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Number of items: 324.


Abarahan, Amnisuhailah Binti and Masih, Mansur (2016): Is energy a stimulus for economic growth? A focused study on Malaysia using the auto regressive distributed lag technique.

Abba, Junaid and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does oil impact Islamic stock markets ? evidence from MENA countries based on wavelet and markov switching approaches.

Abbas, Aadil and Masih, Mansur (2017): Which investment (private or public) does contribute to economic growth more? a case study of South Africa.

Abbas, Amir and Masih, Mansur (2017): Islamic stock index, conventional stock index and macroeconomic variables.

Abdi, Aisha Aden and Masih, Mansur (2017): Do macroeconomic variables affect stock–sukuk correlation in the regional markets? evidence from the GCC countries based on DOLS and FM-OLS.

Abdi, Zeinab and Masih, Mansur (2014): Which type of government revenue leads government expenditure?

Abdul, Salman and Masih, Mansur (2018): Relationship between demography and economic growth from the islamic perspective: a case study of Malaysia.

Abdullah, Iskandar and Masih, Mansur (2017): The lead-lag relationship and the determinants of Islamic banks’ profit rates: Malaysian evidence.

Abdullah, Mace and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is there any significant difference in global volatility of and correlation between shari’ah-compliant (Islamic) equities and sukuk ?

Abidin, Tengku and Masih, Mansur (2016): The relationship between the prices of gold and oil and macroeconomic variables: Malaysian evidence.

Abu Bakar, Norhidayah and Masih, Mansur (2016): Is islamic stock related to interest rate ? Malaysian evidence.

Abu Bakr, Norhidayah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Are the factors accounting for islamic and conventional bank credit cycles really different ? Malaysian evidence based on two-step GMM approach.

Abu-Bakar, Muhammad and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is the oil price pass-through to domestic inflation symmetric or asymmetric? new evidence from India based on NARDL.

Abubakar, Fahrurrazi and Masih, Mansur (2018): Palm oil export : is it price led or exchange rate led? evidence from Malaysia.

Adebumiti, Qazeem and Masih, Mansur (2018): Economic growth, energy consumption and government expenditure:evidence from a nonlinear ARDL analysis.

Adedamola, Qazeem and Mustapha, Ishaq and Masih, Mansur (2018): Fresh evidence on growth, expenditure and energy debate: GMM, Quantile and Threshold approaches.

Adediran, Ibrahim Opeyemi and Masih, Mansur (2018): Oil price and the global conventional and islamic stock markets: Is the relationship symmetric or asymmetric ? evidence from nonlinear ARDL.

Adekunle, Salami Saheed and Masih, Mansur (2017): Assessing the viability of Sukuk for portfolio diversification using MS-DCC-GARCH.

Adznan, Syaima and Masih, Mansur (2018): Exchange rate and trade balance linkage: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL and NARDL.

Affendi, Diyana Najwa and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is inflation targeting compatible with economic growth ? Korean experience based on ARDL and NARDL.

Afifah, Irfan and Masih, Mansur (2017): Do macroeconomic variables have any impact on stock market? an Indonesian case study based on ARDL approach.

Ahmad, Syafiq and Masih, Mansur (2018): The lead-lag relationship between industrial production and international trade: Malaysian evidence.

Ahmed, Azleen Rosemy and Masih, Mansur (2017): What is the link between financial development and income inequality? evidence from Malaysia.

Ahmed, Tayyab and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is islamic stock index related with conventional stock index ? evidence from the UK.

Ahsan, Zainab Fida and Masih, Mansur (2016): Exploring the nexus between income inequality and financial indicators: endemic to the Indian economy?

Aiman, Muhammad and Masih, Mansur (2018): Impact of macroeconomic factors on shariah and conventional stocks: Malaysian evidence.

Aini, Sarah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Investigating the major determinants of islamic bank savings: Malaysian evidence.

Akhtar, Sharmin and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does asymmetry matter in the relationship between exchange rate and remittance? Evidence from a remittance recipient country based on ARDL and NARDL.

Al Shugaa, Ameen and Masih, Mansur (2014): Uncertainty and Volatility in MENA Stock Markets During the Arab Spring.

Al-Dailami, Mohammed Abdullah and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is interest rate still the right tool for stimulating economic growth ? evidence from Japan.

Alaaabed, Alaa and Masih, Mansur (2014): Finance-growth nexus: insights from an application of threshold regression model to Malaysia’s dual financial system.

Alaabed, Alaa and Masih, Mansur (2014): Size and Volatility: new evidence from an application of wavelet approach to the emerging Islamic mutual funds’ industry.

Alamsyah, Janoearto and Masih, Mansur (2017): Impact of islamic money market development on islamic bank liquidity management: a case study of Indonesia.

Alchaar, Osama and Masih, Mansur (2018): Do islamic or conventional mutual funds lead economic growth? evidence from Malaysia.

Ali, Ariffhidayat and Masih, Mansur (2017): Relationship between oil price and gross fixed capital formation: Malaysian case.

Ali, Hakim and Masih, Mansur (2016): Evidence of cross-country portfolio diversification benefits: The case of Saudi Arabia.

Ali, Hakim and Masih, Mansur (2017): Granger-causality between islamic finance and growth: evidence from Malaysia.

Ali, Mohsin and Masih, Mansur (2014): Does Indian Stock Market Provide Diversification Benefits Against Oil Price Shocks? A Sectoral Analysis.

Ali, Shah and Masih, Mansur (2018): The determinants of economic growth: the Malaysian case.

Amanbayev, Yerkebulan and Masih, Mansur (2017): What factors affect the export competitiveness? Malaysian evidence.

Anuar, Khairul and Masih, Mansur (2018): What drives shariah (islamic) stock index? a case study of Malaysia.

Aqsha, Nur Suhairah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is residential property the ultimate hedge against inflation ? new evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL and nonlinear ARDL.

Ariff, Azwar and Masih, Mansur (2017): Role of global financial crisis in causing dynamic connectedness of Asian equity markets.

Ariffian, Suffian and Masih, Mansur (2018): Which islamic equity market is the leading one in Southeast Asia ? evidence from some select equity markets.

Ariffin, Kartina and Masih, Mansur (2018): Determinants of islamic banking investment account rates: Malaysia’s evidence.

Asad, Mohammad and Masih, Mansur (2018): Islamic equity market and macroeconomic variables: evidence from the UK.

Asadov, Alam and Masih, Mansur (2016): Home financing loans and their relationship to real estate bubble: An analysis of the U.S. mortgage market.

Ashraf, Kamran and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does the purchasing power parity theory still hold ? The UK as the case study.

Athirah, Wan and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is the relationship between lending interest rate and non-performing loans nonlinear asymmetric ? Malaysian evidence.

Awaludin, Fadhlee and Masih, Mansur (2015): Sukuk pricing dynamics - factors influencing yield curve of the Malaysian Sukuk.

Ayub, Aishahton and Masih, Mansur (2013): Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, and Stock Prices of Islamic Banks: A Panel Data Analysis.

Ayub, Aishaton and Masih, Mansur (2013): The Relationship between Exchange Rates and Islamic Indices in Malaysia FTSE Market: A Wavelet Based Approach.

Azahar, Nurshuhaida and Masih, Mansur (2018): The effect of sub-prime crisis on select southeast Asian stock markets.

Aziz, Abdul and Masih, Mansur (2018): Lead-lag relationship between macroeconomic variables and stock market: evidence from Korea.

Aziz, Nur Aziah and Masih, Mansur (2018): The determinants of islamic mudharabah interbank investment rate: Malaysia as a case study.

Azland, Adam and Masih, Mansur (2017): Discerning the relationship between bitcoin and islamic index.

Azmi, Muhammad Saifullah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does education expenditure lead or lag GDP ? Malaysian evidence.

Azwan, Nurul Iman and Masih, Mansur (2019): Is the relationship between housing price and banking debt symmetric or non-symmetric? evidence from Malaysia based on NARDL.

Azzi, Abdelkebir and Masih, Mansur (2018): Oil price volatility and macroeconomic determinants of growth: evidence from Morocco.

al Bdiwy, Feras and Masih, Mansur (2017): The lead-lag relationship among select regional islamic equity markets.


Baddou, Mehdi and Masih, Mansur (2018): What are the factors that drive economic growth? evidence from Turkey.

Bahaman, Abrar and Masih, Mansur (2017): Identifying the lead-lag relationship between the shariah (islamic) equity index and macroeconomic variables: Malaysia as a case study.

Bahruddin, Wan Athirah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is the relation between lending interest rate and non-performing loans symmetric or asymmetric ? evidence from ARDL and NARDL.

Bakkali, Saad and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is the GCC islamic index independent of the conventional interest rates ?

Bamahriz, Omar and Masih, Mansur (2018): Brain drain or brain gain? investigating the diaspora’s effect on the economy and real estate bubble: new evidence from Kenya based on ARDL analysis.

Bekmuratov, Mukhsinbek and Masih, Mansur (2017): Granger-causality between oil price and macrovariables: ARDL approach.

Broni, Mohammed Yaw and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does a country’s external debt level affect its Islamic banking sector development? evidence from Malaysia based on quantile regression and markov regime switching.

Bukhari, Naseem and Masih, Mansur (2016): An empirical investigation of causal linkages between domestic terrorism and macroeconomic variables: a case for Pakistan.


Charnikat, Charnikat and Masih, Mansur (2016): Granger-causal relationship between real exchange rate and economic growth: Malaysia as a case study.

Cheah, Chee Keong and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does the growth of islamic bank financing depend on stock market growth? evidence from Malaysia.

Cheah, Ping Yean and Masih, Mansur (2017): Interdependence of international stock markets: Malaysian case.

Chen, Bai and Masih, Mansur (2017): Are the Islamic and conventional money markets really highly correlated ? MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet approaches.

Chowdhury, M. Ashraful Ferdous and Haque, M. Mahmudul and Alhabshi, Syed Othman and Masih, Abul Mansur M. (2016): Socioeconomic Development and Its Effect on Performance of Islamic Banks: Dynamic Panel Approaches. Published in:

Chowdhury, Mohammad Ashraful Ferdous and Masih, Mansur (2015): Socially responsible investment and Shariah-compliant investment compared: Can investors benefit from diversification? An ARDL approach.

Cikiryel, Burak and Masih, Mansur (2017): The Impact of Brexit on Islamic Stock Markets Employing MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet Correlation Analysis.

Citak, Yusuf Ensar and Masih, Mansur (2017): Discerning Granger-causal chain between oil prices, exchange rates and inflation rates: Evidence from Turkey.


Daqane, Mohamed Qalib and Masih, Mansur (2016): Is islamic stock market affected by interest rates ? Malaysia as a case study.

Daud, Ariff and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is there any relationship between exchange rate and investment ? evidence from Australia.

Dewandaru, Ginanjar and Rizvi, Syed Aun and Sarkar, Kabir and Bacha, Obiyathulla and Masih, Mansur (2014): How do Macroeconomic Changes Impact Islamic and Conventional Equity Prices? Evidence from Developed and Emerging Countries.

Diallo, Abdoulaye Kindy and Masih, Mansur (2017): CO2 emissions and financial development: evidence from the United Arab Emirates based on an ARDL approach.

Dwihasri, Dhaifina and Masih, Mansur (2015): Should investors diversify their portfolios with stocks from major trading countries? A comparative multivariate GARCH-DCC and wavelet correlation analysis.

Dzanan, Haris and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does currency depreciation necessarily result in positive trade balance ? new evidence from Norway.


Elyas, Redha and Masih, Mansur (2019): Does environmental awareness determine GDP growth ? evidence from Singapore based on ARDL and NARDL approaches.

el Alaoui, AbdelKader and Diwandaru, Ginanjar and Rosly, Saiful Azhar and Masih, Mansur (2014): What Drives Profitability of Banks: Do Interest rate, and Fee and Commissions impact the profitability of Banks? Evidence from the European Countries.

el Alaoui, AbdelKader and Masih, Mansur and Bacha, Obiyathulla and Asutay, Mehmet (2014): Leverage versus volatility: Evidence from the Capital Structure of European Firms.

el Alaoui, AbdelKader and Masih, Mansur and Bacha, Obiyathulla and Asutay, Mehmet (2014): Leverage, Sensitivity to Market Risk and Contagion: A Multi-Country Analysis for Shari’ah(Islamic) Stock Screening.

el Alaoui, AbdelKader and Masih, Mansur and Bacha, Obiyathulla and Asutay, Mehmet (2014): Leverage, return, volatility and contagion: Evidence from the portfolio framework.


Fadzil, Anas and Masih, Mansur (2018): What drives the stock markets ? evidence from India.

Fadzil, Atikah and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does export lead growth? evidence from Japan.

Fairuz, Sharifah and Masih, Mansur (2018): What drives the profit rates of islamic banks ? Malaysia’s case.

Farid, Hazim and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is there any causal link between shariah index and islamic unit trust growth ? Malaysian evidence.

Farouk, Faizal and Masih, Mansur (2014): Are There Profit (Returns) in Shariah-Compliant Exchange Traded Funds? The Multiscale Propensity.

Farouk, Faizal and Masih, Mansur (2017): Lead-lag relationship between islamic ETF price and strategic commodities: evidence from Malaysia.

Fatiha, Illani and Masih, Mansur (2017): Causal relationship between FDI, trade, economic growth and exchange rate : Malaysian evidence.

Foziah, Nik Hazimi and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does islamic banking have significant effect on economic growth ? evidence from Malaysia.


Gadhoum, Anouar and Masih, Mansur (2018): Emerging market equities and US policy uncertainty: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL.

Ghafar, Aiman and Masih, Mansur (2017): The unemployment rate and its determinants: the Malaysian case.

Ghafar, Nurul and Masih, Mansur (2016): Determinants of unemployment rate in an open economy: Malaysian evidence.

Ghazali, Ummu and Masih, Mansur (2018): Should Malaysia depreciate her exchange rate ?

Golding, Khabran and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does foreign direct investment lead or lag employment ? an ARDL approach.

Gulzar, Rosana and Masih, Mansur (2015): Islamic banking: 40 years later, still interest-based? Evidence from Malaysia.


Habib, Farrukh and Masih, Mansur (2017): The effect of interest rates and rate of profit on islamic investment deposits: evidence from Malaysia.

Haffejee, muhammad Ismail and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is the relationship between financial development and income inequality symmetric or asymmetric ? new evidence from South Africa based on NARDL.

Hakim, Idwan and Masih, Mansur (2014): Portfolio diversification strategy for Malaysia: International and sectoral perspectives.

Hakim, Idwan and Masih, Mansur (2016): Does finance lead or lag economic growth ? the Malaysian evidence.

Halim, Abdul and Masih, Mansur (2017): Comovement between crude oil prices and shariah stock indices: MGARCH-DCC and wavelet analysis.

Halim, Asyraf Abdul and Ariff, Muhammad and Masih, A. Mansur M. (2016): The impact of real estate, inequality and current account imbalances on excessive credit: A cross country analysis.

Halim, Hafeez and Masih, Mansur (2017): The causal relationship between islamic bank financing and macroeconomic variables: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL approach.

Halim, Hafeez and Masih, Mansur (2016): Granger-causal relationship between islamic bank financing and macroeconomic variables: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL.

Hamid, Zuraini and Masih, Mansur (2017): The lead-lag relationship between the rubber price and inflation rate: an evidence from Malaysia.

Hamour, Mohamed and Masih, Mansur (2017): The dilemma of the sharia conscious investor: a time series analysis.

Hamzah, Nurrawaida Husna and Masih, Mansur (2018): Revisiting effectiveness of interest rate as a tool to control inflation: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL and NARDL.

Hanifa, Mohamed Hisham and Masih, Mansur (2013): Housing finance and financial stability: evidence from Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.

Haniff, Norazza Mohd and Masih, Mansur (2016): Shariah stocks as an inflation hedge in Malaysia.

Haq, Marifatul and Masih, Mansur (2018): Macroeconomic determinants of stock markets: Indian case.

Hasan, Amiratul Nadiah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Determinants of food price inflation: evidence from Malaysia based on linear and nonlinear ARDL.

Hasbullah, Faruq and Masih, Mansur (2016): Fast profits in a fasting month? A markov regime switching approach in search of ramadan effect on stock markets.

Hashim, Khairul and Masih, Mansur (2014): What causes economic growth in Malaysia: exports or imports ?

Hashim, Khairul Khairiah and Masih, Mansur (2015): Stock market volatility and exchange rates: MGARCH-DCC and wavelet approaches.

Hashim, Norhaziah and Masih, Mansur (2018): The impact of interest rate changes on islamic home financing: Malaysia as a case study.

Haskanbancha, Nazmi and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does public infrastructure lead or lag GDP? evidence from Thailand based on NARDL.

Hasnul, Al Gifari and Masih, Mansur (2016): Role of instability in affecting capital flight magnitude: An ARDL bounds testing approach.

Hassan, Fatimatul and Masih, Mansur (2018): Relationship between crude oil prices and global sukuk (islamic bond) index: evidence from Dow Jones Citygroup sukuk index.

Hassan, Hissam and Masih, Mansur (2017): Public debt and GDP growth in the Malaysian islamic economy.

Hassen, Omar and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is shariah stock index better than the conventional stock index in explaining economic growth ? evidence from Malaysia.

Hasson, Ashwaq and Masih, Mansur (2017): Energy consumption, trade openness, economic growth, carbon dioxide emissions and electricity consumption: evidence from South Africa based on ARDL.

Hodori, Arif and Masih, Mansur (2017): Determinants of profitability of takaful operators: new evidence from Malaysia based on dynamic GMM approach.

Hoe, Foong Chee and Masih, Mansur (2017): Short - and long-run relationship between oil price and exchange rate: evidence from Malaysia based on Markov regime switching approach.

Hosen, Mosharrof and Masih, Mansur (2017): Are Islamic risk factors blessings or curse for stock return? evidence from Malaysia based on dynamic GMM and quantile regression approaches.

Hossain, Saddam and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is the relationship between FDI and inflation nonlinear and asymmetric? new evidence from NARDL approach.

Hussan, Subithabhanu and Masih, Mansur (2014): Are The Profit Rates of the Islamic Investment Deposit Accounts Truly Performance Based? A Case Study of Malaysia.

Hussin, Syaryanti and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does interest rate affect the saving account deposits of islamic banks ? evidence from Malaysia.


Ibrahim, Zil Farlilah and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is gold a better choice as reserve currency for smaller market economies?

Ihsaanul, Ahmad and Masih, Mansur (2018): Would the volatility of oil price affect the GDP of a country ? Singaporean evidence.

Ikram, Ahmad and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does international trade lead industrial production or the other way around ? evidence from Malaysia.

Ilhan, Bilal and Masih, Mansur (2014): Do Portfolio Diversification Opportunities exist across the Euro Zone Islamic Equity Markets? MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet Correlation Analysis.

Isa, Yazid and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does conventional interest rate influence islamic deposit rate of return or the other way around ? evidence from Malaysia.

Isaacs, Ziyaat and Masih, Mansur (2017): Testing the long-run relationship between exchange rate, oil price, FDI and GDP: an ARDL approach.

Isaev, Mirolim and Masih, Mansur (2017): The nexus of private sector foreign debt, unemployment, trade openness: evidence from Australia.

Isaev, Mirolim and Masih, Mansur (2017): Macroeconomic and bank-specific determinants of different categories of non-performing financing in Islamic banks: Evidence from Malaysia.

Ismail, Mohamed Ayaz Mohamed and Masih, Mansur (2015): Causality between financial development and economic growth, and the Islamic finance imperative: A case study of Indonesia.

Ismail, Yusra and Masih, Mansur (2019): Is the relationship between inflation and financial development symmetric or asymmetric? new evidence from Sudan based on NARDL.

Izani, Izahairani and Masih, Mansur (2017): Do islamic bank deposits depend on total islamic bank assets or the other way around ?

Izyani, Nurul and Masih, Mansur (2018): Do the trading partners’ exchange rates impact the export performance of a country? evidence from Malaysia.


Jaffar, Yusuf and Masih, Mansur (2014): Exploring portfolio diversification opportunities through venture capital financing.

Jailani, Mohamad Zaky and Masih, Mansur (2015): Determining the relationship between financial development and economic growth: An application of ARDL technique to Singapore.

Jamil, Sakinah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Factors influencing shariah (islamic) compliant stock index: Malaysian evidence.


Kabir, Mustafa and Masih, Mansur (2019): Portfolio diversification between exchange rates and islamic stocks: evidence from the USA, Euro area, Japan and Malaysia.

Kabir, Sarkar Humayun and Masih, Mansur (2014): Dynamic Integration of Domestic Equity Price, Foreign Equity Price and Macroeconomic Indicators: Evidence from Malaysia.

Kaleemuddin, Mohammed and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does financial development drive economic growth ? an ARDL approach.

Kalthum, Ummi and Masih, Mansur (2017): The lead-lag relationship between PPI, CPI and oil price: Malaysian evidence.

Kamarudin, Eka Azrin and Masih, Mansur (2015): Islamic versus conventional stock market and its co-movement with crude oil: a wavelet analysis.

Kamaruzdin, Thaqif and Masih, Mansur (2014): An inquiry into the stability of Islamic Financial Services Institutions in terms of volatility, risk and correlations: A case study of Malaysia employing M-GARCH t-DCC and MODWT Wavelet approaches.

Kamil, Nazrol and Masih, Mansur (2016): Shari’ah (islamic)compliant investments in Malaysia: influences of selected stock indices and their trend/cycle decomposition equity.

Khalaf, Tasneem and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is the relationship between non-performing loans of banks and economic growth asymmetric ? Malaysia’s evidence based on linear and nonlinear ARDL approaches.

Khalit, Nafsiah and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is shariah (islamic) stock price causally related to the macroeconomic variables ? Malaysian evidence.

Khan, Aftab and Masih, Mansur (2019): Do Islamic stocks and commodity markets comove at different investment horizons ? evidence from wavelet time-frequency approach.

Khan, Aftab and Masih, Mansur (2016): Does islamic stock index lead or lag conventional stock index ? Malaysian case.

Khan, Azima and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does women empowerment Granger-cause economic growth or the other way around? evidence from Iceland.

Khasanov, Khush and Masih, Mansur (2016): Macroeconomic variables and oil price: evidence from Turkey.


Lajis, Siti and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is the islamic equity market independent of the influence of primary commodities ? Malaysian evidence.

Latheef, Udhula Abdul and Masih, Mansur (2017): Asymmetrical effects of macro variables on commercial bank deposits: evidence from Maldives based on NARDL.

Lee, Kam Weng and Masih, Mansur (2018): Investigating the causal relationship between exchange rate variability and palm oil export: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL and nonlinear ARDL approaches.

Lee, Siew Peng and Masih, Mansur (2017): Determinants of banks’ margins: case of islamic and conventional banks: evidence from Malaysia based on GMM approach.

Lengnoo, Hayatee and Masih, Mansur (2018): Granger-causality between real exchange rate and economic growth: evidence from Thailand.

Lim, Siok Jin and Masih, Mansur (2017): Exploring portfolio diversification opportunities in Islamic capital markets through bitcoin: evidence from MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet approaches.

Liyana, Anis and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does unemployment rate lead GDP growth or the other way around ? Malaysia’s case.

Lokman, Azarahiah and Masih, Mansur (2016): What drives banks’ willingness to lend to SMEs? An ARDL approach.

Ludeen, Abdullah and Masih, Mansur (2017): What factors affect islamic bank deposits ? Malaysian case based on ARDL.


Madeira, Makharam and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does the purchasing power parity theory hold for Malaysia ?

Mahmood, Ilham and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is there any long run Granger-causality between economic growth and energy consumption ? evidence from Singapore.

Mahmood, Nihal and Masih, Mansur (2018): Dynamics between islamic banking performance and CO2 emissions: evidence from the OIC countries.

Mahmud, Nurrul Iiyana and Masih, Mansur (2016): Are shariah (islamic) stock market returns stable ? evidence from the select islamic stock indices of emerging markets, USA, UK and Japan.

Majeed, Ayesha and Masih, Mansur (2016): A study of long- run theoretical relationship between ASEAN stock market indices and developed stock market indices of US and Japan.

Majeed, Raseena and Masih, Mansur (2016): Impact of macroeconomic variables on shariah stock markets: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL approach.

Malayan, Firoz and Masih, Mansur (2017): Causal linkages between the energy sector and islamic regional indexes: evidence from GCC, EU, US, emerging markets and Asia-pacific.

Malik, Meheroon Nisa Abdul and Masih, Mansur (2017): The relationship between energy consumption, financial development and economic growth: an evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL.

Mantai, Mohammed Mahmoud and Masih, Mansur (2016): Do changes in shariah screening methodology make islamic indices substitutes or complements? an application of MGARCH-DCC and markov switching analysis.

Maruf, Aminudin and Masih, Mansur (2019): Is the relationship between infrastructure and economic growth symmetric or asymmetric? evidence from Indonesia based on linear and non-linear ARDL.

Masih, Mansur and AbdulKarim, Fatima (2014): Dynamic causal chain of money, output, interest rate, exchange rate and prices: Nigeria as a case study.

Masih, Mansur and Majid, Hamdan Abdul (2013): Stock Price and Industrial Production in Developing Countries: A Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel Analysis.

Masih, Mansur and Majid, Hamdan Abdul (2013): Comovement of Selected International Stock Market Indices:A Continuous Wavelet Transformation and Cross Wavelet Transformation Analysis.

Masih, Mansur and Majid, Hamdan Abdul (2013): The Volatility and Correlations of Stock Returns of Some Crisis-Hit Countries: US, Greece, Thailand and Malaysia: Evidence from MGARCH-DCC applications.

Mazlan, Zuhry and Masih, Mansur (2018): Causality between domestic fuel price and economic sectors: evidence from Malaysia.

Miras, Hassan and Masih, Mansur (2017): Stock returns and macroeconomic factors in an emerging economy: Malaysian evidence.

Mobin, Mohammad Ashraful and Alhabshi, Syed Othman and Masih, Mansur (2015): Religiosity and threshold effect in social and financial performance of microfinance institutions: System GMM and non-linear threshold approaches.

Mobin, Mohammad Ashraful and Masih, Mansur (2014): Do the macroeconomic variables have any impact on the Islamic bank deposits?An application of ARDL approach to the Malaysian market.

Mohamad, Shaifulfazlee and Masih, Mansur (2017): What drives the property prices ? the Malaysian case.

Mohamad, Sharifah Fairuz Syed and Masih, Mansur (2013): Gold price movements in selected currencies: wavelet approach.

Mohamad, Sharifah Fairuz Syed and Masih, Mansur (2013): An application of MGARCH-DCC analysis on selected currencies in terms of gold Price.

Mohammad Nor, Karina and Masih, Mansur (2016): Do spot and future palm oil prices influence the stock market prices of a major palm oil producer? the Malaysian experience.

Mohd, Rafede and Masih, Mansur (2018): Testing the asymmetric and lead-lag relationship between CPI and PPI: an application of the ARDL and NARDL approaches.

Mohd Haniff, NorAzza and Masih, Mansur (2016): Does consumer sentiment predict consumer spending in Malaysia? an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach.

Mokhtar, Maznita and Masih, Mansur (2013): Are investments in islamic REITs susceptible to forex uncertainty: wavelet analysis.

Momin, Ebaad and Masih, Mansur (2015): Do US policy uncertainty, leveraging costs and global risk aversion impact emerging market equities? An application of bounds testing approach to the BRICS.

Morad, Shahidah Nailul and Masih, Mansur (2015): Islamic REIT response to macroeconomic factors: a markov regime switching auto regressive approach.

Morni, Fareiny and Masih, Mansur (2017): Predicting stress in the banking sector: Malaysian evidence.

Mosteut, Safini and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does the exchange rate volatility affect the foreign direct investment? the case of Thailand.

Mukrim, Anis and Masih, Mansur (2017): The impact of macroeconomic variables on the crude palm oil export: Malaysian evidence based on ARDL approach.

Mukrim, Syahirah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Do islamic indices help portfolio diversification ? application of multivariate GARCH and wavelet coherence.

Musa, Mustafa and Masih, Mansur (2016): Are the ASEAN stock markets integrated with the US market ? new evidence from wavelet coherence.

Musaev, Mekhroj and Masih, Mansur (2017): Impact of oil price volatility on macroeconomic variables: an ARDL approach.

Musaeva, Gulzhan and Masih, Mansur (2018): Granger-causal relationship between islamic stock markets and oil prices: a case study of Malaysia.

Mustapha, Ishaq Muhammad and Masih, Mansur (2016): Dutch disease or Nigerian disease: a prima facie? New evidence from ARDL bound test analysis.

Mustapha, Ishaq Muhammad and Masih, Mansur (2017): Dynamics of islamic stock market returns and exchange rate movements in the ASEAN Countries in a regime-switching environment: Implications for the islamic investors and risk hedgers.


Nagayev, Ruslan and Masih, Mansur (2013): Should Shariah-compliant investors include commodities in their portfolios? New evidence.

Nagayev, Ruslan and Masih, Mansur (2013): The Role of Gold as a Hedge and Safe Haven in Shariah-Compliant Portfolios.

Nahavandian, Mohsen and Masih, Mansur (2016): Granger-causal relationship between macroeconomic factors and the Malaysian islamic index.

Najibullah, Syed and Masih, Mansur (2015): Remittances and economic growth nexus: Do financial development and investment act as transmission channels? An ARDL bounds approach.

Naleef, Mohamed and Masih, Mansur (2018): Impact of political instability on economic growth, exchange rates and unemployment: Malaysian evidence.

Naseer, Areef Ahmed and Masih, Mansur (2016): Expect the unexpected: housing price bubble on the horizon in Malaysia.

Naseri, Marjan and Masih, Mansur (2014): Integration and Comovement of Developed and Emerging Islamic Stock Markets: A Case Study of Malaysia.

Naseri, Marjan and Masih, Mansur (2013): Causality between Malaysian Islamic Stock Market and Macroeconomic Variables.

Nazeer, Abdul Malik and Masih, Mansur (2017): Impact of political instability on foreign direct investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from Malaysia.

Nazib, Nur Afiyah and Masih, Mansur (2017): The response of monetary policy shocks on Islamic bank deposits: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL approach.

Nazlan, Wan Syafiq and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does financial development lead or lag economic growth ? Malaysian evidence.

Ndiaye, Ndeye Djiba and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is inflation targeting the proper monetary policy regime in a dual banking system? new evidence from ARDL bounds test.

Nkoba, Malik Abdulrahman and Masih, Mansur (2018): Revisiting the Phillips curve trade-off: evidence from Tanzania using nonlinear ARDL approach.

Noh, Nadia Mohd and Masih, Mansur (2017): The relationship between energy consumption and economic growth: evidence from Thailand based on NARDL and causality approaches.

Nor, Amiruddin and Masih, Mansur (2017): Granger-causality between islamic banks and conventional banks: evidence from Malaysia.

Nor, Amirudin Mohd and Masih, Mansur (2017): Do Islamic banks lead or lag conventional banks? Evidence from Malaysia.

Nurhaliq, Puteri and Masih, Mansur (2016): Export orientation vs import substitution : which strategy should the government adopt? Evidence from Malaysia.


Okedina, Jellil and Masih, Mansur (2018): The nexus between poverty and crime: evidence from India.

Olujobi, Khalilat and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does the purchasing power parity theory hold for the exchange rate between the USA and Malaysia ?

Omar, Abdullah and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does inflation impact shariah (islamic) equity index and conventional equity index differently?the case of Malaysia.

Omar, Abdullah and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is the effect of inflation on shariah (islamic) stock and conventional stock different ? evidence from Malaysia.

Omar, Kamal and Masih, Mansur (2016): Granger-causal direction between crude oil and islamic deposits: Malaysian evidence.

Omar, Masitah and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does saving stimulate growth? the case of Malaysia.

Omer, Gamal Salih and Masih, Mansur (2014): Estimating and Forecasting Conditional Volatility and Correlations of the Dow Jones Islamic Stock Market Index Using Multivariate GARCH-DCC.

Osman, Fatimah and Masih, Mansur (2017): What are the drivers of islamic bank deposits ? evidence from Malaysia.

Osman, Khairul Nizam and Masih, Mansur (2018): Granger-causality of selective Dow Jones islamic and sustainability regional equity indices.

Othman, Arshad Nuval and Masih, Mansur (2014): The different impact of conventional interest rates on Islamic stock market, Islamic banking and Islamic insurance: evidence from Malaysia.

Othman, Azura and Masih, Mansur (2016): Economic determinants of islamic deposits: evidence from Malaysia.

Othman, Nooramylia and Masih, Mansur (2018): Relation between macro economic variables and government securities: Malaysian case.

Othman, Nurhuda and Masih, Mansur (2018): Granger-causality between palm oil, gold and stocks (islamic and conventional): Malaysian evidence based on ARDL approach.


Park, Kwang Suk and Masih, Mansur (2015): Does the shariah index move together with the conventional equity indexes?

Pathan, Rubina and Masih, Mansur (2013): Relationship between macroeconomic variables and stock market index: evidence from India.

Poyraz, Mehmet Sami and Masih, Mansur (2017): External private debt and economic growth: Is there a lead-lag Granger-casual relationship? evidence from Turkey.


Quadri, Syed and Masih, Mansur (2017): Granger-causality between macroeconomic variables and stock market index: evidence from India.


Rafi, Umar and Masih, Mansur (2014): Are Islamic Banks Truly Shariah Compliant? An Application of Time Series Multivariate Forecasting Techniques to Islamic Bank Financing.

Rahamat, Amri and Masih, Mansur (2017): Granger-causality between oil price, exchange rate and government bonds: evidence from Malaysia.

Rahim, Adam Mohamed and Masih, Mansur (2018): Comovement of stock markets of Singapore and its major Asian trading partners.

Rahim, Adam Mohamed and Masih, Mansur (2014): Effects of Political Turmoil (Arab Spring) on Portfolio Diversification Benefits: Perspectives of the Moroccan Islamic Stock investors.

Rahim, Adam Mohamed and Masih, Mansur (2014): Portfolio Diversification Benefits of Islamic Stocks and Malaysia’s Major Trading Partners:MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet Correlation Approaches.

Rahim, Yasmin and Masih, Mansur (2015): Is gold good for hedging? lessons from the Malaysian sectoral stock indices.

Rahim, Yasmin Abd and Masih, Mansur (2015): Is Islamic stock index secured against interest rate risk? Evidence from Wavelet analysis.

Rahmali, Atiqah and Masih, Mansur (2017): Discerning the effect of international stock markets before and after the subprime crisis.

Rahman, Nadiah Abd and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does the islamic bank deposit have an effect on equity market ? Malaysian case.

Rahman, Salman and Masih, Mansur (2018): Demography and economic growth from islamic perspective: Malaysia as a case study.

Rahman, Sharezan and Masih, Mansur (2014): Increasing household debts and its relation to GDP, interest rate and house price: Malaysia’s perspective.

Rahman, Syarifah and Masih, Mansur (2018): The vulnerability of Islamic bank’s credit risk to oil price shocks: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL approach.

Rahmani, Halima and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does remittance lead or lag exchange rate? evidence from Morocco.

Ramic, Esma and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is islamic bank financing related to interest rate ? Malaysian evidence based on ARDL approach.

Razak, Lutfi Abdul and Masih, Mansur (2017): Revisit Feldstein-Horioka puzzle: evidence from Malaysia (1960-2015).

Razak, Najwa and Masih, Mansur (2018): The relationship between exchange rate and trade balance: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL and Nonlinear ARDL approaches.

Razak, Nursakina and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does income or house price lead in the public housing market? a case study of Singapore’s public housing sector.

Razak, Razman and Masih, Mansur (2017): The links between crude palm oil, conventional and Islamic stock markets: evidence from Malaysia based on continuous and discrete wavelet analysis.

Reza, Md. Ridwan and Masih, Mansur (2017): Regime switching behavior of volatilities of Islamic equities: evidence from Markov- Switching GARCH models for some selected broad based indices.

Rizvi, Aun and Masih, Mansur (2014): Oil price shocks and GCC capital markets: who drives whom?

Rizvi, Syed Aun and Masih, Mansur (2013): Do Shariah (Islamic) Indices Provide a Safer Avenue in Crisis? Empirical Evidence from Dow Jones Indices using Multivariate GARCH-DCC.

Robbana, Aroua and Masih, Mansur (2018): Lead-lag relationship between remittance and growth: ARDL approach.

Roslan, Ahmad Ridza and Masih, Mansur (2017): How does advertisement spending affect business performance of both islamic and conventional banks?

Roslan, Syed and Masih, Mansur (2018): Savings and bank loans dynamics in implementing the new international accounting standard IFRS-9: Malaysia as a case study.

Rosle, Alia Nadira and Masih, Mansur (2018): Can the islamic banks’ credit risk be explained by macroeconomic shocks? evidence from Malaysia.


Sabry, Saajid and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is gold a hedge against equity risk? Malaysian experience based on NARDL approach.

Saiti, Buerhan and Masih, Mansur (2014): The Co-movement of Selective Conventional and Islamic Stock Markets in East Asia: Is there any Impact on Shariah Compliant Equity Investment in China?

Salehyar, Masoud and Masih, Mansur (2017): Lead-lag between female employment and economic growth: evidence from Canada.

Salleh, Eddee and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does gold act as an inflation hedge ? Malaysian case.

Salleh, Fadzlullah and Masih, Mansur (2016): Does finance lead or lag growth? evidence from Malaysia.

Salman, Firdaus and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is gold worth an investment ? a case study of Malaysia.

Samad, Abdul and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does institutional quality matter in attracting foreign direct investment? the case of Ethiopia based on ARDL approach.

Samad, Esma and Masih, Mansur (2018): Effects of fiscal components on economic growth: evidence from Malaysia.

Samad, Fadillah and Masih, Mansur (2016): Lead-lag relationship between domestic credit and economic growth: the case of Singapore.

Saparova, Nurzhamal and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does foreign direct investment lead or lag economic growth ? evidence from Russia.

Sapian, Safeza and Masih, Mansur (2018): Do macroeconomic factors affect the credit risk of islamic banks? evidence from Malaysia.

Saupi, Nabil and Masih, Mansur (2018): Lead-lag between exchange rates and trade balance: Malaysian evidence.

Shafaai, Shafizal and Masih, Mansur (2013): Determinants of cost of equity: The case of Shariah-compliant Malaysian firms.

Shafaai, Shafizal and Masih, Mansur (2018): The dynamics of growth, exports, exchange rate and foreign direct investment: evidence from Malaysia.

Shahwahid, Muhammad and Masih, Mansur (2018): Macroeconomic determinants of islamic and conventional stocks: Malaysian evidence based on ARDL and NARDL approaches.

Shakir, Zeeniya and Masih, Mansur (2016): How is the European debt crisis affecting islamic equity? challenges in portfolio diversification within the eurozone: A markov switching and continuous wavelet transform analysis.

Shamsudheen, Shinaj Valangattil and Masih, Mansur (2015): Does the conventional benchmark prop up non-performing loans in Islamic banks? A case study of Malaysia with ARDL Approach.

Sharabati, Yamen and Masih, Mansur (2017): Are imports driven by exports or the other way around ?Thailand evidence.

Shin, Claire and Masih, Mansur (2016): Lead-lag relationship between macroeconomic variables: evidence from Korea.

Sulaiman, Junaid and Masih, Mansur (2016): Does interest rate impact the shariah index? Malaysian evidence based on ARDL approach.

Sulaiman, Nadzri and Masih, Mansur (2017): Macroeconomic variables and stock markets (domestic and foreign): evidence from Malaysia.

Sulaiman, Saidu and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is liberalizing finance the game in town for Nigeria ?

Sultan, Yousuf and Masih, Mansur (2016): Does microfinance affect economic growth? Evidence from Bangladesh based on ARDL approach.

Suwanhirunkul, Prachaya and Masih, Mansur (2018): Effect of dividend policy on stock price volatility in the Dow Jones U.S. index and the Dow Jones islamic U.S. index: evidences from GMM and quantile regression.

Suwanhirunkul, Suwijak and Masih, Mansur (2018): Exchange rate and trade balance linkage: sectoral evidence from Thailand based on nonlinear ARDL.

Suwanhirunkul, Suwijak and Masih, Mansur (2018): Islamic equity as an alternative investment from the perspective of the Southeast Asian investors: evidence from MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet Coherence.

Swastika, Purti and Dewandaru, Ginanjar and Masih, Mansur (2013): The Impact of Debt on Economic Growth: A Case Study of Indonesia.

Swastika, Putri and Dewandaru, Ginanjar and Masih, Mansur (2013): Does Restricted Short Selling Bring Benefit to Stocks Listed in Islamic Capital Market? New Evidence from Malaysia based on Dynamic Panel Heterogeneous Techniques.

Swastika, Putri and Masih, Mansur (2016): Do interest rate and inflation affect unemployment? evidence from Australia.

shafaai, Shafizal and Masih, Mansur (2013): Stock market and crude oil relationship: A wavelet analysis.


Taher, Sumaiyah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Which market is the driver of the Asian stock markets ?

Tanin, Tauhidul Islam and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does economic freedom lead or lag economic growth? evidence from Bangladesh.

Tariq, Anam and Masih, Mansur (2015): Analyzing the impact of financial sector growth on female empowerment: A focus on the United States of America.

Tariq, Anam and Masih, Mansur (2016): Risk-sharing deposits in islamic banks: do interest rates have any influence on them?

Tayeb, Hamza and Masih, Mansur (2018): The lead lag relationship between oil prices and exchange rate in an oil importing country: evidence fromThailand using ARDL.

Tew, Li Mei and Masih, Mansur (2018): Google trends search query and islamic stock indices: an analysis of their lead-lag relationship based on the Malaysian data.

Touati, Fatima and Masih, Mansur (2018): What drives the European islamic market: is it the conventional market or the other islamic markets ?


Uddin, Md Akther (2015): Governance from Islamic economic perspective: A Shari’ah governance framework.

Uddin, Md Akther and Masih, Mansur (2015): Finance, growth and human development: An Islamic economic development perspective.

Uddin, Md Akther and Masih, Mansur (2016): War and peace: why is political stability pivotal for economic growth of OIC countries?

Uddin, Md Akther and Sultan, Yousuf and Hosen, Mosharrof and Ullah, Nazim (2015): A critical analysis of Islamic bond: A case study on Sunway Treasury Sukuk.

Umairah, Fatin and Masih, Mansur (2017): Should the Malaysian islamic stock market investors invest in regional and international equity markets to gain portfolio diversification benefits?

Umirah, Fatin and Masih, Mansur (2017): Should the Malaysian Islamic stock market investors invest in regional and international equity market to gain portfolio diversification benefits ?

Unal, Huseyin and Masih, Mansur (2017): Discerning causal relationship between operational cost and bank profit for commercial banks: Turkish evidence with ARDL approach.


Valli, Mohammed and Masih, Mansur (2014): Is there any causality between inflation and FDI in an ‘inflation targeting’ regime? Evidence from South Africa.


Wahab, Fatin Farhana and Masih, Mansur (2017): Discerning lead-lag between fear index and realized volatility.


Yaacob, Nurul and Masih, Mansur (2017): Do the exchange rate fluctuations of trading partners affect the export competitiveness of a country? Malaysia as a case study.

Yildirim, Ramazan and Masih, A. Mansur M. (2014): The Effect of Recent Financial Crisis over Global Portfolio Diversification Opportunities – Empirical Evidence A Comparative Multivariate GARCH-DCC, MODWT and Wavelet Correlation Analysis.

Yildirim, Ramazan and Masih, Mansur (2013): Relationship between regional Shariah stock markets: The cointegration and causality.

Yousafzai, Essa and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does shariah stock index lead or lag the exchange rate and macroeconomic variables? evidence from Japan based on ARDL.

Yousef, Mona and Masih, Mansur (2017): Time-varying correlation between islamic stock indices: evidence from the GCC countries based on MGARCH-DCC approach.

Yousef, Mona and Masih, Mansur (2018): Dynamics between shariah (islamic) and non-shariah stock market indices: GCC market evidence based on static and dynamic panel techniques.

Yusoff, Abdul and Masih, Mansur (2017): The impact of key industry-sectoral indices on islamic stock market: evidence from Malaysia.

Yusoff, Yuzlizawati and Masih, Mansur (2014): Comovement of East and West Stock Market Indexes.


Zada, Najeeb and Masih, Mansur (2017): Exploring the relationship between the Malaysian islamic index and international islamic indices.

Zahir, Faathih and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is the lead-lag relationship between financial development and economic growth symmetric ? new evidence from Bangladesh based on ARDL ad NARDL.

Zain, Syahirah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Are profit rates of the islamic investment deposit accounts independent of the interest rates of conventional banks ?

Zakaria, Khairuddin and Masih, Mansur (2017): Impact of various islamic equity markets on sharia (islamic) compliant equity invesments in emerging markets.

Ziaurrahman, Muhammad and Masih, Mansur (2016): Is financial sector development an engine of economic growth? evidence from India.

Zichu, Jin and Masih, Mansur (2018): Nexus of infrastructure investment, economic growth and domestic credit level: evidence from China based on nonlinear ARDL approach.

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