No. 1 (1 July 2010): pp. 177-186.

Gutierrez-Lythgoe, Antonio (2023): Movilidad urbana sostenible: Predicción de demanda con Inteligencia Artificial.


Hahn, Tobias and Schönfelder, Martin and Jochem, Patrick and Heuveline, Vincent and Fichtner, Wolf (2013): Model-Based Quantification of Load Shift Potentials and Optimized Charging of Electric Vehicles. Published in: Smart Grid and Renewable Energy , Vol. 4, (2013): pp. 398-408.

Halse, Askill Harkjerr and Fridstrøm, Lasse (2019): Explaining low economic return on road investments. New evidence from Norway.


Iordanopoulos, Panagiotis and Mitsakis, Evangelos and Rijavec, Robert and Hausmann, Alexander and Kernstock, Wolfgang (2014): Requirements for interoperable Intelligent Transport Systems in South East Europe.


Jiménez-Sotelo, Renzo (2022): Brecha de infraestructura vial en el Perú: El septuagenario caso de la carretera Huarmey-Aija-Recuay.

Jochem, Patrick and Doll, Claus and Fichtner, Wolf (2016): External costs of electric vehicles. Published in: Transportation research / D , Vol. 42, (27 June 2018): pp. 60-76.

Jochem, Patrick and Rothengatter, Werner and Schade, Wolfgang (2016): Climate change and transport. Published in: Transportation research / D , Vol. 45, (3 July 2018): pp. 1-3.

Jonas, Eliasson (2021): Kommer vi resa mindre efter pandemin? Published in: : Jonas Eliasson och Lena Unemo (red.): I en tid av pandemi – en ESO-antologi med samhällsvetenskapliga reflektioner (7 April 2021)


Kamiya, Marco (2004): Japanese investment in Peru: limits of developmental investment. Published in: Journal of the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies , Vol. 9, (March 2005): pp. 195-212.

Karne, Manisha and Venkatesh, Anand (2003): Ananlysis of productivity and efficiency in MSRTC. Published in: Working papers of the Department of Economics (2003): pp. 1-26.

Karpov, Valery and Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2012): Социально-экономические аспекты регулирования регионального водопотребления в Омской области. Published in: Актуальные вопросы развития региональной экономики: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. (December 2012): pp. 61-65.

Koike, Atushi and Nakasha, Yoshiki and Sakaguchi, Takuhiro and Seya, Hajime (2024): Road infrastructure and TFP in Japan after the rapid growth period: A non-stationary panel approach.


Laurino, Antonio and Grimaldi, Raffaele (2010): The process of highway privatization in Italy and Japan. Published in: General Proceedings of the XII Scientific Meeting of the Italian Society of Transport Economics (SIET)

Lobyrev, Vitaly and Tikhomirov, Andrey and Tsukarev, Taras and Vinokurov, Evgeny (2018): Belt and Road Transport Corridors: Barriers and Investments. Published in: EDB Centre for Integration Studies' Reports No. Report 50 (10 May 2018): pp. 1-37.


M. Rouhani, Omid (2015): Impact of Value of Time (VOT) on toll roads.

M. Rouhani, Omid (2015): Revenue Risk Mitigation Options for Toll Roads.

M. Rouhani, Omid (2019): Transportation Project Evaluation Methods/Approaches.

Manchala, Ravibabu and Vagvala, Phani Sree (2012): Public transport for Indian urban agglomerations: A case for central role for surface rail.

Marletto, Gerardo (2011): I nuovi tunnel ferroviari del Frejus e del Gottardo: un confronto politico-istituzionale. Published in: TeMA Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment , Vol. 4, No. 4 : pp. 69-78.

Massiani, Jerome and Ragazzi, Giorgio (2008): Costs and efficiency of highway concessionaires: a survey of Italian operators. Published in: European Transport No. 38 (2008): pp. 85-106.

Mbiankeu Nguea, Stéphane (2021): The Impact of Infrastructure development on Foreign Direct Investment in Cameroon. Forthcoming in: Economics Bulletin

Mesquita, A. M. and Martins, R. S. (2006): Desafios logísticos às redes de negócios no Brasil:o que podem as parcerias público-privadas (PPPs)? Published in: Revista de Administração Pública (RAP) , Vol. 4, No. 42 (July 2008): pp. 735-763.

Mishra, Anjay Kumar and Bahadur K. C., Megh and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Association of Number of Bidders and Minimum Bid Ratio (AEr) with Effect of E-bidding of Different Project. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (15 October 2020): pp. 201-215.

Mitsakis, Evangelos and Iordanopoulos, Panagiotis and Aifadopoulou, Georgia and Tyrinopoulos, Yannis and Chatziathanasiou, Maria (2014): Current status and future prospects of Intelligent Transport Systems deployment in South East Europe.

Moreira, Paulo (2013): A ligação ferroviária do Porto de Sines como elemento estruturante de desenvolvimento regional.

Moreira, Paulo (2013): A ligação ferroviária do Porto de Sines como elemento estruturante de desenvolvimento regional.

Moreira, Paulo Pires (2012): A ANÁLISE DE SINES COMO ATIVO GEOESTRATÉGICO NACIONAL: UM CLUSTER SUPORTADO NAS REDES MARÍTIMAS MUNDIAIS. Published in: Biblioteca ISCTE No. http://catalogo.biblioteca.iscte-iul.pt/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=80081 (2013)

Moreira, Paulo Pires (2014): AS OPÇÕES PARA A LOCALIZAÇÃO DO NOVO TERMINAL DE CONTENTORES DO PORTO DE LISBOA: Anteprojecto sobre a viabilidade de um terminal de Contentores no Barreiro.

Moreira, Paulo Pires (2015): The Role of Seaports for Portuguese Economic Recovery: The Port of Sines.


Naude, Cliff (2018): Using Road Freight Movements Survey data to estimate road freight transport quotients and regional road freight flows in Australia. Published in: Refereed Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Regional Science Association International , Vol. 2018, No. 42 (February 2019): pp. 70-90.

Nazir, Khurram and Lodhi, Muhammad Saeed and Ahmad, Zia and Ahmad, Saba (2023): The Impact of Barrier Factors on the Effectiveness and Development of Intelligent Transportation System in Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science , Vol. 12, No. 2 (1 December 2023): pp. 1-27.

Nguyen, Phong Thanh and Phu Nguyen, Cuong (2019): Risk Management in Engineering and Construction. Published in: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research , Vol. 10, No. 01 (27 February 2020): pp. 5237-5241.

Norbu, Nyingtob (2015): A Cost Benefit Analysis of introducing Electric Vehicles in Bhutan.


Olga, Andryushkevich (2014): Что мешает развитию ГЧП в России. Published in: Demography and social economy , Vol. 1, No. 17 (14 November 2014): pp. 120-128.


Pegnalver, Domingo (2013): Análisis del impacto social de las inversiones públicas en infraestructuras. La huella social.

Perdomo Calvo, Jorge Andrés (2015): The Effects of the Bus Rapid Transit Infrastructure on the Property Values in Colombia. Published in: Travel Behaviour and Society , Vol. 6, (25 August 2016): pp. 90-99.

Perdomo Calvo, Jorge Andrés and Ramirez Orozco, Juan Andrés (2011): Análisis económico sobre el tamaño óptimo del mercado y ubicación de estaciones de transferencia para el manejo de residuos sólidos en Colombia. Published in: Lecturas de Economia , Vol. 2, No. 75 (December 2011): pp. 143-162.

Pilegaard, Ninette and Fosgerau, Mogens (2008): Cost benefit-analysis of a transport improvement in the case of search unemployment. Published in: Journal of Transport Economics and Policy , Vol. 42, No. 1 : pp. 23-42.

Pittman, Russell (2016): Reforming and Restructuring Ukrzaliznytsia: A Crucial Task for Ukrainian Reformers. Forthcoming in: Science and Transport Progress: Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport

Pittman, Russell and Jandova, Monika and Krol, Marcin and Nekrasenko, Larysa and Paleta, Tomas (2019): The Effectiveness of EC Policies to Move Freight from Road to Rail: Evidence from CEE Grain Markets.

Pulmanis, Emils (2016): Project Management in the Port Development Project in Latvia. Published in: PM World Journal , Vol. 5, No. 6 (8 June 2016): pp. 1-19.


Quang Tran, Phu and Thi Quynh Tran, Nhu and Nguyen, Phong Thanh (2020): Practical Solutions to Ensure the Schedule Management of Ho Chi Minh City Urban Railway Project in Vietnam: Survey of Expert's Opinions. Published in: Civil Engineering &Architecture , Vol. 08, No. 04 (31 August 2020): pp. 466-474.


Ranjan, Abhishek and Fosgerau, Mogens and Jenelius, Erik (2016): Emergence of a urban traffic macroscopic fundamental diagram.

Rosa, Benjamin (2018): Resident Bid Preference, Affiliation, and Procurement Competition: Evidence from New Mexico.

Rosa, Benjamin (2016): Subcontracting Requirements and the Cost of Government Procurement.

Rouhani, Omid (2022): Are transportation solutions doomed to fail climate-change actions? A book review.

Rouhani, Omid (2017): Manage energy/environmental footprints of travel: A proposed solution/methodology.


SIGUE, Moussa and SIRPE, Gnanderman (2019): Impact of Road Infrastructure Investments on the Structural Competitiveness of the Burkina Faso Economy.

SIGUE, Moussa and SIRPE, Gnanderman (2019): Non-linear effects of investment in road infrastructure on the structural competitiveness of the economy: the case of Burkina Faso.

Sambracos, Evangelos (2007): The Development of Short Sea Shipping in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Towards a Rational E.U. Freight Transport Policy. Published in: Proceedings of 10th International Maritime Conference MARDCON Ain Sokhna, Egypt (4 May 2007)

Sambracos, Evangelos (2002): Investment Evaluation of a Suburban Coastal Transport System. Published in: Book chapter in K. Zopounidis “New Trends in Banking Management”, ed. Physica-Verlag, Springer No. Series “Contributions to Management Science”, ed. Physica-Verlag, Springer, Heidelberg, New York, 2002. ISBN: 3-7908-1488-1 (2002): pp. 292-305.

Sambracos, Evangelos and Ramfou, Irene (2015): Do freight transport time savings translate to benefit for transport consuming companies?

Schücking, Maximilian and Jochem, Patrick and Fichtner, Wolf and Wollersheim, Olaf and Stella, Kevin (2017): Charging strategies for economic operations of electric vehicles in commercial applications. Published in: Transportation research / D , Vol. 51, (11 September 2018): pp. 173-189.

Selim, Tarek (2024): Smart Mobility in the MENA Region. Published in: BLJ Worldwide MENA Tech 2024: Mapping the Technology Landscape (10 June 2024)

Senderski, Marcin (2014): Concrete roads in Poland: The case for selling non-mainstream infrastructure technologies. Published in: Proceedings from 12th International Symposium on Concrete Roads (23 September 2014)

Senderski, Marcin (2014): Maintenance costs of public roads: Do empirical data confirm the superiority of concrete over asphalt? Published in: Dni Betonu 2014

Stamos, Iraklis and Aifadopoulou, Georgia and Mitsakis, Evangelos and Chrysochoou, Evangelia (2013): Στατικό μοντέλο καταμερισμού κυκλοφορίας και Δείκτες Αστικής Κινητικότητας για την πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης.


Thanh Nguyen, Phong and Likhitruangsilp, Veerasak and Onishi, Masamitsu (2017): Success Factors for Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Projects in Vietnam. Published in: International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology , Vol. 10, No. 02 (27 April 2020): pp. 858-865.


Vinokurov, Evgeny and Lobyrev, Vitaly and Tikhomirov, Andrey and Tsukarev, Taras (2018): Silk Road Transport Corridors: Assessment of Trans-EAEU Freight Traffic Growth Potential. Published in: EDB Centre for Integration Studies' Reports No. Report 49 (12 April 2018): pp. 1-70.

van den Berg, Vincent A.C. (2012): Auctions for private congestible infrastructures.


Wenshuang, Yu and Lindsay M., Tedds and Gillian, Petit (2022): Assessing Trends and Patterns of the Effect of COVID-19 on Public Transit Revenues in the City of Calgary.

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