Finke, Michael and Pfau, Wade Donald and Williams, Duncan (2011): Spending flexibility and safe withdrawal rates.
Giang, Long Thanh and Pfau, Wade Donald (2009): A Gender Perspective on Elderly Work in Vietnam.
Giang, Thanh Long and Pfau, Wade Donald (2008): Demographic Changes and Pension Finances in Vietnam.
Giang, Thanh Long and Pfau, Wade Donald (2009): An Exploration for a Universal Non-contributory Pension Scheme in Vietnam. Published in: Older Persons in Southeast Asia - An Emerging Asset (2009): pp. 140-164.
Giang, Thanh Long and Pfau, Wade Donald (2007): The Elderly Population in Vietnam during Economic Transformation: An Overview. Published in: Social Issues Under Economic Transformation and Integration in Vietnam , Vol. 1, (2007): pp. 185-210.
Giang, Thanh Long and Pfau, Wade Donald (2007): Patterns and Determinants of Living Arrangements for the Elderly in Vietnam. Published in: Social Issues Under Economic Transformation and Integration in Vietnam , Vol. 2, (2007): pp. 147-176.
Hsu, Minchung (2011): Health insurance and precautionary saving: a structural analysis.
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Hsu, Minchung and Zhao, Min (2009): China’s Business Cycles between 1954 – 2004: Productivity and Fiscal Policy Changes.
KUMARA, Ajantha Sisira and PFAU, Wade Donald (2010): IMPACT of Cash Transfer Programs on School Attendance and Child Poverty: An Ex-ante Simulation for Sri Lanka. Forthcoming in: Journal of Development studies , Vol. forthc, No. forthcoming
Kumara, Ajantha Sisira and Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Would emerging market pension funds benefit from international diversification: investigating wealth accumulations for pension participants.
Kumara, Ajantha Sisira and Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Lifecycle and fixed portfolio allocation strategies: a performance comparison for emerging market countries.
Meng, Channarith and Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Safe withdrawal rates from retirement savings for residents of emerging market countries.
Meng, Channarith and Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Simulating the impacts of cash transfers on poverty and school attendance: The case of Cambodia.
Minchung, Hsu and Junsang, Lee (2011): The provision of public universal health insurance: impacts on private insurance, asset holdings and welfare.
Pashchenko, Svetlana and Porapakkarm, Ponpoje (2016): Work Incentives of Medicaid Beneficiaries and The Role of Asset Testing.
Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Can We Predict the Sustainable Withdrawal Rate for New Retirees?
Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Safe Savings Rates: A New Approach to Retirement Planning over the Lifecycle.
Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Retirement Withdrawal Rates and Portfolio Success Rates: What Can the Historical Record Teach Us?
Pfau, Wade Donald (2010): Predicting Sustainable Retirement Withdrawal Rates Using Valuation and Yield Measures.
Pfau, Wade Donald (2010): Will 2000-era retirees experience the worst retirement outcomes in U.S. history? A progress report after 10 years.
Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Getting on Track for a Sustainable Retirement: A Reality Check on Savings and Work.
Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Nearly optimal asset allocations in retirement.
Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Capital market expectations, asset allocation, and safe withdrawal rates.
Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Long-term investors and valuation-based asset allocation.
Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Withdrawal Rates, Savings Rates, and Valuation-Based Asset Allocation.
Pfau, Wade Donald and Giang, Long Thanh (2010): The Growing Role of International Remittances in the Vietnamese Economy: Evidence from the Vietnam (Household) Living Standard Surveys. Published in: Global Movements in the Asia Pacific (2010): pp. 225-248.
Pfau, Wade Donald and Giang, Thanh Long (2008): Gender and Remittance Flows in Vietnam during Economic Transformation. Published in: Asia-Pacific Population Journal , Vol. 23, No. 2 (August 2008): pp. 13-32.
Rahman, Mizanur (2008): The Impact of a Common Currency on East Asian Production Networks and China’s Exports Behavior.
Rahman, Mizanur and Kalirajan, Kaliappa (2008): The effect of a collective exchange rate adjustment on East Asian exports.
Trinh, Long (2015): Is innovation activity persistent among small firms in developing countries? Evidence from Vietnam.
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