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Jump to: Anhui University | Anhui University in China | Beijing International Studies University | Business School of Sichuan University, China | CER, Shandong University | Capital University of Economics and Business | Center for Economic Research, Shandong University | Center for Health Management and Care Security Policy Research | Central University of Finance and Economics | China Center for Economic Research, Peking University | China Center for Health Development Studies, Peking University, | China Modern Economic Publishing House | China Population and Development Research Center | Chongqing University of Posts and Telecomunications | College of Economics ,Zhejiang University | College of Economics and Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences ,Zhejiang University | College of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University | College of Economics, Zhejiang University | College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University | College of Finance and Statistics, Hunan University | Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National Univeristy | Dalian University of Technology | Department of Economics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Department of Economics, Nanjing University | Department of Social Science, University of Science and Technology Beijing, | Dong hua University | Economic School of Anhui University | Economic and Management School of Wuhan University | Economics School of Anhui University | Economics and Management School in Wuhan University | Economics and Management School of Wuhan University | Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University | Guangxi University | Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Social Sciences | Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences ,Zhejiang University | Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences, Zhejiang University | Jilin University | Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities | Journal of Special Zone Economy | Key Laboratory for Urban Habitat Environmental Science and Technology, School of Environment and Energy, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School | Nanjing University of Science and Technology | Northeast Normal University | Peking University | Peking University, China Center for Economic Research | Research Department, Shandong Yingcai University | Research institute for fiscal science, Ministry of Finance, China | School of Business, Nanjing University | School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | School of Economics and management, Tongji University | School of Economics in Anhui University | School of Economics, Renmin University of China | School of Economics, Sichuan University, P.R.China | School of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University | School of Environment and Energy, Shenzhen Graduate School of Peking University | School of Finance and Statistics; Hunan University, Hunan Changsha 410079, China | School of Finance and Statistics; Hunan University, Hunan Changsha 410079, China | School of Government Nanjing University | School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, China | School of Lingnan Zhongshan University | School of Management, Tianjin University of Technology | School of Public Health Shandong University | School of economics and management, Wuhan University | School of economics, Anhui University | ShangHai University | Shanghai University of Finance and Economics | TEDA College, Nankai University | Tatar State University of Humanities and Educations | Tianjin University of Technology | University of International Business and Economics | Urakami Asia Management Research | World Bank | Wuhan University | Wuhan University in China | Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology | Yunnan University of Nationalities | Zhongnan University of Economics and Law | 中央财经大学经济学院 | 浙江大学经济学院 | 浙江大学跨学科社会科学研究中心
Number of items: 119.

Anhui University

Xu, Kun and Xu, Wenli (2015): 我国“货币中性”再检验.

Xu, Kun and Gua, Zhi-hua and Xu, Wenli (2016): “供给侧改革”背景下地方政府财政投资的经济效应分析:以安徽省为例.

Xu, Kun and Gua, Zhi-hua and Xu, Wenli (2016): “供给侧改革”背景下地方政府财政投资的经济效应分析:以安徽省为例.

Xu, Kun and Xu, Wenli (2015): 中国政府消费支出对经济波动的传导机理分析.

Anhui University in China

Guo, Lingyi and Xu, Wenli and Xu, Kun (2016): 中国财政政策调整的宏观经济效应——基于消费者异质性的新凯恩斯模型.

Beijing International Studies University

Tang, Linyao (2010): 放任与管制的或此或彼:俄罗斯市场转型录. Published in: China Modern Economic Publishing House , Vol. CIP(20, No. ISBN987511903051 (July 2010): pp. 1-250.

Tang, Linyao (2009): 让实体经济和虚拟经济的耦合协调度最优. Published in: Journal of Special Zone Economy , Vol. Vol.25, No. ISSN1004-0714 (November 2009): pp. 291-293.

Tang, Linyao (2009): 试论凯恩斯主义的当代命运. Published in: Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities , Vol. Vol.30, No. ISSN1004-3926 (August 2009): pp. 186-188.

Business School of Sichuan University, China

Wang, Dong (2011): 中国经济增长的政治周期假说:理论模型和实证检验.

CER, Shandong University

Song, Wenjuan and Sun, Lixin (2014): The Measurement of the Long-Term and Short-Term Risks of Chinese Listed Banks. Published in: Finance Forum , Vol. 2014, No. I (10) (5 October 2014): pp. 37-46.

Capital University of Economics and Business

Fang, Mingyue (2014): 先天优势还是后天努力?——国企级别对全要素生产率影响的实证研究. Published in: 财贸经济(Finance & Trade Economics) No. 11 (1 November 2014): pp. 125-136.

Center for Economic Research, Shandong University

Chen, Yan (2007): 中小投资者保护、股权结构与公司价值.

YU, Yanjiong (2007): 户籍管制、信贷约束与农村留守子女教育投资. Published in: South China Journal of Economics (October 2008): pp. 33-44.

Center for Health Management and Care Security Policy Research

Ma, Chao and Gu, Hai and Han, Jianyu (2013): 我国健康服务利用的机会不平等研究:基于CHNS2009 数据的实证分析. Forthcoming in: Journal of Public Management (July 2014)

Ma, Chao and Gu, Hai and Li, Jiajia (2012): 我国医疗保健的城乡分割问题研究. Published in: Economist No. 12 (December 2012): pp. 57-66.

Central University of Finance and Economics

Zhang, Chuanchuan and Zhao, Yaohui (2012): 延迟退休年龄会挤出年轻人就业吗?

China Center for Economic Research, Peking University

Zhang, Chuanchuan (2012): 结婚年龄与婚姻的稳定性:来自断点回归的证据.

China Center for Health Development Studies, Peking University,

Cheng, Gang and Qian, Zhenhua (2011): DEA数据标准化方法及其在方向距离函数模型中的应用.

China Modern Economic Publishing House

Tang, Linyao (2010): 放任与管制的或此或彼:俄罗斯市场转型录. Published in: China Modern Economic Publishing House , Vol. CIP(20, No. ISBN987511903051 (July 2010): pp. 1-250.

China Population and Development Research Center

wang, qinchi (2011): 基于非线性假设的人口和碳排放关系研究. Published in: Population R esearch , Vol. 35, No. 1 (January 2011): pp. 3-11.

Chongqing University of Posts and Telecomunications

Yao, Tao (2015): 房产税制度创新路径研究:基于财富公平分配目标.

College of Economics ,Zhejiang University

Zou, Tieding and Ye, Hang (2013): 城乡户籍与性别的重叠效应——基于身份公平的养老改革.

College of Economics and Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences ,Zhejiang University

Zou, Tieding and Ye, Hang (2013): 养老金亏空与劳动力市场的联动效应——普遍延迟退休,还是分类延迟退休?.

Zou, Tieding and Ye, Hang (2013): 养老保险体制改革——基于运行效率与分配公平的两难抉择.

College of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University

Zou, Tieding (2017): 延迟退休的制约因素、政策效果与动态研究方法评价.

Zou, Tieding (2014): 养老金亏空、延迟退休与改革阻力—— 基于投票理论视角.

College of Economics, Zhejiang University

Zou, Tieding (2013): 公平与效率的两难抉择——关于养老改革影响因素的一个文献综述.

College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University

Ji, Junping (2009): 基于生态足迹及HDI的城市地区可持续发展动态评价.

Ji, Junping and Wei, Fangling and Ma, Xiaoming (2011): 深圳水库流域污水处理方案多准则决策研究.

College of Finance and Statistics, Hunan University

Tang, Liwei and Hu, Zongyi and Zhang, Yongjun (2014): 基于非径向BML-DEA模型的中国地区工业环境绩效测度.

Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National Univeristy

Wang, Dong (2011): 中国经济增长的政治周期假说:理论模型和实证检验.

Dalian University of Technology

Liu, Haiyang (2014): 研发边际收益递减条件下的经济增长.

Department of Economics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Deng, Binbin (2009): 人口结构转变过程中生育率与经济增长的关系. Published in: Contemporary Economics , Vol. 2009, No. 20 (October 2009): pp. 90-91.

Department of Economics, Nanjing University

Dai, Darong (2010): 一般化Moran过程中的合作演化.

Department of Social Science, University of Science and Technology Beijing,

Cheng, Gang and Qian, Zhenhua (2011): DEA数据标准化方法及其在方向距离函数模型中的应用.

Dong hua University

rukai, gong (2014): 市场化改革促进了电力行业的增长吗?.

Economic School of Anhui University

Lu, Hongyou and Xu, Wenli and Xu, Kun (2016): How to Make The Fiscal policies Greener in China?——Based on The Perspective of Environmental Macroeconomics.

Economic and Management School of Wuhan University

Lu, Hongyou and Xu, Wenli and Xu, Kun (2016): How to Make The Fiscal policies Greener in China?——Based on The Perspective of Environmental Macroeconomics.

Lu, Hongyou and Xu, Wenli and Xu, Kun (2016): How to Make The Fiscal policies Greener in China?——Based on The Perspective of Environmental Macroeconomics.

Economics School of Anhui University

Xu, Wenli and Xu, Kun and Lu, Hongyou (2016): Environmental Policy and China’s Macroeconomic Dynamics Under Uncertainty---Based on The NK Model with Distortionary Taxation.

Economics and Management School in Wuhan University

Xu, Kun and Cheng, Jian-hua and Xu, Wenli (2016): 通胀及通胀预期冲击的动态特征分析.

Economics and Management School of Wuhan University

Xu, Wenli and Xu, Kun and Lu, Hongyou (2016): Environmental Policy and China’s Macroeconomic Dynamics Under Uncertainty---Based on The NK Model with Distortionary Taxation.

Xu, Wenli and Xu, Kun and Lu, Hongyou (2016): Environmental Policy and China’s Macroeconomic Dynamics Under Uncertainty---Based on The NK Model with Distortionary Taxation.

Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University

gong, rukai and yao, dongmin (2014): 省直管县改革的扩权模式选择:全面直管还是省内单列?. Forthcoming in:

Guangxi University

bao, haisong (2013): 储蓄过剩与经济危机.

Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Social Sciences

Zhong, Yong and Lu, Rui (2019): 国际经济学:汇平差估值法及若干分析结果.

Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences ,Zhejiang University

Zou, Tieding and Ye, Hang (2013): 城乡户籍与性别的重叠效应——基于身份公平的养老改革.

Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences, Zhejiang University

Zou, Tieding (2013): 公平与效率的两难抉择——关于养老改革影响因素的一个文献综述.

Jilin University

Huang, Weiting (2009): 作为人力资本的语言:专业化、组织沟通与语言习得.

Huang, Weiting (2008): 政治市场博弈:结构与行为.

Huang, Weiting (2008): 改革的时空之纬.

Huang, Weiting and Pang, Xiaobo (2008): 高校预算软约束的制度成因及其治理.

Pang, Xiaobo and Huang, Weiting (2008): 中国改革的“新政治经济学”:速度与均衡.

Pang, Xiaobo and Huang, Weiting (2005): 货币替代中的价值效应与网络效应. Published in: 21shiji shuliang jingjixue , Vol. 8, No. 1 (April 2008): pp. 127-134.

Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities

Tang, Linyao (2009): 试论凯恩斯主义的当代命运. Published in: Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities , Vol. Vol.30, No. ISSN1004-3926 (August 2009): pp. 186-188.

Journal of Special Zone Economy

Tang, Linyao (2009): 让实体经济和虚拟经济的耦合协调度最优. Published in: Journal of Special Zone Economy , Vol. Vol.25, No. ISSN1004-0714 (November 2009): pp. 291-293.

Key Laboratory for Urban Habitat Environmental Science and Technology, School of Environment and Energy, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School

Ji, Junping and Wei, Fangling and Ma, Xiaoming (2011): 深圳水库流域污水处理方案多准则决策研究.

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Zhong, Ma (2014): 认知的桎梏:从稳定型财务业绩到企业过度投资 ——基于中国上市公司的证据.

Northeast Normal University

CAI, YIFEI (2016): 经济增长与政府债务的非线性研究及其政策治理.

Cai, Yifei (2016): 货币供给数量、结构与经济增长—来自ADL门限协整检验与时变格兰杰因果关系检验的证据.

Cai, Yifei (2016): 货币增速剪刀差与股票市场收益率的时变格兰杰因果关系研究.

Cai, Yifei (2016): 短期资本流动、经济政策不确定性与恐慌指数—基于时变分析框架下的研究.

Peking University

Wang, Daili (2013): 鼓励还是抑制?初探外商直接投资与新民营企业进入.

Zhang, Chuanchuan and Zhao, Yaohui (2012): 延迟退休年龄会挤出年轻人就业吗?

Peking University, China Center for Economic Research

Zhang, Chuanchuan (2011): 大型外资零售商的进入对中国地区劳动力市场的影响.

Research Department, Shandong Yingcai University

Li, Chuanfa and Feng, Lipan and Wang, Xuehong (2014): 随机需求下的WEEE双回收渠道管理研究.

Li, Chuanfa and Feng, Lipan and Wang, Xuehong (2014): 随机需求下的WEEE双回收渠道管理研究.

Research institute for fiscal science, Ministry of Finance, China

Liu, Fei (2011): 中国产出缺口的估计(1985-2009)及两种评估方法的比较.

School of Business, Nanjing University

Dai, Darong (2012): Economic Analyses on the Gender Selection of the Traditional Parents in China.

Dai, Darong (2012): Economic Analyses on the Gender Selection of the Traditional Parents in China. Forthcoming in: Review of New Political Economy

Dai, Darong (2012): An Economic Response to “Why Inefficient Institutions Always Exist?” from the Micro-Perspective. Forthcoming in: Accepted by Review of New Political Economy.

Dai, Darong (2011): Altruistic Punishment: the Bridge Leading to the Other Side of the Evolution. Published in: Review of New Political Economy , Vol. 18,

Dai, Darong (2011): 利他惩罚:通往演化彼岸的桥. Published in: 新政治经济学评论 (Review of New Political Economy) , Vol. 18,

School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Chen, Yan and Zhang, Bin (2013): 基于所有权视角的企业创新理论框架与体系.

School of Economics and management, Tongji University

Li, Defu and Huang, Jiuli (2012): 新古典增长模型的稳态路径能否包括资本增进型技术进步? Published in: South China Journal of Economics No. 10 (October 2012): pp. 43-50.

School of Economics in Anhui University

Xu, Kun (2015): 城市水基础设施与地区收入差异分析.

Xu, Kun and Cheng, Jian-hua and Xu, Wenli (2016): 通胀及通胀预期冲击的动态特征分析.

Xu, Kun and Cheng, Jian-hua and Xu, Wenli (2016): 通胀及通胀预期冲击的动态特征分析.

School of Economics, Renmin University of China

Yang, Ruilong and Wang, Yuan and Nie, Huihua (2012): “准官员”的晋升机制:来自中国央企的证据. Published in: Management World (in Chinese) No. 3 (1 March 2013): pp. 23-33.

Yang, Ruilong and Wang, Yuan and Nie, Huihua (2012): “准官员”的晋升机制:来自中国央企的证据. Published in: Management World (in Chinese) No. 3 (1 March 2013): pp. 23-33.

Yang, Ruilong and Wang, Yuan and Nie, Huihua (2012): “准官员”的晋升机制:来自中国央企的证据. Published in: Management World (in Chinese) No. 3 (1 March 2013): pp. 23-33.

gong, rukai and yao, dongmin (2014): 省直管县改革的扩权模式选择:全面直管还是省内单列?. Forthcoming in:

School of Economics, Sichuan University, P.R.China

Lu, Zheng and Deng, Xiang (2009): 西部地区发展政策的历史演变及评价.

School of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University

Zou, Tieding (2016): 人口冲击、环境变动与家庭养老——基于多因素分解视角.

Zoutieding, Tieding (2018): 生育率波动与土地流失对城郊家庭养老的侵蚀性影响.

School of Environment and Energy, Shenzhen Graduate School of Peking University

Ji, Junping (2009): 基于生态足迹及HDI的城市地区可持续发展动态评价.

School of Finance and Statistics; Hunan University, Hunan Changsha 410079, China

Tang, Liwei and Hu, Zongyi (2014): 生产要素、FDI、环境污染与中国经济增长源泉——基于BM生产率指数的分解.

School of Finance and Statistics; Hunan University, Hunan Changsha 410079, China

hu, zongyi and tang, liwei and su, jin (2013): 区域环境绩效测度及收敛性分析.

School of Government Nanjing University

Ma, Chao and Gu, Hai and Han, Jianyu (2013): 我国健康服务利用的机会不平等研究:基于CHNS2009 数据的实证分析. Forthcoming in: Journal of Public Management (July 2014)

Ma, Chao and Gu, Hai and Li, Jiajia (2012): 我国医疗保健的城乡分割问题研究. Published in: Economist No. 12 (December 2012): pp. 57-66.

School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, China

Wang, Dong (2011): 中国经济增长的政治周期假说:理论模型和实证检验.

School of Lingnan Zhongshan University

Ma, Chao and Gu, Hai and Han, Jianyu (2013): 我国健康服务利用的机会不平等研究:基于CHNS2009 数据的实证分析. Forthcoming in: Journal of Public Management (July 2014)

School of Management, Tianjin University of Technology

Li, Chuanfa and Feng, Lipan and Wang, Xuehong (2014): 随机需求下的WEEE双回收渠道管理研究.

Li, Chuanfa and Feng, Lipan and Wang, Xuehong (2014): 随机需求下的WEEE双回收渠道管理研究.

School of Public Health Shandong University

Ma, Chao and Gu, Hai and Li, Jiajia (2012): 我国医疗保健的城乡分割问题研究. Published in: Economist No. 12 (December 2012): pp. 57-66.

School of economics and management, Wuhan University

Xu, Kun and Guan, Zhihua and Xu, Wenli (2015): 省级财政支出效率空间溢出效应研究:基于超效率DEA和GSM模型.

School of economics, Anhui University

Xu, Kun and Guan, Zhihua and Xu, Wenli (2015): 省级财政支出效率空间溢出效应研究:基于超效率DEA和GSM模型.

Xu, Kun and Guan, Zhihua and Xu, Wenli (2015): 省级财政支出效率空间溢出效应研究:基于超效率DEA和GSM模型.

ShangHai University

Gu, ZhenHua (2014): 国际贸易新格局下的自由贸易协定研究 ——基于新政治经济学的视角.

Gu, ZhenHua (2014): 利益集团对中国贸易政策影响的研究.

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Zhou, Qingtian (2012): 市场竞争、管理层激励与股东权利对公司治理的影响: 基于零售行业上市公司的实证分析.

TEDA College, Nankai University

Li, Defu and Huang, Jiuli (2012): 新古典增长模型的稳态路径能否包括资本增进型技术进步? Published in: South China Journal of Economics No. 10 (October 2012): pp. 43-50.

Tatar State University of Humanities and Educations

Tang, Linyao (2010): 放任与管制的或此或彼:俄罗斯市场转型录. Published in: China Modern Economic Publishing House , Vol. CIP(20, No. ISBN987511903051 (July 2010): pp. 1-250.

Tianjin University of Technology

Li, Chunfa and Feng, Lipan (2014): 移动互联网背景下全渠道零售策略研究.

University of International Business and Economics

guo, Min and zhao, jizhi and huang, yixuan (2014): 国家债务适度规模研究 —基于因子增强阈值模型.

guo, Min and zhao, jizhi and huang, yixuan (2014): 国家债务适度规模研究 —基于因子增强阈值模型.

guo, Min and zhao, jizhi and huang, yixuan (2014): 国家债务适度规模研究 —基于因子增强阈值模型.

Urakami Asia Management Research

Urakami, Kiyoshi (2010): 云计算技术与中国业务.

World Bank

Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): 专题论文:全面教育.

Wuhan University

Xu, Kun and Xu, Wenli (2015): 我国“货币中性”再检验.

Xu, Kun and Gua, Zhi-hua and Xu, Wenli (2016): “供给侧改革”背景下地方政府财政投资的经济效应分析:以安徽省为例.

Xu, Kun and Xu, Wenli (2015): 中国政府消费支出对经济波动的传导机理分析.

Wuhan University in China

Guo, Lingyi and Xu, Wenli and Xu, Kun (2016): 中国财政政策调整的宏观经济效应——基于消费者异质性的新凯恩斯模型.

Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology

Yan, Lei (2019): 公共品非排他性、非竞争性逻辑起源与制度演生理论的频域分析.

Yunnan University of Nationalities

XIE, Xiao-ting and LIAO, Le-huan (2015): 云南省县域经济差异的空间分析. Published in: Journal of Yunnan University of Nationalities , Vol. 24, No. 6 (20 November 2015): pp. 521-527.

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Sergiu, Gojinetchi (2012): 在全球金融危机阴影下的消费者权益保护 - 欧盟,摩尔多瓦共和国和中华人民共和国的消费者权益保护的未来之路的研究 -. Forthcoming in:


Zhang, Chuanchuan (2012): 延迟退休年龄会挤出年轻人就业吗?


Zou, Tieding and Ye, Hang (2013): 公平与效率对养老改革的双重约束——延迟退休?还是并轨?.


Zou, Tieding and Ye, Hang (2013): 公平与效率对养老改革的双重约束——延迟退休?还是并轨?.

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