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Items where Subject is "C92 - Laboratory, Group Behavior"

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Number of items at this level: 173.


AKIN, ZAFER (2020): Asymmetric Guessing Games.

Adler Mandelbaum, Sara E (2014): Effects of Threshold Uncertainty on Common-Pool Resources.

Alfarano, Simone and Banal-Estanol, Albert and Camacho-Cuena, Eva and Iori, Giulia and Kapar, Burcu (2020): Centralized vs decentralized markets in the laboratory: The role of connectivity.

Angerer, Martin and Neugebauer, Tibor and Shachat, Jason (2019): Arbitrage bots in experimental asset markets.

Armstrong, Mark and Huck, Steffen (2010): Behavioral economics as applied to firms: a primer.


Baldursson, Fridrik M. and Sturluson, Jon Thor (2008): Fees and the efficiency of tradable permit systems: an experimental approach.

Balkenborg, Dieter and Kaplan, Todd R. and Miller, Tim (2009): Teaching Bank Runs with Classroom Experiments.

Ballester, Coralio and Vorsatz, Marc and Ponti, Giovanni (2021): Uncovering seeds.

Bantilan, MCS and Ravula, P and Parthasarathy, D and Gandhi, BVJ (2006): Gender and Social Capital Mediated Technology Adoption. Published in: ICRISAT Impact Series no 12

Beck, Dominik (2024): The dominance of reputation in continuous time: Experimental insights from a market entry game.

Beraldo, Sergio and Filoso, Valerio and Marco, Stimolo (2013): Endogenous Preferences and Conformity: Evidence From a Pilot Experiment.

Bergantino, Angela Stefania and Morone, Andrea and Gil Gallen, Sara (2020): Do risk and competition trigger conditional cooperative behavior? Evidence from Public good experiment.

Besedes, Tibor and Deck, Cary and Quintanar, Sarah and Sarangi, Sudipta and Shor, Mikhael (2011): Effort and Performance: What Distinguishes Interacting and Non-interacting Groups from Individuals?

Bobkova, Nina and Egbert, Henrik (2012): Corruption investigated in the lab: a survey of the experimental literature.

Bosco, Luigi (2008): Power, hierarchy and social preferences.

Bossaerts, Peter and Shachat, Jason and Xie, Kuangli (2018): Arbitrage Opportunities: Anatomy and Remediation.

Bracht, Juergen (2010): Contracting in the trust game.

Brandts, Jordi and Yao, Lan (2010): Ambiguous Information and Market Entry: An Experimental Study.

Branea, Silvia (2003): Receptarea soap-opera de către tineri. Studiu de caz: „Beverly Hills”. Published in: Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication , Vol. Year 2, No. Spring (2003): pp. 121-128.

Breitmoser, Yves (2013): Cooperation, but no reciprocity: Individual strategies in the repeated Prisoner's Dilemma.

Bukvić, Rajko (2007): Управљање кризним ситуацијама – случај финансијске пирамиде МММ. Published in: Зборник Матице српске за друштвене науке (Matica Srpska Social Science Quarterly) , Vol. 58, No. 123 (2007): pp. 219-244.

Böhm, Robert and Rusch, Hannes and Gürerk, Özgür (2015): What Makes People Go to War? Defensive Intentions Motivate Retaliatory and Preemptive Intergroup Aggression.


Calford, Evan (2016): Mixed Strategies in Games with Ambiguity Averse Agents.

Celen, Bogachan and Hyndman, Kyle (2006): Endogenous Network Formation In the Laboratory.

Ch'ng, Kean Siang and Loke, Yiing Jia (2010): Inconsistency of fairness evaluation in simulated labot market.

Chakravarty, Surajeet and Choo, Lawrence and Fonseca, Miguel A. and Kaplan, Todd R. (2020): Should regulators always be transparent? A bank run experiment.

Chakravarty, Surajeet and Fonseca, Miguel A. (2010): Social identity, group composition and public good provision: an experimental study.

Chapkovski, Philipp (2022): Interactive experiments in Toloka. Published in: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance , Vol. 37, No. 100790 (March 2023)

Chapkovski, Philipp (2022): Unintended consequences of corruption indices.

Chapkovski, Philipp and Zakharov, Alexei (2023): Does voluntary disclosure of polarizing information make polarization deeper? An online experiment on Russo-Ukrainian War.

Chen, Josie I (2014): Obedience to Rules with Mild Sanctions: The Roles of Peer Punishment and Voting.

Choi, Syngjoo and Lee, Jihong (2009): Communication, Coordination and Networks.

Choo, Lawrence C.Y (2014): Trading Participation Rights to the “Red Hat Puzzle”. An Experiment.

Chowdhury, Subhasish and Mukherjee, Anwesha and Sheremeta, Roman (2021): In-group versus Out-group Preferences in Intergroup Conflict: An Experiment.

Cloos, Janis and Greiff, Matthias (2021): Combating climate change: Is the option to exploit a public good a barrier for reaching critical thresholds? Experimental evidence.

Colasante, Annarita and Palestrini, Antonio and Russo, Alberto and Gallegati, Mauro (2015): Heterogeneous Adaptive Expectations and Coordination in a Learning-to-Forecast Experiment.

Costa, Francisco (2005): An experimental analysis of moral hazard in team.

Cotten, Stephen J. and Ferraro, Paul J. and Vossler, Christian A. (2005): Can public goods experiments inform policy? Interpreting results in the presence of confused subjects.

Cox, Caleb (2014): Cursed beliefs with common-value public goods.


Danková, Katarína and Morita, Hodaka and Servátka, Maroš and Zhang, Le (2021): Fairness Concerns and Job Assignment to Positions with Different Surplus.

Danková, Katarína and Morita, Hodaka and Servátka, Maroš and Zhang, Le (2019): Job assignment and fairness concerns.

Das, Abhishek and Gupta, Gautam (2015): Inflation Expectation Decision and Saving Decision in Heterogeneously Endowed Overlapping Generation Model: An Experimental Evidence from Laboratory.

Dasgupta, Utteeyo (2009): Potential Competition in the Presence of Sunk Entry Costs: An Experiment. Published in: New Zealand Economics Papers , Vol. 43, No. 2 (August 2009): pp. 203-225.

Dey, Oindrila and Das, Abhishek and Gupta, Gautam and Banerjee, Swapnendu (2017): Favouritism Or Fairness?: A Framed Laboratory Experiment.

Donata, Bessey (2020): Hierarchies and decision-making in groups: Experimental evidence.

Drichoutis, Andreas C. and Grimm, Veronika and Karakostas, Alexandros (2020): Bribing to Queue-Jump: An experiment on cultural differences in bribing attitudes among Greeks and Germans.

Dutcher, E. Glenn and Rodet, Cortney S. (2018): Which Two Heads are Better than One? Uncovering the Positive Effects of Diversity in Creative Teams.


Evans, Mary and Gilpatric, Scott and McKee, Michael and Vossler, Christian A. (2006): Managerial incentives for compliance with environmental information disclosure programs.


Gallo, Edoardo and Riyanto, Yohanes E. and Roy, Nilanjan and Teh, Tat-How (2019): Cooperation in an Uncertain and Dynamic World.

Gelder, Alan and Kovenock, Dan and Sheremeta, Roman (2015): Behavior in All-Pay Auctions with Ties.

Ginzburg, Boris and Guerra, José-Alberto and Lekfuangfu, Warn N. (2023): Critical Mass in Collective Action.

Gomez-Martinez, Francisco (2016): Partial Cartels and Mergers with Heterogeneous Firms: Experimental Evidence.

Goppelsroeder, Marie (2009): Entry in Collusive Markets: An Experimental Study.

Goulart, Marco and Da Costa Jr, Newton and Santos, Andre and Takase, Emilio and Da Silva, Sergio (2013): Psychophysiological correlates of the disposition effect. Published in: PLOS One , Vol. 8, No. 1 (2013): 54542-1-54542-4.

Graves, Philip E. (2009): A note on the valuation of collective goods: overlooked input market free riding for non-individually incrementable goods. Published in: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: , Vol. 9, No. 1 : pp. 1-17.

Griffiths, Barry (2010): Identification of Altruism among Team Members: Empirical Evidence from the Classroom and Laboratory.

Grimalda, Gianluca and Kar, Anirban and Proto, Eugenio (2006): On the Value of Participation: Endogenous Emergence of Social Norms in a Three-Player Ultimatum Game.

Gürerk, Özgür (2012): Social learning increases the acceptance and the efficiency of punishment institutions in social dilemmas. Published in: Journal of Economic Psychology No. 34 (February 2013): pp. 229-239.

Gürerk, Özgür and Selten, Reinhard (2010): The effect of payoff tables on experimental oligopoly behavior.


HASAN, HAMID and EJAZ, NAUMAN (2013): Testing for Differences across Genders: A Replication of Ultimatum Game at International Islamic University, Islamabad.

Halim, Edward and Riyanto, Yohanes Eko and Roy, Nilanjan (2016): Consumption Smoothing and Price Predictability with Heterogeneous Traders in Experimental Asset Markets.

Halim, Edward and Riyanto, Yohanes E. and Roy, Nilanjan and Wang, Yan (2022): The Bright Side of Dark Markets: Experiments.

Halim, Edward and Riyanto, Yohanes Eko and Roy, Nilanjan (2017): Costly Information Acquisition, Social Networks and Asset Prices: Experimental Evidence.

He, Simin and Wu, Jiabin (2018): Compromise and Coordination: An Experimental Study.

Hichri, Pavel and Hichri, Walid (2008): An auction mechanism for public goods provision: an experimental study.

Hichri, Walid (2004): Interior Collective Optimum in a Volontary Contribution to a Public-Goods Game : An Experimental Approach. Published in: Applied Economics Letters , Vol. 11, No. 3 (2004): pp. 135-140.

Holt, Charles A. and Johnson, Cathleen and Mallow, Courtney and Sullivan, Sean P. (2010): Tragedy of the common canal.

Horn, Dániel and Kiss, Hubert Janos and Lénárd, Tünde (2020): Economic preferences in the classroom - research documentation.


Ianni, Antonella (2011): Learning Strict Nash Equilibria through Reinforcement.


Kamei, Kenju and Tabero, Katy (2023): Free Riding, Democracy and Sacrifice in the Workplace: Evidence from a Real Effort Experiment.

Kamei, Kenju (2017): Altruistic Norm Enforcement and Decision-Making Format in a Dilemma: Experimental Evidence.

Kamei, Kenju (2014): Conditional Punishment.

Kamei, Kenju (2017): Conditional Punishment in England.

Kamei, Kenju (2019): Cooperation and Endogenous Repetition in an Infinitely Repeated Social Dilemma: Experimental Evidence.

Kamei, Kenju (2015): Endogenous Reputation Formation: Cooperation and Identity under the Shadow of the Future.

Kamei, Kenju (2018): Group Size Effect and Over-Punishment in the Case of Third Party Enforcement of Social Norms.

Kamei, Kenju (2020): Incomplete Political Contracts with Secret Ballots: Reciprocity as a Force to Enforce Sustainable Clientelistic Relationships.

Kamei, Kenju (2015): Power of Joint Decision-Making in a Finitely-Repeated Dilemma.

Kamei, Kenju (2014): Promoting Competition or Helping Less-Endowed? Distributional Preferences and Collective Institutional Choices under Intra-Group Inequality.

Kamei, Kenju (2021): Transfer Paradox in a General Equilibrium Economy: An Experimental Investigation.

Kamei, Kenju (2020): Voluntary Disclosure of Information and Cooperation in Simultaneous-Move Economic Interactions.

Kamei, Kenju and Nesterov, Artem (2020): Endogenous Monitoring through Gossiping in an Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game: Experimental Evidence.

Kamei, Kenju and Tabero, Katy (2021): The Individual-Team Discontinuity Effect on Institutional Choices: Experimental Evidence in Voluntary Public Goods Provision.

Keuschnigg, Marc and Schikora, Jan (2014): The Dark Side of Leadership: An Experiment on Religious Heterogeneity and Cooperation in India. Published in: Journal of Socio-Economics , Vol. 48, (2014): pp. 19-26.

Khan, Hayat (2009): Modeling Social Preferences: A Generalized Model of Inequity Aversion.

Klinedinst, Mark (1991): Are CEO's paid their marginal product? An empirical analysis of executive compensation and corporate performance. Published in: Australian Bulletin of Labor , Vol. 17, No. No. 2 (June 1991): pp. 118-131.

Kölle, Felix (2020): Governance and Group Conflict.


Lahno, Amrei Marie and Lahno, Bernd (2014): Team Reasoning as a Guide to Coordination.

Lambsdorff, Johann Graf and Grubiak, Kevin and Werner, Katharina (2023): Intrinsic Motivation vs. Corruption? Experimental Evidence on the Performance of Officials.

Lee, Ji Yong and Nayga, Rodolfo and Deck, Cary and Drichoutis, Andreas C. (2017): Cognitive Ability and Bidding Behavior in Second Price Auctions: An Experimental Study.

Liu, Jia and Riyanto, Yohanes Eko and Zhang, Ruike (2017): How Large Should the “Bullets” be? Dissecting the Role of Unilateral and Tie Punishment in the Provision of Public Goods.


McCarter, Matthew and Samek, Anya and Sheremeta, Roman (2014): Divided Loyalists or Conditional Cooperators? Creating Consensus about Cooperation in Multiple Simultaneous Social Dilemmas. Forthcoming in: Group and Organization Management

Mekvabishvili, Rati (2023): Decentralized or Centralized Governance in Social Dilemmas? Experimental Evidence from Georgia. Published in: Issues in Social Science , Vol. 11, No. 1 (30 June 2023): pp. 33-43.

Mekvabishvili, Rati (2021): Can Formal Institutions Lead to the Spillover Effect of Cooperation? Published in: Theoretical Economic Letters , Vol. 2, No. 11 (31 March 2021): pp. 186-193.

Mekvabishvili, Rati (2021): Georgia Leads in Prosociality: Comparison to Cross-Cultural Economic Experiment. Published in: Economics and Business , Vol. 13, No. 1 (23 March 2021): pp. 140-149.

Mekvabishvili, Rati and Mekvabishvili, Elguja and Natsvaladze, Marine and Sirbiladze, Rusudan and Mzhavanadze, Giorgi and Deisadze, Salome (2023): Prosocial Behavior and the Individual Normative Standard of Fairness within a Dynamic Context: Experimental Evidence. Published in: Open Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 3, No. 11 (20 March 2023): pp. 204-221.

Michailova, Julija (2010): Overconfidence and bubbles in experimental asset markets.

Michailova, Julija and Schmidt, Ulrich (2011): Overconfidence and bubbles in experimental asset markets. Forthcoming in: Journal of Behavioral Finance

Moniz, António (2007): Futuros da indústria automóvel: Qual a sua importância para a definição do produto, modelos de produção e estratégias de mobilidade? Published in: Actas dos ateliers do Vº Congresso Português de Sociologia (May 2004): pp. 1-11.

Moreira, Bruno and Matsushita, Raul and Da Silva, Sergio (2008): Risk-seeking behavior of preschool children in a gambling task.

Morone, Andrea and Morone, Piergiuseppe (2012): Are small groups expected utility?

Morone, Andrea and Morone, Piergiuseppe (2012): Individual and group behaviours in the traveller’s dilemma: an experimental study.

Morone, Andrea and Nuzzo, Simone and Temerario, Tiziana (2017): Decision process, preferences over risk and consensus rule: a group experiment.

Morone, Andrea and Temerario, Tiziana (2016): Are dyads conditionally cooperative? Evidence from a public goods experiment.

Morone, Andrea and Temerario, Tiziana (2015): Eliciting Preferences Over Risk: An Experiment.

Morone, Andrea and Temerario, Tiziana (2016): Group preferences over social risk: does (group) size matter?

Morone, Andrea and Temerario, Tiziana (2016): Individual and Group Preferences Over Risk: An Experiment.

Morone, Andrea and Temerario, Tiziana and Nemore, Francesco (2017): Individual and group preferences over risk: does group size matter?

Muduli, Silu and Dash, Shridhar Kumar (2019): The Invisible Collateral. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 48, No. 54 (7 December 2019): pp. 13-16.

Munro, Alistair and Bateman, Ian J. and McNally, Tara (2008): The family under the microscope: an experiment testing economic models of household choice.

Munro, Alistair and McNally, Tara and Popov, Danail (2008): Taking it in turn: an experimental test of theories of the household.


NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): African Development,Partnership and Rationality Challenge:An Exposition.

Nesterov, Artem (2020): Conditional Rewarding Behaviour: An Experiment.

Noussair, Charles and van Soest, Daan and Stoop, Jan (2011): Punishment, reward, and cooperation in a framed field experiment.

Nwaobi, Godwin (2023): An Impact Evaluation of Digital Cash Transfers Scheme on Income Poverty in Nigeria.

Nwaobi, Godwin (2023): The Impact of Home Grown School Feeding Program(HGSFP) on Child Education and Nutrition in Nigeria.


Pachankis, Yang (2022): Shift Balance of Centralized Banking System — Saving Democracy from Populism. Published in: Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce , Vol. 28, No. 1 (3 March 2023)

Pan, Jinrui and Shachat, Jason and Wei, Sijia (2018): Cognitive stress and learning Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) inventory management: An experimental investigation.

Pan, Jinrui and Shachat, Jason and Wei, Sijia (2018): Cognitive stress and learning Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) inventory management: An experimental investigation.

Pearson, Matthew and Schipper, Burkhard C (2009): Menstrual cycle and competitive bidding.

Pearson, Matthew and Schipper, Burkhard C (2009): The Visible Hand: Finger ratio (2D:4D) and competitive behavior.

Pradiptyo, Rimawan and Sasmitasiwi, Banoon and Sahadewo, Gumilang Aryo (2011): Evidence of homo economicus? Findings from experiment on evolutionary prisoners' dilemma game.

Pulford, Briony D. and Colman, Andrew M. (2007): Ambiguous games: Evidence for strategic ambiguity aversion. Published in: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology , Vol. 8, No. 60 (2007): pp. 1083-1100.


Rapoport, Amnon and Otsubo, Hironori and Kim, Bora and Stein, William E. (2007): Unique bid auctions: Equilibrium solutions and experimental evidence.

Reuben, Ernesto and Sapienza, Paola and Zingales, Luigi (2008): Is mistrust self-fulfilling?

Reyniers, Diane (2018): Peers and productivity: Evidence from an experimental factory.

Riyanto, Yohanes E. and Roy, Nilanjan (2017): It's your turn: experiments with three-player public good games.

Rockenbach, Bettina and Wolff, Irenaeus (2009): Institution design in social dilemmas: How to design if you must?

Rodet, Cortney S. (2011): Fact Finding Trips to Italy: An experimental investigation of voter incentives.

Rodet, Cortney S. (2011): Voter Behavior and Seniority Advantage in Pork Barrel Politics.

Rodet, Cortney Stephen (2013): Seniority, Information and Electoral Accountability.

Rosato, Antonio and Tymula, Agnieszka (2016): Loss Aversion and Competition in Vickrey Auctions: Money Ain't No Good.

Roy, Nilanjan (2017): Action revision, information and collusion in an experimental duopoly market.

Ruffle, Bradley J. (2009): When Do Large Buyers Pay Less? Experimental Evidence.

Ruiz-Buforn, Alba and Alfarano, Simone and Camacho-Cuena, Eva and Morone, Andrea (2018): Crowding out effect and traders' overreliance on public information in financial markets: a lesson from the lab.

Ruiz-Buforn, Alba and Alfarano, Simone and Camacho-Cuena, Eva and Morone, Andrea (2020): Single vs. multiple disclosures in an experimental asset market with information acquisition.

Ruiz-Buforn, Alba and Camacho-Cuena, Eva and Morone, Andrea and Alfarano, Simone (2020): Overweighting of public information in financial markets: A lesson from the lab.

Rutstrom, E. Elizabet and Wilcox, Nathaniel (2008): Stated versus inferred beliefs: A methodological inquiry and experimental test.


Sampaio, José and Moniz, António (2007): Assessing Human and Technological Dimensions in Virtual Team's Operational Competences.

Sampaio, José and Moniz, António (2007): Assessing human and technological dimensions in virtual team's operational competences.

Sanchez Villalba, Miguel and Martinez Gorricho, Silvia (2017): Hybrid lotteries for financing public goods.

Schieffer, Jack and Wu, Steven Y. (2010): Naughty or nice? Punishment and the interaction of formal and informal incentives in long-term contractual relationships.

Schniter, Eric and Sheremeta, Roman (2014): Predictable and Predictive Emotions: Explaining Cheap Signals and Trust Re-Extension. Forthcoming in: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience

Shachat, Jason (2009): Procuring Commodities: First Price Sealed Bid or English Auction?

Shachat, Jason and Srivinasan, Anand (2011): Informational price cascades and non-aggregation of asymmetric information in experimental asset markets.

Shachat, Jason and Swarthout, J. Todd and Wei, Lijia (2012): A hidden Markov model for the detection of pure and mixed strategy play in games.

Shachat, Jason and Tan, Lijia (2012): An experimental investigation of auctions and bargaining in procurement.

Shachat, Jason and Wang, Hang (2014): Are You Experienced?

Shachat, Jason and Wei, Lijia (2013): Discrete Rule Learning and the Bidding of the Sexes.

Shachat, Jason and Zhang, Zhenxuan (2012): The Hayek hypothesis and long run competitive equilibrium: an experimental investigation.

Sheremeta, Roman (2014): Behavior in Contests.

Sheremeta, Roman (2014): Behavioral Dimensions of Contests.

Sheremeta, Roman (2009): Essays on Experimental Investigation of Lottery Contests.

Sheremeta, Roman (2013): Overbidding and Heterogeneous Behavior in Contest Experiments. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Surveys (2013)

Sheremeta, Roman (2011): Perfect-Substitutes, Best-Shot, and Weakest-Link Contests between Groups. Published in: Korean Economic Review , Vol. 27, (2011): pp. 5-32.

Sheremeta, Roman and Zhang, Jingjing (2009): Can Groups Solve the Problem of Over-Bidding in Contests? Published in: Social Choice and Welfare

Shupp, Robert and Sheremeta, Roman (2013): Resource Allocation Contests: Experimental Evidence. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Psychology

Sonntag, Axel and Poulsen, Anders (2019): Focality is intuitive - Experimental evidence on the effects of time pressure in coordination games.

Sontuoso, Alessandro (2013): A Dynamic Model of Belief-Dependent Conformity to Social Norms.

Sour, Laura (2006): Cumplimiento fiscal y bienes públicos: ¿Son realmente compatibles? Published in: El Trimestre Económico , Vol. 73, No. 292(4) (2006): pp. 863-880.

Sour, Laura and Gutiérrez Andrade, Miguel Ángel (2011): Los incentivos extrínsecos y el cumplimiento fiscal. Published in: El trimestre económico , Vol. 78(4), (October 2011): pp. 841-868.

Stoop, Jan and Noussair, Charles and van Soest, Daan (2010): From the lab to the field: Cooperation among fishermen.

Stoop, Jan and van Soest, Daan and Vyrastekova, Jana (2011): Carrots without Bite: On the Ineffectiveness of 'Rewards' in sustaining Cooperation in Social Dilemmas.


Tan, Fangfang and Xiao, Erte (2011): Peer punishment with third-party approval in a social dilemma game.

Temerario, Tiziana (2014): Individual and Group Behaviour Toward Risk: A Short Survey.

Timko, Krisztina (2017): Gender, Communication Styles, and Leader Effectiveness.

Timko, Krisztina (2017): Men and Women Are Equally Effective Leaders.


Wang, Zhijian and Zhu, Siqian and Xu, Bin (2013): A Comment on "Cycles and Instability in a Rock-Paper-Scissors Population Game: A Continuous Time Experiment".

Woudstra, Jaco (2006): Giving meaning to identities. A case-study for the Romanian Banat region. Published in: Review of Historical Geography and Toponomastics , Vol. vol. I, No. no 3-4 (26 June 2007): pp. 69-84.


Xiao, Erte and Tan, Fangfang (2013): Justification and Legitimate Punishment.


Ye, Maoliang and Nikolov, Plamen and Casaburi, Lorenzo and Asher, Sam (2008): One Step at a Time: Do threshold patterns matter in public good provision?


Zheng, Jiakun and Couprie, Helene and Hopfensitz, Astrid (2022): Collective risk taking by couples: individual vs household risk.

Znamenskaya, Alexandra and Larin, Sergey and Noakk, Natalia (2023): Развитие человеческого капитала в условиях неопределенности. Published in: Journal of Management Accounting No. 9 (24 July 2023): pp. 134-143.

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