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Items where Subject is "C68 - Computable General Equilibrium Models"

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Number of items at this level: 221.


Abbott, Philip and Bentzen, Jeanet and Huong, Thi Lan and Tarp, Finn (2007): A Critical Review of Studies on the Social and Economic Impacts of Vietnam’s International Economic Integration. Published in: (March 2007)

Aghababaei, Mohammad Ebrahim (2019): General Equilibrium Resource Elasticity in an Open Resource-Abundant Economy.

Ahmed, Saira and Ahmed, Vaqar and Sohail, Safdar (2010): Trade agreements between developing countries: a case study of Pakistan - Sri Lanka free trade agreement.

Ahmed, Shahid (2010): India-Korea CEPA: Potentials and Realities.

Ahmed, Vaqar and O' Donoghue, Cathal (2007): CGE-Microsimulation Modelling: A Survey.

Ajello, Andrea (2010): Financial intermediation, investment dynamics and business cycle fluctuations.

Akhabbar, Amanar and Antille, Gabrielle and Fontela, Emilio and Pulido, Antonio (2011): Input-Output in Europe: Trends in Research and Application. Published in: OEconomia , Vol. 1, No. 1

Al-Amin, Abul Quasem and Abdul Hamid, Jaafar and Chamhuri, Siwar (2008): Macroeconomic effects of carbon dioxide emission reduction: a computable general equilibrium analysis for Malaysia.


Alali, Walid Y. (2009): Solution Strategies of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models.

Albers, Scott (2019): An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox.

Alpanda, Sami (2007): The Boom-Bust Cycle in Japanese Asset Prices.

Alpanda, Sami and Peralta-Alva, Adrian (2007): Oil Crisis, Energy-Saving Technological Change and the Stock Market Crash of 1973-74.

Amir, Hidayat (2013): Economic Impact Analysis of the 2012 Indonesia Mineral-Export Tax Policy: A CGE Approach. Published in: The International Journal of Economic Policy Studies , Vol. 8, (2013): pp. 1-22.

Amir, Hidayat and Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. (2013): Distributional Welfare Impact of the 2013 Adjustment of Tax-Free Income Threshold in Indonesia: A CGE Simulation.

Amir, Hidayat and Nugroho, Anda (2013): Development of Web-Based CGE Model for Tax Policy Analysis.

Amundsen, Eirik S. and Lønning, Dag and Rasmussen, Heine (1995): An Analysis of International CO2 agreements.

Arndt, Channing and Garcia, Andres and Ha Pham, Hoang and McCoy, Simon and Tarp, Finn and Thurlow, James (2010): A 2007 social accounting matrix (SAM) for Vietnam. Published in:

Arndt, Channing and Tarp, Finn (2003): Trade Policy Reform and the Missing Revenue: A Gendered Analysis for Mozambique. Published in:

Ayoki, Milton (2013): Computable General Equilibrium Micro Simulation Analysis of the Impact of Trade Policies on Poverty in Uganda. Published in:

Ayoki, Milton (2017): Estimating the Revenue Impacts of Tax Harmonisation.

Ayoki, Milton (2013): Pursuing a pro-poor trade liberalization agenda: Regionalism, multilateralism and poverty in Uganda. Published in:

Ayoki, Milton (2013): Trade Policies and Poverty in Uganda: A Computable General Equilibrium Micro Simulation Analysis. Published in:


BAYALE, Nimonka and EVLO, Kodjo and TRAORE, Fousseini (2018): Foreign aid shocks and macroeconomic adjustment mechanisms in WAEMU countries : an approach based on a computable general equilibrium model. Published in:

Bahalou, Marziyeh and Haqiqi, Iman (2016): A General Equilibrium Model with Labor-Leisure and Domestic-Abroad Choice for Assessment of Labor Migration in a Small Open Economy.

Baja Daza, Gover and Fernández Tellería, Bernardo X. and Zavaleta Castellón, David (2014): Diminishing commodity prices and capital flight in a dutch disease and resource curse environment: The case of Bolivia.

Barja, Gover and Monterrey, Javier and Villarroel, Sergio (2004): Bolivia: Impact of shocks and poverty policy on household welfare.

Bautista, Romeo M. and Robinson, Sherman and Tarp, Finn and Wobst, Peter (2001): Policy Bias and Agriculture: Partial and General Equilibrium Measures. Published in:

Ben Hammouda, Hakim and Karingi, Stephen and Oulmane, Nassim and Lang, Rémi and Sadni Jallab, Mustapha (2006): Can Market Access Help African Agriculture?

Ben Hammouda, Hakim and Oulmane, Nassim and Bchir, Hédi and Sadni Jallab, Mustapha (2006): The Cost of non-Maghreb: Achieving the Gains from Economic Integration. Published in: Journal of Economic Integration , Vol. 22, No. 3 (September 2007)

Bhattarai, Keshab (2017): Impacts of GST reforms on efficiency, growth and redistribution of income in India: A Dynamic CGE Analysis.

Bhattarai, Keshab and Nguyen, Dung T.K. and Nguyen, Chan V (2018): Impacts of Direct and Indirect Tax Reforms in Vietnam: A CGE Analysis.

Botta, Alberto (2010): The Palestinian economy and its trade pattern: Stylised facts and alternative modelling strategies. Published in: The Palestinian economy: Theoretical and practical challenges (October 2010): pp. 194-231.

Bucher, Raphael and Guelden Sterzl, Jasmin (2011): From Coping with Natural Disasters in the Past to a Model of Future Optimal Adaptation.


Caesar, Cororaton and David, Orden (2016): Potential Economic Effects of the Reduction in Agricultural and Nonagricultural Trade Barriers in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

Carrera, Jorge Eduardo and Cicowiez, Martín and Lacunza, Hernán and Saavedra, Marcelo (2005): Interdependencia y regímenes cambiarios en Mercosur: un modelo macroeconómico de equilibrio general computado para su medición.

Casas, Pablo and Christou, Tryfonas and García Rodríguez, Abián and Heidelk, Tillmann and Lazarou, Nicholas Joseph and Monfort, Philippe and Salotti, Simone (2024): The updated RHOMOLO impact assessment of the 2014-2020 European cohesion policy (including REACT-EU).

Casas, Pablo and Christou, Tryfonas and García Rodríguez, Abián and Lazarou, Nicholas Joseph and Salotti, Simone (2025): The ex-post macroeconomic evaluation of the 2014-2020 European Social Fund, Youth Employment Initiative and REACT-EU labour market interventions.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1997): Topology and invertible maps. Published in: Advances in Applied Mathematics , Vol. 21, (1998): pp. 113-123.

Chichilnisky, Graciela and Kalman, P.J. (1977): Properties of critical points and operators in economics. Published in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Vol. 57, No. no. 2 (February 1977): pp. 340-349.

Chichilnisky, Graciela and Kalman, P.J. (1978): An extension of comparative statics to a general class of optimal choice models. Published in: Some Aspects of the Foundations of General Equilibrium Theory: The Posthumous Papers of Peter J. Kalman No. 159 (1978): pp. 1-25.

Chisari, Omar O. and Lambardi, Germán D. and Romero, Carlos A. (2007): Choosing the extent of private participation in public services: A computable general equilibrium perspective.

Chisari, Omar O. and Maquieyra, Javier and Romero, Carlos A. (2009): Liberalization of trade in services: A CGE analysis for Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.

Chisari, Omar Osvaldo and Mastronardi, Leonardo Javier and Romero, Carlos Adrián (2012): Local taxes in Buenos Aires City: A CGE approach.

Chun, So Yeon and Kleywegt, Anton J and Shapiro, Alexander (2011): Revenue management in resource exchange seller alliances.


Daras, Tomasz and Hagemejer, Jan (2008): The long run-effects of the Poland's accession to the eurozone. Simulation using POLDYN - a dynamic computable general equilibrium model.

Das, Gouranga (2010): Globalization, socio-institutional factors and North–South knowledge diffusion: Role of India and China as Southern growth progenitors. Forthcoming in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change , Vol. 79, (3 May 2012): pp. 620-637.

Das, Gouranga (2009): How does trade-mediated technology transfer affect interregional and intersectoral competition? Exploring multi-sectoral effects in a global trade model. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 5, No. 14 (1 April 2011): pp. 5871-5886.

Das, Gouranga Gopal (2005): Information age to genetic revolution: Embodied technology transfer and assimilation — A tale of two technologies. Published in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change , Vol. 74, No. 6 (1 July 2007): pp. 819-842.

Das, Gouranga Gopal and Alavalapati, Janaki (2001): Trade-mediated biotechnology transfer and its effective absorption: an application to the U.S. forestry sector. Published in: Technological forecasting and Social Change , Vol. 70, No. 6 (1 July 2003): pp. 545-562.


Dmitriy, Skrypnik (2020): Инфраструктура и экономический рост. «Бюджетный маневр» в России.

Domingues, Edson Paulo and Haddad, Eduardo Amaral and Perobelli, Fernando Salgueiro and Almeida, Eduardo Simões de and Guilhoto, José Martins Guilhoto and Kanczuk, Fabio (2010): Impactos econômicos das mudanças climáticas no Brasil.

Dressler, Scott and Li, Victor (2007): Inside Money, Credit, and Investment.

Dressler, Scott J. (2009): Economies of scale in banking, confidence shocks, and business cycles.

Durán Lima, José Elías and De Miguel, Carlos J. and Schushny, Andrés (2006): Los acuerdos comerciales de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú con los Estados Unidos: efectos sobre el comercio, la producción y el bienestar. Published in: CEPAL Review , Vol. No. 91, No. 978-92-1-121635-6 (April 2007): pp. 67-94.

Díaz-Giménez, Javier and Díaz-Saavedra, Julián (2006): The Demographic and Educational Transitions and the Sustainability of the Spanish Public Pension System. Published in: Moneda y Crédito , Vol. 222, No. 222 (2006): pp. 223-270.

durongkaveroj, wannaphong (2014): CGE analysis of trade liberalization in Thailand.

durongkaveroj, wannaphong (2013): Impacts of Exogenous Shocks Using GTAP.

durongkaveroj, wannaphong (2015): The Next Chapter of ASEAN Economic Community through Integrating with the existing FTA partners (RCEP), Turkey, and Pakistan. Published in: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Federation of ASEAN Economic Associations No. the Federation of ASEAN Economic Associations (FAEA) (21 March 2015)

durongkaveroj, wannaphong (2014): Remedy of Poverty.

durongkaveroj, wannaphong (2014): SAM Multiplier and its Application to Total Poverty Gap.


Elshennawy, Abeer and Robinson, Sherman and Willenbockel, Dirk (2013): Climate Change and Economic Growth: An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis for Egypt.

Emini, Christian Arnault and Kanmi Feunou, Dorine (2008): Decomposing the Effects of Economic Policies on Poverty Trends in Cameroon: A Double Calibration Micro Simulated General Equilibrium Analysis.

Eromenko, Igor (2011): Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Published in: Lambert Academic Publishing No. ISBN 978-3-8433-9100-9 (2011)

Eromenko, Igor (2010): Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Part I. Published in: Ventus Publishing ApS No. ISBN 978-87-7681-664-3 (2010)

Eromenko, Igor (2010): Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Part II. Published in: Ventus Publishing ApS No. ISBN 978-87-7681-667-4 (2010)

Eromenko, Igor (2002): EU Enlargement to the East and its Impact on Non-accessing Countries, Applied General Equilibrium Analysis. Published in: Journal of European Economy , Vol. 1, No. 3 (December 2002): pp. 279-296.

Evans, Richard W. and Phillips, Kerk L. (2010): OLG life cycle model transition paths: alternate model forecast method.


Fantazzini, Dean (2014): Editorial for the Special Issue on 'Computational Methods for Russian Economic and Financial Modelling'. Published in: International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics , Vol. 1-2, No. 4 (2014): pp. 1-3.

Farmer, Leland and Toda, Alexis Akira (2016): Discretizing Nonlinear, Non-Gaussian Markov Processes with Exact Conditional Moments. Forthcoming in: Quantitative Economics


Giesecke, James A. and Tran, Nhi Hoang (2009): Modelling value-added tax in the presence of multiproduction and differentiated exemptions.

Gori, Luca and Sodini, Mauro (2012): Indeterminacy and nonlinear dynamics in an OLG growth model with endogenous labour supply and inherited tastes.

Gori, Luca and Sodini, Mauro (2011): Nonlinear dynamics in an OLG growth model with young and old age labour supply: the role of public health expenditure.

Gradzewicz, Michał and Hagemejer, Jan and Zbigniew, Żółkiewski (2007): Globalization and the Polish economy: stylized facts and simulations using a Computable General Equilibrium Model. Published in: Bank i Kredyt , Vol. 39, No. 7/2008 (July 2008): pp. 3-13.

Guerrazzi, Marco (2021): How long does a generation last? Assessing the relationship between infinite and finite horizon dynamic models.


Hagemejer, Jan and Michalek, Jan (2006): Standardization union effects: the case of EU enlargement.

Haqiqi, Iman and Bahalou, Marziyeh (2013): Macroeconomic Impacts of Export Barriers in a Dynamic CGE Model. Published in: Journal of Money and Economy , Vol. 8, No. 3 (June 2013): pp. 117-150.

Haqiqi, Iman and Aghanazari, Hasan and Sharzei, Gholamali (2013): Natural Resources Revenue Allocation: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach. Published in: Journal of Economic Modeling Research , Vol. 3, No. 11 (2013): pp. 49-76.

Haqiqi, Iman and Bahador, Ali (2015): Investigating Economic Effects of Oil Export Reduction: A Financial Computable General Equilibrium Approach. Published in: Journal of Monetary and Banking Research , Vol. 24, No. 1 (2015): pp. 251-284.

Haqiqi, Iman and Bahalou, Marziyeh (2015): A General Equilibrium Analysis of Unskilled Labor Entry and Skilled Labor Exit in Iran. Published in: The Economic Research , Vol. 3, No. 15 (23 October 2015): pp. 67-89.

Haqiqi, Iman and Bahalou, Marziyeh and Hamidi, Razieh (2014): Measurement and Evaluation of Equality of Opportunity: A Numerical Look at Education, Health, and Income Inequality.

Haqiqi, Iman and Bahalou, Marziyeh and Shamsaee, Arezoo (2017): An Economic General Equilibrium Model for Evaluation of Production Support Policies in Developing Countries.

Haqiqi, Iman and Manzoor, Davood and Aghababaei, Mohammad (2013): Impacts of Electricity Efficiency Improvements on Factors Market: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach. Published in: Journal of Planning and Budgeting , Vol. 4, No. 17 (2013): pp. 25-44.

Haqiqi, Iman and Mirian, Narges (2015): A Financial General Equilibrium Model for Assessment of Financial Sector Policies in Developing Countries.

Haqiqi, Iman and Mortazavi Kakhaki, Morteza (2012): The Impact of Redistribution of Opportunities on Income Inequality: A CGE Approach. Published in: Journal of Economic Modeling Research , Vol. 2, No. 7 (2012): pp. 51-73.

Haqiqi, Iman and Shahi, Zahra and Ismaili, Mahdi (2017): Impact of Cash Subsidy Transfer in a Nonlinear Programming Model for Economic Input-Output Analysis. Published in: Journal of Economic Research , Vol. 3, No. 52 (September 2017): pp. 581-618.

Haqiqi, Iman and Yasharel, Sepideh (2018): Removing Fossil Fuel Subsidies to Help the Poor.

Hernandez, Gustavo Adolfo and Nunez, Jairo and Gonzalez, Nestor (2007): ¿Es posible alcanzar los Objetivos del Milenio en Colombia? Una evaluación de estrategias de focalización y financiamiento. Published in: Planeación y Desarrollo , Vol. XXXVII, No. 1 : pp. 49-95.

Hess, Joshua and Manning, Dale and Iverson, Terry and Cutler, Harvey (2016): Uncertainty, Learning, and Local Opposition to Hydraulic Fracturing.

Hoque, Serajul (2006): The Economic Impacts of Improved Foreign Investor Confidence in Bangladesh: A CGE Analysis.

Hoque, Serajul (2005): Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Employment in Bangladesh: A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Analysis.

Hoque, Serajul (2005): The impact of tariff reduction on Bangladesh economy: a computable general equilibrium assessment.

Hoque, Serajul (2008): The macroeconomic, industrial and distributional effects of removing tariffs in Bangladesh.


Inaba, Masaru and Nutahara, Kengo (2008): The Role of Investment Wedges in the Carlstrom-Fuerst Economy and Business Cycle Accounting.


Jaafar, Abdul Hamid and Al-Amin, Abul Quasem and Siwar, Chamhuri (2008): A CGE Analysis of the Economic Impact of Output-Specific Carbon Tax on the Malaysian Economy.

Jackson, Emerson Abraham (2017): Book Review of Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Models (2nd Ed) Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press, 2015. 282p ISBN: 978-1-62273-030-8 (Hardcover) written by Josh L. Torres. Published in: Journal of Applied Thought , Vol. 6, No. 1 (26 May 2018): pp. 284-289.

Jensen, Henning Tarp and Tarp, Finn (2006): The 2003 Merged Model for Vietnam. Published in: (2006)

Jensen, Henning Tarp and Tarp, Finn and Hong, Vu Xuan Nguyet and Man Hai, Nguyen and Thanh, Le Ha (2008): Economic Instruments and the Pollution Impact of the 2006-2010 Vietnam Socio-Economic Development Plan. Published in: (May 2008)


Kar, Saibal and Das, Nimai (2015): Climate Change, Agricultural Production, and Poverty in India. Published in: Springer Book (2015)

Karingi, Stephen and Perez, Romain and Oulmane, Nassim and Lang, Rémi and Sadni Jallab, Mustapha (2006): Assessment of the Impact of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the COMESA countries and the European Union.

Kemfert, Claudia and Zhang, ZhongXiang (2003): Linking developing country's cooperation on climate control with industrialized country's R&D and technology transfer.

Khan, Haider (2008): Causal Depth contra Humean Empiricism: Aspects of a Scientific Realist Approach to Explanation.

Khan, Haider (2008): Challenges for Sustainable Development: Rapid Urbanization, Poverty and Capabilities in Bangladesh.

Khan, Haider (2008): China’s New Development Strategy: Environment and Energy Security.

Khan, Haider (2020): Economic Impact of COVID-19 On Bangladesh: Agenda for Immediate Action and Planning for the Future.

Khan, haider (2008): Analyzing Poverty Impact of Trade Liberalization Policies in CGE Models: Theory and Some Policy Experiments in Agricultural and Non-agricultural Sectors in South Asia.

Klima, Grzegorz and Retkiewicz-Wijtiwiak, Kaja (2014): On automatic derivation of first order conditions in dynamic stochastic optimisation problems.

Knoben, J. and Kerkhofs, M. and Graafland, J.J. (2004): Evaluation of Dutch election programs: The impact of parameter uncertainty. Published in: Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management , Vol. 1, No. 51 (2006): pp. 47-72.

Kuzmin, Anton (1971): A Structural Model of Exchange Rate Dynamics. Published in: Review of Business and Economics Studies , Vol. 2, No. 3 (2014): 86- 92.


LI, Wu (2012): A Study on the Dynamics of Interest Rate.

Latorre, María C. and Yonezawa, Hidemichi (2017): Stopped TTIP? Its potential impact on the world and the role of neglected FDI.

Li, Wu (2008): A multi-agent growth model based on the von Neumann-Leontief framework.

Loumrhari, Ghizlan (2016): Vieillissement démographique et réforme paramétrique des retraites. Les enseignements d’un modèle EGC-GI pour le Maroc.

Luciano, Fanti and Luca, Gori and Cristiana, Mammana and Elisabetta, Michetti (2016): Complex dynamics in an OLG model of growth with inherited tastes.

Luo, Yulei and Zou, Heng-fu (2008): Uninsurable Entrepreneurial Risk, Capital Market Imperfections, and Heterogeneity in the Macroeconomy.


Majcen, Boris and Verbic, Miroslav and Cok, Mitja (2007): The Income Tax Reform in Slovenia: Should the Flat Tax Have Prevailed?

Manzoor, Davood and Aghababaei, Mohammad and Haqiqi, Iman (2011): Rebound Effects Analysis of Electricity Efficiency Improvements in Iran: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach. Published in: Quarterly Energy Economics Review , Vol. 8, No. 28 (2011): pp. 1-23.

Manzoor, Davood and Haqiqi, Iman (2012): Impact of Energy Price Reform on Environmental Emissions; A Computable General Equilibrium Approach. Published in: Journal of Environmental Studies , Vol. 37, No. 60 (2012): pp. 1-12.

Manzoor, Davood and Haqiqi, Iman (2013): Impacts of Energy Price Increase and Cash Subsidy Payments on Energy Demand. Published in: Journal of Trade Studies , Vol. 17, No. 67 (2013): pp. 101-124.

Manzoor, Davood and Haqiqi, Iman and Aghababaei, Mohammad (2012): Decomposing Electricity Demand Elasticity in Iran: Computable General Equilibrium Approach. Published in: Biquarterly Journal of Economic Policy , Vol. 4, No. 8 (2012): pp. 91-112.

Manzoor, Davood and Haqiqi, Iman and Aghababaei, Mohammad (2013): Economic Impacts of Investment in the Electricity Industry: A CGE Comparison of Regulated and Free Markets. Published in: Quarterly Energy Economics Review , Vol. 9, No. 35 (2013): pp. 47-74.

Manzoor, Davood and Haqiqi, Iman and Aghababaei, Mohammad (2012): Modeling Dutch Disease in the Economy of Iran: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach. Published in: Quarterly Energy Economics Review , Vol. 8, No. 31 (2012): pp. 59-84.

Manzoor, Davood and Shahmoradi, Asghar and Haqiqi, Iman (2010): An Assessment of the Impact of Reducing Implicit and Explicit Energy Subsidies in Iran; Using a Computable General Equilibrium Model Based on a Modified Micro Consistent Matrix. Published in: Quarterly Energy Economics Review , Vol. 7, No. 26 (2010): pp. 21-54.

Marcelle, Chauvet and Insu, Kim (2019): Incomplete Price Adjustment and Inflation Persistence.

Mastronardi, Leonardo Javier (2013): Federalismo fiscal en Argentina: Un análisis de efectos spillover mediante un CGE regional.

Mbanda, Vandudzai and Bonga-Bonga, Lumengo (2018): CGE Microsimulation Analysis of Electricity Tariff Increases: The Case of South Africa.

Mbanda, Vandudzai and Bonga-Bonga, Lumengo (2018): Impacts of Public Infrastructure Investment in South Africa: A SAM and CGE-Based Analysis of the Public Economic Sector.

Mercado, Ruben and Kendrick, David (2002): Introduction to Computational Economywide Modeling with GAMS.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): Effects of Various Inputs for Increased Interest Rate of Capital: A Nonlinear Budget Constraint Consideration. Published in: Frontiers in Management Science , Vol. 2, No. 4 (10 July 2023): pp. 15-33.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): Mathematical Model for Nonlinear Budget Constraint: Economic Activities on Increased Budget. Published in: Studies in Social Science & Humanities , Vol. 5, No. 2 (11 May 2023): pp. 20-40.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): Sensitivity Analysis of Inputs of an Organization: A Profit Maximization Exploration. Published in: Law and Economy , Vol. 2, No. 4 (15 April 2023): pp. 32-48.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2022): Mathematical Analysis of SEIR Model to Prevent COVID-19 Pandemic. Published in: Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People , Vol. 11, No. 4 (31 December 2022): pp. 5-30.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): Sensitivity Analysis for Profit Maximization with Respect to Per Unit Cost of Subsidiary Raw Materials. Published in: Frontiers in Management Scienc , Vol. 2, No. 2 (28 February 2023): pp. 13-28.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): Utilizing System Dynamics Models in Analyzing Macroeconomic Variables of Yemen.

Mortazavi Kakhaki, Morteza and Haqiqi, Iman and Mahdavi Adeli, Mohammad (2013): Regional Equality of Opportunities and Income: A General Equilibrium Modeling for Iran. Published in: Journal of Regional Economics and Development , Vol. 5, No. 20 (2013): pp. 69-95.

Mughal, Adil Ahmad (2022): A Theory of Convex Differentials in Economics.

Müller, Tobias (2004): Evaluating the economic effects of income security reforms in Switzerland: an integrated microsimulation - computable general equilibrium approach.

mercado, p. ruben (2003): Empirical economywide modeling in argentina.


NANA DAVIES, Charles (2020): Land Collateral and Rule-of-Thumb Households in a Franc Zone Country: A Bayesian Appraisal.

NANA DAVIES, Charles (2018): Sources of Macroeconomic Fluctuations in a Franc Zone Country: A Bayesian estimation.

Nakada, Yoshiaki (2015): Comment on Suzuki’s rebuttal of Batra and Casas.

Nakada, Yoshiaki (2015): Comment on Suzuki’s rebuttal of Batra and Casas.

Nakada, Yoshiaki (2015): Factor intensities and factor substitution in general equilibrium: A Comment.

Nakatani, Ryota (2024): Optimal Taxation in the Automated Era.

Nakatani, Ryota (2022): Optimal fiscal policy in the automated economy.

Necibi, Thameur (2014): The oil position in the Tunisian economy: Adaptation of computable general equilibrium model.

Ngouhouo, Ibrahim and Tchoffo, Rodrigue (2019): Real level of public investment: how to manage the inflation?

Ngouhouo, Ibrahim and Tchoffo, Rodrigue and Younchawou, Ngouwouo and Tafakeu, Marie-Josée (2021): Opening of alcoholic drink establishments during the Coronavirus period in Cameroon: scope and economic consequences.

Nlemfu Mukoko, Jean Blaise (2013): Ralentissement de la croissance économique des principaux partenaires commerciaux et ses implications sur l’économie congolaise.

Nwaobi, Godwin (2012): Monetary Policies and Nigerian Economy:Simulations from Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium(DSGE)Model.


Olenev, Nicholas (2007): A Normative Balance Dynamic Model of Regional Economy for Study Economic Integrations // Economic integration, competition and cooperation. 6th International Conference . 2007. Opatija - Croatia: University of Rijeka. April 19-20.(CD-Book: Session 6) 15 pp. Published in: (18 July 2007)


Park, Innwon (2008): Regional Trade Agreements in East Asia: Will They Be Sustainable?

Park, Innwon and Park, Soonchan (2008): Free Trade Agreements versus Customs Unions: An Examination of East Asia.

Pereira, Alfredo and Pereira, Rui (2017): The Role of Electricity for the Decarbonization of the Portuguese Economy - DGEP Technical Report.

Pinitjitsamut, Montchai and Thamthanakoon, Nithicha and Yaemklin, Sophon (2023): The impact of e-commerce on Thai’s economy and its role plays in driving economic recovery after COVID-19 pandemic – the CGE Analysis.


Qian, Haoqi and Wu, Libo and Tang, Weiqi (2016): “Lock-in” Effect of Emission Standard and Its Impact on the Choice of Market Based Instruments.


Radkov, Petar (2010): An interest rate model with Markov chain volatility level.

Raihan, Selim (2011): Economic Corridors in South Asia: Exploring the Benefits of Market Access and Trade Facilitation. Forthcoming in:

Raihan, Selim (2011): Economic Reforms and Agriculture in Bangladesh: Assessment of Impacts using Economy-wide Simulation Models.

Raihan, Selim (2011): Employment Effects of FTA Agreements: The Perspectives from Bangladesh.

Raihan, Selim (2010): Global Financial Crisis, Remittances, Exports and Poverty in Bangladesh.

Raihan, Selim (2012): Implications of the global economic crisis for the Bangladesh economy. Forthcoming in:

Raihan, Selim (2011): Infrastructure and Growth and Poverty in Bangladesh. Forthcoming in:

Raihan, Selim (2012): SAFTA and the South Asian Countries: Quantitative Assessments of Potential Implications.

Raihan, Selim (2014): South-South Trade: A Quantitative Assessment.

Raihan, Selim and Khondker, Bazlul Haque (2010): Backward and Forward Linkages of the Textile and Clothing Industry in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Raihan, Selim and Khondker, Bazlul Haque (2010): Doha Round Impacts on India: A Study in a Sequential Dynamic CGE Framework.

Raihan, Selim and Khondker, Bazlul Haque (2010): Estimating the economic impacts of the Padma bridge in Bangladesh.

Raihan, Selim and Khondker, Bazlul Haque (2011): A Social Accounting Matrix for Nepal for 2007: Methodology and Results.

Raihan, Selim and Razzaque, Mohammad A (2007): WTO and regional trade negotiation outcomes: quantitative assessments of potential implications on Bangladesh. Published in: (June 2007)

Raihan, Selim and Razzaque, Mohammad A and Laurent, Edwin (2007): Economic Partnership Agreements: Assessing Potential Implications from Some Alternative Scenarios. Published in: Bilateralism and Development Emerging Trade Patterns No. Book Chapter. Published by Cameron May Ltd, London (2008)

Ramos, Maria Priscila (2007): Politique Commerciale, Qualité et Environnement: une Application aux Négociations Commerciales entre l’Union Européenne et le Mercosur.

Ramsey, David M. and Szajowski, Krzysztof (2004): Correlated equilibria in competitive staff selection problem. Published in: Banach Center Publications , Vol. 71, (2006): pp. 253-265.

Razzak, Weshah (2020): The Riddle of the Natural Rate of Interest.

Razzak, Weshah (2020): The Riddle of the Natural Rate of Interest.

Roland-Holst, David and Mensbrugghe, Dominique van der and Tarp, Finn and Rand, John and Barslund, Mikkel (2002): Prototype Specification for a Real Computable General Equilibrium Model. Published in: (21 October 2002)

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