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Items where Subject is "B59 - Other"

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Number of items at this level: 120.


Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Apologia.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Empirical.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Metaphysical.

Albers, Scott (2013): Okun’s Law as a Pi-to-1 ratio: A harmonic / trigonometric theory as to why Okun’s Law works.

Albers, Scott (2012): Predicting crises: Five essays on the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises. Published in: Middle East Studies On-line Journal , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 6 (8 August 2011): pp. 199-253.

Albers, Scott (2019): An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2013): Does “Okun’s Law” state a Pi:1 ratio? Toward a harmonic interpretation of why Okun’s Law works.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2011): The Golden Mean, the Arab Spring and a 10-step analysis of American economic history. Published in: The Middle East Studies Online Journal , Vol. 3, No. 6 (3 August 2011): pp. 199-253.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2012): On the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises: toward a harmonic interpretation of the Kondratiev wave.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2012): The Caldwellian Methodological Pluralism: Wishful Thoughts and Personal Tendencies.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2016): The 'Common Goood' in Pope Francis's Social Welfare Hypothesis.

Angle, John (2010): The Inequality Process vs. The Saved Wealth Model. Two Particle Systems of Income Distribution; Which Does Better Empirically?

Axelrod, David (2017): Optimizing Discount Rates: Expressing Preferences for Sustainable Outcomes in Present Value Calculations. Published in: Journal of Applied Business and Economics , Vol. 19, No. 1 (2017): pp. 9-19.


Ballinger, Clint (2013): Towards a pure state theory of money.

Beard, Rodney (1995): Reconciling resource economics and ecological economics: the economics of sustainability and resilience.

Brochier, Lidia and Macedo e Silva, Antonio Carlos (2017): The Macroeconomic Implications of Consumption: State-of-Art and Prospects for the Heterodox Future Research. Published in: Revista Análise Econômica UFRGS , Vol. 35, No. Special Issue (July 2017): pp. 121-153.

Brochier, Lidia and Macedo e Silva, Antonio Carlos (2017): A Supermultiplier Stock-Flow Consistent model: the return of the paradoxes of thrift and costs in the long run? Forthcoming in: Cambridge Journal of Economics No. Advanced Access (7 June 2018): pp. 1-30.

Bukvić, Rajko (2014): Смещение неоклассической экономической парадигмы ‒ предпосылка повышения качества макроэкономического образования. Published in: Материалы международной конференции, 23–25 апреля 2014, Образование через всю жизнь для устойчивого развития, Издательство Мордовского университета, Саранск, 2014. (2014): pp. 69-84.


Carton, Christine (2008): Crecimiento economico en America Latina: Evidencias desde una perspectiva Kaldoriana.

Charles, Sébastien and Marie, Jonathan (2025): Post-keynésianisme en France : d’une longue période de croissance contrainte à l’hybridation ?

Charles, Sébastien (2009): Explaining persistent cycles in a short-run context: firms’ propensity to invest and omnipotent shareholders.

Corbu, Ion (2023): European doctrine of mutual respect and cooperation. Published in: Partidul Acțiunea pentru Bunăstarea Românilor PABR

Corbu, Ion (2023): Neuroeconomics – interdisciplinary science of investigation of the human brain function and of the decisional behaviour of the humankind. Published in: https://www.researchgate.net/journal/Annals-of-Spiru-Haret-University-Economic-Series-2393-1795 (9 April 2010)


Dickens, Rob (2020): Modelling commerce in terms of chemical reactions. Published in: Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields , Vol. XIII, No. 2(26) (31 December 2022): pp. 156-166.


Erasmo, Valentina (2021): Extending Capabilities Conception of the Individual in Economics: Relationality and Responsibility.

Erasmo, Valentina (2021): Self-sacrifice: an analysis of female economic behaviour in less developed countries through the lenses of Amartya Sen’s thought.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Money, credit and finance in The Arcades Project. Published in: Social Science Research Network (2013)

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Rhetoric of independece: bicentennial Colombia 1810 - 2010.


Fusari, Angelo (2013): Methodological Misconceptions in the Social Sciences. Rethinking social thought and social processes. Published in: (2014): pp. 1-64.


Galindo Lucas, ALFONSO (2007): EL INTANGIBLE COMO PROBLEMA CONCEPTUAL Y LA FICCIÓN DEL VALOR RAZONABLE. Published in: Contribuciones a la Economía (15 February 2007): pp. 1-15.

Glötzl, Erhard and Glötzl, Florentin and Richters, Oliver and Binter, Lucas (2023): General Constrained Dynamic Models in Economics - General Dynamic Theory of Economic Variables - Beyond Walras and Keynes.

Glötzl, Erhard (2022): General Constrained Dynamic (GCD) models with intertemporal utility functions.

Glötzl, Erhard (2022): Macroeconomic General Constrained Dynamic models (GCD models).

Glötzl, Erhard (2022): A simple General Constrained Dynamics (GCD) model for demand, supply and price shocks.

Gorbunov, Vladimir (2022): The positive resolution of the microeconomic problem of market demand: issues of methodology and verification.

Gorga, Carmine (2017): Concordian Economics: Beyond Micro and Macroeconomics.

Gorga, Carmine (2016): Concordian economics and the economic bubble. Published in: Econintersect , Vol. NA, No. Daily Internet newsletter (15 August 2016): NA-NA.


Hanappi, Hardy (2016): Capital after Capitalism The evolution of the concept of capital in the light of long-run sustainable reproduction of the species.

Hayat, Azmat (2017): Does Bible and Quran Represent the True Word of God, The Economist case against Addictive substances.

Hayat, Azmat and Mohd Shafiai, Mohammad Hakimi (2018): Liberalism, Islam and the idea of Mankind.

Hayat, Azmat and Muhammad Shafiai, Muhammad Hakimi (2019): The nature of Public Interest in Muslim and Non-Muslim writers.

Hayat, Azmat and Muhammad Shafiai, Muhammad Hakimi and Haron, Sabri (2021): Neoliberalism vs Islam, An analysis of Social Cost in case of USA and Saudi Arabia.

Heise, Arne (2019): Post-Keynesian Economics - Challenging the Neo-Classical Mainstream. Published in: Efil Journal of Economic Research , Vol. 2, No. 8 (2019): pp. 8-29.


Islahi, Abdul Azim (2009): Four generations of Islamic economists. Published in: Journal of King Abdulaziz University - Islamic Economics , Vol. 23, No. 1 (2010): pp. 165-170.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2009): Maqasid-e Shari`at. Published in: Journal of King Abdulaziz University – Islamic Economics , Vol. 23, No. 2 (2010): pp. 237-246.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2009): Teaching Islamic finance in madaris – need, difficulties and solutions. Published in: Teaching Islamic Economics and finance at Islamic Schools in India, New Delhi, Ifa Publications, edited by Ausaf Ahmad (2010): pp. 51-68.


Julian Wells, Julian (2007): The rate of profit as a random variable.


Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2013): Debunking Squared.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): Economics for Economists.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2015): Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Aggregate Demand.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2015): Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Behavior.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2015): Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Employment.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2015): Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Financial Markets.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2015): Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Institutions.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2015): Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Money, Credit, Interest.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2015): Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Profit.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2015): Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Say’s Law. Published in:

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2015): Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: The Market.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): Exchange in the Monetary Economy.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2016): How the Intelligent Non-Economist can Refute Every Economist Hands Down.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2013): The Ideal Economy: A Prototype.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): The Law of Supply and Demand: Here It Is Finally.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): Loanable Funds vs. Endogenous Money: Krugman is Wrong, Keen is Right.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): The Logic of Value and the Value of Logic.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2015): Major Defects of the Market Economy.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): Mathematical Proof of the Breakdown of Capitalism.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): Mr. Keynes, Prof. Krugman, IS-LM, and the End of Economics as We Know It. Published in:

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): Objective Principles of Economics.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): Onblog Economics Muddle Busting.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): Pareto-Efficiency, Hayek’s Marvel, and the Invisible Executor.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): The Profit Theory is False Since Adam Smith. What About the True Distribution Theory?

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): Profit for Marxists.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2013): Redemption and Depression.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2013): Say’s Law: A Rigorous Restatement.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): The Synthesis of Economic Law, Evolution, and History.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): The Three Fatal Mistakes of Yesterday Economics: Profit, I=S, Employment.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): Towards Full Employment Through Applied Algebra and Counter-Intuitive Behavior.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): The Truly General Theory of Employment: How Keynes Could Have Succeeded.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2013): Understanding Profit and the Markets: The Canonical Model.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2012): The emergence of profit and interest in the monetary circuit.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1998): Рациональная функция протестантизма. Published in: Протестантизм. Общество. Культура: Материалы междунар. научн. конференции «Протестантизм в Сибири». (1998): pp. 61-65.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2006): Формирование и развитие социальных систем. Published in: Научные основы организации управленческого труда / Материалы Всеросс. научно-практич. конференции. No. Секция 1. Организационные аспекты управления. (2006): pp. 10-24.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1997): Новая парадигма теории самоорганизации. Published in: Динамика систем, машин и механизмов: Тезисы докладов II междунар. конференции. , Vol. 3, (1997): p. 62.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1999): Методологические основы системного анализа социально-экономических процессов. Published in: Проблемы развития Омского Прииртышья в переходный период. – Омск: Омский ф-л ВЗФЭИ (1999): pp. 225-239.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1999): Методология системного анализа в экономике. Published in: Стратегические направления регионального развития Российской Федерации: Материалы Всероссийской. научно-практической конференции (1999): pp. 94-96.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2001): Общая теория систем и научная интерпретация социальной реальности.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2005): Социальные системы корпоративного типа: генезис и функции. Published in: Становление и развитие рыночных отношений в регионе: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции (2005): pp. 71-74.

Khalil, Elias (2008): The Bayesian Fallacy: Distinguishing Four Kinds of Beliefs.


Lambert, Thomas (2016): Monopoly Capital and Capitalist Inequality: Marx after Piketty.

Lettieri, Antonio (2012): Diseguaglianza, conflitto sociale e sindacati in America. Published in: Moneta e Credito , Vol. Vol 65, No. N° 258 (June 2012): pp. 115-144.

Lucarelli, Stefano and Baron, Hervé (2024): Una nota introduttiva a "Classe operaia e padronato nelle recenti vicende economiche". Published in:


Mahmood Ansari, Mahmood Ansari (2013): Rational Agency and Moral Practice: An Exploration of Dual Constraints.

Mann, Stefan (2020): Profit maximization or bullshit – where between labour economics and Graeber may employments be?

Marinova, Tsvetelina (2020): Комплементарните Пари в Европа.


Naidu, Sirisha C. (2011): Rural Livelihoods, Forest Access and Time Use: A Study of Forest Communities in Northwest India.

Nedergaard, Peter (2013): The Influence of Ordoliberalism in European Integration Processes - A Framework for Ideational Influence with Competition Policy and the Economic and Monetary Policy as Examples.


Pachankis, Yang (2023): Futures or Retail?: The Financial Ambiguities Behind Internet Market. Published in: SunText Review of Economics & Business , Vol. 4, No. 4 (2 October 2023): p. 193.

Patalano, Roberta (2007): Resistance to change. Exploring the convergence of institutions, organizations and the mind toward a common phenomenon.

Polterovich, Victor (2020): Кризис институтов политической конкуренции, интернет и коллаборативная демократия.

Ponce, Aldo F. (2004): The Behavioralist Empire and its Enemies: a Comparative Study of Successes and Dissatisfactions in American Political Science.


Ross, Bruce W. (1996): Towards an observational economics of business behaviour: the horizontal supply curve, 'fuzzy' demand and other anomalies for conventional theory. Published in: Working Papers in Economics, Department of Economics, The University of Sydney No. No. 234 : pp. 1-15.


Saccal, Alessandro (2021): Mechanical analyses and derivations of money velocity.

Silvestri, Paolo (2015): Disputed (Disciplinary) Boundaries. Philosophy, Economics and Value Judgments.

Skouras, Thanos (2013): The sources of profits and their sustainability: A survey of basic theoretical issues.

Smith, Tone (2025): A short introduction to ecological economics.

Sobey, Craig (2009): A Model of Quantum Economic Development. Published in: Proceedings of the 2009 ICCMME Conference (16 January 2010): pp. 1-27.

Spash, Clive L. and Ryan, Anthony M. (2010): Ecological, heterodox and neoclassical economics: investigating the differences.

Suriya, Komsan (2011): Non-monotonic utility functions for microeconomic analysis of sufficiency economy.


Thieme, Sebastian (2011): Economic thinking and ethics: an ethical approach for economical issues.

Thieme, Sebastian (2010): Individual Subsistence: On a Principle of Economy and Society.

Thieme, Sebastian (2010): Sozialstaat und ethische Legitimität.

Thieme, Sebastian (2010): Subsistenz: Geschichte, Bedeutung und Rekonstruktion des Subsistenzbegriffes.


Umlauft, Thomas (2018): Is Bitcoin Money? An Economic-Historical Analysis of Money, Its Functions and Its Prerequisites.


Van den Hauwe, Ludwig (2014): Understanding Financial Instability: Minsky Versus the Austrians.

Van den Hauwe, Ludwig (2014): Understanding Financial Instability: Minsky Versus the Austrians.


Zaman, Arshad and Zaman, Asad (2000): Interest and the Modern Economy. Published in: Lahore Journal of Economics , Vol. 1, No. 6 (2001): pp. 113-127.

Zaman, Asad (2008): Islamic Economics: A Survey of the Literature.

Zaman, Asad (2008): On Improving Social Science Education in Pakistan. Published in: Lahore Journal of Policy Studies , Vol. 2, No. 1 (September 2008): pp. 125-134.

Zaman, Monowaruz (2018): Economics of Information Biasing: A Unified Economic Theory That Leads to New Sustainability Concepts.

Zhao, Liang (2008): Rethinking basically Economic Assumption on Individual Behavior from Empirical Viewpoints of Evolution and Behavior.

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